The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 17 - I Be Ninja

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#34 of The Twelve Talismans

Part two of ancient furry China! I lifted those ninjas from the opening scene of Kung Fu Panda. There is an original character in this one, just to warn you!


The Twelve Talismans:

Dimensional Travels

Chapter 17

I Be Ninja



"<All right.>" Gatomon was translating Gomamon's explanation as the Chinese Kung Fu masters crowded around her. "<Viper, Crane and Monkey are being held on the top floor.>" She pointed to the diagram Gomamon had drawn and laid over the low wooden table. "<He spotted at least fifteen guards in the tree line here and watching the river here, on the west side... two guards at the only entrance... and at least two hundred ninjas in the pagoda itself, with patrols changing at random.>" She continued to go on. "<Long story short, I see no way we can sneak in without being noticed.>"

"<And they could harm our friends if we try a direct assault.>" Mantis was on the corner of the table, looking at the map.

"<Then we need another plan.... We can't sneak in and can't fight our way in... Can we [i]trick[/i] our way in?>" Po suggested. His jaw was still aching from the blow from WereGarurumon when they first met.

Master Shifu stroked his long white moustache a few times. "<That is a good idea. An infiltrator... someone who speaks their language and looks the part of the feline ninja.>"

All eyes in the war room promptly turned to Gatomon. Her purple tipped ears dropped. "<I am [i]so[/i] not liking where this is going.>"


"Why is it [i]me[/i] who has to play dress-up all the time?" Gatomon sighed as she walked out of the room. That Mantis guy knew his way with needles, and they had managed to throw together an appropriately ninja-like outfit. She wore black ninja garb, pants and a jacket with overlapping lapels tucked into the trousers. A sash went diagonally across her front, lined with kunais, the ninja throwing daggers. A purple headband wrapped around her forehead tightly and her left shoulder was covered by a single sheet of metal armour secured by thick leather straps. A bo staff was strapped across her back.

"You know." Gomamon grinned as he looked over Gatomon. "I think I am getting a clothes fetish if you keep dressing like that."

Gatomon smirked at the frisky seal. "You mean there is a fetish you [i]don't[/i] already have?" She took the headband off. There was a metal plate on the front of it. "Rather plain looking." She took her claw and dragged it over the metal, making little sparks as she etched in the metal. Finally she was done, tying the headband back around. On it now was an etching of the crest of light. "There... much better... Always kinda liked [i]Naruto[/i]. May as well go with. Lord knows we may end up there next." She sighed.

"Oh yeah." Gomamon gave her a thumbs up.

Gabumon glared at the seal. He was still in a miserable mood, and Gomamon's taking it all in stride was only making it worse. "Can we just get on with this already?" He grumbled.

"Right, right." Gatomon was really starting to wish Gabumon would snap out of his funk. "I'll try to get us all out of there tonight, if everything goes smoothly. If it doesn't, watch for my signal."

"What will that be?" Gomamon asked.

"Screaming. General chaos. Fire. You know... the usual." Gatomon replied as she started on her way towards the pagoda. The others set camp on a nearby forested hillside for cover, and to stay close should problems arise. She continued on, moving with no particular attempt to hide, but eyes continuously scanning the tree line. Two guards stood outside the main entrance. Snow leopards as far as she could tell, dressed much like her in traditional dark ninja garb. She walked right down the middle of the dirt path toward them. She counted at least five other sets of eyes on her, hidden sentries watching from the trees, but she pressed on without worrying and reached the pair without incident. The ninjas were probably curious about her. Either that or they didn't consider her a threat... She was going to change that soon enough. "Who dares approach the lair of the Neko clan?" One of the guards threatened, standing straight so he could look down at her.

"My name is Gatomon." The digimon replied in a confident voice. "I have come to join your clan."

"You?" The other guard smirked. "[i]A pipsqueak[/i] like you? And female to boot?" Both of them laughed. "Dressing up in a child costume does not make you a ninja."

[i]Great. [b]Sexist[/b] ninjas.[/i] She sighed mentally

"Listen, I've come to speak to someone in charge." Gatomon continued, managing not to let her anger through her voice. For now. "And, to be honest, I am not going to waste my time with two lowly guards who aren't even skilled enough to hide in the bushes."

"Hey!" The feline ninjas pulled out weapons, one a set of nunchucks and the other a pair of tonfas. "You best treat us with respect, or these weapons are going to end up some place where the sun doesn't shine!"

Gatomon smirked. "I just love it when they set themselves up like that."


Gomamon was watching from up high on the mountain and relaying the scene to Gabumon's: "Looks like they are attacking...." The seal suddenly grimaced. "Ouch!" He handed the spyglass to Gabumon, a look of horror on his face. "I wonder what they said to tick her off like that."


Gatomon walked through the gates, leaving the groaning felines behind. "Just be thankful you guys I am beince nice today." She told them, looking around casually into the main hall. A dozen archers aimed at her from the balcony. Surrounding her were another dozen guards, holding their weapons at the ready. "All right, who wants a katana enema?"


They weren't moving already, but they seemed to get even more motionless, if that was possible. An old feline came out of the shadows, a lynx with white whiskers so long they hung down to his waist. Like Shifu he walked with a wooden cane, but with a grace that suggested he truly didn't need it. The ninjas parted to make room for him with fearful respect in their eyes. Gatomon, however, was not intimidated in the slightest. After facing Piedmon or Myotismon, she could not get worked up about normal fighters, as skilled as they might be. She decided an arrogant tone was the best way to get in. "I assume you are the leader of this rabble."

"You best speak with respect to me." He stood atop a flight of steps, looking at least five feet down at her.

"My respect is earned, not given." Gatomon retorted, paws crossed across her chest.

The lynx stroked his whiskers with old, strong fingers. "I can see that. What are your name and purpose?"

"I am Gatomon." The feline warrior replied. "And I am here to join this clan." Snickers and amused whispering came from all around. Gatomon's tail twitched once.

The elderly master did not seem as amused: clearly he was a better judge of character than them. "I am Master Lynx. Tell me, Gatomon, what makes you worthy to join us?"

"I know these lands well. I speak the language... and I am the best warrior in the country." Which was, as far as she could tell, not far from the truth.

Full-on laughter erupted all around. Gatomon couldn't hide her annoyance anymore when she heard comments about her "proper" place and purpose. [i]Oh, I am really starting to hope this does resorts to violence.[/i] "We normally don't allow women to enter our clan." The lynx said curtly, interrupting the laughing. "I hardly see how a female can equal the strength of a true male warrior."

[i]Rememebr: no beating him till [b]after[/b] the rescue.[/i] "Then you've never met a true warrior." Gatomon shot back, hands flying to the oak staff on her back as bowstrings were pulled taut again.

"Misplaced pride and arrogance do not a warrior make."

"Then why don't you let me face one your so-called 'true warriors'... those entrance guards barely qualify as babysitters."

"I have no qualms about that..." The elderly lynx snapped his fingers. The sound from the short black claws somehow filled the entire room. "Kiba!"

The newcomer was a tiger a good foot taller than any of the other ninjas, and twice Gatomon's height. His short embroidered pants, the only piece of clothing he had on, hid almost nothing of his toned muscular body. His weapon, the Japanese spear known as a yari, was even taller than him. "Yes Sensei?"

"Defeat her."

Kiba instantly dropped into a crouching stance. Even if he might have had qualms about fighitng a girl, he was clearly not going to make it easy. "I apologize for this."

[i]Well at least this one has some manners... and a decent six-pack.[/i] "And I apologize too.. For your inevitable failure."

"You think you can beat me with such a simple weapon?" Her opponent kept his weapon aimed at Gatomon's throat as she slowly took hers. Something about her... seemed wrong.

"Oh this?" She twirled the staff like a baton. "I just think it looks neat." She then tossed it to the side, where it landed at Master Lynx's feet with a wooden clatter that echoed across the hall. "Weapons would so be overkill." She grinned, flashing her fangs. "Come on now. Let's get this over with."

"I have never met one so... confident." The buff tiger thrust forward in a killing blow to her neck. This wasn't right... but the only thing he was to follow was his master's order. The least he could do was make it quick.

She casually caught the spear between her paws. "There's good reason for it." She was driven back a foot, but the tiger, for all his strength, was not on her level.

"Huh?" Kiba tried to pull the spear away, but it hardly budged. It seemed impossible that this wisp of a cat could hold his weapon in place. His arms strained, veins bulging even through the fur yet still he could not free his weapon. It was a rather stupid move, but this fight was turning out to be completely outside the remit of his training.

"It's not 'misplaced pride and arrogance' to think you are the best..." Gatomon suddenly lifted the spear in the air, bringing her opponent along with it. "When you [i]are[/i] the best." She waved the weapon is an overhead arc and promptly slammed it, and the tiger, against the ceramic floor. The tiles cracked under the force of the blow and a stunned silence followed, broken only by a low groan from the defeated warrior. Gatomon turned the spear around and threw it blade first at the lynx's feet, where it embedded itself in the ground. "Maybe if you let a few women in, you'd have a better class of fighters."

The elderly nodded his head ever so slightly. "Perhaps so. Welcome to the Neko clan, Gatomon."


"These will be your quarters." Master Lynx directed Gatomon to her own room. Being the only female, it seemed prudent to give her her own space, as opposed to a common sleeping area. Plus, being the top warrior, she had earned it.

"Thank you Sensei." She bowed low at him, even though she would sooner have kicked his ass. "If it is all right with you, I am going to rest. I had a long travel."

"Of course." He bowed back, though nowhere as low as she had. "You will be told your duties tomorrow."

The elderly lynx turned and left, and Gatomon allowed herself a deep breath. Pretending to respect the sexist, undeserving master was fast getting to her, but she needed to get to the top floor as soon as possible. At least she was in now. If she understood right, they could easily scale down the side of the building on their own. Nonetheless she would have to wait until most of them were out on a mission, or she was assigned guard duty. For all her skill, she could not take even half of them all at once, Hyrule had proved that much. She sighed as she lay on the grass mat. It was hard knowing so much depended on her... again.

"Hey. Girl."

Gatomon looked to the side. A few of the ninja felines were now standing at her doorway. "Yes?" She said, barely keeping from snarling.

"We were wondering if you'd like to join us." A black puma spoke, flashing his white fangs wide. "A few of us were going to enjoy some of the wine we swiped from...."

"Forgive me [i]brothers[/i]." She all but spat the last word. "But I am tired. Perhaps another time." [i]Or even better: never.[/i]

That didn't seem to faze them at all. "Come on girl. Just a few of us, we figured you'd like to party."

[i]Ugh. Only girl in an army of testosterone laden warriors. I should have expected something like this.[/i]

Gatomon stood up slowly. "I am really [i]quite[/i] tired." She glared, trying to make her point clearly: she couldn't let all of these arguments descend into violence... if only because it would jeopardize her mission. "Please leave." She said more forcefully.

The group simply walked, drawing a heavy sigh from her. They had been without female company for far too long. "Come on now..."

[i]It looks like they don't take no for an answer.[/i] She was about to 'escort' them out when there was a heavy cough from the door. The seven foot tall tiger warrior she beat earlier now stood there; nobody had heard come. His massive frame dwarfed everyone in the room.

"Master Kiba! We were..."

"Leaving." Kiba completed, arms crossed. His barrel chest hardly moved as he glared down. "And I also suggest staying as far away from this room as possible. For obvious health reasons." He curled his upper lip slightly, showing a single pearly white fang.

That was all the encouragement they needed, and they scurried out of there like rodents, all but sprinting down the hall. "Thanks." Gatomon looked up, a touch annoyed. "But I didn't need your help"

"[i]You[/i] did not." Kiba smiled broadly, his sneer gone now. "[i]They[/i] did."

Gatomon suddenly let out a little giggle. He actually had more than half a brain to go with his looks. "You are... not like the others."

"Thank you. I don't always agree with my brothers'... dubious moves. But they are my allies." He finally uncrossed his arms, looking a touch embarrassed. "But I must admit... I did come here with an alternative motive."

[i]What?[/i] "Yes?" Gatomon groaned, not really looking forward to what would follow.

"With all due respect, would you like to..."

[i]Oh Gods, is he [b]hitting[/b] on me?[/i] Even the others did a better job.

"Train me?"

"Huh?" That she had not expected. "I mean... You want to spar?"

"Of course." Kiba replied, looking down at the fellow warrior who barely came up to his knee. "You've taken me out like I was a kitten. I would like to at least present a something of a challenge if we should face off again."

The white feline batted her eyes playfully. "You wouldn't mind being taught by a girl?'

"I don't want to be taught by a girl." The tiger ninja answered. "I want to be taught by a warrior."


"Always assume from the start that your opponent is faster, stronger, and more skilled than you." Gatomon jumped back as the tiger swiped at her. "You never know what skills and abilities they will have, so never assume anything."

Kiba lunged forward with a thrust kick, only to come short again. The two had been sparring for some time, but the seven foot tall tiger had yet to tag his opponent. But he was hanging on every word. "You've met fighters tougher than you?" He came forward with a flying punch. An enemy tougher than Gatomon? That actually scared him.

"Way tougher." She deflected the punch with an open paw. She was enjoying herself. The tiger was pleasant company, to talk to [i]and[/i] look at. "But I believe the only way to get better is to fight a superior opponent." He was learning fast, but she was still out of his league.

"So how do you defeat them?" The tiger swiped with both paws this time.

Gatomon did a backflip, landing on some old lumber. The wood creaked with her weight. "Fight smart. Wait for openings...."

"And use your surroundings?" Kiba lifted his leg up high and brought the ankle downward in an axe kick.

Gatomon was surprised: it was so off target she was not even bothering to dodge. She was even more surprised when his foot went right through the wood in an explosion of rotten shards. "Gaaah!" She fell a good dozen feet into cold, stagnant water. "Gyahhh!" She screamed louder, scrambling up the side of the stone wall. She had fallen into an old well. She leapt out of the entrance like out of a giant cannon, soaking wet from head to tail, and landed on all fours with her hair standing on ends a bit.

Kiba smiled over the smaller, dripping wet cat. "I've been leading you over here since we started." He explained.

"You tricked me?" Gatomon wiped her face, she was covered in filth and algae. "There's hope for you yet." She smiled, shivering a bit. "But now, I think I'm going to want some [i]clean[/i] water, if you don't mind."


"Anything interesting?" Gomamon asked Gabumon, who was looking into the spyglass.

Gabumon put the spyglass down. "She was sparring with some tiger, and fell down some well. But now they went around to the river." He took a deep breath. "I can't see them from this angle."

"Hmm?" Gomamon was distracted, having noticed Master Tigress making some splits.

[i]Is he thinking about sex again? Doesn't he care for [b]anything[/b] else?[/i]

"Couldn't you stop thinking about sex for a minute?" Gabumon snorted, dropping the spyglass to the ground. The sun was setting and making the entire valley glow orange.

"Dude." Gomamon remarked. "I'm a guy. She's hot, and she sounds exactly like Angelina Jolie. Who wouldn't be attracted to her?"

"Fine, whatever." The chubby digimon walked away, slamming his yellow tail down once on the ground hard in frustration.

Gomamon sighed. He still hoped Gabumon would calm down. The pelt wearing digimon was becoming frustrating to even be around. But he'd worry about that later, he figured as he went over to Master Tigress. He had been feeling a little frisky ever since missing out on his orgasms after that encounter in Viper's dream. He went over to the female tiger, now doing a handstand, legs lined horizontally with each others. The seal could not help but picture her doing it naked. "Hey cutie, you're looking good."

Master Tigress did a flip to her left foot. "<Chi Master, do you require something?>"

The seal continued his smooth talk, sublimating his inability to speak Chinese by the time-honoured technique of speaking slowly and loudly... and interspersing naughty gestures.

The tigress watched with a confused expression as the seal made fucking gesture with his flipper. Mantis hopped over, jumping onto her shoulder. "<What does the Chi Master want?>"

"<To be honest, I have no idea whatsoever.>"

Mantis watched the white seal make a circle with his claws and thrusted his other claw in and out of it as he kept talking. "<I think he wants to spar? The circle is a fighting ring, and he wishes you to enter it?>"

"<That would be an honour.>" Master Tigress had seen the seal's powers. Channelling his chi through his eyes and flippers, splitting into his ying and yang forms, projecting his astral self... She had wondered about his martial arts skills. She bowed. "<I would enjoy testing my skills against yours.>"


"Here's where you can wash up." Kiba had brought Gatomon into a back room, where rocks had ben brought long ago to build a natural-looking bath. Water came in from the nearby river in a little waterfall before flowing down and out back into the stream. Some weeds now grew around the old rocks, but the place still served its purpose well. Better than the well, in any case. "I've sent the guards away so you can have some privacy. They won't dare..." He turned back toward her and froze on the spot, cheeks blushing so hard they hurt.

Gatomon was busy stripping, her top already off and thrown over a bent stick of bamboo. One could only barely see a hint of pink nipple on her wet chest. "Great." She commented without noticing his unease. "I [i]really[/i] need a bath. That water was pretty ripe." She slipped out of her black pants next as he watched, revealing that she lacked any sort of underwear under it. Her tail moved slowly above her white, taut ass.

"Uh.... Ummm..." The buff tiger turned away as she wrung out the garment. He hadn't expected Gatomon to be this... bold with her nudity.

"Going to have to wash those as well. Guess I'll let them soak while I bathe." Gatomon's body glistened with water as she went over to fill a wash tub for her dirty clothes. "Mind giving me a hand, Kiba?" She took a bucket and began filling the tub.

"Oh sure." Kiba tried his hardest not to look at the naked feline as he helped her, but his body betrayed him. The smaller feline looked over to him, wondering why he had suddenly lost all that warrior confidence and completely oblivious to the effect she was having on him.

"Something wrong?" She asked as she lifted a bucket over her head and dumped its contents in the tub before throwing her clothes in it.

"I um..." Kiba really didn't want to insult a female ninja who could tear him a new one with ease. Eventually he just went straight for it. "Why are you naked in front of me?" He was getting some awfully mixed messages here.

Gatomon looked down at herself, naked and wet. "Oh!" That hadn't dawned on her at all. Many, if not most digimon usually went "naked": they did not need clothes at all, unlike this dimension were most mammals wore them due to exposed genitals. "Uh. Where I come from, we usually don't wear clothes." She hoped he wouldn't press the point: the last thing she wanted was to have to explain where she came from.

"Really?" Kiba gave a smile, though he avoided looking directly at her. "Sounds like a place I'd like to visit."

Gatomon snickered a bit. She had to admit she was curious to know what he would look like if he did go by standard Digital World "fashion"; she had never thought it possible to see abs through fur. She jumped on a rock, her tail whipping back and forth as she bent over to test the water. A bit cold, but it would have to do.

Doing so she unwittingly gave Kiba a prime view of her ass. Her being wet made it all the worse for the tiger. "Err... I should go now." He squeaked, now stuck with an erection. How could he not, he figured, being around the only naked cat girl for miles?

Gatomon glanced back at the embarrassed tiger and mixed thought flashed through her mind. Gomamon had been messing around at every turn... And all she'd gotten were that dragon (when she wasn't really herself anyway) and Buster, who was even more inexperienced than she was. She felt a little stirring in her loins as her eyes zoomed on the tight ass of the seven-foot tiger walking away. "Me-ow." She purred slightly. [i]He's got the sexiest ass I've ever looked at.[/i] She ran her paw gently over her privates. And now she had... A good- uhm, [i]very[/i] good-looking fellow who actually respected her and was obviously attracted to her. [i]What have I got to loose?[/i] "Are you sure about that?" She finally called after him as she slipped down in the water up to her neck.

"Huh?" Kiba looked back so sharply there was an almost audible sound. "Excuse me?"

"I thought you may want to join me."

"Pardon?" The tiger was still not sure he heard right. "I mean, are you sure?"

"Well." She leaned back on the edge of the pool. "I'm going to be honest. You are possibly the most respectful guys I've met for a while. And with the best looks... Oh who I am kidding? You're [i]gorgeous[/i]." She was now blushing as much as he was at her own forwardness, but her purring still rumbled in her chest, making tiny ripples in the water.

Kiba wasn't going to take need any more convincing. He came over to the rocks, then hesitated for a moment before taking off the embroidered pants, leaving nothing but his underwear, an old-fashioned loincloth. He hooked his claw into the fabric and tried to muster the courage to expose himself. "Ummm..."

"And I thought [i]I[/i] was shy." The white feline reached up and grabbed the garment with her tail, undoing the knot that held it in place with surprising dexterity. "There you go."

The white cloth fell off, exposing the buff tiger in all his glory. Unlike most digimon from Gatomon's world, his sexual organs were fully exposed: a pair of white balls hanging down, but she could not see his penis, on accounts of his clasping his hands over it as he stepped in pool. "I've never been naked with a girl before." Kiba admitted as he slipped naked into the cool water. He had dedicated himself to training since being taken up by the clan as an orphan, and there had not been a single female member right till that day.

"Nothing to be ashamed of." Her eyes soon drifted downwards, still trying to get a good look at this dick, but he had brought his tail to cover it the second he'd underwater. This only further exacerbated Gatomon's curiosity: how was it? "You're still, what, twenty?" She asked instead.

"Well, twenty-five..." It was a bit shameful in his mind, being that old and having no experience with women. Unlike the rest of the clan members, he would never have visited a brothel: it was dishonourable.

"Only twenty-five?" Gatomon snickered a bit. His tail remained wrapped over his groin. "That's nothing." She shuffled closer, purring softly as her tail slowly wrapped around Kiba's own long orange and black organ.

The tiger shuddered softly at the sensual touch on his tail. "How old were you when you were first with a male?" He asked, tried to keep a neutral tone.

"Well, I figure I lost my virginity at around..." She actually had to pause so make a quick mental calculation "4,380 years old... Give or take a decade." She moved the tail of Kiba's slowly to the side, revealing his erect cock.

"You're... over four [i]thousand[/i] years old?" The tiger was floored. "How?" He blurted.

"Ummm... Very good exercise regimen." Eyes still fixated on his shaft, Gatomon was as shocked as he was, but for completely different reasons. The tiger's member was seven inches long and the similarity with any other dc she'd seen stopped there. The head was covered in rear-facing barbs. She had never seen a feline cock before, and now, well, it scared her a bit.

"That's... some cock..." She muttered, definitely interrupting the small talk.

"You can, um... touch it." Kiba remarked, a bit apprehensive. He in fact wanted very much for her to touch him, but he wasn't about to force Gatomon to do anything she didn't wanted to.

For her parts, Gatomon was filled with apprehension. Not only was the biggest cock she had seen, but the barbs looked none too appealing. However this was the tiger's first sexual experience, and she would hate to let him off disappointed. [i]I guess there's no risk with a handjob.[/i] "Sure." She smiled as she moved over, wrapping her gloved paw around the shaft. The barbs flattened down when she held it tightly enough.

Kiba shuddered softly. He had used his own paw before, of course, but having someone else touch it was so much better. "Rrrr..." He growled softly, member twitching a bit in her paw. "That feels... really good." He moaned some more, member quickly growing back to full hardness despite the water temperature.

The Digimon could feel some prickling even through her gloves, but nothing as bad as she had first worried about. [i]Hmmmm this is not so bad.[/i] She smiled as she played with the penis; it was the oddest thing she had ever seen, and she wondered just how much other creatures' cocks varied. "Boy, you really need this don't you?" She figured she'd give him a bit more of a treat. Bending down and dipping her face in the water, she took just the very tip in her maw to suckle a bit. She wouldn't take more because of the barbs.

Judging from his happy growls though, it seemed to be enough for the tiger. Kiba tiger was taking more initiatives now, running a paw over Gatomon's back and down her back slowly. This made the female purr. She did enjoy being petted like this, though she hardly ever admitted it; she thought it was too submissive. Only Kari was occasionally allowed to do it. At the moment the strong paw on her back just made her purr harder. Maybe it was being with a species like her that made her act more like a regular housecat. Kiba moved his paw further down over her ass and reached her privates, his fingers touching a vulva for the first time ever. That made Gatomon shuddered even harder, especially when his finger moved up and down the snatch. "Rrrr... You were right... I do need this." he growled. His cock felt harder than "V-mon", Spyro or Buster as she bobbed her head more, making ripples in the small pool.

Gatomon finally took her head out of the water, the cool liquid streaming down her face. "Oh I can tell..." She purred deeply as she stroked the cock with both paws now.

She had planned to keep on until he came, but apparently Kiba had other ideas. Suddenly he picked her up and lifted her until she found herself in his lap. "Err..." The digimon looked down as the barbed dick between her legs. [i]How do female cats mate with that... that thing?[/i]

Kiba's male alpha status was fast asserting itself. "I need this [i]very[/i] badly!" It came out as a half growl, vibrating deep in his chest.

Gatomon tried to think of something to say as he positioned that monster at her cunt opening. [i]Fuck that prick look so scary...[/i] Her heart beat faster as the tip ran over her slit. Yet she was feline enough to desire it enough, even if only on a subconscious level, that she did not actually try to escape. "I don't know if it will Rrroooaa!" Kiba thrust in without letting her finish. Not as hard as he could, but still harder than she had expected. The digimon arched her head back and let out a loud meow. It was, for lack of a better word, primal, echoing beyond the wall of the small room and across the forest. [i]Oh Gods... that... that...[/i] That thought stopped there, for there were no words that could continue it. Each time he pulled out even a little, the barbs flared out and caught upon her sensitive vaginal walls. It hurt like nothing she had ever felt before. She wished it would... Actually despite it (or maybe even [i]because[/i] of it), she did not wish it would stop. Every time it moved it would send jolts of painful pleasure through her body.

"Rrrr-ooww!" Kiba growled, his claws now coming out to prick at Gatomon's sides. Not enough to draw blood, but enough to get a good grip. He rocked her up and down like a ragdoll. She didn't have to do anything, nor could she: the sex-crazed tiger did all the work. When she thought things couldn't get more intense, he bent and bit the scruff of her neck like a mother would her cub. Luckily cats had thick skin and fur back there.

She let out a howl at the teeth sinking into the folds of her neck. Her feline side was definitely taking over now, the bite making her feel weak all over. She shuddered in untold delight. Who knew how sensual such a bite could be?

Kiba slammed in harder and harder, teeth holding on tightly to the back of the smaller feline's neck. It seemed like her entire body was racked by pain signals that were not really painful. The claws in her sides, the teeth in the back of her neck, the barbs in her pussy. Water splashed all over as the rough mating kept on acquiring more momentum. Gatomon's head bobbed up and down uncontrollably, pink-tipped ears flopping to and fro until the tiger let go of her neck with a primal roar that made her eardrums hurt. He came as hard as he roared, totally flooding her pussy with his seed.

She shuddered hard at the sensation, resting on the edge of an orgasm as the thrusting stopped amd sperm washed her cunt and into the surrounding water. [i]Oh, so close...[/i] She thought to herself as the tiger warrior rested for a moment. And then he began to pull her up. "Oh fuck, wait, be carefurrrrrrRREEEYYOO!!" Kiba pulled out in one swift motion, the barbs scrapping her insides even more harshly than before. It didn't draw any blood. What it [i]did[/i] was send a truly mindblowing orgasm through her body. Gatomon fell on her back, her entire body tensing almost to the braking point until her mouth opened in pure orgasmic bliss. No sound came out this time: she was too far past that. Out of Kiba's hold she writhed uncontrollably in the water, utterly unable to control her body's natural instincts.

"Did I hurt you?" Kiba asked, his afterglow finally over and now quite concerned about that outburst. He was concerned he might have hurt the smaller feline ninja. That would be a Bad Thing. A Very Bad Thing. An yet it felt like it might have been worth it.

Gatomon lay on the wet rocks, trying to catch her breath, which seemed to elude her for several minutes before she could speak. "Yes... I mean..." She had to check down below, but, no, there was no blood. The needles on his cock were painful, but they didn't actually do any damage. They were just poking in some [i]very[/i] sensitive places. "No... But... me-ow." She couldn't help but add. "That was the best sex I ever had."

"Really?" Kiba felt a pang a pride. Who wouldn't?

"Really." She confimed in a pur as she got out of the shallow water. She had never thought a bit of pain during sex could have been so... intense. "I've never been with such a beast of a feline before..." She ran her tail over herself like a snake. "I think we might have to do that again."

"Really?" Kiba beamed. He got out, water dripping off his ripped body.

She snickered. "Again. Really. But I do want to get actually cleaned up and, then have a good night's sleep." She smiled, flashing her fangs. "And if you really want to earn some brownie points with me, you'll finish washing my clothes."


Gomamon came over and just sat next to Gabumon. His left eye was swollen almost shut. The lizard paused in his spying to glance at the seal. "How'd it go?"

The seal rubbed his eye. He hadn't even seen the blow coming. "Yeah... Well, I am chalking this one up to miscommunication." He took the device from his friend and looked at the pagoda through his good eye. "Get some rest Gabumon." He remarked as the sun slowly set. "I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be a busy day."


Gatomon was fast asleep, a threadbare blanket pulled over her naked body. At first she had tried sleeping in her ninja gi, but it just did not work for her. A little past midnight, she awoke to a knocking on the door. It was Master Lynx standing in the doorway. "You are on guard duty. You speak the language of the locals, That should come in handy."

"Oh of course. Sensei." She had almost forgotten the "Sensei". She was about to get up when she remembered the thing about nudity. "Just, uh, give me a moment to get dressed." Master Lynx waited in the hall, and if he tried to take a peak, she didn't notice. He was gentlemanly enough about that, if nothing else whatsoever. Gatomon finally came out in her gear and tightening her head band. "Ready Master." She was thrilled at getting access to the prisoners so soon. All the sooner to get this all over with.

They walked up the stairs to the top floor. Two guards kept watch in the hallway, and one more to keep an eye on each prisoner. Only five? Child's play. She would wait until later and then simply take out the guards. If the three masters were half as good as the others up on the hill, escape would be easy. Master Lynx then spoke. "They are very powerful warriors. Do not underestimate them. But talk to them. See if you can figure out their remaining forces."

She didn't need to. There were four more of them, plus her two friends, and they could take on the entire regiment of ninja, but wouldn't risk the hostages' lives. "I will ask them, Sensei." She turned to the prisoners. "<You are Monkey, Crane, and Viper. Master Shifu has sent me.>" Her Chinese was different from theirs, but the Lynx couldn't notice that.

It definitely got their attention. "<Master Shifu?>" Viper uncoiled, head raised.

"<Act like you are angry at me. They do not speak Chinese.>" Gatomon pointed out. their attitude immediately changed, with Viper hissing like a kettle. [i]Good actors.[/i] "<My friends and yours are waiting outside. We will need you to be ready.>"

"<We shall.>" Crane snapped "angrily".

"<So just hold tight, I will free you tonight so we can make our escape.>" She growled angrily. She slammed her tail on Monkey's cage, knocking it and its quarry back a foot. She then turned to Master Lynx, an annoyed look on her face. "They are feigning ignorance, Master. Perhaps a few days without food will loosen their tongue." She suggested something that was not outright torture.

"Very good." Master Lynx looked at her, raising a bushy eyebrow. "Just one problem." He asked as he leaned slightly on his cane.

"And what is that, Sensei?" Gatomon hated using that world; the feline didn't earn it.

"<You are not the only one who speaks their language.>"

Gatomon took a step back, taken totally off guards. "Nuts." The guy was far smarter than she had given him credit for.

Master Lynx pulled a hidden blade from his cane, upon which the guards did the same of their own weapons. "Kill her." He calmly ordered.

The feline jumped back, claws skittering over the wooden floor. [i]Yup, this is officially a screw up![/i] She grabbed two kunais from her belt. "All right pussies, let's dance!"


Gomamon yawned softly. He had been watching the pagoda for hours with the moon for only companion. [i]I guess I should wake someone. Get some rest...[/i] That thought did not last, not with three cat ninjas being thrown out of the Pagoda's highest floor, bouncing of the lower roofs before tumbling to the ground far below. "And... that would be the signal." He dropped the spy glass and called at the others. "Guys! Party time!"


KRACK! Gatomon's kick sent another lynx flying through the thin wall. A sword swung and missing her face by inches. Her tail swung around to deflect the next blow with her gold ring while she grabbed another kunai from her belt and jammed it into the floor, pinning the ninja's pants to the ground. He stumbled and she delivered a powerful back fist to his jaw. "I can do this all day!" She jumped back as two archers fired from the freshly made hole in the wall. She landed on the wooden table, tipping it over as a shield right before, two arrows slammed into it, one going clear through. With a shove, the table went flying into the ninja marksmen. More and more ninjas were pouring in, what with the general alarm out, but luckily for her the close confines of the room kept them from charging all at once.

"Oh,I believe you." Master Lynx stood with another group of archers she had not noticed. "Fortunately we have easier targets. Kill the prisoners."

The archers took aim at the nearest cage, Monkey's, who had no way to dodge in the narrow confines. "Cowards!" Gatomon screamed as she threw herself in front of the cage. Her claws sang, slicing two arrows in mid-air while a third embedded itself in her armoured shoulder plate, but before she landed a powerful blow to her stomach sent her flying. She collided against Crane's cage and was immediately met with a second blow to the face. Lynx could move far more fast than she'd expected.

"Foolish feline." He held his cane sword to her neck, the tip pressing right against her jugular.

"That was a dishonourable move." Gatomon hissed softly. Monkey, Viper and Crane were shouting at the elderly master, but he paid them no heed. He wouldn't care what they were saying even if he spoke their tongue.

"It was a [i]winning[/i] move. You should realize something. Kindness and compassion are our friends: they are easy weaknesses to exploit." Master Lynx pressed the blade a little harder, drawing a little blood.

THUNK! Master Lynx's eyes went wide, weapon clattering to the floor as he slumped to his knees before doing an almost perfect faceplant on the ground. Gatomon blinked and looked up at her unlikely saviour.

Kiba shrugged down at her. "Yeah, well I didn't really like him anyway." He turned around slowly to face the incoming horde, crouching in a fighting stance.

Gatomon flashed him a smile. "You and me both." She jumped in front of him, taking down two more ninjas with a single kick. "Free the prisoners, and let's clean house!"


With the three other Masters free and the arrival of the rest of the Jade Temple Masters and the digimon, it quickly turned into a one-way fight. "Twenty five, twenty six..." Gomamon grinned as he alternated between his laser vision and dragon blasts. Scorched cat ninjas lined his way, fast learning the seal was not to be trifled with.

A ninja notched another bow toward him. He was clearly the greatest threat. Before he could fire, he started griping at his neck, choking with eyes wide. Soon he had collapsed. There was a flash of light and Viper appeared out of nowhere with a happy hiss, wrapped around his neck. "Lookie what I found out I can do." She hissed softly, smiling at the seal. Gomamon flashed her the V-sign before getting back to the fight.

"There are only a handful of them!" One of the higher ranking ninja shouted as two more of his allies went flying. "We can win! We can..." A massive hand grabbed him by the head and lifted him up until he was looking into the snarling mouth of WereGarurumon. "Surrender?" The ninja squeaked.


The ninja and their leader were sent to a mountain prison to be guarded by the burliest rhinoceros guards, leaving the digimon to make their now traditional goodbyes. "<We truly appreciate your help.>" Master Shifu bowed, palm and fist pressed into one another.

Gatomon smiled and returned the bow. "<We were happy to help. And I thank you for the favour.>"

Master Shifu looked behind her at the massive Tiger warrior. "<If you vouch for him, Master Gatomon, that is all we need. I shall instruct him in the ways of Kung Fu as my newest disciple.>"

The digimon cat stood up straight and went back to her friend. "It's all settled Kiba. You are now the newest member of the Jade Temple." She smiled broadly.

"I thank you, but... Are you sure they will trust me?" Kiba asked Gatomon, the giant tiger looking a bit nervously at the Kung Fu masters. "I mean, I can't even speak their language."

"Oh I vouched for you. And you saved their life. That always score some major points." The white feline grinned. "And you'll learn Chinese soon enough, don't you worry. I learnt it."

The tiger smiled. "I will miss you." He bowed too. "For... many reasons, fellow warrior."

Gatomon returned the bow with a smile. "Same here. Train hard for me." She straightened up first, sneaking a kiss on his furry white cheek while it was within reach, before bounding outside to where Viper was still circling Gomamon. She had been following him around all day.

"<I [i]know[/i] I have seen you somewhere before.>" The snake flicked her tongue out, smelling Gomamon. Gabumon just stood against one of the stone statues, arms crossed.

The seal shuddered softly as the snaked continued flick her tongue against him. "Ummm sure... Whatever..." Gomamon waved as he saw Gatomon come over. "All right Gatomon, let's go!" He called out. "I think Viper here is getting antsy about letting us have the power, and I'd like to get it before we get interrupted again!"

The Kung Fu masters didn't miss a beat on the light show, though the sudden disappearance of the three digimon did take them aback. Kiba was the first to break the silence, turning to face Master Shifu. "So um... Sensei?" He bowed low at the red panda. "I know you can't understand me, but I promise to work my hardest."

Master Tigress watched the tiger bend over, unwittingly displaying for her the nicest butt she had ever seen. The resulting smile was a sight most uncommon on her. [i]Wow. I think I like our newest addition to our team.[/i]


"Ugh..." This time, Gomamon lay face down on the ground. He didn't move for a few seconds, letting his senses realign: he could swear he was tasting sound. An awful, awful sound. He eventually raised his head up and a smile crossed his face at the sight of a subway station. Kyobashi station, in fact. "Tokyo! We're in Tokyo!" The seal rushed to stand. "Guys we're..." He turned around to see Gatomon and Gabumon looking up to the skyline... or rather what was left it. Their beloved home city was nothing but smoking ruins and the burnt out husks of cars. "" The word died in Gomamon's throat.


Next world is something special. By the way, if you are wondering how I got Gatomon's age? Here you go! Again, comments, votes, and the like appreciated. Contact me at [email protected] for anything, or talk to me at mrredrover on AIM to.

The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 18 - Dead Mon Walking

Not another world! A warning! This is one of my most bloodiest, goriest ones. If you are squeamish, I suggest skipping the next 2-4 chapters. ...

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 16 - Kung-Fu Fighting

And here is the next world. A more comedic world this time. A few requests for this world to, but I was planning on doing it anyway. One of my favourite movies as...

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Red Rover- This is for Lord Archive's contest on the Digiartist's Domain. I originally wasn't planning on entering. Gomamon- Cause you thought you'd lose. Red Rover- The rules of the contest said there had to be one human main character (like...

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