Unintended Intruder - 07

Story by Little Red Wolf on SoFurry

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Lightning flickered in the background, casting lingering shadows upon the wall. Wind caused the shifting house to groan, sending echoes from the wood through the halls. A young woman crept timidly up the stairs. Her gaze was wide and darting, for she knew she was not alone. Trembling fingers moved cautiously along the wall, flicking a light-switch, but nothing happened. A dull thump drew her attention to a door which groaned to a mostly closed position. "Uh-oh." Slowly, she approached... "Don't do it." Placing one hand upon the door... "He's gonna get you." ... she pushed. Hinges whined in protest revealing the darkened room beyond. Then, a sharp object pierced her skin, and her blood splattered upon the adjacent wall.

"Oh, good grief, really?" Marcy scoffed as the killer leaped out of his hiding place and continued stabbing the girl repeatedly.

"I know," Abigale commented with her mouth full of popcorn, "if I heard that shit going on upstairs, I would NOT be checking it out!"

"Not without a baseball bat," Marcy commented as dramatic music accompanied hysterical screams.

"Hello, 9-1-1?" Abigale said, holding her hand up to her ear like it was a phone. "Yeah, I think someone's in my home. No sir, I'm in my car driving away from my place right now. Could you please send someone over to shoot the bastard?" They both laughed at the impression.

"This is a really disappointing movie."

"Hoping I'd be all scared and cuddling with you?" Abigale said with a laugh. "I'm scared," she whimpered in a dramatically ridiculous tone as she leaned into her friend, "hold me!"

"Don't worry sweet thing," Marcy said in a husky tone as she hugged her friend close, "I'll save you." No sooner had she uttered these words then she grabbed her friend's butt and began enthusiastically fondling her.

"Gaah!" Abigale squealed. She knew Marcy's attentions would kick in at some point during the night. After a long shower, and a large dinner, both women had put on baggy old pajamas and sweats, then sat down to watch bad horror movies. The trauma to her emotions had made the whole ordeal more powerful and Abigale found herself laughing louder and responding to every bit of stimulus.

This hypersensitivity, however, was not the reason for her squeal. Marcy's presence, the heat of her body, the softness of her touch, and the pheromones she was producing, were churning the young one in Abigale's body. A burning desire for her friend was running through her, weakening her resolve to keep their relationship as it was. Movement told Abigale her little creature was re-positioning within, and wiggling through her cervix in an effort to swap bodies.

A fond bit of giggling occurred before Abigale finally pushed Marcy away. Feelings of regret caused her touch to linger, but she did not know if her friend noticed.

"So, how are you doing?" Marcy finally said as she turned the movie off and dove her hand into the popcorn bowl.

"I'll be fine," Abigale said as she leaned back into her pillows with a sigh. "This whole week's been..."

"Yeah," Marcy said after her friend sat for too long without finishing her sentence. "How's your little ninja tentacle baby?"

"Hungry," Abigale said with a chuckle, "and he's got a little sister too."

"Mmm?" Marcy asked with a mouthful of popcorn. For several moments chewing was the only sound in the room. She did not want to tell her... had been too afraid to say anything about this latest revelation. Anyone else would have thought she was nuts... but this was Marcy... certainly she could tell Marcy... "Come on now. You can't leave me hanging like that."

"I found out more..." Abigale finally managed to say, her eyes glued to the floor.


"There's two in me."

"Congrats... what else?"

"It's... it's gonna kill me..."

"What?" Marcy twitched a little then regained control. A comforting hand slid across the carpet and held hers. "Talk to me Abbs. What's going on?"

"I... I watched more of that video. It says there are two things I need to do in order to survive."


"Well..." Abigale dared to look up into her best friend's eyes and saw real concern. It gave her courage, so she took a deep breath. "I need another woman... and another man."

"Well... I'm here Abby," Marcy said as she moved a little closer. "Tell me what you need."

"Well, did you really want your very own monster baby? Because I can only handle one. I need to share the other."

"Okay," Marcy said with a chuckle. "I think I kinda volunteered for that earlier."

"We were joking around," Abigale insisted. "This isn't a joke! The video says I need to infect another woman with this thing! Are you actually okay with this idea?"

"Abby, have you any idea how boring my life has been?"

"You? Boring?"

"To tears," Marcy said with a resolved sigh. "I've been considering selling the store and traveling... doing something crazy..."

"But... you can't leave!" Abigale half-shrieked. "I need you!"

A glimmer of adoration shined in Marcy's eyes when Abigale said those words. A full body flush filled her and she was forced to look away.

"Why do you think I'm still here?" Marcy asked, and the question burned her even more deeply than before.

"There's more," she barely uttered.

"Alright... what else."

"The children..." Abigale swallowed hard, praying she was not going mad for saying such things. "Unless we have sex with a man... the children will eat us."

"Eat us?"

"Chest-buster style," Abigale said, knowing her friend would get the reference.

"Well, now... that's interesting..." Marcy's voice trailed off as her wheels spun, but her body was still close. The little creature moved forward between Abigale's legs. Pushing and stretching in an effort to get across to another mother. Abigale clenched her vaginal muscles, pulling the little one back, not wanting to let go. "How about Terry?"


"Yeah, he's hot... for a man."

"Yeah... he is," Abigale said as she tried to focus on keeping her friend safe.

"I know he'd sacrifice a body part to have a threesome with us."

"Y-y-ya think s-ssoo?" Abigale began to shutter as her breathing increased. The unintended intruder was releasing hormones, drawing blood to her womb, causing waves of lust to fill her as they battled for control. She needed release... wanted to masturbate furiously and scream at the top of her lungs. But most of all...

"Yeah," Marcy said as she leaned all the way up to Abigale and kissed her on the side of the head, "I do. The question is," she let one hand drift lower and gently caressed Abigale's sensitive flank, "what do you want to do?"

An excited moan escaped Abigale's lips as Marcy's hand cupped one breast. She did not struggle as her friend then gripped the other and began to massage them gently. Heavily flustered breaths emitted as this attention continued, until, at last, she turned her head to the side, found Marcy's lips, and pressed hers against them.

A strange explosion of soft textures moistened her pallet. The taste was different from that of a man in many ways. The greatest of these differences being the skill of the woman she was kissing. Marcy drew her closer, pressing together, their hands explored each other in slow and deliberate ways.

Abigale felt her body relaxing as Marcy and the creature worked together on her inhibitions. Every touch electrified, the sound of breath and moans sent tingles through her spine, the taste of this lovely womanly hunger inflamed her own.

"W-wait..." Abigale gasped and her friend froze. "Is this... is this... right?"

"Right... wrong... is it what you want?" Marcy held her gaze with a very serious look. It occurred to Abigale they had gone far, but were still teetering the edge of no-return. If she told Marcy to stop, she would. Marcy would stop and go back to the way she was. Teasing and joking around with a giant ball of sexual frustration in her abdomen which never really went away. But past this point, there was no reverse, no take-backs, nothing would be the same again.

"I..." what do I want? "I..." is it really true? "I..." A tendril, from within, wiggled through, teasing the nerve cluster attached to her g-spot. Clenched eyes emitted a single tear, which mixed with her sweat and the uncertain doubt she had lived with all her life. It was stupid to keep this up. If she did nothing, she would die. In this choice there was life, there was hope, and most of all... there was Marcy.

Abigale moved forward, tumbling over the point of no-return and kissing Marcy with a passion she would generally reserve for a boyfriend. Piercing her lover's lips with her tongue, she tasted the feminine texture within. Pressing forward leaned Marcy back until she was laid completely flat. Abigale straddled her, caressed her soft body, and felt her strange curves. Pushing Marcy's shirt up took courage, and she wondered if this was what a teenage boy felt like. In her imagination, Marcy's breasts had always been perfect. Held in place like a supermodel whose seemingly magical beauty was eternal. But the reality was never as immaculate. Marcy's breasts were small, compared to hers. Gravity had pulled them downward, stretching them out and making them narrow, droopy, and flawed in ways which made Abigale feel better than she had before.

"Beautiful," Abigale whispered as she leaned forward and took one nipple in her mouth. A gentle suction drew pleasant sounds and tastes while her other hand moved to massage the other breast. Part of this made her want to laugh at how flimsy they were. The magnificent rack which had always intimidated her was actually an illusion, pushed up with supports and imagination.

Marcy's hands began to paw at Abigale, and she realized she was being unfair. Still straddling her lover, she sat upright, pulled her sweatshirt up over her head, and tossed it to the floor. For several moments, they both marveled at the breasts, which had been tightening and perking up over the past week. Abigale had noticed some improvements, but the look of jealousy and joy on Marcy's face told her she was indeed magnificent.


"Some side-affects include," Abigale said as she leaned forward and pressed her breasts against her lover's, "smooth skin," a lick on the neck, "sleeker thighs," nibble on the ear, "and perky breasts," their lips locked and their movements brought happy noises from the both of them. Abigale noticed this breast-on-breast stimulation was different than she had imagined, and it seemed best when their nipples rubbed together. But it paled to the actual loving caress of hands and curiosity which forced her to bring herself higher, breaking their kiss and placing her breasts at face level.

The tip of Marcy's tongue sent shivers through her spine. When loving lips sealed around the areola, a gently suction rolled her eyes back into her head and brought forth tiny squeals of delight. Again she clenched her vaginal walls, holding back the tiny creature, slowing its progress as it stretched farther.

One breast was suckled while the other massaged, a swelling in her chest caused twinges which felt a little like seepage. Then Marcy's eyes flicked open and appeared startled.

"Oh, God..."


"I think..."

"What?" Abigale leaned back and let Marcy sit up as well.

"I think you're lactating!"

"Noway," Abigale said in a startled tone.

"Yeah," Marcy said with a giggle as she licked her lips. "So... do I get to be all hot like you when I get my very own podling?"

"Yeah, I think so," Abigale said with a giggle.

"Good," Marcy said as she rolled Abigale over, then twisted and pounced, "because I want one."

Abigale gasped loudly as Marcy took charge and began sucking vigorously on her other breast. Marcy's other hand moved to it and squeezed in a series of motions which seemed to be similar to milking a goat. Her other hand slid into Abigale's sweatpants and began caressing her soaked panties. Shivers of amazed delight flowed through her, into the waiting lips of her lover whom appeared to be enjoying herself immensely. A strange, perverse, indulgence filled her, like she was somehow sullying something pure. Like a man spurting his milk into a virginal woman, she was injecting the essence of her own body into this other person. It was like annexing another, claiming Marcy as her own.

An almost sinister pleasure filled her as the need to conquer increased. Abigale's hands reached up and gripped Marcy's sandy hair and pulled her away. Before her lover could complain she sealed their lips together and thrust her tongue inside almost violently. Then they parted, and Abigale moved quickly, rolling to the side, descending then to pull the pajama bottoms and panties off of Marcy's body in a single motion. She then leaned back and pulled off and discarded her own bottoms.

Marcy's eyes were like saucers, staring in apprehensive awe at Abigale's new body. Jealous delight flared her lover's nostrils as she fawned with a longing to indulge in all that was before her. An alpha aggression incited Abigale to act as a conquering force, and with both of them stripped of clothing, she pinned Marcy to the ground and pressed one sex to another.

The sensation was strangely pleasant, and compelled Abigale to move their moistened flesh together. Labia dragged across labia, as hardened clitorides stood erect and fondled together in a series of intense movements. Both lovers moaned, gasped, and took delight in each other until their passions roused a pair of orgasms which shook their bodies, and released waves of pleasure.

Abigale's body relaxed and rested on top of Marcy, who lazily kissed her face and drew her hand down the curve of her back. "I never really thought we'd ever do this," Marcy said softly, with a dreamy smile upon her face.

"Me neither," Abigale agreed as her breathing came under control.

"Do you think we'll be having all kinds of regrets in the morning?" Marcy asked in a frightened manner uncharacteristic of her.

"I hope not," Abigale said as she began kissing her lover again. Words ceased between them, as their bodies began to slowly play together once more. The creature within shifted, the relaxed muscles no longer held it back, and, like a slowly rising erection, it stretched out, breached the opening of the warm canal, and extended. An inner heartbeat pulsed blood through the fleshy body, filling veins, expanding tissue in an effort to make a proper tunnel for that which needed to pass between them.

"I love you, Abby," Marcy told her as their kiss broke. "For years... with all my heart." Abigale could see the sincerity in her lover's eyes, the tears which welled told her this was true. For all the years and silly games between them, a genuine love had grown between them and finally, it could be shared.

"I know... I love you too, Marcy," she whispered and drew Marcy in, kissing her once more. They closed their eyes. Abigale once more felt the stretching of the creature within, and she knew it was time. Drawing slightly back, she allowed for a better angle. Both glanced down, and gazed in wonder at that which wagged back and forth like a tail.

Finally, the swaying creature slithered upward and began caressing Marcy's sex in a loving manner. The stench of pheromones wafted up into their nostrils, making them both salivate. Another round of hungry kissing engorged them, and as Marcy's walls finally lubricated to the point of overflowing, the creature slithered into her like a pulsing phallus.

A tumultuous cry gasped out of Marcy as the intruder snaked forward and writhed into place. It was then that Abigale realized the creature inside of her had not just been playing with her g-spot, but had actually been connecting itself into her nervous system. As the phallus moved, she could feel it. Uneven muscles dragged along the vaginal pathway, allowing her to feel the uneven texture against her skin.

Both of them could feel it... inside... moving back then creeping forward. Back and forth in the proper rhythm of lovers in coitus. The appendage slid deeper with every thrust... filling Marcy's body... elongating... expanding... increasing in size to the limits of what could be held until the tiny feelers found the cervix.

"Oh... God!" they screamed as tiny barbs sank into Marcy's skin and a familiar purple venom entered her body. Rapturous heat flooded through their veins, causing sweat and lubricating secretions to ooze out of them. Their bodies slickened from head to toe, gliding over each other as nerves screamed with electric sensitivity.

Orgasms rippled through the both of them, but they were unable to stop. A heady gathering of tension would fill them, then peak, boiling over is a rush of bliss that would then begin to refill anew. The intruder pressed onward... deeper... deeper... invading Marcy's womb... caressing the farthest fathoms of her being until a final push sent them both over the top, and the sounds of their screams filled the room. Then they both stopped and nothing moved.

"W-wha... h-hap-pened?" Marcy asked as she panted, her entire body a sopping mess of sexual sweat.

"Do... don't know..." Abigale gasped in equally labored breaths. "I... I don't think we're done."

"Mother..." a grumbling voice called, and Marcy looked frightened. "Mother..."

"It's alright," Abigale soothed her, "I've been hearing him for days..."

"Mother..." said a slightly more feminine version of the earlier voice.

"Oh... I can hear her," Marcy whimpered with joy.

"She's yours," Abigale said with a smile.

"Ours," Marcy cooed and leaned forward to kiss her love gently, "they're both... our."

Again their breathing increased as excited grins formed on their faces. The phallic intruder moved within them, sliding back and forth on a layer of lubrication which tantalized their senses .

Abigale felt the tip of her projection filling with blood. It swelled in Marcy's body as they writhed against each other in perverse motions which rewarded them with pulses of satisfaction. Anticipation grew to a fevered height. Something was about to happen. Neither knew what, but it was going to be like a grand-finale at the end of a fireworks display.

A sudden shock bolted through them, causing both to clench. Desperate cries of blissful agony escaped their lips as tiny barbs flared out on both ends of the creature within. Like cats in heat, they where anchored to each other, held in place by a conduit which insured they would not pull apart during the exchange. The pain of the barbs was intense, but intense pain began faded into a sizzling sting which aroused them further.

As their slippery skin slid together, Abigale felt a soft, round, swelling of heat within her. From within womb, a second life, her precious one's little sister, detached and began crawling through their connection.

"Oh, God... she's moving!" she gasped.

"Yes!" Marcy cried, "Yes! Come to me!"

The ball of precious heat inched slowly, carefully, passing between cradles through the passage of life. Muscles shivered, loosening... widening... forming around the creature so that she could pass. Abigale's opening swelled, stretching roundly as her little daughter emerged.

A screaming gasp rolled out of Abigale as she felt the pressure of her little one traveling out of her. Marcy's blissful cries told her what was happening. Both resisted the urge to thrust together and risk harming the little one. It crawled deeper, up through the vaginal canal which was pushed wide by the invading ovipositor. At last the cervix was reached. Additional tendrils fired forward, anchoring themselves into her womb. Pulling free from the breeding tube, the connection separated from Abigale's body and pulled up inside of Marcy. These sudden changes sent them over the edge, collapsing them into a pile of weary bliss.

The lovers laid twisted together on the floor. Their limits were shattered, their endurance drained past any natural extreme. They fell into deep slumber. Both had sealed their fate with the seeds they had sown. What they did not know, however, was the final act had yet to begin... but the clock was ticking, and their destinies grew inside of them in ways they had yet to contemplate.

This chapter took a week to compile and two days to edit. I hope you all enjoy it because I am putting this story down for awhile. I planned out the final part of my second novel and that must come first. But fear not... all good things cum to those who wait.

Unintended Intruder - 06

"ORDER UP!" The daily grind was different. For two days she had hunted. At work she ate all that she could, and paid attention to the men who passed her way. More and more they stared, flirted, tried to get close enough to feel her near them. It...

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Unintended Intruder - 05

Dreary orbs dwelt in a sunken corner of the Earth. Twins in a cave... red and fierce... untamed from the lack of love... lack of a mother... torn to shreds by that which was not done... not known... pain... agony... blood. A roar echoed as the beast...

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Unintended Intruder - 04

"You're pregnant." The words settled over Abigale like the roof of a collapsing building. "I'm... wha?" "Pregnant," the doctor repeated. "Your blood test confirms it." "Is... that the reason you wanted... Marcy to wait outside?" "It's policy to...

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