
Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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A request for yiffyhusky

The waves of the beach idly lapped at Wilbur Barrows' ankles as he sat in the white sands of an unnamed island in Hawaii. The surf was great, the sun was out beating down on his smooth, tanned flesh, highlighting his lean, firm muscles. His sandy blonde, shoulder-length blonde hair was bleached by the sun with natural highlights and his hazel eyes sparkled as they reflected the glimmering surface of the water.

It was summer break and before he headed back to college, he and a couple of his buds had decided to take a trip to Hawaii. It was an annual gathering, actually. Every year, himself and a couple of his friends came from across the States just to go to 'their island'. The small, deserted island was a spot that no one really knew of. Or at least every time that Wilbur and his friends arrived, no one else was around for miles.

It was dangerous and risky, of course, but the all of them were experienced swimmers and surfers. They knew what they were doing.

It just so happened that it was Wilbur's turn to play 'lifeguard' but he really didn't mind.

He watched the rest of his small group cleaving the waves and splashing about as they enjoyed the sun, water and company. Samantha Prince emerged from the water, completely topless and with her massive D-cup breast bouncing excitedly. She sauntered up to him and sat down right next to him, lounging back on the large beach towel with an exaggerated sigh.

"Boy am I hot," she complied.

No way was she talking about her current core body temperature.

"You better cool off them," Wilbur answered coldly, not even paying her any heed. "Might be heatstroke."

She pressed the back of her palm against her forehead and sighed theatrically. "Oh... You might be right. I might need mouth-to-mouth..."

Irked and terribly irritated, Wilbur stood up and started heading towards the beach. "Well, you stay here and rest up. I'll go take a swim."

Samantha really irritated him. She kept flirting with him at every possible moment. She wasn't very subtle about it either. Everyone knew what she wanted. Wilbur was the only person she hadn't slept with in their entire group.

Seriously, two weeks out in Hawaii with your best friends?

Of course they'd get freaky with one another.

And it got really freaky sometimes.

Wilbur woke up more than once with one of the guys. No one ever spoke of it outside. It was a commonly accepted that they were drunk, good friends and were having fun. They had to experiment and try all their options.

Well... most of their options.

He was not going to touch Samantha even if he was in a hazmat suit.

She's been around and if all rumors were to be taken into account... that wasn't a good thing. He had no idea why she was invited to this get away. Apparently, it was her idea in the first place to go to Hawaii.

Wilbur dove in the waters and sighed at the warm, salty embrace of the ocean. He slipped under the waves for a moment, sighing in contentment at the silence it offered. Even with the soft sounds of the ocean's lapping waves and the splashing of his friends wading in the water, there was a... divine serenity in the silence.

He swam easily between the legs and bodies of his friends until his lungs began to burn. Slowly, he breached the surface of the ocean, taking a deep, relieved gasp. With his lungs fresh with air, he felt rejuvenated, clean and so relaxed.

"Hey! Wil!"

He turned around and spied his friend Shane waving at him from what seemed like a mile away.

"Don't go too far out man!" the brown haired young Italian Adonis exclaimed. Even from the distance, Wilbur could make out the fine, trimmed figure of his best friend. Shane just had this gene in him that allowed him to pack on the muscle without even trying. Sure he did weight training and he loved eating meat but compared to the effort that Wilbur had to go through to maintain his figure and his appearance, Shane had it easy.

Wilbur sighed and wished that he could just go back to his old diet. He especially loved oysters but since they were high in calories and salt, they were off limits. He sunk under the water again and felt a sharp jab against his eye.

A stream of bubbles escaped him as he struggled to surface again, flailing about slightly as he cupped his left eye with a hand. Slowly opening the eye back into the open, he cursed under his breath when half his vision had gone horribly blurry.

His contact lens had dropped off.

One of his better kept secrets.

He wore glasses... or rather he needed them. But these days, he just wore contacts to hide the fact that his eyesight was pretty bad.

Another reason why he didn't mind playing lifeguard.

Less chance to lose his contacts.

With one eye, blurry and open he swam back towards the island. His mind was already pumping out the excuses as to why he needed to go back to camp. Feigning a cramp... nausea... heatstroke... Something likely enough and small that he didn't need anyone else to accompany him back. Then he would just slip on his spares and spend the rest of the day watching everyone else.

As he ducked briefly under the water, he let out an angry scowl.

He hated his body... So much maintenance for little satisfaction... Sometimes, he really just hated the image he had set for himself... He felt trapped in his own skin. Freedom was always so easy to obtain... Just let himself slip slightly... Just loosen up a bit...

Even in this supposed holiday, he had to make sure he ran for an hour every morning, stuck to his diet and never ate anything too sugary. In fact, with his friends around so much, he actually felt so self-conscious that he was being even more careful than he was back at his dorm room.

Wilbur breached the water again, blinking away the salty water from his eyes. He glanced around frantically...

The island was nowhere to be seen.

"Aw shit..." he murmured.

A wave came crashing down on him, pulling him under and spinning him around. For a second, his gut twisted with the fear that he had just gotten lost. But he quickly regained his thoughts and scrambled to the surface. With his one good eye, he looked around before the next wave hit him.

The island was a bit to his right. About a kilometer or so. Nothing he couldn't handle. It was just a large, green, blob on the horizon.

Taking a deep breath, Wilbur swam with all his might towards the island, fighting the current to keep him on track. He pushed all his power into each stroke, gagging occasionally as the waves pushed water against his face and up his nostrils. Spurting out water, he ignored the burning in his muscles and pushed on.

The waters got rougher and wilder. Every time he pulled his head out of the water, the sky darkened with thick, ominous thunderheads.

He had to hurry...


A particularly large wave swept him to his left, pulling him off course. He stumbled, suspended in the ocean's waters for a few seconds before he paddled himself back to the surface -


Another wave hit him. Stars flashed before his eyes.

He struggled back to the surface -


He made the mistake of screaming out in frustration... because a huge torrent of water shoved itself down his throat. Gurgling, he tried one more time to breach the surface -


Ragged coughs escaped his lips as he pushed for the final hundred meters to the shore.

It took what felt like an eternity before he finally felt the sandy shore beneath his feet. Exhausted, beaten and with his lungs half-filled with water, Wilbur collapsed just where the waves were breaking. Every breath he took expelled more water from his lungs in wheezing coughs.

His vision blurred... and he guessed he lost his contact lenses...

A figure was heading towards him and the guy seemed pretty built... He guessed it was Shane...

Dang... how was he going to explain being practically blind...?

He coughed, trying to say, 'I got lost'...

... but he lost more than just his contact lenses.

He lost consciousness.


Wilbur moaned softly and tried to pull his eyes open. His eyelids felt heavy, almost like they were made of lead. Mustering all his strength, he managed to pull his eyes open. Part of him expected to find himself in the middle of a well-lit room with countless doctors and nurses hovering over him with concerned looks on their faces. His memory was hazy but he did distinctly remember nearly drowning.

As his vision cleared, he was somewhat surprised to find himself lying down on what appeared to be a mattress of leaves built on a bamboo frame. There was a soft, ornately decorated quilt draped over him and soft, grass pillows resting behind his head. Tearing his gaze away from the strange bed, he realized he was resting in some sort of open home. There were no real walls that separated the exterior from the interior even if there were tall, thick, bamboo walls that parted the rooms. At least the room he was in was devoid of walls. It seemed more like a large gazebo than an actual room.

Gingerly, he slipped out from beneath the silk sheets. The instant the soft, cool fabric brushed against his manhood, he gasped and pulled the quilt tightly around him.

Whoever had brought him here had forgotten to bring his shorts.

Feeling a blush against his cheeks, Wilbur rapidly looked around for something he could use as clothing. Away from the bed, there was what appeared to be a wooden drawer. He made sure no one was around and quickly scrambled to the wardrobe, pulling them open hastily. There was only a single, white, woolen bathrobe.

Nothing else.

He quickly figured that if his host - whoever that may be - didn't want him to try it on, then they wouldn't have left it in the wardrobe where he could pick it up. He replaced the quilt with the robe, a little irked that it was very loose on him and would probably fit someone like Shane who had broader shoulders and a thicker frame.

Thinking about Shane, he wondered where or how his friend had brought him here.

"Ah, I see you're awake."

The deep rumbling voice definitely didn't belong to Shane.

Wilbur spun around... and had to blink several time to make sure his lack of contacts wasn't playing tricks on him. Regardless of how bad his eyesight was, he could still make out the big, muscular orca standing in front of him. The creature was huge. Well past 7 feet tall and with biceps the size of watermelons. The guy's legs - there was no doubt he was a guy from the jungle vine hanging between his legs - were as thick as tree trunks. Silky, black flesh covered the majority of his body with a large, white patch over his broad, plump pecs and washboard abs. A long, muscular tail that ended in a classical fin swung lazily behind him. His features were smooth, unthreatening and so calm. Inky, black eyes sat just below two, white ellipses on his smooth, bare head, full of serenity and offered a gentle calm that just seemed to ease Wilbur's rapidly beating heart.

Not by much though.

"Wh - What are you!?" Wilbur stammered.

"I am an orcan," the creature answered. "Who am is different." The odd creature bowed towards him. "My name is Arden."

Astounded the creature could speak - let alone perfect, articulated English with a hint of a British accent - Wilbur backed away slightly, pressing his back against the wardrobe. "What - What do you want?"

The orcan chuckled, bringing up a big, meaty hand towards his beak to politely hide his lips. As he brought his hand back down, he said, "I was about to query the exact same question though framed in a different manner. Certainly a different context." The creature gave him a benign smile and straightened. "Was there anything you required? I found you rather exhausted on the beach and you were unconscious for a good long while."

Wilbur was a little stunned... He expected to be poked, prodded, gang-raped and then dissected... or at least anally probed.

"Um... No... I'm good. Just point me at the nearest telephone or something and I'll be on my way."

Arden shook his head sadly. "Unfortunately, we are on a small island in the middle of the Hawaiian islands with little or no mode of communication." The orcan waved out towards the dense tropical forest around them. Wilbur watched as the distant trees shook and quivered, barely buffeting the ferocity of the storm around them. "Besides, in this storm, no one would be insane enough to try to make a venture this far from civilization."

Wilbur tried to keep his fear down. This was starting to sound like a really clichéd abduction story. Hot, handsome protagonist suddenly finding himself in the company of a strange creature with no hope of escape even if the creature is unnervingly hospitable?


"Um..." he began.

His stomach growled loudly.

The orcan chuckled, once again politely covering his lips. "You must be starving. Come. I have prepared some refreshments for you and your friend."

Wilbur flinched. "Friend? What friend?"

"That rather chatty fellow with dark hair and a rather strong build," the orcan answered.


For a moment, Wilbur felt his heart give a leap in joy upon the realization that his friend had come to his rescue... or at least that was what he suspected. They had a better chance of escaping when there were two of them. Besides, with Shane on his side, he could easily overpower this 'orcan' though Wilbur was starting to suspect it was just a guy in a really elaborate latex suit.

But first, he had to meet Shane.

Nodding, Wilbur followed his host silently out of the 'room'. His room was somewhat disconnected from the rest of the complex, sitting on a small section of the forest separated by a rushing river. A bamboo, Rope Bridge connected the room to the rest of the facility, bringing them quite close to the frothy surface of the river.

The rest of the building was similar in structure. The outer sections were devoid of walls. The interior facilities had those same, strong, grass and bamboo walls that separated the rooms. Almost everything was shaped and built with bamboo or what appeared to banana leaves.

Arden led him through the complex where they passed several lounges and even an indoor pool. It became increasingly evident that this place was some sort of resort. Wilbur saw several other rooms like his isolated from the rest of the resort in what must be their way of keeping the 'privacy' in a way. Whoever constructed the resort was quite clever in exploiting the way the river bends and curves. The only way to actually access any of the other rooms was through the bridges or crossing the broad, rushing river. It was possible to try to traverse the dense jungle to get to other rooms but it would be extremely difficult.

"What is this place?" he asked.

"It used to be a private resort for those wanting to be a little more... rustic in their holidays," Arden answered, waving a large hand to their surroundings. "Unfortunately, over time, it became forgotten due to more mainstream resorts populating the areas."

"Where do you fit in to all of this?"

"Not too long ago, the owner of the resort gave me all the assets," Arden answered, pushing open a large, door. "When I arrived, I found the place in disrepair. I sought to repair it and with a healthy crew, I managed to do just that."

Beyond the door was a banquet. A long, broad table filled with all sorts of exotic foods stretched out before him. The aromas were mouthwatering and he felt his stomach rumble once more in protest to being empty. Already sitting at the table was a broad-shouldered Shane who must have taken two spaced on the bench seat as he voraciously tore into his plate which had a mountain of assorted foods on it.

As much as he was glad to see Shane... he wasn't so glad to be reminded how easily Shane could eat so much fattening foods and still look so damn good.

Shane looked up and grinned broadly. "Hey man!" he exclaimed through a mouthful of food. "Come on down and enjoy the feast!"

Unable to resist his growling stomach any longer, Wilbur hurried to the bench opposite to Shane and sat securely down with a plate in hand. He eyed the food and unfortunately, not one was in any bit healthy. Roast pork that was soaked in its own oil, lobster that was practically swimming in butter, deep-friend battered prawns that looked to be more batter than prawn and...

"Oh no..." he murmured as temptation began crawling into him.


He loved oysters.

And, much to his chagrin... it sat right there in front of him... tempting him.

He should've picked a better seat...

Shane tore his gaze away from them, his lower lip quivering as he fought against his stomach and looked for something... anything that would keep him from going for the oysters. Much to his relief, he found a salad. It had bacon bits in it, unfortunately, and some boiled eggs, deep fried chicken bits and olives but he could always pick those out.

Quickly, he scooped a large helping for himself and began digging into the lettuce, avoiding any dressing and anything else that might add unnecessary calories. He ate quietly, trying to ignore all the munching sounds that Shane made. Despite the fact that, he could still taste the saltiness of the bacon brush against his tongue and the savory smell of the chicken tickle his nostrils.

Despite filling his stomach somewhat, his hunger kept clawing at him but he still didn't go for the food. He had to maintain his image... even if it killed him.

"You are not eating," the orcan observed, sitting down beside him.

Wilbur fought off the temptation to slink away.

"Not hungry..." he murmured.

"I find that odd," Arden answered. "A fit young man like yourself should have a rather voracious appetite."

"Just... not hungry..."

"I see..." The orcan rubbed his chin slightly, a small smile on his features. "Well, in that case, I might as well inform you that the forecast states that by tomorrow, the storm will subside. I've already called the authorities and they are more than willing to come down and pick you up, returning you to your friends." The strange creature chuckled, once again covering his lips. "Though for future reference, try not to get caught in a storm."

"Not like we had a choice," Shane laughed, pointing the pincer of a half-eaten crab at Wilbur. "This idiot went off and swam away from the island." The big Italian leaned across the table with a smirk on his face. "I mean, come on. We're not all that ugly, right?"

Wilbur sat up, horrified. "What?"

How could Shane call himself 'ugly'?

The guy was perfect! A specimen that Wilbur wanted to become!

"You're lean, mean and got killer looks, dude!" Shane laughed, sitting back and crossing his arms across his impressive chest, the mounds of his pecs tensing and showing the corded fibers beneath his supple, olive skin. "Plus, you got blonde hair! Chicks dig blonde hair!"

Wilbur mentally claimed that he would rather have no hair. His blonde hair was always such high maintenance. It was all just part of his 'carefree, Adonis image'... which he utterly hated.

"Right..." he murmured. The subject needed changing... so he turned to Arden. "So... How'd you end up being an... an orcan?"

Arden chuckled - never forgetting to cover his lips - and said, "Suffice it to say that I have always been an orcan deep down even if I appeared human outwardly."

"You used to be a dude, dude?" Shane exclaimed.

Arden smiled. "Yes. I was once human."

"What changed you?" Wilbur asked warily.

"The island." The creature's black eyes locked with Wilbur's and the latter found himself suddenly paralyzed. "Just being on this island changes you. It relaxes you and eases your mind. Over time, you will change like I changed."

Alarmed, Wilbur immediately leapt to his feet. "What -?"

"This change takes many, many, many years, my friend," the orcan answered, waving him down. "As far as the authorities are concerned, I am still human. I pay my bills and my taxes and I am little more than a selfish recluse that is keeping the island resort to myself. You will not have undergone any significant unless you suddenly age a decade in a matter of hours."

That didn't comfort Wilbur. "The sooner we're off this island, the better..." he growled.

Shane, who had resumed eating, pointed over at the plate of oysters in front of Wilbur. "Hey, you gonna eat those dude?"

"Don't you care that we're slowing turning into..." Wilbur stopped himself, fully aware of the orca that had to be twice his size sitting right next to him.

Shane shrugged and grabbed a big heaping helping of oysters, shoving them down his throat without so much as a second to savor the delicate, ocean-like taste mixed with the pepper-sweet mayonnaise and the tangy zing of the lemon juice. "They way I see it, it doesn't really matter man. We're stuck. Might as well enjoy the ride! And the food!" He chewed on the oysters, making loud, sloshing sounds as he did so. "You should try these! They're good!"

Wilbur winced and shook his head. "No thanks... I'm good."

"Should you require any food," the orcan said, rising to his feet, "feel free to return here. There will always be a feast for those who visit the island." The creature turned to leave then stopped about midway. "Oh... Have you ever heard of Circe?"

"No..." Wilbur answered softly. "Why?"

"She was a witch in ancient Greek mythology," Arden answered. "She offered unwitting men a feast and they turned into pigs."

"Good thing I'm not eating then, isn't it?" Wilbur murmured.

The orcan shrugged. "It is your health. I bid you all a good night. Tomorrow, I shall come to wake you and inform you when the authorities have arrived to pick you up."

"Thanks... I guess..."

The orcan turned and left the banquet hall. The sounds of his heavy footsteps soon faded into the roar of the storm and only Shane's continuous munching was what tore the otherwise soothing, night.

Wilbur glared at his best friend. "Dude, when are you not eating?"

"Come on, man!" Shane laughed, his mouth full of food. "It's free!"

"Says you..." Wilbur murmured under his breath. He got up as well, forgetting his partially touched salad and turned to leave.

"Hey, Wil! You not gonna have anything?"


"Come on! I went all this way to save you!"

"Great job you did with that too," Wilbur snarled. He realized that it was unnecessarily venomous and Shane didn't deserve such treatment. However, he was annoyed at Shane for taking this so lightly... annoyed at himself for being so idiotic that he had lost his contact lenses... annoyed at Arden for being so damn hospitable and enigmatic.

Without a guide, he stumbled around the complex with his one good eye. He somehow managed to make it back to his assigned room and there, he flopped down onto the bed, his stomach still grumbling in protest.

He decided sleep was probably the best option and he closed his eyes, trying to drift off into blissful slumber.

Unfortunately, a different type of hunger gnawed at him.

A hunger for forgiveness.

An indiscernible amount of time later, he opened his eyes and let out a defeated sigh.

Shane didn't deserve the treatment he had given. Hell, maybe eating was just his way of coping with stress.

With a sigh, Wilbur got back up and stumbled out of his sleeping quarters. The sun had set long ago and the path was only barely illuminated by some torches. He hit a stumbled over a few things and even ran into a wall at one point but he managed to get to the door leading to the banquet hall. At least he hoped it was the banquet hall.

He pushed open the door, not really expecting to find Shane there.

It was late in the night and Shane probably went to bed.

No surprise there.

The banquet hall was empty save for the seemingly fresh assortment that sat on the table. Sweet, savory and all too mouthwatering aromas hit Shane once more like a brick wall and this time... he didn't have the strength to resist it.

"Just one bite..." he murmured.

He wandered over to the table, eyeing the collection of food hungrily. There was so many... It was now just a problem of choosing. Finally, he managed to settle his eyes on a plate of oysters. Unable to resist, he picked one up, poured some mayonnaise onto it, squeezed a wedge of lemon over the shell and then tipped it down his throat.

A soft moan escaped him as the salty taste of the oyster mixed with the zing of the mayonnaise and the tang of the lemon. His taste buds danced to the harmonious melody of a flavorsome symphony. His mind instantly went to the ocean. As he rolled the oyster meat in his mouth, he imagined the waves of the ocean lapping against the sandy beaches of Hawaii. The hit of the lemon was like the sun's delicate rays belting down on his flesh, making his entire body tingle and the mayonnaise was that little touch of heaven that was simply indescribable.

As much as he wanted to keep the taste in his mouth, he eventually had to swallow.

A tingling sensation was left in his mouth, one that made him crave for more.

His hand was already halfway to the plate when he stopped himself.

"No..." he murmured. "Can't..."

"Awww, go on, dude! It won't kill you!"

Wilbur jumped and spun towards the door. Shane swaggered over to him, looking bigger than ever as he parked himself in the seat right next to Wilbur. Without so much a second thought, he grabbed Wilbur's wrist and forced him to sit beside him.

"You must be starving," Shane said, piling food onto Wilbur's plate.

"Shane, I -"

Shane smiled at him. "Dude, we're best buds, right? You trust me, right?"

For a second, Wilbur wanted to say 'no, we're not'... but then he remembered that Shane had come to his rescue... sort of.


"So come on, eat! The last thing we want is for poor old Arden to get arrested because he wasn't being a good host."

Wilbur stared at the food in front of him and his stomach growled... He gave in and began shoveling the food into his mouth, surprised at just how hungry he was. Shane's chuckle only made him pause for the briefest of seconds before he went back into feeding himself. His stomach continuously growled for more and he was inclined to continue feeding it.

He became aware about halfway through his plate that Shane wasn't eating alongside him and his best friend's eyes were burning into the side of his head. Somehow, he managed the will to pull his head up and return Shane's stare despite having a large piece of roast pork hanging from his lips.

"What?" he mumbled though it sounded more like 'Whapht'.

Shane snorted. "Dude, you eat like a pig."

Wilbur swallowed and coughed a little, beating his chest with a fist to help the food go down. Once his throat was clear, he grinned at his friend. "You should talk! Did you see yourself just before? I'm surprised there's any food left!"

The Italian Adonis shrugged. "I think this is a new spread, dude." He leaned back and patted his pronounced abdominal muscles. "Besides, I'm stuffed."

Wilbur stared at those muscles for what seemed like an eternity. A new type of hunger began crawling into him... He wanted to taste those abs... wanted to suckle them... run his tongue along the firm, muscular ridges...

Suddenly frightened by that thought, he pulled away from the thought and returned to his eating. Shane chuckled and picked up one of the oysters, dressing it and then throwing it down his mouth.

"Mmmmhm! This is really good!" he exclaimed, picking up another and offering it to Wilbur. "Try one?"

Remembering just how much he loved oysters and how they were bad for his figure, Wilbur shook his head. "Already had one, thanks."

"But dude, you can't just stop at one."

"I can and will," he muttered, grumpily.

"Come on. Just one more. It won't kill you!" Shane pushed the oyster shell towards him but Wilbur just shied away, taking his plate with him.


"Fine, suit yourself." Shane rolled his eyes and slipped the oyster meat into his throat. Then a silly smile crossed his features. "Hey Wil..."

Wilbur glared. "Wha -"

He never got to finish.

Suddenly, Shane's lips met his own. A slick, wet, savory form slipped past his lips, brushing against his tongue and rolling in his mouth. Then Shane deftly pushed the oyster meat down Wilbur's throat, using his lips to gently and passionately push every drop of the succulent, salty-sweet meat into Wilbur's mouth. Shane pushed the meat further into Wilbur's throat, forcing the latter to quickly swallow.

Shane pulled back, a sly grin on his face. "Now that wasn't so bad, was it?"

Wilbur didn't know how to respond.

But his body did.

He immediately seized Shane and pulled him close, pulling their lips close in a hot, passionate kiss. He drove his tongue deep into Shane's mouth, lapping up every last remnant of the oyster taste from his best friend's lips. The search didn't last long but he began looking for a different type of meat... a different taste.

He wanted to taste Shane.

He pulled his friend in closer to him, feeling that hot, muscular body all over him. His hard abs press against his chest... those beautiful, bouncy pecs rubbing against his face and his lips closing around those seemingly permanently erect nipples. His mind rejected the idea but his body screamed for it. Some part of him remembered the oysters were aphrodisiacs but he didn't care.

Suddenly, Shane pulled away and grinned. "Dude, you have no idea how long I've wanted to do that."


His best friend grinned at him, giving him a tiny peck on the cheek. "You are so clueless."

Wilbur pushed Shane away slightly. "Whoa... Wait... so you're gay!?"

Shane chuckled and kissed him once more, Wilbur's resistances melting.

Question answered...

For a second, Wilbur's thoughts went wild... but then he decided, 'What the hell?' and just ran his hands all over Shane's massive chest, relishing the touch of his smooth skin augmented by the hard muscles beneath against his flesh. Suddenly, the bathrobe was too stifling and Wilbur fumbled to pull it off. He didn't have to bother as Shane's expert hands slid down his chest and gently pulled the robe away.

Shane pulled back for a second, grinning at him lewdly. "You like oysters, right?"

"Love them..." Wilbur whimpered.

His best friend reached over, prepared a quick oyster and dipped it into his mouth. This time, Wilbur could read Shane's mind and the two met halfway in a passionate kiss. They slipped the oyster between their mouths, not really caring about the taste of the delicate aphrodisiac but more about the taste of the other man.

Wilbur's rock-hard cock throbbed against Shane's abs, spewing pre all over those beautiful muscles. Gently, he reached down and hooking the edge of Shane's shorts in a finger, deftly pulling them off. The feel of his friend's cock against his own drove him wild.

Eventually, Wilbur swallowed the oyster and they laid back against the bench, just watching one another with a dreamy expression on their faces. Wilbur found himself lost in Shane's dark eyes. He never noticed when Shane dove down for another kiss. Lost in the passion, Wilbur reached behind Shane's head, seizing that thick lock of black hair -

... and pulling it free...

Blinking, he saw the clump of black hair in his hand, eyes wide.

"Mmrf... Shane...!"

His best friend pulled away, moaning in pleasure. Shane's entire body was shaking. With every tremor, the hairs all over his body began to drop off. To replace them, his flesh began to smoothen and darken. This olive skin became darker and lost their tanned edge, instead becoming pitch black.

The veins all over his body began to pulse and pop. They started at his fingertips, each vein curling around his fingers, forcing them to grow and bulge into huge sausages. They crawled to the back of his hand, increasing their width and slowly worked their way up his forearms. Muscles bulked and bulged as he squirmed with a look of absolute delight on his face as the veins crossed his biceps, bulging them to the size of watermelons while also lengthening his arms to match his proportions.

They swerved onto his shoulders, ballooning them to become nice, firm forms where each iron-like fiber was visible even under the jet-black flesh. His pecs became even bigger and more meaty as the veins crisscrossed them. As the pulsing blood vessels met just at the centre of his chest, his flesh over his torso turned a pure white that formed a stark contrast against the rest of his body. The joined veins doubled in power as they quickly surged down his abs, pushing each one to become like a thick, firm bun freshly baked out of the oven.

Then crawled down to his groin and Wilbur's eyes widened. Some part of him was disappointed when they quickly swerved away and worked their way down Shane's thighs, enlarging the already monstrous, meaty muscles to epic proportions. The light caught the contours of his muscles just right to the point where they were perfect in every way despite being covered in black skin. Even though they were out of sight, Wilbur imagined the veins crawling all over Shane's calves, bulging them out and increasing the size of his feet.

"Oooh... So good!" Shane shouted, arching his head back. All his thick, black hair fell out and his face took on a more round appearance. His lips broadened, stretching to the sides of his face as his facial structure became more and more like that orcan's, Arden.

Suddenly realizing what was happening, Wilbur gave out a startled scream and tried to pull away.


Shane pinned him to the bench with his much greater weight, massive hands to the sides of Wilbur's head. Shane's big, grinning orcan features quickly came into shape, his nose flattening and becoming slits against his smooth, gentle features while a long, supple tongue slid out of his broad beak, panting. His face took on the same black colorings as the rest of his body with two white spots appearing just above his eyes and under his strong jaw.

"Aww... You're not gonna leave me alone with this are ya, man?" Shane panted, sliding aside slightly and showing Wilbur his throbbing cock.

The veins finally worked their way up to that pulsing member. Wilbur watched, utterly hypnotized as the thick, pulsing cock obtained a black coloring and began pushing closer and closer to him, pushing well past 12 inches and settling at a titanic 14 inch monster! The thick, mushroom head was dripping precum all over Wilbur's chin!

"Sh - Sh - Shane!" Wilbur stammered. "Do you even know -?"

"You gotta relax, bud!" the newly formed orcan laughed, picking up a handful of oysters in his hand. With his hand being so damned big, it was easy to do so. He could easily fit twenty oysters in that huge paw! "Have some more oysters!"

"No -!"

For the second time, Shane interrupted him by pouring a huge amount of oyster meat down Wilbur's throat. More than half just dropped all over Wilbur's face and others poured down the side of his full mouth. He choked... but that all stopped when Shane kissed him tenderly with that long, agile tongue, pushing all that oyster meat down his throat.

Wilbur got lost in the overwhelming taste of not only the oysters but also his best friend... That beautiful, hunky orcan... His hands slipped around Shane's body... sliding over the smooth flesh so easily and following the hard contours of his body. His mind began to relax and... and...

Wilbur closed his eyes as his cock throbbed for release and need. The oyster meat splashed down into his stomach which instantly began emitting a loud, satisfied growl. He felt his entire body shake and shudder and he grinned into Shane's lovely, broad, orcan beak as he knew exactly what was happening. He felt his belly bulge, pushing outwards and pressing hard against Shane's hard abs.

No worry about keeping up his image filled his mind...

He relaxed... he let himself be himself for once in his life...

And he loved it!

He arched his back, moaning in absolutely pleasure as his entire body was rocked with violent but pleasurable tremors. Each shake caused him to thrust his cock against Shane's massive, sculpted chest. His heart pumped hard in his chest and with each beat, he felt himself grow. His fingertips grew longer and thicker, his forearms bulged with newfound strength. As he rolled his stretching arms over Shane's body, he felt his biceps and shoulders grow.

It felt like he was bursting from that old, stuffy image and the real Wilbur was coming out!

He loved it!

Every fiber of his being screamed for more!

He suddenly felt a hot, wet tip press up against his ass and for a second, he clenched down hard, blocking the intruder. Then Shane broke their kiss, grinning at him.

"Come on, bud... Relax. Just let it out."

Wilbur moaned as the blinding pleasure rocketed up his chest, bulging out his pecs, firming them up to rival Shane's. He instinctively loosened his ass muscles and Shane took that as a sign. He arched his back and moaned as Shane entered him. There was no pain... just that overwhelming sensation of coming so close to true and absolute freedom!

He wanted to get rid of the old Wilbur... He wanted to be comfortable in his own skin for once!

To be who he really was!

"Yes!" he cried, the shudders in his body taking him to grinding down against Shane's gargantuan cock. His spine stretched upwards, taking him up to level with the massive bull orcan above him. His thick, muscular arms wrapped around Shane's huge back, pushing his pronounced belly against Shane's abs, compressing his engorged cock against the contrasting sensations of hard and soft.

He felt his legs twitching as they bulged and built up in muscle. His calves quivered with delight and his feet felt like he had removed them from a particularly cramped pair of runners. His entire body obtained the same, glossy, black and white colorings as Shane. He had to raise his groin a little as a thick, muscular tail burst out from above his firm, bubble but, lashing out in pure ecstasy.

Shane thrust hard into his ass, each thrust bringing Wilbur closer and closer to that true freedom that he craved and yearned. He could see the future... see what he could become and he loved it! Someone comfortable in his own flesh even if he was different... someone who didn't need to worry about what he ate or how he appeared to everyone else...

... just him...

... and Shane...

"Oh god!" he cried as the pleasurable tremors took his face. "Shane... fuck..."

Shane kissed him... and he kissed Shane back. His lips broadened with each, wet slurp they shared, broadening to accommodate the orcan's massive beak. He felt Shane rub his head, completely free of hair. He loved to feeling of their bare flesh touching one another. Wilbur blinked a few times and felt the one remaining contact lens he had pop off his eye as his face took all new contours.

Good riddance...

Shane's thrust became for feverish... pushing Wilbur closer... and closer... and closer to that final break for freedom! Wilbur was nearing tears as he was so close!

The tremors left most of his body and just focused around one part of his body... his cock.

His massive prick twitched and grew, sliding upwards in the compressed space between his rounded belly and Shane's rock-hard abs. The huge, 15 inch member reached the peak of its transformation just over his pecs, throbbing for release!

Shane suddenly threw back his head and slammed hard into him, emitting a joyous cry!

At the same time, Wilbur arched his back and felt all that pleasure, all that lust and joy accumulate around the tip of his cock, just on the verge of release. He let out a cry of frustration until he felt the old Wilbur, everything that he had been, that shallow, grumpy, anal, joyless shell pool into his balls and erupt up the length of his cock!

In one, blissful, colossal release, his cock was hit by violent spasms and shot an enormous flood of his semen all over him and Shane. Shane's cock filled him, pumping his semen deep into Wilbur's ass. The latter, left panting and twitching as his cock continued to spasm, moaned in delight as he rubbed his belly, loving the feel of Shane's cum slowly causing him to inflate slightly more.

Unconsciousness began battering down at his resistances and he was inclined to let it. Before he drifted off into beautiful slumber, he marveled at the freedom he felt... how even if he was in such an alien body... he felt so right... Hell, he even loved the belly he got... it was damn sexy...

He felt Shane's tongue brush up against his lips and he opened his newly formed beak to let their tongue slide over one another before they dropped off to sleep. Shane cut the kiss short as he nestled in against Wilbur, holding the other orcan tightly.

"I love you, man..."


Arden waited on the beach for the 'authorities' to arrive.

The storm had passed as it always did and he simply stood on the beach, watching the waves calmly lap against his bare feet. It had been a long while since he had gotten any visitors and he did hope that these two would stay a little longer than the last pair the true owner of the island had sent his way. One day, those two would end up getting their own little uncharted island to live happily with one another but hopefully, Arden could have some entertainment before then.

There was only so much masturbation could offer a virile male like himself.

As if on cue, he saw a speedboat zooming towards him just from the horizon.

It took another good twenty minutes before the boat reached the pier and its pilot dropped anchor. There was a soft splat as the island's owner performed a delicate swan dive into the ocean and approached Arden.

As per her usual entrance, she emerged from the ocean waves, completely topless.

"Did you like the two I sent your way?" she asked, grinning at him broadly.

"I haven't had the opportunity to properly greet them yet," Arden answered with a gentle smile.

"Aww, and you usually go for the 'abduct and fuck' method," she said, wrapped her arms around him and winking. "What changed this time?"

"The fact that one of them seemed quite resistant while the other was very accepting."

The owner pulled away and rolled her eyes. "Yeah... Wilbur was a bit tough to convert." She smirked and winked at him. "So what cock-and-bull story did you feed them this time? Cursed island? Lost city of Atlantis?"

"Mysterious, benefactor giving me the island and the island transforming me once I let my guard down."

She threw her head back and laughed. "Ha! That's got to be the closest to the truth you've ever gotten! Did you tell them about the food?"

"I actually mentioned your old legend."

Circe shook her head and giggled. "Oh, you..." She swatted his arm. "You know, I don't understand why Jason and the rest of the crew of the Argonaut didn't stay. I mean, I gave them everything! Food, lodgings and hot, man cock all the time!"

"I think they wanted to come back," Arden chuckled, following his usual manner and covering his lips. "It's why you had to move here, right? Too many men clamoring at your doorstep to be turned into the animals they really are and for hot, man-on-man sex?"

Circe crossed her arms and gazed out into the distance. "Yes... that was a pity. I liked that island." She turned to him with another of her sly smirks. "But I've learned my lesson. No more senseless advertising using heroic figures from the past. Now, it's just good old manipulation!"

Arden laughed just as he heard some bushes ruffle behind him.

When he turned, he spied the two newly made orcans striding towards him, fully naked and still dripping with the remnants of another love making session. He was a little surprised to see one of them have a pronounced gut. Definitely a muscle-gut sort of fellow. The little glasses were also an added surprise.

"Samantha!?" one of the orcans exclaimed.

Circe stepped up and grinned. "Nice to see you two have gotten used to your new bodies!" She bowed towards them both.

"Well boys, let me reintroduce myself. My name is Circe and welcome to my island."

Reaper Graesham Campaign: Fourth Interlude

**Interlude: Buried** _"It's funny, when you write music, people generally reach down and look for a deep emotion that they've buried somewhere in their past. But if you dig deep enough... you're bound to come out the other side. What then?"_ ...

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Reaper Graesham Campaign: Episode 4

**Episode 4: From the Ground Up** _"You know all those people who are afraid of suddenly waking up in a coffin after they are buried alive or something? Well let me tell you something, folks: that isn't the worst thing that could happen. The worst...

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Up Periscope

**Up Periscope** The _USS Undertide._ It was one of the US Navy's oldest and finest submarines. Refitted over and over against since the Second World War, the _Undertide_ was one of those subs that had survive Pearl Harbor, survived the Gulf War,...

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