Reaper Graesham Campaign: Fourth Interlude

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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#9 of Reaper 2

Interlude: Buried

"It's funny, when you write music, people generally reach down and look for a deep emotion that they've buried somewhere in their past. But if you dig deep enough... you're bound to come out the other side. What then?"

Wendy Chi

_World-renowned Musician from her book '_Becoming MUTE'

On Solar Winds


So just a quick recap.

After Jacob had left to carry Rex out, the rest of the team sort of went to be with their thoughts for a while. Max busied himself with helping any of the injured that came in from Jacob's expedition. Norton and Rocky decided to have a little meeting between them. Joanna needed some air and went out on Behemoth to look for any more survivors and Kerry...

... well you know what happened with Kerry.

_Everyone_knew what happened with Kerry.

I decided that I could help Bill with sorting out if any of the survivors were plagued. Leo looked a little lost without his Alpha so I recruited him to help as well.

I helped process the people using the weird cage-like machines that Eden had built to Bill's specifications. I took their blood and handed them to Bill to analyse. The wolf was pretty quick and Myron was a big help too. The otter was the one who actually worked the machines while Bill ran the data.

It was pretty ingenious how they both devised a way to check the similarities between the DNA of the infected and the to-be-checked. They sorted everyone according to their family trees to eliminate those similarities and then checked for any mutations caused by the Plague. Apparently, it cut their work in half because instead of checking every strand of DNA, all they had to do was make a side-by-side comparison with the genetic material that was inherited, check for differences and then run those differences against infected DNA.

If that was clean, then they just had to check the rest of the DNA.

It sped things up. Something about the algorithm taking less time to do side-by-side comparisons.

This helped us also map out the families so we ended up with a total of 114 families... at least in theory.

Now despite the fact that Bill was filtering cheats to Jacob as part of some weird competition the latter was having with Rex, we managed to get through everyone within two hours or so.

What we didn't expect to see was 115 families by the end of the process.

We both ran through the numbers again...

... and found the 'Reaper/Nebula tree'.

Bill went through the MODD databanks...

... and wouldn't you know it?

Rebecca Reaper was also Rebecca Nebula...

Jacob and Rex shared the same mother.

They were half-brothers!

Oh and the best thing?

Jacob was buried deep in Rex!


"You must be joking," Jacob chuckled faintly, still tilting his head backwards awkwardly on the couch to look at us. There was a whole lot of cum on his chest... Rex had been quite... messy. "There's no way! I don't have a brother!"

"Yeah, that isn't funny," Rex added with a soft chuckle. There was a bright smile on his muzzle and I imagined that would be what Jacob would look like if he smiled genuinely more often. The slightly smaller wolf bent over and nibbled at Jacob's ears, causing the latter and chortle.

"The data does not lie," Bill answered, stepping up beside me. He didn't seem at all that perturbed that Jacob and Rex were naked in front of him with evidence of their lovemaking clearly in sight. "Reaper, your mother, Rebecca, is also Rex's mother by the same name."

Both the wolves on the couch froze... They suddenly held each other at arm's length.

"Your mother's name is 'Rebecca'!?" they exclaimed at the same time.

For a second... they just stared at each other... stunned.

"Why didn't you tell me!?" they shouted in unison. "Stop copying me!"

At exactly the same time, they flattened their ears and growled at one another. "Quit it!"


If they weren't brothers before, they surely are now...

I think they were both realising just how similar they were... I mean, they did share the same eyes. Rex wasn't as furry as Jacob but their builds were generally the same. Their facial structure was about the same as well even if their fur colour was different. The fact that they also had a sort of rivalry told me that they were also psychologically brothers.

Now, you know I'm gay, right?

And yes, I often deny it to maintain my image in public and yes, I'm not myself often enough. I'm working on it, really I am.

But one of the things I've always wanted was to have a brother that understood me... A brother who would accept me for being gay... My perverted mind took that a little further and made me wish I had a gay brother who I would occasionally 'release my sexual tensions' with.

I don't know what it is about incest that just gets me... Maybe it's the evolution from brotherly love to something more.... but looking at Jacob and Rex now...


... I'm really jealous.

"Your mother's fur colour..." Jacob demanded. "Three... two... one..."

"Brown!" they shouted at the same instant.

Their eyes widened and I could sense the panic rising inside both of them.

Not good...

"Eye colour..." Rex began. "Three... two... one...!"

"Sapphire blue!"

Their voices were both rising to an unusually high pitch.


Suddenly, I wasn't very jealous anymore. I stepped aside away from the doorway... I had a feeling one of them would be needing it soon.

"My mother had a scar on her left shoulder," Jacob began.

"...shaped like a five pointed star..." Rex squeaked.

Jacob's jaw dropped. "Oh shit... You are my -"


Now I love knots. It's why I love canines, wolves to be precise. I know what it's like to be tied to a big, muscular, hunky wolf like Jacob. I've had that experience many times both in his normal form and in his Brand Form.

But loving knots... I know how painful it is to force yourself out of it...

... and when Rex suddenly somehow managed to yank himself off Jacob's cock... I felt my ass clench... and my innards give a cry of sympathy.

Rex shot out of the room, bowling poor Bill completely over and zooming down the hallway, completely naked, cum dripping off his body and Jacob's semen trailing out of his abused ass...

I never saw a guy move so fast in my life...

Jacob groaned and hobbled up to the doorway, watching Rex disappear.

"You alright?" I asked, bending down and helping a disoriented Bill up. The genius wolf muttered something that sounded like, 'Did I just get hit by a rocket?'

"You know... I always thought pulling out of a being tied forcefully would hurt the guy you're tied to..." Jacob murmured, massaging his still erect cock a little. "Surprisingly... That hurt... Remind me never to let anyone do that again."

"Alright..." I chuckled but I kept my worried gaze at him even if I still felt horribly jealous.

I mean... Why can't I have a brother that's as hot and famous as Rex?

Seriously, Jacob gets all the guys. He got Leo and now he's got Rex!

"I should probably go catch up with him..." Jacob grunted.


I placed a paw on his chest and pushed him back. "You're probably the last person he wants to see right now, Jay."

He gave me a confounded look. "What? Why? I am his brother, right?"

"And that is why he ran off," I answered, heading after Rex. "Let me go talk to him. You get dressed and we'll meet you in your room."

Jacob looked a little dubious but agreed. He offered if Bill wanted to help him 'take care of this' - pointing at his cock - but Bill just said he had to go see Max and make sure he didn't have a concussion without so much a blush.

It wasn't really that hard to find Rex.

Seriously, he left a trail of cum.

Thankfully, he didn't cross the main crowd again. Their opinion of him didn't need to get any lower.

Rex was crouched in one of the 'alleyways' of Eden. A small pathway between two of the corridors that was only partially illuminated. I approached him quietly, trying not to make much noise.

Thankfully, when Christy had outfitted me, she didn't give me any loose, flapping bits or any accessories that would cause that much noise. A black sleeveless shirt hugged my chest nicely, showing off my trim muscles. There was a brown, leather strap that crossed my back and chest in an 'X' formation that was attached to a brown backpack on my back. My belt was attached to several harnesses that criss-crossed my thighs and calves over the denim pants I wore with the fiery design on the cuffs. Usually, my chakrams would be hanging from where the leather harnesses crossed my shoulders but since I lost them in the mines, it was left blank.

I guess I'll have to ask Max for a replacement pair just like Kerry would need to ask for replacement spears.

I peeked around the corner...

... and actually heard Rex sob.

Wow... He was crying.

I really questioned what he had to cry about. I mean, he just found out he had a brother! And fucked him no less!

That should be a joyous occasion!

I tapped the metal wall with my knuckles. "Knock-knock."

Rex's ears flicked upwards and he spun towards me, tears evident on his cheeks. "Go away!"

"Not going to happen," I answered, coming into full view and approaching him slowly. Like a scared animal, he began backpedalling away. "Look Rex, I just want to talk."

"There's nothing to talk about!" Rex snapped back. "I'm a goddamn monster!"

"A monster?" I repeated.

Rex clutched the sides of his head, his claws digging into his flesh. "Not only am I a fucking queer but my own brother fucked me!"

"To be fair, he's just your half-brother," I said.

He threw his head back and howled in frustration. Yeah... I'm not really good at this.

Joanna can give rousing speeches that make people believe in her and Jacob can insult a person to the point where they end up realising he's right.


I'm just a closet gay.

What do I know about leading or helping people?

"First of all," I began, "there's nothing wrong with being gay."

"For you maybe," Rex growled. "But for me..." He slammed the back of his head against the wall. "I can just see the headlines now... 'Rex Nebula: the First Gay Elemental Lord'. Bet they'll make all sorts of jokes about how I 'twinkle'."

"Don't you think you're being a little cynical?" I offered. "Most people won't go to that much trouble."

"For anyone else maybe." Rex buried his muzzle into his paws. "But I'm a goddamn Elemental Lord! I'm supposed to be a role model for kids! People are meant to look up to me!" He pulled one paw from his face and made wild gestures around him. "Let's not forget I just called a Purge that everyone hates me for... Now they've got this as further ammunition!"

I've got to admit... I was really seeing his point.

The public had a nasty habit remembering all your misdeeds and flaws and forgetting all the good you've done.

Hell, they'll hate you if you're too good at something too.

"Well... No one has to know..." I offered.

"You mean like Jake won't stand up on top of the tallest mountain and shout, 'hey everyone, Rex Nebula is my half-brother and I stuck my cock up his ass!'."

Okay... I'll admit that was well within Jacob's capabilities...

That... and blackmailing Rex with this for all eternity...

But... you know what...?

"Don't make the same mistake I made, Rex," I said softly. "I've known I was gay from when I was fourteen. I was openly gay at that point... but when I went to the big city, where my 'image' was more important than who I was... I turned into a downright ass to all gays. I became an antigay activist in an attempt to fool everyone into thinking I really wasn't 'one of those guys'.

"And you know what...? My life totally sucks..." I smiled slightly. "At least until I met Jacob and was exposed to a degree of freedom."

I reached over and patted his shoulder. He flinched away for the first few seconds but then he relaxed. "Jacob opens doors for guys like us, Rex. I was an idiot and didn't step all the way through. I'm still being a coward. Don't make the same mistake I did."

The Elemental Lord sighed and closed his eyes... one last tear rolling down his cheek.

"Okay... I guess you're right..." He regarded me with the same blue eyes Jacob had... only his were so much softer and Jacob's always had this laser-like intensity to them. "But what do I do about the fact that... that..." He choked a little and in the smallest whisper, said, "... I love Jake..."

I couldn't help it.

I threw my head back and laughed.

"Seriously?" I giggled. "You love him?"

Rex growled at me so I stopped giggling.

"Okay, okay," I said, waving my paws at him. "Think about this rationally. You just figured out you were gay and now you're ready to love? That may work in movies and romantic novels but let's face it, you go down that path and you'll never know what real love is."

"And I suppose you're the expert."

I leaned against the wall beside him and sighed softly. "I have some expertise..." I gazed up at the ceiling as I recalled those terrible memories. "Before I left my hometown to head to the city, I had a boyfriend. A big wolf just like you and Jacob. Little tubby but I didn't mind. He was sweet... caring... and to me... he meant the world.

"When I headed off to the city, I did it so that I could get enough money to buy us a house together and raise some kids." I chuckled and rested my head on my paws. "You know... We actually managed to convince his sister to be a surrogate mother for our pups?"

"Really?" Rex replied, clearly amazing. "Do you think we can get someone to have our pups?"

I laughed and gave him a dry smile. "Rex, come on. You've already got 'gay' going against you. You wanna add 'brothers' to the list too?"

Rex shook his head somberly. "I don't know... but... continue."

I resumed my position of staring at the distant ceiling. "Anyway... we had our whole future planned out... Live together, raise a family... have sex all the time... grow old together..." I chuckled. "We were actually going to let our kids grow up as they wanted, gay or not. If they were painfully straight and hated us, though, we planned to seduce them just to 'open' their minds.

"Terrible, I know," I giggled. "But we had a plan... Except... We didn't plan on me turning on him..." I lost my mirth as I fought back the tears. "He came to the city to surprise me... Wanted to be with me since he missed me... Came to work..."

"No..." Rex gasped. "You didn't..."

I nodded slowly. "I did... In front of everyone... I told him to get out... Told him that I didn't know him... Called him a 'faggot', 'cocksucker' and an 'abomination'. I broke his heart... right there and then in front of everyone. When I tried to apologise later, he wouldn't take my calls. I went to his sister but she kicked me out and warned me never to approach him again or I'll live to regret it."

I sighed a long, pained sigh. "It was then that I knew what true love was... Love hurts... Love only occurs when you realise what you are without the object of your desires... When, after you've lost that special someone and they reject you... you're still pining for them... waiting on the wings in the scant hope that they'll turn to you instead."

I gave him a faint smile. "He's married now, you know."

Rex looked a little shocked. "Uh... Aren't you just... like... twenty-one...?"

I nodded in reply. "Yeah... He's twenty-two... Twenty-three in two months. You can say he was a little young to get married... and I was a little young back then to commit to such a relationship... but I realise now that we were in love... And even now, I'm hoping one day, he'd come to me and tell me that he loves me too and he wants to be with me."


I expected to feel a bit of pain from retelling my story...

... I didn't expect to feel a lot of pain.

Suddenly, I became aware of that emptiness in my heart that I had attempted to fill with multiple guys. I had hoped to find a substitute... someone that I could love and love me back... But even Jacob didn't fit that criteria.

It was just meaningless sex and even after going through Pollenburn with him... Jacob wasn't the one.

No one else could be.

"That's just bullshit."

I started and turned to face Rex... I was surprised at the intensity of his eyes... They reminded me of Jacob's stare.

"If you're going to spend the rest of your life waiting for someone who can't possibly be with you, then you're going to die a withered, lonely old man. Move on. In fact..." Rex stood up, still naked, still rock-hard. "... You know what? I'm going to move on too. I've been living with the expectations of everyone else for long enough.

"I'm tired of trying to fit myself according to what everyone else thinks I should be. From now on, I'm doing things my way and damn anyone who gets in my way!" He clenched his fists and puffed out his chest. "Jacob may be my half-brother but right now, I have the goddamn hots for him and I want him to be mine even if he proposed to Leo."

That startled me.

"Jacob proposed to Leo?"

Rex crossed his arms and grinned. "Yeah. But it's not going to last." He hiked a thumb at his own chest. "Because I am going to sweep Jacob off his feet with my Four Stage Plan!"

I gave him a dubious look. "You're what now?"

"My Four Stage Plan," he answered, lifting a finger. "Stage one: I become his friend. Stage two" - he lifted another finger - "I become his best friend." He then lifted a third finger. "Stage three: I become his bed friend. And Stage four..." He formed a fist and pumped it into the air. "I become his boyfriend! Booya!"

You really have to admire his spirit...

"How often has that worked for you?" I asked, unable to keep the small smile from creeping onto my muzzle.

Rex grinned at me sheepishly, adding a blush for good measure. "Not often, I'll admit. Some people will say it's a big mistake to work up from 'best friend' because you can get stuck there." He folded his arms. In the scant light with his cock erect like that - how did he keep it pumped after having just orgasmed!? - he looked very heroic. "But I'm serious about me and Jake. I want to make this work. Even if..."

He choked a little and had to swallow a little. "Even if he doesn't choose me, I still want to be his best friend and his brother." He placed a paw over his heart. "Ever since my mom gave herself up for my Seal... to make me stronger... I've always been alone. Never had anyone to call my family... But now..."

His sparkling, sapphire eyes gazed upwards towards the ceiling.

The Elemental Lord stared straight ahead and beat his chest with one fist. "Alright! Here I go!" He flashed me a grin. "Wish me luck!"

"Good luck," I laughed. His energy was infectious and I felt that I could have stormed up to Aiden and told him I still loved him. I had more control than that, though. I wasn't going to ruin Aiden's happiness for my own...

And besides, I may die a withered, lonely, old man but you know what?

At the very least, I can fill my days with hot, steaming, man-on-man sex.

I know it may sound clichéd but who knew? One of those random one-night-stands might just end up being my replacement for Aiden...

Rex bolted out of view and I couldn't help but chuckle at the fact he seemed to forget he was still in his birthday suit.

"Oh! Hi Kerry!"

If my sanity could shatter like glass... it just did.

I scrambled to my feet and hurried after Rex.

Sure enough, there he stood, naked, cock-erect and grinning like an idiot - a happy idiot, not a clueless one - in front of Kerry who just stared at him, wide-eyed.

"Uh... Hi Rex..." she began. "What... What are you up to...?"

_Really_bad question to ask a horny wolf...

"I just found out that Jake and I are related!" Rex exclaimed, his tail wagging excitedly. "We're half-brothers!"

Kerry looked like she had been slapped. "Really?"

"Yep! Now I'm going let him fuck me silly to celebrate! Then I'm going to woo him so we can be boyfriends and get married someday!"

Oh god... what have I created...?

Kerry had this look like someone had grabbed her face and twisted it to the right. She was inclining her head and her left eye was twitching while her jaw hung half-open, hanging slightly to her right.

"Oh," Rex said, placing a paw on her shoulder. "Sorry I wasted your time with that stupid coffee thing. Guess we really weren't that compatible, huh? What with me being gay and all." The Starlord bent down to her and quickly pecked her cheek.

I could almost hear the gears in Kerry's head grinding to a halt.

"Just a little extra 'sorry' for screwing around with you," Rex said with a charming wink. Then he turned and hurried down the hallway, waving at us. "See ya later! I'm going to go make sweet love to my brother!"

I think a blood vessel ruptured somewhere in my nose... I could have sworn I was starting to have a nosebleed. I slinked over to Kerry and stood beside her, waiting for her response. After about a minute, I waved a paw over her face. She didn't even blink. I poked her shoulder. She didn't twitch.

Wow... Rex broke Kerry...

"So... What's it like being kissed by a gay man?" I offered.

That seemed to snap her out of her thoughts. She shook her head and said, "Surprisingly arousing..."


Okay... I think Kerry broke me...

"But not as arousing at the thought of two brothers going at it..." Kerry whined, covered her eyes. "Oh god... I can't believe I was actually fantasising about them..."

I was on the very of saying, 'Girl, join the club.'

"Rex wasn't very subtle about his intentions," I offered.

"Still..." she sighed, shaking her head. "I guess... I guess I can understand now why he's been a little... off-putting. He's had a lot bottled up..." She turned her gaze towards me, a critical stare in her eyes. "You didn't have anything to do with his conversion, did you?"

I lifted my paws up to show that they were clean. "No way. I'm fully clothed." I lowered my paws and blushed a little. "Though... I guess I sort of did... But I told him not to go down that path. I told him that he can't possibly love his own brother because they just met!"

I heard Kerry sigh as she turned in the direction that Rex left. "I don't know, Taylor... Love is pretty weird... I mean... Think about it... The two of them have suffered a lot... Jacob has been kidnapped, mentally conditioned, experimented on and then lived the rest of his life as a fugitive doing some pretty horrible things but at the same time, saving people...

"Then there's Rex whose mother sacrificed herself to become his Seal only to be ridiculed and belittled by not only his peers but the entire world. He's the worst of the best. He's struggled all his life to become someone respectable and constantly fails...

"Who's to say that maybe these two damaged souls can't be the together?"

I was a little taken aback. "Are you actually agreeing with Rex's idea of being Jacob's boyfriend and get married to his own brother!?

Kerry smirked. "They're only half-brothers so that means it's only _half-_incestuous." She shook her head with another sigh. "The future is uncertain, I guess... None of us could have expected anything like this to happen... I even broke down a little after listening to all the things happening here..." Her eyes turned to me.

"Besides, don't tell me you don't get aroused at the idea that they're having incestuous sex."

"Sex, yes," I admitted, "but boyfriends let alone getting married...?"

The doe in front of me sniggered. "Tayl... Our history is rife with incestuous love. If you study 'holy texts' enough, you'll note that the 'first male and female' somehow started the population of the world from just them and their children. Royal families have been inbreeding for centuries to 'keep their blood pure'. I'm willing to wager that Leo's tribe has had some incestuous relationships as well."

Mmmm... and Leo is hot...

If he's the product of incest... Damn, who am I to argue?

"I suppose..." I murmured with a light blush on my cheeks. "So... I guess you're not mad at Rex anymore?"

Kerry shook her head. "I'm still mad. Calling a Purge has nothing to do with his relationships. That is still unforgivable..." Her eyes saddened. "It seems to me that everyone has given up on these people... That having the Plague is a death sentence. I'm not one to give up so easily... There has to be a cure... A way to solve this problem."

Seeing all these people suffering wasn't something I liked to watch. When I took the samples from people one by one, I saw the fear in their eyes, the anxiety over whether or not they had the Plague. All of them looked battered, beaten... and hopeless... Not even the safety of Eden seemed to encourage them.

But at least they were willing to fight to some degree... I mean, they did beat up Rex a bit...

But I think they were just lashing out... like Kerry was.

"I don't suppose you have a plan then?"

Kerry frowned and bit the edge of her thumb slightly. I recognised the act as a nervous habit she reserved for really stressful situations. I will admit, with an impending Purge coming, I was surprised everyone was a little calm. Well, Jacob was probably praising the gods for playing a hand at causing wanton destruction. Everyone seemed to be taking what little ray of hope they could before the big bang.

"Rocky said there's a fifteen minute window before the Purge is called where we can stop it. We probably should exploit that. But there's nothing stopping people from calling another Purge so we have to find the cause for the Plague."

She turned in the opposite direction to where Rex vanished, towards the atrium. "We've heard Norton and Rocky's testimony... but there was one other person who was there during Rose Earthsire's fall. Well... two... Gabriel and Father Belford..."

That's right... They should know something... or at least have an opinion about what to do.

I wouldn't trust Gabriel though...

Just as long as they didn't suggest we all 'bow our heads and pray for repentance'...

"I'll go ask Belford what he knows," Kerry reported, turning away from me but resting a hand on my shoulder. "Do me a favour, Tayl... Watch over both Jacob and Rex for me..."


I regarded her with a mix of confusion and worry.

As if reading my thoughts, she said, "Both of them are getting themselves into an unstable relationship. Leo is after Jacob... Rex is after Jacob... but we don't know what Jacob wants... I'm afraid that if something happens to make him choose between the two... he's going to have to do a lot of growing up really fast.

"And I don't think he's quite capable of 'emotional puberty' yet," she added with a chuckle. "Not when his solution to every problem is 'burn everything'."

I saw her point... Jacob could be seen as mature by many... but that was only because he had such a detached and impartial view on the world that was only a shield against the emotions that were no doubt building inside him. I saw sparks of that emotion here and there... A 'spark of Rex' I guess... but at the moment... it was a dim twinkle in a sea of emptiness...

If he was forced to make a difficult emotional choice... I questioned whether or not he'd be capable of doing that...

"I'll try my best," I answered. I chuckled a little and added, "I guess the choice of love is like a choice between life and death, isn't it? You've got to eventually make a choice between one or the other because no matter what..."

"One life is going to end," Kerry finished for me, "... and a new one will begin." She smiled at me, sliding her hand off. "I can only hope that when Jacob makes that choice, it'll be with his other half... and not a cold substitute."

Okay... ouch...

I never told Kerry about my past... Hell, most of my friends only new a little about me.

There was no way she could have guessed how I became who I am... By the look in her eyes, she was still talking about Jacob... but still... It hurt realising that this lesson could very well apply to me as well.

Maybe... it was time I stopped pining for something that I couldn't have...

Remember what I had lost... but stop trying to recover it...

"Besides," Kerry chuckled, breaking me out of my revere. "I'm willing to wager you're already late for your appointment."

"Appointment?" I repeated.

She giggled and swaggered away. "Men. You're so predictable. Go on, Tayl. Join in Jacob and Rex's first 'bonding' experience as real brothers."

I hadn't even thought about joining them...

... but now...

Damn you Kerry!

I sighed and tried to force my hormones down. I stood in the hallway for about a minute after Kerry had gone deciding whether or not I'd 'conveniently' interrupt Jacob and Rex's session. In the end, I guess since Kerry effectively charged me with taking care of them... I should 'take care' of them.


That sounded good.

At least to my head... and my cock...

I walked slowly down the hallway towards Jacob's room, trying not to seem too eager. Of course, images of those two, muscular wolves' bodies rolling, writhing and meshed into one another kept invading my thoughts, making me hurry.

Unlike Rex's room which was on the same level as the atrium - really considered a 'guest' room, I guess - Jacob's room was located near the top of Eden. We had all picked our rooms in the week between the end of the Gale's Storm and our departure from Pollenburn. I had picked one pretty close to the entrance on the third floor.

I had a view of the training room. Nothing like watching Jacob and Leo sparring in the morning to really get one's day going. Joanna was on the atrium level. I guess she wanted to be one of the ones to greet any newcomers first. Kerry had her room at the back of Eden, near the Animus' wings. Max naturally had his near the heart of Eden, at the core of the Animus. Leo had his just above and below Jacob's which rested about where a normal person's collarbone would be.

That said, I had to go up quite a few levels to get to Jacob's living quarters.

When I got there, however, I was surprised to find Rex standing stiffly in front of the door, his lips quivering. As I approached, I saw him raise a fist as if to knock and then quickly bring it back down.

Wow... He's nervous.

I slinked up next to him, surprisingly undetected.


"Gah!" he cried, leaping away from me. Seeing that it was only me, he calmed. He was still nude but his erection had gone down.

Pity really.

"Don't do that!" he gasped, clutching his chest. Nice chest too. "And yes, I'm nervous." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I've never done this before..."

"You mean go up to your half-brother and tell him you loved him?" I asked with a smirk. "If you had, I'd be worried."

"Funny..." he grumbled, turning back to the door. "Okay... Okay, I can do this... On three... two... one...!"



He stood there, looking constipated.

"Want me to push you?" I offered.

"Would you?" he whimpered.

I gave him a hard shove.

The door slid open and...



All I can say is... wow.

Jacob's room was vaguely semi-circular. There was no ceiling, just a big, ribbed, glass window that curled in a dome-like shape. The only part of the room that had an actual wall was the one where the door was. The room was split in two. The level I was on was like a small living area complete with a couch and a table. There was even a small area with a beanbag chair to my left that had a few shelves with books. From what I saw, they were mostly books on drawing. The second part of the room was an elevated platform that was connected to our level by a flight of six steps. The platform was barricaded by railings and I saw a bed resting on the platform as well as another beanbag chair facing the outside.

It was like Jacob's room was a small, structure encased in a glass bubble.

I could see the rising plumes of smoke from Graesham from where I stood... see the reddened clouds above our heads and the distant mountains. If I squinted my eyes, I could see the Emerald Crown not too far away.

I could just imagine Jacob lying on his bed, staring at the non-existent ceiling and watching the stars twinkle above his head.

But what really took my breath was Jacob...

He stood on the risen platform right in front of the setting sun, fully clothed of course but without his coat. The fading glow from the life-giving star haloed him beautifully. From my angle and because of the barriers, it looked like he split the sun's rays and they arrayed around him like a pair of luminous, glowing wings.



Jacob didn't turn around.

"Jake...?" Rex began softly.

I realised for the first time that Rex was calling Jacob by his nickname... A nickname that I knew Jacob hated... I guess it meant something that Rex was using it and Jacob wasn't tearing his throat out.

"You realise I could hear you two clearly."

We both froze...


He turned towards us... The sun still encased him in that heavenly light. I couldn't help but wonder if this was intentional. He could control Light after all. His eyes were as penetrating and laser-like as they always were. For a second, I thought I was standing before an Angel of Judgement, about to be sentenced for my sins.

"Did you mean it, Rex?" he asked, his voice hard and blunt. "Do you love me?"

I stared at Rex...

Moment of truth...

So much for his Four Stage Plan...

The Starlord took a deep breath... and sighed. "Yeah... I do... I meant every word I said when you and I first..." He coughed, unable to finish his sentence. Rex ducked his head, a blush hard on his cheeks.

Jacob scoffed and turned away again. "Foolish."

My heart froze...

In all the worry I put into Rex I forgot how cold Jacob could be...

"Jay..." I began.

"You realise I'm a world-renowned criminal," Jacob interrupted, ignoring me completely. "One of the heads of MODD, your boss, is after me. I'll bet even the Rebels would shoot me on sight. Going around calling me your 'brother' will get you into a whole heap of trouble. More than you're ever used to."

Wait... was he...?

Was he actually looking out for Rex's wellbeing?

"You're already ridiculed and emasculated by the public," Jacob continued. "The last thing you need is to be seen in my company. You're better off just forgetting any of this every happened. You didn't have a brother before. You can go on pretending you still don't have one."

Wow... He was...

"I can't do that, Jake."

... aaaaand Rex was turning him down...

Not sure if I should be surprised.

"I can't go living a lie knowing full well it's a lie," Rex answered, holding a paw to his chest. "Our mother gave herself up to be my Seal. I always asked why she did that... I always thought it was to make me stronger. Now... I wonder if it was to keep you safe or to keep me ignorant of you.

"All I know is that right now, my future rests with you. I've lived constantly in a state of limbo where every success I make is always countered by something stupid I did years ago. I never get any ground. But I think... I think it's because I don't know where I've come from.

"I can't go anywhere if I don't know where I came from and where I am. Who's to say that I'm just not going back to the same place I started from? Now, I've finally got a piece of the puzzle... a location that tells me where I've been... I want to move forward, Jake... And I can't do that without you."

Okay... Laying it on a little heavy...

... but I saw his point.

'Can't go anywhere if you don't know where you've been...'

Huh... I guess the opposite is true as well... You can't go back to where you've been if you don't know where you are...

... and that's me... Just constantly lost between guy to guy... living in limbo like Rex was...

My memories were holding me back... whereas with Jacob and Rex, their lack of memories was keeping them from going anywhere.

"Then you're just going to have to go on living in that limbo of yours for a little while longer," Jacob said coldly but I sensed a bit of sadness in his tone. "My story is only going to end in one of two ways: either I die, killed by MODD... or I kill Balthazar and everyone else kills me."

"Then you're just going to have to get someone else to help you co-write your story now, won't you?" Rex said with a big grin. He stormed up the steps and placed a paw on Jacob's shoulder. Jacob shrugged him off so he instead seized his brother's paw.

"Don't be an idiot, Jake. You and both know you're just saying these things because you're worried about me. That's now how you really feel."

They stared at one another...

Silhouetted against the sunlight, I have to say that I have never seen two people who were so opposite... and yet the same... Jacob's gaze was hard, cold and uncaring while Rex's was warm, welcoming and loving.

I wondered which one of them would break first...


Rex suddenly leaned forward...

For a second, I thought they were going to kiss!

But instead, the brown wolf with the silvery hair hugged his brother tightly. There was a look of shock on Jacob's face... Instincts seemed to take over and Jacob raised his paws to hug Rex back... then he froze and lowered his arms... At the last possible second, his entire body jerked and he clamped his arms tightly around Rex.

Maybe it was just my imagination but I could have sworn the sun flared up in excitement at that point. There were also a couple of explosions in the city that felt a little like fireworks but hey, I was in the middle of an awesome, romantic moment. I'm allowed to be cheesy... or at least be delusional.

Then I heard a sob.

I thought it was Rex.

I expected it to be Rex.

Jacob was just full of surprises today.

Rex laughed and held his brother at arm's length. Jacob really looked like the younger brother now with his head ducked and tears running down his cheeks. He was furiously trying to wipe them away.

"You're not going to give me some cheesy excuse for crying are you?" Rex teased. "Were you going to say 'I think I'm allergic to you fur'?"

"No..." Jacob answered defiantly but it was a half-hearted attempt masked with a bit of a laugh.

He looked up.

Remember that 'Spark of Rex' I mentioned before?

Yeah... It's out now.

Jacob beamed... a bright, cheerful smile filled with joy. His eyes were closed as he fought back the tears but the joy that radiated from him was... It outshone the sun.

"I was going to say you stank like hell."

"Then you would stink too," Rex answered, nudging him with an elbow. "After all, it's you I stink of."

"What kind of big brother are you?" Jacob retorted, pinching his nose and waving a paw over his face. "Not bathing like that. No wonder I turned out rotten."

"Oh yeah?" Rex challenged.

With surprising strength, he suddenly swept up the much bigger Jacob and deposited him on the bed. Jacob let out a surprised cry especially when Rex landed on top of them, pressing their noses together.

"From what I recall, you're still pretty good on the inside," Rex murmured in a sultry tone. "Nice and salty," he added with a wink.

That was my cue to leave.

As much as I wanted to join in on the action... Well... This was their time together.

I wasn't going to get in between them.

Slowly, I turned around, my ears perking as I heard them kissing...

"Where do you think you're going, kitty?"

I slowly turned around...

Suddenly... both Jacob and Rex - both taller than me by the way - were looming in front of me... big, predatory grins on their faces and matching evil glints in their eyes.

Oh god... what have I done?

By inadvertently solidifying Rex's relationship with Jacob... I created the Twin Rape Wolves!

No... sorry...

Make that the 'Twin Raep Wolves!'


"I... I was just going to let you two have your privacy..." I began, pointing meekly at the door.

I never thought I'd be one to turn down sex from two well-endowed, hot, muscular wolves...

"You wandered into a wolf's den, kitty-cat," Jacob said, smirking and crossing his arms. "Just in time because these two wolves" - he gestured at himself and Rex - "were about to bury our bones."

In light of my impending doom... Allow me one last joke before I go...

I am royally 'boned'.


Hey, my mother always said to 'go out with a smile'.

I spun and tried to leap out the door -

Jacob's massive paws seized my waist and yanked me back. I managed to plant my foot against his solid abs and kicked off, launching himself -


... straight into Rex...

Damn these wolves are fast.

Rex's paws wrapped around me securely and I whimpered upon feeling his rousing cock against my chest. "Aww... Come on, Tayl. I've got to reward you for setting me straight."

"'Straight' isn't the word I'd use..." I muttered.

I yelped as Rex picked me up easily and carried me up the stairs and threw me onto Jacob's bed. Both wolves were suddenly looming over me, big grins on their faces. A bright, pink mound was starting to emerge from Rex's sheath and Jacob quickly pulled off his shirt, showing that awesome chiselled chest with that golden crest shaped like a heart.


Jacob's weakness!

If I could...

"Rawr!" Jacob exclaimed playfully, leaping towards me. I quickly rolled to the side and pounced back on him, pinning him to the bed, belly up.

"Belly rub!" I cried.

His eyes widened. "Wait! N -!"

Too late.

I ran my paws through his thick chest fur rapidly, rubbing his abdomen and tickling his nipples. For a second, I saw him try to resist and he grimaced in a mix of pleasure and agony before...

... Well, I guess it was a very comical 'poof' moment because at that moment, Jacob's resistances just crumbled and a big, horny puppy took his place.

The massive wolf beneath me let out a playful bark, seized me and pulled me against his chest. He began licking me non-stop, lathering my face and hair with his saliva as he joyfully began humping me.

In retrospect... that wasn't a very wise move.

"My god! What did you do?" Rex laughed.

I tried to pull away from him but Jacob was way stronger than me. "Belly... rubs... weak... gah!"

Jacob rolled over so that he was suddenly on top of me again. He thrust wildly into my crotch. I could feel his erection pressing up against his pants! Suddenly, a pair of paws slid around Jacob's waist and quickly unbuttoned those pants, sliding them off easily.

"Don't need these anymore!" Rex exclaimed.

Jacob's massive, 12 inch cock dripped and drooled precum all over my chest. The smell of his musky arousal mixed with his odd, crystal-like scent was causing my thoughts to quickly haze over.

Aw screw it...

I grabbed Jacob around the neck and pulled him down for a deep, tongue-and-all kiss. That seemed to break him out of his horny-puppy state. He stopped thrusting wildly into me and held me tightly, running his paws up my shirt and rubbing my pecs and abs.

I missed his touch...

There was suddenly another weight on the bed. Rex crawled up to my right, propping his head up on an arm with a big grin on his face. "Can I have a piece of the kitty?"

Jacob pulled his muzzle away from mine and he smirked at Rex. "Of course. Brothers share, right?"

They both turned to me a little worriedly.

"Uh... You don't mind if we...?" Rex began.

Of course I mind!

Both of them have 12-inch monster cocks!

They'd tear me wide open!

Naturally, my answer was 'No'.


Wait a second...

He asked if I didn't mind... so... by saying 'no'...

Rex kissed me... His tongue slid into my muzzle, silky smooth and gently exploring my muzzle, running over my fangs and tickling my taste buds. That flexible organ managed to get to the back of my throat, teasing me as his hot breath pumped into my lungs and hazed my mind.

Good god... What a kiss!

I felt two sets of paws working in tandem to remove my pants. My nine-inch prick came out with a joyous burst of precum. Slowly, those paws slid down my thighs, rubbing my fur and slowly easing my legs apart. I could feel their cocks rubbing against my legs, dripping precum into my fur. With every beat of their racing hearts, their cocks tapped a rhythm against my thighs.

I moaned and pulled away from Rex as they both angled their cock towards my ass.

God... I wanted them both in my so bad!

I threw my head back and moaned as Jacob gently bit down on my shoulder... He knew my weakness too... I loved getting a mating bite!

My cock spurted in joy.

Taking that as a cue, both of them gently pressed themselves into me...

Oooooh... dear god!

Their twin, hot rods tore me right open... There was a mix of pleasure and pain... It was like I was stretching a long unused muscle. After the initial burst of sharp discomfort, I simply loved it!

They began thrusting into me... pumping their cocks in tandem... When one pulled one, another was diving straight in. Their monster dicks pressed against my prostate, bringing endless pleasure from me, building the heat deep inside me.

I felt so hot... I was delirious... It felt like every time my cock burst a fresh batch of pre onto my chest, the clear fluids would just quickly evaporate. I could almost hear the soft hissing noise when it...


"Jay... Wait -"

I was cut off as Rex bit down on my shoulder and Jacob muffled my cries with his muzzle.

My temperature just rose... and rose... My heart was pounding at a thousand beats per second... With every thrust of their hot, pulsing cocks in me, my entire body twitched and jerked, building more and more energy... more heat. I could feel myself teetering on the edge...

... and edge these two hot, smoking wolves were pushing me over...

"Jay..." I mumbled desperately, trying to pull away. "Don't... I -"

They suddenly switched, Jacob nuzzling me while Rex kissed me...

That tongue!

Jacob squeezed my nipple, making me arch my back and cry out in deep pleasure down Rex's throat.

Rex squeezed on my cock -


I tore my muzzle away from Rex's kiss, throwing my head back and letting loose a primal roar.

My whole body was hit my violent spasms. My Brand glowed brightly against the back of my right hand, the red glow spreading all over my body in intricate lines and patterns! They followed the lines of my veins, pushing them past my flesh and fur, pumping more and more muscle and strength into my forearm.

My bicep quickly bulged out. On some instinct, I lashed out and seized Rex around the his shoulders, pulling him close to me. The brown wolf's eyes were wide with fear, shock... and arousal.

Murr... yeah...

I roared right into his face, my voice shaking the glass above our heads. My Brand crawled up my shoulder, building my muscles and criss-crossed against my neck. They rolled over my pecs, ballooning them out. My nipples stood erect even past my muscle and fur! I felt my vertebrate grow and lengthen, my spine snapping upwards as I grew even taller! My defined six-pack quickly developed into a pronounced eight!

I felt the power seeping into my other shoulder and I lashed out, seizing Jacob and pulling him into a kiss! His didn't resist, moaning down my throat as my arm surged outwards and easily wrapped around him. The Brand's lights crawled down to my legs. My thighs surged outwards, my butt growing bigger and gaining that bubble-butt physique. I squeezed down hard on the two wolves' cocks with my newly formed muscles, making both of them moan.

I curled my new, huge, long legs around my two lovers, pulling them closer to me and encouraging them to keep thrusting into me!

Their thrusts gave me more power!

I wanted more of them in me!

Jacob was the first to keep thrusting and with each of his thrusts, he pushed Rex's cock into me as well. Rex didn't need further encouragement and pumped himself hard into me, his paws exploring my hot, smoking body!

Each thrust they made, my cock surged outwards, growing longer, thicker and pulsing with new life! Copious amounts of preum poured out onto my chest which was still covered my Christy's miraculous clothing.

Damnit... I wish I had taken them off...!

"Oh damn..." Rex moaned, squeezing my pecs. "That is so hot..."

"You like your men big and muscly, pup?" I rumbled, grinning at him. Suddenly, I was the predator and he stared up at me with those big, puppy-dog eyes.

"Yes, sir..." he whimpered playfully.

Jacob clawed his way over the mountains of my pecs. "Then you'll love this."

He flexed his left bicep.

Oh god... He's not...

His Brand glowed against his arm...

He is!

Rex's eyes bulged as Jacob's already impressive arm lengthened and bulged. Thick, pulsing veins appeared against his black fur as his Brand spread all over his body. That huge bicep bulged to the size beyond a watermelon - or perhaps a watermelon on steroids. His forearm, crossed with so much yummy veins flexed as his paws grew bigger and bigger.

He thrust into me and I could feel his cock getting bigger inside me. I moaned, feeling his hot body getting bigger and bigger beside me. Rex crawled over me, gazing hungrily at Jacob, tongue rolling out of his muzzle as his brother's chest inflated well beyond mine. That thick, golden crest on Jacob's chest grew with his size. His shoulders widened well past my own and with his tremendous, muscular arms, he easily lifted me and Rex so that we were both on top of him.

His glowing, symbol-like wings erupted from his back and he lovingly wrapped them around both of us as his thighs bulged out, every muscle thickening and becoming even more defined well past anything his thick, black fur could hide! I had an eight pack but he had a_ten!_

I reached down and squeezed his luscious, firm pecs, loving how they pulsed with his heartbeat and grew beneath my fingers. He bounced them one at a time for me, making me moan and drool.

I felt his cock reaching its full 18 inch length inside of me. In my Brand Form, I was more than capable of taking it. I was more comfortable with Rex inside me as well.

But there was a major drawback to being Branded...

Our metabolism and regeneration were at insane levels... to the point where we produced hormones like crazy... hormones and cum.

I wanted sex... I wanted hot, man-on-man-on-man sex!

"Cum in me," I growled, squeezing my ass-cheeks on their cocks. "Cum in me! Come on! Come on!"

The thrust hard into me, pumping their cocks into me with renewed vigour. Rex was the one who was thrusting the hardest surprisingly. He was literally a jackhammer, pounding into my ass like there was no tomorrow! I could hear his rising moan... His building howl... With my paws against Jacob's chest, I could feel him coming close to the edge as well!

My cock was spurting precum like crazy... I was soaking Jacob and his bed beneath me! A sea of my precum was seeping into the sheets! With each burst, my precum was thickening, flecks of the milky-white semen slipping in to each blast!

I was close!

So... damn... close!

"Awwww... fuuuuuu -!"

Rex suddenly shoved his knot deep into me with an audible pop.

Jacob slammed his enormous member into me a second later, shoving his own sizable knot inside me and shoving Rex's even deeper!

At the same time, the three of us exploded!

I threw my head back, unleashing a thunderous roar. My cum exploded out of my cock like a torrent from a fire hose. It shot out and -


Cracked the encompassing window of Jacob's room.

As if to replace the cum I just fired, both Jacob and Rex's semen poured deep into me, filling me up with their hot, life juices. Their twin howls was a musical melody of love and revelation... I could feel them getting closer already...

There was just something... so right about it all...

Alright, so they were half-brothers but you know what?

If this was 'wrong', no way in hell did I want to be 'right'.

I'm just glad that I got to play a part in bringing them together.

Exhaustion hit me hard... and I collapsed against Jacob... panting hard as my thick cum stuck our fur together. Jacob was panting hard as well...


Rex was still humping me even after orgasming.

"Need... More..." he grunted.

Both Jacob and I giggled. Jacob leaned under my arm and brought Rex closer to him.

The two brothers shared a deep, long kiss that made me hard again.

Jacob pulled away and winked at his brother. "Give us about fifteen minutes there, bro. We'll be ready and raring to go by then."

"Huh?" Rex asked, confused, slowing his thrusts into me.

Jacob and I exchanged glances.

"Brand Special," I began.

"We regenerate extra fast," Jacob finished, a sly grin on his face. "That means, more cum to go around."

Rex's expression brightened into a rather goofy, horny grin. "But I can't wait fifteen minutes!"

I rolled my eyes and lay down against Jacob's chuckling form.

Yeah... they were brothers alright.

Reaper Graesham Campaign: Episode 4

**Episode 4: From the Ground Up** _"You know all those people who are afraid of suddenly waking up in a coffin after they are buried alive or something? Well let me tell you something, folks: that isn't the worst thing that could happen. The worst...

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Up Periscope

**Up Periscope** The _USS Undertide._ It was one of the US Navy's oldest and finest submarines. Refitted over and over against since the Second World War, the _Undertide_ was one of those subs that had survive Pearl Harbor, survived the Gulf War,...

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Reaper Graesham Campaign: Third Interlude

**Interlude: Earthen Erosion** _"History is written by the winners. This does not make history the absolute truth. However, given enough time, it will become_ a_truth."_ **Julia Delacroix** **_Lies and Non-Truths: Living with...

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