'Twas a Night Full of Yiffing

Story by Whyte Yote on SoFurry

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Author's Note: the following is a work of furry poetry. It is fiction, and any resemblance to foxes or wolves, either living, dead or whatever is purely coincidental. It may contain acts of sex between males, sex between different species, and flagrant misuse of rhyme scheme. If you're not into such Shakespearean flights of fancy, beat it. Otherwise, just read and enjoy my foray into erotic poetry.

FEEDBACK always welcome to: [email protected]


'Twas a Night Full of Yiffing ©MMVII Whyte Yoté

The fox had been waiting

All week for this night,

He'd been working himself up

In hopes that he might

Come home with a guy

From the local gay bar

Who wanted to bone him

And didn't live far

Our vulpine preferred

To walk rather than drive,

And he had not a car

For his day nine-to-five

So the Florsheims it was

His best dancing shoes

The first things of notice

When starting to schmooze

Are your footpaws of course

Are they covered or no

Do they flatter your figure?

Expose ugly toes?

But the foxy we see

He has just the right shape

And so sockless he goes

To make boys stare agape

The rest of the outfit

Assembles like glue

Fishnet top, leather pants,

Built on those sexy shoes

Cologne can be sweet

Or much too overpowering

One whiff of the stuff

Any wolf would run, cowering

Far away from the fox,

So he forgoes tonight

Wearing natural musk

Impossible to fight

Any dog worth his salt

Would not fail to approach

Such a sweet-looking fox

And not seem to encroach

Upon personal space

One would have to assume

By the way this boy dances

End to end in the room

He is certainly pegged

By some master or other,

But no collar or leash

Do his fluffy neck bother

He must be sixteen

But how did he pass

By the bulldog outside

Have you looked at his ass?

Only ten times or more

In the last thirty seconds

That tailflap is loose

So much so that it beckons

The first set of paws

To do a good deed

And fasten it up

Help a poor fox in need

One wolf is the bravest

He crosses the floor

Not the least bit the shy one

A paw reaches for

That loose button of bone

Just above that full tail

And our fox turns to face him

Scents nothing but male

A smiling grey snout

Flashing fangs in the dark

This wolf does not know that

He's lit up a spark

Of seduction down deep

In our cute fox's soul

The lupine is just perfect

For filling the goal

"May I?" Timid, he asks,

Trying not to seem pushy

The fox tail goes left

Its fur well-groomed and cushy

Making quick work

Of the flap, moving on

To the front of the fox

Who thanks him, and yawns

And is licked by the wolf

Now more forward than ever

Having taken a chance

Thinking himself quite clever

The fox, startled, steps back

His neck poofed all to hell

His tail, thrice its size,

Gains a few stares as well

But the dance floor continues

As loud as before

And the lupine, hot-blushing,

Says, "Head for the door?"

The fox nods, does his best

To unpuff his composure

As they exit right by

All the gay-boy brochures

"I liked how you danced,"

Says the wolf to the fox

"I don't get out that much,

don't like twinks and the jocks."

Smiling now, pleased as punch

The vulpine won't say

He's a self-proclaimed twink

Fairly gayer than gay

But for this wolf, tonight

He can put on the mask

Of whatever it takes

To perform his fave task

Turn a corner, the dark

Of an alley nearby

"Did my tail feel that nice?"

To this hunk of a guy

Who replies with a stroke

'Long its luxury length

Sending all kinds of chills

Sapping our fox's strength

And diverting it to

The most obvious place

The blood rushes on

To his sheath, not his face

And the wolf does not hide

His own half-erection

They're now front-to-front

And fangs nibble affection

His back 'gainst the wall,

The fox whimpers assention

The wolf takes the hint

Doesn't bother to mention

A condom, protection

Not any of that

For they both are quite happy

To do things bareback

It's much simpler that way

No awkward fumbling 'round

Deep in pockets or wallets

While your cock goes down

So then off come the pants

Of both parties, revealing

Two hard canine boners

Wolf smiling, fox squealing

In horny delight

As the wolf he descends

To kneel on one knee

His long tongue never ends

As he pushes it out

Just enough to the tip

Of our poor fox's cock

Sees the pre, takes a sip

And is met with a salty-sweet

Treat to his palate

Such complexity

He knows just what to call it:

"Delicious," he murrs

And goes down a mite further

Right up to the knot

"'Pologize for the girth, rrrrr..."

But size doesn't matter

To this lustful dog

He makes use of the smaller

One's cock, eyes agog

At the throbbing of blood

Deep within the small member

So powerful for

Such a compact, cute slender

Fox cock, and it seems

To be just the right size

For some deep-throating action

Not gagging, he tries

For the knot, and almost

He can get it all in

If it weren't for his reflex

The shaft is so thin and

So wonderfully shaped

And the wolf bites the bullet

Stacks all of his chips

Slides the thing down his gullet

Now gasping, now panting

Now yipping with joy

For our fox knows he has

Done just right by this boy

It is just what he wanted

He's made the right choice

And he would tell the wolf

Should he regain his voice

But his balls are quite busy

Work harder than hard

Much obliged to the wolfie

Who pleases his ward

With rapt care and close mind

To his near-spurting cock

Just a few seconds more

A mere tick of the tock

And the good deed is done

Our fox barely gives warning

Starts flooding the wolf

And the smile that was forming

Upon his pursed lips

Now it turns to an "O"

Of surprise, and then duty

As he takes up the flow

Of thick foxseed, hot, creamy

Slides into his tummy

What a good boy he's being

Well, no doubt, this guy's yummy

As soon as it started

The vulpine has finished

His cock is deflating

His climax diminished

The wolf stands up now

From his subby position

And bends in quite close

So the tired fox can listen:

"My friend, so it seems

You have busted your nut

So now what about mine?

You have such a cute butt."

And although he is drained

In his post-cumming glow

The russet-furred sheath

It has heard, and it knows

What it wants more than oral

A gift from behind

A second opportunity

From the lupine

For another great mating

A different way

To engage in gay sex

With this wuffie today

As his head is tied tightly

Direct to his cock

The fox nods and his tail

Goes up curled like a sock

To give room for the wolf

Who now unzips his pants

And pulls out his hard urgency

Sharp as a lance

Its respectable size

Tops at seven point five

Adequate for a wolf

So the fox will survive

More or less full intact

After thoroughly plowed

So it's up to the wall

He goes...ears and head bowed

"Be gentle," he says

Though he's done this before

But not in a while

So he's bound to be sore

No matter how big

And no matter how thick

This wuffie, when he knots

Better be more than slick

Because yiffing in public

Taboo and arousing

Can land you in jail

And a new type of housing

The men you find there

Who plunder your booty

Don't much care for gentle

If "bitch" does his duty

They make it a point

To stifle their moans

As the wolf meets the fox

Lip-locking kills their tones

And the probing begins

First searching, then urging

Till the foxhole gives way

To incessant cock-searching

Pinned against the wall

Cold hard bricks on his back

Our dear vulpine, he spreads

Legs wide, fondles his sac

And then that of the wolf

Who gets into a rhythm

His back arches in

To rid wuffballs of jism

It starts working, as sex

Is oft wont to do

For the typical end

Ends up covered in spoo

And two eager canids

Are approaching the end

With erections abounding

A climax to tend

Our dear wolf, he knows well

To not tie with the fox

For the alley is sure patrolled

By rent-a-cops

Who are sworn to protect

The public from wrong

Though it's hardly offending

To see a wolf dong

Being inserted now, rather

Zealous, I'd say

Up the rear of a vulpine

Who's glad that he's gay

And a part of this moment

Going out was the best

To occupy his time

With a wolf as his guest

Who has proven effective

In sexual matters

That knot pounding

His insides to bloody tatters

It feels so damn good!

And the wolf hunches over

His balls tighten faster

Right paw moves to cover

Their collective heat

From the rest of the world

While inside his boots

The lupine's grey toes curl

He empties all his seed

In a tight, willing ass

In the shadows of alleys

Kinky, but with class

And grace, with modesty

Unknown to his kind

He is quiet and murmurs

Sweet nothings refined

In a voice so low, gentle

Like their clandestine coupling

The size of his load

It enlarges, size doubling

He's waited for this

The whole entire day

Finishing with a fox

Who's a wonderful lay

Is a gay cruiser custom

Take advantage of those

Who are smaller than you

By taking off their clothes

So his thrusts become slower

And the flow starts to wane

The sky opens, light flashing

Ushering in the rain

Disconnecting, they pull

Up their soaking-wet garments

And shiver in the dark

When food reaches the varmints.

"Do you smell that?" our fox

He asks, hungry as well.

Down the street there's a Krispy Kreme

Doughnuts to sell

The cops are all hunkered down

Over their mugs

Our canids aren't that far

From looking like thugs

So the fox, in his boyish tone

Pets the wolf's neck

And asks, "Your place or mine?"

Gives his nosepad a peck

"Well, you choose," says the wolf

Whom the vulpine obeys

Turns swiftly on his heels

They begin through the maze

Of concrete and steel

On this cold, lonely night

For these two lusty dogs

The stars seem to shine bright

If only for a moment

While plowing a hole

It's still more than nothing

Tells you you have a soul

Deep down in there somewhere

'Neath flesh, fur and bone

If you think with your cock

Then you're not alone

Because out there there's someone

Who thinks like you do

So go find your own fox

He's been waiting for you...



For Old Times' Sake

Author's Note: The following is a work of furry fiction. As such, it may contain certain acts which may be objectionable to certain readers, including subject matter of an adult nature. These acts may include, but are not limited to, sexual contact...

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Cassanova in January

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By the Hour

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