The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 16 - Kung-Fu Fighting

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#33 of The Twelve Talismans

And here is the next world. A more comedic world this time. A few requests for this world to, but I was planning on doing it anyway. One of my favourite movies as well.


The Twelve Talismans:

Dimensional Travels

Chapter 16

Kung-Fu Fighting



Gomamon kept his eyes shut for a moment until the world stopped feeling like it was upside down and inside out. "Ugh... this just keeps getting worse..." He opened his eyes and tried to focus. it seemed to took them longer to recover each time, and he didn't like it, since half the time they were getting attacked for a reason or another. He got up slowly, fighting down the knots in his stomach. His friends were already up and about. Not being the focus of the magic seemingly made the travel a little easier on them. "Any rampaging armies? Vampires maybe? Oh, I know, [i]zombies[/i]?" Gomamon asked sardonically.

"Stairs, actually." Gabumon answered. Indeed they stood somewhere near the middle of a set of stairs going up a mountain.

The seal stared up the steps, mouth gaping: they went up for what seemed like a mile. "Dear [i]god[/i]! What is with these places and stairs? I mean, seriously. It would take a day just to go grocery shopping!"

"Oh consider it good for your quads." Gatomon joked.

"I don't even have quads." The seal quipped back. "I'm built for swimming."

In the distance below they could see a city which could have been plucked right out of a historical movie, with clay tile roofs and dirt roads weaving their way between. "Looks rather peaceful." Gabumon noted.

Gatomon placed a hand over her eyes and looked up the stairs, where a walled temple was visible in the distance. "Looks rather Chinese to me. I can see a temple up top; probably the best place to rest and plan our next move. Maybe get a feel for this world." Gabumon stayed silent as the other two continued to exchange verbal jabs. He was still lost in thought when they finally reached the top. Gomamon, however, was panting like a dog. "Finally!" He flopped on the ground, chin resting on the stone pathway.

"You need to exercise more." Gatomon mocked, going through the gate.

"Swimmer here. I'll challenge you to a swim upstream any day of the week!" The seal wheezed back.

The two kept bickering in Japanese as they made their way in the courtyard.


<They are speaking in the language of the invaders.>

<And they sent only three to assault us? Not too swift.>

<Don't underestimate them. They might just be a scouting party. Nonetheless I sense great power in all of them.>

The group were now standing just past the pair of giant gold-plated Chinese dragon statues and examining their surroundings curiously. The pagoda pillars seemed almost brand new, with fresh red paint over intricately carved designs. "I have to say this is really beautiful... Soothing even." Her tail moved back and forth slowly, the gold ring on it gleaming in the sun. She closed her eyes, and listened to the quiet surroundings, and what she heard made her freeze in mid-stride.

"Gatomon?" Gabumon asked, watching the feline's ears twitch. "What's..."

She didn't answer, but leapt up twenty feet in the air. The lizard could barely notice that a tiger had slammed down on the spot hir friend had been standing in with enough force to crack the paving stones. The other two jumped back in surprise while flipped in mid-air and gracefully landed on a second-floor balcony railing. "I am impressed. I almost never heard you coming."

The tiger stood back up slow. A lean female, if she had breasts, they were hardly developed and hard to see under the red Chinese vest. She had on loose black pants as she stood on her back two paws. "<I don't understand your tongue, warrior cat.>" She said, looking up to the cat now perched above her

Neither Gomamon nor Gabumon understood a word, unsurprisingly enough, as they did not speak the language. Gatomon recognized it as somewhat dated Chinese.

"<I was admiring your ability to move silently.>" She answered.

"<Not stealthy enough. You heard me.>" Master Tigress spoke up.

"<Don't feel too bad. I [i]am[/i] one of the best trained fighters ever.>" Gatomon's tail twitched behind her like a cobra ready to strike.

"<That remains to be seen.>" Tigress held out her left hand in an attack posture. In perfect synch a praying mantis and a panda one might hav generous characterised as "rubenesque" leapt down from the rooftops on either side of her. <Let's test your skills.>"

"Gatomon, what are they saying?" Gabumon finally asked. Neither he nor Gomamon spoke Chinese. All three were fluent in both Japanese and English, but only Gatomon spoke anything else.

"<Let's do this!>" The panda shouted and the newcomers leapt forward.

"I think I got that one." Gomamon leapt to the side, dodging another axe kick from the tigress. She was taken down by a double flying kick from Gatomon, the pair landing further away to exchange kicks and punches. "Wow, hot." The seal smirked, but the praying mantis soon landed in front of him.

"<Surrender, seal!>" Mantis spoke in his uncharacteristic deep voice. He held up his little pincer claws, bug eyes focused firmly on his opponent.

"Seriously?!" Gomamon started to laugh, pointing a claw to the tiny insect barely a tenth his side. "A bug? Against me?" He chuckled loudly. "Come on little guy... give me your best shot."


Gomamon now found himself half-embedded face first and upside down in the wall around the courtyard. He wasn't sure how he had ended there. "Dude... What the hell?" he said into the stuccoed masonry. He slowly slid down the wall until he landed on his head, bits of rubble all around him. "Did I just get my butt handed to me by a [i]bug[/i]?" His back ached from the strike.

"<Obviously you are not on par with your cat friend.>" Mantis jumped and landed on the pointed corner of the roof's entrance with annoying ease.

"Yeah, whatever." Gomamon snarled. He had no clue what the green insect was babbling anyway. "Try this on for size!" He tapped the pig on his flipper and, eyes burning red, sliced through the roof edge with pinpoint accuracy.

"<Whoa!>" Footing gave out unexpectedly from under Mantis, who fell without recovery and on his back, the wind knocked out of him as clay tiles rained down around him. He looked up at Gomamon, the seal's still eyes burning red. "<Okay, did not see that coming.>"

"Ready for round two bug-boy?" Gomamon smirked, his eyes still glowing with magical energy.


Gabumon moved to help Gatomon, only to bounce off the white belly of the panda fighter. "Oouff!" The chubby digimon went flying and landed back ten feet away on his tail. That belly was one of the most elastic thing he'd ever seen.

"<Oh yeah you've had the misfortune of fighting the legendary Dragon Warrior!>" The panda waved his paws around. "<For I am Po!>"

"<Po! Don't underestimate your opponent!>" A red panda in gi shouted from the top of the stone wall. He had been surveying the battle from there.

"<Master Shifu!>" Po turned around and looked at him. "<He's just a tiny chubby little... er... something.>" Gabumon meanwhile, simply gave the little teardrop charm under his pelt a good squeeze. "<I mean compared to Tai Lung, he's nothing but a...>" Po turned back around... into the chest of a heavily scarred werewolf. He moved his head up slowly, into Weregarurumon's face, twin rows of razor sharp teeth glaring back at him. "<Savage monster...>"


The blow was such that it lifted the panda off his feet--no mean feat in itself-- and sent him sailing through the air like a bloated cannonball. Like Gomamon, he collided face first against the wall, leaving a much larger mark and making the ground shake. "You started this!" The wolf howled just as an elderly red panda kicked him in the face. It actually made him stumble. The little creature moved fast, rebounding of the trunk of the tree and striking again in the werewolf's stomach within the blink of an eye. "Grah!" WereGarurumon ineffectively swiped with his claws.

"You want fried bean curds with that?" Po said in a stunned voice.

Shifu moved fast, striking in quick succession without the digimon having a chance to return the blows, but even his most powerful blows only stunned the rage-powered beast. "<Po! We need to strike harder!>" Another furry of blows to Weregarurumon's face followe.

"That is [i]it[/i]!" Weregarurumon snarled. He grabbed one of the dragon statues by the neck and, with a mighty grunt, ripped then entire thing from its base before swing it in a wide arc at Shifu, who was attacking. The tail caught the small red panda full force, breaking off and landing to the ground with a clatter.

"<Master Shifu!>" Po rushed forward, right foot extending in a flying kick to the sternum. His sheer mass was sufficient to send Weregarurumon flying in turn. "<Now evil wolfman... you have unleashed the fury of the dragon warrior!>" The panda struck an offensive stance.

WereGarurumon growled deeply, his chest throbbing from the blow.

[i]He wants a fight... I'll give it to him![/i]

The digimon eyes turned a deep grey. "You want a fight?!" The werewolf let out a loud snarl. "Then you've got it!"


"God damn it!" Gomamon kept firing laser shots, without success since the first. "Speedy little thing, aren't you?!" The place was now covered in red scorch marks. He was fast realizing this opponent was much better and faster than his first hit had even suggested. Time for a trick.

"<Amazing ability! But you are still going down!>" Mantis flipped in mid-air, and came flying at him with two of his four legs extended, ready to take down the seal.

Gomamon smiled as he switched tactics and tapped another symbol: the tiger. Mantis sailed right between the yin and yang form of the twin Gomamons. "<What on Earth?>" He landed on the ground, and a flipper soon slapped over him. "Ugghhh!"

Dark Gomamon smirked down at the little green Kung-Fu master. "Gotcha!" The grey furred digimon smirked as he kept the green insect pinned. Mantis could not get the leverage to lift the flipper off him. "I got the runt here... why don't you check on the others Sissy?"

"It's 'Light', not 'Sissy'!" Light Gomamon huffed. He ran around the corner to where Gatomon and the tiger lady were bouncing all over the place in a scene right out of [i]Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon[/i]. The cat seemed to be handling himself just fine. He went to look for WereGarurumon.

"You asked for it!" The werewolf struck Po hard across the face. This time the panda turned around and collapsed like a sack of flour, eyes half-lidded and tongue lolling out.

Light Gomamon smiled, WereGarurumon obviously had this wrapped up. But as he watched, the ultimate-level heaved a piece of massive stone the size of a cow over his head. He then turned to face the prone fighter, rage on his face. "WereGarurumon!" Gomamon shouted at seeing his friend ready to kill a downed opponent. "What are you doing?!"

[i]He is my enemy! Let me crush him![/i]

"You thought you could [i]stop[/i] me, you fat panda?!" WereGarurumon snarled. He was about to drop the rock down when it exploded into gravel. The fragments peppered his face, weight suddenly gone.

"Dude!" A few tendrils of dragon powered energy floated away from Light Gomamon's extended's flippers. Luckily enough, he had gotten that one. "What's gotten into you?!"

WereGarurumon looked down at his beaten opponent, then at his own paws. "I don't... know..." He had never let his anger get to him so much.

[i]Gomamon is interfering with me again! What gives him the right?![/i]

The wolf stopped, the pupils in his eyes greying over. "He is my enemy." He snarled again. "He deserves no better!"

"You won." Light Gomamon came over, standing between WereGarurumon and the Panda. "Back. Down."

The wolf man snarled again. He took an angry step forward. For a second, the seal thought he was going to attack. He felt his heart skip.

"[i]Stop[/i]!" Gatomon shouted as she landed next to them. The tigress landed as well. "I know where things went wrong."


Gatomon was talking with the Chinese-speaking Kung Fu masters, leaving the other two digimon in the dark for now. Gomamon had merged back to one. He looked over at Gabumon, who was leaning against the wall and fiddling with the stone statuette that could track powers. [i]Geeze... this Vulpix thing is affecting him more than I thought...[/i] He wasn't sure what he could do about it though; he honestly had no idea

Finally after half an hour of speaking back and forth, the feline went over to her friends. "All right guys." Gatomon turned to her friends. "The reason they attacked us was because we were speaking Japanese."

"Geeze, I know things aren't always good between China and Japan, but that seems a bit thin a reason to beat the crap out of us." Gomamon sneered.

"Well, there is this group of cat ninjas that has been harassing the villagers. Obviously they must hail from Japan. So when they saw me and heard us speaking they assume the worst." The feline replied.

[i]Another problem they expect me to solve, I bet.[/i]

"Well, now we know what was waiting for us, Gomamon." Gabumon sighed. Every world seemed to entail some new problem which he always ended up in the middle of.

The seal took the tracking statue from him and examined it. "But we still need to get my power." One head was glowing red, but only faintly. They had figured out the intensity of the glow related to the distance to the next power.

"Well... three of their allies had went on a scouting mission, and have not returned. A monkey, a crane and a snake."

Gomamon groaned. "[i]Any[/i] of those could be powers of mine!"

Gabumon was leaning against the wall. His previous anger... frightened him now. He was only half-listening, lost in his own thoughts. "Well... what are we supposed to do?" He finally asked.

"They are going to scout out the old temple in the East. They thing the ninja clan has set up there. We'll just wait till nightfall..." Gatomon started to explain.

"No need." Gomamon grinned as he held out his flippers. "I believe I haven't showed you the sheep yet..."


Gomamon was asleep... or rather he looked like he was deeply asleep. He rested on his side, breathing slowly and otherwise completely unconscious. His body was laid on the grass mats in a small room while his astral form headed to the tower several miles due east. "<Amazing!>" Master Shifu looked to the seal. "<To channel his chi through his eyes and flippers, diverging into his yin and yang selves, and now astral projection. You friend must truly be one with the universe!>"

Gatomon rolled her eyes a bit. "Yeah. That's Gomamon, inner peace and cosmic awareness."

Meanwhile Gomamon, in ghost form, was flying through the air. It reminded him of the flying power, which he kinda missed, but the ghost form was a close substitute. Unfortunately, he could not interact with the environment at all, unless he penetrated someone's dream. On the plus side, his intangible form did make for a voyeur's dream. But none of these were his primary concern right now.

It took him a good two hours to find the temple, a multi-level pagoda surrounded by forest at the foot of a mountain. The place was abandoned and in disrepair, but it had been taken over by the Japanese ninja clan. Gomamon spent a good half hour scouring the grounds first. Several ninja were hiding in the treetops and elsewhere. Even for someone completely undetectable and insubstantial, there were very difficult to spot. "Hmm pretty decent guards..." He moved to the building and passing through the cracked wall like a spectre. "Whoa." The seal floated in mid-air across the ground floor's central room, a large open space with a second floor balcony. "Hmm this might be harder than we thought." That must have been the training session. At least a hundred ninja were going through katas, led by some giant nasty looking tiger man.

The seal watched for a moment before resuming his search. He started from the basement, made into makeshift sleeping quarters and upward though rooms of food and riches pilfered from surrounding territories. Finally he reached the top level, where what he looked for waited for him. He sighed at the thought: always in the last place you look, isn't it?

"Top floor... great." He floated past the cages, obviously make-shift but suitably sturdy. There were three of them, quite tiny with absolutely no luxuries except a bucket for obviously biological needs, if that could even be called a luxury. "Comfy..." He looked closer at their occupant: a golden langur monkey with golden fur occupied the first, who seemed to be mediating at the moment. A red-crowned crane was pacing back and forth in the next. The final one contained a green tree viper with two pink flowers tied to her head. She was curled in a spiral, fast asleep. "Hmm." He floated from one cell to the next. "They don't look happy... but they look okay..." He moved closer to Viper to get a better look, and the snake hissed in her sleep, twisting a bit.

"Whoa!" Gomamon felt a sudden and, unfortunately, familiar rush of vertigo as his ghost form got sucked into the dream world.


"Man... I should have been more careful." Gomamon rubbed his eyes a bit. Jumping into a dream was only, he now knew, slightly less inconvenient than jumping between worlds. He looked around to get his bearings. For now he stood in a never ending field of flowers in every colour. They continuously bloomed, then closed and bloomed again in neverending waves of colour flowing over the horizon. "Wow... Pretty." The seal looked around. "So where is the snake?"

He spotted something slithering towards him and went in that direction. Viper approached the seal almost as if swimming in the flowers, and finally poked her head out from a bunch of pansies. She stared at him and flicked out her tongue once. "Ahhh you must be Viper..." He told her. "Great, listen up and try and remember when you wake up! Your buddies are just outside, and we are going to send in a spy..."

"<And who might you be?>" The green snake moved in a circle around him. "<And where have you been all my life?>"

"Anddd you don't speak my language, I don't speak yours, and I got no idea how to do that subtitles trick... great..." Gomamon sighed as he clasped his flippers over his forehead in frustration. "I have got to take some evening language classes when my life is steady again..."

"<Ssssss...>" Viper just nodded. "<I have no idea what you are saying... but it sounds sexy.>" She continued to move in a circle around the seal. "<And such a cute little butt!>"

"Whoa!" Gomamon shuddered as that forked tongue tickled under his tail. "Am I in one of your wet dreams or something?"

The snake continued to move around him in a perfect circle, her tongue flicking in and out. Training day and night in the temple had left her a bit sexually repressed. She had never voiced her desires and kept them buried, but as a consequence she get the most vivid dreams. This creature, now... That was a new one, but not one she disliked. "<I have never seen your type before... an exotic foreigner... how exciting!>" Her yellow belly scales rubbed over Gomamon's back as she slithered across it, making the seal shudder.

"Whoa! That feels [i]so[/i] weird." The white furry creature quivered as she wrapped around him. "Usually [i]I[/i] am the one hitting on the girl!" He felt the tongue slide in his white purple tipped ear.

"<Ohhh such a tasty little creature you are.>" The reptile remarked as she continued to slide all over him. She was now quite aroused, though Gomamon had a hard time telling. Her tongue flicked back and forth, tasting her soon-to-be lover.

"Listen, normally I'd be into you." Gomamon felt the tongue slide over his cheek. "I mean... I am on... a rescue mission here..." His entire body was now wrapped within her coils. "And I really shouldn't take the time... I should get out...Course..." The seal thought for a moment. "You do have to wake up before I can leave... And I guess the quickest way to wake you up is to finish this dream... right..." He felt the very tip of Viper's tail slide over his lips. "Oh, I will take that as a yes!"

He grinned as he came face to face with the snake, and promptly pressed his lips to the scaly mouth of the serpent. Her lips were scaly and slightly bumpy, yet smooth, a bit like... well, snakeskin leather. Her tongue though, was a remarkable thing. Long and more agile than any he'd ever seen, it moved in and around his mouth, swabbing his cheeks and tongue. He made out with the serpent for a while, running his flippers over her body. He could feel the strong muscles under her scaly skin as he massaged her. She had no hands, but her body, especially her tail, made it up for it surprisingly well. Its tip ran over his furry little form, concentrating on his groin. All too soon he was getting a boner, albeit a virtual one.


"<How is the chi master doing?>" Master Shifu asked as he waited outside the room. He moved to enter, but Gatomon abruptly poked her out of the paper door. She was the only one who could understand him.

"<The um... Chi master is doing well, but he needs complete silence.>" The feline spoke. "<It is a difficult... Chi... thing.>"

"<Oh of course.>" The red panda bowed slightly. "<Forgive the intrusion. I shall leave him to his universal pursuits.>" He knew better than anyone how hard it was to obtain such perfection of mind and body so as to completely distance one's self from physical distraction.

"<Please, of course, thanks!>" Gatomon quickly shut the door, taking a deep breath as she looked at Gomamon, lying on his side, with a red pointed boner jetting out of his groin. "Ugh..." She covered her eyes. "Chi master... yeah right."


Back in the dream world, Gomamon was having his own little problem. "Uhhh..." He intently stared at the slithering female's yellow belly, but it might as well have been a mile of featureless road. "I have no idea where to stick my dick!" He finally exclaimed, running his flipper claws down her belly slowly. There was a soft tik-tik as they ran over each individual belly plate. "Man... this is worse than [i]Professor Layton[/i]." He went slowly down her chest, Viper making little moans as he went down her body. Finally at about three quarters of the way down, his claws slid into an almost invisible slit. They went a couple inches deep in the scaly wetness.

The tree snake let out a groan when the hard claw entered her cloaca slit. "<Ohhh nice.>" Like most reptiles she didn't have an anus, making do with a single opening for all biological functions, including of course mating. "<That's the way.>" She was already quite moist, her body aching for need as the seal fondled her cloaca.

"Most camouflaged pussy I've even seen." The seal joked as he removed his claw after a few minutes of fingering. "And that's saying something!" Most digimon from his world had more or less humanlike, or at least mammalian reproductive organs, so he knew little of reptilian mating. That didn't faze him much as he rolled on his back, pushed over by the strong serpent.

"<Such an odd creature, but such lovely markings.>" Viper hissed as she ran her tongue over the purple fur under his eyes. Gomamon just lay back, letting the snake mount him. Instantly she contracted her body, her cloaca tightening like a vice... but she didn't move an inch. She stayed there shuddering lightly while her coils contracted over Gomamon.

The seal panted, he tried to hump, but she wouldn't let him. Viper was actually stronger than, not to mention completely wrapped around him, and he simply could not move his dick at all. He might as well have been stuck in solid cement! Cool, wet, incredibly tight cement. "Little tight here babe!" He choked out as the snake's body held on to him tightly. In astral form he did not need to breathe (only his actual body did), but here he was subject to all the rules in this dream.

Viper meanwhile, kept on just shuddering eyes lidded. Unfortunately for Gomamon, snakes don't move when mating: the warm dick inside her was more than enough and so she just latched on tightly. She rolled back and forth, hissing softly. "<Ssss so warm...>"

"Oh, c'mon!" The seal grunt, wanting to [i]fuck[/i]. It was infuriating, like someone holding his dick but not letting him cum. Like a bloody chastity belt. A cute, living chastity belt, but a chastity belt nonetheless. His flippers were pinned tightly to his side as this torture went on for ten minutes, than twenty... "How long does this go on for?"

Little did he know snakes could mate for hours, if not [i]days[/i], lying coupled in the sun. Viper just breathed in and out for almost an hour, feeling her heart beat against the increasingly frustrated seal. All of a sudden she let out a soft hiss and released her partner. "<SSsss... oh yessss...>" She slunk away, rolling on her back in the never-ending blooming of petals.

She had cum and Gomamon hadn't even noticed. "Gah!" He fell back among the flowers. His dick was sore, the worst case of blue balls he had ever had. Being on the verge of cumming for an hour... "Damn! I am so fucking horny!" He grasped at his dick, desperate to squeeze one out. His flippers rapidly moved up and down his ass, his member so sensitive it was painful to touch... but even more painful not to touch.

That was all interrupted by a another sensation of a whirlpool. He was being thrown out of the dreamscape as Viper woke up. His ghostly form went flying out of the building. "Whoa!" he turned head over flippers in midair and through the walls. "Fuck!" He panted as he got his bearings again. "Holy [i]fuck[/i], that was torture..." He shook his head. "Least I am not horny anymore..." He thought to himself as he began to fly back to the Jade Temple.


"<I need a basin of water and a cloth.>" Gatomon asked on the other side of the paper door.

"<Is everything all right Master Gatomon?>" Shifu asked as he sent Po to fetch the items requested.

Gatomon slowly wiped the cum off her face, looking with disgust at the seal who had somehow managed to hit her in the forehead from across the room. "<Oh the Chi master just hit a massive... cosmic awareness.>"


Gomamon and Viper! Helping along rule 34! Remember, previews available at [[email protected]](%5C)! Feel free to leave comments and the like. Or donations to pay pal!

The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 17 - I Be Ninja

Part two of ancient furry China! I lifted those ninjas from the opening scene of Kung Fu Panda. There is an original character in this one, just to warn you! ...

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Red Rover- This is for Lord Archive's contest on the Digiartist's Domain. I originally wasn't planning on entering. Gomamon- Cause you thought you'd lose. Red Rover- The rules of the contest said there had to be one human main character (like...

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 15 - Shattered

And now we continue in the world of Hyrule. This world is more based on the Ocarina of Time world. By the way, the amoeba is from the water temple in Ocarina of time. It is the final boss there. ...

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