Transfor-Mansion: Chapter 2

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Another story in the Transfor-Mansion series, commissioned by a user here on SoFurry. Not my proudest bit of work, but it's not bad. Enjoy, and please observe legal age limits, etc.

Transfor-Mansion: Chapter 2



Jason blinked as he hit the lawn on the other side of the wall surrounding the Dyne mansion, looking at the small pile of ladders that lay in the corner. "I guess other people really were coming here before me," he said with a shake of his head. There had been rumors of others entering the mansion before, and some of them had been friends of his, but he'd discarded those as just the random things that people would say to scare others. Seeing ladders that previous curious explorers must have used to get over the wall put a whole different spin on things.

For a moment, he considered turning around and climbing back over the walls. Even though he'd left his ladder on the other side, there were plenty here for him to use. He could be back over the wall in less than a minute, and then point out what had happened here to the police. The missing persons cases that appeared in the news would suddenly have a whole new direction with this sort of update.

He only considered that for a moment, though. After all, the sun was out, and he could hear cars passing by the manor walls again. The police might be grateful for a bit of news towards the missing persons cases, but from someone that was guilty of trespassing? Somehow, he doubted that they would let him off without any punishment, and even if they did, the city council probably wouldn't. Particularly that one guy that wanted to buy up the land of this property. What was his name? Eh, it didn't really matter, but Jason was pretty darn sure that that councilman wouldn't take kindly to some random stranger trespassing on land he wanted to make his own.

"Besides, I'm smarter than anyone else that came here, probably," Jason said to himself as he pulled himself to his feet. The walls stood tall enough for him to not need to worry about someone seeing him from the street, so he didn't have to sneak and skulk like some thief. He grinned to himself, walking along the yard towards the front door.

The manor itself was a huge building, something that really dominated the town. There might be a few places that were taller than the two story height that the Dyne mansion boasted, but not a single place in town rivaled the manor for sheer power in the architecture and presence of wealth. Even if the Dynes were crazy, they knew how to build something that inspired awe. The grand mansion stretched for a great distance from the western wing to the eastern one, and Jason remembered that there was a northern wing that was currently out of view as well, something that probably housed the kitchens or something. A balcony of sorts stretched out along the eastern and western wing second floors, probably where the Dynes and their guests looked down at the grounds while they partied or took meals.

Knowing that he wouldn't have another chance to really get a look around the grounds, Jason took a chance to look around. He would need to get inside the manor later, but he'd like to wait a little while. Currently, it was close to rush hour for the city. Enough cars would be passing by the front gate of the manor to make walking up to the front door a risky endeavor. Besides, he might even find something on the sides of the house, some back door or secret opening. The thought was ridiculous enough to be laughable, but there was always the possibility, wasn't there?

He walked along beside the wall, pressing his back against it and walking sideways. Despite the wall being high enough to hide him, and the angle towards the gate extreme enough for it to be impossible for someone to see him from there, Jason couldn't help being just a little bit careful. Being overconfident just seemed to invite being caught, at least in all the stories he'd heard about people trying something like this.

As he reached a point halfway between the wall and the house, he paused. A nearby tree, about fifty feet from the wall, almost seemed to twitch as he walked by. He took a closer look at it, noting the almost sky blue streaks of something - sap maybe - going through the trunk of the tree. The branches and leaves, similar to a weeping willow, swished softly in the wind.

Except...there was no wind.

His eyes went wide as the long streams of vine like branches started to move on their own, lifting up from the ground and writhing in the air like snakes. Like a medusa's head, he thought, remembering that little story about the old greek creature of legend. Of course, that creature just turned people to stone. It wasn't a sixty foot tall tree with branches that moved on their own. Though the tree didn't have a face, Jason couldn't shake the feeling that it was not happy about there being an intruder on the grounds of the mansion, and planned to deal with the intruder in a way that it saw fit.

All of a sudden, the vine-branches lunged forward towards him. Each one moved with the speed of a striking snake, and Jason gasped as he broke out into a run, not towards the ladder and the wall he'd come over, as sense might have dictated, but towards the house. He pushed off from the wall in a desperate leap before he broke into a run, hoping that maybe it might surprise the tree and let him get ahead. He couldn't believe he was thinking a thought like that - surprising a tree - but the situation as strange enough to warrant a thought like that, strange enough and definitely scary enough.

The tree's vines jerked after him, the tips of the vines actually brushing across his leg and down to his ankle before he got out of reach. He paused after a few seconds when he didn't feel the branches, and looked behind him. The branches had stopped barely a foot way from him, straining like hell to be able to reach him. If the tree had been a human being, Jason would have compared it to some prisoner reaching out through the bars to strangle a correctional officer, just barely out of reach yet so angry that it was unable to stop reaching.

He took a step to one side, then the other. Somehow, the tree was able to track him from one side to another, knowing where he was moving, where he stopped. "How does it do that without eyes?" he wondered, reaching forward tentatively. He tapped a finger against the tip of one of the vines. Instantly, the others slapped upwards, straining to reach for him. Though they weren't able to reach far enough to get him, they were able to slap against his hand hard enough to leave a mark, and a painful one at that. Jason rubbed his hand lightly, shaking his head at the plant. "Whatever it is, I'm glad that it doesn't have a greater reach than that."

Now that he was out of the tree's reach, Jason felt safe enough to take another little look around. Knowing that the trees could be a danger, he looked for any others that looked anything like this one.

After a few moments, he noticed two more, each further away from him than this tree was, and some other trees that looked like nothing more than fruit bearing trees. Still, this one had looked no different from a weeping willow, other than the blue streaks in its trunk, so he probably should give them a fairly wide berth. Better safe than sorry and all of that.

Well, that would have to be dealt with later. He turned around and started walking towards the house again. No other plants were in his way, other than the grass under his feet, so he should be fine from here on out. His eyes wandered over the large side of the mansion. Several windows could be seen on the second floor, but the first floor seemed to be completely covered with barred windows, rather than the standard kind. He walked over to the metal bars, attempting to peer through the glass under the bars, but it was too dirty for him to be able to see through, and the bars kept him from being able to clean them off.

"Hmm...I wonder how old the metal is," he said. He walked from window to window, testing the metal until he found one that wasn't only rusty in appearance, but loose under his fingers. Grinning, he wiggled the metal side to side, pulling it against the wall that held it in place. The holes that the bars were in weren't quite right in size, and it didn't take him all that long to pull the bars loose, one by one. He laid the bars down on the grass gently, intending to put them back in place after he got into the house. That was, if he could get the windows open.

They put up quite a fight against him, and it took a strong pull to actually get the window to lift upwards. A billowing cloud of dust slipped from the window out at him, causing him to sneeze. And sneeze. And sneeze again, actually flailing around trying to disperse the dust so he could breathe again. As he flailed and waved his hands around, however, he slipped on one of the bars, and fell through the window he had opened.

He hit the ground face first, sliding along some surprisingly dry tiles before coming to a stop against another set of bars. A loud, metallic clank went off behind him, probably something with the window shutting, he thought, though it was strange that it would shut so loud. Rubbing his head, Jason slowly pulled himself up from the ground-

And froze stock still at the sight of what surrounded him. Metal bars formed cages around canine after canine, with all sorts of dogs being represented in this room. Many different dogs, Dalmatians, Dobermans, Great Danes, and others leaned forward against the metal bars, looking out at his sudden intrusion into the room. None of them, strangely enough, started to bark. He would have thought they'd be startled, at the very least, with someone falling into their room, but instead they just looked at him, inspecting the stranger to their little home.

Jason slowly stood up and looked back at the window. Rather than the window itself having shut, a large metal plate had fallen down in place. The window itself was on the other side, so he was effectively locked into the mansion. None of the bars on the other windows were anywhere near as loose as the one he'd worked with, so there was no chance of climbing out another window. He'd have to find a way out by exploring the mansion.

However, he wasn't discouraged. After all, he had come here to explore the mansion, and now he could do just that. He smiled to himself as he walked along the cages, running his hand along the bars in the dim part of the room to make sure that he didn't run into part of a cage. The last thing he needed would be a concussion from not seeing where he was going and slamming into a metal bar because of it. More to the point, he wasn't sure that this place was that empty after seeing that metal plate come sliding down over the window, and he didn't want to risk being found by whatever was still in the mansion. Who knew what they would do to him if he was unconscious and helpless?

With that in mind, he slowly started making his way across the room. It was much larger than he would have thought it was. He'd already been walking for a couple of minutes, and he still hadn't reached the other side of the room. Couldn't even see it yet, for that matter, which was strange. The room shouldn't have been that big. To be that big, it would have to be the entire length of this side of the mansion, and then some. Was it just bigger on the inside than the outside? He was starting to believe more and more that that was the case.

As he took another step, his foot caught on something. In the dimness of the room, he couldn't tell just what it was, but it was big enough to make him trip. Falling forward with a yelp, he stuck out his arm to grab something to stop himself.

In this case, that something turned out to be a bar of one of the dog cages.

It worked to stop his fall, the jolt almost pulling his arm out of the socket as a result. However, he'd barely started to pull himself upright again before the dog inside nipped at his fingers. It didn't hurt much, but the teeth of the dog inside were sharp enough to have broken the skin without much pressure. Some of the dog drool slid over his hand, making it all slimy. Gagging lightly, Jason quickly wiped his hand off on his pants. "I really hope that doesn't get infected," he muttered under his breath, giving his hand a few more wipes before continuing to walk down the room.

Eventually, he found a door. Unfortunately, it was locked. "You've got to be kidding me," Jason said with a shake of his head, reaching down to the door knob. He turned it a few times, right and left, and shoved and tugged at the door. No matter what he did, though, it refused to move. The door builder had definitely done a good job with this one, considering that he doubted he could knock it down no matter how hard he tried.

That wasn't the worst thing, though. As he tugged at the knob once more, a mechanical voice started talking over some sort of intercom system. "Intruder detected in the kennel run. Intruder detected in the kennel run," the voice said, completely monotone, emotionless. "Initiating anti-intruder defense 1-A. Intruder will please remain still until collected."

"Like hell!" Jason said, turning away from the door and running the opposite direction. However, he only took a few steps before the lights of the room surged on, the light almost blinding at first. It forced him to stop and cover his eyes for a minute or two, since the lights were brighter than most, and by the time that he had managed to get used to the light, it was too late.

The cages had opened at the same time that the lights had come on, and now he was surrounded by the various canines that had formerly occupied the cages. The fact that this place was the kennel run of the manor explained why there were so many dogs, but Jason wondered if maybe having something like eighty dogs in one room might have been a bit excessive. It certainly seemed so to him, considering he was looking at quite a few sets of powerful jaws and sharp teeth.

One of the dogs, a Dalmatian, looked back at him with what was almost a smile. He noticed a little red dot on the end of her muzzle, and realized that this one must have been the one that had bitten him earlier. "That wasn't nice," he said, glaring at the dog. The sentence seemed so out of place, considering that he was surrounded by a huge pack of dogs that probably could tear him apart at the slightest order, but it slipped from his lips before he could think about it. He covered his mouth with both his hands, shaking his head a few times, and waited for the teeth or claws that might be coming as a result.

They didn't come. Instead, the dogs just circled around him, pacing just enough to show that they were watching him, but mostly just watching him. It was like they were waiting for something to happen, something that would undoubtedly be something he wouldn't like.

But what could he do? Surrounded like this, running would only give the dogs a bit of sport before they brought him down, and considering that these were security dogs, he didn't think that being run down and then brought to the ground would be pleasant. No matter what might happen to him as a consequence for being caught, he needed to stay still. Better to be caught by someone that might be merciful than take his chances with the dogs here.

Slowly lowering himself to the ground, Jason slid into a cross-legged posture, trying to let himself relax. "I guess I'll just wait until you guys are ready to let me go then," he said with a shake of his head. The dogs nodded at his words. "You know, I think that should be shocking to me, but I'll just wait for later for my mental breakdown, okay?" They nodded again, as if saying that was fine. He shook his head a few times, laying his chin in his hands. This was just too strange.

As he sat on the cold floor, he slowly started to notice a strange warmth creeping up his arm. "I really, really hope you weren't infectious," Jason said with a look at the Dalmatian, wondering if he'd picked up some sort of disease from least, he thought it was a her. He cocked his head to the side, looking under the dog, and confirmed that it was a female, and then blushed as he realized what he was doing. "Yeesh, I need to get out of here before I do that too often," he said. Checking out the genitals on a dog seemed to be taking things just a little bit too far.

The Dalmatian only smiled back at him, moving in a little closer. She paused at his side, sitting down before giving his cheek a few soft licks. The saliva was very slimy, more so than he remembered dog drool being, and he wiped it off as soon as she was done licking him. "Come on, that's gross," he said with a shake of his head. She didn't listen to him at all, and went right back to licking his cheek, soaking it in her slick and slimy drool. It oozed over his neck, sliding down and over his shirt collar. She wouldn't stop either, and when he tried to push her off, she growled a warning at him. That was enough to make him pull his hands back away from her.

So, he let her work.

After a few minutes, it didn't seem so bad. Maybe it was just that he was getting used to it, but it almost felt good. Weird, very weird, but definitely good; he actually started to crave it a little bit, and not just on his neck. In the back of his mind, he wondered how that licking and that slimy spit would feel on his cock. Better than most girls giving him a blowjob, he would bet.

He shook his head at that thought, scattering some of the drool away from his face and splattering it on the floor below. That was just disgusting, imagining a dog licking at his cock. That wasn't something that anyone normal did, and it certainly wasn't something that he was going to do. A human had sex with humans, not with animals, and he wasn't going to start thinking like some of those freaky bestiality fans on the internet.

Still, as the strange warmth ran up his arm and started to spread across his chest, he wondered if it was really that bad to consider that kind of stuff. After all, nobody would really know what he did here, unless he told them. Would it be that bad to experiment with a dog here? Considering how much she was licking his face, she'd probably be willing enough to play around with his cock, and if she wasn't, there was probably some dog in here that would want to try that. Maybe he shouldn't dismiss the thought just yet.

Without warning, the Dalmatian stopped licking his face and ducked her head down, nosing and nuzzling at the end of his shirt. She pushed it up a few times, exposing his bellybutton for a few seconds before the shirt fell down. Jason looked at the dog blankly a few times before he got the message. "You want me to take my shirt off?" he asked. She nodded at him. "Well, I guess I can do that," he said hesitantly, slowly reaching down. The dogs watched en masse as he pulled the shirt up and over his head, and one of the others - a pit bull, he thought - grabbed it and yanked it away. Several of the dogs started using it as a tug of war toy, and before Jason could react, it was so pitted with holes and tears that it could barely be considered a shirt anymore.

"Well, I guess that was going to happen at some time or anoth- OH MY GOD!" Jason cut off as he looked down at his chest. The warm feeling had spread from his arm to his chest, and down his belly a bit, and now that his shirt was out of the way, he could see just what was the result. His arm and his torso were covered in mostly white fur, with some black spots arranged around it. In fact, it was almost an exact copy of the printed pattern on the Dalmatian now licking over his fur. "How the...what the hell? What the hell is going on?!" he shouted.

None of the dogs had an answer for him, but the Dalmatian female continued to lick him. The saliva from her licks almost seemed to enhance the feeling of warmth, and he watched with a half fearful, half fascinated feeling as the changes continued. The fur spread faster across his body, moving up his chest and up to his neck. There was a feeling of tightness, something that made his body felt like it was being pulled to a different sort of posture. He flexed and shifted around until he was on all fours, and suddenly, the feeling of tightness was gone.

The implications of this position, combined with what was going on with his body, gave him a pretty good clue just what the house voice meant when it mentioned an anti-intruder defense. He was becoming a dog, and pretty dang quickly too. How many of the other dogs in front of him had been humans at one point in time, he wondered? How many of them had come to the house to explore, and instead became part of the attractions here? Probably a good half of them, he'd guess, though in all honesty, Jason didn't know whether to pity them, or feel good about the changes going through his body. As weird as they were, and as terrified as he thought he should be, he actually felt calm. Maybe it was the warmth of the stuff in him changing his emotions around, or maybe it was the dog spit doing something, but he almost looked forward to his change.

As the fur rose from his chest to his face, he felt his neck shifting around. The muscles got stronger, shifted around in his neck, and it almost felt like worms wriggling around on his neck, giving an almost tickling feeling. He laughed a little bit, unable to help himself in face of the strange sensations, but that laugh changed to a groan of discomfort as the changes reached his face. It was like a pressure piston had been put just behind his lips and face and was slowly pushing them outwards.

He groaned as he watched his face extend outwards. It was strange, making him go cross eyed as his lips, teeth, jaws, and nose slowly slid forward. The black spots on the fur were quite evident, and as he looked over at the female Dalmatian, he noticed that once again it fit the pattern that she had. Was he going to turn female too, he wondered, and become a copy to her? How did this work, exactly? Did the one that did the changing turn back to human and go free, or was there something different about it that he hadn't worked out yet?

The questions seemed like they should be important, but the part of his brain asking them was a very quiet thing compared to the others in his head, the voices that said that he should just give in and enjoy the change. It made sense, really; he was going to be changed whether he wanted to be or not, so maybe he should just try and enjoy it. Why not? There wasn't anything better to do around here, right?

After he got over the initial shock, he realized that the changes weren't all that bothersome. Yes, he was stuck on all fours and found it uncomfortable to try and sit up in a normal position, but the changes as they occurred were surprisingly comfortable. All he really felt was a warm feeling that was followed by the fur. There were no cracking feelings as his bones rearranged, nor were there any painful or sickly feelings as his insides were undoubtedly being changed. At most, it tickled him, and even that was a mild sort of feeling more than anything else.

Finally, the growing muzzle finished pushing out from his face. He lifted one hand - no, not a hand anymore, but a paw - to his face and felt the new thing. The teeth pushed out a little bit before his muzzle completely formed his lips over them, and his new tongue hung out as he panted. Every tooth felt quite sharp, ready to pull and tear rather than chew and crunch. Having a muzzle...he never thought this was something that might happen to him. He looked at the Dalmatian again, and opened his mouth. He wanted to ask her what was happening to him.

Instead, all that came out of his mouth were barks, and whimpering sounding ones at that. He might not know what was he was saying, but he knew that he sounded like a whiny little puppy rather than a grown dog. Growling and shaking his head, he tried again. Again, no words came out of his mouth, only barks, but at least this time they were more....manly...sort of barks.

So, he couldn't talk anymore. That would make finding his way out of here much more difficult, and getting changed back almost impossible. His new paws were completely dog like, without fingers that could write or even grip a pencil. Maybe with his muzzle, he might draw some letters, but that would be difficult and time consuming, if it were even possible. The more he thought about it, the more he realized just how hard it was going to be to change back to a human being.

His thoughts were interrupted by another change that caught his attention. Shaking his head, Jason looked down at his pants, watching as the slight bulge of his genitals started growing, expanding. His pants, ill fitting already, started to stretch around his waist at the increased pressure inside of them.

With his hands already turned into paws and whatever was changing him holding him down in this four legged posture, there was no way for him to pull his pants out of the way. As he grew and his body changed, his hips bending and his knees reversing, Jason was forced to watch as his pants ripped right off of him, his new body shape unable to be contained inside of the jeans he'd been wearing. The scraps fell to the ground, revealing a healthy, large sheath and set of balls, as well as a veiny red cock sticking out of his new sheath.

He couldn't help staring at his new genitals for a few minutes, but he was broken out of his stare by the robotic voice over the intercom again. "Defense measure, complete. Please remain where you are, and do nothing with the other dogs. Any form of copulation or sexual gratification with the canines in this room will lead to a permanent state as your new current form. Someone will be along to escort you off of the property in the next hour or so. That is all."

The warning seemed completely unneeded to Jason. After all, what human being, other than those that were completely messed up in the head, would ever want to shove their dicks up one of the dogs here? Yeah, he'd half thought about letting one of them lick at his cock to see what it was like, but that was just a thought, just curiosity. He'd never want to actually put his cock into one of them. That was just disgusting. Even if he was a full Dalmatian now - and he was, completely, a four legged Dalmatian - he was still a human in his head. That counted for something, he was sure.

As he settled down to wait out the time, Jason started experimenting with his new body. He stretched out his limbs, extending his forelegs forward across the floor before pulling them back. He rolled his head from side to side, and looked at the various dogs and cages in the room. He even started leaning forward to see if his dick was in reach of his mouth for some auto-fellatio before he caught himself and pulled back. The voice had said no sort of sexual gratification with the other canines, but it might very well count on him too. Better not to chance it.

The dogs in the room started to pace and circle him, and as they did, he noticed that most of them were female, with only about five or six of them carrying a set of balls between their legs. Most of the males were large dogs, though there was one mini-poodle that walked around. All of them, however, had quite a bit to be proud of slapping against their bellies. Not a one of them was soft, and most were leaking, their musky pre seed falling to the floor of the room and adding to the different scents that filled his nose. that he thought about it, the room was filled with many different scents, and not just the individual odors of each dog. His new canine nose was picking up all sorts of things, and most of them were unfamiliar. One particular smell, a sharp, salty, almost hot smell held his attention more than the rest, and he sniffed a little more deeply, drawing more of the scent into his nose and into his lungs out of curiosity. He sucked in a good five breaths before he realized what it must be, and by that point, it was too late to stop smelling at it.

The females, particularly the female Dalmatian, flashed canine grins at him as he started sniffing harder, unable to stop himself. Heat...they had to be in heat. That's what he smelled, and that's why his new cock was swelling hard out of his sheath. Pre slipped out of his shaft, dripping to the floor just the same as the other males in the room. So, the warning was needed after all, he thought to himself. With all the females in heat, he'd need to be warned to know not to jump and fuck them.

He couldn't lie to himself; he did want to take them now. Every sniff of that sharp, pungent odor brought new levels of arousal to his already burgeoning libido. It was like the females desperately wanted him to pounce on top of them and pound them hard, too, considering they walked right by him, their tails fanning their scents towards his nose. Jason winced every time one walked by, forcing himself to stay right where he was, but it was getting harder to do each time.

Every female definitely knew that, too, considering the way they flashed their teeth at him in canine grins and flaunted themselves more and more every time he showed any sign of being affected by their scent. If he had been human still, he would have blushed at the daring way they put themselves on display. Then again, if he had been human, they would have been just dogs, not something he would have considered sexy by any stretch of the imagination.

When the female Dalmatian, the one that bit him earlier, walked by, he finally lost it. With a whimper and a whine, he leaped from his squat posture and grabbed her from behind. He half expected to be bucked off, to be rejected by the female and be teased more, but instead she just froze completely still. Her legs parted slightly, and his throbbing erection rubbed against the opening of her pussy. She was so wet, so very hot down there with her heat, and the hole just begged him to shove his cock inside and take her. The last vestiges of his humanity - the only part of him that thought this was unnatural - begged him not to succumb to the desires that his cock fed him, but it was too late. He needed relief, and this was the only way he was going to get it. Humanity be damned.

Jason slammed his hips forward, burying his cock inside of the tight tunnel of the Dalmatian female. She clenched down on him immediately, pulling a yelp from his lips as he sunk deeper still. Nothing in his life had ever felt like this; hot, wet, tight, and every muscle sucking on his cock, trying to pull it in even further than it already was. Why the hell had he feared something like this? If this was what a dog went through here, he was more than happy to leave humanity behind.

He stopped thinking and just started fucking, and it seemed to be just what the female wanted, too. She stood completely still, only letting out little yelps and whines as he shoved his cock in deeper and deeper. Every thrust was accompanied with a pulse of pre from his cock, making the already quick thrusting speed up with the additional lubrication. Thrust, thrust, thrust, followed by a thwap thwap thwap of his lower hanging balls bouncing off of her every time. Pre-cum and pussy juice slipped down his balls, dripping from them to the floor into a growing pool. Some of the dogs leaned down and licked at the puddle of goo, lapping at it like it was water in a bowl, while others started to do the same as he was.

Before long, the entire room was filled with humping dogs, with Jason and his partner in the middle of the grand orgy. His nose took in all the different scents, categorizing them by the dog they came from, and then letting the pheromones of bitch and rutting male sink into his system. Even the smell of the pre being leaked by the other dogs was starting to turn him on, not that he needed help with that at the moment.

Every thrust ruffled his belly fur against the Dalmatian's back, tickling him with her fur. His forelegs tightened their grip around the female, pulling her closer for his humping to drive him in deeper. By now, his knot was more than full size, and it battered at her entrance, begging for entrance. He needed to get it inside of her before he came, instinct told him. As a man, he might have been able to pull out and still cum, but as a dog, he needed to get it inside her, or it wouldn't feel right at all.

A few more thrusts took care of that, the bulb at the base of his cock sliding past her slick pussy entrance and locking in place inside of her. She squeezed down hard, so hard that it was almost painful, but there was so much pleasure in that pain that it didn't matter. The pressure inside of her milked his cock for all that it was worth, his balls pulling up a bit as he shot his load inside of her. Shot after shot of cum, rope after rope of his seed spilled inside of her, and his knot would make sure that it all stayed inside, not a drop leaking out. Yes, she would be pregnant with his puppies before long, that was for sure.

That thought, more than anything else, tugged him out of his pheromone induced trance. He shook his head rapidly and looked around, seeing the other animals still going at it. Some of the dogs were partnered off as two males together, and even they were having fun, both the one thrusting and the one that was on the bottom. Somehow, he'd already slid off of the Dalmatian's back and was standing rump to rump with her. Her pussy juice continued to slide down from her hole, over his cock, and then dripped off of his balls...or something. The angle made it a little tricky to be sure.

The pleasure was still there, but for the moment, he had his human mind back again. He looked around, shaking his head in amazement. He'd just traded his humanity for one simple fuck with a dog that might or might not remember him in a few hours. Was it really worth it, Jason wondered? Yes, it was the best fuck of his life, and it would probably never be topped by something a human or another species could do, but was it worth losing his humanity and everything else that he'd had in his life before now?

He didn't know. Somehow, he doubted he ever would.

Sadness threatened to pull him down into a depression, but a sudden squeeze on his cock by the Dalmatian's pussy pulled him out of it. Jolts of pleasure rushed down his cock, not helping it at all in going down, and he looked over his shoulders at the female.

She looked back at him with a smile, standing in a way that he realized was rather sultry for dogs. She didn't bark, or whimper, or make any other sort of sound. All she did was look at him, and in her eyes, he could tell that she was quite satisfied with the bit of sex they'd had. More than that, she looked at him in a way that said she was expecting quite a bit more in the future.

Well...he supposed he could oblige.

Eventually, they all came unstuck with one another, and the doors of the cages opened. Some instinct in his head told him to follow the Dalmatian female into her cage, which he did. It was rather roomy, he found out, big enough for the both of them and then some. As soon as all the cages were filled up, the doors for them slid shut and clicked, locked tight.

They'd barely been shut for a few minutes before the door to the room opened, and a mouse and elephant stepped through. They looked down the cages until they got to his and his female's, and shook their heads. "We were a little too slow this time, I think," the mouse said.

"Sure that the showers won't get it off of him?" the elephant asked.

"No, when the house says permanent, it means permanent." The mouse shook his head. "Speaking of, we better get back there ourselves. I still want to find a potion with the right species. Come on."

The two of them left the room without another word, and Jason wondered just who they were, and what they were talking about. Why were humanoid mice and elephants walking around a supposedly abandoned mansion? Were they the ones behind everything here? What the freaking hell was going on here?

Before he could lose himself in those thoughts, the scent of his female's heat rose up to his nostrils again, and he smiled. Those thoughts could wait...more sex now.

Transfor-Mansion: Chapter 3

Transfor-Mansion: Chapter 3 by Draconicon Steam billowed around his body as the gray skin of the elephant sloughed off of him. It washed away like so much paint, carried down the drain at his feet, and mixed with the white fur and shape of...

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The Pet Files: Angelo Report

This is a little concept I'm playing with. Basically take a pet, have an observer on him and interview his friends, and this is the report that comes out of it. No actual sex, but talking about it. Tell me what you think. The Pet...

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Raped for Their Pleasure

This is a commission story for himitsu steelwinter back on FA. It involves some rather rough characters, a kidnapping, and someone being used exclusively for their pleasure. No toiletry stuff - thank god for that change - and just a fair bit of sex....

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