A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 7: A New Partner And Friend

Story by Aquos on SoFurry

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#7 of A New Start As A Trainer

'Ello peep-poll-la! Oath-they is back, with another exciting chapter for you to read! Now let's see what just happened:

Lucas and Lucario ran into the jackass-y trainer Shane. During their battle, Salamence's screech attack hit farther then it was expected and nearly pushed Lucas off the cliff. If Lucario wasn't there or was a second later, SPLAT- GOES-THE-LUCAS! Now the couple were heading back to their campsite, little did they know something, or SOMEONE, was there.

CAUTION: I/ Oathkeeper35 do not hold or own any rights to the characters and/or Pokemon listed, only my main character. Also, this story may contain yaoi and sex scenes . If your old enough (physically and mentally) to be mature about it, read to your hearts content; if not, DON'T.


(Unknown POV)

I couldn't believe that I found this campsite, it was PERFECT! I was about to pass out if I didn't find something to eat. I helped myself to some Pokechow from one of the backpacks that was inside the tent.

"Mmmmmm, I haven't tasted anything THIS good for a while!" I said to myself aloud while I kept eating, my ability Trace (able to use other Pokemon's natural ability) blurred by the satisfaction of me eating. Only did I sense a Lucario's Steadfast ability (increases strength if fighting the same gender of Pokemon) was it just barely too late. I took cover in a nearby bush, soon remembering I STILL had the Pokechow and that it left a trail right to me.


(Lucas's POV)

"Oh no!" I cried aas I saw our campsite: it was ruined! Tent collasped, backpack items spewed across the forest floor, canned foods opened and their contents out on the ground, it...it was.... TERRIBLE! I lloked over to see that Lucario had the same thought of the site. We started to look around, seeing if ANYTHING was left untouched:

"Who could have done this? We were gone AT LEAST an hour!" Lucario said upset, picking up one of the canned foods.

"I don't know.... maybe an Ursaring?" throwing out the idea. I looked by the tent: it was ripped up and was collasped. As I picked it up, I saw some strange footprints: the feet were as tiny as my two thumbs put together (in fact, that's what they looked like too :/): I called over my Pokemon.

"Hey! I think I found something!" "What?" he asked as he made his way towards where I knelt. He examined the footprints, thinking where see might have saw them.

"Do you know what Pokemon these belong to?" I asked.

"Yeah, a Kirlia." he said confidently, but serious. "And if I'm not mistaken, a guy one, too."


(Normal POV)

"Aw shit! They know I ranshacked the place! Damn that Lucario!" Kirlia cursed under his breath (wow, Kirlia has QUITE the potty mouth XD), thinking of a plan. He immediatley saw Lucas's body type: little, fast, but WEAK! He knew that he could attack, then run while they' re distracted. He put the food on the ground then started focusing: he was first going to use Psychic to throw the Lucario back, then he would use Psychic again to lift the trainer up, after he's in the air he was going to use Magical Leaf on him; fool proof!

The Kirlia's eyes started to glow a pink-ish purple as it highlighted the Lucario. He and Lucas didn't know what was going on until the Pokemon was sent soaring into a tree. Then Lucas was being picked up, he tried to break free but just flailing didn't work. The Kirlia walk silently out getting ready to launch a Magical Leaf. Lucas had only enough time to gasp as he was strucked repeatedly by the multi-colored leaf attack. Each time a leaf cut him, the more feint he became. Lucas knew that he couldn't survive Pokemon moves, he barely survived Lucario's assault (emphesis on the BARELY)! As more and more leaves hit him, the more and more blood that came out.

"Lucario!" he shouted weakly, trying to get him to look, he was out cold for a while and was just coming-to. The Pokemon got up to kneel down then shook his head. Lucas screamed again.

"Lucario, help!" he was barely conscience from the pain and the blood loss, but he was still conscience. Lucario, furious, went to shove the Kirlia to break it's focus. The minute Kirlia was hit, Lucas was released from his grip and started to fall. Swiftly, Lucario ran under Lucas and caught him (if your still wondering Lucario is unusually big, bigger than most Lucarios). Setting him down easily on a nearby, moss-covered tree, he went back to deal with the Kirlia that attacked the two. The angry Aura Pokemon grabbed the Kirlia and tossed him infront of Lucas: he was hoping that he would apologize and use the move Recover on him to take away half of the damage he caused to him. Kirlia saw this and immediately started, his paws glowing a light blue.


(Lucas's POV)

Kirlia was silent was he continued to heal my wounds (for the record, I thought that Recover only healed the user so lucky me). I wanted him to talk to me, to see if he was sorry for what he did. I looked at Lucario who was just watching the Kirlia with a burning rage. I finally started to talk to him, "I'm Lucas (I didn't know what else to say). This is Lucario."

"Kirlia." he replied as he continued with the healing. I started up again: "I'm really sorry," I started but was interrupted by an outbreak by Lucario.

"YOUR SORRY FOR HIM ATTACKING YOU?!" I signaled him to come over (I knew EXACTLY how to calm him down) and I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before Kirlia saw. Lucario's anger was almost completely quenched. He let me continue. "Any way, as I was saying I-"

"You don't have to apologize," Kirlia said in a monotonous voice, full of regret "what I did was wrong and I'm paying the consequences for it. Also I don't have any regrets for doing it: that's how I get my food." He was done with the healing.

"I'm...sorry to hear that Kirlia. I didn't know," I replied mournfully about to rub his head. He slid the hand away, saying "That's because no one cared to ask WHY I did it, they kept giving me shit over and over, oblivious to the real reason why I do it!" I saw that it was becoming hard for Kirlia to talk about it, he was, literally, forcing himself to say it. I patted his head and he did a spazzy hand thing to make me bring it away. Then an idea hit me, I got up and went to talk to Lucario.


(Lucario's POV)

Lucas came over to me saying he had an idea. My reply to this was, "I'm all ear." He told me (new talk box is for the other person, Lucas talks first):

"I was thinking that Kirlia should join us!"

"No way! Uh-uh! Not gonna happen!"

"Oh c'mon! Why not?"


"So? You did the same thing, and your attack was much more painful! Trust me, I know!"

"*Sigh* You DO have a point there..."

'AND he was able to knock you out for that long. Plus he can heal, so if we need some quick job medical help we have him around."

"That maybe true, but I don't like this guy..... he's sneakier then a Gastly."

"Pweaaaaaaaaaaase (right now Lucas is giving Lucario some puppy-dog eyes)?"

"....... Alright! But I've got my eye on him."

"*smoooooch* (on the cheek, not the lips) Thank you! Your the best!"

"I just care about you."

"I know...."


(Normal POV)

As the Lucas and Lucario walk back to Kirlia, who was about to leave, the trainer pulled out an empty ball. He tapped Kirlia's shoulder. Puzzled, he saw inside the trainer's hands a Pokeball and immediately replied to the question he was about to be asked.

"I don't know.... I've been a wild since my birth: no family, no friends, no one close to me to look after me. Are you sure?"

"Of course! I talked to Lucario and he agrees it's a good idea. You wouldn't be a bother at all, a joy even to have some extra company. Right?" Lucas said as he glanced over to Lucario. He nodded, and Lucas nodged him and he got the picture then spoke,

"Yeah, and I'm sorry how I treated you. Lucas means A LOT to me and I don't want anything bad to happen to him."

"Oh...NOW I understand!" said Kirlia with a devilish smile. He was trying to figure out why they acted so....different then most trainer's and their partner.

'Understand what?" Lucas questioned.

'You two are in LOVE with each other!" cried Kirlia as he fell backwards laughing. Lucario was getting pissed and was about to strangle the Kirlia when Lucas stopped him. He whispered, 'Let me take care of this."

"Okay, yeah. Me and Lucario love each other, so what? I bet YOU fell in love with someone before." he said, trying to out-smart the Kirlia. "Touche," the Kirlia said after he immediately stopped laughing. He continued, "Okay. I'll join you, it might be interesting to see this."

"Okay then, touch the button." Lucario said as Lucas held out the Pokeball, then he quickly added "when your inside, DON'T struggle! That will keep you inside longer.

" 'Gotcha!" was all the Kirlia said as he pressed the button and was sucked in. It almost immediately DING!ed right after he was sent in. Lucas re-summoned Kirlia out, thinking about what he was going now, now that Kirlia knows it will be really hard to make-out with Lucario now. And from the look Lucario was wearing, he was thinking the same EXACT thing.


Done with Chapter 7. Looks like there's an addition to Lucas's team of Pokemon; the big-mouthed, potty-mouth Kirlia with a history of being sneaky.

Wonder what's to happen next?

Wait until Chapter 8 to know for sure!

Till then, ADIOS!

A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 8: Two Trainers Collide, Litterally

**Hey guys, Oathy here! I have a SPECIAL chapter with me: me and TripleX have teamed up to bring a COMBINED STORY CHAPTER \*angelic music plays\*!!!!!!** **In my part, I will tell you what happens between my OC (Lucas) and 3X's OC (David). Hopefully...

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A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 6: Shane, the Reckless Dragon Trainer

**Hey guys, Oathy is back! AND I brought back a present: Chapter 6!** **Let's recap: Lucario and Lucas pitched their tent off the side of Route (hopefully correct) 211. They also revealed their secret: they were desperately in love with each other....

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A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 5: Something More Than Friendship

**Hey, Oathy again with another FABULOUS CHAPTER! I want to thank all of you for reading my story. I'm actually a beginning writer and this story along with your coments told me that I CAN be as successful as I thought, I just needed to take my time...

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