Reaper Graesham Campaign: First Interlude

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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#3 of Reaper 2

Interlude: The Greatest Mountain

"The Grey Grounds Cemetery was created when the Fossilisation Plague first struck. People became paranoid about leaving the petrified statues of their loved ones in their immediate vicinity and evicted them into the location where Rose Earthsire merged herself with her Seal. There are theories that the Plague is Rose's legacy to Graesham but there is little or nothing to prove this theory. All anyone knows is that the Plague always_hits about the same time every year... On the anniversary of Rose Earthsire's death."_

Pauline Shores

Reflections on Recent Rillotian History

Frozen Sun

I was always one to believe in the good in people.

It is hard for me to hate anyone.

In fact, in my entire life the only person I can ever claim to truly hate is my manipulative, monopolistic father who only ever wanted one thing from me: obedience. Claiming to be one of the strongest people in the world, physically and emotionally, would be a lie.

However, I like to think that after meeting Jacob Reaper... well... I've grown a little.

He was a... rough diamond in many ways. While his methods were quite unconventional, they had good purpose within them... He had a good heart and I like to think the events of Pollenburn had carved his rough exterior to a slight polish. Not quite to perfection yet but certainly on its way.

Of course that is until he punched Rex Nebula.

"Jacob!" I cried incredulously. I rushed over to Rex's form as the brown wolf wiped his muzzle. I reached into the pocket of my jeans and pulled out a handkerchief and gently offered it to Rex. The Star Lord took it gingerly and thanked me softly.

"Why are you so shocked, Ker?" Joanna asked with a soft chuckle. "Did you expect anything less from the guy who had the balls to capture the world's most notorious criminal?"

I know that technically we are against MODD now but I guess I'm one of those 'inbetweeners' because while I see the necessity to go against the corporation, I don't pigeon hole everyone who bears the MODD brand as automatically 'evil' and my enemy. Case in point is definitely Rex. I don't think he meant us any harm.

While he may be the weakest of the Elemental Lords, I had no doubt he would have put up more resistance if he had wanted to. It sort of reminded me of Jacob's first encounter with an Elemental Lord. He purposefully lost though I think it was because he knew he couldn't do anything to outrun Gale Winthrop or MODD. Here, I believe Rex saw no merit in fighting.

That earned my respect.

Any man who knows when and when not to fight earns big points with me.

I don't give Joanna a reply and examine Rex a little closer. His build is impressive but nowhere near bodybuilder-status like Jacob or godly like Leonardo. He's fit, strong and with enough muscle that when he flexed, it showed a lot. I couldn't tell much else beneath the armour he wore but there was a fierce intelligence in his eyes.

Rumour had it that because Rex was so belittled by his fellow Elemental Lords - at least unofficially - he had to fight hard to maintain his status and standing. His fans claimed he had a shrewd, deadly cunning that was mixed with the perfect balance of frightening strength, cat-like grace and blinding speed. They claimed he was the 'all-rounder' of the Elemental Lords.

He certainly looked it and by the way his sapphire-blue eyes were shifting from person to person around him, I could tell he was reading each of us and committing our strengths and weaknesses to memory; analysing every strand of fur, inch of movement and breath we took and building a profile of us in his head.

His eyes fell on my but I remained cool and maintained my 'innocent, concerned girl' facade. When your family is rich and your parents have so much expectations for you like mine and you're a girl, most of the time, all you have to do is giggle, flick your hair look glassy-eyed as your prospective fiancé yammers on about whatever the hell he's doing to impress your father.

It really isn't a surprise that I dominate the Elements of Star and Ice... I can be cold like ice but it's a glimmering cold from a frozen sun. I can be peppy, innocent and your 'helpless princess' but all of that is just fake.

I don't think anyone - not even Taylor or Joanna - has ever gotten to know the real me.

Well... Jacob perhaps...

"So why are you helping me?" Rex asked, handing me my handkerchief again.

I shook my head and closed his paw around it. "Keep it."

I stood up, the heavy cloth loosely wrapped around my shoulders and across my torso moving like sky-blue liquid with my every movement. I have no idea what possessed Christy - our fashion designer who went back to Shellington - to dress me in what was apparently similar to 'traditional desert wear'. I wore a rather tight, ankle-length one-piece dress beneath my 'poncho' I guess best describes it.

"Because I don't judge a person just because of the job they're forced to do," I answered softly. The long, silver and sky-blue spear I head retracted into the sleeves of my poncho. There was use in my clothing in that they actually hid my weapons.

With the others, their weapons could be hidden quite easily. Leo with his gauntlets, Tayl with his chakrams, Max's staff can fold into itself to look like an unassuming walking cane and even Joanna's sai can be made to look like a pair of chopsticks that she uses to hold up her hair. Even Jacob could 'summon' his swords thanks to his gloves.

As for me, my spears partially retract and slide into a pair of leather straps hidden beneath my poncho.

"That's quite noble of you," Rex grunted, pulling himself up to his feet. "I didn't get your name."

With my spears retracted, I held out my hand to him. "Kerry. Kerry Rawson."

Rex instantly jerked back, a grimace on his face. "Karina Rodriquez Rawson?"

It was my turn to jerk back.

Only five people knew my middle name. My mother, my father, myself, my butler and best friend Antonio and my nanny, Mary. Of those, only two knew my real name. My mother and myself.

Not to bag mouth my father behind his back but that just shows how much he knew me.

"Daughter of Gerard Rawson? That rich aristocrat that kicked me out of the Annual MODD Gala because that son of a -" Rex held himself and coughed, pretending to adjust an imaginary tie.

That was really quite cute and made me smile a little. I would have smiled even more brightly had I not remembered he knew my father. My heart plummeted as I realised that everyone around me was not quite interested. Taylor and Joanna looked like they were caught between a feeling of betrayal, worry and interest. Max was more focused on Rex. Jacob's ears were flicked towards me and - oddly enough - he seemed the most impassive amongst them all though he is sometimes quite hard to read. Leo was interested but not as much as the others. He kept sniffing Jacob's neck and snorting slightly.

"Your father has been looking for you," Rex said after clearing his throat quickly. "He is very concerned."

I note his use of the word 'concerned'. It wasn't 'worried', 'scared' or 'frantic'. He was 'concerned'. Rex wasn't using any euphemisms either. Knowing my father, 'concern' was probably the most he could muster for me.

"Next time you see him," I said evenly, "please inform him that I am fine and in good paws."

"Then I'd be lying to a very influential man," Rex replied. He flicked his ears towards Jacob whose features didn't move. He seemed more stone-like than those statues they were ferrying. I have no idea why they were carting around statues.

Seemed odd to me...

I was tempted to go on my tired old spiel about how my father only got his riches and influence through betrayal, manipulation and underhanded trickery. Which was partially true. He is an avid watcher of the stock market. He doesn't actually have very much solid money and most are just liquid. All his riches were gained either through careful anticipation of the market and people. I have come to long believe that he has had a hand in manipulating the market himself with insider trading and what not but there is little I can prove to that effect.

"It wouldn't be a lie," I answered calmly. "I am with my friends. I'm in good paws. Besides," I added under my breath, "he's got an army of little clones to do his bidding."

He was little more than a slave trader. Over the years, I've had countless 'brothers' who were adopted by him to show his more 'philanthropic' nature. In truth, he trained those kids to become shrewd business people who could not only use their brains but also their charm to bend people to their ways. They would always be tied to him and all their earnings would be pooled into his large - and still getting larger - fortune. He would marry them off to important people, orchestrate divorces whatever else will earn him more money.

It's a little ironic that he could get so much from_adopted_ children but his own flesh and blood is the only one to rebel and go her own path.

Rex Nebula crossed his arms and put all his weight on his left leg, leaning on it slightly while lifting his leg and bending it slightly. It made him look like a flamingo. "I've heard many stories about you, Karina."

"Kerry," I corrected with a faint smile. "Just Kerry, please."

He nodded. "I heard you took up Criminal Sciences in college. Almost died from liver failure and had your parents pay for the operation. You've been arrested a few times for drug possession."

Now everyone was interested. While their varying stares scared me, it was the dark, mischievous smile crossing Jacob's features that scared me the most. It was a little odd... the way he stood there with his arms crossed close to Rex... they almost looked the same... Except Jacob looked younger but bigger.

Sort of like the 'little brother that's not so little'.

"That's all in the past," I answered, shaking my thoughts from my warped thoughts."A lot has happened since then."

There was a glint in Jacob's eyes. I just knew he what he was thinking.

To that, I would counter with, 'Depends on how bad you really are.'

"If you say so," Rex answered tentatively. "It is, of course your choice." He smiled a rather dazzling smile fit for movie stars. "Besides, I'm not allowed within a hundred feet of your father."

I raised an eyebrow. "Why not?"

Rex smirked and bent down to pick up the broken face of a nearby statue. "Let's just say that when you next meet your father, he'll have had to undergo two massive facial reconstruction operations."

I laughed.

"I don't get it," Max admitted.

"One for the damage Rex did," Jacob explained with an impressed look towards Rex, "and the other to repair the damage Rex did."

Now I really wanted to meet my father.

If only to have Polaris appear and see how badly he would soil himself.

And rescue my mother...

"Why were you carting around statues anyway?" Taylor asked, picking up the head that the face Rex held had been attached to. "Does the Elemental Lord of Earth like making sculptures and you had to get rid of the old ones?"

Rex's features darkened.

I saw movement from the corner of my eye and I watched Jacob unfold his arms, pick up a shard of a statue. His features were dark as well. However, where Rex's countenance was marred by sorrow and despair, Jacob's was filled with anger and hatred. One glowed faintly of empathy... the other oozed disgust.

"Let me show you..." Rex whispered.

He gestured that we follow him. After barking orders towards the surviving ANVIL soldiers, we followed Rex away from the carnage that we had left. I felt guilty over killing all those soldiers and I just knew that I was going to get bitten by karma later on in the track. In essence, I had just walked away from murder for knowing the right person.

I suddenly felt dirty.

Like my father...

I tried to reason that it was because I was trying to rescue Jacob... but then again, it seemed that Jacob didn't need rescuing... and yet he still let us bloody our hands and paws for no apparent reason except that we could.

Again... I was reminded at just how rough a diamond Jacob was.

I bore him no hatred or grudges...

I just couldn't... I guess because all my venom is directed at my father...

Suddenly, Rex stopped.

"Welcome to the Grey Grounds Cemetery," he said solemnly.

The first thing I did was look to the ground. Coming from Pollenburn, I had expected to see the ground covered in black sand-like ash to give the place that 'grey' colouring we had seen from the distance whilst on the train. Instead, I was surprised to find knee-high grass rising from the soft, fertile ground.

Confused, I looked up...

... and saw them.


Hundreds, thousands... maybe even tens of thousands of statues littering the grassy planes. Form where we stood, I noticed that they were relatively evenly spaced. Almost like countless stone soldiers positioned differently, all unique species, all unique clothing and all with unique faces. There was a haunting beauty to it.

"Is this what makes this place look grey from the distance?" Joanna asked, circling one of the statues. "Countless of these grey stone statues on these planes?"

"Yes," Rex answered grimly. "They are - don't touch that!"

Leo froze... his nose mere inches away from the crotch of a nearby statue.

Typical Leo though... Trying to sniff everything.

It was cute.

"Step away," Rex warned. "Everyone, step away from those statues. No one touch them."

My heart was suddenly beating in my chest hard... There was something wrong here... and I just knew it. We all took several steps away from the statues.

"Why the sudden freak out?" Max asked in his usual, crass, tactless way. It seemed even he didn't consider the Elemental Lord of Star that great and he was a big supporter of MODD. "They're just statues right? I mean, you're not afraid of stone are you?"

"Not if that stone is infectious," Rex growled, forcing Max to back down. "These statues... These... These statues..." Rex choked up... so Jacob took over.

"These statues are the victims of the Fossilisation Plague."

I froze... I had no idea what the 'Fossilisation Plague' was but if it was anything like the Pollenburn Plague...

"The what...?" Max demanded softly.

"The Plague that's currently hitting all of Graesham," Jacob answered. "In essence, your entire body gets turned to stone very slowly. So slow in fact that you can't eat and breathe because you can't move your lips or muscles. People opt to be euthanized instead of starving to death in the endless agony of the plague."

My heart restarted and I was suddenly very grateful. I was afraid it had turned to stone. "W - Wait..." I stammered. "So all these statues...?"

"Used to be Mortaelians, just like you and me." Jacob flashed us all a dark, humourless grin. "And now you know what it's called the 'Grey Ground Cemetery.'"

"You so did not know what that really meant until now," Rex accused.

Jacob returned a patronising look. "Awww... Did I steal your thunder?" Then he grinned devilishly, his tail wagging excitedly. "What are you going to do? Arrest me? We all know how well that went. Unless you're up for some facial reconstruction. I'm a licensed practitioner, you know."

That surprised me. "You are?" I asked.

"He's the 'Surgeon of Shellington," Rex answered, rolling his eyes. "People gave him that name because apparently he strikes with precision at the most critical places like a scalpel in the hands of a skilled doctor."

"Spoilsport," Jacob muttered.

It was Rex's turn to act smug but he spoiled it by sticking out his tongue at Jacob. "Now who is stealing whose thunder?"

They were acting like two immature boys. Despite being in the presence of such a sombre location, they were just one more insult away from trading blows. It was like watching the two rival brothers at a funeral that would try making bets about who can jump over the hole where the coffin would be buried without falling in.

Joanna stepped in between them, pushing them apart, ever the diligent mother-like figure. "Break it up you two." Her hazel eyes turned to Rex. "Tell us more about this plague."

Rex and Jacob seemed to share a mental sparing match for a few seconds as they stared at one another. I watched their features twitch and their ears flick here and there and could only guess at what they were trying to tell one another. Nothing good I wagered.

"The Plague is only every active for a month every year," Rex said. "Always the same month. The same day. The anniversary of Rose Earthsire's death."

Jacob's features darkened. "Rose who?"

The triumphant grin on Rex's face told me that he seemed to think his superior knowledge gave him one over Jacob. "Rose was the daughter of the former Elemental Lord of Earth, Conway Earthsire. She rebelled against Conway, looking for freedom of her own and attempting to elope with the man she loved. Unfortunately, she ended up fusing herself with her Seal and dying."

Bitter realisation hit me like a spear directly to my heart.

Was that to be my destiny?

In my attempt to break away and be free of my father... would I die?

My heart was racing again... but for an entirely different reason now...

"The Plague is unstoppable," Rex said, sadly shaking his head. "No Seal can stop it."

"Ever tried just abandoning the town?" Taylor suggested with a shrug. "Evacuate everyone. Make sure that no one is there to become infected."

"Don't be daft," Max muttered, whacking the back of his head slightly with his palm. "Graesham is one of the major economical hubs in all of Rillotia and even across Mortaelis. The Emerald Crown has an inbuilt airport there that accepts trade good from all over the world. Closing it down for an entire month would kill Rillotia's economy and that'd hurt more people than a few people in the town."

"Typical MODD outlook," Joanna muttered. "Money over people."

"It's necessity."

Jacob lifted his paws. "There is another way to solve the Plague problem."

Rex rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Oh this should be good." He lifted his paws and shook his right paw. "Either you're going to suggest we move the entire complex several kilometre away so that it isn't technically Graesham which would involve moving entire mountains or..." He shook his left paw. "You want us to populate all of Graesham with robots - which are buggy at best - for the month during the Fossilisation Plague's active period."

Jacob blinked a few times and shrugged. "I was just going to suggest you kill everyone. That'd solve your problems. Could even sell the meat left over as 'exotic cuisine' every month. MODD could make a killing since it's only available for four weeks a year."

Rough diamond... Rough diamond...

"So what do you guys do about the Plague?" I asked softly. I couldn't take my eyes off the serene looks of the statues. They looked so at peace... but at the same time, I realised that those were the expressions of people who had succumbed to their fate.

"Rocky and I come here every year to try and find a cure," Rex answered with a shake of his head. "It does little good. It is unstoppable. MODD has issued a quarantine on Graesham as well. No one can come in or out. The airport and the train station are the only places visitors can visit but even then, they have to undergo details body scrubs and gene tests before they leave. No one is allowed to leave the premises of those two facilities either.

"That kind of puts a stress on the existing population to... propagate throughout the entire year."

I raised my eyebrows and was about to say something but Jacob beat me to the punch.

"They have crazy unprotected sex orgies to prevent their population from completely dying out?"

... not quite what I was going to say...

Rex gave him a sour look. "If you want to be crass about it... yes. The Plague only ever takes about ten thousand per year. Graesham has six million people living in it alone. It may not seem like a lot..."

"But the death of even one person is devastating alone," Joanna murmured.

What a thing to say after just having killed several MODD troops.

Again that guilt hit me...

"What's the progress on the cure?" Taylor asked. "Is it a genetic thing? Is it chemical or biological? If it isn't then it might be magical. It seems Earth-based to me so that Fire should technically be able to beat it, right?"

I had forgotten that Taylor was a biochemist.

Rex wagged a finger at him and nodded with slightly pursed lips. "Now there, you have a point... Come on, I want you to meet someone..."


Father Randall Belford reminded me of my best friend, Antonio.

He was a kind soul who only wanted to help but because he was bound by duty, he could do little to actually do anything. Being a priest of the local church branch of the Holy Mountain - a division of the Ascensionists who specialised in the Seals bound to the Element of Earth - he didn't have the resources to help as many people as he wanted. He could only offer prayer and what aid he could.

The young boy before him screamed in agony and flailed wildly as I watched Father Belford work his magic. I couldn't help but tear up a little as the rocky flesh that had encased the young boy's arm bubbled and became bright red, turning into molten rock.

"Quick!" Father Belford demanded. "Get it off his arm before it burns through!"

His assistant, Gabriel Stone, quickly got what looked like a huge spatula and scooped the molten magma off the boy's arm and shoved it into a waiting Seal-enchanted bucket. The boy's arm was left ragged, bloody and charred. Father Belford began chanting and slowly, the charred arm began to heal and close up.

With the ordeal done, Belford staggered back and wiped his sweaty brown. The weeping boy collapsed into his waiting mother's arms who profusely thanked Belford and hurried away.

The gorilla raised his hands. "No more..." he gasped. "Please... I am exhausted." The huge line of people waiting in line at the altar all began pleading, some falling to their knees and weeping openly. "I will aid you all in time..." He was breathing heavily and had to lean on Gabriel's shoulder to keep him standing. "But... I need my rest... Be patient my children. Grant me an hour and I shall return with the Earth's blessings."

Father Belford staggered away from the altar of the massive cathedral that had been converted into an asylum for the infected. The hospitals were already overflowing with patients and the rest had poured into the cathedral seeking solace in prayer and, apparently, the only way to postpone the effects of the plague.

I followed him into his private quarters along with Rex and the rest of the group. Belford's quarters were humble. Just a simple mattress and a shelf of books. Nothing more. Not even carpet or a desk. There was a single holy symbol nailed to the wall above the head of his bed.

I heard Joanna murmur something about wanting to stay behind and Taylor opted to do the same. Since Joanna specialised in the Elements of Earth and Water, she probably could lend a hand. Taylor specialised in the Element of Fire and Wind.

Belford sat down on his bed while Gabriel stood attentively by his side. "I apologise that you must see me in this state," he said solemnly. "I am quite exhausted..." He gave us all a brave grin. "I am not as young as I used to be."

"Clearly you're young enough to use a Seal," Jacob said.

I wanted to slap him.

He was being very ungrateful to a person who was saving countless people's lives. Then again, I guess I couldn't expect him to show compassion towards people he didn't know. Though, I did suspect one day, he will get to that point.

"Father Belford used to be one of the former Elemental Lord of Earth's lieutenants," Rex explained, making a few gestures towards Belford. "He along with Norton Manx and one other made up the three lieutenants that served Conway Earthsire. When Conway retired, so did Father Belford."

"And yet you still get to keep your Seal," Jacob observed a bit too critically.

I will admit, I did find the fact that Father Belford still kept his Seal to be highly suspect... and the fact that his assistant also had a Seal did set off a few alarms in my head.

"I was allowed to keep my Seal because of my extensive service records whilst I was in MODD," Belford chuckled. "Thankfully, I have been able to put it to good use. However, with my old age... that is getting harder and harder with each passing day..." He groaned as he stood up and stretched his back. There were a few audible cracks.

Before Jacob could further interrogate Belford, I spoke up. "That's a fairly impressive technique you did with the Fossilisation Plague."

Belford gave me a weak but encouraging smile. "Why thank you, child." His smile waned. "If only I had discovered the technique earlier..." He sighed heavily and rested his hand on Gabriel's shoulder. "It is all thanks to this young man here, however."

"I live to serve, Father," Gabriel answered with a slight bow.

"Don't be so modest boy," Belford scowled, poking his chest. His eyes turned to regard us. "You see, there was only so much I could do with my Earth-based Seal. I couldn't remove the fossilised flesh or I would tear off the limbs of the poor victims."

"Can't you do some sort of skin grafting procedure?" Max asked.

The gorilla smiled gently at him and nodded slowly. "That is exactly what we are doing here... In a sense. We are heating the rock so that it becomes molten lava. That is where I require Gabriel's expertise as he specialises in the arts of Fire." Belford, still smiling, nodded towards Gabriel who remained stoic and unmoving though I did detect a glint of pride in his eyes. "I then use my abilities to remove the molten rock from the victim. The heat from the magma cauterises the wound and somehow prevents the disease from spreading...

"At least until the following year."

My eyes snap up and I catch Belford in a pleading gaze. "You mean to say that this doesn't cure them?"

With a sombre expression, Belford shook his head. "Unfortunately not, my child. Those that I aid only become infected the next year. I am merely delaying the inevitable. While I attempt to keep the numbers of the infected down, I am only one man and a weakening on at that." He staggered to his feet and straightened his humble, black robes. "While I try as I might, at least a hundred perish due to the Plague but not for a lack of trying..."

My heart broke...

"If this place is so important to MODD, why don't they just send more troops to help in keeping the population alive?" Jacob asked. "Or are they just too cheap to rely on the charitable services of a half-dead priest and his peacock of an alter server that he's probably molested a couple of times."


I didn't even realise that I had been the one that had shouted indignantly.

"You are not a believer, son?" Belford asked.

"Actually, I'm quite a knowledgeable Ascensionist."

I was surprised. I never took Jacob to be very religious. Well... It's hard to believe anyone like him could be religious at all... Unless he was sort of what I had been back in the day where I purposefully worshiped the dark side of the norm. I'll admit, the occult fascinated me.

"You are?" Rex asked incredulously. "You can't be very devout after all the things you've done."

Jacob flashed him what was quickly becoming a smirk reserved just for Rex. It was his 'I know something you don't know' smirk. "There's a difference between having a faith and being devout."

Rex did his eye-roll. Something he was quickly associating with Jacob as well. "Do tell. I bet it has something to do with fiery pits of hell and carnal acts of self-pleasure."

"You'd win that bet," Jacob snickered, turning to Belford. "Why don't you tell him 'Father'? You should know the answer to that, right?"

Belford maintained his gentle smile as he said, "Having a faith merely means you believe what the rest of the religion believes. Being devout means that you follow their doctrines. Just because you believe, it does not mean you will walk the same path they churches and ministers do."

"This'd be the first time I ever hear of anyone wanting to go to Hell," Rex murmured with a shake of his head.

"Better than this place," Jacob countered.

Before they could get into another sparring match of wits, I grasped Rex's paw and pulled him closer to me. It was an act meant to distance himself from Jacob but he hadn't been expecting the move and staggered back into me. He toppled back slightly and accidentally pressed his paw against my left breast.

It was entirely accidental of course. I wasn't about to turn around and slap him for something that I instigated.

Still, it was cute to see him blush and pull away like he had sinned against the gods. Which wasn't really out of the equation. He did just press his paw against my breast in the presence of a preacher and inside a cathedral. Some dark part of me wanted to milk him for all his embarrassment but I held back.

That part of me is long gone.

Yes, I was going up against the law and my father's wishes but that was a by-product of what I was truly aiming for.

A free and independent Mortaelis, free of the iron grasp of MODD and the Seals, had to come with a few personal sacrifices. I swore never to go against the law - against my father, any time but the law, never - but that was just a promise I could not keep.

"Sorry!" he exclaimed, shaking his offending paw. He was eyeing the pool of holy water a few metres away and I could guess what he was thinking.

"There is nothing to be sorry about," I answered curtly. To emphasise that point, I turned towards Father Belford and continued our previous conversation. "Why isn't MODD helping?"

"They are, my child," Belford answered with a gentle smile. "After all, both Rex and Rocky are here, are they not? They are preventing his plague from spreading further out than the limits of the city. It means we are trapped here for the rest of our natural lives but there is little we can do. The sacrifice of a few is worth the joy and happiness of the collective."

"Is that what you tell your 'followers'?" Jacob asked. He wasn't being sarcastic or scathing. It was more a statement than a question or a question where he really didn't care about the answer.

Gabriel's black eyes flashed and he took a threatening step towards Jacob. "Don't you dare -"

The ram froze.

Even before he could finish, Jacob already had Radiance out with the tip of the blade pressed against Gabriel's throat. I tensed, slowly reaching for my spears under my poncho just in case a fight really did break out. I doubted Jacob would be that dense. He wasn't one to start fights but fights usually found him. I could see the reservations Gabriel had about Jacob and I had no doubt the ram was looking for any excuse to throw a match into the room full of explosives.

"This is a house of peace and solace," Belford rumbled. He rested a hand on Jacob and Gabriel's shoulders. "There is already enough death and despair in Graesham. Do not add more."

Jacob lowered his sword and dismissed Radiance. "I just might be subtracting some if I get rid of this walking wool coat."

"So says the wolf with a track record to make even the darkest heart seem bright," Gabriel scowled.

"Gabriel!" Belford snapped, clearly irritated.

The ram ducked his head and bowed solemnly. "Sorry, father."

Naturally, Jacob pounced on the moment of weakness and gave the ram a smug look. Belford countered with a disproving stare. Jacob ignored him and turned towards the door.

"Where do you think you're going?" Rex demanded.

Jacob waved his paw over his shoulder absently. "To see if I can put some of these people out of their misery."

I knew what Jacob was thinking. He wasn't euphemising death. He was going to actively look for some way to help these people. I prayed Rex wouldn't fall for the bait.


Ironic how at the heart of a place of prayer, one's prayers are never answered.

"What?" Jacob countered, with a look of mock innocence on his face.

Rex stormed over to him and seized the collar of his blue, hooded shirt. Jacob didn't even defend himself. "If you so much as lay a finger on any of them, I swear..."

"Touch horribly diseased, infected, dying, hopeless people?" Jacob answered, appearing offended. He knocked Rex's paws aside. "Taylor and Joanna will be doing all the touching."

That caught Rex off guard... me too.

I had forgotten that both Taylor and Joanna controlled Fire and Earth respectively. With their combined powers, they could probably replicate the procedure that Belford and Gabriel had performed. Since they possess Brands, they could probably get through more people than Belford could!

It was brilliant!

Jacob was quite creative when he wanted to be.

I guess it came from his skewed perspective on the world.

"Tayl and Jo can probably duplicate the feat that Belford performed," Jacob said, turning towards the door. "My guess is that they're at it right now since they did excuse themselves earlier. If worse comes to worse..." He summoned Radiance ominously. "I could always amputate."

"No!" Rex shouted.

"Let him be, Rex," Belford said softly.

Jacob left, his tail swaying with a sense of self-satisfaction and this taunting edge to it like he was challenging Rex to come after him. Naturally, Leo - who hadn't said anything the entire time - followed after him leaving myself, Rex and Max in the presence of Father Belford and Gabriel.

"Don't worry about him," Max muttered softly. "He's just like that. He doesn't mean it, though. Sometimes he does. But not always. You really can't tell."

"How can you follow an asshole like that?" Rex growled, baring his fangs. "Does he ever do that to any of you? Just taunt and torment you for no reason?"

The funny thing is...

... he didn't.

He actually treated us with respect.

"No," Max and I both answered.

"It must just be you," I added with a chuckle. "He might be subconsciously thinking you're trying to be the dominant alpha male or something."

Rex regarded me curiously. His curious expression was quite adorable. His left ear flattened against his head, he inclined his head to the right, his eyebrows knotted together to form a single crease between his, soft, white brows and he puckered his lips slightly. I swear, he looked like he was going to kiss me.

Or at least thinking about it.

"Why would he think that?"

"Probably because he and Leo are mated and he thinks that if he looks badly in front of another wolf, Leo will latch onto that other wolf," Max said dismissively.

For someone who claimed to be straight, he sure could give quite precise analyses of gay relationships.

Gabriel looked even more appalled than before. "Those two are mated?" He shook his head furiously. "No wonder they are so sinful! And they claim to be Ascensionists!"

"Jacob Reaper claimed that," Belford answered, walked towards the door in a slow, hobbling pace. "The other wolf, I believe he is a Tribal. However, we cannot force, my son. We can only guide."

"We should guide them right out of this place," the ram muttered, aiding Belford in out of the room.

Max followed them, lending his paws to help Belford as well.

I shook my head slowly as I heard the screams of those suffering beyond the door. Taylor and Joanna's shouts accompanied them, one barking at the other as they furiously tried to coordinate their efforts to aid the diseased.

My heart ached to do something...

... but my Elements were Ice and Star...

What could I do?

"I don't get it."

Rex was regarding me curiously with that same stare again.

"Sorry?" I responded.

"How does a sweet, kind, level-headed doe like you get caught up in the company of that crazy, cold-hearted, insensitive monster?"

I felt a smile crawling onto my face. Shifting my weight from one foot to the other, I said, "I think it's because the six of us balance each other in a way. Jacob and Max are like on the opposite ends of the spectrum.

"Jacob's Elements are Light and Sound. He thinks fast, he's impulsive and there really isn't much thought to his actions but when he's focused on something, he goes for it. Max on the other hand, has the Elements of Mind and Metal. He's conservative, thinks things through and doesn't just rush out there.

"The rest of us are distributed along that scale. Think of Jacob as 1 and Max is 6. I'm closer to Max. I guess at 5. Leo is always loyal to Jacob and is at 2. Taylor thinks things through as well but can be impulsive at time and will probably place at 4. Joanna can be harsh and favours Jacob's 'doer' perspective but she likes to reflect as well, putting her at 3."

Rex's eyebrows rose. "Wow... You have a pretty mathematical and analytical brain there, little miss."

Some primitive instinct kicked up inside of me at the word 'little'. I wanted to defend myself and threaten him, demanding to know who was so little after I had knocked him on his ass. But I didn't. I was the shortest amongst the entire team and as females go, I'm not much to look at. Sometimes, people come up to me and ask if I had 'breast reduction surgery' or ask 'where did you ass go, girl?'.

'Little' was a word I didn't like.

"Something I said?" Rex asked.

I blinked and realised I had been staring and probably looked a little cross. I smiled gently and brushed a strand of my shoulder-length blonde hair back behind my ear. "No... Just... I don't like being called 'little'."

"Why not?"

Ah, of course, canine curiosity. I should have known better than to attempt to hint a conversation was closed in the presence of a wolf. Jacob was worse though. He had a way with words that would force you to open up... Or he'd torture you. At least Rex was more civil.

"As you can see, I am not entirely... 'big'," I answered, making a gesture at my rather flat torso.

"I think it's cute."

Suddenly I was blushing.

"Of course you do," I answer dismissively. "My father probably regaled you about how 'beautiful' and 'eligible' I was. I bet his incentive for you to find me was my hand in marriage or a reasonable slab of his fortune."

Then my father would orchestrate some drunken sex orgy that Rex would be unfortunate enough to find himself the centre of. After that, the blackmail will start. If that didn't work, divorce and half of Rex's property goes to me which, by default, goes to my father.

"Actually, I never really got to talk to your father," Rex answered with a faint grimace. "I may have accidentally said some nasty things to him that sort of got me kicked out of his party..."

Now I was curious. "Oh? Like what?"

"Something along the lines of his impotence as a male and the fact that he'd probably sell out his own family to get more money."

I didn't doubt that. My father married for money, not love. My mother was miserable with him. It was my goal to free her. I never really knew how I would do it before but now... Now I'm confident I can.

I politely chuckle at Rex's statement and say, "What did he do then?"

"He kindly had me escorted off the premises," Rex answered with a shrug.

"That doesn't seem so bad."

"It wasn't. Until I broke in later."

My eyebrows shot up. "You what?"

"I was actually really drunk," Rex answered with frown and a blush. "I was about to go off for a month to take care of sick people. I wanted to spend at least my last few nights with some semblance of happiness because Graesham... well... it's kind of gray and dull. Not to mention depressing."

I could understand that. Though I imagined that a drunk Elemental Lord must have been quite a media spectacle. It was a bit of a wonder that I hadn't heard about it.

"MODD covered it up, of course," Rex said dismissively. "Your father didn't want me anywhere near him or his family, though."

There was a slight glint in his eyes and I suddenly knew where this was going. I smirked and crossed my arms across my chest, trying to tell him that I wasn't interested in any of his advancements. "And you think that by seducing the poor, helpless daughter of the big rich, influential jackass, you can make up for your transgressions and get back into MODD's good graces?"

Rex wagged a finger at me. "If you haven't noticed, I'm trying to destroy MODD. Secondly, you are nothing like your father and where I would publicly defame him for the asshole that he is - drunk or sober - I would never do anything to someone as kind, graceful and sensitive as yourself.

"Lastly..." He gave me his best suggesting look. "... is my charm winning you over?"

I couldn't help it.

It was so corny and I know he meant it to be like that.

Unfortunately, it worked.

I laughed and that forced me to uncross my arms as I covered my muzzle. "Getting there," I admitted.

"Enough to go for coffee?" Rex pressed.


Oh, what the hell.


Rex Nebula grinned at me and offered me his arm. "Well then, shall we?"

Some part of me felt a little guilty... I was leaving the people suffering in the cathedral to go entertain myself. Even Jacob was probably working hard to find some way to cure these people. But me...? I was going on a date...

... but not just any other date.

It was a date with Rex Nebula!

Well...not so much a 'date'.

It's coffee.


I was going for coffee with Rex Nebula, the Elemental Lord of Star!

Reaper Graesham Campaign: Episode 1

**Episode 1: Rockslide** _Graesham is one of the major economic mainstays of Rillotia. The mining town - while relatively small - provides Rillotia with an unsurpassed amount of raw materials. With the processing plants also within the town, this...

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Reaper Graesham Campaign: Prelude

**Reaper: The Purge of Graesham** **Prelude: You are my Rock** _"Memory is a valuable tool and a precious commodity for all mortals. However you look at it, a mortal uses their memory to make themselves stronger. Whether this is...

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Soul Mate Charm: Sanctuary

**\*\*\*\*\*** **Disclaimer** This story contains fictional acts of a homosexual nature and acts between biologically related individuals, rapid, supernatural progression of age and erotic transformation. If you are not legally able to do read this...

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