The Story of a Lonely Demon Ch. 2

Story by Arogard on SoFurry

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#3 of The Story of a Lonely Demon

The Story of a Lonely Demon

Chapter 2: unexpected company

Rieksi was singing the lullaby to himself, hoping to attract someone to talk to since his only friend went away, never to come back. He sung it over and over, still no one came to comfort or be at his side. He gave up after singing for half a day and cried in the dark that enveloped hell during night. From that day on he was solemn in school, never answering a question, never saying an unneeded word, leading to most thinking he finally accepted the teachings as he ripped and clawed at the dummies with deadened emotions, always sharpening his claws and never smiling again.

Rieksi woke up suddenly, looking at his hands which now only sported dulled claws and a frail frame.

"I don't want to go forward, I already know from that point on, why won't my mind travel where I want it..." He muttered to himself seeing he was in a different room all alone with only his pants on.

The wolf saw his coat on the visitor's chair with a note on it, leaving him to only grab his coat and crumple the piece of paper he couldn't read. Rieksi tried putting it on but cringed in pain, remembering the bruises on the ribs and back. Just laying there, he couldn't do anything but think and go to sleep, in which he didn't want to do either, being haunted by nightmares in both avenues. He decided to try to get up considering nothing was done to his feet, and walked for the door with his coat folded over one arm.

"E-Excuse me, Mr. Reqlat, you need to return to the bed so you can rest for your wounds to heal..." The clerk stuttered out in fright, Rieksi's sky blue eyes glowing in the dark eerily.

"I can't sleep, I was just gonna go outside." Rieksi replied, changing his plans from walking to the inn to just sitting outside.

"...Alright, just don't be too long, the night air might make you start shivering." Clerk replied simply, stopping herself from asking the doctor if it was alright for the patient to go outside for a breath of air.

"I wonder what those big circles are, they seems so close, yet far out of reach." Rieksi breathed to himself, looking up to the moons, unsure of what they were.

"They're the moons, and also the best time to look at it, full moons don't happen every day..." A voice said to his right, it was a cloaked man, but Rieksi couldn't see under the hood.

"Um, who are you? And what do you mean by 'full' moons? Does it empty?" The wolf asked curiously, strangely feeling safe around the figure.

"It's one of the moon phases differ between waxing and waning; you as a demon should feel the phases as an angel feels depending on the time of day. As for who I am, I'll give you a hint: a coat, a necklace, a sword, and a lullaby." The figure said, getting up to walk off.

"W-Wait! Please... don't... leave me..." Rieksi staggered out, putting too much work on his currently weak lungs and heart.

Rieksi sat there on his knees, with one hand holding his body up and his other resting on his chest as he began to weep, a familiar feeling coming into his mind as the tears hit the wooden deck.

"Why... why again, we aren't in hell, why must you damn me into loneliness..." He cried out, the clerk from inside rushing to see the commotion.

"Mr. Reqlat! Are you alright?" The clerk asked concernedly, momentarily forgetting that she was talking to a demon.

"No, I've lost someone twice now, and I don't know how much more of this curse I can take!" Rieksi shouted out, his closed fist landing on top of the floorboards where the tears landed, "Please, just leave me, I don't want you to be harmed."

"Al-alright, but if you need anything just ask." The stewardess stated gently before hurrying inside.

It wasn't until dawn that Rieksi walked past the counter to his room with a deadened look in his eyes, the attendant seeing a troubled soul. He laid on his bed with his hand on his still weary chest, feeling his heart softly thumping through the fur, feeling only sadness in his drowsy eyes, being tired from lack of sleep and crying. He let his fatigue get the best of him as he softly drifted into a slumber.

Tyirin was up all night, swearing he heard Rieksi's voice and him crying, but dismissed the thought as he knew his friend was asleep. Red and Auroran woke up at dawn, also being worried about the wolf's condition and whether he'll pull through. The trio went down and got their breakfast, their food being free due to the inn keeper's concern of the wolf. After they ate and cleaned up, Tyirin ran ahead of the other two towards the clinic in which the wolf was being kept at. Tyirin stepped onto the deck with haste but looked to the side to see blue and red fur by a waterlogged spot in the wood. He knelt down an felt the grain being slightly warmer near the wet part of the wood and felt warmest where the blue and red fur was. Tyirin rushed inside past the clerk into the room to see Rieksi sleeping there, but he knew better. He looked under the wolf's eyes and saw they were still matted with the salty solution, and he was slightly cold on the torso and arms. He saw the coat had been replaced on the chair, and the note that was on top of it crumpled like all the other ones he's left. Red and Auroran walked in after seeing the same thing outside by the bench, also confirming their thoughts that the wolf was outside crying last night.

"I don't think he's gotten much sleep, the wood was still wet so he was out there past midnight." Red stated looking toward Tyirin.

"Alright, we'll visit at dusk, it should give us enough time to do a few jobs..." Tyirin stated gloomily, walking towards the door.

"He seems heart broken to see Rieksi like this, he really must have a thing for him, he wasn't even this concerned when I broke my leg." Red whispered to Auroran, who was also looking at their friend slowly walk ahead.

"You didn't save all our lives, neither of us has seen him with a female, and that tune he plays on the lute seems to have direct ties to a past Rieksi can't remember." Auroran retorted quietly, starting to follow, "In a way their lives have intertwined, all I can hope is that Rieksi feels the same way about Tyirin as he feels about him..."

The trio went about their day's work, Tyirin's mind always coming back to the wolf and looking impatiently up to the sky in hopes of the day moving faster than the crawl of time he was experiencing. Red and Auroran ended up taking in more work, seeing that their companion's heart just wasn't in the right place without the demon by his side. Finally when the sky started turning pink and orange, Tyirin rushed for the clinic faster than either of the other angels had ever seen him run, catching them off guard as they were finishing their current job before trying to catch up to the hasty friend. Tyirin bounded over the steps and through the door, not even panting from running across town to see the canine awake in bed.

"Rieksi, you're alright!" Tyirin breathed out heavily, his lungs finally catching up to him as he went to go sit on the bed by the wolf.

"I'm fine, but what about you? It seems you ran cross-country or something-"

"Just across town, so tell me something, what happened last night?" Tyirin asked, still panting and trying to slow down his breathing back to a normal pace.

"That man... the one in the hood, he's the friend I had in hell, but he didn't tell me his name or show me his face, I couldn't run after him because my heart was too weak..." Rieksi stated out looking at in disappointment, seeing Tyirin's hand moving onto his thigh and making him blush.

"Even if you can't remember his name or face, at least he showed you that his spirit is watching over you." Tyirin explained softly, looking and seeing the wolf blush, making withdraw his hand in embarrassment, "I'm not making you uncomfortable am I?"

"No, it's fine... it's just... I don't know if you feel the same way..." Rieksi aired out, quickly quieting toward the end of the sentence.

"I do, I just didn't know if you were... and... I wish I-"

Rieksi interrupted Tyirin by kissing him on the forehead and setting his own against the angel's, putting his hand on the small shoulder and closing his eyes in hopes he didn't go to far. Tyirin blushed deeply and smiled, never having been kissed before, and ruffled the wolf's head fur by rubbing his forehead along the canine's. Rieksi just giggled and hugged Tyirin close, feeling tears of happiness well up in his eyes as he embraced someone who felt the same way for the first time in his life. Red and Auroran burst into the room finally, panting and wheezing, immediately trying to control their breathing upon seeing the angel and demon embrace each other affectionately.

"Alright, alright, so I owe you 50 for Tyirin having a crush on Rieksi..." Red said out, rolling his eyes and digging through his bag of money for the appropriate amount.

Tyirin, just giggled and looked back, seeing Red actually made a bet and shook his head as the usual event of the angel in red losing a bet.

"It seems my business is concluded here, I'll just leave you to the discipline part." Auroran stated, seeing Tyirin grin mischievously toward Red and walking out of the room hastily.

"Gimme a second, I'll be right back." Tyirin whispered to the wolf, seeing Rieksi just nod and titter in understanding.

"Oh no, not again... Auroran! Wait up! Crap!" Red shouted after the fleeing angel running away from Tyirin as he just walked quickly toward his victim.

Tyirin knew Red was the least athletic out of the bunch, only getting half-way to the inn before running out of stamina and trying his best to walk ahead of the angel that was quickly catching up. Red tried his best to get out of the open, but did it in vain his Tyirin caught his ear and dragged him toward the middle of the road. Tyirin just giggled as he spun the angel away from him and grabbed Red under the arms. Red just shook his head in disapproval, already knowing what was going to happen and squirming. Tyirin let out his wings and took off into the sky with the red-clothed victim in his hands.

"Tyirin this ain't funny! You know I hate heights! Set me down, please! I'm begging you, don't-"

Tyirin let go of the light cargo high up into the air, letting him free fall toward the ground before swooping around and catching him, hearing Red still screaming for his life with his eyes closed despite being caught. He set the angel down on the ground seeing his friend wobble and stagger off looking as drunk as can be.

"I'll... I'll get you for this one... dammit..." Red slurred out before falling over and being caught in Auroran's arms.

"You know, he's gotta be the only angel, who not only rejected the sun pendant, but downright gets all limp when someone takes him to the skies." Auroran laughed out, trying to keep his friend off the dusty ground, "Help me with his legs will you?" Tyirin helped Auroran get the dazed angel inside the inn to his room, in which Tyirin took off almost immediately to get back to Rieksi, who had started to get out of bed to see what the commotion was. Tyirin rushed in the room to see the wolf bare-chested and blushed, looking the other way.

"I'm sure you want privacy to put your coat on..." He giggled out, the wolf's torso still running through his mind.

"Actually, could you help me get it on? The bruises won't let me lift my arms very high." Rieksi asked, oblivious to his friend deeply blushing.

"A-alright, if you say so." Tyirin staggered out, his cheeks as red as can be as he unfolded the wolf's coat and helped his companion get his arms through the sleeves and buttoning the back of the coat under his wings.

Tyirin helped Rieksi with the straps, fitting each into the holes the canine made himself because the notches were too loose for his thin frame. Rieksi looked at Tyirin lovingly, no one having helped him with his coat before now, and pulled him into another hug after the last strap was in place. Tyirin was caught off guard for a second, underestimating the wolf's strength despite his skinny appearance without the coat, but regained his bearings and hugged back strongly, still happy that his new companion had the same feelings he had. Rieksi smiled broadly, letting go and looking down to the angel's bright eyes, sitting in the small chair with his back to his friend.

"Could you also put my hair back as well? I should have my ribbon in this thing somewhere... here it is!" Rieksi blurted eagerly, pulling a deep purple ribbon out of the right pocket of his jacket and handing it to Tyirin who was only to happy to oblige.

"Here, this'll have it keep shape better as well, you don't mind do you?" Tyirin asked the wolf, beginning to tightly braid the thick hair as best he could.

"It's been a long while since I've had my hair braided, sure I just hope you can do it better than I could..." Rieksi stated behind, not minding the tugging and just letting the angel have at working with his hair.

After ten minutes of crisscrossing the strands, Tyirin patted Rieksi's shoulder to let him know he was done, and the wolf walked over the the mirror on the wall in anticipation. The wolf admired the long braid that had the ribbon following it's length over his shoulder, putting it back behind him and hugging Tyirin again before taking his hand and walking for the exit.

"For once you're not blushing." Tyirin giggled, seeing the wolf much more comfortable with walking hand-in-hand, "With all I know Red's already made another bet by now..."

"Come on, don't let him get between us, let's at least try to get some peace for ourselves while Auroran and him bicker their debts out." Rieksi stated, looking to Tyirin's eyes for approval on the matter.

"Okay, okay, do you think you're going to be in good enough shape by tomorrow? The entire town's worried about you..." Tyirin asked, seeing the canine's hand occasionally move to hold his ribs as they walked toward the inn.

"I hope so, the bruise on my back isn't the one that's bothering me many, it's just this one, but I should be well enough to help. I don't know what I'd do if you haven't saved me despite the danger you put yourself in..." Rieksi replied, closing his eyes in shame, "I had hoped you wouldn't see that side of me, but I guess you would know that trait of demons in the first place."

"It's fine, now let's get you into a more comfortable bed and some food in that stomach of yours tonight, tomorrow's gonna be busy." Tyirin stated firmly, trying his best to get the wolf to keep his chin up and not fall into a negative mood.

They went into the inn and the angel sat the demon down at their usual table while he went upstairs to get the other two companions. Rieksi shot up from his slouch suddenly, remembering he needed to ask Tyirin to teach him to read and write, both his tails wagging in anticipation to learning what he was interested in. Auroran came down the stairs first, followed by the other two as he sat in his usual spot. Red was the last to sit down, his legs still a little wobbly from them leaving the ground, and plopped into his chair clumsily, also drowsy from just waking up. They all proceeded to order their foods except for Rieksi, who didn't even bother to pick up his menu to choose something.

"What's wrong? You aren't hungry?" Tyirin asked quietly, seeing the wolf was flushed and frustrated.

"I don't know how to read, that's why all the notes you left were crumpled, that's why it took so long for me to go out searching for you guys..." Rieksi replied embarrassed and frustrated with himself for not being able to communicate in both manners.

"Well then I can teach you if you want to learn, Red only just got done with learning the-"

"Oi! What happened to student-teacher confidentiality? I'm trying at least..." Red interrupted, pointing a finger at Tyirin playfully.

"Alright, I was just gonna make a point. First we'll start with the alphabet... after we eat anyway, my appetite's come back after all the events." Tyirin retorted, looking through the menu for something Rieksi would like, "What did you have for breakfast?"

"I think he called it bacon and ham. There was also fried rice and giblets..." The wolf answered, still remembering the names of the dishes.

"Alright, let's get you the carnivorous dinner, and a glass of milk to go with it." the angel replied, setting the menu on top of the others and seeing the waiter come over to to take down their orders.

The group ate the dinners enjoyably, as the inn had been lively tonight with a band of travelers looking to stay at the inn but finding out the rooms were full. After some talk with the travelers, who were largely wary of the wolf that was politely eating his food, Tyirin decided to let them have his and Rieksi's room while the couple would go sleep in Red and Auroran's room. Thankful, the wayfarers handed them a letter and told them it was a merchant's favor, a special agreement in which they can request a special item of almost any category from someone wearing a traveler's pendant, in which he pulled out a locket from under his shirt and showed it to them for them to remember. The group journeyers went up to their room while the angels and demon continued eating their meals. Rieksi was the first to finish, putting his dish away like before and going up to the group's room to rest and wait for Tyirin to teach him how to read and write. Red was the last to finish, still sleepy and ready to go back to sleep. Rieksi had his coat unbuttoned to let his body breathe a little when Tyirin came in and blushed while walking up behind him quietly.

"You sure I didn't put it on too tight? Or is just that you're full?" Tyirin said giggling, seeing the wolf jump and cover his torso back up.

"I-I'm sorry, it's fine, it's just I was getting a little hot..." Rieksi stumbled out, buttoning up his coat quickly and straightening out.

"It's okay, if you're hot you can take it off, but if you're so determined to cover yourself up I'll see if I can get a shirt designed for you." Tyirin laughed out, seeing red accent the wolf's fur covered cheeks as he stopped struggling with the buttons.

"If you're absolutely fine with it..." Rieksi sighed out, unbuttoning the coat again.

The wolf knelt down to let the angel get the buttons on his back as he slid off the coat to reveal the short ruffled fur on his torso. He brushed himself off a little to straighten the tufts that stuck up and sat on the floor comfortably, his tails wagging in eagerness as he wanted to learn how to read and write. Tyirin went over to his bag and pulled out a notebook with a couple of pencils and handed them to the wolf, seeing him look puzzled as he tried grabbing the small pieces of wood in his rather large hand. Red came in with almost closed eyes and plopped face first onto the bed, quietly snoring into the pillow two minutes after Auroran came in. The angel in green himself undressed down to his pants and went to bed quickly, seemingly also tired from the dinner, but wasn't snoring, which intrigued the wolf immensely.

"He was always a quiet sleeper, so first thing's first, grab a pencil in each hand with the point facing down and tell me which feels more comfortable." Tyirin stated, seeing the wolf still struggle with trying to grab the pencils like how he saw someone use them back in hell, "Here, you put your thumb here, your index and middle finger here... there you go. Now which feels more comfortable and natural?"

"My left..." The wolf replied simply, cringing in expectancy of a lecture.

"No need to look so scared, I will admit being left handed is an unusual perk... but anyway you can set the one in your right hand down, let's open the book to the first page." Tyirin replied, wondering how he was going to teach someone who's left-handed when he was right-handed himself.

Tyirin began teaching Rieksi the alphabet, and soon moved onto numbers, amazed by how fast the wolf learned and applied it to writing. The only thing Tyirin was worried about is that the wolf had a bad chicken scratch due to his hands being large and his pinky drug across the paper, coloring his fur black and slightly smudging the writing. It was midnight when Tyirn finished teaching him the alphabet, numbers, colors, and shapes, but had to stop there as he got tired and sleepy. Rieksi merely nodded and began cleaning up the papers and picking up the pencils. After he got done putting the stuff back in the bag he turned to find Tyirin slightly shivering on the cold floor and went to lay beside him. Subconsciously he hugged against the wolf's fur, snuggling against Rieksi's chest without knowing or seeing the canine blush wildly. Rieksi just put his arm over the angel and fell asleep curled around his companion.

Rieksi was swinging the sword the man had given him around, gripping the handle the best he could with his claws and clumsy hands. After a couple of swings, Rieksi looked at his hands frustratedly, hating how his claws got in the way of everything. He stabbed the sword in the ground angrily and starting gnawing at the hindrances, trying his best to blunt them and shave them down. Eventually he got them down to almost looking like the nails the angels had, but had to stop as he felt the quick of the nails start to bleed from being exposed. He took a cloth from his coat and tied it around his wrist tightly to keep the amount of blood minimal. He cringed in pain as the nerves caught up with his actions, sending tinges of pain to the already bleeding hand as he wiped it and put pressure on it, trying his best to heal quickly. Rieksi concentrated his thoughts trying to get his mind off the pain, when suddenly his hands glowed blue and the bleeding stopped. He looked at his hand in wonder, wondering what he did, then sighed in frustration as he noticed the claws were back to their original size.

"Rieksi, you can stop healing me now..." Tyirin said out sleepily, suddenly opening his eyes wide, "Wait a minute, healing me!? That gives me an idea."

"Sorry, was having a dream of a memory. I was never given any lessons in magic, I'm self taught." the wolf replied guiltily, lifting his hands up off the angel hastily.

"It's fine, but here, lift up your arm, I hope this works..." Tyirin said, concentrating his thought and laying a hand on the canine's bruise and seeing him cringe.

"Ouch! It's still sensitive." Rieksi whimpered out, still keeping his arm up for Tyirin to try whatever it was he was going to do.

The angel's hands turned blue and he laid his hands on the wolf's ribs again, seeing no flinching or pain from him this time around and continued trying to heal the wolf's bruises as best he could. Soon Red woke up to seeing Rieksi move his arms and wings around without cringing and fell back asleep completely oblivious to what he saw. Tyirin came up from behind and hugged Rieksi, feeling his tails wrap around his waist as the wolf grab his hands comfortingly.

"Thank you... you've done so much for me, yet I can't do much to even consider things even." Rieksi breathed out, turning around and hugging him from the front.

"You've already saved my life, and my friends' lives, helped us with work, and we love each other, it's I who is in debt. I finally found someone who feels the same about me as I feel about them, I don't have to worry about anyone pressuring me into a love that I don't know." Tyirin explained, tears coming to his eyes and wetting the demon's fur.

"Y-you're crying, is something the matter? Please don't weep, of course I love you, you're the only one I've ever felt like this towards." Rieksi stated, kneeling down and wiping the tears out of his companion's eyes, "As long as this soul lasts I'll always love you."

"They're just tears of happiness... come, let us get some sleep before the sun rises." the angel retorted, already laying down on the floor.

Tyirin snuggled in a little, feeling the wolf wrap his arms around, warming up as the fur pushed and receded against his back, soon followed by the almost silent snoring of the wolf sleeping. He stayed up a little bit longer, thinking about how so much of what they've been teaching in school about demons was false and opinionated. Tyirin eventually fell asleep, thinking of what Rieksi and him could do together tomorrow after they finished the work.

Standing in a place completely foreign to him, Rieksi looked around curiously, never having seen such a place before. His feet embedded the ground no matter where he stepped, feeling it sneak in between his toes and under his nails. He tried his best to walk on the strange ground toward a body of water as far as the eye could see, resorting to walking on all fours due to losing his balance many a time before even getting half way. When he got to the water it was still the same, sending him into gaping awestricken at the sheer size of the body of water. Rieksi walked cautiously toward the lolling waves, never having seen water lap onto the shoreline in such a manner. He was about knee deep when a larger wave came and drenched his fur up to his neck, causing him to shiver and shake in an attempt to get the water off, but still proceeded inward until he could comfortably lap up the water experimentally. Rieksi puckered his face and spat the water out, tasting salt and accidentally getting a bit of seaweed into his mouth. Retreating back to dry land, he gave a large shake of his fur to dry himself but growled at his fur when it fluffed up.

"At least no one is around to see this..." He muttered to himself irritatedly, using his hands the best he could to smooth down the uncooperative hair, in the end laying and and pushing himself along the beach to smooth out his pelt.

He proceeded down the shoreline in this manner, hoping no one was around to see his fur in such a disorderly manner, looking toward a gathering of abandoned looking shacks along the beach. As Rieksi drew closer, he became more comfortable as he saw the dwellings in slight disrepair from not being used or taken care of, ultimately checking inside the huts for something he could use to groom his fur or a mirror to see himself in. After vigorously searching, he found a bone-hewn comb and a reflective platter to try and get his fur under control. He sat there for minutes, even hours on end, trying to tend to his pelt's bad habit of puffing out when getting wet. Rieksi got up after a bit and examined himself in the mirror, liking the job he did and putting the two items back where he found them.

"Much better, that's the last time I get into the water like that, I'm glad none of them has seen me when I take a shower, I would be a laughing stock..." Rieksi grumbled, staying closer to the treeline than the water line as he continued walking down the beach.

After a while he spotted a pillar of smoke off in the distance and instantly became curious as to what was. As he walked up, he saw a group of houses burning and a hooded man walking of, seeming unphased by the village burning. Rieksi ran the best he could in the sand to question the man why he started the fire but as he caught up to him the cloaked arsonist unsheathed a blade and pointed it at the wolf, getting ready to thrust.

Rieksi gasped as he shot up, seeing Tyirin still fast asleep beside him, as well as Red and Auroran also snoring. The canine got up and walked tiredly over to the window and looked out, seeing the moon starting to wane after being full. He merely sighed and looked toward the stars, seeing many on the cloudless night. After pondering for a bit, he opened the window and climbed up to the roof to get a better view of the lunar sparks, entranced by how the exotic but welcoming sight looked so bright compared to the nights in hell. Rieksi flinched as he felt a hand on his shoulder, not expecting anyone to be up there, and looked to see Tyirin's concerned eyes gazing back into his own.

"It was another nightmare wasn't it? How long has this been going on, it would seem you haven't had a good sleep in ages..." Tyirin asked softly, starting to sit down beside the wolf.

"As long as I can remember, how do you know it's been going on for longer?" Rieksi retorted, seeing the angel reach out a hand towards his fur-covered cheek.

"The bags under your eyes tell more than just general lack of sleep, was it another dream about that hooded man?" Tyirin answered and questioned, seeing the demon hang his head down towards the ground far below in admittance, "I saw you run off past the village in my dream but I didn't see who it was after. I can link into others' dreams if I at least touch them in my sleep, like you warming me up, it's why Red and Auroran never let me take the bed..."

"That's a rare perk indeed, very few angels and demons possess that ability, let alone can master it at such a young age." A voice said behind them, causing both angel and demon to look surprisedly.

"Why do you haunt his dreams so much? It's depriving him of sleep." Tyirin asked firmly, getting up and looking to the man in seriousness.

"Why can't I remember your name, or even remember your face? No matter how hard I try it never comes to mind." Rieksi asked softly, also standing up and looking to the man for answers.

"It would seem the spell had unexpected consequences, it was only meant to block his memories, I'm sorry." The cloaked figure retorted apologetically, taking off his hood and revealing an angelic figure with demon-like features, "It would seem whenever I take off this hood, memories of his past would come to him, I'm sorry it's had this affect on you, I didn't know..."

"B...Buvrentius, I..." Rieksi stuttered out before fainting,

"Rieksi! I had no idea the enchantment would work like this; all I've done is torture him when I was only trying to protect him, I don't deserve to be even part angel." Buvrentius breathed out, running across the roof to the fallen canine.

"It must be hard on you, having no faction, it would seem someone who is both is trusted by none." Tyirin said out apologetically, already kneeling beside his companion.

"It wasn't until I had to leave him behind, he was like a son to me, and was the only one who didn't mind... I did him wrong when I left him behind, I didn't even check to see if there were any side-affects, now look where my actions have gotten me." Buvrentius aired out in regret, feeling a tears coming to his eyes as he looked at the demon in a guilty manner.

"No one knows everything, what matters now is that you're here with him now and won't be going anywhere any time soon. And no more enchantments mind you, I've half a mind to have Red scorch that hood." Tyirin explained, trying his best to get Rieksi down safely, "How about a little help, I'm not the strongest and I'm afraid I'm gonna drop him..."

Buvrentius picked up Rieksi easily in his arms and flew down to the ground with ease, going inside with the canine in his arms. Tyirin went back into the room through the open window and unlocked the door, opening it to for the hybrid waiting on the other side. After setting Rieksi down on the floor, Buvrentius pulled up a chair and started telling Tyirin about why he had to leave and his intentions, occasionally bringing up Rieksi's past that was now most likely unlocked. He told him about how he found the orphan near the outskirts of the circle of the slightly damned, trying to climb up the cliffs but his wings being to small to lift him. Tyirin occasionally looked over to his peacefully sleeping companion every now and then as they talked about him, sharing their experiences. Then Buvrentius brought up Rieksi's rage.

"The reason his berserk gets triggered so easily is because he's always held it in, ever since I found him, no matter how much he let his thoughts out to me it would still burn inside him, which is what led to his exile, for going berserk in class. Although he's gentle now, he gets upset easily and is extremely prone to stress, it's why I sang the lullaby to him, so he'd have a chance to recover if he lost his temper." Buvrentius explained thoroughly, seeing Tyirin pull out his lute, "I knew sooner or later he would come up to Medius, he was always the adventurous type, however I don't know if it's healthy for him to be up here. While Medius is beautiful, many things go on and go wrong, every stress builds up inside and I don't know how long he'll survive up here if he's caught in a situation where neither of us are around to calm him down..."

"Then let us both be around him at all times, we need to protect him so he can be happy." Tyirin replied simply, tuning the strings on the instrument before playing softly.

"You've already had to do it once haven't you? Then you know that he's blinded by blood lust when he goes berserk, not able to distinguish friend from foe..." Buvrentius sighed out, hearing Tyirin play softly as to not wake anyone up.

"But the lullaby works, and I don't mind keeping my lute on me, it's light and I like playing it." Tyirin replied simply, plucking the strings in smooth succession, "I know I'm not a very good singer, but this makes up for that."

"I merely hope that the enchantment is broken, now let us get some sleep, we have a rather long day ahead of us tomorrow..."

Tyirin put his lute up and laid beside Rieksi, already dozing of from the warmth that emanated from his companion's body. Buvrentius laid down near a corner, taking off his robe to reveal a semi-feline body shape and rugged traveling clothes, in which he fell fast asleep in.

Rieksi was looking into a vast darkness while sitting on a cliff, which was the only thing that appeared to be present. He looked over and saw Tyirin beside him, also looking out into the darkness, gazing wonderingly into what seemed to be the void. The wolf scooted closer to him and continued looking out, closing his eyes and letting his imagination play with the blackness and begin forming the memories that were sealed away. The angel looked in wonder as the darkness lit up into various visions, all seeming to be in first-person view. Quickly he realized that he was watching Rieksi's past through the demon's eyes, seeing Buvrentius appear quite often and teach him what he didn't learn in school. Suddenly he saw that the hybrid looking more often out towards the light that shot up occasionally and showing less attention to Rieksi. Soon after, Rieksi only saw him in the cloak and began to forget what his father-figure looked like, almost constantly begging him to take off the cloak and play. Then came Rieksi's dreams that had appeared of late, with him not being able to move and only watch Buvrentius walk off, sit there alone and practice with the sword he was given, and finally always singing the lullaby to himself every night thereafter.

It was late morning when they both woke up simultaneously, with Tyirin pulling the canine into a deep hug and knowing the wolf's pain.

The Story of a Lonely Demon Ch.3

The Story of a Lonely Demon Chapter 3: Where a Revealed Identity Unlocks Much More "Buvrentius, why did you leave?" Rieksi questioned, having stopped eating and was looking across the table to the hybrid. "Rieksi... I guess I can't blame...

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Memoirs of Dragora Ch. 16

Memoirs of Dragora Chapter 16: A Melody Plays, A Kingdom Rises Dragora was walking down the hall toward the harp room being aided by Slypnir and Zerion. Auberlinz was walking beside the trio, telling them when to take...

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The Story of a Lonely Demon Ch. 1

The Story of a Lonely Demon By Arogard **\*this story takes place in Raizy's world of Medius, thus credit for the setting is given to her, also as a plus, here is the url to her exciting and most awesome comic, Slightly...

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