Transfor-Mansion: Chapter 1
This is the first chapter of the Transfor-Mansion story series I am writing. This is a commission based series that anyone can jump into, and takes place in a highly technologically advanced abandoned mansion. You can transform into just about anything, and you most definitely won't be leaving as the human form you came in as. This is the first chapter, written for my mate. Enjoy.
Transfor-Mansion Experience: Chapter 1
The Dyne family mansion had been a solid center to the city for as long as anyone could remember. Eccentric, rich, and brilliant, they brought all types into the city, drawn to the strangeness that they put out just by being on the same street. With their presence, they doubled the size of the city just by existing, and that didn't count the various inventions that they came up with, supplying them with wealth and the small city of Tarsnof with notoriety, which further increased their standing in the world of tourism and travel. If someone wanted to see something particularly extraordinary, they came to Tarsnof and arranged a tour of the Dyne mansion. A guided tour, of course; no one was stupid enough to try and walk through that den of mad scientist experiments without a guide and escort. At least, no one thought there was. If there had been someone that dumb, they had never come out of the mansion again.
All of this and more had provided the citizens and the police enough reason to just leave the Dynes alone. So what if there was a great deal of explosive noise and lights from the house almost nightly? Who cared if some of the extremely belligerent fringe groups went missing with their last known location around the Dyne mansion? It wasn't as though they were ever going to be missed by anyone that mattered more than a little bit, after all, and it made the city a little bit cleaner, a little bit more enjoyable for those that called it home.
Everyone loved the Dynes, at least from a distance. Those that called Tarsnof home never actually entered the mansion, more out of an unspoken fear of the contents than out of any other reason, but they did love them. They had made the city one of the more enjoyable places to live, and definitely one of the most interesting. They were also cash cows of a sort, the taxes from their various inventions almost the sole source of funding for some of the projects of the city government.
So it wasn't particularly surprising that the news of the Dyne's departure from the manor was met with surprise, anger, and sadness. Oh, they weren't really living Tarsnof so much as they were dying like flies, but it was still quite clear that they were not going to be long for the world. One by one, they died off or disappeared, leaving the family that much smaller. It was considered a good month where only two members of the family died, and an average month saw the passing of at least four of them. It was only through the sheer size of the family that they lasted more than half a year during their decline, really.
When the last of the Dyne family was on her deathbed, she called several lawyers to her side, as well as the mayor of the town. She forced them swear that the house would never pass into the hands of another, nor would there ever be any attempt to bulldoze the building and sell the land it was on to someone else. No one ever understood why, and she didn't deign to explain to them her reasons. All that she said was that the house belonged to the Dynes, and anyone else was an intruder. "The mansion doesn't like intruders...we made sure that it wouldn't like them," she said before ordering the lawyer to get the papers put together for her to sign, and be quick about it.
Unfortunately, she died before the paperwork could be completed, and the modified version of her will was conveniently misplaced. The mayor, a close friend of the family - or as close as anyone in Tarsnof was willing to admit to being - kept his word to her for as long as he held his office. The manor remained abandoned for years, decades, before he was finally kicked out of office and replaced with someone that hadn't spent most of their life with the Dyne family being a silent benefactor of their office terms. Faced with the lack of funds that the previous mayor had left behind, and knowing that the mansion had at least an attraction to the eccentric community of the world, the new mayor overruled the objections of his predecessor and decided to put the grand manor and grounds up for auction, either as a new dwelling place, or as just the land it stood on.
That property auction was decided to be on the thirtieth of June, 2011.
Today is June 2, 2011.
Jamie leaned against the stone wall surrounding the Dyne property, looking up and down the street. The moonlight was hardly sufficient to make out any details of anything across the street other than the houses, and there were no streetlights to make it any easier, but it didn't stop the young man from squinting to make out the meager details available to him.
The few houses that stood near the manor walls were dark, the inhabitants in bed for hours already. The only family on the block that had a dog, or any sort of pet that stayed outside for any length of time, had taken their animal inside already and locked the door. Cars driving by at this time of night were rare, and he'd be able to see them long before they could see him, so there was no worry about being seen by a passing driver. He'd already figured that much out.
What Jamie needed to make sure of was that he was the only one thinking of sneaking into the mansion tonight. His eyes glanced over every silhouette that he could find, but they never turned out to be another human being. It turned out to be a short bush, or a fire hydrant, or some weird bit of trash someone had tossed out for some reason or another. Nobody else but him seemed to want to be out of their house tonight.
"Perfect," he muttered to himself. Jamie turned to the wall, looking up at the edge of the wall. The stone-concrete mix made for a rather sturdy sort of barrier, and the fact that it was about ten feet tall didn't really help him out very much either. Any normal person wouldn't have a chance to reach the top of the wall, and even a basketball player would have a hard time using his slam dunk jump to reach the edge. Smooth as the top was, they would be more likely to fall back down on their butt than to pull themselves up to the edge.
But he had thought of how to counter that. Chuckling as he walked to the corner of the wall, Jamie reached down to a row of old bushes that lined the ground along that part of the stone structure. He'd hidden a ladder here a while back, and with that, it wouldn't be that hard to get over the wall.
He settled the edge of the ladder against the wall and, after a quick glance to make sure that no cars were coming his way, started to climb up the rungs. It only took him a few seconds to reach the top of the wall, and only a few more seconds to pull the ladder up after him and toss it down on the other side. No need to leave evidence that someone was inside, and more importantly, no reason to leave himself no way to get out again.
After jumping down on the lawn below, Jamie took a moment to collect himself. If he was going to break into someplace as legendary as the Dyne mansion, he needed to be calm and collected.
He still couldn't believe that no one else had done this before. This mansion was a legend in Tarsnof, after all. Surely there was someone else in the city that had decided to take a midnight stroll through the place to find out what it was like? Well, if there had been, he hadn't been able to find them, no matter how hard he looked, and even his best friend hadn't known anything about what was in the house. Of course, he hadn't seen him for a while, so that might have changed, but that was a question for another day. Tonight was about satisfying his own curiosity so that he could get some peace.
Stashing the ladder at the corner of the wall, he took a look around the grounds. The gates were solid and allowed no views inside, so this was the first time he'd seen more than the top of the manor. From the corner, it was a little difficult to see anything, and the low level of moonlight only made the task more difficult, but he was able to discern a few things. The driveway extended in a straight line from the gate, leading to a large entryway for the manor itself. The front door was covered by a large overhang that turned to a balcony on the second floor, and was supported by several large stone columns. Surprisingly, the manor was over two football fields away, maybe seven hundred feet if he didn't miss his guess.
Several other things were visible in the darkness along the way, too. Gnarled bushes, long since bare of their leaves and greenery, stretched out along the sides of the driveway. The moonlight seemed to gleam off of the bare branches, each of them ending in a sharp looking point that made him wince just looking at it. "Bushes like that belong in horror movies, not in a rich family's lawn," he muttered to himself.
Further towards the house, extending out in an arc, were some trees with low hanging branches. The closer ones, about halfway between the front wall and the house, seemed to be laden with fruit. That was a little weird to him, considering they were nearing winter, but maybe they were just late bloomers? It was something to consider, something to see, at the least, and his curiosity wouldn't let him ignore them. Besides, the fruit trees were on the way to the front door. Sort of.
All right, they were just there, and he wanted to see what they were. He was curious like that.
Still, it was kind of creepy as he walked across the grounds towards the trees. The moonlight, dim as it was, provided just enough light to make the grounds look like something out of a horror movie. Branches of dead bushes reached up like zombiefied hands out of a graveyard, and the pavement glowed like a road into the netherworld, like it would take guide him to hell if he turned onto the path. The walls suddenly seemed less of an easily surmountable obstacle and more of a prison wall, as much there to keep monsters in as it was to keep people out.
"That's ridiculous," Jamie said to himself, shaking his head a few times but failing to dispel the feelings of dread that clung to him. Now that the thoughts were present, he doubted that they would leave until he got home again.
If he got home again, that was.
"No, don't think like that," he muttered to himself. His shoes squelched on some of the wet grass, almost sticking in a few places that were more mud than they were grass, and whenever it stuck for longer than a second to pull his foot free, he thought of images of something reaching up from below, grabbing him and keeping him from running away. The thought of zombies would have been ridiculous, except for the fact of where he was. This was the Dyne mansion, after all. There were legends that were more spectacular and harder to believe than zombies, after all. If there was anyplace outside of a graveyard that the dead would rise, it was here.
He forced those thoughts from his head as he stepped underneath the nearest of the trees, looking up at it. The branches held so many shadows that it was impossible to see anything but the vaguest of shapes. Not even the moonlight reached down far enough to really reveal anything held inside, other than the shapes of laden branches he'd seen further away. As much as it was against his better judgment, Jamie reached into his pocket and pulled out a little flashlight. "Just a little bit won't be seen," he thought as he turned it on, flashing the beam among the branches.
He needn't have worried. The branches and leaves of the trees were thick enough to prevent the light from sticking up past the top, and now that he thought about it, he wasn't sure it reached more than halfway to the top of the tree, considering how thick the branches got. But that was beside the point. What was the point, and what had his attention, were the fruit hanging from the tree. There were many different things, from the standard apples and the other tree growing fruits, but there were different things as well, things that he had never seen at the supermarket or at any fruit market, either. They were polka dotted, almost sickening in color combinations from time to time, but none of them looked rotten or anything else that would explain the double sets of colors on them.
"Curious," he muttered to himself. He reached up for a red and black fruit and almost dropped it. The fruit actually was warm, rather than chilled like the air around it. It seemed there was more weirdness to the fruit than just the color and the shape. Holding the red and black fruit in hand, he took a closer look. It was shaped almost blushed as he realized what it was shaped like. "How the heck did anyone get something that looked like a set of anal beads to grow in the shape of a fruit?" he muttered in curiosity. "That just doesn't seem possible."
A part of him wondered what the fruit tasted like, and despite his attempts to quell that curiosity, the thought stuck in his head. The fruit was a strange thing, after all, and he had this unnatural level of curiosity about...well, everything. For all he knew, the fruit could have been utter poison, but Jamie felt this compulsion to eat it.
After only a moment of hesitation, he bit into the fruit. Soft like a nectarine rather than hard like an apple, it was easy to bite into, and the juices exploded on his tongue. Moaning softly in approval of the taste, he bit into it again and again, swallowing the soft yet pulpy fruit quickly. The flavor was so good that he almost reached for another when he was done, but he stopped himself as he experienced a rather strange sensation, a tingling at his feet.
Since he couldn't really see what was going on, Jamie backed away from the tree quickly. He hurried along the grounds to the front door, sitting down on one of the steps that led up to it. Even that much walking was difficult for him, the tingling feeling in his feet growing, and in some places turning into a sort of warmth. The tingles were almost like the feeling one got when a body part was waking back up, but different, too. They didn't hurt, and almost tickled instead of burning too, which was the only way he actually was able to tolerate it.
But the tingles were fading, replaced with a stretched sort of feeling, and a cramped sensation covering both of his feet, like his shoes were suddenly too small. "This is...really weird," he muttered softly, rubbing at his shoe to try and relieve the tingles.
Rather than leaving, however, the tingles returned with a vengeance, like hundreds of little needles pricking at his feet. More than that, his shoes were visibly bulging. He hadn't been sure at first, but there was definitely something happening to his feet, and if he didn't hurry, he was sure that he was going to be very uncomfortable in a few seconds. Hurriedly, he undid his shoes and shoved them away from him. They fell to the pavement of the driveway, bouncing lightly a few times as they lurched away from him. However, by the time that they stopped, he had lost interest in them and was staring, frozen, at his feet.
The socks he wore, formerly quite loose, were now stretched to their fullest capacity, and his feet seemed intent on tearing them apart. Stretched as it was, he could see the little holes in the fabric that were normally invisible to the naked eye unless viewed close up. "What the hell?" Jamie muttered, shaking his head. He poked at the underside of his feet, hardly believing this was real.
From the first touch he was convinced that it was real. Strangely, just a single light stroke from heel to toe made him moan. It was pleasurable! He'd never really gotten himself to moan just from touching his feet before, but now, it was almost as good as other activities that one did in the safety of their bedroom. Unable to resist, he stroked a finger along the bottom of his foot again, moaning once more from the way it felt.
Every time that he stroked it, he saw that his foot surged forward just a little bit more, the toes bending back a little bit from the pressure that they were putting on the ends of the sock. His feet had to have increased a good four sizes, maybe five, by this point. Stroking along the underside, he watched them expand more and more, the needle tingle feeling subsiding and being replaced by the wonderful feeling that never failed to pull a moan from his lips. It was almost addictive, and he just couldn't stop.
It only took a few strokes to push the growth to the edge, and Jamie stared in stunned disbelief as his toes ripped through the front of his sock. The rip in the fabric relieved a great deal of tension that had been building up, and though there was still a little bit of discomfort around the heel, it was much less.
His other foot followed suit shortly after, but he barely noticed. The sight of his feet actually bursting from his socks, something that he might have fantasized about at some point but never actually expected, had given him quite an erection in his pants. He ignored it as best he could, but he couldn't ignore that it was there. "This is...really...freaky," Jamie said. Despite the weirdness of it, though, he didn't think about heading back to the ladder and leaping the fence again, or even about heading home. The fact that he was here, about to enter the mansion, had too much of a hold on him. He needed to see the inside of this place, particularly after seeing that the Dynes had put together a tree that could make peoples' feet grow, and who knew what else.
Pulling himself to his feet and doing his best to ignore the tingles of pleasure he felt from his feet, Jamie turned to the steps. There were only a few of them, about seven, leading from the driveway to the front door. The stone was a little cold to his toes, but the actual porch or patio or whatever the proper word was actually had a little bit of heat to it. Maybe it had absorbed some of the day's warmth and was only now letting it go? Seemed a rather unlikely idea, but it was all that he could think of. After all, stone didn't warm itself.
"Then again, this mansion is so weird that it's possible," he said. Jamie looked back at the driveway, where his now too small shoes waited. He would need to get those before he left, he knew, and he tried to write himself a mental note so he wouldn't forget. That done, he turned to the front door, opened it, and stepped inside.
With the purported riches of the Dyne family, he shouldn't have been surprised at what he saw, but he was nevertheless. Stretched out before him, after he walked through a short thin entry hall, was a grand ball room. The floor glimmered softly in the moonlight that slipped through the windows, reflecting off of black and white marble tiles. They were still in excellent condition even with the mansion having been empty for years, and there wasn't so much as the slightest crack in them from other days, when the mansion must have been full. He wondered how that was possible before looking further along.
For a moment, his eyes were caught by the chandeliers that hung from the ceiling. Three great chandeliers hung from the ceiling, covered in gems and precious crystals that glittered and danced along their strands that held them up. They dangled so low that Jamie was sure that, if he had a ladder, he would be able to reach up and pluck quite a few of them off for his own purposes. But that would be for later, if at all. He didn't want to take something that would be missed right away, and though there were hundreds, perhaps thousands of the shiny things on the chandelier, they would be missed almost immediately if someone were to walk in and they were familiar with the place.
As the rest of the room was in darkness, Jamie had no choice but to reach for his flashlight if he wanted to find his way around. Though it was a bit of a risk, considering that a flashlight beam could probably be seen through the windows if someone cared to look, it was a calculated one. He would turn it on just long enough for a quick look before moving on to another room, one that didn't face the street with the windows. Besides, his feet were getting a little cold on the marble, and he wanted to see if there was a warmer room in the mansion.
The light flashed around the room, illuminating the corners in rapid succession. There were four statues, on in each corner - which he didn't dwell on for longer than a second each - and there were several doors. One went to his left, one to his right, and there were two on the wall across the room from him. One was on the second floor, and could be reached by a set of stairs that led to a small balcony, and the other was directly underneath it. Figuring that the best way to explore the mansion would be to keep to a straight line, Jamie walked straight ahead, turning the light off before his eyes could lose what adjustment they'd made to the darkness.
His footsteps were soft, but they still sounded loud in the abandoned mansion. With no other sound to cover it, it felt like his every footstep was as loud as a shout, and he worried that someone would actually hear him. His mind told him that it was folly, that it was impossible for his footsteps to be that loud, and he knew that it was right. However, in this mansion, it was hard not to believe it. Everything was just too strange.
As he passed under the balcony, a small light illuminated the room for a second. Jamie jumped and spun on his heel, worried that he would find a police officer or someone else looking at him from the doorway, sure that he was caught.
Instead, he found nothing. Nobody stood at the door, no flashlight was shining on him and pointing him out. In fact, it seemed as though he might have even imagined the whole thing. However, that thought was suspended as he looked up at the chandeliers. Little lights under the crystals blinked softly, playing over and over in a pattern. Quick flashes, followed by slightly longer ones, repeated, again and again.
"That almost looks like morse code," Jamie commented to himself. He shook his head a few times. "Probably just an electrical glitch." Shaking his head, he turned to the door. If he wasn't caught, he needed to keep moving, even if the thought of the electric systems using morse code was kinda interesting.
He stepped through the door after opening it, and promptly froze in place, staring at the room before him.
After a moment, Jamie managed to shove his dropped jaw back into place, and took a few steps forward. The door shut behind him, and there was a soft click. If he had really been paying attention, he might have realized that the door had just locked behind him, but he was too interested in what lay before him. After all, in an abandoned mansion, who really expects to walk into a room that is filled with fresh made food, all of it still steaming and fresh and ready to eat?
Jamie looked up and down the massive table that took up the center of the room, taking note of the various dishes that covered it. Seafood, beef, venison, and mutton were some of the main dishes, but there were cheeses and breads, sauces and soups, and any other food that his mind could think of littering the table as well. The table was so stuffed with foods that he was amazed that it hadn't simply buckled under the weight. Must have been one hell of a carpenter to make a table like that, he thought to himself with a little chuckle as he looked at the rest of the room, slowly walking towards the table as he did so.
Various tapestries covered the walls - which were decorated to make them look like a castle's interior walls, he noticed - as did hunting trophies and grand shields and crossed swords. "Someone had a medieval fascination...and they carried it out pretty well for this room," he admitted as he walked along. Another startling sight were the fireplaces at the east and west sides of the room, roaring with flames and adding some warmth to the room. While he appreciated his feet not freezing, he wondered who had started and fed the flames to have them going when he got here.
Maybe there was someone in the mansion and it wasn't abandoned after all, he thought to himself. If that was the case, he would have to be quite careful in here. He wouldn't want to run into someone else, particularly since he was an intruder and it was after dark. They'd probably call the cops on him and then he'd have a very hard time getting home without questions.
Whatever the cause was for the fire, however, he couldn't deny that the room fascinated him. He found himself sitting down on one of the chairs before he knew it, still observing the motif of the room. Wiggling to try and get a little more comfortable in the too-large chair, Jamie smiled. "Well, I have to give the designer of this room some credit," he said. "It really feels like I'm in an old fashioned dining hall pulled out of the Dark Ages or the Renaissance."
Unconsciously, his hands were moving towards the food on the table. He didn't know what his hands were doing, really. He was too busy observing the tapestries, learning their stories, to notice that his hands were moving forward, wandering over the plates and the foods they held. He only realized that his hands weren't at his sides when a section of fruit was shoved against his lips.
"What the-" was all that he had time to say before the food was shoved into his mouth. Just like the fruit outside, it tasted strange but wonderful, and he swallowed it without thinking. Another bite was shoved to his lips - his arms on autopilot for some reason - and another, and he had little choice but to swallow them down if he didn't want to make a mess of his face. The fact that the fruit and meats and everything else had come from something or someone that he didn't know at all didn't enter into his thoughts at all, and soon, the delicious taste filling his mouth with every bite made him forget without the slightest worry.
His hands were moving fast, ripping the food apart into small bites rather than pulling whole slices of meat or the full body of the fruit or entire vegetables to his face. Each bite was munched hastily and swallowed, giving him only enough time to taste it for a second before another bite was introduced to his mouth. His jaws were getting quite a workout, yet he didn't dare slow down. The food was soooooo good, better than any restaurant or any home cooking, and he need more, and after a few minutes, he realized that he was shoveling the food into his mouth on his own. No longer on autopilot, he had the chance to stop and pull back, act reasonable about this.
But his stomach still felt so empty, and there was so much food on the table, that the thought of stopping was considered for barely a second before he went back to eating. Who knew when he would find this much free food again? It would be a crime to just ignore it and leave it here to rot.
Jamie leaned forward over the table, his hands grasping greedily for anything that was in reach. The food, as fresh and steaming as it was, should have been burning his fingers, or at least leaving them lightly singed, but instead the food went from fingers to mouth to stomach without the slightest problem. A part of him wondered why, but he didn't bother pursuing that line of thought. There was food here!
As he stuffed his face, he gradually noticed a hardening around his fingertips, where the skin had changed a little bit. It had darkened, and for a split second he thought that maybe he had been burned. When he looked closer, however, he realized that there were no burn marks, nothing that showed a sign of damage, or anything negative at all for that matter. His skin was just harder, and thus a little darker for being compacted to achieve that effect. How the effect had started was something that he didn't know, but again, he didn't try pursuing that line of thought. He'd figure it out when he was full and didn't need to stuff more food into his stomach anymore.
However, the hardened skin at the fingers were only the first change that came over him, as he started to notice as his body rose upwards in his seat. Still forcing his hands to feed him as he turned to look, he saw that he was actually getting a larger posterior. His butt was swelling outwards, actually lifting him up and out of the seat. Amazing, he thought as he was lifted up, feeling his rump take up more and more space in the roomy area between the arms of the chair, but it wasn't amazing enough to keep him from eating. Like a man possessed, he turned back to the heavily laden table.
His rump felt warm as the food seemed to go straight to it, bypassing his stomach completely as it went into his butt cheeks. They were starting to pass the simple description of large and reach the point of being chubby, ripply and bouncy to the touch. Every time that he shifted from side to side it rippled for a second before settling down again.
Jamie paused for a moment as his knees pressed against the bottom of the table, something that they couldn't have done when he had sat down without him kicking out with his legs. He forced his hands to stop shoveling food long enough for him to look down to see the progress that his rump had made.
He stared at what had happened. His butt was still swelling, taking in what he had just swallowed. It seemed to bubble, and his pants were stretched to the max. The seat of his pants were on the verge of ripping, and he swore that if he stood up they probably would fall from him, unable to take the greater size that they held now. It didn't look in the least proportional to him anymore, more like the caricature of a large rump rather than something that could believably belong on a person.
Yet he couldn't stop eating. Taking that short look at his butt had been almost impossible, and as he turned back to the table with the intent of pulling away, his hands decided to counter his wishes, grabbing more of the food and shoveling it into his mouth again. The food was so delicious, the flavors so wonderful, that the worries he felt about getting fat just disappeared, overwhelmed by the grand meal laid before him.
However, despite the way he was gorging himself, he wasn't blind. As he swallowed mouthful after mouthful, he watched his skin changing. The darkness that had started on his fingers spread down his arms, and he couldn't just call it hard skin anymore. Other people had callused skin, and some people had hardened hands from working at long hard physical jobs all of their lives. That wasn't what he had.
He had leathery skin, dark skin, and it wasn't like human skin at all. The little hairs on his arms were disappearing, or at least growing much thinner. "What's - mmm - happening to me?" he managed to mutter through a few bites, shaking his head. "Gotta stop...gotta stop....can' good..." He wanted to stop eating, but at the same time, he didn't. He wanted to stuff his face and fill his stomach up until it burst, even with the changes. Jamie pulled his hands back from the food, and forced them under his now enormous ass, hoping that maybe he could stop himself that way.
Instead, he found himself grabbing at his bigger butt cheeks. He had always been aware that he had a rather sexy rump, and it had been a little bigger than most people when he had entered, but now it was positively enormous. It was, he didn't know how to describe it other than to think of that one song that had been banned from the music videos a while back. "Baby got back," he muttered to himself as the thought of it, giggling softly despite the situation. Well, those girls might have had big butts, but he had a bigger one, if anyone really cared to look and enjoy the sight.
"What am I thinking?!" Jamie shook his head a few times, trying to get rid of the thoughts, but just like everything else that had popped into his head since he hopped the fence, the thought wouldn't go away. The thought of strutting his stuff, showing off his big butt, just wouldn't get out of his mind, and the more he thought about showing himself off, the more he found that it was a rather fun, even sexy idea.
However, he'd need to do something to make sure that his ass was proportional to the rest of him if he wanted to show it off. No one wanted to have a big butt hanging off someone that was too skinny, after all. It just looked ridiculous.
No sooner had the thought cleared his mind than his hands ripped out from beneath his bottom, reaching for the food that was still in reach. He heard a rip from his pants as his hands pulled away so fast, and from the way he felt the padding against his skin, he guessed that he'd ripped his pants. But that was a thought for later. Now, it was time to feed.
Fruits, vegetables, meat, and desserts were sucked into his mouth like dirt into a vacuum cleaner, sucked off of the plates into his ravenous gullet, and the more he ate, the more he changed. The darkening, leathery skin that rushed down from his hands and across the rest of his arms brought more weight behind them. Yes, there was some new muscle underneath the fat that bubbled up under his arms, but for the most part, it was greater bulk forming under his skin. He could see his arms, thick and heavy, and he wondered if perhaps this was going too far. But his stomach made it quite clear there was no backing out of this now, as it growled loudly, begging to be filled with more food.
The more that the bulk and the leathery darkness on his skin spread, the more he experienced the sensation that followed it. When it had been isolated in his fingers and lower arms, he hadn't been able to tell what it was, but now that it had reached his chest and continued to spread along his body, he felt the same tingling that had preceded the changes in his feet earlier. Was it a warning or announcement that everything in this house gave before it started changing someone, he wondered? If it was, it was given a little too late.
His shirt started stretching as his torso started changing, bulging out with muscle and fat in equal measure. Curious, he pulled one hand back from the food - though keeping one feeding his mouth - and touched his chest. The feeling wasn't quite the same as real fat, like he would find on another person. Instead, it reminded him of some animals at a zoo a while back. What had the zookeepers called the fat that was on the animals? Blubber? Yes, that was it, a layer of fat that kept them insulated against their climate, though for some animals, it had seemed more of a curse than a helper.
Before he knew it, the shirt he wore ripped right down the middle, exposing his growing belly and chest. It bulged out past his waistband, hanging down just enough for him to be called chubby, but not quite fat. At least there was that much to be thankful for, he thought as the dark skin, almost a purple color, continued to spread, moving up his neck and down past the waistband of his pants.
The next changes happened at almost the same time, but considering where one of them were focused, he couldn't help but ignore one in favor of the other. He could feel his neck thickening, but he wanted to see the changes in his crotch. Ripping open his pants as the tingles started sliding over his cock and balls, Jamie watched as his balls started to inflate before his eyes. It almost looked like someone had hooked an air hose up to a balloon, they were expanding so fast. They started hanging lower and lower until his legs were forced open from the sheer size of his balls, and they still seemed like they wanted to keep growing. Maybe more food would help that, he thought to himself.
Shoving the chair back, Jamie started walking around the table, his hands making quick work of the food that he came across. Whether it was meat, cheese, fruit, vegetable, or gravy, it didn't matter. He just picked it up and shoved it into his mouth, trying to sooth his aching stomach that begged him for more food. No matter how much he swallowed, it never seemed to be enough.
As he walked down the side of the table gobbling food, his body continued to change. Drippings and juices dripped from his chin as the dark skin continued to flow over his body. Everywhere it touched he changed a little further, the body part in question growing larger, thicker, more solid, but definitely chubby as well. He wouldn't have been able to lug his larger body around if the fat and size hadn't come with muscles to go along with it, in fact.
By now, the only clothes that he still had were his socks, and those were only still on because the change hadn't gotten down to his feet yet, and he didn't dare stop eating. He grunted as he shoved a few pieces of cake into his mouth, chuckling around them. "Oh, man, if only he was here to see me now," he said, thinking of his best friend. They had always teased each other a little bit about the things that one another liked, including some of the things that they fantasized about. He'd always liked the body growth and butt enlargement stuff, while his friend had always enjoyed the sight of feet bursting out of socks. Well, he was definitely getting his fantasy now, and if his friend had been around, Jamie was pretty sure that he'd be getting what he liked too.
Chuckling a bit at that thought, Jamie paused as he felt the tingles hit his feet again. He moaned softly, finally able to shove himself away from the table. The way that the tingles were touching both his feet and his face suggested that he'd finally eaten enough for the changes to be complete, and besides, his stomach had suddenly decided it was full. In fact, the sight of all the food on the table was almost enough to make him sick now.
After taking a few deep breaths, Jamie looked down at his feet. They appeared to be the last bit of humanity attached to his legs, and he could barely see them past the enlarged balls and different cock that he had. His cock hung out of a sheath now, and it was a little different shaped at the tip, taking a bit of a dip before rising back up to the head.
But that wasn't what he was focused on. He could see his feet changing through the remains of the sock, growing thicker and longer at the same rate. He stared at them, feeling the socks straining around his thicker skin, stretching, stretching to their breaking point. They wouldn't last long now, not long at all, and he breathed faster, almost panting as he waited for the inevitable-
That. He watched as the socks split right down the middle, exposing inches of his feet before they just flopped down flat, rags that could no longer be worn as socks, or as anything, really. His almost dark purple feet flexed lightly as he stretched them out, and he giggled a little bit at the way they looked. As he got used to them, he started looking at the rest of his body, taking stock of what the changes included. There was a fair bit of muscle to his body, as well as fat, and it gave him a great deal of bulk to content with. He wondered what species this was, or if there even was a species for what he was, as the tingles on is face suddenly surged strongly.
He lifted his chunky hands to his face, pressing against his cheeks and lips as he felt them being...tugged. That was the only word that described the sensation, he believed. They felt like someone had grabbed them and were pulling them forward, stretching them out past his face. His ears were sliding along the sides of his head, moving up towards his skull, and his face was being pulled out into some kind of snout or muzzle.
Unable to take the suspense, Jamie hurried over to one of the shields on the wall of the room. In the reflection, he could see himself, darkened to that strange dark purple-pink color, and could see his face extending, and yet fattening at the same time. The leathery skin that covered him from head to toe looked very familiar, and as his face was molded into a different sort of shape, he looked more familiar still. He stared as he gained a chubby sort of muzzle, flat at the end and almost a little square shaped, and finally some large tusks that stuck out of his mouth whenever he opened it.
"I'm a hippo!" he whispered to himself, looking at his chubby yet muscular self. It seemed impossible, but here he was. He was a freaking hippo, because of eating some food. Unbelievable.
The sound of a soft snicker made him spin around, though not as fast as he had when he was a human being. He looked every which way before his eyes landed on-
He stared again. "" he muttered, almost falling flat on his butt. "How did...what this is where you disappeared to?"
Standing at the door was an anthro stallion, looking at him with a smile and hands crossed over his chest. A powerful and proud horse cock stood out of his sheath, and there was a little trail of pre running down it. However, it wasn't a stranger. He...knew...who it was. The bit of smell he could catch through his new nose, combined with the familiar glasses that the stallion wore and a few other little knick knacks told him it was his best friend...and his boyfriend. "How did this happen to you? How did this happen to me?!" he asked, both excited and a little freaked out.
"I think we have a lot to talk about, Jamie," the horse said. "And maybe I can find a machine or potion that can turn me into a dragon instead of a horse, too."
"Potions? Machine?"
"Like I said, we have a lot to talk about," the stallion said. He nodded to a seat. "Shall we?" he asked as he took a seat of his own. Jamie nodded, following suit numbly. He had the feeling that they were going to be talking for a very long time, if there was going to be any chance of understanding what had happened.