A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 8: Two Trainers Collide, Litterally

Story by Aquos on SoFurry

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#8 of A New Start As A Trainer

Hey guys, Oathy here! I have a SPECIAL chapter with me: me and TripleX have teamed up to bring a COMBINED STORY CHAPTER *angelic music plays*!!!!!!

In my part, I will tell you what happens between my OC (Lucas) and 3X's OC (David). Hopefully you'll enjoy this chapter.

CAUTION: I/ Oathkeeper35 do not hold or own any rights to the characters and/or Pokemon listed, only my main character. Also, this story may contain yaoi and sex scenes . If your old enough (physically and mentally) to be mature about it, read to your hearts content; if not, DON'T.


(I'll start with David's POV)

After the battle I had with Logan. Me and my companions were still walking (floating for Latias and Latios' case) down the path of route 202. Where Jubilife City lies ahead of us within just minutes as the sun shun brightly in the afternoon sky.

"Treecko you did awesome! I didn't know you had it in you." I complimented as I picked up the gecko Pokemon and place him on my right shoulder. Also being careful as I lift the Treecko up, since I didn't want to hurt him from the rough battle he had with Logan's Bidoof.

"Oh c'mon David, if it weren't for you I've would of been a goner." Treecko pointed out while sitting proudly on my shoulder as he patted my head.

"Yeah, I guess......" I said just as I thought about the battle Treecko had with Bidoof.

While I was picturing the battle in my mind as if the images were playing like a movie, I couldn't help but question about Treecko's battle. I know he did amazing throughout the battle and I'm proud of him and all. But I didn't see anything wrong with Treecko that would make him lose in a battle.

What could of Treecko been doing wrong when he was with his previous trainer? I mean when Treecko was with me he did nothing but follow my commands and was doing fine. Although I did notice some hesitation when he was trying to perform my commands, but that's about it.

'Maybe it's the way he's been treating Treecko and his approach of battling.' I thought as I was thinking that it might be the only way Treecko would perform poorly when battling with his previous trainer and the way he's been treated.

It's going to take awhile for Treecko to get over his experiences of his last trainer, but he has us now to help him during the process, and I know his life is going to be safer and better than the life he use to have.


(Normal POV)

"So did I do good as well?" Lucario asked smoothly, interrupting David's thoughts as the aura Pokemon came up from behind and rubbed her side against the surprised trainer from her left.

'If only she didn't basically 'rape' me from the waterfall, then this wouldn't be as awkward.' David thought while Lucario kept on rubbing her soft fur against the trainer. "Uh...... yeah you did great." The trainer replied rather awkwardly as well as tried to sound enthusiastic for the aura Pokemon for once.

"Although she could have been less...... brutal against that Luxio." Latios said, approaching them calmly as he then shoved Lucario to the side and he was now floating right next to the left side of David's head while nuzzling it with his own.

The blue Eon's gesture towards David made Lucario glare at the floating Pokemon. As the display was pretty much right in front of her. When Latios turned his head and looked down at her, he had a menacing expression that would say, 'He belongs to me and don't you dare go near him.' As Latios as well clung his arms around his beloved to get the message through. But Lucario didn't care at the moment, because she remembered that unnecessary criticism that Latios told him.

"Well Latios there's an old saying called, 'survival of the fittest' and that's what I used." Lucario said in a blunt tone.

"You could of have at least use less force to win that battle." Latios suggested, not caring if his voice was louder for everyone to hear.

"Now where would be all the fun in that?" The aura Pokemon said as she turn her sights away from the angry blue Eon Pokemon while (the second time) having her eyes closed and placing her paws at the back of her head in a careless like manner.

"But you could have seriously injured that Luxio, or worse!" Latios now shouted. He could not believe what Lucario had just said. Did the aura Pokemon not care for another Pokemon's health? Or is it just her way of fighting?

"So......" Lucario spat out. "It's his fault for not reacting so quickly....... amateur......" She muttered that last comment as it had seemed that no one heard that insult. The blue Eon Pokemon was about to argue back when......

"Hehe, hey look we're here!" Latias interrupted as she places herself between her brother and the aura Pokemon, not wanting their arguments to go any further, because 1: their argument was rather ridiculous, 2: this argument could end up something more or worse, and 3: everyone was at the entrance of Jubilife City.


The view of the city was just amazingly massive. Nothing but tall structures of buildings and towers inside the large modernized city. Bustling with people on the go in a hurry as they went on with their daily lives.

David once again took out his Pokedex to check the city map and to see where the Pokemon Center was located in it. When he found what he was looking for, the Center was just up north of where David and his companions were at. But the thing is that it's almost at the far end of the huge city. If David had to guess, it would probably take him about a 20-30 minute walk. Maybe a little longer due to so many people walking throughout the city, so that might slow him down a bit.

But before everyone could go in Jubilife, David noticed how big the city was and how the city contained large amount of people there. He realized he couldn't let his two Eon Pokemon float along side with him as they go in the city. It would draw too much attention of the attraction of two legendary Pokemon with an ordinary kid (if you think he's ordinary XD). And David found out previously that there was a TV station called, 'Jubilife TV'. So he doesn't want to get cameras shoved up to his face as the news reporter constantly ask questions about how he manage to get two legendary Pokemon.

So David chose to return Latias and Latios into their Pokeball, but not without a certain blue Eon Pokemon giving the trainer a quick kiss on the lips before he was consumed into the red and white Pokeball. David also returns Lucario to his Pokeball, since she would probably attract attention as well. Not only because of the rarity of the aura Pokemon, but her behaviour too.

Ever since Lucario had joined David and his companions, she would nonstop flirt, seduce, and sexually giving looks towards David without anyone else knowing (but maybe a protective Latios would XD).

As much as he would admit to himself, but not to anyone else that he actually like the treatment he's getting from the aura Pokemon. He had a committed relationship with his loving blue Eon Pokemon and he can't risk ruining that.

So after David returned Lucario that would only leave Treecko. But he decided to keep him out as the gecko Pokemon sat happily on his shoulder. Besides, the trainer wanted to have a little chit-chat with the gecko Pokemon anyway. And so forth without delaying any further, David along with Treecko on his shoulder went off in the massive city known as Jubilife.


(With David and Treecko)

As David calmly walked along the sidewalk, it was just crowded with people while they were brushing pass him. He could almost not see where he was heading.

'God dammit and I thought living in Hong Kong was crowded, but this is just ridiculous.' The trainer thought in frustration as another set of adults bump into him.

At one point the bumping became too much and it almost knock Treecko off his shoulder. Luckily he was able to catch the gecko Pokemon before he hit the ground.

"So Treecko are you having a good time traveling with me?" David asked curiously as he places the gecko Pokemon on his shoulder again. Also by the looks of it, the crowd of people seem to subside as he was now walking with only a few people walking past him.

"Definitely, I'm having a great time, David!" Treecko replied, sounding more confident than ever before. David suspected it was probably after the battle he had and that it might of gave him more of a confidence boost. He bet that it took a lot off of Treecko's shoulders of not having to fear of battling other Pokemon as he use to be. "Also your battle with Bidoof today was absolutely amazing." The trainer proudly commented while giving the gecko Pokemon a pat on the head. "Oh, and that flip you did in the end and that your tail hit Bidoof on the head was so cool." He added in. Additionally making the gecko Pokemon flush at the compliment he usually doesn't get as often.

"C'mon it wasn't that cool." Treecko said while bashfully looking away.

"Nonsense, you did great and I couldn't be any happier." David said, encouraging the gecko Pokemon. Although, while Treecko's battle was the subject of the conversation, it reminded David the feint glow that the gecko Pokemon was surrounded from after his battle. "Hey Treecko, did you by any chance feel...... different after your battle?" The trainer asked suddenly as Treecko then thought for a few seconds.

"Actually, I do feel a bit stronger and I do feel that I have more energy." The gecko Pokemon replied shortly.

"So you haven't notice or feel anything else about yourself?" The trainer's voice sounding somewhat disappointed as Treecko thought again for a brief moment.

"Hmmm...... nope that's about it." The gecko Pokemon said innocently.

'Figures......' David thought in despair, as well as already knowing the answer before Treecko could even respond back. But he had a feeling that Treecko didn't know the answer anyway. Meaning, it didn't give him much to figure out on how to solve the mysterious glow from Treecko that he found so familiar of. Thus in the end it looks like he was going to have to ask Nurse Joy once arriving at the Pokemon Center. 'Nurse Joy probably knows more than me anyways.' The trainer thought as he and Treecko continue their way towards the Pokemon Center while going through the massive city of Jubilife.


On their way to the Pokemon Center, they decided they would do a little sightseeing of the city. David thought it might pass the time during their long walk. Besides, it's kind of hard not to look at anything while being in a city as massive and as crowded as the one they're in.

As both of them pass by, they notice a 'Trainer's School' to their left and it was packed with kids all over the school grounds. David always wondered what the school pacifically teaches there. He knows it's something about learning to be a trainer and Pokemon of course. But he wanted to know what method they use to teach there.

Is it the way they teach the kids like the school that David came from? If it does, then he doesn't want to go near it. But now that he thinks about it, he doesn't want to go to any school. The school years were probably the worst and most boring experience in his life. Sure you learn some helpful stuff that would help you later on in life, but the rest are just a bunch of bull shit you don't need to know. (Am I right? XD)

But anyhow they both kept on walking and saw to their right was the 'Jubilife TV' station. But it seems that it was closed for today as both David and Treecko saw a sign on the front doors saying, 'Jubilife TV is Closed for Today'. So they didn't pay any attention in mind about the closed TV station and continue to their destination.


The rest of the way to the Pokemon Center didn't take as long as they thought it would as they are now at the front doors of the center.

When they enter the center, it pretty much looks the same as the one back in Sandgem Town, but David figured that all or most Pokemon Centers are probably going to look the same.

"Hi Nurse Joy, could you patch up my Treecko for me?" David asked as he approaches the front desk where the nurse was behind it while doing her paper works.

"Hmm? Oh sure, Chansey!" Nurse Joy called. As within a few seconds a Chansey with a nurse's hat came from the back doors and quickly approaches them as the egg Pokemon waited patiently for the patient.

David then took hold of Treecko from his shoulder and set the gecko Pokemon down in front of Chansey. The egg Pokemon at that instant held her small paw towards Treecko, indicating to take it and follow her. But Treecko at that moment looks back at David with a worried expression on his face.

It sort of reminded the trainer of a child scared of going to the doctors. Even though Treecko has more confidences now, he always seems to feel more secure whenever close to or around David. The trainer guessed it's understandable since the gecko Pokemon can only trust him and the rest of his companions, because...... well...... you know.

"Don't worry, you can trust Chansey." David assuring the feared Treecko as he reluctantly nods his head. Chansey smiled reassuredly and gently took his paw and made their way to through the back hallway and went through the double doors where both Pokemon disappeared as the doors closed behind them. After David watch Treecko disappear through the doors, he paid his attention back to the nurse behind the desk.

"Oh, Nurse Joy could you heal my other Pokemon as well?" The trainer asked while taking out three Pokeballs.

"Of course." The nurse happily replied as she took the Pokeballs out of David's hands and puts them on a tray. She took the tray and places it in a machine where the nurse then activates it. While the machine does its work, the Pokeballs slowly flashes a glow for a few seconds until the machine turns off and the Pokeballs stopped glowing. "There you go. Is there anything else you need?" Nurse Joy asked while giving back David's Pokeballs as he then place them back in his belt.

"Umm, yes there is." The trainer said. Seeing the flashing glows from the Pokeballs gave him a sudden jolt of memory about the feint glows coming off of Treecko back from his battle. "What does it mean when your Pokemon starts to glow for a few seconds and then it suddenly stops?" David questioned.

Also having the familiarity of the glow from the gecko Pokemon, but he doesn't know what the glow meant really bothered him. It kind of disappointed him as well because he felt that he should know this kind of stuff, especially about Pokemon but he guessed not.

"Well that just means that your Pokemon is going to evolve soon." Nurse Joy said simply with ease as if it's not an impossible trivia question.

"Really?" David exclaimed, as Nurse Joy nods her head. The trainer then mentally slaps himself for not knowing the key element when it comes to Pokemon evolution. 'Could this mean that Treecko is going to evolve into a Grovyle?' David questionably thought. 'If so than that's going to be so cool!' he thought excitedly.

Grovyle were also one of David's favorite Pokemon. When he saw Ash's Grovyle back at the real world on TV, he was pretty much hooked.

"Wait so you said soon, right? So that means that my Pokemon going to have to battle a few more times in order to evolve?" David asked.

While during the trainer and the nurse's conversation, Chansey came walking back along with a better looking Treecko close behind.

"It depends how strong the opponent is. If your Pokemon defeats a strong Pokemon, then your Pokemon will evolve sooner. But if your Pokemon defeats a weaker Pokemon, then it would take longer for your Pokemon to evolve." Nurse Joy explained. It was until then that David notice Treecko coming back from his treatment and was looking better than he previously did.

"Well thanks for the help Nurse Joy. Now which room can I stay for the night?" David questioned while picking up Treecko and places him on his shoulder.

"You'll be sleeping in room 2 on the next floor." Nurse Joy said while looking at her computer. David said his thanks and was about to head to the next floor when...... "Wait, I'm sorry but you can't have your Pokemon stay in the room with you." Nurse Joy said as David stops in his tracks.

"Why?" Was all the trainer could let out as he and Treecko stare back at the nurse in confusion.

"It's a strict rule here now." The nurse said with a remorseful look on her face as she then started explaining. "One night a trainer let out all his Pokemon in one of the rooms they were staying for the night. The next day, the whole room was basically destroyed. So we can't have any trainers let their Pokemon out in the room they're staying in, no matter how big or small they are." The nurse clarifies as she frowned.

"Oh......" David said awkwardly as he went deep in thought. 'If I can't let anybody out, especially Latios. I don't even want to know what he'll do to me once I let him out later on.' The trainer thought while having a shiver up his spine. "Well, ok. I guess I'll go somewhere else then." David spoke up as he turns around and was about to head towards the door when a voice made stop in his tracks again.

"I'm sorry. I don't make the rules, I just follow them." Nurse Joy said with an apologizing expression.

"It's ok, well bye." The trainer said as he and Treecko went out the doors.

"Bye-bye." Nurse Joy waved and then went back to her works.

(Now to Lucas and his gang, in Normal POV)

"Damn! How big is this forest?! It's like we've been walking forever!" complained Kirlia. So far the team of three has been walking ever since 9:00 AM, which was two and a half hours ago acording to Lucas's PokeDex. Lucas, starting to get annoyed by Kirlia, tried to re-assure the pissed Kirlia, "Don't worry," He pulled out his PokeDex and tapped the map setting "we're right here; Jubilife is here; this is where we started. See? We're almost there."

"Thank God! My paws are starting to hurt!" said Lucario in relief.


"Oh. My. GOD!" was the one thing that everyone said when they reached Jubilife a half an hour later. Lucas knew Jubilife was big but this.....this was ridiculous! Lucas was troubled by how big it was and turned to his Pokemon, "Guys, I'm gonna have to return you to the balls.... I don't want to loose you in the crowd."

"Alright, Lucas. No prob!" said Lucario.

"Well....I guess. But send us out once you're at the P.C!' said Kirlia. Lucas replied with an "Okay" and returned the his companions into the balls.


"Um..excuse me could y-"


Pardon me, but can you dirtec-"

"Hey, could you tell me where th-" muttered Lucas to passerbys. He's been trying this for 20 minutes.

"Dammit! Will ANYBODY TELL ME WHERE THE POKEMON CENTER IS?!" He started to pound the ground in frustration. When he looked up, he looked up and saw the red roof of the P.C. He slapped his forehead in stupidity:

"STUPID! How could I have over-looked that?!" he cried while laughing at himself.


After twenty minutes of weaving through the crowd, Lucas finally made to the entrance. He was exhausted, but was able to cheer:

"YES! TAKE THAT JUBILIFE! I MANUEVERED THROUGH YOUR TWISTED CROWD!" Only then did he say it did he realized how stupid and immature that sounded. He threw that thought to the back of his mind and started to walk in, only to run into a trainer walking out.

"OWWW!" cried both, as they both landed on their butts infront of the entrance. Lucas was first to get up.

"Oh God! I'm SO sorry! Here," he said holding out a hand "lemme help!"

"Thanks. And no worries about it, I should have watched where I was going." the other trainer replied as he accepted the offer. After he was up, the trainer knelt back down and picked up two Pokeballs.

"Here: I think you dropped this."

"Thanks," Lucas said as he took one of the Pokeballs "See ya." then he walked past the trainer, waving back at him.


(Lucas's POV)

"Okay. Now to send Lucario and Kirlia out, they MUST need streching." I told myself as I took the Pokeball I dropped, and was given back by that kind trainer I accidentally ran into, and one of the Pokeballs from my belt and tossed them up. When they were sent out, I felt that something was amiss: Lucario was looking around, as if he didn't notice me or even KNOW me. I asked, "Lucario, something wrong?"

"Who are you?" asked the Arua Pokemon in a feminine voice. That caught me by suprise and my instincys INSTANTLY told me this Lucario was obviously a girl. She just looked at me akwardly.

"You...your not me Lucario!" I replied scared.

"And you aren't David!" she said mad getting ready to attack. Then she asked me, "WHERE. IS. DAVID?!"

Kirlia reacted faster then I did by using Psychic on the crazed Pokemon, keeping her in place. I told Kirlia to keep her in-place so I could try and talk to her to calm her down.

"Okay..... calm down Lucario. My name is Lucas," the female Lucario was still figiting around "I'm sorry I'm not your trainer. But I THINK I can try and find him: we ran into each other and our Pokeballs. Got. Switched....... Oh God! I think David might be in trouble by MY Lucario!"

(David's POV before the encounter)

"I'm sorry I don't make the rules, I just follow them." Nurse Joy said with an apologizing expression.

"It's ok, well bye." The trainer said as he and Treecko went out the doors.

"Bye-bye." Nurse Joy waved and then went back to her works.

Both David and Treecko was about to exit out the doors when something, or rather than SOMEONE ran into him. Making him and the other individual off on their asses, both rubbing their behinds painfully.

"Owww!" They both groaned. The unknown person who knocked off David was the one who recovered before David as he, or she, got up.

"Oh god! I'm so sorry, here lemme help." The person offered with a hand towards David. The trainer gladly took it and quickly says a 'thanks' to the individual who helped him up to his feet.

"Sorry I should of watch where I was going." David said apologetically to a male trainer he was now looking at. He was wearing a black shirt with a Jack Skelington head on the front. Over the shirt was a red and black checkered flannel shirt. He had dark blue jeans along with white shoes. Overall David's opinion about the teens attire looked kind of..... 'gothic' to him. Not that he has a problem with it, it just looks strange to him, with the whole skull thing and such.

David then notice two Pokeballs on the ground, thinking that they both dropped one during their 'collision'.

So, being the nice person he was, David kneel down and picked up the two Pokeballs and unconsciously gave one of the Pokeballs to the trainer

"Here, I think you dropped this." David said as he handed the Pokeball to the trainer while putting his own in his belt. The trainer said his thanks and walk pass him, into the Pokemon Center.

David was about to leave himself when he realized that Treecko was no with him anymore.

"Treecko where are you?" The trainer called, worry slowly developing inside of him.

"Over here!" The gecko Pokemon called out of nowhere, his voice sound muffled.

"Where? I can't see you." He said, looking around frantically. He kept circling around in place, but he still couldn't find the small Treecko.

"I'm on your back for Arceus sake!" Treecko finally cried out. With realization, David then felt his back with his arms and suddenly felt the gecko Pokemon's scaly skin. Once he got a good grin of Treecko, he then pulled him out of his back.

"How did you get on my back?" The trainer asked to the now frustrated Pokemon he was holding.

"Oh. Well let me think, maybe when you LANDED ON ME!" Treecko shouted towards the surprised trainer.

"Whoops sorry, man *he-he*" The trainer laughed nervously to the angry Treecko as he places him on his shoulder again.

David then pulled out his Pokedex and scan through the Sinnoh map to decide which city was going to be their next destination.

The trainer decided that their next destination would be Oreburgh City, because he was kind of curious to battle that Roark gym leader. Besides, maybe battling a few gym leaders in the cities here and there might be fun and it would give a better chance for Treecko to evolve into a Grovyle.

So with that settled, David along with Treecko on his shoulder head east of Jubilife City where route 203 lies ahead.

It was a good thing that the eastern exit was surprisingly close from where they were, but it still took them awhile from them to exit the city since they had to go around whole crowd of people along the way.

By the time they were on the path of route 203 it was already getting late, but that doesn't mean that they could at least get a few distances on the route.

'Damn people, if it weren't for them we would have been at the entrance of Oreburgh Gate by now.' David thought in frustration while he was walking with the sun starting to set behind him, making the sky turn a feint mix of yellow, orange, and purple. If he would have kept on going towards the gate, it would be way past midnight, so there was no point if he were to continue his way towards Oreburgh Gate.

"So how many people do you think were in that big city?" Treecko started up while sitting comfortable on the trainer's shoulder. The gecko Pokemon never once saw such large amounts of humans in one place such as Jubilife City, so it was pretty overwhelming for him to witness the scene.

"I don't know, but you wouldn't expect me to stay there for very long." David said as he walked for a few more minutes until he decided to settle down and make camp for the upcoming night coming their way in just several hours.

And so forth David walked out of the path to his left and into a forest where he found small meadow that would be perfect to place camp in. He then let Treecko down from his shoulder and removed his backpack on the grassy ground beside him as he took out three Pokeballs from his belt and let out the rest of his companions.

"AHUUUU...... Oh, sweet Arceus that was a good nap." Latias blurted out while stretching to get the blood flowing again.

Latios on the other hand went up to David a gave a reunited kiss as the blue Eon Pokemon hugs him warmly while purring in their warm embrace. As of Lucario, she looked around at first. Then she started to look worried as she doesn't know where she is.

"Where are we Lucas?" Lucario said, with a more deep masculine voice.

Soon David and everyone else realized the sudden voice change from the aura Pokemon and they could clearly see that this Lucario was male.

"Whose Lucas?" David asked the confused aura Pokemon.

"He's my ma- trainer..... he's my trainer." Lucario hesitantly said as he was about to say something else. The aura Pokemon then kept looking around for his trainer, getting more worried. "Did you have something to do with this?!" He suddenly asked David, now starting to get hostile.

"Whoa-whoa I didn't do anything." The trainer said in defence, now seeing Lucario in a battle stance.

"You better tell me where Lucas is before I kick you ass!" The aura Pokemon warned as he was ready to unleash an Aura Sphere.

But before Lucario could lunch a direct hit to the trainer, Latios quickly came in front of David and glare daggers at the aura Pokemon. also in his battle stance.

"No one is going to touch my David!" Latios yelled towards Lucario, as his claws were read to use Dragon Claw.

David was surprised about this whole situation. Who was this Lucario? Who does he belong to? Where's his flirty, sluty, seductive Lucario? Mixed question where going through his mind as he was trying to find answers for them. That's when the trainer retraced his steps, and he has to do it quickly too: he doesn't want to have more problems with the two Pokemon before him as they were about to lash at each other at any moment.

'Okay, so what happened recently?' He thought to himself as time was running out as he could see both Latios and Lucario was about to attack.

All he could remember was him and Treecko struggling through the crowd of people in Jubilife. Then went in the Pokemon center to give Treecko a check up. Once they were done, they were about to exit the Center when-

"When I ran into that trainer!" David soon realized as those memories came like a flash flood. He guessed that trainer he ran into was named Lucas as Lucario mentioned it earlier. The trainer then remembered the two Pokeballs that were dropped when they ran into each other. 'I must of switch our Pokeballs by mistake.' David thought as he mentally slapped himself for being so irresponsible. 'So this Lucario belongs to Lucas. Then if Lucas' Lucario is here then- ...... oh no." The trainer thought dreadfully, already having a bad feeling about what he realizes again.

'I hope Lucas will turn out okay once we find him...... or not at all.'


This took a LONG TIME because me a 3X had to PM each other the different sides of the story. Hopefully everything is taken care of. Now all that's left is for the comments from YOU. Please send them.

Well, that's it for me today. I'm out!

A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 9: Lucario Gets Help

**Oathy wishes you a HAPPY BRITHDAY...... no ones birthday is today? Oh well, I'm STILL gonna give you another chapter: me and TripleX are still collaborating on our chapters and HERE is another. Enjoy!** **CAUTION: I/ Oathkeeper35 do not hold or own...

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A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 7: A New Partner And Friend

**'Ello peep-poll-la! Oath-they is back, with another exciting chapter for you to read! Now let's see what just happened:** **Lucas and Lucario ran into the jackass-y trainer Shane. During their battle, Salamence's screech attack hit farther then it...

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A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 6: Shane, the Reckless Dragon Trainer

**Hey guys, Oathy is back! AND I brought back a present: Chapter 6!** **Let's recap: Lucario and Lucas pitched their tent off the side of Route (hopefully correct) 211. They also revealed their secret: they were desperately in love with each other....

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