The Story of a Lonely Demon Ch. 1

Story by Arogard on SoFurry

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#2 of The Story of a Lonely Demon

The Story of a Lonely Demon

By Arogard

*this story takes place in Raizy's world of Medius, thus credit for the setting is given to her, also as a plus, here is the url to her exciting and most awesome comic, Slightly Damned:*


Rieksi Reqlat is a 16 year old wind demon with two tails, sky blue eyes, and 2 grand wings the could lift him up easily. He has a lithe structure, only being 108 pounds compared to the average of demons his age. He has deep blue fur with red highlights, and his shape represents that of a bipedal wolf. Rieksi's generally gentle nature is marred by a rather short temper, in which he often loses his head. An uncommon trait he has is his good conscience despite being a demon. It's from this that he absolutely hates hurting others, can't bear to kill someone, and is charitable to those younger or weaker than himself.

However, his life as a demon has not been an easy one. He's always teased and picked on for his morals, and being scolded by the older demons about his point of view on the war and his standing with angels. He hates going to school, seeing the curriculum being based off of stereotypes. He never learned how to read or speak angelic, but took the liberty to learn how to speak Lingo, despite no one being able or wanting to teach him how to read.

Lately he has looked on the horizon towards the flashing light in the distance, wondering what it was. Every time he sees that light a familiar voice floods his mind, always saying the same thing. It's due to this that he plans to go investigate the light, to see where it leads.

Chapter One: Setting Out

"What is it with that light? It ain't on time if it's supposed to be clockwork, but there's something uplifting about it..." Rieksi said to himself, looking out towards the platform the light shoots up from while sitting on a ledge in his usual spot near the circle of the slightly damned.

"One last kiss, before I go." the voice said as it came to his mind while watching the light flash.

"The voice... why does it sound so familiar? Why does it haunt me so when I've never been loved by anyone down here..." Rieksi blurted aloud to himself, thinking out loud.

The wolf demon got up and dusted himself off, straightening his coat and stretching comfortably before flying off toward his home. When he got there though, it was more than he expected. His dwelling was ablaze and scrawled on the walls were "angel lover" and "weakling".

Rieksi rushed in with tears in his eyes, searching for the one item that connected him to the past he couldn't remember. Staying moving at all times, he avoided being burnt, but his fur was singed by the time he came out, holding a necklace with stones spelling "Friend", and he put it on to comfort himself.

"They've gone too far this time, but now I have nothing keeping me here, nothing holding me back from seeing... Medius." He growled through his clenching teeth, trying his best to calm down.

He ran off towards the platform, knowing flying towards it would attract to much attention. stopping by an abandoned house to pick up his other keepsake, a small sword of blue steel and lotuses painted on the handle, Rieksi continued on. He threw the leather sheath aside and wielded the sword as best he could, his claws getting in the way of being able to fully clench the hardwood handle, and started running toward the guards near the platform, sword ready. The large demons woke up by the loud yelling and stumbled out of the way, letting the wolf charge pass before realizing what's going on. They caught up to him easily, Rieksi's legs not being that well coordinated for running like the angels he saw in class before he left, and he swung wildly to fend them off while backing up onto the ledge.

"I will not be hindered! I will see what is up there, whether I'm leaping through the light or crawling!" Rieksi shouted out while giving one of the guards a close shave to his chin.

"Reqlat! Do you really think your weak, pathetic body will be able to withstand anything up there!? You can't even swing that thing right!" The other guard, an earth demon, snickered out tauntingly despite his partner almost being beheaded.

"I may not be able to wield it well, but at least I'm good enough to wield it in the first place!" Rieksi snarled, lunging and impaling the laughing guard, causing his face to freeze as Rieksi twisted the blade to the sound of ribs snapping.

"Brother... Now you're going to get it, you angel lover!" The living guard snapped out, beginning to become enraged.

"This is where my practice comes in-" Rieksi muttered, sliding forward and deeply kissing the surprised sentry, making him calm down from confusion and just staring blankly.

"Wh-what in the name of Syndel was that!? Did... did you just kiss me? ew-" The warden asked, spitting out whatever saliva was in his mouth, shaking his head as if he ate something nasty.

"A farewell kiss to those who had the time to interact with me, now I must be off." Rieksi giggled out, seeing his plan worked and letting himself fall backward into the light.

"This isn't good..." I'm gonna lose my head for this, but HE needs to hear about this." the sentry grumbled, still spitting.

Rieksi hit the ground rather hard, making him cringe as his back his the grass and knocking the wind out of him. Groaning from pain, he sighed in relief after gaining his breath back that his wings weren't damaged. He got up and saw that he was in a cemetery, surrounded by headstones for a good while before the fence from any side. Walking toward a gap in the fence near a field, he noticed that a small group of creatures were looking at him in awe. Rieksi slid the sword into a loop of his belt and walked toward them curiously, never having seen a human before.

"Hello, what are you? I don't even know if I'm speaking the right language, for all I know you speak angelic..." Rieksi asked kindly, tilting his head from side to side and walking around them in fascination despite the human shivering with fright.

"Y-you don't even know what we are? We're humans, and y-you are a d-de-"

"Demon, yes, but it doesn't mean I'm malicious like the stereotype says. Actually unless you piss me off I really couldn't stand to hurt a fly, much less a, human was it? Hmm... you don't like me do you..." Rieksi retorted looking down at his feet in shame.

"I-I'm sorry, I'm just not used to a 'nice' demon, b-but what's your name? If you're looking for someone, there were a few others that popped out of the same grave not to long ago..."

"I'm Rieksi, and it's fine, I know your just asking because I look different... I'll just go..." Rieksi breathed out sadly, sulking toward the hole in the gate.

Hearing sighs of relief as he was walking away, Rieksi trudged through the hole in the gate, still finding nothing different up here than in hell in terms of his kindness going unreturned. He looked up at the sky, seeing it change colors, a prospect completely foreign to what he was used to, and gazed upon it entrancingly in the middle of the field. He looked until he stomach started growling, making him confused as to what it was.

"Oh wait, hunger, they were teaching us about that before I left, well I guess it's time to find a river and some prey." He said to himself, getting up and stretching from sitting in the same position for 3 hours.

It didn't take Rieksi long to find something to eat, as most of the animals were snoring and he gave up on trying to sneak up to prey while walking upright. Three squirrels later, he tried his best to listen for the sound of a constant moving object.

"How am I supposed to distinguish the sound from anything else in these woods if it's constant? Oh well, I'll just go where the sounds are louder." He said, thinking out loud again.

Finding a deer asleep, he woke it up and asked it where a river was, only to be greeted by a blank stare and then him being left there from it running away. He tried the same with other animals but was greeted with the same reaction every time, making him lose his self esteem. Finally he heard what he assumed was a river and went toward it cautiously, making sure not to wake anything else up. As he drew closer, he heard something singing softly and different plucking sounds. He huddled behind a bush and peered through it curiously, afraid of what was on the other side and gasping a bit too loudly. The angel shot up from the slouched position and set the instrument down gently, picking up a sword in it's place.

"Who's there? Come out into the moonlight so I can see you." The angel asked firmly, seeing a light rustle from the bushes and a shape makes it's way out a the shadows.

"I'm sorry if I startled you, this is a river right? I got hungry for the first time I've been here so I was looking for a place for, drinking I think it was called..."

"Back foul beast! You shall meet your reckoning!" The angel shouted angrily, pointing his sword at the wolf demon and studying it's movements.

"I don't want to fight! This whole war is stupid, I came up here hoping I could escape from it, but now I'm faced someone that's going to kill me over stereotype I don't even match up to in the slightest way." Rieksi retorted quickly, pulling his sword out and setting it on the ground, "Just go ahead and do it, it doesn't matter any more, all I've been greeted with is frightened eyes and not even given a chance to be friends with anyone, It's like I'm in hell, just different scenery..."

"You... You refuse to fight me? Oh thank Gaia, I'm a musician not a fighter, I'm sorry if I jumped to conclusions, what's your name?"

"Rieksi, but what does it matter, I'm either hated or feared no matter where I go." Rieksi answered, sitting on his knees and letting a lone tear fall onto the ground, "I have no friends anywhere, no matter what I do, no one goes past my appearance."

"That's not true, It's just I was scared because I was ambushed by a few demons earlier, I came to this river to tend the wounds... like I said, I'm no fighter by any means, the best I could do was put them to sleep and run." The angel replied guiltily.

"See? My appearance. You wouldn't have pointed that sword if it was an angel, I'll just grab some water and be on my way, I don't want to be any trouble." Rieksi stated guiltily, sulking over to the riverside and lapping up water as he was taught.

"And I lowered my sword as soon as you said you weren't going to attack, now why don't we start this as two with like minds, my name is Tyirin." The angel said, walking over and gently putting his hand on the wolf demon's shoulder, seeing the fragile creature flinch slightly.

Rieksi was already done lapping up water and was just letting his tears fall into the river, smiling to feel the kindness finally returned after so many years. Tyirin went over and picked up Rieksi's sword, examining the intricate handle and admiring the beautiful blue blade that glimmered in the moon light. The wolf demon was sitting on all fours, watching the angel stare at his weapon admiringly, giving him an idea of how get his new friend to abandon a demon slaying blade.

"If you want it you can have it, I... I can't remember who gave it to me, but I have a feeling it's the same person who's voice kept coming to my mind whenever the light flashed." Rieksi said gently, the fur around his eyes slightly matted and looking up to Tyirin with gentle eyes, "You're the first person who's been nice since I can't remember."

"I think I might take you up on that offer, it's a lot lighter than lugging that damn thing around, and it isn't meant for slaying either side specifically, but reading the inscription: both." Tyirin replied kindly, knowing the angelic blade must have made his new friend uneasy and turning around to find the wolf smiling and wagging both his tails in relief, "So why did you hide from me at first, anyway?"

"I-I guess I was a little shy and I didn't want to interrupt your song." Rieksi stated, embarrassed and blushing slightly.

"I guess it worked. That song is a special one, it's melody being a spell to attract friendly creatures. If you want I can show it to you." Tyirin said, seeing his new friend looking embarrassed.

Rieksi stood up and stretched, not used to sitting in such a position instead of his usual leaning back onto his elbows, feet out. Tyirin just looked up in awe, seeing how small he was to the wolf's 6' 8" height. Rieksi merely gave out a reassuring smile and sat down in a more comfortable position near the rock the angel was playing on before the event. Tyirin just giggled to himself at how he was dwarfed, seeing that Rieksi was more likely to be the guardian of the pair of them, and went over to the rock and picked up the instrument. The wolf listened intently, the notes sounding familiar to him, leading to him closing his eyes and quickly falling asleep. Seeing Rieksi fall asleep so quickly, he assumed that the song was a lullaby to his friend and packed the instrument into the satchel of supplies he was carrying before dozing off to the serene current of the river.

"No, please don't go! I don't know how I'd ever live without you!" Rieksi cried to the shadow who's eyes were the same as his own.

"I know our friendship was short lived, but if I stay any longer it will put both of us at risk." The voice said back in a calming tone, bending over and hugging the little wolf.

"Then take me with you, just please don't go without me!" Rieksi wept over the tall shadow's shoulder.

"I'm sorry, they wouldn't understand if you came along with me..." The figure stated gently, feeling his shirt absorb the salty solution, "but just remember, you have your coat, your necklace, your sword, and my lullaby to remind you of the time we spent together. If ever there is a possible friend nearby when you sing the lullaby, they will come to you, no matter what they are."

"The... the lullaby? But what about you? You'll come back won't you?" Rieksi asked, tears still flowing out of his eyes.

"I-I'm sorry but I won't be able to come back..." The figure said shedding a tear that sparkled against the pitch black face.

Rieksi shot up out of his sleep and howled "no" into the morning air, looking around after regaining his breath. He didn't see Tyirin anywhere, but only found a note on the rock he was sitting. Rieksi only looked down to his feet in frustration, hating not being able to read and threw the note on the ground. Sitting there to wait for his new friend, the sun reached noon before he gave up and assumed the angel wouldn't come back and cried.

"First that dream, a-and now this... Why am I damned to be so alone!?" Rieksi shouted into the air, suddenly hearing footsteps in the distance, "Oh no, It's probably a hunting party of humans looking for me..."

The wolf tried his best to hide behind the small rock, looking out from the side to see who was there. Tyirin came out of the bushes with two other angels, both looking around curiously for apparently him. The wolf poked out a little further trying to not scare the angel's friends who already had their swords brandished. Tyirin spotted him and went over to the scared canine demon, coaxing him out of the cover so he could meet the others.

"How do we know he isn't just being nice because he know he's out-matched?" The left angel dressed in green asked inquisitively, glaring at Rieksi maliciously.

"Because he would've killed me when we first met than willingly offer up his life, and what do you mean outmatched? None of us are really fighters, and I'm definitely shorter than him, go ahead and stand up." Tyirin explained and asked the wolf, seeing him already starting to stand up to stretch.

The two angels dropped their swords in fright as the demon yawned and flexed, trying to work out the kinks from sleeping. They backed up two paces and were getting ready to run before Tyirin ordered them to stop.

"S-sorry, I've just never seen a demon up close before, and I guess I let the stories in school get the best of me..." The angel in green stuttered out, going back to pick up his sword.

"I thought he was gonna roar, I heard their roars can paralyze anything..." The angel in red squeaked out, still cringing in fear to the demon's movements.

"I wish I didn't look like this... Why did I have to be born this way, I've never even done anything bad. I've never tortured anyone, never hurt anyone intentionally or that didn't deserve it. All I wanted was to find a place where I wasn't feared or hated, it's why I escaped out of hell in the first place." Rieksi explained, slumping back down to the ground with his head hung down, "The only one that did show me kindness I can't remember, all I know is I got that sword, this necklace, this coat, and his lullaby... that's right, who taught you that song on the instrument? That was the lullaby he'd always sing."

"You know, I really don't remember. It was some hooded guy who gave me the instrument in the first place, but I don't remember his name." Tyirin replied meekly, feeling bad for not remembering the cloaked man's name.

"Alright, so what are we gonna do today? I don't think the help center would even mistake this guy as a costume, but he doesn't deserve to be out of town, he's not an animal, no pun intended." The angel in green finished, looking toward Rieksi, who was blushing slightly.

"I don't know, maybe we could try getting him into the room we're staying in at night when everyone's sleeping. Or we could just put on a little act and make everyone think he's a prisoner..." The angel in red suggested, looking into the others' faces for a decision.

"It's up to you, we could try both at once for good measure, put on a show at night." The angel in green asked, looking for the wolf's approval.

"Well I don't want to be a burden... but if you insist, we'll put on an act, why not have a little fun?" Rieksi retorted smiling and wagging his tails excitedly.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot, the one in red is ironically Red, short for Redorick, and the one in green is Auroran." Tyirin pointed out, with Redorick giving out an insulted "oi" and Auroran merely bowing slightly, "So what did you mean by have a little fun?"

"I love to be contradicting to those with a closed mind, sneak me in as a prisoner first but help me out so I could tag along for the help center, I want to contribute too if you don't mind me tagging along..." Rieksi explained playfully, still in an optimistic mood, "after all, by the sound of it none of us have much to do, and I want to go make a difference of people's opinions."

"Well by the sound of it why don't we just go straight to the help center and get you a button so we can start right away?" Red replied simply, seeming to like the idea.

"Alright, it's settled. Let's be off, We're probably a little late than when we're usually starting at." Auroran stated walking off into the forest and being followed by everyone else.

They walked for about 2 hours to town, with Rieksi walking on all fours until they got near the gate, standing up and waling side-by-side with the angels. The guards near the gate gawked at first but then hid in the toll booths from the demon that was taller than themselves. Rieksi looked at all the foreign shops and shapes of the people, freely giving smiles despite what looks he got back. When they reached the help center counter, they asked for a button only to be greeted by a man looking behind them at the large demon who was walking upright.

"D-duh-duh-demon... be-be-"

"Oh it's fine, he's with us. Trust me, none of the stereotypes are anywhere near his personality." Tyirin stated reassuringly to the clerk, who just handed a button out to them with shaky hands.

"Are you sure this is the best idea? Everyone might just gawk or run away..." Red mumbled to Auroran who were both behind the wolf as he was trying to put the button on his coat.

"Here, let me help you put it on, I could understand where you're coming from, I have the same struggle with threads..." Tyirin giggled out, fastening the button onto the wolf's jacket.

"Well, Tyirin likes him, that's all that counts, plus it's not like we have anything to do, we're out of the war and there's no way back home, so let's just try to enjoy every experience we have." Auroran whispered back to Red.

"This is a perfect chance for Rieksi to help us, I remember the first time we went to help... anyway let's get going." Tyirin said grabbing the wolf's large hand, oblivious to him blushing from the contact.

"I think that's gonna do wonders for the 'strange things on Medius' factor..." Red snickered out, looking over and seeing Auroran only roll his eyes and go catch up with the other two, "what, what did I say?"

Seeing it was beginning to be dusk, the group went to help a few other people before it was dark and they went inside. They went about splitting the funds four ways, which was easier than them always fighting over the last coin. Rieksi took his share and looked at it curiously, never having used or seen currency before. Tyirin walked over and started teaching him things from basic courtesy to currencies and spending.

"You know, I'm actually starting to think Ty has a thing for him with how much attention he gives him..." Auroran whispered to Red who was also glancing over to the couple.

"I know, but it's just odd how a demon is so gentle and aware of others' feelings, despite you know, being a demon. Merely seeing him, let alone getting to know him, has actually made me truly start to question what I was taught in school." Red replied, looking over and seeing the wolf demon smiling and listening to Tyirin.

"There is no such thing as one of a kind, I'm sure we'll find another like him..." Auroran stated sleepily, yawning and letting his torso roll backward onto the bed.

Red trudged over to his own bed and and laid on it, quickly falling asleep from today's workout. Tyirin soon also yawned in the middle of one of his explanations, starting to stand up and stretch while finishing the current point to the wolf. Rieksi couldn't help but stretch as well, his tails wagging in comfort as he began to follow the angel to the other room they were staying in. Seeing Tyirin go to sleep on the bed, the demon tried his best to follow suit on the other bed but was too tall. Rieksi just circled around a few times by instinct before laying curled up on the cold floor and went to sleep that way.

Rieksi was watching the tall figure leave, somehow not being able to move or run after him, crying out for him to come back. All he saw on the figure's face was the sparkling tear, not even being able to catch one last glimpse of his only friend's facial features. All he could do was sit there and weep, not being able to move, not being able to follow, only being overcome with a sudden loneliness. Rieksi soon felt lightheaded from calling after the man, and fell asleep in tears.

"NOO- wha? Where am I? Oh yeah, that's right, we're in town..." The wolf said to himself, thinking out loud being a natural habit.

"Are you okay? It sounded like a nightmare, Do you want to share?" Tyirin asked concernedly, seeing the fur around his friend's eyes a little matted.

"It's nothing, just a past I can't recall. I can't see his face or remember his name anymore, and it's likewise in the dreams. He was the only person that actually talked to me with kindness in hell, yet I can't remember the name..." Rieksi explained, feeling his words were heavy with sadness and wanted to change the subject, "Nevermind, let's just go get something to eat, my stomach's growling again."

"Alright, but you don't have to keep it all to yourself. I'm here for you, and you're stuck with us until there's something more grand is afoot. So like it or not, you're opening up to us or I just may have to tickle it out of you!" Tyirin exclaimed playfully, grinning widely and raising his fingers.

"What's tickling? And why are you raising your hands toward me like that?" Rieksi asked curiously, confused about what was going on.

"I'll just have to show you then, come here!" Tyirin exclaimed, jumping toward his canine friend and noticing him being very sensitive, "Oh this is gonna be easy..."

"S-stop, w-what are you doing!?" Rieksi laughed out hardly, never having been tickled before and never realizing he was so sensitive.

They went at it for around 10 minutes, with Tyirin tickling all the normal places on the average person and finding a few along the wolf's arms when he moved them to counter the contact. It eventually switched places with Rieksi now poking at the angel's sides and stomach with gentle movements, seeing the angel was only slightly less sensitive than he was himself. Finally it ended when Red burst into the room and saw the demon on top of his friend and grabbed the hilt of his sword.

"Hee~ it's fine Red, it's fine, I was just showing him what tickling was..." Tyirin still laughing as the canine poked him one last time in the belly before moving to let the trapped companion up.

"The whole inn was wondering what was going on, we couldn't distinguish whether you two were laughing or calling out for help." Redorick explained, lifting his hand off his sword quickly and sighing in relief, "Plus I lost a ten coin bet, Auroran guessed you were just playing around and he got it right."

"You don't assume either of us would hurt each other would you? You should know better..." Tyirin stated in a criticizing tone, seeing Rieksi flinch to the manner it was said.

"What are you flinching for? Now I'm gonna be paranoid on when he's gonna start doing it..." Red squeaked out, rubbing the back of his head with his gloved hand.

"Do wha-"

"Belly check!" Tyirin called out as he connected an open palm to Red's stomach while walking past, "What's for breakfast?"

"Eggs..." the angel in red coughed out, rubbing his abdomen where the hand connected, "Why do you have to be so quick for demonstration..."

The trio hurried down the stairs, with Rieksi being last and doing his best to keep his balance, never having gone down stairs before. Red flicked a silver coin to Auroran, who caught it and listened to the ringing to make sure it was genuine. Tyirin was holding the wolf's hand and helping his companion down, in which the citizens in the inn could only look in kindness to the sight.

"So how would you like your eggs? Sunny side up, scrambled..." Tyirin asked gently to the blushing wolf.

"I... I've never had eggs before..." Rieksi whispered back, looking down at his feet.

"Well then we'll just have to try different kinds every day until we find out what you like." The angel said back quietly, lifting up the wolf chin to look into his eyes and smiling, "Let's try scrambled today."

The group sat down at a table near the doorway to eat, with Rieksi trying to use the etiquette Tyirin taught him the night before. Tyirin was slightly blushing while watching the wolf grasp a fork and eat the small chunks with his large mouth. He finished before the others, taking the plate to the kitchen and putting it in the sink despite the cook eying him suspiciously. The others soon followed, with Tyirin being last and giggling to the wolf.

"I think we'll just try giving you a more 'one piece' egg, I'm thinking it wasn't very filling..." Tyirin pointed out, seeing the demon look embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, I dunno how much I can even eat, my stomach is still growling," Rieksi explained guiltily, trying to ignore the hunger, "It seems it doesn't stop either."

"Nonsense, here. This should be enough to hold you over, eat up until you feel satisfied." Tyirin said, handing him his share of yesterday's work split.

"I-I couldn't, this is your-"

"Ours, we're all together remember?" the angel interrupted, putting his finger to the wolf's lips, "Now eat up, we'll be around town."

Rieksi did as he was told, sitting back down, and glancing at the menu then gazing at his feet. The angels were already out the door and doing the tasks listed on the task queue, Tyirin's thoughts always returning to the wolf and wondering what he was really doing. Rieksi was just looking down at himself and letting his stomach growl, not being able to read the menu and not being able to order anything.

"What's the matter, your body not where your mind is?" The innkeeper asked while coming over, starting to hear the stomach growls.

"I... I don't know how to read, I don't even know what food looks like besides squirrels and those eggs. No one ever taught me any of this back in hell, I learned Lingo on my own." Rieksi explained to the innkeeper who put his hand on the wolf's shoulder comfortingly, despite the shoulder being at his ribs in terms of height.

"It's fine, not every angel can either, even some children don't know how to read, but it's whether you're willing to learn or not. That's the key you use to either lock or open the gate to knowledge." The innkeeper explained intricately, seeing the wolf being able to understand every word despite not being able to read, "Yet you speak Lingo so well, I'm sure it would be easy for you to pick up reading."

"Thanks... So what is all this?" Rieksi asked curiously, seeing the innkeeper flush slightly.

"Well first you should start with the alphabet, one step at a time, but I'll tell you what; I'll have the cook give you a sample of all the meals so you can find what you like for oh... a silver coin?" The innkeeper suggested positively, seeing the cook shake his head and walk back into the kitchen.

"That's this one right?" the wolf asked, holding up a copper coin and seeing the innkeeper sigh slightly, "This one?"

"Yes that's it, might have to get you to learn colors as well..." The innkeeper stated, taking the silver coin out of the wolf's paw gently and turned towards the kitchen, winding up, "You heard me! You want your pay, you're gonna earn it!"

Hearing grumbles from the kitchen, Rieksi starting hearing metal objects clanking all around the room across from the entrance. He occasionally caught a glimpse of the young cook hastily walking back and forth across the doorway in haste. Plate upon plate of multiple small samples per dish came out, and the demon ate them eagerly, seeming to like the meats far more than vegetables. After 6 plates were stacked up neatly, Rieksi pointed to the numbers of the ones he liked, not knowing what the strange symbols were. The innkeeper offered to give Rieksi a full plate of one of the dishes he liked, but the wolf said he was feeling sort of satisfied and sick.

"This is probably the first time you've felt full... Alright, but if I hear that stomach of yours going off I'll make the dish myself." The innkeeper stated jokingly, seeing Rieksi pick up on the uplifting mood.

"Thank you..." Rieksi retorted, getting ready to go outside.

"Never thought I'd hear a demon say thank you... speaking of which here's your pay today, you did a fine job on cooking and keeping time." The innkeeper commented to the teenage cook, flicking him the silver coin and seeing the adolescent's face brighten.

"Thanks boss!" The cook simply said, eagerly pocketing the money and getting back to work.

Rieksi look around for his friends but they were nowhere to be found, he wandered around the outskirts of town until he heard a rustle from the bushes and muffled yelling. The wolf went over to check it out, finding the trio tied up and a large earth demon guarding the prisoners.

"Tyirin! You untie them this instant or I'll knock you out cold and free them myself!" Rieksi exclaimed, standing upright and meeting the other demon at eye level.

"Why don't you make me!? I haven't had much of a challenge all day, I hope you're different..." The demon snarled back with a malicious grin sharpening his claws on a nearby tree.

Rieksi lunged at the demon quicker than it could respond, knocking it off balance, but he was too light to knock the demon off its feet.

"My you're a quick one, but you're also light. what are you, a fur ball? This isn't a challenge..." The demon snickered out tauntingly, seeing Rieksi getting ready to lunge again.

Rieksi kept his eyes locked on the demon but slashed to the side, cutting the ropes that were binding the angels. Seeing them scurry for cover, he dodged a heavy swing of the foe with ease, countering with the best he could claw at the open ribs. Seeing it did little damage, Rieksi sighed in frustration before the demon could turn around and lunged at the adversary's neck, teeth first. Rieksi clamped down as hard as he could, having much greater strength in his jaws than his arms, swinging to the side out of the reach of the roaring demon's hand. The demon swung harshly, being fueled by anger as he looked at the blood from checking his neck. Rieksi took a false step and stumbled out of the way of the large fist coming down right behind his tails. Seeing the error in Rieksi's footing, the demon swung down in front of where the wolf was, connecting with his shoulders. Rieksi yelped in pain, but regained his composure and slid under the demon's arm, delivering a thrust kick to the earth guardian's sensitive area and rolling forward back into fighting position. The foe roared in anger, delivering a sweeping hook and connecting hard with Rieksi's ribs after falling onto the ground from his legs giving out. Rieksi whimpered in pain as his light body hit a tree from being carried by the blow. Rieksi tried his best to breathe, not used to pain and his heart feeling fatigued. The enemy laughed evilly, seeing the little canine's downfall and lunged again with a hook. Rieksi slammed his hand on the ground, creating a shield the stopped the demon's blow dead in its tracks. The wolf built up the energy he could and released it on the other demon, sending him back into a tree. The demon got up, fueled by adrenaline, and charged at the hindrance, only missing Rieksi by inches as he rolled away and let the assailant headbutt the timber, knocking it down.

"HEL-lo, this ain't good... timber!" Tyirin called from above having climbed the tree for safety.

"Tyirin! Now that's it!" Rieksi growled out, his eyes becoming deep blue as he started going berserk.

"Rieksi... Red hand me my instrument! I think I can calm him down!" Tyirin shouted out to his companion holding the supplies on his back.

Red tossed the lute down to the angel on the ground, all the while the wolf was mauling the stunned demon and tearing him to shreds. Tyirin played the tune that rang in Rieksi's ears, making him turn his head toward the defenseless angel. He began running toward him but slowed down as the tune went on, making his eyes return to normal and his physique relax, as he got drowsy and fell asleep. Tyirin se the lute down gently and ran over to the unconscious demon, kneeling by his side and cleaning his face with a few tissues he kept in his pockets. After a bit he realized that there wasn't only blood on his companion's face, but saw the fur under his eyes matted with tears as well.

"What's wrong, something else there?" Auroran asked, coming out of a bush.

"Just another contradiction to what they were trying to nail in our heads, demons do feel emotion when they're berserk. See? He was crying..." Tyirin pointed out, picking up the wolf's hands and cleaning them of the scarlet liquid.

"I'm sorry I ever doubted you, killing your own kind to protect us... I was too cautious..." Red aired out under his breath, seeing the wolf lay there unconscious and the other demon merely a bloody pile of bones, entrails, and torn clothes.

"I'll go get a wagon, his coat is torn enough, I don't think the pavement would do to well to it either if we were to drag him." Auroran stated, running off towards town.

"I'll go grab your lute, do you want it or should I just put it back in with the supplies?" Red asked gently, seeing Tyirin holding the wolf's hand and stroking the fur in worry.

"I'll take it, I don't want it to burden you... please be alright Rieksi, don't leave me..." Tyirin, sighed, feeling his eyes start to get watery.

Auroran came back with a couple more people and a wagon, who helped the trio get the peacefully sleeping demon into the back. Tyirin took the jacket off and walked with it into town where he walked into a tailor shop to get it fixed. Red looked at the demon's bare torso, seeing a giant bruise starting to form on the ribs, and seeing many other scars that ranged from looking recent to being almost completely faded.

"It's obvious he's endured a lot more than this, but how much has he endured in the name of friendship? It seems like the oldest scar is from around 8-9 years ago looking at the fading, and he says he doesn't remember his past..." Red sighed out, examining the scars more closely.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, he might mistake your head as something to cuddle with." Auroran giggled out quietly, seeing the angel in red leaning close to observe the shapes and sizes of different scars.

"Huh? What do you- ack! Hey this ain't right... quick, pass the deodorant!" Red exclaimed out in surprise from Rieksi's long arms wrapping around and pulling him close, his underarm being over Red's chest.

Auroran merely kicked back in his seat and laughed, watching the struggling angel give up on moving from the demon's clingy grasp. Tyirin ran up and jumped onto the step of the wagon, sitting down on the edge with an identical unscathed version of Rieksi's coat in his arms. He looked back and saw Red under the wolf's arm, his expression perplexed and grumpy. Tyirin just laughed alongside Auroran, setting down the folded coat on an empty seat and looking out to the town that was rolling backward into the horizon. Both of them noticed that it was getting close to dusk as they pulled into the help center to treat the injured canine.

"Well I've never done anything to a demon, but he had a broken rib and some pretty nasty bruises, what did he get into?" The doctor asked, coming out of the room Rieksi was in.

"A fight with a non-friendly demon to protect us. He won but... is it okay to see him at this time?" Tyirin asked concernedly, holding onto the coat and getting ready to get up out of his seat.

"It's fine, but be quick, he needs sleep to recover the rest of the way." The doctor stated clearly before walking into another room.

Tyirin rushed inside the room and saw Rieksi laying there half awake. He set the coat down on a chair and sat on the edge of the bed, seeing his companion's eyes blink heavily. Red and Auroran just stood by the door, watching Tyirin rush over and talk to Rieksi, the demon only really able to nod and shake his head to make a clear yes or no.

"Are you okay? I hope you didn't push yourself to hard, no one has risked their life to save us like that, and I used the money we earned today to repair your coat..." Tyirin explained worriedly, seeing the demon nod and mumble a slurred "thanks" before fully nodding off.

The Story of a Lonely Demon Ch. 2

The Story of a Lonely Demon Chapter 2: unexpected company Rieksi was singing the lullaby to himself, hoping to attract someone to talk to since his only friend went away, never to come back. He sung it over and over, still no one came...

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Memoirs of Dragora Ch. 15

Memoirs of Dragora Chapter 15: Evanescence Into Elation The ship was down to cruising through the chilling waters, with not even a breeze in the air at all to be harnessed. Farresetia was shivering while manning the helm, her muzzle...

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Memoirs of Dragora Ch. 14

Memoirs of Dragora Chapter 14: Love's Escutcheon Dragora woke up feeling a bit better than when he fell asleep, but he didn't bother to move for fear of where the pain might hit. He just laid there, looking up to the covered sky, smiling to...

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