Sold to the Highest Bidder

Story by Whyte Yote on SoFurry

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Author's Note: The following is a work of furry fiction. As such, it may contain chemicals known to the state of California to cause cancer and/or birth defects in women who are pregnant or who may become pregnant. Also, there's lots of sexzors, like polar bear slaves and horny coyotes and auctions for the rights to pop a cherry. If this isn't your idea of a good time, tough shit. Go away. If not, then paw and enjoy the fruits of this fruit's labor.

Special thanks to Raq, without whom this story would not have been possible. Hon, you have made me a very happy 'yote in many, many ways, and I could not think of a more romantic and caring person to spend my time with than you...well, besides my mate. Anyway...happy birthday.

FEEDBACK always welcome to: [email protected]

Sold to the Highest Bidder ©MMVII Whyte Yoté

Skrewz wasn't what Raq had expected, not by a long shot. As he stood there in the middle of the doorway, one paw on the jamb and the other deciding whether or not to keep opening it or just back away, a voice inside him told him just how stupid he was to try a stunt like this. Especially on a night like tonight. He whined high in his throat, such a small sound from such a generous belly, and it did not sound like him at all.

There was no smoking in the dark, dingy atmosphere of Skrewz, but the heavy cloud of masculinity more than made up for the assault on the young polar bear's nostrils. Even as he whiffed it in shallow, quick breaths, he was still considering ditching this while plan and doing something less...dangerous? risky? arousing? Before he had a chance to think better of it, though, his sheath stirred at the musky scent cocktail and the door closed behind his stubby white tail.

Again, the thought that he didn't belong here pervaded his sense of self-preservation, but he was really in no danger. It was only a bar with a rough image and besides, this was what he had wanted, wasn't it? Already, as his eyes were adjusting to the low light, just the silhouettes of the numerous furs around the bar and against the opposing wall were just his type: rounded, scraggly, perfectly manly. The kind of men who would think hard and consider taking a kid home on his birthday, to show him a good time and maybe--just maybe--escort him into the realm of adulthood nice and messily. Just how he liked it.

Twitch. His sheath plumped a bit more, and Raq shivered.

The polar bear had hardly gone two steps when a heavy arm descended upon his own and almost whirled him around with its force. When Raq stopped he found himself staring at the broad stomach of someone who had tan chestfur. He knew this because it was flowing over the edge of the wife-beater in a fuzzy waterfall. Looking up, he was staring into the not-so-straight muzzle of a middle-aged German shepherd in biker getup.

"Hi." the ursine managed to squeak out. The paw attached to that heavy arm nearly engulfed his own arm, and it was warm but dry.

"Are you sure yer s'posed to be here?" The dog's voice was dry and deep, but not as scratchy as other older males' were. He wasn't looking at Raq with suspicion; he was more likely asking the question because he'd dealt with lost people in the past.

"No, I came here," said Raq.

The shepherd, who was evidently the bouncer at Skrewz, narrowed his eyes while seeming to be nonjudgmental at the same time. Raq studied this combination of expressions and wondered if he could do the same.

"Could I see some I.D. dere, sir?" the canine held his paw out, and Raq supplied it with his brand-new driver's license. He'd stood in line more than two hours to get his picture taken, and God help him if he had to sit through DMV again. The shepherd eyed it, glanced back and forth from Raq to the piece of plastic, finally nodding.

"Go see Solomon at the bar for a wristband," he said.

Raq nodded, thanked the dog and meandered over to the stools under the bar that ran almost the full length of the club on one side. There wasn't much light other than that from the various neon signs spaced around the place, and Raq timed his steps with the tune beating away on the old jukebox. It was a new song, and the fact that it was coming from a piece of junk like that made him smile, even though the German shepherd was watching him from the entrance door. It wasn't just an ordinary look either; the black leather Speedo he wore under his assless chaps was either much tighter than before or the light was playing tricks as it was known to do. Raq timed his pawsteps to the thumping bass from auxiliary speakers around the room.

For a weekend night, there weren't many people around the bar proper; they had all either shifted over to the billiard table or gone outside to the back porch, which the polar bear knew sported a mini-bar of its own and a fire pit for cold weather. The furs gathered around the pool table were spectators more than fans, though. Instead of being raucous and loud and brash, they merely watched the Grizzly and Old English sheepdog battle it out in silence and drank their drinks. Three tables took up the rest of the floor space, each with its two seats taken.

It suddenly occurred to Raq, as he approached the bar, that although he wasn't dressed in any particular way, he must have stood out from the crowd. For one thing, he was most likely the youngest person in here--this trip to Skrewz was his eighteenth birthday gift to himself--and he was as white as the driven snow, head fur to tail tip. Except for his nose and pads, which were black, it was all bright white. At least, he thought, he picked the right pairing of shirt and jeans to fit in: sky blue polo, faded denim, and tennis shoes. Nothing special, but he kind of figured Skrews for a place just like that.

A hulk of a walrus with a handlebar mustache turned around with a fresh drink and handed it to an older raccoon whose mask was starting to grey around the edges of his eyes. "You don't look like you belong here, Whitey," he said conversationally. The raccoon watched them from the corner of his eye.

Intimidated but not dissuaded, Raq lifted his chin and tried to look older than he really was. "I haven't been here before," he said over the jukebox. "It's my birthday today." He was mildly unsettled at the raccoon, who seemed to be taking much more interest in a conversation that had nothing to do with him in the first place. More and more, the white ursine began to think he was being cruised just as the German shepherd had...and might still be. But Raq was too chicken to turn around.

"A birthday, is it? Well, my friend, have a seat and we'll see what we can do for you on this special day." The walrus patted the bar above the stool closest to Raq, and the bear obliged. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the raccoon's right paw buried between his legs. He was being cruised. He fought back the urge to blush, but knowing how obvious that was through his fur quelled the temptation. "Can I see some identification, then?"

"But, I just showed my license to the guy at the door," said Raq, gaining a dissatisfied glance from the walrus.

"Just because you checked in with Rudy doesn't mean I can't check you again. We're just trying to be a quality establishment and all. Don't you agree?" The barkeep was smiling, a warm smile, and emptying the dishwasher as he spoke. A line of rocks glasses stood between walrus and polar bear.

"Okay, fine," Raq said, and dug out his wallet to look for the card. He handed it to the walrus, and after a perfunctory once-over it was back in his pocket, safe and sound.

The walrus said, "So what'll it be this evening? Coke, diet, seltzer water? Oh, wait..." He dug behind the counter for a bit, then came up with a neon green wristband and set it on the counter. "You'll need this so people know you're a greenie, and so you can't Bogart drinks from the other guys. You cool?"

Raq, who was aware of all that beforehand, assented and put out his right wrist for the band. After it had been firmly snapped shut, the walrus repeated his first question. "Dr. Pepper, if you have it."

"You bet we do. Hold on." Leaving through a small rear door, the barkeep came back with a sparkling glass of dark brown liquid. It tasted like the gods themselves had mixed just the right amount of syrup with water. Soda was always best straight from the tap. As soon as he'd given the glass to the polar bear, the walrus took out his cell phone and made a call. Even though he tried to hide the conversation, Raq could pick out the words "greenie" and "bear" very clearly. What were these guys up to, anyway? He had just as much right to be in Skrewz as anybody else, except he had to wear a stupid wristband.

Greenie, pshaw. It wasn't like the terminology meant anything to Raq. Sex? He'd fooled around with a couple of freshman football players once, just nobody older than himself. He wasn't as innocent as his outward appearance seemed, but no one but Raq needed to know that fact. Laying a couple bucks on the counter to cover the drink (and knowing it was all going to tip because the walrus hadn't rung the sale), Raq turned to go watch the pool table for a bit.

A paw shot out and stopped him before he could step away. It was the elderly raccoon, still on his stool. His dark eyes glittered like tiny diamonds, and they were fixed upon him. They looked up and down his body, his jeans and shirt, lingering on his rounded belly. The raccoon was dressed in a suit, looked to be in his mid-sixties, and his other paw was still rubbing his groin. When Raq lingered there for more than he needed to, he saw that the man had taken his sheath out and was pawing himself off; a good three inches of cock protruded from the furry cream-colored pouch.

"Happy Birthday, son," said the raccoon with a glazed smile. "Need someone to help you celebrate?" And Raq's package was rubbed, pressed, and though he was very uncomfortable it was making him hard anyway. It was too early in the night to go home with someone, especially when he could look around and see more attractive men to sidle up to if the urge struck him. He pressed his hips back against the roving paw, saw the raccoon's eyes light up for a second, and almost regretted having to say, "I'm going to have to take a rain check. Maybe some other time." Raq walked away before the older man could protest. He did feel bad about leaving him like that, but if it was that easy to pick up a kid like him, then that guy would have no problem leaving Skrewz accompanied tonight.

A slow country song now filled the bar with its long, lilting lyrics and twangy guitar. Raq cringed. He was never one for country music. The crowd around the pool table had grown a bit, and the polar bear found it difficult to get a good view. He had to climb up three levels of seats to actually see what was going on, and once he sat down his erection was gone. That was a relief.

As interesting as it looked from a distance, the game being played wasn't much to see up close. The two furs, now the sheepdog and the rough-looking jackrabbit who had beatedn the Grizzly out of the rotation, circled the table eyeing each other's balls (billiard balls) and lining up their next shot. As the wolf nailed his shot (he was playing solids), the jackrabbit adjusted his belt and stepped in to try for a rebound. It failed, and the wolf sank two more before trying for a third and missing by a hair. He did, however, set up two easy shots for the lapine, who got the first with no problem but totally botched the second. The wolf was clearly the better player, and as the game came to a close, he started to swagger and smile, ordering another drink.

Only one ball left for the wolf before he could go for the kill. His last ball was against the felt about six inches from the side pocket. He took his time to line up the cue, made numerous visual measurements and set up, his tail held so high it looped over his lower back. The cue ball went flying--right into the felt two inches from the ball, angled off without even touching it, and struck the eight-ball dead center, sending it directly into the corner pocket. Scratch.

"Fuck!" the wolf shouted, his tail all but limp now. He looked at the jackrabbit with murderous eyes, but the rabbit had already put his cue away and chalked up on the board. He knew better than to gloat over a lucky win. A few patrons clapped and laughed, but the crowd broke up for the most part. Raq was just about to fish in his pocket for the three quarters needed for a game when a voice came on through the speaker system, obliterating the jukebox's clatter.

"Attention, gentlemen," a light, feminine voice lilted. "If you would all direct yourselves to the stage, I have an important announcement to make." The crowd was focused on the front of the bar, where a kangaroo entirely too thin for his own good sashayed to and fro with a microphone. Raq wasn't aware of anything special going on tonight. Even some guys were coming in from outside to see what the fuss was about.

"Are we all in here?" the roo gestured to the door with a limp wrist. "Good. Now, it has come to my attention that we have a birthday here tonight." The fur on the back of Raq's neck bristled. "Not just a regular birthday, but an eighteenth birthday." The crowd oooh'd. Raq chilled all over. "Could I have..." looking at a notecard... "Raq, come up and join me on stage, honey?" Raq's heart skipped a few beats. What the hell had that walrus bartender done with his phone call? He didn't ask for any special treatment because of his birthday. And then it hit him: this was a leather bar. What were they going to do to him? The polar bear swallowed hard, chased it with soda and clambered down to the floor, trying not to trip the whole way.

He knew he was blushing just as hard as he ever had in his whole life, and it wasn't helped by the fact that probably fifty or sixty men, all big and burly and tough-looking, were watching him and his green wristband mount the stage where the kangaroo fairy was waiting. A spotlight blasted into life and trained on the polar bear. The reflection from his fur actually made him glow, illuminating the space around him.

Taking him by the paw, the flitty kangaroo kissed Raq French-style on each cheek before saying, "Don't look so scared, hon. We're just having a little fun at your expense. You don't mind, do you?" As if him minding would change the fact that he was dragged into the center of attention already. More than anything, the ursine just wanted to find out what they planned to do with him. Embarrass him? That had already been accomplished. What else?

"I guess not."

"Good," chided the roo, who turned back to the crowd. "Some of you may already know what I'm talking about, but for the rest of you idiots, I'll explain it. Whenever we are graced with the presence of a greenie," waving his paw at Raq, "we here at Skrewz take it upon ourselves to try and make that young person's birthday visit here more special than just some sodas and eye candy. Because I know that's what your doing, isn't it?" The microphone was shoved under Raq's snout, and all he could do was nod weakly. Low chuckles emanated from the blackness that held the crowd.

"So what we do here, is invite our good patrons to participate in your birthday, my dear Raq. I'm sure you enjoy the company of men just as much as any of us here, n'est-ce pas?" That last bit he didn't understand, but he did agree he enjoyed the company of men. "You're not a virgin, are you?" Raq shook his head, and the kangaroo made a dramatic show of wiping his brow. "Phew, no cherries to pop here tonight, folks." The crowd laughed good-naturedly, and it made Raq a little less nervous.

Continuing, the kangaroo said, "We're going to throw a little auction tonight, for the company of this young polar bear. It doesn't require you, Raq, to agree to do anything you don't want to do; it's up to you. But it's merely for show, and fun, and we haven't had an auction yet that wasn't both. Do you feel up to it?" With that, the kangaroo fished down behind the polar bear's belt and felt around his sheath. "Not yet, apparently." More laughter, including one guy way in the back who guffawed loudly enough to drown out the rest. Raq's blush increased; he had no doubt it was visible now. "You're doing fine," whispered the roo, squeezing him around the middle. Come to think of it, it was kind of fun getting all this attention from so many men.

"In order for us to have a successful auction, we have to know what we're bidding on, don't you agree?" A collective "Yeah!" answered back. "And we can't possibly know what we're bidding on when it's covered up, can we?" A collective "No!" this time. "So what do we need Raq here to do?"

"TAKE IT OFF! TAKE IT OFF! TAKE IT OFF!" Roared from the darkness. The spotlight was so bright Raq could hardly see past the end of the stage. Turning to him with the microphone, the roo asked, "What do you think? Should you give the guys what they want?" He was massaging the polar bear's shoulder, and it felt really good. He knew it would embarrass him to no end, but really...what was he here for, except to have a good time? And what was a good time, really, but breaking out and having fun? Again the polar bear tried to look beyond the light into the bar, into the combined voices which chanted and encouraged him to reveal himself. If so many of them wanted to see, then...well...

The roo caught on right away and put down the mic, going straight for Raq's shirt. One by one the buttons came undone, each one punctuated by a cheer. It was drawn over the chubby bear's head, floofing his belly fur against the grain. Raq fluffed it down again, and whistles started. Already his nipples were way ahead of him, hard and pointy and unmistakably pink where the fur didn't quite cover. The blush was evident in those little circles, but not so much anymore.

Next came the jeans. The kangaroo bent down and wasted no time undoing the button and fly, pulling them down and almost flipping Raq on his back as he tugged them over the ursine footpaws. Soon he was left in only his boxers, on the bright stage, with catcalls and compliments abounding.

"Yeah, baby! Show that fur!" cried one spectator.

"Take it all, I wanna see some sheath!" shouted another.

The way things were going, they would definitely see some polar bear sheath. In fact, they would get some bear cock as well, since all the yelling had made him half-hard with confidence. The tip of his member poked gently at his boxers, wetting it slightly with his pre. Kicking off the jeans, he put his thumbs in the waistband and exposed himself to the crowd.

The place went crazy.

Now, Raq wasn't the most proud of furs. He tended to be on the self-conscious side, especially about his body shape and belly. He was under the impression that he wasn't hot stuff, or boyfriend material. Even though he couldn't see a soul in that crowd, by the sound they were producing Raq could tell he was making quite a few of the men horny for him. It astounded him, but Skrewz was a different kind of gay bar. It was his type of bar, and at eighteen he fit in just fine. He was a cub, amongst a sea of bears, so to speak. He was welcome.

He was hard.

"Oooh, lemme see that!" the roo, the microphone back in his paw, sidled up to the polar bear and openly took hold of his plump ivory sheath and started to rub along its length. A sudden hush fell over the place, the shouts turned to whispers. Raq imagined most of the crowd pawing at their own sheaths watching him and the roo, and if he could have seen past the light, he would have been right. "That'a boy, spread your legs a bit," cooed the marsupial, opening the ursine's legs with his microphone and exposing his balls in their compact sac for scrutiny. Now a good four inches of bear meat, pink and throbbing and perfectly sized, jutted from his crotch.

"Now, what we have here, gentlemen and gentlemen," lectured the kangaroo with faux academic stoicism, "is one eighteen-year-old polar bear, Ursus maritimus, named Raq, celebrating his birthday tonight. Look at that bright white fur, that vivid blue hair," skritching Raq between the ears. "He's blushing right from head to toe, isn't that the cutest? How many of you would kill for a night with this belly, waking up next to this rubenesque derrière? Aren't these the most suckable toes ever?" The roo lifted one leg, and Raq flexed his footpaw for the crowd. Ooohs and aaahs responded. Raq blushed, and got harder.

The roo continued, "Not to mention this compact little bear package, hmm? These balls are just the right size for swirling around in your muzzle, should you choose. Very flexible scrotum," tugging Raq's balls down, "and a very plump, fuzzy sheath. We have about six inches here, not to big and not too small. Average girth, very satisfying. I wonder how far he shoots?"

"Show us!" someone from the back of the room offered, but before the rest could start up the kangaroo motioned for silence.

"That luxury goes to the highest bidder, if he so chooses. But feel free to test him out when I bring him around." With that, the roo slipped a collar around Raq's neck, which was odd because he had no recollection of a collar anywhere close to the stage. It was a thick collar, and leather; it fit snugly around him but didn't feel uncomfortable. Just confining enough to let him know who was the boss at the moment. Then, the roo turned him around with a finger in the D-ring, brought a leash to the collar and attached it with a final click. Raq shuddered violently, and the crowd saw its effect. People, no doubt, were getting ideas.

"Let's go to the men, dear," said the roo, who led the polar bear off the stage and into the darkness, where his eyes quickly adjusted. As soon as he was down, he felt a paw brush against his cock and squeeze, jacking him a bit before its claws dragged down his thigh.

Raq could finally see that the crowd that had gathered to watch the one-fur parade was substantial. The three tables were stuffed with six guys apiece--even every inch of the pool table's felt was occupied; everyone at the bar, including the walrus and German shepherd bouncer, watched with interested smiles. If they'd not been on the clock, Raq thought, they would probably be bidding with the rest of their patrons.

As he was led through the room, the little polar bear became fully aroused very quickly. Paws roamed all over him, from his head to his feet, but especially around his rear end and bits. Lots of people wanted a touch of his cock, or a pull on his balls, or the odd finger in his tailhole. Through it all, Raq whimpered and giggled and said, "Rowrowrowrowrowr!" in general polar bear bliss. By the time he was around the room, he'd been poked, prodded, brushed, licked, sucked and pawed more times than he could count or remember. There was certainly no backing out now; if he didn't get off soon it would frustrate him to no end.

Leading him back to the stage, the roo went back to the microphone: "Okay fellas, shall we start the bidding? The night's only getting later, and I'm sure the winner would like as much time as possible to spend with his prize." The assorted men whooped and hollered, and quieted down when the kangaroo motioned for the lights to dim. Suddenly he could see everyone in the room. "Raq, honey, would you please display yourself on the sling there? There was a black leather hammock-type thing mounted between the walls at the back of the stage, and Raq took his own leash (tugging on it to keep his erection nice and full) with him to lay on his side, one leg up, exposing his bits for all to see.

"Ready? Shall we start the bidding at, say twenty-five dollars?" Incredulous shouts went up right away. Twenty-five? Who would even think of such a thing? It was just a ploy to start out small to ramp up the bid war, Raq knew that, and it didn't take long for someone to start the bidding.

"Twenty-five!" came from a middle-aged wolf with a substantial belly under a leather vest. He was nice, but he looked like he played rough.

"Thank you sir," said the roo. "I'm bid twenty-five, who wants thirty?"

"Thirty!" shouted from the back of the room by one of the more youthful members of the audience. Raq couldn't see him too clearly but by his silhouette he looked to be from the feline family. Before the kangaroo had a chance to speak, however, the wolf upped the ante another ten dollars. A third man, a diminutive fox in coveralls and a trucker hat, brought the bid to fifty and the war was on.

Before he knew what he was doing, Raq was pawing himself back up in front of the whole room. It felt good, real good, to have all these males fighting over him, and actually paying money for the chance to be the first one to be with him now that he was legal. Too bad they wouldn't be popping his cherry, but they seemed to be excited enough. The smell of musk was beginning to permeate the air and make the bar stuffy.

"Okay, okay, slow down, guys! We're already up to a hundred bucks," said the kangaroo, who turned to Raq. "What're you trying to do, give them heart attacks?"

"Sorry," muttered the horny polar bear, who noted with some pride that part of the marsupial's boner was sticking out of the leather bikini briefs he was wearing. Its thin tip dripped onto the stage, but its owner made no move to cover it up. Raq giggled to himself and stroked harder, aware of his own dribbling length. His right thigh was getting a little damp. A quick look around the room revealed more than a few males who had opened their own flies and were enjoying the show, even if they weren't bidding.

"One-fifty!" shouted the wolf again.

"Two hundred!" The fox, this time.

"God dammit, I'm broke," said the feline in shadow at the back, and the two canids kept on bickering. Beyond three hundred dollars, they seemed to be the only two who had enough money to drop on a night with a fresh young bear. Three hundred passed easily enough, but four hundred took longer. Things began to slow down considerably, and the increments became even smaller, until (despite Raq's public naughtiness) the auction was stalled at four hundred thirty-one dollars, with the wolf as the highest bidder.

"Four thirty-one, folks. Come on, I know you can do more than that. You better just be expecting a good blowjob, Red, and nothing more for the price you're paying," said the kangaroo.

Red, the wolf, retorted, "Fine, then. The bear can suck my dick and you can bend over for me later." Assorted chuckles rippled the length of Skrewz.

"You wish, Red," said the kangaroo, who thought for a moment. "Call me later if you lose." More guffaws.

"Five hundred."

That silenced the crowd, Red, the roo and even stopped Raq's stroking paw. All eyes turned to a corner right over by the bathroom door. A shadow sat alone, his paws clasped loosely in front of him, the table's candle extinguished. Even Red looked shocked.

The roo gathered his mic again. "Uh, okay...okay, then. Five hundred dollars, to the obscure gentleman in the dark. Anyone?"

Red stood up, staring at the corner. "Five-oh-one."

"Six hundred." The figure didn't miss a beat. He didn't move either.

"Six-oh-one, you bastard." From the sound of his voice, Raq guessed Red was moving into the "I don't have money but I'm horny as fuck" category.

"Seven fifty." The lupine was gripping the tablecloth so hard his claws tore lines in the fabric.

"One thousand." Raq's breath caught in his throat.

"Holy shit," gasped the kangaroo. The stranger didn't seem to mind a room full of men staring at him. Those closer to him would be able to define his features, but all Raq could see were two ears, straight up and unmoving. Not a sound came from anyone, and it probably would have stayed that way if the roo hadn't shaken himself out of the trance he was in. He faced Raq and said, "Well, mister polar bear, we're down to two bidders, and the stakes are higher than they've ever been here. Why don't you take yourself down and give your potential winners a closer look at the merchandise, hmm?"

Raq exited the sling and carried his own leash down off the stage. Red was closer, but the ursine was trained, like everyone else, on the fur in the corner. Though curiosity almost got the best of him, Raq went over to Red and stood in front of the wolf. He wasn't that bad, even up close; his fur was soft and his paw gentle as it skritched his head.

"You are a pretty thing," said Red, running his claws along Raq's belly and fondling the bear's cock and balls with the predatory gaze of a pedophile. Which he probably was, but as of today it didn't matter. Raq felt himself leaking into the paw; Red brought it to his lips and licked it off. "You take credit, right?" he asked the kangaroo, who nodded. Turning him around and pressing a couple of fingers against his tailhole, the lupine said, "One thousand and one."

"I have one thousand and one," repeated the kangaroo. "You better go over there and give this other guy a reason to add another dollar."

As he weaved his way through the crowd to the dark corner, leaving a very frustrated Red behind, Raq struggled to make out his other bidder until he was practically on top of him. He sat alone at the table, paws clasped just as they had been the whole time. The polar bear started to feel very nervous, yet he didn't know why exactly. Maybe it was the anonymity of the guy. But when he could finally make out his species, his heart skipped a beat.

He was the best of both worlds. A coyolf, to be precise, with the slightly narrow muzzle of a coyote and big wolf paws. He stood up as the polar bear approached, and like most of the other patrons here he had a belly, just not as big. It looked nice enough to lay against, at least. Just a couple inches taller than Raq himself, the coyolf ran one paw down his arm and squeezed at intervals. Very methodical about the whole thing, he inspected the polar bear like a doctor would inspect a patient.

First the canine checked his arms and legs, shying away from his crotch area (which was more than a little frustrating). He extended each limb and felt the muscles, bent the joints and skritched here and there where he thought he saw a mat. Raq knew there weren't any. Then he went about examining the bear's head, from his blue hair to the insides of his ears, even going to far as to pull his lips back to take a look at his teeth. Raq hoped he had brushed well enough; he was already self-conscious as it was. Yet all of this public prodding had him just as hard as ever, all the way out of his sheath.

At last, the coyolf bent and took the bear's balls in his grip, rolling them around and checking them for God knew what. Raq obliged by spreading his legs for the man, who reached his other paw back to swipe along his tailhole. Bringing the fingers to his nose, the coyolf sniffed and then tasted his musk! But there was absolutely no expression on his face. The whole bar was trained on this inspection scene, but for Raq it was only himself and this man. Pulling his sheath down, he surprised everyone, most of all Raq, by swallowing his cock to the base and drawing out a healthy amount of pre as he came up again. He rolled the gobbet in his muzzle like a sommelier, concentrating on the flavor. Then he stood up and faced the kangaroo.

"Two thousand dollars." This time no one made a single sound. They all turned, as one, to look at the roo. All the roo could do, however, was look at Red with a pitiful expression. The wolf mirrored it, but Raq could see he was royally pissed. "Red, what am I bid?"

Red stood and spoke to Raq. "You have fun, kid. I ain't payin' no two grand for a lay." Then he addressed the bar: "If anyone wants to get lucky tonight, I'll be out back gettin' drunk." With that, he made his way to the far door and out.

"Two grand going once," said the kangaroo. Nobody spoke up. "Twice? I think this one's over." Again, nothing. "Third and final time? Sold, to the dark stranger for two thousand dollars!" A roar went up, the likes of which had never been heard so far that night.

"I'm going to take care of this. You sit tight, okay?" Raq nodded dazedly, still in disbelief that this man had just paid a shitload of money for him. The coyolf wandered off towards the kangaroo, opened his wallet and pullet out a wad of hundred dollar bills. Both the roo's eyes and Raq's went wide as two grand was counted quickly, and before he could be so much as thanked the coyolf was back at the table, his arm comfortingly around the bear's middle.

"Shall we take this into the back room? By the way, my name's Hector." He shook Raq's paw and smiled, his mismatched eyes sincere and warm. His left eye was a steely ice blue, the kind huskies have, and the right glowed a fiery molten red. Now that the bidding was done, and the crowd had dispersed for the most part, Raq was beginning to feel exposed again. As they made their way across to the door to the private back room (evidently Hector had done this sort of thing before, if not here), there were more than a few longing stares.

The room was simple: bathed in reddish light, with an array of furniture: queen-sized bed, an armchair, and a leather couch. "Go ahead and sit wherever you want, Raq," the coyolf said, locating the stereo in one corner and switching out the CD in it for the local classical radio station. Soon, soft piano music filled the small space and Hector came over to sit by the polar bear, who had elected the cushy couch. The leather felt good against his fuzzy rump, and kept his cock hard. There would be no coaxing it out this night. He was worked up enough as it was. But he had to ask the question that had been bothering him.

"Why did you pay--?" but Hector silenced him with a finger to his lips.

"Let's just say I like a challenge, and I like to win, and I have more money than I know what to do with. Are you satisfied with that?" Raq supposed he was, though he was looking more for a "because you're worth it" than "I like to win." But he seemed like a nice enough guy, so he let it stand uncontested.

"Could you sit on my lap, Raq?" said the white coyolf, patting the space between his legs. Raq was still caught on Hector's odd coloration: he was white all over, but from his elbows on down the white turned to a light blue and got darker until his paws and feet were black. His ears were the same way, as was his tail, which sat at his side, limp. Raq could smell the arousal from the canine, but he held his emotions closely in check.

The polar bear obeyed, scooting over and hopping onto Hector's sizeable thighs and leaning back against his soft tummy. In fact, Hector was soft all over. He wondered why the coyolf hadn't taken his clothes off yet, but his worries were assuaged as a paw encircled his bear cock and began stroking him off. Hector's arm wrapped around Raq's belly and pulled him in close, and the stroking paw went faster.

"Wuh...what're you doing?"

"I'm getting you off. Can't you see that?"

Raq started huffing. All the attention from before had left him more worked up than he thought. "But it's too...*huh*...soon."

"No matter what I do, Raq, I can see that if you don't come before we get down to business, you won't last long anyway. So just sit back and make a mess for me, okay?" Hector's paw was moving Raq's sheath along his length, using his own pre as lubrication. He humped up into the paw, feeling his balls tighten already. The coyote moved his arm down to cup the bear's balls, furthering him toward climax. It was approaching frighteningly fast.

"Okay," Raq said breathlessly, and it wasn't but a few seconds before his whole lower body tightened up, Hector pounded his meat, and he sprayed all over both of them, jerking on top of the coyolf.

"Doesn't that feel better?" asked Hector.

"Yeah...*huff*...yeah, it does." Right away, Raq felt much more relaxed, and he was glad Hector knew what he was doing. The coyolf took a rag from a pile next to the couch and wiped him down, from chest to thighs. It was already becoming sticky, but it didn't matter much since Raq knew he'd just be making another mess soon anyway. He felt greedy, having taken all the pleasure thus far, but Hector had paid a high price for him and he made the decisions.

"Good. Are you rested?" Actually, the polar bear was more than rested. He was invigorated. The coyolf had been right about getting him off. He nodded, and Hector smiled. "Now, would you like to continue?" Already Raq's cock was hardening again, horny little polar bear that he was.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Whatever you want to do. I paid for you, but I want you to decide how much fun you have." Raq had a feeling, by the way things were going, neither of them would last long at this rate. He could smell his own arousal, but the coyolf's overpowered his even through clothes. He wanted to see what Hector was packing, his muzzle dripping at the prospect already. Having rolled off of the canine's lap after shooting, Raq ventured a paw closer to the fly of the dark corduroys. Hector leaned back and put his arms behind his head, spreading his legs. He wanted this to happen.

Raq hovered a paw over the coyolf's crotch, feeling the heat from it. Even in the low light, he could see Hector's heartbeat clearly. Then, he lay his fingers atop the bulge, feeling its hot hardness in his grasp. He could even sense the beginning of a knot, and that was the best part of all.

"Go on, take it out." That was all the encouragement the polar bear needed. He handled the zipper with ease and soon was staring at a nicely-proportioned sheath with a black cock sticking out of it! It was already pre-moistened from all the excitement, and as soon as the smell hit his nose Raq knew he wanted to swallow it whole.

So he did. Not even waiting for Hector to give him the go-ahead, and not getting any protest either, Raq placed his paws on either side of the coyolf's member and licked at the head, which had just emerged into the air. The taste was smooth and sweet, just like a canine ought to be, the tapered head perfectly shaped for his shorter muzzle, and it was leaking copiously. Hector reacted by feeding a bit more cock from his sheath upwards, and Raq opened a little wider, going down and using his tongue to lick the shaft clean. He was having fun with this new toy.

"I take it you're not a virgin?" asked the coyolf, to which Raq shook his head while staying attached to Hector's groin. "I thought so. Either that, or you were born to do this sort of thing." The polar bear rumbled around the cock, encouraged by such a compliment. He fished into Hector's pants and cupped his balls, rolling them over and over with his fingers. The flesh in his other paw started to swell.

The hornier the coyolf became, the easier it was to suck on him. Most of his length was out now, including the knot which had swelled but thankfully wasn't too big not to lick over and suck with the rest. Hector was a good six inches long, and slightly narrow which virtually obliterated jaw fatigue. He also had an upward curve that slid so perfectly into Raq's throat as he got bolder and took more initiative. Spurts of pre coated the back of his tongue; Hector played with his head and ears to keep him going.

Soon the polar bear was deep into the motions, slurping up everything the canine had to give and wanting more. He lost all track of time, and didn't know it until Hector put a paw to his forehead and shoved him away. Whimpering, he was about to ask what the deal was when he saw the coyolf grimacing and holding his cock very still. For a moment he thought he had done something with his teeth, but he realized Hector was trying to hold off an orgasm.

"Sorry," the canine said, "I should have done that sooner but you've got a great muzzle. I wanted to finish, but I have other plans." Raq's sheath twitched against his belly; he had a feeling he knew what the coyolf wanted...and he was only more than glad to give it to him.

"Should I get on the bed?"

"Yes, by all means," replied Hector, proceeding to strip naked, revealing his zaftig and hirsute frame. He was well-proportioned, by no means thin, but floofy and soft all around. Raq thought he would be a great cuddle partner, but had a feeling that wouldn't be part of this evening's activities. Presently he was ready to go again, and cuddling didn't hold a candle to having his tailhole plowed by this canine. It had been a while. The polar bear crawled onto the bed, surprised at its freshly-laundered smell in a place like this, and assumed the position he thought Hector would like most.

Pawsteps approached from behind, and then paws were caressing his rump. Raq whimpered and lifted his tail; he knew he looked eager as hell and that was the truth, but he didn't want to appear overeager. Then again, he really couldn't help himself. It occurred to him then that he'd maybe been waiting for this all night, since he had walked in the front door of Skrewz. Well, he was getting what he had wanted.

Warm breath fell upon his tail, followed by a long canine tongue. That was a welcome surprise! It went up and down his crack, in between and even deeper. Raq tried to shift position to give Hector as much room as possible, but the coyolf just spread his cheeks open and dived in anyway. The canine's snout rooted around and snuffled at his tail while he rimmed the little polar bear as deep as he could get. Raq was all warm inside, panting into the bed and making "Rowr"ing sounds, anything to get Hector to continue his oral assault. It ended all too soon, but he knew there were better things to come.

"Are you ready?" asked the coyolf, kneeling into position behind the polar bear, his slick cock dripping as he pawed himself into readiness.

"Do you have to ask?" Apparently that was a sufficient answer, because no sooner than he had completed his sentence, he felt the tip of Hector's cock at his entrance. He murred and drooled into the blankets with anticipation, reaching back to stroke himself. Hector's weight on his back felt so nice and warm, like a puppy blanket enrobing him, and then the pressure on his tailhole increased. Raq bore back and down, easing onto the first half-inch or so, but then his resistance gave way and the coyolf sank in with no problem.

"That's it, Raq," Hector cooed. "Just relax." And relax the ursine did, going limp and spreading out while the coyolf worked the rest of his shaft in. With all the precum being leaked out, it was no trouble at all sinking in all the way to the knot, which Hector slid in and out a few times just to hear the bear's squeaks of ecstasy. "Give me a sign when you're ready to go, because I won't last long."

"GO!" Raq shouted into the bed. It had been some time since he'd had a nice canine yiff him, and he especially missed the part where they got to tie together at the end. Maybe they would get some cuddling in after all. "Please, just go." With that, Hector took the leash (which Raq had forgotten was even there in all his pleasure) in paw, took the slack out of it, and tugged against the polar bear's neck as he began a long, slow thrusting motion.

This was pure heaven! He had come into the bar as a person, but now he was nothing more than a prize that had been won, and he was being treated just as such by the winner. It was definitely a first for him, the auction part, but he just loved being dominated like a pet polar bear. And the harder Hector tugged at his neck, the closer he came to creaming all over the sheets.

"I kind of thought you liked this sort of treatment," said the coyolf from behind as he sped up his hips a bit. The size of Hector's yotehood was just right for Raq's little bear hole, and it moved around with some spare room so there was very little acclimation needed before he got a thorough pounding. The knot would still hurt a little, though.

As the two horny furs got more into things, the pace sped up. Raq kept whimpering into the bed, while the coyolf started panting harder with his efforts, his knot swelling each time it pounded at the bear's entrance, just begging to get in. At some point, though he didn't know quite when it happened, Hector had shifted up and gotten his paws around his waist, one fondling his bear balls while the other slowly stroked him off. That, combined with the fullness from his rear, was doing wonders to guide him to the finish.

The scent of male filled the room with its pungent aroma, and Raq inhaled it willingly. Hector's thrusts were growing erratic, and he was trying hard now to get his knot once and for all past the polar bear's hole. Raq tried his best to relax, but with the paws at his groin his rear kept wanting to clamp shut. If only he could open up just a little more...

"Come on, get in there," gasped the coyote. It was clear he wanted to tie with Raq, to claim his prize fully, but he also wanted to keep going even if he couldn't. A tough decision, one Raq hoped to make for them both. He grunted and pushed, feeling the bulk of the coyolf's knot passing beyond his sphincter and feeling for the right moment to clamp down on it. Once he got a good idea of when would be the right time, all he had to do was wait....for just...the!

During an especially protracted thrust, Hector pushed in and stayed there just long enough for Raq to squeeze on the nether side of his tangerine-sized knot. It was timed perfectly; Hector thrust forward and was sucked in to the sheath, and both furs let out yelps of pleasure and pain. But the deed was done, and it was all over. Just a matter of time before the coyolf took it all the way to its conclusion.

Hector's hips were a blur; since he didn't have room to hump anymore, he just shuddered and jerked away past the point of no return. Raq felt the burning in his own loins just the same, and the coyolf's stroking paw was pushing him just as fast. Moaning into the bed, he could practically feel his balls pulling up tight, prepared to shoot their second load of the evening.

With a tug on the leash and one final push that sent them both onto their sides on the bed, Hector flooded Raq's tailhole with hot jets of yoteseed, filling him up to excess and not letting a drop spill. In his throes, the coyolf's paw gripped Raq's bearhood tight, sending him over the edge as well. Sticky liquid coated his right arm and the bed, surprising in its volume since he'd only come a short time before. Hector continued to hump slowly, pushing and pulling his swollen cock as far as it would let him, pumping until he was dry. Neither of the spent furs said a word; nothing needed to be said that hadn't been felt already. That was pretty damn awesome, no doubt about it.

Raq was right about the cuddling; it turned out that Hector's knot took about twenty minutes to deflate, and during that time the big coyolf just wrapped his arms around the polar bear and they both enjoyed the quiet time. There was no denying the sense of loss when Hector finally slipped out, along with a puddle of yotecum.

"I'd like to thank you for a very entertaining evening," said the coyolf as he began dressing while Raq took a brush to his sticky fur. "That was the most fun I've had in a long time. Here, I'll go fetch your clothes." Hector disappeared into the other room and came back a minute later with Raq's things.

"Thanks," said the polar bear, putting on his shirt and noticing that he wasn't looking forward to having to wear clothing again. After they were both dressed, Hector came up behind Raq and gave him a big bear hug, which was odd coming from a canine, and kissed him on one ear playfully. "I don't suppose you'd like to hang out sometime, would you?" He had to ask, it had been on his mind since they'd tied. He liked this guy, despite the unorthodox way they had met he kind of wanted to get to know Hector more. He treated Raq nicely, and satisfied him. Both very good qualities in a man, if not just a playmate.

"I'm tempted, Raq, but I've got to be honest with you. I usually just go for the greenies. It's a thing I have, don't know how to explain it, but it entertains me. Plus it gives me a good reason to spend a lot of money. Oh, speaking of which, you get half of what I gave to that kangaroo fellow. Better ask him for it before you leave." At least that was nice. A thousand dollars to himself? What could he buy with that? It was overshadowed by disappointment at not being able to see Hector again, and it showed on his muzzle.

"Now, come on, don't be that way. We'll see each other here again someday. You can look me up then, alright? Between you and me, chances are I won't be busy. And then we can go to my place and take our time next time, huh?"

Raq smiled. "I can live with that. Until next time, then?"

"Agreed." The two shook paws, and Hector waved goodbye as he slipped out the door while Raq put the rest of himself together. When he finally exited into the bar, what was left of the crowd gave him sideways glances. Some gave him a thumbs-up, a couple sore losers glared but said nothing, but most people smiled knowingly, including the bartender who sidled up to the bar as Raq sat down.

Red was nowhere to be found, at least not inside Skrewz. Raq hoped to see him again, though.

"You either look like forty miles of bad road or forty minutes of good fuck," said the walrus, leaning in to take a whiff of polar bear sex. "Don't answer; I know which it is." Raq giggled. "You have fun on your birthday?"

"What do you think?" Suddenly Raq felt drained; he was just about done for the evening. Sex takes a lot of energy, more than he thought he'd expended. What he needed to finish off the night was a good, stiff drink.

"Something I can getcha, straight from the tap?"

"Yeah, there is," the polar bear replied. "Gimme a Dr. Pepper, on the rocks, and don't skimp on the syrup!"



Hair of the Dog

Author's Note: the following is a work of furry fiction. As such, it may contain material which may be offensive to some viewers. This can include, but is not limited to, sex between males, sex between characters of different species, job interviews,...

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'Twas a Night Full of Yiffing

Author's Note: the following is a work of furry poetry. It is fiction, and any resemblance to foxes or wolves, either living, dead or whatever is purely coincidental. It may contain acts of sex between males, sex between different species, and flagrant...

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For Old Times' Sake

Author's Note: The following is a work of furry fiction. As such, it may contain certain acts which may be objectionable to certain readers, including subject matter of an adult nature. These acts may include, but are not limited to, sexual contact...

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