Unintended Intruder - 04

Story by Little Red Wolf on SoFurry

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"You're pregnant."

The words settled over Abigale like the roof of a collapsing building.

"I'm... wha?"

"Pregnant," the doctor repeated. "Your blood test confirms it."

"Is... that the reason you wanted... Marcy to wait outside?"

"It's policy to give sensitive news, like this, to an individual directly and allow them to tell their loved ones, or not," the doctor told her as she tapped her pen on the clipboard in her hands. "The next question is, what do you do with the baby?"

"Buh... buh..."

"If you choose to keep the child then you should schedule for neo-natal care. If not..." the doctor's words faded into the background. Abigale touched her abdomen and remembered the anime she had watched. Had it been real? Was there actually a little tentacle-rape baby in her womb? And what would happen if it stayed there. "Ms. Stravinsky?"


"Are you listening?"

"Yes," Abigale said and took a deep breath and let it out slow. "I want an abortion."

"Are you sure?" the doctor asked.

"Yes," Abigale said with a sickening feeling in her stomach.

"I see," the doctor said and she made a note on her clipboard. "A new state law dictates that you wait a month. Since you have plenty of time, I recommend you think long and hard about the consequences of your actions."

"What if it's not a baby," Abigale suddenly said and the doctor raised her brow.

"No, it is definitely a baby."

"It can't be."

"Why not," the doctor asked with increasing skepticism.

"Because I haven't had a man in years!" The silence filled the room as the doctor's face made it clear she thought Abigale was crazy.

"Well," the doctor finally said, "there's been at least one other time, I can think of, where an immaculate conception occurred. However, there is usually a "The" at the beginning of it because it's only ever happened once."

"Are you saying I was raped in my sleep?"

"Maybe," the doctor offered, her expression returning to a less insulting level, "I believe it to be much more plausible than the alternative."


"Would you like to be examined?" the doctor asked.

Abigale took several deep breaths as she tried to calm herself. The doctor was such a serious woman and would never understand what she thought might be happening to her. But as she sat and thought she swore she heard a tiny voice in her mind. "Mother..." it called. "Mother... help..."

"Ms. Stravinsky?"

"No," Abigale said and she turned away form the doctor.

"Ms. Stravinsky," the doctor said with an edge to her voice. "If you were raped, time is of the essence."

"If I was raped I would know."

"One would think you would know if any type of sex was involved, but unless there was a very drunken night in the past month or two..."

"Hmmm," Abigale muttered, "I think I know what happened."

"I see," the doctor said and then was silent for a moment as she thought. "I'm going to have a counselor speak to you and I'm going to schedule a full pelvic exam for next week. You might want to wish this would just go away, Ms. Stravinsky, but if one man does it then-"

"I wasn't raped," Abigale cut her off. "It was an accident."

"So you have had sex recently?"


"And you still want an abortion?"

"I'll think about it."

The doctor made several more notes on her clipboard.

"Alright," the doctor said, "I've got you down for the fifteenth. I'll make sure my receptionist calls you three days in advance."

"Thank you," Abigale said automatically.

"Have a nice evening, Ma'am." The doctor left and, after Abigale pulled her pants back on, Marcy was burst through the door.

"Gah! Will you stop trying to catch me naked?"

"Damn," Marcy said, snapping her fingers in mock disappointment, "so what's up?" "They think I'm pregnant."

"No shit?"


"So..." Marcy paused.

"Say it," Abigale said and braced for it.

"So you're pregnant with a tentacle-rape-baby?" Abigale slowly nodded and then Marcy burst out laughing. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... oh God..." She doubled over, held her side, and gripped the wall for support.

"Fuck you too," Abigale grumbled. "Can you take me home now?"

"Sure thing, love," Marcy said in her sweetest tone, but the smirk on her face refused to leave. Abigale felt like her friend was about to explode at any moment as she tried to breathe without snickering. "So... can I have it?" she finally said with barely a straight face.

"You just couldn't resist," Abigale muttered darkly and Marcy almost drove the car off of the road with her laughter.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." Marcy said as she continued to giggle, "but I mean... think about it. It's a real live hentai. Some ridiculous scientist from Japan created some super sexy tentacle monster thingy that actually impregnated you!"

"It wasn't a tentacle," Abigale said in the most underwhelming tone she could manage.

"I know but it sounds so much cooler than spooge in a... what did it come in?"

"A seashell."

"A SEASHELL!" Marcy shouted with glee. "Yeah, tentacle monster sounds way cooler."

"Well it wasn't a tentacle monster so shut up about it!" Abigale's sharp voice stopped Marcy for a little while but the woman could not stop snickering. "Say it," she said after a sigh.


"Oh, fuck you!"

"Super scientist hides ninja sperm in seashell!" Marcy said in a reporter's voice. "Woman impregnated on the opposite end of the world! 'I never saw it cuming,' quoted Abigale Stravinsky. It will go on record as the longest cum-shot in history!"

"Bitch, I will cut you!"

"Oh, God... I'm sorry... but really," Marcy continued, "I can't wait to see what it looks like! Who knows, it might even turn you gay. Then maybe you'll make out with me."


"What? I can't fantasize?"

"Fantasize quieter!" Abigale insisted.

"Sorry... sorry..." A short amount of silence passed and then Marcy snorted.

"Say it," Abigale said after a deep sigh.

"Can I have your ninja sperm baby?"


Getting home did not make Abigale feel as good as she hoped it might. Once she got away from Ever-Wisecracking-Marcy, she flopped into bed, and proceeded to have a good long pout. A deep breath told her she was not tired enough to sleep yet and a glance at the clock on the nightstand flashed 1:30 at her. It was late and she should have been in bed.

Stepping into the shower, she began to wonder if she really should quit her job and go work for Marcy. It was true that she originally had decided not to work their because her mother would never have gotten over it, but mother was gone... and so were the rest of her family. Marcy really was the only other person in Abigale's life, but her best friend was openly gay AND attracted to her. That and the constant wisecracking got old, after awhile, and she needed her space.

Soap suds slickened her skin and poured the filth of the day off of her and down the drain. The day had really done a number on her and she had not even been able to finish it by masturbating. It occurred to her that despite the very personal violation she had recently endured, she was still turned on. It had taken actual willpower not to masturbate in Marcy's car and Abigale could not imagine why that had seemed like a good idea at the time.

As her hands finished rubbing her breasts they went further down and stopped over her belly. "Baby..." she said out loud. "A baby... I'm pregnant." An unconscious smile appeared on her face and it took her a moment to notice the inner glow which had settled inside of her. This was an opportunity for her to have a child. While it was not an expected one, it came without some doe-eyed moron following her around. Most of the men she had dated would not have made decent sperm donors, and she believed that at least some of a person was coded into their child at a very basic level. If her sperm donor was a super-genius form Japan then maybe she would have a brilliant child who would go on to do great things.

"Mama..." the voice in her mind whispered again.

"It's alright," Abigale said as she patted her belly. "Everything is going to be alright."

Unintended Intruder - 03

The morning chime announces another customer, and Abigale's worn shoes carry her to the table. "Good morning, Sam." "Good morning, Abby. You look exceptional today." "Thanks, Sam. Country Breakfast, scrambled eggs, and a coffee?" "You know...

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Unintended Intruder - 02

After what seemed like months... Abigale opened her eyes. The apartment was quiet, save the low level of static her speakers emitted when they were powered but unused. The DVD player was in sleep-mode and the blue and purple screen saver played...

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Under the Quiet Moon - V - 01/25/2011

**Under The Quiet Moon - V** Geoffry stared hard into the mirror of his bedroom and through of the woman he had lost. The bite on his body was from her, but she was no longer herself. The beasts had made her mad and she would likely run into their...

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