Life Goes On: Part 2 - Things just got complicated

Story by Jester94752 on SoFurry

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#7 of Life Goes On Series

DISCLAIMER: just a fair warning my stories contain strong language, adult themes and situations, violence, etc. if you don't like any of this don't read on, and if you do, don't complain about it, seeing as how I did warn you... enjoy


April 14

Four o'clock rolled around quickly. Chad sat upright in his bed. 'I guess falling asleep last night a little after 8 wasn't the greatest idea...' he thought as he sat at the edge rubbing his muzzle, now swollen where the gunman had hit him...

"ow." he winced as he gingerly pressed on the bruise. "guess when you get hit with a gun it's gonna hurt for a while..."

He stood and stretched his arms over his head forgetting about his ceiling fan he turned on last night. *crackcrackcrack!*

"GODDAMNIT MY KNUCKLE!" he shouted shaking his hand to dull the pain as he grimaced at the fan. "nothing is going my way this week I guess..."

After finishing his stretch he strode over to the bathroom grabbing a towel on the way. The hot water of the shower felt good on his aching body, as he washed his cares away, taking care not to scrub the bruise too hard. After his shower he toweled off and dressed in his work uniform, black dress pants, a horizontal striped shirt, a hat and a nametag that said "Eat, Drink, BK Happy" and his name.

He sighed deeply. "I hate this job..." and by that he meant just that, he loved the people he worked with, hated the job. He stepped into his nonskid shoes and drove off to work. Shortly after arriving he clocked in and got to work.

Six hours later it was finally time to get out and enjoy the day, or what was left. Deciding he wanted to do something with his friend Kyle today he gave him a call. Kyle was a 5'9" panther and as ballsy as they come.

"Hello?" answered Kyle.

"Hey dude whatsup?" inquired Chad as he climbed into his truck.

"Nothin. Gonna go over to James' today and tear up the trails. Wanna come?"

"Hell yeah! I've been dying to break loose... I dunno if I told you but I installed a roll cage in my truck. Not that I want to break it in but you know... hahaha. Alright man see you down there." he said as he pulled the truck out of the parking lot heading to James' building.

Once there the three of them took to the back trails, flying off dirt mounds, plowing through brush and the creek that ran through the area. Chad noticed that ahead James and Kyle had stopped in a clearing, so he pulled up and slid out his window, sitting on the door.

"Whatsup Guys? Something wrong?" he wondered.

"Nah..." said James.

"Just tryin' to think of something new we haven't done yet." Kyle finished.

"Hmm..." Chad sighed. "I got one, I'm gonna take my truck and drive up those downed trees over there..."

"HAH! Good luck with that one" both Kyle and James said in unison.

"My truck might not have the clearance of your jeep..." he said pointing at Kyle, "or the power of your truck..." he said flicking his paw towards James, "but its got a good balance of both. I think I can make it."

Before either one of them could stop him, Chad slid back down into his seat and was in gear and at the base of the log pile. The front tires gripped and pulled the truck up onto the first log. From there the truck bucked and kicked up and started to climb the pile.

"HAHA! TOLD YOU!" Chad shouted as he neared the top of the pile. Suddenly the pile gave way under the weight of the truck and the bottom logs broke free and rolled. The rest of the pile collapsed bringing the truck with it, landing hard on its exposed drive shaft, snapping the shaft from the pumpkin and shredding his transmission with the loud shearing of metal on metal.

"FUCK!" cried Chad from inside his truck as he killed the engine. He resumed his seat in the window of the door as he looked over the carnage that once was his truck. "why am I such a DUMBASS!?" he questioned himself as he slapped his forehead.

"Well this piece of shit isn't going anywhere anytime soon, can I get a ride back with one of you?" Chad said as he walked over from the pile to where Kyle and James were still trying not to laugh.

"yeah I'll get you home." Kyle said as he climbed back into his Jeep. "Later James!" he shouted as he snaked his way back out to the main trail and drove to Chad's apartment complex.

"Thanks man, this sucks, how am I going to get to work tomorrow? Why do I have to be such a dipshit?" Chad mumbled as he climbed out of the jeep and down onto his driveway. "See ya man. Drive safe."

Once inside his apartment he decided to call his insurance company even though he damn well knew they wouldn't cover this and told his agent about everything that happened. After that phone call was over it was time to figure out how he was getting to work in four days. He called a few co-workers and managed to get a ride for twenty bucks. 'greedy bastards' he thought to himself.

He let his body go limp in his reclining chair and lay there motionless for an hour. 'well I guess there's nothing else to do at this point but continue with my day. He got up and walked over to the computer and turned it on. Then grabbed his headphones from the X-box and plugging them into the adapter for the computer.

After the computer finally booted and he got all of the unnecessary applications closed, he started his music on a shuffled loop and opened a word document he'd been working on. A story for a website he recently signed up for called where he read a story by a Wolf named ArcticMan451 that renewed his inspiration in creative writing and decided he would try his hand at a new style of writing where the Humans had Fur characteristics and could talk and walk on two legs and wore clothes. He managed to write a chapter, but then there was a knock on his door and he quickly saved and shut down his computer.

After making sure his appearance was decent he went to see who it was at the door. Peering through the peep hole in the door he could see nothing but a hooded figure standing on the other side. He decided to not open the door as he didn't know who it was but his curiosity peaked and he asked "who is it?"

Just then the figure stepped back and raised a booted foot and lashed out at the door with a loud thump. The door bucked inward startling Chad as he reeled backwards, luckily however it didn't give way, yet. A second thump reverberated through the door as the wall began to crack where the bolt was resting.

'Shit, don't got much longer before they get through' Chad's mind raced as his eyes franticly searched the room for an escape or a defense tactic. He saw the window and just as he was about to bolt for it the wall splintered and the door swung inward impacting the wall directly to its right. The hooded figure stepped into the apartment to all of a sudden have the end table that once sat beside the couch come crashing down on their head from the immediate left.

Chad had never run so fast in all his life. Before he even knew what he was doing he was outside and rounding the corner of the driveway onto the sidewalk. He glanced over his shoulder to see the cloaked figure stumble out of the foyer and draw a pistol from his pocket. He instantly recognized it as the same pistol that was used to battering ram his face at the gas station the other day. Had that crazy fuck gotten away from the cops?!

As a new batch of adrenaline coursed through his veins his legs suddenly no longer burned as he rounded the block to break the line of sight, as a bullet impacted the corner of the building he ducked behind.

"Christ! He's shooting at me!" Chad gasped as he rounded the second corner lungs burning and sprinted for the nearest busy intersection to flag down someone or at least to just get into the eye of the public to deter any further aggressive action from his pursuer. After crossing a four lane road he felt it safe enough to take a look back to see that he was no longer being chased by one, but by three cloaked figures.

"What the fuck!" shouted Chad as he willed his legs to pound out all his energy into the pavement. He turned onto his friend Mike's street and tore ass across the lawns. Sliding into Mike's driveway he ran to the side door and tried the knob, locked, shit! Furiously pounding on the door, as hard as it felt that his heart was beating, finally drew mike to answer the door. Once the door was open Chad pushed his way inside and closed and locked the door.

"Chad? What's goin' on buddy?" asked mike, a 5'7" Jackal.

"Shhhhh, get down, I'm being chased." Chad hissed. "hang on I'm gonna call the cops."

Chad dialed 911 on his phone and listened as it rang once.

"911 what's your emergency?" said the operator.

"Listen, a few guys were chasing me, they kicked in my apartment door and I managed to get away, at least one of them had a gun and shot at me but missed, I made it to my friends house so I think I'm safe for now..." Chad quickly breathed into the phone.

"I have dispatched a unit to your location, they will be there shortly" the operator replied.

"thank you very much. Ah I see the cruiser, I'm going out now, goodbye." Chad sighed.

"Wait they aren't there ye..." the operator said as he hung up the phone not hearing their words and opened the door. He paced himself as he got to the cruiser and the window rolled down to reveal a hooded figure that drew a gun and fired a round into his sternum.

Chad jerked awake, slumped in his computer chair, the screen dimly lit as his computer entered sleep mode, his story only partially written on the screen. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts he saved the story he was writing and shut down the computer, glancing at the clock on the desk next to him. 2:04 AM. He must have passed out while writing his SoHooman Story...

Joints Cracking from being slumped over in that awkward position for god knows how many hours he stood and twisted around and stretched to crack all of his knuckles, neck, and back. He shuffled to his room and collapsed onto his bed, not even bothering to strip to his boxers or kick off his shoes and passed out seconds later.


The following morning he awoke around nine, lying face down in a wet spot on his sheets. 'what the fuck? Eww, damn dude I must've been exhausted or stressed or something, I drooled all over the place.' he thought as he sat up.

"goddamn I didn't even get out of my work uniform, now I'm gonna have to wash my sheets anyway because of the fuckin burger grease." he said slightly irritated.

He grasped his shirt and pulled it up and over his head and threw it into his laundry basket, followed by his pants after falling over while trying to take them off. He then went and showered and dressed in some casual jeans and a gray t shirt.

Glancing over at his phone he realized he has several missed calls, ones that he would check later. After all, it was the first day off of several, as work had been cutting his hours again, so he had plenty of time. Bounding into the kitchen he snatched a bowl out of the dish rack and a box of LT. Crunch from the cupboard. After affixing himself with the cereal he stepped into the living room and grabbed the remote for the TV. Pressing the power button, nothing happened...

"Huh..." Chad exhaled. "Batteries must be dead."

He walked over and pressed the button on the front panel of the console. Nothing. Now, getting irritated, he walked over to the light switch on the wall and flipped it up and down several times.

"ok powers out, shit, that sucks. Looks like my plans for this morning have changed." he moaned.

Returning to his bedroom he grabbed his phone, put it on speaker, dialed voicemail and threw it on his dresser while he sat on the edge of his bed slipping on his shoes.

"You have, 18, unheard messages." said the computers monotonous voice.

"Jesus what, did I miss the party of the century?" Chad chuckled.

The first message began to play, "received at 3 AM. (Steve) - 'Chad dude flip on the news, something big has happened, but no one knows what, the governments covering it up.'... next message received 3:45 AM. (James) - 'Chad! What the fucks going on?! Are you there? Where's Kyle! *gunshots in the background* OH SHIT!"

Chad now sitting tensed on the edge of his bed listened, his ears twitching.

" Received at 5 AM. (James) - 'CHAD SOMETHINGS GOING ON! NO ONE KNOWS WHAT EXACTLY, WHERE ARE YOU?! IVE BEEN TRYING TO GET AHOLD OF YOU!' (voice in the background) - 'you there! Get off that phone!'... next message received at 5:37 AM '*screams, gunshots and an unnatural screeching noise* (Chad's Mom) - "son, I just want you to know, I love you. No matter what happens. I'm so sorry we didn't spend much time together these past couple years. Hopefully we will get to see you again."

Chad, now collapsed onto his bedroom floor in a fit of sobs, was completely hysterical. What the hell was going on? He didn't even bother to listen to the rest of the messages, he knew he needed to get to his parents house to make sure they were ok, regardless if it meant putting himself in harms way, whatever lay beyond his apartment door that he apparently slept through the start of.


OK with chapter 2 up, I will be working on Chapter 3 sometime in the next couple days whenever i get the chance. hope you enjoyed it.



Life Goes On: Part 3 - Shit you thought was only possible in the movies

DISCLAIMER: just a fair warning my stories contain strong language, adult themes and situations, violence, etc. if you don't like any of this don't read on, and if you do, don't complain about it, seeing as how I did warn you......

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Life Goes On: Part 1 - Daily Life

Just a bit of a disclaimer before I start to enter this story. This fictional novella will contain strong adult language. If you dont like it too bad, you've been warned. Oh and I might not be the greatest writer either, so consider that a fair warning...

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