The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 19 - Digimon Zero

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#36 of The Twelve Talismans

And a continuation of the Zombie-mon verse! I've been watching the Walking Dead and was just inspired. Everything is better with zombies. Or worse. Whatever. A blood and gore warning on this one!


The Twelve Talisman:

Dimensional Travels

Chapter 19

Digimon Zero



Sora sat on the ground, hugging Biyomon to her chest. She had been listening to the dimensional travelers' tale: Gomamon getting his magical powers, their exploring world after world and eventually ending in theirs. "So, it's not a cure." She sighed, hugging Biyomon tightly.

"Sorry." Gatomon apologized.

"It's okay." Biyomon replied from her partner's arms. "It's just... we've been fighting for years. Loosing friends... We thought... You know, that you were..."

"We understand perfectly." Gabumon looked around... everyone was dirty, tired, and hungry. Desperation and fear shrouded them like trapped animals.

"They are three more digimon. They can help." Elecmon noted. "Right?"

Gomamon, Gatomon and Gabumon looked at each others, unsure what to say. "Ummm... well..." The seal mumbled. They hadn't planned on staying long term... or even short term for that matter, but abandoning friends (or "copies" of their friends) went against everything he believed in.

"Perhaps they don't want to stay. They didn't seem too happy to see me, for example." Piedmon noted, leaning against the wall. "Perhaps you'd be more content out on the street?"

"Well, my last memory of you involves being smashed in the face by your yellow boot, and then turned into a keychain." Gomamon snapped back. "So you'll excuse me if I don't think of it as a particularly friendly departure."

"From what I've heard and seen so far, you probably deserved that." The clown smirked back.

"He's right you know." Gatomon chuckled a bit. "You haven't exactly been helping your cause."

"Gatomon agreeing with Piedmon... Okay, now I'm really creeped out." The seal sighed, defeated. "This is the worst world ever."

"Yeah, our Piedmon was all about taking over the world." Gabumon took up where Gomamon had left, glancing nervously at the mega level.

Piedmon brought a white glove to his chest. "Ah, it is funny how something like complete Armageddon makes world conquest take a backseat, is it not? Plus... this here?" He gestured to the humans and digimon around him, huddled, cold and dirty. "This is my kingdom now. My subjects. The entire world--that part of it not intent on eating me alive that is--looks up to me, depends on me for their very existence... Sadly, the entire world is located in this decrepit building." He concluded in a deadpan tone. "And even with me, Datamon's shield and misdirection are the only things that keep the zombies away from the last bit of living meat in this or the digital world."

"Wait, the entire world?" Gabumon asked. "You can't be saying..." They'd thought it was maybe a Japanese thing, maybe even a Tokyo thing. The revelation floored the trio.

"But... how did this happen?" Gatomon finally sputtered. This entire thing kept keeping worse than their worse nightmares.

Sora sighed as she looked across to her "new" friends. "That is a long story too... and some parts are still not clear..."


August 3, 1999

"Ugh!" Myotismon fell back on the roof of Fuji TV's building, his red and black cape floating behind, in tatters from the battle. The vampire digimon snarled as he looked up at his opponents, the chosen digimon and the DigiDestined. His chest still ached from Angemon's attack, the six-winged angel looking down through his helmet. "You foolish simpletons!" He screamed at them.

"You cannot win, chosen digimon or not..." His glance went from one to the other, MetalGreymon, WereGarurumon, Zudomon, Lillymon, Garudamon, MegaKabuterimon, and Angemon as they hovered around him. All ultimate level, save for Angemon, who may yet have been the most threatening of the lot.

"It's over." The angel flapped his wings. "You cannot stand against our combined power."

"Perhaps not..." Myotismon grinned as he turned around, toward where the children watched from. Tai, Matt, Joe, Mimi, Sora, Izzy and TK... and the eight child Kari. She was holding Gatomon in her arms, a look of determination in their eyes. Myotismon had already killed Wizardmon, Gatomon's best and only friend, and the feline was taking it hard. "But your human pets cannot stand against mine! GRIZZLY WINGS!"

A storm of bats surged out of his cape and headed for the children, soulless creatures that could shred any being with ease. "Not again!" Gatomon began to glow as the bats approached, and so did Kari's digivice as the white feline burst into light. "Gatomon digivolve to... ANGEWOMON!" A six-winged, shapely angel with long hair and suggestive clothing now floated in mid air. "HEAVEN'S CHARGE!" She was surrounded by an energy halo that dissipated the bats in a blast of energy, then continued forward to hit Myotismon full force, slamming him into a wall.

"The eighth child..." Myotismon grimaced in pain as the heavenly angel flew overhead, pointing a finger at him, the wings on her left glove extending to form a bow. He grinned like a madman. "Go ahead! Nothing can kill me!" He howled defiantly.


The bolt of pure energy was shot point blank. Myotismon howled as it shattered his golden bat pendant and seared through his chest. He then hung immobile for a moment, a gaping hole going through his chest, before collapsing to his knees, then on the roof.

No one said anything for a second as Angewomon landed gracefully. "Finally... it's over." The other chosen digimon moved closer to the motionless body.

"Ummm..." Tai held on to his sister's shoulder. "Don't digimon... Always break up when th--"

The end of his sentence was swallowed by a shriek when Myotismon sprung up toward them, his teeth sinking deep into Angewomon's calf to draw blood. "AHHHH!" Angewomon howled as she fought against the evil digimon's grasp, red fluid dripping down her leg.

"Let her go!" MetalGreymon, the cyborg dinosaur's huge foot slammed down upon the vampire, who let go of the other digimon. She stumbled away, her leg still bleeding.

"Angewomon!" Kari rushed forward, and caught her now much taller friend as the angel stumbled down to one knee.

"I'm... fine..." She was... although horribly confused. Something was deeply wrong here. Myotismon threw off MetalGreymon's foot, blood, viscera and fragments of bone hanging out of his horrific chest wound. There was no possible way he could still be alive, but he was most definitely fighting. He did so like some sort of enraged animal rather than the calculated evil being they had fought just minutes before. He next leapt at Lillymon, mouth snapping and sending drops of Angewomon's blood flying.

She looked at the vampire in utter terror while the leaves on her wrists morphed into attack mode: "FLOWER CANNON!"

The blast struck the vampire straight in the face and he collapsed face-down again. His body twitched a few times, then his head twisted back to look at them, except he had no eyes to look through anymore. The attack had left his face a chunk of smashed bones and destroyed flesh, and still he moved, to everyone's horror. "I hunger!" He hissed, barely comprehensible through the mess.

"How can he still be alive?!." Izzy exclaimed panickedly as Myotismon made another attempt, this time leaping at Zudomon.

"VULCAN'S HAMMER!" The giant digizoidium hammer came down on the digimon's lower half with a sickening crunch of bone. The force of the blow actually cut the dark creature in half. His legs were lefy several feet away and still he continued to drag himself forward, an arm reaching toward Sora, though still short as she scrambled away.

"Flesh! Succulent flesh!" He drooled.

"Stop him!" Sora screamed. Myotismon continued to advance upon her as if he hadn't noticed anything else.

"Take him down!" MetalGreymon's shouted, the panic in his voice audible too by now. "Use everything!"

Blasts of energy, missiles, lighting, fire, all rained downed on Myotismon, reducing the entire corner of the building to little more than dust and leaving nothing of the vampiric digimon but some bloody stains. It was really over now.


"I'd feel better if you stayed here with her." Tai whispered to the orange dinosaur that was his partner.

Gatomon lay in Kari's bed, shivering even though she was buried under three inches worth of blankets. Agumon was growing concerned too. Digimon fell sick, yes, but this looked more serious than anything he'd seen before. "Shouldn't I go with you Tai?" The orange dinosaur asked, blinking his green eyes. "There are still evil digimon around."

Tai looked back at him. "Everyone else is out making sure Myotismon's army is taken care of. Kari's really worried about her... we'll be back with some medicine very quickly." The brown haired boy wasn't sure what else to do, since he knew nothing about digimon diseases. He hoped antibiotics would help.

"c'm'on, Tai, let's go!" Kari called from the door, eager to help the one who saved her life.

"Just watch over her and keep her comfortable." The begoggled boy quickly joined his sister and they ran out to the nearest drugstore. The city was still in chaos: an invasion force from another dimension did not come through without making a mess of things.

The dinosaur watched as his partner left with his sister. Then he went back into the bedroom. "Are you alright?" he asked the feline.

"I'm fine... Just... cold." Gatomon shivered. She felt... drained, and freezing.

Agumon went over to Tai's bed, where he grabbed the blanket, coming back to wrap it loosely around her head. "Here."

The feline shifted closer at the feeling the warmth of Agumon's scaly body. His fire type left him warmer than the average digimon. She let out a little purr as she rubbed her head into his neck. "Rrrrr you are nice and warm." She nuzzled a bit more.

Agumon blushed a bit. He hadn't taken the time to notice but their former enemy was quite attractive. "My, uh, belly fire I guess."

The white cat continued to nuzzle, sniffing a bit. Agumon smelt... wonderful. His aroma was like that her favourite meal. It was hard to describe. "MMmm and you smell good..." Gatomon sniffed more. "Really good..." She couldn't help herself, giving a nice long lick on Agumon's cheek. "Oh god, you taste so good too..."

The dinosaur shuddered as the slightly rough tongue danced over his scaly cheek. "Are you sure you're okay... I mean..." Another lick, even hungrier this time, as if she could eat him like ice cream. "Uhm, I should probably go take a bath... we were just fighting an hour ago..."

"Rrrrr..." The cat pulled Agumon close to her and into what had turned into a nest of blankets. He was so warm and nice to the touch, and there was something about the way he tasted. She began crawling over his frame. "Oh you taste just..." She didn't finish the sentence, licking down his chest and running her paws all down his body.

"Urgh!" Agumon let out a surprised groan as the furry paws and rough tongue went to town over his chest. He was getting aroused fast, understandably enough with what was turning out to be a horny feline crawling over him. His bright red erection slowly emerged from its hiding place, a loose orange nut sack soon joining it. He blushed a bit when he felt the bedcovers rub against his member from her movements. "Gatomon... I... I'm getting..." He tried to speak up, but was incapable of aligning enough syllables.

The cat moved further down, running her tongue over his lower stomach, and soon came face to face with the outward-pointing penis. "Oh man it looks so good." She purred sensually. Her mouth went straight for it. engulfing the cock down to the base with ease. The warm meat was divine in her mouth. The best thing she ever tasted, making her shudder in absolute delight. She closed her eyes and sucked as hard as she could, wishing she could just swallow the whole thing.

Agumon bucked a little at the feeling: this was so much better than his paw. He had gotten blown before and it was always good, but her sheer hunger made it something really special. Plus she was much more his type. Soon his erection was throbbing harder than ever before, spewing precum almost constantly from her powerful sucking.

The female digimon switched between deepthroating the member or licking up and down from the base to the tip. "It feels so good in my mouth..." She lapped again. She wanted something more from Agumon, but she couldn't tell what, except that this hunger was getting worse. She went down over the cock once more, the shaft's tip slipping right down her throat while her tongue ran on the underside of it.

"Oh Gatomon!" The orange dinosaur squealed, then began to cum like a geyser. Spicy, warm digital cum filled the cat's throat, being happily guzzled down with a satisfied purr.

The feline happily chugged down to the last drop and kept sucking long after the flow of semen had dried up. She eventually took the cock from her maw and ran her paws over the length in an attempt to coax more of the warm fluid out. She felt even colder now, and a primal hunger gnawed at her very being. If she could only figure out how to satisfy it! "Mmm, need more... I need more..." She lapped at the penis even harder now that it was drained dry.

"Uhhh might be a bit..." His phrase collapsed into a moan from the efforts of the tongue on his cock. It was getting more insistent with every passing minute. "I guess... you can keep trying..." He relented in a pant. Maybe he could find it in himself for another orgasm...

"Mmm more..."Gatomon brought the cock into her maw again and suckled hard. It was... so tasty... so delicious... "More..." She sucked on it hard, needing more, something more...

"Uhhh that's a bit hard. Watch the teeth." Agumon shuddered. He felt them graze harder against his sensitive flesh. "Teeth! TEETH!"


The Kamiyas were watching TV a few rooms away. "Was it wise to let our kids go and fight those... those things?" Mrs. Kamiya asked, eyes not really focused on the television. The fight at the TV station seemed to have put an end to it, at least.

Mr. Kamiya sighed and spoke. "Well, I don't think those... digimon would ever--"

The high-pitched scream of a wounded animal suddenly came from their children's bedroom. Both of them sprung up and rushed over there, the thought that somehow one of their children had gotten hurt spurring them. Mr. Kamiya got there first, swinging the door open. And he stopped cold.

Agumon was curled on the ground, blood pouring from his crotch as he cried in pain, rocking back and forth on the carpeted floor. Gatomon was beside him, blood dripping down from her maw as she chewed on... something. Her eyes looked dazed as she stared up at the pair, hissing. "Still hungry..." She leapt at them.


"The infection spread rapidly from there. Gatomon is fast and a dangerous fighter... And then Agumon took us by surprise." Izzy continued, filling in as much of the story as they knew. Naturally there were gaps, too many, but they did know Gatomon was the first victim. That left the one currently sitting with them than a little queasy.

"Myotismon was a fool and a coward." Piedmon had his arms crossed. "The idiot feared death so much that he did something to his own code. And he had this other idiot assist him." He gestured at Datamon.

"It was merely meant to put him into stasis." The small computer digimon replied as he scrounged through the electronics Piedmon had returned with. "Nobody could predict that the simpleton would be so reckless as to further alter it."

"Since digimon normally break up when they die, the zombie digimon would keep them alive as long as possible while they... feasted." Izzy could not really think of a pleasant word for that. "Which of course, only caused the virus to spread faster."

"It only makes zombies out of digimon... and biting, it turned out, was not the only mean of infection. We thought we had brought it under control, then we found out it had somehow spread to the Digital World." Sora continued.

"And what's worse, they are sentient... intelligent. They lose none of their powers and are annoyingly hard to kill." Piedmon had one of his swords out and was running his spindly fingers along the edge. "You pretty much have to reduce them to dust and ash."

"Err... What would you have done if one of us had gotten bitten?" Gabumon asked.

"I'd have cut you into tiny, tiny little pieces." Piedmon grinned and held the index and thumb of his hand very close together. "And set you on fire, if I had the time."

"For your information, you're still a total creep." Gomamon backed back a bit as Piedmon took a step forward, but the costumed digimon merely did a reverence.

"Why thank you!" Piedmon bowed, a hand firmly planted on his chest. "It has been so long since I have been the most frightening thing around. I do miss that look of terror in a digimon's eye." He grinned wide as he walked to the door. "Now if you'll excuse me, I must talk with Izzy about our defences.

Gomamon watched him leave, and then sighed as he looked back to the others. He still expected Piedmon to run them through with a sword at any given moment. "Um... do you guys mind if we talk a bit... we got a lot to talk about..." He hinted for the natives.

"Sure... we'll just be in the next room." Sora stood up, still hugging her partner like a stuffed animal. The others followed after.

"This is a pretty messed up place." Gabumon started with the obvious. "Isn't he pretty much the worst villain we ever faced?" He and Izzy were talking like friends... or at least allies. The sight of that was almost as disturbing as the zombies themselves.

"Yeah. Hawkmon was one of my best buds." Gomamon admitted. "And not two hours ago he was trying to eat my brains. We can't really think of them like we would in our world."

"But that still leaves the question... What do we do?" Gatomon sighed.

"Well... For starters..." Gabumon reached behind, took out the stone statue and pointed it at the next room, making a head glow and hum loudly.

"The rooster, I think." Gomamon smiled. Finally something good coming out of this. "A good one. It lets me move stuff with my mind."

"Psychokinesis?" Gatomon asked.

"Gesundheit." Gomamon replied with a smirk. Gatomon just sighed and rolled her eyes. "Well... Biyomon has my power... what should we do?" She was the only one in the next room likely to host any of them.

Gabumon mulled it over for a bit.

This world is doomed. We should take the power and escape!

"Guys... we can't deal with this. We're just three digimon... There are thousands if not millions of those of zombies... We should just get the power and get out of this living hell."

"Gabumon!" Gatomon was a little shocked. "These are our friends!"

"They are copies of our friends, some of which already tried to kill us. Our real friends probably think we're dead by now!" The lizard snapped back. "We can't save every world we go to! What are we? The Salvation Army??"

"Wait, wait." Gomamon mumbled. "When I take a power... it opens some sort of portal, right?"

"But it only transports us, since we are not part of this world." Gabumon glared at Gomamon. "It left Vulpix behind... or did you forget that too?"

Gomamon ignored that little pique, chalking it up to stress. "Maybe... that's just because I don't understand it... but we got one of the smartest digimon, and probably the smartest human still alive right here!"


"Amazing." Datamon was running a scanner of some sorts that popped out of his hand. "Your code is saturated with energy alternating on a wavelength not symmetrical with our own dimension." He moved over to Biyomon and ran it over her her too. "And it is present in you too, though at lower levels, just like the statue indicated."

"Yeah... well... um..." Gomamon had no idea what the machine digimon was saying.

Datamon let out an electronic sigh. "Simply put for you ignorami, your 'magic', as you put it, is merely energy from another dimension, and we can use its energy signature to escape this wretched one."

"We can!" Hope sprung into Biyomon's eyes. She hugged Elecmon tightly around the waist. "Oh thank god!"

"That is only the good news." Datamon continued as he looked at the scanner in his metallic fingers.

"I do hate when people say that." Gatomon sighed a bit.

"The energy is useless here." The machine gestured back with his metallic fingers. "I am working with broken laptops and discarded iPods. I can barely keep this building hidden! There is no way I can possibly channel this energy so as to form a stable portal." Datamon continued. "To do that we would need to go back to my old laboratory, in the Digital World."

"Which is completely overrun with flesh-eating undead..." Izzy completed everyone's thoughts as he typed on the computer. "That is suicide."

"No." Piedmon stood up, towering above all of them. "Staying here would be suicide. The rest of the world is picked clean now. We may be hidden, but as long as I have to go out, they'll know we are here somewhere."

"He's right." Datamon admitted. "They seem to congregate in Tokyo now... they will find us eventually. This is probably our only chance to ever escape, we must take it."

There was a general whisper of agreement. "But we shut down the portals to the Digital World!" Izzy noted. He and Datamon had done it themselves. "We thought maybe we could prevent them from multiplying here, but it did not help much."

"Then obviously we will need to reopen the portal." Datamon extended his metallic arm toward Sora. "You are the only one with a working digital device."

Sora reached for and unclasped the digivice from her belt. She held onto it for a second before handing it cautiously over to the metallic digimon. "Be careful with that..." Without it, Biyomon could not digivolve.

"Of course. It is our gateway out of this wasteland." Datamon went over to the laptops and hooked it to various cables.

"This will require at least a few hours... and use a lot of energy." Izzy admitted as he got to work with the digimon. "Elecmon, we're going to need a lot from you."

Sparks ran through the mammal's fur. "You'll get as much as you need and more." He'd give anything to save his babies and Biyomon.

Izzy next turned to their guardian. "Piedmon, can you keep watch? We'll be running on minimal power. The shield might fail.

"Of course. We would not want this to be too easy now, would we?" Piedmon grinned as he passed around his instructions. "Sora, get everyone ready to leave. Essentials only. We will be on the move the second we enter the digital world." He looked to the world travellers. "I expect you three to be on your guard as well, I will take whatever help we can get, no matter how meagre." The clown turned on a heel and walked out of the room.

"Ugh... just as arrogant as I remember." Gabumon grumbled.

"Hey!" Elecmon snapped. "He has saved the life of everyone in this room... a hundred times!"

"Yeah." Biyomon flew over her mate's head. "We don't care how your Piedmon was, or what ours says. He is the best thing that ever happened to us." The bird landed on Elecmon's back. "Come on... let's go check on the babies."

"Right." Elecmon snorted a bit in Gabumon's direction as they went to the nursery.

"Wow... touchy." Gomamon replied, witnessing the whole ordeal.

"You can hardly blame them." Gatomon replied. "Remember, Piedmon feeds them, keeps them safe... More importantly, they never had to fight him. We may not like him, but if we'd been here from the start, we'd think the same... Anyway, we should go keep watch too."


The evacuation proceeded quickly thanks to the renewed hope filling the air: a long shot was preferable to no shot at all. Gomamon looked out the window to the streets below. A zombie would occasionally come by, flying or walking, often tearing through some wreckage looking for a rat or any sort of live meat. It was quite depressing to see his beloved Tokyo in this state. He rested his chin on the sill, with a sigh. "I miss home... and Joe... And everyone else..."

"Me too." Biyomon came in, holding an open can of tuna, a year past the expiry date and half eaten. "I... brought you some food." She held out the tin. "You should keep your strength up."

Gomamon smiled, taking a scoop of the fish in his claws and eating it. It was dried up, but edible. "Thanks... Sorry, I just miss everything."

"So what's your home like?" Biyomon asked, landing on the sill next to the seal.

"As this one was before... it happened, I guess." He then remembered that they never got to see that much of it at the time. "There are problems sure... but the stores are open, the schools are filled with children..." He sighed again: a playground was visible from the window, rusty swings moving creepily in the slight breeze.

"And... our friends? Agumon? Palmon?" Biyomon asked a bit nervously.

"All of them are alive and well... we... did lose a few battling some evil digimon." Gomamon continued. "Leomon... Wizardmon... Pixiemon..." He recanted some friends who died in battle. "But we are happy... and safe."

"That... makes me happy. To know somewhere... everyone's alright... and this never happened." Biyomon smiled slightly and wiped a tear from her eye.

The seal tried to change the subject before it got any more depressing. "So you and Elecmon are an item?" Gomamon asked the pink bird. "Gotta say I'd never had expected that."

"Oh yeah, sorry Gomamon, But he is off the dating scene... though it's not like there is much choice for either of us, really." Biyomon sighed again.

"Oh well, I don't blame him, hooking up with a girl as cute as you." Gomamon tried what he thought of as his patented charm.

Biyomon just stared at him for a moment. "Wait... did you just hit on me?"

"Well... a bit, I mean I know you are taken..." Gomamon shrugged. He was probably a bit out of line. "And this isn't the time... I guess old habits die hard..."

"Really?" Biyomon giggled softly. "You? You're sad I am taken?" She clamped her wings over her beak in an attempt at stifling a giggle.

"Ummm... yeah... You're cute..." The seal was wondering what was so funny now.

"Hey Sora!" The pink bird suddenly shouted out loudly in the direction of the next room. "Gomamon wants me!" And she fell on the ground, holding her stomach. "He hit on me!"

"What, I mean..." Gomamon didn't want to get in trouble with Elecmon. The electric mammal apparently still didn't quite trust hin.

"Gomamon's into you?" Sora poked her head in, she was chuckling too.

"Yup! Gomamon wants me!" Biyomon was laughing harder now.

"Really?" Sora had an arm clamped over her stomach from the guffaws. "Gomamon?"

"Yeah really!!" Gomamon protested in his confusion. "I think she's cute!" And with that the pair burst into more laughter. "Am I missing something here?" He was really starting to get worried, but he didn't get to dwell on it for the wall next to him suddenly exploded, sending debris flying. The entire building was soon shaking, and human shrieks echoed across the halls amidst falling dust and plaster.

"The babies!" Biyomon shrieked as she took off in the direction of the nursery as Gomamon shook chunks of plaster off his head. "Sora, we got to get the babies!" She took off, Sora right behind her.

A gient, red version of Agumon stuck his head in the hole. Despite his missing lower jaw, the Tyrannomon still attempted to chomp at Sora before she could leave the room.

"TRUMP SWORDS!" The wepaons ran through the dinosaur's decomposing skull and split it into quarters like a ripe melon.

Piedmon held out his hands so the swords could return to him as the now digimon collapsed in a headless heap. Dozens more where rushing the building, screaming for flesh and meat. "Datamon, if you could hurry up with that portal!" The Mega-level shouted as he leapt outside into the fray.

"Oh, fuck me!" Gomamon scooted back from the section of brain that had splattered on the floor. It was larger than he was. He was distracted and did not seeing coming when something on his back.

"Ohhh I'd be happy to!" As a marine creature, the seal's sense of smell wasn't very good even by human standard, but the stench decay still made him gag. A pair of flippers wrapped around his neck and after a few seconds, he realized that it was his zombie self on his back.

"I always knew I just had the sexiest little behind!" He said, licking Gomamon with a tongue that felt like a dead slab of rotten meat. "It makes me so wish I could still get an erection!"

"Get off!" Gomamon bucked forward, throwing his counterpart off just before he could get a bite.

"Oh honey, not many guys say that to me." Zombie Gomamon snickered as he rolled to his belly, wagging a tail whose lower end had been reduced to bones. What was left of his mohawk was dyed bright pink and there was even glitter on his cheeks. Of the piercing, all Gomamon could tell was that between his hear, tongue and lower lip, there were enough of them he could not count them at a glance.

"You're gay?!" Gomamon balked as the building shook again, drawing louder screams from its human occupants.

"Such an ugly word. I prefer 'flamingly fabulous' myself." Zombie Gomamon gave him his own trademark grin, but the missing left cheek made it look far more ghoulish. "MMmm oh I can't wait to eat my own dick off you, cutie." He smacked his lips, circling Gomamon slowly.

"All right this? This?" Gomamon held out his flipper. "This is the most fucked up thing ever."

"What are you going to do, big boy? The marching fishies?" Zombie Gomamon mocked him, a flipper flicking. "We ate the fish months ago! Even if you could, they would just be an appetizer."

"Oh, not exactly, honey." Gomamon tapped his dragon symbol. A burst of yellow energy came and struck the Zombie's chest. To Gomamon's surprise it actually exploded. The head and one flipper came to rest at Gomamon's feet while the rest flew across the room, rancid guts spilling out as the zombie torso looked up at him. "Fucking homophobe."

"Yeah, that's what was making me uncomfortable." Gomamon fired another blast, turning his other self into a gooey paste. He then had to peel the stud-pierced tongue off his left flipper with a grimace. "Ugh... I miss when we broke into data... Uhm... what's..." He looked down apprehensively to find the zombie seal's penis stuck onto his left flipper. It had a prince Albert piercing that had somehow gotten around the tip of one of his claw. "Gyahhh! Get it off get it off!" He screamed, shaking the flipper madly. The disembodied penis went flying into the fray and smacked a Kuwagumon's head as it tried to enter through the window.

Gatomon meanwhile had to intercept her own counterpart before it could bite down on an old woman. A flying punch sent the zombie twin careening off a wall. "Snap out of it! You don't want to kill her!"

"I do... more than anything..." The zombified Gatomon looked to her sane twin a bit curiously, but all she saw was more meat. "Don't try and save me... I've killed my friends... their family... even Kari..." She actually looked sad admitting that, like she would cry if her body allowed her to, but she still attacked.

The news horrified the still living digimon. "How could you kill Kari?!" She screamed as she bounded off the wall, fighting her own undead counterpart.

The zombie shuddered as if disturbed by the memory. Like V-mon, her left arm was almost gone, a bony stump jutting out and surrounded by tattered grey flesh. "It's the crave..." Zombie Gatomon hissed and bared her fangs. Her breath was as rancid as the dragon's had been. "She tasted just like she was... sweet... I wonder how you taste..." She leapt with her claw bared, overcome with rage.

The living Gatomon ducked and, grabbing the long purple and white tail, swung the zombie in a circle. There was a wet gut-wrenching sound of ripping and the zombie went flying, leaving the tail in her palm. "Oh that's just disgusting!" Gatomon looked at the dead piece of meat.

"My tail!" Zombie Gatomon hissed and slammed a foot on the ground. "That was the only part of me left that was still cute!" She leapt again. "I am going to eat your feet first!" Gatomon's other paw shot out and, in a repeat of her fight with V-mon, easily held herself by the neck. "Gah... let me go! How did you get so strong?!"

Gatomon held out the severed tail. "You forget?" On the tail was the gold ring, the major source of a Gatomon's strength. "Without this, you're barely more of a threat than the average rookie." She remarked as she slipped the metal ring off the tail.

Her zombie self tried unsuccessfully to bite. "Forget the feet. I'll start with your eyes."

The white feline sighed, holding the golden ring in her other paw, before slipping it under her glove. "I hate killing... hate it with all my soul..." Her claw suddenly moved like lighting and zombie Gatomon went stiff, three claws coming out the back of her skull. "But I hope... if I end up like you, somebody will do the same thing." Gatomon withdrew her paw, the body slumping to the ground. She looked a little ill at the sight of the black rancid... something on her paw, but there was no time to dwell on that. The building was fast filling with gluttonous undead.

"Gabumon digivolve to... UGH!" He was interrupted by someone slamming into his stomach, the golden tear drop bouncing from his grasp before he could complete his digivolution. He reached for it, quickly found himself entangled in familiar vines.

"Cool, I get the fat one!" Palmon's vine fingers tightened around him before he could protest over his weight. She was brown and shrivelled like a dead plant. "Mmm, all that digital meat." She licked her shrunken lips slowly, making a sound of crackling, dry leaves.

"Palmon, stop! I'm your friend!" Gabumon tried to wiggle out, but the vines held fast. He dug his free paw into the warped floor, trying to get some sort of leverage.

"We never got a taste of you Gabumon... you took the coward's way out and jumped off a building." Palmon pulled the chubby digimon closer and closer."But Matt... Matt more than made up for it... We didn't even have to hunt him. You made our job so much easi--" Palmon shrieked as she burst into flames. A moment later a blade or spear of some sorts went clear through her neck. Her head bounced off and rolled away in a fireball, protesting loudly. "My meal!" She seemed more concerned about losing the meal than being on fire and beheaded. She snapped at him from the other side of the room as the vines went slack, as if she could beckon him closer.

"Thanks Gato--" He looked up, confused. He could have sworn he saw Gatomon behind Palmon. But he didn't have time to think. Monzaemon, the giant yellow teddy bear digimon came lumbering out of the doorway. His belly was split open, cotton stuffing hanging out. It would have looked comical had it not been stained red with blood. He finally grabbed his tear drop off the ground, feeling the power flow through him. "Gabumon digivolve to... WEREGARURUMON!"

Biyomon rushed to the nursery upstairs, and was greeted by the very scene that haunted her dreams. Her once friend Agumon held Elecmon tightly by the neck. Blast of electricity struck him again and again. "That would really hurt, if I still felt pain." The orange digimon grinned as the energy just washed over him harmlessly. His body was burnt, decayed skin flayed off like parchment and his groin was completely gone, showing white pelvic bone underneath. He was surrounded by a half-dozen more digimon, all in various shades of decay.

"Get away from OUFF!" A blast of hot air smashed into her before she could finish her sentence. She skidded across the floor and into the crib, where the babies, little more than coloured blobs, whimpered and huddled against each other. They were all that was left from the digital world... the last children of an entire universe.

Patamon kept afloat at an awkward angle due to a bite that had taken a chunk out of one of his ear wings. One eye hung out of it socket, rocking back and forth with his moves. "And looks like we get chicken too!" The flying orange mammal grinned. "But first." He flew over to the old crib. "Who wants veal?"

The pink bird raised her head, anger and desperation filling her soul. "Get away..." Her eyes suddenly glowed, the magical outline of a rooster forming in each of them, and her body floated off the floor as she let out a shriek of rage. "FROM THEM!"

There was a blast of power. The zombies didn't stand a chance, their bodies being ripped simultaneously in a dozen different ways. Putrefied remains showered around them, the undead mangled beyond recognition. "Wow..." Elecmon looked to his lover.

Biyomon collapsed to her knees. "I guess... that was the power... Gomamon mentioned." She panted. That had taken a lot out of her. "Get the babies... we need to get out..."

Outside, their biggest gun was fighting a losing battle. "Datamon?" Piedmon held out his swords, deflecting a blast of fire, before launching his own counter attack. He looked back into the building at seeing Izzy and Datamon frantically working on a computer. "How is that portal going?! Not to rush you or anything, but this party is getting a touch crowded!" He flung his sword forward, and sliced three grey-furred Gazimon in half... but their upper torsos kept dragging themselves forward into the entrance of the building. More digimon were flying in or storming in from across he city like piranhas to a feeding frenzy.

"He never had much patience." Datamon commented, typing away at the computer. "Izzy, get Sora's Digivice going..."

"On it... GAH!" Izzy went down as something bit down heavily in his shoulder. It was Tentomon, insect mouth clamped down hard.

"Nanospores!" Datamon held out his fingers, little missiles firing into Tentomon's face. The insect howled as it felt off, chitinous face half melted. "Assistants of his quality are hard to find so I would appreciate you leaving him in one useful piece."

Tentomon feel to the ground, eyes burnt away. His one remaining wing buzzed helplessly behind him. "Izzy it's me... remember... help me..." The zombie insect's speech was garbled from the damage to his lips and throat. He was still dangerously clever and attempting to manipulate the human's reactions.

"Tentomon died years ago... you're just a bad nightmare... Datamon?" Izzy turned back toward the computer, tears running down his cheeks as there was another nanospore missile blast behind him. He didn't look around, pressing a few more keys. A ring of light formed in the middle of the. "We got ourselves a portal!"

"It's stable!" Datamon shouted. The digimon said nothing else before jumping in.

Izzy wasn't surprised... Datamon always cared more for his own hide than anything else. "Everyone!" Izzy shouted at the humans and digimon crowded in the next room, clutching his bleeding shoulder. "Into the portal! Move! Move!"

Everyone rushed forward, used to following orders without question. Their survival depended on it. Elecmon rushed with Biyomon, holding the five infant babies and desperate to get them to safety. WereGarurumon, Gatomon, Gomamon and Piedmon held the line, which was rapidly being forced back from sheer numbers. "That's the last one!" Gomamon shouted as he jumped in, WereGarurumon going next.

Gatomon moved to the portal as Piedmon place a leg through, just as she heard a frantic cry for help. Her ears swivelled, and a look of horror filled her face. A child, no older than eight, waved out from the collapsed wall. He must have been knocked out in the originally explosion. Blood dripped from his head as he screamed, his panicked cries drawing immediate attention from the undead horde. "Oh Gods..." There was no way she could get to him in time...

"TRUMP SWORD!" The blades turned into a lethal whirlwind, turning limbs and torsos alike into a mash and leaving an open rail across the crowd. Piedmon landed on the floor with grace, holding out his hands in opposite directions. "CLOWN TRICK!" Twin blast of his own psychokinetic energy shot out, blasting the horde backward. A moment was all he needed to scoop the child up under his arm and leap back towards the portal. Gatomon didn't hesitate this time, leaping through as Piedmon shouted. "Seal it!"

Piedmon looked at the shivering child in his arms, moving to one of the humans, a middle aged women with dirty blond hair. "Take the urchin, and do see that you keep a better eye on him." He huffed, making a big gesture of brushing imaginary dirt off him. He then turned to the survivors with his usual arrogant attitude. "Time to go." He stood tall as Gatomon looked up at him with disbelief. "I except you all to keep up."

Gabumon came over to Gatomon, back in his rookie form. "Ugh... he's still a jerk."

"Yeah..." Gatomon said only halfheartedly as they all started on their final sojourn.


Bit of backstory there. Do you want to know more about how the zombie world came to be? Tell me! Anyway, feel free to comment, suggest, and so on. And I do give out preview and rough drafts for those eager who can't wait! I am at [email protected], and mrredrover on AIM.

The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 20 - The Trek

More zombies! This world may last a bit. Warnings still apply. If you are squeamish, I suggest skipping the next 2-4 chapters. ...

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 18 - Dead Mon Walking

Not another world! A warning! This is one of my most bloodiest, goriest ones. If you are squeamish, I suggest skipping the next 2-4 chapters. ...

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 17 - I Be Ninja

Part two of ancient furry China! I lifted those ninjas from the opening scene of Kung Fu Panda. There is an original character in this one, just to warn you! ...

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