Life Goes On: Part 5 - Rescued at Last!

Story by Jester94752 on SoFurry

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#3 of Life Goes On Series

Alright obviously by now you know that this story is rated adult for language and violence... dunno if I misunderstood the rating system, but it doesn't exactly rank as clean due to language. But its not exactly extreme compared to some other stories I've read. So, sorry if it mislead you.

Alright time to write chapter 5... Sorry about the delay... might not even get this out tonight depending on how late this runs on for. Its 12:20 am now... hoping to get this out by 3 ish. Well writing this little pre-chat isn't helping so, lets get on it.


21:00, Day three of the outbreak. (oh by the way I understand that this really only has been one day but the actual outbreak started and was kept under wraps by the government for 2 days before it got out of hand. I just never got around to including the back story... sorry. I promise if I write any more series beyond this one I will not write all of it in the wee hours of the morning and give it some actual thought.)

As the sun set over the roof of the Kentucky Fried Foods across the four lane highway that sat beyond the parking lot in front of the now well barricaded walmart, the remaining group, Chad, Kyle, Bobby, and Bill stood at the rear of the jeep overlooking the clearing that had now been set up into an impromptu camp. Six tents were set up in an aisle facing each other, three on each side. At the end was a table with chairs around it, on which sat the radio and several maps of the surrounding area. Next to that was a newly emptied clearance bin that once housed 99 cent movies that now held weapons and ammunition.

"Just like we knew what we were doin', hah." chuckled Bill.

"Uhh... we do know what were doin'." chad retorted, his eyes darting over to Bill. "How the hell do you think we came up with this shit so fast? I've had this planned out for years now, just never thought it would actually happen."

Bill glanced around the group nervously with wild eyes. "were you all in on this?" he asked, fear creeping into his voice.

"Don't be ridiculous." Kyle shot at him.

Bill started to back away and reached for his M-16, but in a flash Kyle had closed the ten foot gap between them and had the barrel of a .357 magnum pressing into Bills temple.

"Choose your next move very carefully. As it may be the last one you ever make." Kyle growled in a low menacing tone.

Bill, startled by the speed in which he was overtaken, fell backwards and scrambled away from the makeshift encampment, stood, and took a sharp left, disappearing into an aisle some ways down.

"way to go, scare off one of the few furs that had survived this hell on earth." Chad said as he walked up to stand next to Kyle who was still aiming his pistol down at the endcap of the aisle.

"pheh. He'll be back." Kyle mumbled nonchalantly holstering the magnum.

"Still, I better go talk to him. He looked pretty shaken. I'll be right back." Chad said over his shoulder as he snatched up the M4 and slung it around his back and casually walked down to the aisle Bill ran into.

Walking down the aisle Chad saw Bill poke his head out from around a corner then quickly duck back, followed by the sound of running footsteps gaining distance.

"WAIT!" Chad shouted, reaching a paw towards Bill, and quickened his pace to a jog.

Just as he rounded the corner and made it about 500 feet down the aisle there was a loud snap and the shudder of all of the exhaust fans and ventilation shutting off. Followed by pitch black. All the lights went out. Chad unslung the M4 and shouldered it, spinning back and fourth, even though he couldn't even see the muzzle of the gun, let alone anything that might have been moving around him. A loud sustained beep filled the building, then suddenly pricks of light illuminated the emergency exits as the backup generators kicked in.

"CHAD!" Kyle shouted over the shelves. "YOU OK?"



'fuckin great. Now theres something in here with us.' Chad shook his head. Remembering that the M4 had a flashlight attachment on its side he chastised himself and flicked it on, sweeping the beam back and forth as he proceeded down the main aisle.


Just then something clattered behind Chad. He spun around and threw the beam to where he thought the noise originated from, but the fast motion threw him a little off balance, causing him to stumble. Moving his feet to catch up with his head he tried to stop himself from crashing to the ground, instead he ran sideways into a shelf, causing it to collapse, and all the contents on it to spill onto the floor.

"ahhh.... Fuck" Chad moaned, lying on the broken remains of the shelves. Suddenly something clicked behind him, causing his whole body to tense with fear. He gently rolled over and slowly brought the beam of the flashlight up to see two glowing orbs staring back at him from between some clothing racks, then quickly vanish.

He tried to stand but a searing pain shot through his leg. Bringing the light down to view his leg he saw a large metal sliver of the shelf sticking out of his leg. Looking at it caused waves of pain to shoot through his body so he clicked the light off. 'fuck that hurts' he whimpered.

Dragging himself along with his right arm so he could hold the M4 with his left, Chad started moving towards the direction of the camp, which was generously lit up by all the floodlights and generators they had gathered earlier. As he neared the edge of the lit area he called out to Kyle.


Just as he wrapped his arm around the corner of the shelf and began to pull his body around the corner something grabbed the ankle of his good leg, twisted and pulled.

"FUCK ITS GOT ME!" Chad shouted at kyle, who came bounding down the aisle, silhouetted by the floodlight. Chad's fingers tore open over the corner of the metal shelves and left a trail of blood behind his body as he was drug quickly along the rows of shelves. "SHIT!" He couldn't see what it was but whatever it was it was going to die. He leveled the M4 one handed just above his left foot, and opened fire. The muzzle flashes, one by one, illuminated a series of images that would be burned into his mind forever.

He watched in horror as the flashes lit up the horribly disfigured body of non other than Bill. He had sprouted three more arms, one of them protruding from the base of his skull, which was currently grasping tightly to Chad's ankle, the other two being used to crawl backwards. His eyes reflected a ghastly pale green each time the muzzle spat forth a small flame, all eighteen of them. His mouth hung agape, as if it were broken at the jaw, making room for a twelve inch razor sharp tentacle that shot forth and lashed into Chad's foot, slicing straight through the rubber sole of the shoe.

After a short few seconds the clip was expended as the bolt cycled open with a loud snap. Only now did Chad realized he'd been screaming the entire time. Bills now lifeless form lay slumped on his legs. Gingerly he pushed him off breathing heavily and crawled back towards Kyle, who was just now rounding the corner of the aisle. 'Holy shit! He drug me three hundred feet in those few seconds.'

"KYLE! Stay there and cover me! I'm going to crawl to you!" Chad managed to get out.

"OK!" replied Kyle, slightly confused at this request.

'Jesus Christ.' Chad shuddered, as he drug himself slowly across the ground, his paw leaving bloody prints on the floor. 'what the fuck is this! Goddamn I hope I'm immune. Oh shit! Bills... tongue' a new shudder of disgust passed through his body as he glanced at his bleeding foot.

Suddenly an arm hooked under Chad's and drug him quickly around the corner back toward the camp.

"you were taking too long... what the fuck happened?" Kyle said as he drug Chad back to the relative safety of the camp.

"Bill..." Chad blurted hysterically staring at his wounded foot. "He was infected. Oh fuck. I don't know if I'm going to be too now. He..." Chad paused, looking for the right words. "did something to my foot, oh god I don't want to die!"

Kyle Grabbed Chad by the shoulders and shook him forcefully. "Listen! Your not going to die. James texted me shortly after you ran off after bill. He's got Sara and he ran into a military search party! He told them where we are! Its gonna be ok!"

Chad looked up at Kyle, then over to Bobby, his eyes now welling with tears of joy. "we're gonna be ok?" he said in disbelief.

"Yeah, that's right, we're gonna be ok."

Kyle retrieved the first aid kit from his jeep and came over to tend to Chad's still flowing wounds as bobby stood and limped over to the passenger seat of the jeep and climbed in. Suddenly the radio that was sitting on the table crackled to life.

"...*static* fox trot 3-1 to fox trot actual. We are approaching rally point Whiskey Mike. No sign of those survivors, advise?"

Kyle quickly stood up after knotting the last bandage over Chad's hand, ran to the radio and snatched up the handset.

Keying the mike Kyle said "...uhhhh... hey fox trot 3-1 this is the survivors in walmart, er uh, whiskey mike. We'll be out in a few, got some wounded to attend to."

".........uhh... ok, roger that whiskey mike, fox trot 3-1 standing by." responded the radio operator slightly astonished that the survivors had responded to him.

After loading the remaining supplies and ammunition into the jeep they all climbed in and started to roll towards the front windows of the store. Suddenly all of the windows blew inward with a concussive blast, as a sonic boom rolled through the store and rocked the jeep, also causing the windshield and windows on the jeep to spider web.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!" Chad shouted from the back of the Jeep, his ears still ringing. The jeep slowed to a stop and they all peered over the dashboard in time to catch an M1A1 Abrams tank roll past the window.

"Jesus Christ!" they all shouted in unison.

"in stereo" Kyle added after they had finished.

"What the hell! Is the tank necessary? Whats going on out there!" Bobby shouted.

Suddenly another blast rocked through the store, causing the already spider webbed windows to pop out of their housing and shatter into a thousand tiny pieces. Thank god for safety glass as all the little pieces just showered them without cutting them.

Chad grabbed the M4, the UMP and the MP5 from the back and brought them out front. Kyle and Bobby opened their doors and got out, taking cover behind the doors of the jeep as Chad perched in between the seats and aimed out the hole that was the windshield. Popping the jeep out of gear Kyle and Bobby rolled it forward towards the window.

Once on the threshold they stopped and fanned out to the edges of their barricade. Outside the M1A1 was circling the parking lot at forty miles per hour and firing at a massive beast that stood roughly ten feet tall, resembling a larger version of the one they had saved Bill from. Chad shuddered from the thought of Bill returning to his mind but it was quickly pushed out as the tank thundered yet another shell into the beast, causing it to careen backwards, just to stagger and regain its footing.

Just as the tank was about to pass the window again Kyle ran out to flag it down. The driver spotted him and slammed the tank in reverse causing it to buck forward and grind to a halt directly out front. Just as they were about to run out and board it the beasts head appeared over the tank as it climbed on top and began pounding its oversized fists into the top of the turret. It appeared to not be doing much until the top of the tank began to cave in, but its knuckles were being beaten to a bloody pulp as well.

"It might be strong and resilient but it can still be hurt!" Bobby shouted pointing at its fists.

All three of them opened fire in a full metal concert of thumps tats and pops. This only caused it to turn its attention to its new attackers.


It bounded off the tank and landed in the hole that was the window. Just as it was about to raise its fist and smash the cover they were hiding behind the tanks barrel swung around, practically brushing the fur on the back of the beasts head, and fired one last shot, straight through the back of its skull and into the ceiling of walmart. Its head exploded in a pulpy mess that misted Kyle's jeep and rained down on the three scared survivors.

Kyle Chad and Bobby moved as quickly as they could to the tank and pried the bent hatch open. Inside, the tank crew lay bloody and broken, smashed between parts of the tanks interior. The gunner, a five foot eight inch arctic wolf, however luckily had just enough room that his life was spared. He squirmed his way out of the tank suffering only a broken arm.

The four furs exchanged glances of gratitude and hobbled back into walmart. The tank wasn't going anywhere, and their rescue team had been botched. It would only be a matter of time before fox trot actual realized what happened and tried to raise them on the radio.

They gathered around the radio now back inside their encampment and waited. Cold static. The tank crew grabbed the handset and spoke into it "fox trot actual. This is fox trot 3-1. Do you read?"

Just more cold static, whose crackling noise bit into the ears of all four of them like the frost on a cold winter night. Suddenly a rack of sunglasses tipped over to their left, crashing to the ground. Whatever infected Bill was still in here...


Whew, 2500 words roughly cant believe it, usually I cut myself off around 2000 but I was on a roll, so I figured, eh, what the hell. Well I gotta get to sleep for work tomorrow. Hehehe. Hope you enjoyed it. Signing out Chad/Jester the Snow Leopard.

Life Goes On: Part 4 - Reunited

DISCLAIMER: just a fair warning my stories contain strong language, adult themes and situations, violence, etc. if you don't like any of this don't read on, and if you do, don't complain about it, seeing as how I did warn you......

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Life Goes On: Part 3 - Shit you thought was only possible in the movies

DISCLAIMER: just a fair warning my stories contain strong language, adult themes and situations, violence, etc. if you don't like any of this don't read on, and if you do, don't complain about it, seeing as how I did warn you......

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Life Goes On: Part 2 - Things just got complicated

DISCLAIMER: just a fair warning my stories contain strong language, adult themes and situations, violence, etc. if you don't like any of this don't read on, and if you do, don't complain about it, seeing as how I did warn you......

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