Reaper Graesham Campaign: Second Interlude

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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#5 of Reaper 2

Interlude: Left Breathless

"You know that old question if a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it, will it make a sound? Well, my answer to that question is that how do you know if no one is around to hear it?"

Othello Goodhusband

Talkin' 'bout You

Shadow of the Storm

I was both confused and angry... and at the same time uplifted and almost giddy with joy.

Firstly, I was over the moon because Jacob - who I thought did not love me - just professed his love for me! I realised that he needed some soul searching and he found it through our lovemaking. I was always told that intercourse brought many revelations to mortals.

I will admit, I was being quite... I believe the term is 'manipulative'.

I was afraid that I would lose Jacob if we chose to proceed with the 'engagement' as he put it.

To me, it sounded like a very idiotic ritual. If you truly loved someone, why would you put off your union? Why not just 'marry' them there and then?

Still, while I was afraid to lose him, I was not about to go against his wishes. I loved him very dearly and would do anything for him. I promised that if I ever found anyone else, I would respect him enough to tell him and request his leave... but I cannot find anyone else... I love him too much.

... and I know he loved me... I just had to make him realise it.

The berries I mixed into the ritual concoction were actually a powerful aphrodisiac. Just having it merely touch your flesh will arouse you and stimulate semen production to ridiculous degrees. A reason why if one drank it, as the mating ritual would have demanded, we would have been bound together for all eternity.

I know it was underhanded... I know that what I did was wrong... But I could only stimulate his body. What his heart said... what he told me... It had nothing to do with the berries.

He loved me!

Now, onto the other emotions I felt...

I growled and held Jacob tightly against my chest... By the ancestors I love the feel of his powerful, muscular body against mine... His rock-hard abdominal muscles... and that fluffy, thick, golden crest on his chest! He's so perfect!

I do not care what he says... He is perfect. Even his humility shows his perfection.

Sorry, I am getting distracted.

I was angry at Rex Nebula.

How dare he interrupt such a perfect evening? Jacob confessed his feelings for me and what would have made the evening truly spectacular was if we had fallen asleep in each other's arms and I held him tightly against my chest.

But no... This armoured foe with no sense of direction actually chose to interrupt!

Worse yet, he had the gall to seek pleasure out of it!

Where was his honour!?

I growled and slowly rose to a crouch, my hackles rising. In my eyes, Rex was invading my territory. In my tribe, if anyone so much as dared to interfere or interrupt a Mating Ritual, they had their genitals ripped off.

As much as I wanted to tear away Rex's manhood, I realised that was probably not the wisest move. He was an Elemental Lord, after all, and I suppose he would make for a strong ally. Besides, at the very least, I could consume his semen so that I may become as strong as he is and then help feed my mate so that we both could be more powerful.

In all honesty, I was thrilled when Jacob sucked my manhood... As the son of the Tribe Chief, my semen was highly prized and many sought it out. It had been a while since I had been milked and I had forgotten how a muzzle around my cock felt... I did not want to taint Jacob with my lesser seed but... but it felt so good!

... and... And I think I understood what he was saying about 'equality'...

It isn't so much about who has the post potent seed or who is genetically superior... It's about sharing your seed with the one you love...

... and I do truly love Jacob.

"Why have you come here?" I growled at Rex. "Why do you interrupt our mating experience?" I tried to keep my voice calm but there was so much emotion in me. I wanted to push out all my anger and keep the warm, loving feeling I got from Jacob's mere presence.

"I... I..." Rex began, his eyes darting all over the place. He quickly tried to stuff his cock back into his armoured pants. It was a little amusing to see him try to pick up the pieces of his discarded armour and try to reattach it.

He did have a nice cock, though.

"What's wrong, Rex?" I heard my mate ask in a sultry tone. His powerful arms wrapped around my chest and I was instantly at attention again as his soft lips brushed against my neck, his sweet breath wafting across my fur. His tongue snaked out and gently licked my cheek, making me shudder. "Kerry didn't put out?"

The Star Lord coughed loudly and staggered back in shock. "N - No! O - Of course not! I - I was just..."

"Jacking off to two guys sucking each other off?" Jacob offered with a lewd grin on his face. "If that's the case, Leo and I are more than willing to put on a little 'show' for you if you're a little dead in bed. I know for a fact that Kerry has a little bit of a naughty side to her."

Rex's ears perked in interest but I don't think it was at the thought of arousing Kerry. "S - She does...?"

"Oh yeah..." Jacob answered, with a snigger. "She may act all goody-goody, but you know deep down, she's dirty." My mate winked at Rex. "You know what'll really get her going?"

I noticed that Rex's lips were dry. "Wh - What...?"

"If you can tell her that you had a threesome with three guys." Jacob ran his paws over my chest, making me moan as he gently pressed against my hard nipples. "So what do you say? Wanna join us for round three?"

I expected him to instantly reject the offer. It would have been the honourable thing to do. To my horror, he actually considered it! I saw the spark in his eyes and his ears fold slightly in interest!

"No!" Rex exclaimed suddenly, leaping back and shaking his head furiously. "I'm not gay!"

"Bi then," Jacob answered with a shrug. "Fact is, you got off watching me and Leo suck one another off."

"That's because I thought one of you was a girl!"

Even I did not believe that and I will be the first to admit I am not the most accustomed to Rillotian standards. I exchanged glances with my mate - his eyes are so amazing - and we both smirked slightly.

"We both had cocks, Rex," Jacob said, turning back to the Star Lord. "Plus, we're all male muscle. We're basically as far from a girl as you could be."

Rex shook his head in denial. "Look, I'm not gay!"

"You know, funny thing..." my mate said, hugging me tightly. I could feel his male meat pressing up against my ass, sliding against the base of my tail.

How I wished he would just shift a little bit to the right so that he could place that rod where it's meant to be...

I mentally gave myself a shake just in time to catch the tail end of my mate's words.

"... no one here has accused you of being gay," Jacob finished, a big, broad grin on his muzzle. "I just invited you to a little party with my mate."

I could have sworn that Rex looked like a pup that had been caught sneaking some treats from the Mother's Den. He knew he had done something wrong and was desperately trying to find a way to worm out of a situation he knew he could not escape.

There was no denying that he had been aroused by our display.

If he did not prefer men then he must not have reservations about either sex.

A new thought occurred to me...

What if... What if we somehow managed to convinced Rex to be part of our new, budding tribe? A tribe of just men with exceptional abilities who continuously fed each other their seed, give one another their strength and will?

An Elemental Lord...

I turned to Jacob... Who locked gazes with me...

His eyes... They're just so amazing... Even when they are tinted with this devious edge that I found_so_ arousing. He flicked one of his ears towards Rex. A subtle gesture but one that I immediately understood.

I knew in that instant that he and I shared the same thought... and that we were meant to be with one another forever.

I turned to Rex with a big grin on my muzzle and my tail wagging excitedly.

We were going to make a pack and Rex would be our first initiate!

I took a step towards the Star Lord -



I never saw either Jacob or Rex move.

In the span of a second, my mate suddenly had Requiem out and had it clashed against Rex's blade. I think he mentioned once before that his sword was called 'Shimmering Hope'.

"Gay or not," Jacob warned in a low, dangerous voice, "that doesn't mean you can just go around killing people just for finding you attractive."

Rex's ears flicked towards us both. "You... You find me attractive?"

Of course I did.

The Star Lord was a very handsome wolf. His features were softer, more gentle than my mate's which was ruggedly handsome. While he wasn't anywhere near as big in stature and muscle as either I or my mate, I have learned not to judge a wolf by his size.

Although, Rex did have a very large reproductive organ and that warrants respect.

My mate didn't seem fazed however. "What's more attractive than having the ass of an Elemental Lord?"

Rex bristled and took a step back, pulling his Shimmering Hope away. "Look, I just..." His eyes darted from me to my mate. "... I just needed to blow off some steam... I... Kerry didn't..."

He fell silent... and a cocky smirk crossed my mate's muzzle.

"No lucky with her, huh?" Jacob stated. "What happened? Did you try flexing your muscles through that armour again?"

I had not idea what they were talking about though I did see the folly in flexing one's muscles beneath suck thick armour.

"What?" Rex exclaimed, completely taken aback. "How did you -" His eyes widened. While they were the same hue as my mates... His eyes just did not have that same glow to them that Jacob's did. Perhaps I was just biased.

"You spied on me, didn't you?" Rex accused, jabbing a finger against my mate's bare chest.

"Oh yeah," Jacob snickered. "You know for 'coffee', you were doing a lot of touching."

"Just how much did you see!?" Rex shouted, shaking a fist at Jacob. His eyes widened all the more. "You were the one that gave Kerry a call, didn't you!? You tricked her into leaving our date!"

"Date? I thought it was just 'coffee'?"

Rex balked and he blushed beneath his brown fur. It was quite adorable.

"Just... Just shut... Shut up..." Rex stammered.

Jacob shook his head and dismissed Requiem, standing beside me once more. "For the record, it wasn't me who called Kerry. It was Rocky. All his idea. We just wanted to spare Kerry the pain of dumping your ass."

Rex's eyes wavered a little and while there was defiance in his eyes, he did not say anything. I think it is because he realised that he was cornered.

"Listen..." he whispered softly. "I'm... I'm not sure... Okay? Can... Can you just... back off?"

Was he really rejecting us? Did he not want to be with us? Was it not an honour to be part of our tribe?

Jacob turned away from Rex and wrapped his arms around me. "Only because I have other plans with my mate here."

Rex gulped loudly, his lips shaking. "You... You're going to go at it again...?"

"Well... I was planning to fall asleep in the arms of my lover but since you interrupted..." Jacob winked at me and we both grinned simultaneously.

I knew I would enjoy another coupling session with my mate... It was more than just about exchanging our seed to make one another stronger... It was about taking his seed into me... His essence into me. Us as one... If only we had completed the Ritual.

It looked like Rex was about to say something... Maybe he wanted to watch again?

"I'll... I'll leave you two to it, then," Rex choked and turned around stiffly. "I... I have to go..."

"Give me regards to Kerry!" Jacob exclaimed with a wave and grin. "Tell her you saw me and Leo going at it! That'll really get her going! Ask her if she wants join in!"

Rex's tail fluffed out and he bolted away from the clearing.

Jacob turned to me with that same big, mischievous grin that I loved so much. "So, did you want to get started just in case he comes back?"

My tail began wagging happily. "Will he come back?"

For a moment, my mate looked a little distressed as he turned away towards where Rex vanished. "I get this feeling that he's... interested. But no, I don't think he'll be back, Leo."

That bothered me...

I think Rex would make a fine addition to our Tribe. I would welcome him openly but what bothered me was this word... 'gay'. What did it mean exactly? I have heard it thrown around very often especially around Max but I did not understand the concept.

I did not want to ask Jacob about it since it seemed that... well... he willingly accepted that he was 'gay' and if I asked him, it may seem like I did not jump into this relationship with full knowledge. In which case, I feared that he would break off our 'engagement' because I was not fully informed.

That was the last thing I wanted to happen...

I wrapped my arms around him, flexing my muscles a little so that they pressed against his body. I remembered how much he liked large, muscular men. His arousal was growing as well as he nuzzled into me.

"So..." Jacob began with a sly wink at me. "... what does your tribe do as an 'after party' to the ritual?"


The next morning, I woke up with Jacob's arms firmly around me. The evidence of our lovemaking was everywhere. I could not recall how many times we made love last night but the fact that we were both Branded gave us unusual stamina and regenerative abilities. That meant that even after we had physically exhausted ourselves after a session of furious coupling, we would be ready and up for another session within ten minutes.

I turned around slightly to watch him sleep.

His slumbering form was so peaceful...

I traced the hard, muscular lines of his body from his thick, plump arms, across his golden, furry chest and down to his sheath. Every part of him was honed to perfection. I could not help but press a paw against his pectoral muscles and squeeze against the firm flesh there contrasted against the softness of the golden crest on his chest.

"I am awake you know."

I pulled back my paw instantly, flinching.

Jacob opened one eye slowly, a confident smirk on his muzzle.

"I - I am sorry..." I stammered. "I was just... just admiring your body..."

He chuckled and sat up to a kneeling position. "Nothing wrong with that." He stretched and stood up, scratching the back of his head. "I need a shower."

I flicked my ears towards the nearby lake. From what I remember Rex telling me, it was the source of the Shade River. I never kept my eyes off my mate. "We could bathe in the lake..." I suggested softly.

My heart sunk when he gave me a sad smile. "Sorry Leo, I'm quite... particular about my baths." He nodded back towards the Emerald Crown. "Rocky has given us a place to stay at his place. I'll see you there, okay?"

I whimpered, flattening my ears. I wanted very much to bathe with my mate. However, I had to respect my mate's wishes. I know he said that we were equals now but I cannot simply stop adoring him like he is my Alpha.

He is a better wolf than I am.

He always will be.

"Of course, Jacob," I answered with a nod and a slight whimper. "I will catch up with you."

The sadness from his smile didn't fade away as he bent down to me and licked my nose gently. "Thanks for understanding. It's just... Something I have to do."

With those words, he picked up his clothing and was gone in a blur.

The next second that he left, I suddenly felt a crushing loneliness hit me and there was nothing more that I wanted to do than to chase him down. His absence left a void in me that compelled me to wherever he was like how those lodestones the shamans use are attracted to one another.

Despite my urging, I restrained myself and proceeded to dress myself once more.

I cannot see the need for so much clothing. Yes, my tribe - rather, my former tribe - wore clothing but it was minimal at best. Loincloths for all and braziers for the females. The shamans and Alphas wore ceremonial clothing when it suited them but most of the time, they strode amongst us nude for it was an honour to see an Alpha's genitals.

In fact, during mating season, to wear clothing was considered rude.

Which reminded me...

... mating season would be upon us soon. Perhaps a few more weeks or so. I could already feel the lust and urges of carnal need pulsing into me. One of the many reasons I had hoped to fully become Jacob's mate.

I hoped that by then, this symbolic ceremony of 'marriage' would be completed.

How long could 'engagements' go for?

"What's wrong there, puppy? Didn't you put out last night?"

I flinched and instantly spun around_. Impulse,_ my gauntlets, were already around my paws. It still amazed me how these weapons seemed to know my every thought. Max had supplied me in particular with the weapon when we were on Eden so I guess it makes a degree of sense if they are bound to our thoughts.

Rocky Groundwater leaned casually against one of the trees close to the clearing with a gentle smile on his face.

"Of what do you speak of?" I demanded, my fangs bared. I prepared myself to unleash the power of my Brand and to summon Cerberus, my Animus. I had not seen Rocky fight so I had to be careful.

I felt the touch of cold metal against my back.

"Now, now," a deep, gravelly voice warned. "You don't want to do that, pup."

Curses... I should have expected an ambush...

I glanced over my shoulder to see a large, burly mole with grey fur standing just behind me. In his paws was a large mining pick... a pickaxe, I believe it's called. However, the design clearly showed it as a Seal Weapon. There was a sharp, sword-like blade jutting out of the crescent-blade of the pick making it like a... picksword? Is that a Rillotian word?



"You've got learn to relax there, bud!" Rocky laughed, striding over to me. "Norton, relax. He's with Reaper."

The mole grunted, his green eyes narrowing behind the small, circular sunglasses he wore. Like Rocky, he was dressed in the black, floor-length coat of the ExIT Commanders. Similarly, his clothing was customised for his use. He had a pair of yellow pauldrons that looked like mining helmets that even had the lights on it. His clothing seemed also quite... dirty. There was a lot of dust on it.

"I still don't trust that wolf," the mole grunted, lowering his swordpickaxe. "You trust far too easily, Rocky."

Rocky stepped up to me and placed a paw on my shoulder. I relaxed very slightly but my tail was still rigid. "Rex trusts him and he's an excellent judge of character. Plus, he's in the middle of one of the most heavily defended compounds in all of Rillotia. It'd be suicide if he tried anything."

The mole - Norton - grunted and turned his back towards me. I was tempted to kick him but remembered that the Elemental Lord of Earth still had a paw on my shoulder. "Have it your way. I'll be returning to the mines."

"Our hometown is being ravaged by a plague and you're going back to the mines?" Rocky asked, finally releasing my shoulder.

I relaxed a little. Clearly there was no conflict to come from this so I retracted Impulse and stood up straight, relaxing my tail as well.

"Just because a thousand people die every year it doesn't mean that we have to stop mining operations," Norton muttered, striding away from us. "Without the income that the mines produce, Graesham wouldn't survive the plague every year. You know this Rocky."

The Elemental Lord of Earth shook his head sadly. "I do. Year after year, you're probably the only one that keeps pushing everyone to keep up the mining operations. Conway and Soot both put down what they're doing to help the civilians."

The mole threw back his head and it was then did I notice that there was a rather ghastly scar across the back of his neck. It looked like someone had drawn a claw from his left ear down to the base of his right shoulder. It left five ragged, pink gashes.

"All Conway does is sulk in his hut during this time and Soot mans the operations to dump the petrified bodies out into the Graveyard. Both of them have already given up hope and resigned themselves to the fact that this place is going to be damned by this plague for all eternity. The only person who is actually hopeful for a resolution is you, Rocky."

I watched Rocky for his reaction. An Alpha - or a leader in this case - should not take that sort of speech from someone who his below him. Norton was disrespectful not only to Rocky but also to the others in his command. If I were in Rocky's position, I would bend Norton over and 'remind' him who is Alpha.

I have no doubt Jacob would have replied in a much more forceful manner.

"That's not true," Rocky answered calmly. "Father Belford -"

"Has given up just like the rest of us," Norton interrupted, reaching the line of trees. "He's not looking for a cure or a way to prevent the next one. He's just dealing with the current crisis. You want a miracle cure, kid?" Norton cast Rocky a dark look over his shoulder. "Let Reaper massacre the place. A swift death is the only merciful act to a city trapped underground."

With those words, black pieces of rock that looked like obsidian erupted from the ground where his shadow stretched. They encased him in a dark cocoon and dove back into his shadow as if the darkness was water. The dark image of his form darted away almost as fast as my mate.

I felt the chill of power familiar to me...

Norton used the Element of Darkness just like myself...

Rocky sighed beside me, shaking his head and pinching the bridge of his muzzle in annoyance. "I'm sorry you had to see that, Leo. Norton isn't a bad guy. He's just pissed that every year around this time, productivity drops."

"It is understandable," I answered softly. "Your people are suffering. He cannot expect anyone to work at their peak efficiency when their loved ones are at stake."

"Unfortunately, he does," Rocky answered, shaking his head once more. He glanced at me and smiled. "Come on, big guy. Rex told me I could find you and Jacob here. Where is your... 'mate' I believe he's called?"

My tail began wagging at the mention of my mate. I was starting to get aroused, my sheath stirring at the memory of his body... his scent... his voice...

"He went to the Emerald Crown."

Rocky wasn't paying attention and had his eyebrows raised as he regarded my groin. Perhaps he wanted to join our tribe as well! Was that why Rex told him where we were?

I was excited!

If I could dominate Rocky and present him to Jacob as the newest member of our tribe, my mate would be so proud of me!

I reached over and gripped Rocky's shoulder -

"Whoa! What do you think you're doing!?" Rocky exclaimed, leaping back.

I frowned. "I was going to offer you my seed so that you may be part of our tribe."

"Your 'tribe'?"

I was starting to think Rex had not told Rocky about Jacob and I in the way I thought...

Still, that did nothing to curb my enthusiasm as I wagged my tail and eagerly stated, "Jacob and I will make a new, powerful tribe that will consist only of the best, strongest, fastest, smartest and more virile males. We will constantly feed each other our seed so that we will remain strong and at the epitome of manliness."

Rocky's eyes went up further... Then he frowned and glanced off to the distance again. "Wait... So he caught you and Jacob going at it last night...?"

I inclined my head to the side. "At 'what'?"

The Elemental Lord's eyes darted back to me. "Having sex. He caught you having sex."

My tail began wagging hard again as I remembered the sight of Rex's cock. "Yes! He even spilled his seed into the ground, joining Jacob and I in our climax." I pointed to the exact spot where Rex ejaculated. "Right there."

A grin slowly crossed Rocky's features. "Oh... I see... That would explain a lot... Rex was always someone who tended to overcompensate..." His grin grew broader. "It also explains why he was so freaked out when I saw him this morning..."

Rocky turned to me again. "Leo, can you do me a favour?"

"With my mate's permission," I answered slowly. I was not sure what Rocky wanted of me. It was hard to read the man's features beyond that grin of his. I find it a little hard to read the expression of another species apart from wolves or canines.

"Can you get Jacob to meet me at the theatre room in the Emerald Crown in about an hour? I've got an idea."

My eyes narrowed suspiciously. "Will it harm my mate?"

Rocky smirked and turned around. "I get the feeling he'll enjoyit." The Elemental Lord suddenly reached out and gripped my erect cock, making me gasp. "Something tells me that you will too. See you in an hour."

He released my manhood and quickly bolted into the forest. I watched as his a storm of leaves flung down from the trees around him and congregated around his feet. Rocky leapt upon it as they formed a large, thick disc that he used to soar through the forest at high speed.

The powers of the Elemental Lords certainly are impressive.

I turned around and quickly got dressed, whimpering at my unattended erection.

It took me roughly half an hour to get to the source of the Share River from halfway in the city so getting to the Emerald Crown would take even longer.

Thus, I had to hurry.

I closed my eyes and reached into the newfound power that my mate had so graciously given me. The brand around my neck began to feel a little hot. I reached for it with one paw and felt the energies of my Animus filter into my paw. I opened my eyes and gazed upon the roiling ball of darkness in my paws. Black lightning danced between my finger tips.

I pushed the sphere into the ground and it spread out, forming a large pool of darkness beneath me. There was a deep roar that emanated from the darkness.

My Animus, Cerberus, erupted from the shadows a moment later, slowly so that I could easily sit on his bare back as the three-headed canine pulled the rest of himself out from the darkness.

I remembered Jacob's own Animus, Spectre, and how he and Cerberus were similar and different at the same time. Cerberus was a broad, muscular three-headed dog with black fur and glowing, red eyes. A large, silver chain collar clung around his three necks. Spectre on the other hand was an agile, proud winged wolf with white fur and black markings that was equipped with armour.

Similar... yet different.

I think I am beginning to understand Jacob's view on equality...

He wants me to be myself and not someone he wants me to...

Looking at our two different Animus... it is very much like our relationship.

I smiled at my realisation and could not wait to tell Jacob of it. I am sure he would be proud of me!

"To the Emerald Crown!" I told Cerberus.

The Animus grunted and surged into the forest faster than I would have been able to had I gone by foot. I told him to avoid the main streets. I did not want to cause a riot and no doubt the sight of my Animus would scare many of those poor suffering civilians in Graesham.

We managed to make it to the Emerald Crown with little incident.

I dismissed Cerberus as I approached and headed into the rest of the mountain by foot.

The civilians around me gasped and pointed at me. I think they were admiring my size and overall value as a male. I gave them a grin and a wave. I did not want to be rude but I was mated after all... or was it 'engaged'. I was ushered by several of the guards to the front of the line. I heard people complain softly but I guessed that they were eager for entrance into the MODD facility.

I have no idea why, though.

There was a strange machine that took some of my blood but I did not pay it much heed. I asked the kind guardsman where I could find my mate and he told me to go into the 'elevator'. I have no idea what that was but he was kind enough to show me. I thanked him with a lick and he giggled before waving and letting me go on my way.

This... 'elevator' is a strange contraption.

It is like a magic portal or some sort of 'teleportation cube'

When the doors close, there is a sense of vertigo and some loud humming. When the doors open again the hallway beyond was not the one I entered originally. I was tempted to see what the other buttons were for but I decided not to press fate and time.

I headed deeper into the facility and was fortunate enough to catch my mate's scent in the air.

That glorious scent of crystals...

Ah... If only I had the source in my arms...

I hurried to follow the scent and was surprised to find Jacob conversing with another ExIT Commander but this was not the mole from before. This man was a bear but his fur was an odd grey colour. I found him odd because he had a large, silver chair wrapped around his waist and connected to that waist was a large piece of rock.

Would not that rock impede his movement?

Jacob sniffed the air and caught sight of me. His features remained blank but I saw the sparkle in his eyes.

"Leo," he stated. "This is Soot. One of the ExIT Commanders under Rocky's command."

I smiled and bent down to sniff his crotch. I expected him to leap back or to swat my muzzle like so many people here in Rillotia. I guess that is how they greet one another. Rillotians are odd. However, Soot remained impassive and stood there letting me take his scent.

He smelled like his name... Like soot.

I straightened and beamed. "You have a very strange name."

"One doesn't pick their names," Soot answered in a dark, strangely hollow-sounding voice. "They are assigned to us by fate." Soot nodded towards my mate. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Jacob Reaper. I will take your suggestion into consideration."

The ExIT Commander turned and walked down the hallway, dragging that large piece of rock behind him. Despite the size of the rock, he didn't seem impeded at all by its weight.

"He seems very nice," I observed.

"Yeah," Jacob chuckled. "Someone who actually took my 'let's just kill everyone instead' suggestion seriously." He glanced at me and smile. "You made it here okay?"

I wagged my tail and hugged him. He hugged me back. "I could never be lost when I have your scent and you in my heart."

"Flatterer," he sniggered, pulling away and poking my nose.

"I met Rocky," I added with a grin. "He said to meet him at the 'theatre room' in an hour. I believe it is about twenty minutes now."

Jacob rolled his eyes. "Probably just for another screening of Starboy." He pointed to one of the nearby rooms. "It's just there. Why don't you go ahead? I want to check of the others. Make sure they haven't been converted by that Father Belford."

I will admit, I do not trust Belford either.

There was just something... off about that man.

I gave my mate a gentle lick and happily hurried to the indicated room. I stepped inside and was surprised to find... I believe it is called a 'tee-vee'. It was very large. I have no idea what it is used for however. Apparently, it's a primitive version of the holographic projectors.

I sat down on one of the nearby couches.

There was a stack of odd books sitting on the armrest beside me. The closest one was entitled Starboy Vol. 1.

What a 'Vol' is I have no idea but apparently, this is the first of it.

Or perhaps it is code for something

I picked it up and opened it to the first page... At least... I think it's the first page.

Do books usually have 'to be continued' on their first page?

Regardless, I began reading through the rest of the book. There were a lot of monochrome pictures. Not much dialogue like the books I was told to read back at Oxis by the missionaries. It was very fascinating. I like the fight scenes. Also the expressions were very funny.

I don't understand those water droplets that spontaneously appear when the character appears exasperated, though.

I heard the door open behind me and I immediately spun around, tail wagging excitedly.

"Jacob?" I asked.

It was not Jacob.

Rex Nebula stood at the doorway looking scared and surprised. "Oh... It's you..."

That greeting was less that... hospitable. "Yes..." I answered cautiously. "Rocky told me to meet you and my mate here."

"Can you please stop calling him that?" Rex growled, striding up to me and sitting on the couch as far away as he could from me. "I bet this is another of Rocky's schemes..."

"I do not know," I admitted. I considered that it was best to ignore him until such a time that Jacob and Rocky arrived. I picked up Starboy Vol. 15 and began reading.

"Whoa!" Rex exclaimed, startling me. "You read Starboy!?"

I smiled, wagging my tail lightly. "Yes! I just started a few minutes ago! The pictures are very good."

"Wait... What!?" Rex asked, utterly confused. "You've read through fifteen volumes already?"


"No!" The wolf exclaimed, pulling at his hair. "You're meant to savour every moment! You're not meant to rush through them!"

He was not making sense.

"But what is the point of that? Why not simply read on? A story is best appreciated when you have read it in its entirety is it not?"

"No!" Rex growled. "That's what suspense is about! Cliffhangers! I'll bet you don't even know half of what you read!"

He was challenging me...

I growled and set the book down. "Very well... Put me to the test!"

His eyes filled with overconfidence. "Fine. What volume did Black lose his sword, Starender and what did he replace it with?"

I think 'Vol' stood for 'volume'...

"Volume 6 and he replaced it with a wooden stick given to him by the master of the Zenthrani Temple to help him hone his skills with the sword."

His eyes flickered with uncertainty. "Lucky guess... Fine. Why did Lord Emereth want the Princess Comet?"

"Because it would bring him riches," I answered. I saw he was about to interrupt but I quickly said, "He liked the process enslaving his own people and selling them to slaver traders at a high price. He intended to do the same when he became king except with the entire country."

He growled. "Alright... What was the engraving on Malice's pendant?"

"'My heart trembles as the sky comes falling down and the earth moves beneath my feet'."

"Ah ha!" Rex exclaimed, leaping up triumphantly and pointing at me. "You're wrong there! It says 'I feel the earth move, under my feet. I feel the sky tumbling down. I feel my heart trembling.'"

"No it is not," I answered defiantly.

"Prove it," he demanded, his tail upright and wagging confidently.

A confidence that was unwarranted.

I picked up volume 13 and showed him the exact page where Black found the pendant of Malice and opened it.


I saw all of Rex's confidence shatter like a fragile, glass statue.

"Damnit..." he cursed, slumping back into the couch. "Can't believe a gay guy knows more about Starboy than even I do..."

That word again...

"What does 'gay' mean, exactly?" I asked, inclining my head to the side.

Rex gave me a dubious look. "Uh... It's what you are."

I was confused again.

"A wolf?"

"No, you idiot," Rex growled. "It's your... sexual preference..."

"You mean I prefer to be in the company of men?"

"Now you're getting it," the Star Lord muttered, slumping back.

I was still confused...

"So... Does that mean that Kerry is gay as well because she prefers men as well?"

Rex looked like he had just been struck with a lightning bolt. "No!" He turned to me, his eyes flashing with anger. "You're gay because you're male and you like males! Got it?"

I saw nothing wrong with that... Why was he being so angry?

"Does that mean that women who like women are gay too?"

The Star Lord sighed and slouched back into the couch. "Yes..."

"Is being gay frowned upon in Rillotian culture?"

Rex shook his head. "I don't know... maybe..."

"You do not like me being gay?" I asked. "Because in Oxis, it does not matter who you couple with. The act of lovemaking itself is a great and emotional experience that is not hindered by gender. If you have strong emotions towards an individual then one should approach said individual for their affection."

The wolf stood up and turned his back to me. "It's not like that here, Leo. In Rillotia... sex... sex has more meaning than that."

"Sex in Oxis is very special as well," I answered, standing up to meet him. "Last night, I drank my mate's seed so that he and I can be one. Should the ritual have been completed, we -"

"I don't want to hear it!" Rex shouted, lifting a paw to silence me. "Just... Just shut up and let's wait for Jacob and Rocky."

I got the impression Rex would not want to join our tribe...

I sat back down on the couch and picked up the next Starboy volume.

"Just... Answer me one thing..." Rex began softly. He was still standing with his arms crossed against his chest. "What's it like...?"

My ears flicked back towards him. "What?" I asked.

Rex swallowed loudly and closed his eyes. "Being... Being gay... What's it like?"

I inclined my head to the side. "I have never know what it is like to be 'gay'. All I know is that I am who I am and I prefer making love to men."

The Star Lord's eyes dropped. "Must be nice..."

I think... I think he was telling me something... I could read wolves and canines better than I could other species and I think I know what Rex was saying.

"Lord Rex..." I whispered softly. "Are you gay?"

He took a deep breath...

"I... I don't know..."

To me, that said 'Yes, yes I am'.

I needed to help him. I have seen this before in my tribe. Sometimes, parents pressure their sons to mate with women so that they will produce offspring to carry on their line. However, the sons either loved another man or simply were not attracted to women.

The best course of action was to stop hiding and simply be honest.

I stood up and gently took his paws into mine. He was slightly hesitant but I could feel his racing pulse even through the armour.

"Let me help you decide."

"No -"

This time, I was not going to take 'no' for an answer. I pressed my lips against his, gripping his paws tightly and holding him tightly.

I once heard from a breeder in my tribe that you just had to hold a man in a kiss for three seconds before all the blood rushed from their head to their groin and they were yours.


Rex struggled, trying to pull away and letting out a soft whimper.

I held him firmly in my grip and in my muzzle, pushing my tongue against his and tracing the lines of his lips ever so slightly teasing his tightly clamped fangs with my taste buds.


He pulled his right paw free of me. I quickly seized the base of his neck, pulling him closer to me, meshing our muzzles even closer to one another. Even with the thick armour separating us and the accursed clothing I was forced to wear, I could feel his arousal... I could sense him wanting me...

...wanting a male.

Rex pulled his muzzle away from me. "Leo... Stop..."

I dove straight back in, lapping at his lips...


His paws gripped my back, his claws digging into my flesh. His muzzle twisted to the right and he hungrily sucked on my tongue, kissing me like a starved dog deprived of his meal for weeks! His tongue shot deep into my muzzle, pushing my own back. The force of the kiss sent me reeling especially when his paw gripped the back of my head and he pressed his legs between mine.

Ever kiss his gave me literally took my breath away...

Such passion... such need!

It was worthy of a true celebration of the mating season!

My legs gave way out from underneath me and I felt the warm press of the couch against my back. Rex pulled away, his sparkling, sapphire-blue eyes full of lust, confusion and a hint of... of something more.

"God... you're so sexy..." he growled.

Rex dove in for another kiss, the touch of our lips together and our tongues slipping and sliding all over one another was simply... It was worthy of the ballads the shamans tell! I lost all sense in me and became enraptured in the feel of his body... Even the cold touch of the armour was oddly arousing.

"Shit..." he muttered, pulling away and nuzzling my neck. "I... I..."

Somehow... I just knew what he wanted...

I reached around his back to where his armour was tightly clasped together. I deftly unhinged them, letting the individual slaps come tumbling off his hot, sweaty body. He looked shocked for a moment and I saw the sliver of doubt in his eyes. With a bright smile, I pressed my erect member against his paws, whimpering softly and telling him he was not the only one with carnal needs.

His eyes widened - such beautiful eyes - and he gently squeezed my need through the cloth of my shorts. The rough texture of the clothing against my fully erect member was a sensation I never felt before! Rex gently ran his paws over the tent in my shorts, rubbing the slightly abrasive surface all over my sensitive member. It was like a thousand tiny paws all tickling my cock.

Images of that waterfall in the mountains filled my mind.

I held firm and whimpered.

Not so soon...

I managed to pull the large piece of armour off from Rex's groin. Unfortunately, he was wearing... I think they're called 'pants' beneath that slab of armour. My mate wears them. I have no idea why Rillotians need so much clothing. What have they to be ashamed of?

I could see the tent in Rex's pants as well and from what I recalled, any male or female would want him.

I whimpered softly and gently gripped Rex's shoulders. He froze as I slid out from underneath him. I pushed him against the couch and pressed my nose against his crotch. I took a long, heavy sniff...

I whined loudly.

His scent simply smelled of sex and need... It was thick, musky and so manly. I detected a lemony hint mixed with the very slight aroma sweetness. I kissed the tip of his cock which strained against the fabric of his pants.

I could feel it twitch and shudder.

"Oh god..." he moaned, his paws reaching behind me and sliding down between my fur and my jacket. I shrugged off the bothersome piece of clothing, glad to be free of it. In return, I pulled off the bits of armour that clung onto his legs, tossing them aside. Some went over the couch and others bounced off the large tee-vee screen.

I brushed my muzzle against his thick, firm thighs. Even through the black pants he wore, I could feel the muscle there. I gripped his left thigh with both my paws, squeezing and nuzzling it. Rex's panting grew more and more intense as he tore off the bits of armour around his chest.

I looked up...

He wore... I think Rillotians call it a 'singlet' or a 'muscle shirt'. A shirt without sleeves. It was black just like his pants but against his brown fur, it formed quite a contrast. I noted that there was a sliver of silver chest fur poking out from the neckline of his shirt.

I was curious... Did he have chest fur just like my mate?

I sniffed at his crotch again, relishing the smell of his manly, sweet and sour scent. Then, I quickly poked my nose beneath his singlet and sniffed at his powerfully built abdominal muscles. Each one was like a mound of firm flesh. Every breath he took caused them to press against my cheeks. I licked between the crevasses of those mounds, running my tongue around the ring of his navel as I worked my way up from his groin.

He did indeed have thick chest fur only it all sprung forth from his groin. A large eruption of silvery fur shot out from the prize his pants hid, crawled over his abdominals and thinned out to a single, thin spire the slid carefully between his two, perfectly rounded pectorals.

I ran my tongue all over that train, stretching his undershirt as I pressed my chest against his.

He groaned and arched his back -


His shirt tore apart as our hot, muscular bodies compressed the already steaming air between us. Our erect nipples brushed briefly against one another as I nuzzled his thick neck, lapping at the corded muscles there and running my tongue across his strong, angular jaw. Our lips met and he dove straight back into that half-sucking, half-kissing routine that made my heart race.

His paws found my shorts and he unbuckled them, helping me slide out of the bothersome piece of clothing and threw it aside.

My cock dripped a large wad of precum onto his chest.

The sudden wetness made him pause and he pushed me back a little.

Our eyes met... and...

... I am not sure what happened... I was just lost in his gaze...

Whatever spell he had on me, it broke when his eyes dropped down to gaze between us... and he saw my cock.

For some reason, I suddenly became nervous...

I was awaiting his approval... I had never awaited the approval of anyone apart from my mate...The only time I could feel the painful strain between each heartbeat was when I had asked Jacob to be my mate...

... and now... I wondered if Rex would find me acceptable.

In my tribe, I had potential mates clamouring over me, pining for a chance to receive my seed...

... but here...

I saw Rex lick his lips.

I grinned, my tail wagging.

He approved!

"May I see your member?" I asked excitedly.

His eyes darted back to me... I saw a flash of fear... I whimpered softly, flattening my ears.

All his fears faded away and he eagerly reached for his pants. I scrambled to help him -

Our paws brushed against one another.

There was... a great burst of something there...

I think... I think I heard Taylor or Joanna once calling it 'fire works'.

I am not sure how the way flames function has anything to do with this but it certainly did feel like flames just ignited between us.

A flame I did not want to extinguish.

I blinked and never opened my eyes again because we were in another passionate kiss. I was not aware of anything else except for our bodies rubbing against one another, my cock pressing against his, my paws roving through his fur as his squeezed every muscle on my body and his lips slipping and sliding all over mine as we shared the same, overwhelming breath.

I moaned... I never felt so much passion... except when I was with Jacob... But he... Jacob's passion never seemed to match mine... Unlike Rex... Rex was... Rex returned the same excitement and zeal I had... and that fanned the flames of those 'fire works'.

Rex pulled away from that glorious kiss, pressing his big paws against my chest and pushing me away. "Wait... Wait, this is wrong..." he whispered between gasps.

I know it was wrong... I know that I was mated to Jacob and that I should ask his permission first before I accepted the seed of another... Though technically we were not mated quite yet... Still, I felt infinitely terrible for exploiting a loophole or some words in our agreement that were conveniently arranged to my benefit.

But Rex...

The Star Lord suddenly, shuffled beneath me, lying on his stomach and lifting his tail. "Mount me..."

My jaw dropped...

Was the Elemental Lord of Star, one of the most powerful mortals in all of Rillotia, even the world, asking me to actually mount him? To stick my cock up his ass and take - what I assumed - was his anal virginity?

In my tribe, while we had far more sex than the average Rillotian, the first time any pup - male or female - has their 'cherry popped' I believe the saying goes, is a sacred and bonding experience. It is usually reserved for the Tribe Alpha or even the father of the said pup.

"I... I..." I stammered. "Am I your... first...?"

Rex nodded very slowly. "Please... I want you in me..."

My cock spurted more precum against his nice, bubble ass.

I could no longer resist.

I wrapped my arms around his lean, muscular chest, holding him tightly against mine as I gently eased my cock in between his ass cheeks. He was panting hard as I began slowly thrusting into his ass in tandem with his breaths. When the tip of my ten inch cock brushed the ring of his ass, he gasped loudly.

I assured him by kissing his neck, licking his shoulders and running my paws against his nipples, gently squeezing one. He relaxed and gently pressed back against my cock, spearing himself on my member.

I could feel the tightness of his ass wrapping around my cock as I pushed myself into him. The heat of his body against mine boiled my blood and churned my semen. I grunted as he took half my length and he arched his back in pleasure. His instincts told him to squeeze down on my cock, causing more of my precum to burst into him.

I brushed my cheeks against his, panting softly and letting my hanging tongue brush against his neck. His paws found mine. Our fingers intertwined and I could feel his pulse... and his need. My other paw slid down his perfectly chiselled abs and found that twelve-inch member throbbing against the thick collection of silvery crotch fur. I gripped it tightly, bringing a moan.

I pushed deeper into him... making him moan even louder.

I could sense a howl building in his throat...

I kept pushing... Pulling out and pushing in, building momentum. He began pushing back, adding more and more force to our coupling. My knot formed all too quickly, pressing against the walls of his ass and yearning to break those barriers.

I wanted to be inside him!

Rex moaned even louder, throwing back his head in sheer pleasure. I attacked his neck, kissing it and holding him tightly. I gave one last, powerful thrust and my knot shot into his ass.

"Aaaah!" he cried twitching.

He shut his eyes and a small burst of cum exploded from his cock. I squeezed down on his knot and all his resistances fell.


His cock went rigid and jerked, shooting large wads of his seed all over the couch. Rex's entire body jerked left and right, his ass tightening around my cock and knot. I was almost to the edge and kept thrusting into him as he twitched beneath me. My need grew and grew... until -

Rex turned around and kissed me.

My mind went blank... and my sack emptied itself into him.

I cried loudly down his throat as I dug my claws into his flesh and my cum filled him. My body twitched and jerked in tandem with his, somehow both of us finding ourselves tangled in a loving embrace as our toes curled and our fur became tangled.

I -

Was hit by another blind-blowing spasm as I shot more of my load into Rex...

My already empty mind became hazy...

... and the lull of sleep loomed over me...

My muzzle slipped away from his as I panted in exhaustion. I could not keep my weight up and I collapsed onto him, pressing his naked body against the pool of semen that he had created. Not that he minded, I think.

I heard his sigh of contentment as we held each other tightly... and my eyes began to droop.

"Shit..." Rex whispered, his voice slurred. "Never... never thought I'd love getting screwed... Does this make me gay...?"

I was not sure how to answer that. "I am not sure..." I admitted softly, my eyes shutting. I fought off sleep to hear his response.

Perhaps if he was gay he could be part of our tribe...?

Myself, Jacob... and Rex...

It would be perfection...

"I don't know either... But Leo... I -"

Whatever words he had were interrupted by another pair of voices...

... from just beyond the door.

" - not really a bad guy, you know."

That was Rocky...

"He may have been the Elemental Lord that ended up losing his own daughter and possibly - don't you dare put words in my mouth - started the Fossilisation Plague, but Conway is a good man. He's always taken care of me ever after I lost my parents."

"Feh... What are your bets that he's secretly pining to reform that broken relationship with his long-lost daughter through you?"

And that voice... That was Jacob.

... my mate.

"You know, not everyone is a character from a soap-opera, you know."

"Of course not. In soap-operas, everyone gets a happy ending in the end or gets killed off and has a teary funeral. People here, they live through hell, they get killed, they get buried, have their corpses shit on, get turned into Seals and then get shit on again."

The door opened.

All my drowsiness went away.

I perhaps should not have sat up...

"Can we just watch some -?"

Rocky and Jacob stood there... not even five metres away... They could see myself and Rex clearly... Even if they could not see my cock up Rex's ass, the fact that we were naked, our clothes and Rex's armour was strewn about everywhere and the scent of our sex in the air more than incriminated us...

... it damned us both.

Rocky's jaw dropped.

"My couch!"

Reaper Graesham Campaign: Episode 2

**Episode 2: Rockslide** _"A pious man is grouped amongst the other pious and not remembered. A sinner is singled out and remembered for all eternity."_ **Jeffrey Matthews Arnold** **_From a Speech given at Atlas_** Disease is one thing but...

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Reaper Graesham Campaign: First Interlude

**Interlude: The Greatest Mountain** _"The Grey Grounds Cemetery was created when the Fossilisation Plague first struck. People became paranoid about leaving the petrified statues of their loved ones in their immediate vicinity and evicted them into...

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Reaper Graesham Campaign: Episode 1

**Episode 1: Rockslide** _Graesham is one of the major economic mainstays of Rillotia. The mining town - while relatively small - provides Rillotia with an unsurpassed amount of raw materials. With the processing plants also within the town, this...

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