Unintended Intruder - 02

Story by Little Red Wolf on SoFurry

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After what seemed like months... Abigale opened her eyes. The apartment was quiet, save the low level of static her speakers emitted when they were powered but unused. The DVD player was in sleep-mode and the blue and purple screen saver played across her TV. Movement brought aching complaints of stiffness which said she had fallen asleep on the floor. When she turned over and found the sheets on her couch were also heavily stained, she began to blush. All signs pointed to masturbating herself into unconsciousness... but she did not remember how.

A quick body check showed all systems appeared to be normal, and a quick interior check seemed to come up empty. After stretching away some of her aches, she discovered tiny citrus droplets around the box on the table, which had closed itself somehow.

"Wasn't I supposed to check this thing out?" she muttered to herself, uncertain if her hazy memory had been part of a dream brought about by too much Hentai. Taking the heavy key from its package, Abigale unlocked the wooden case and saw the tiny shell sitting inside. The layer of green goo which covered it looked undisturbed and she began to think it had all been a dream.

"Fuck it," she muttered as she closed the box, turned the key, and dropped it back into the wrapping. A glance at her clock told her it was 5am. It was too late to go back to sleep, but her alarm would not go off for another hour. An annoyed grunt sent her storming down the hallway where the shower waited.

Once the steam was good and billowing, she stepped into the stream with a lengthly, "...aaaaahhhh..." Warm rivers ran down her skin, unraveling her layers of built up stiffness. Her hands played naturally across her skin, which felt more silky than it had the day before. 'It must be that green goo,' she thought to herself. 'It's one part lube and one part... sizzling...' "Ooohhh..."

Her hands touched sensitive spots, bringing far more sensation from herself than she expected to feel. The curve of her breasts seemed firmer and her large nipples stood hard against her palms. Muted gasps were released with greater meaning as her hands slid down her flanks to her waist.

A glutinous grin creased her lips and she pressed her lube slickened fingers along her labia and then past it to the longing parts within. She cooed as she redirected the flow of the shower head, letting the stream run between her thighs as her fingers played in the garden of her petaled clitoris.

The gentle caressing increased until she extended her index finger and penetrated her luxurious folds in a familiar way. In her mind, she saw Terry, from the 'O'-Mart. His muscular body wrapping around her. His stiff, twenty-year-old boner pressed painfully against her backside. Shifting this way and that until penetrating her body like the dirty girl she was. Another finger slipped inside of her, and her thumb rubbed against her clit in a pinching motion.

Terry thrust forward as Abigale pushed her fingers deeper, retreating and advancing again and again. "Oh God... oh God... ooohhhaaa!!!" A mighty orgasm bucked through her body, making her legs weak and wobbly. With the grace of a newborn giraffe, she dropped her knees to the floor and straddled the drain.

Normally she would have withdrawn her hands and gotten on with her morning, but she pressed on as if possessed. The attention she had given herself created a need for more. A hungry predator lurked within, craving sustenance, demanding satisfaction! Fingers rubbed the flesh around her opening, pushing her backside up until she was back on her hands-and-knees.

In her mind, Terry was a horned demon in disguise. His lesser minions were horny goblins who he directed with his massive boner which stood aching and ready, but out of reach. The horny little bastards licked her with slathering tongues and nibbled her with knobbly teeth. Perverse little grunting sounds echoed from their bodies, drawing gasps from Abigale which she was powerless to resist. Demon-Terry chuckled in a low and rumbling voice, he would watch until she was ready... thrusting his engorged member at her and watching... until...

Another shiver caused her to cry out and it was much more intense than she expected it to be. The stimulus from her fantasy worked better than it had before, and she realized her work was stressing her out more than it had been in the past. As Abigale rested, she breathed deeply the humid air of the bathroom and tried to make her way to her feet. Upon righting herself, however, she immediately felt another twist from within. A tickle of nerve endings did not want this to end, Demon-Terry needed his turn.

Stumbling out of the shower, Abigale sprinkled water all over the floor, then snatched up the silicone dildo she kept in the drawer for just such an occasion. It was a four layer, ridged beauty referred to playfully as "the breeder."

Demon-Terry bent Abigale over the edge of her tub and put the breeder to her quivering sex. Starting with its rounded head, she eased it into her body, down his shaft of soft, gentle ridges which culminated in a girthy knot. All of these features were accented by the natural curve, made to maximize pleasure by putting pressure on her most sensitive of spots.Its gently raised angles played teasingly over her inner walls, driving her to groan vulgarly. Pressing the breeder deeper into her body, she heard Demon-Terry's savage grunts, in her mind, as she plunged him in and out with controlled thrusts.

"Ohhh... God..." she groaned with her eyes clenched shut. "Fuck me! Fuuuuuck!" The climax was sudden, and she almost lost her grip on the tub. Wobbling back under the stream of steamy water, she continued... breathing fast... moving quickly... projecting her voice harder and louder as a spiraling chain of orgasms cascaded through her, twisting and shuttering her body until she almost blacked out from the pressure.

The release collapsed her to the tub's floor, but when at last the sensation settled, Abigale noticed green ooze dripping from her neathers. Withdrawing the breeder from her depths sent sparks through her eyesight. Deep breaths slowed her racing pulse and she began to come back to herself. Warm water sprayed from the shower head, rinsing away the contaminates which ran in green rivers away from her body, to the drain, and away.

The morning routine continued undisturbed. Soap, shampoo, and a good harsh rubdown with clean towels. The floor was then dried by a couple of towels, which she later draped over the shower. The steamed up mirror slowly cleared when she opened the door and let the humidity blast out into the hall.

By the time she could see in it, she had already brushed her teeth and hair, but what stared back at her was an oddity. The winkles under her eyes had vanished and her breasts appeared less stretched than she was used to. Her skin appeared firmer, healthier, better nourished.

"Hmmm... incredible aphrodisiac and skin toner?"

That had to be it. Weird Japanese sex toys never really caught on in the United States, and this unusual applicator would definitely turn people off to it. "Maybe it's an actual sea creature and the green goo's just something it makes naturally?" she muttered to herself. That would freak people right out of their profits.

It had been an odd morning, but she figured it was a good type of odd. With a little more spring to her step, she finished dressing and headed out the door. It was going to be an unusual day, but she was fine with that.

NOTE: Special thanks to Bad-Dragon.com for creating something as awesome as "The Breeder!"


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