Under The Quiet Moon - I - 01/19/2011

Story by Little Red Wolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Under The Quiet Moon

Thank you Blizzard for inspiring this alternate version of the Worgen invasion.

Under The Quiet Moon - I

Cold rain fell hard upon the rooftops, washing their filth onto the cobblestone streets. For the first time in a week, a young dark haired woman let herself stand boldly outside under the overhang of her home. The rain had always calmed her in times of stress. The sound was steady and the smell reminded her of the filth that gathered when one was not looking. Part of her wished she would also wash away, but instead she had been unable to leave her home for a week.

"Selora!" her sister half-shouted from the front door. "What are you doing outside?"

"I'm waiting for Elizabeth," Selora said coldly.

"The creatures will get you!" her sister almost shrieked as she clung trembling to the doorway. "You know she's gone... and I don't want you to disappear either so get... please come back inside."

"Alright, Angela" Selora said with a resigned sigh, leaving behind the comforts she cherished to splash and run in streams to the river which fed the town. Inside was warmth and the smells of home she had become sick of. Their small house was a fine place for them to tailor their days away, but without the market they would soon be running out of food, and the soldiers had made no mention of when they could come out to get more.

This day passed much like all of the others, quiet and soulless. Every night more people went missing, and an emergency ordinance was passed that none were allowed to travel outside. Selora felt it was foolish to panic in such a way, but the night brought with it such frightening sounds that no one had been sleeping properly. Fatigue brought clumsiness to the body and mind, and their leaders were not immune to these afflictions. But this night was filled with the hypnotic rattle of the rain, and when the candles were snuffed the sisters were finally able to fade off to sleep.

"Selora," a soft voice spoke from outside, causing her to stir in her sleep. "Selora... its Elizabeth..." The name caused her to startle awake. Dear Elizabeth had gone missing before they were all put under house arrest... it could not have been her... but it was always nights like these that brought her when they were younger. There was something about the rain that boiled her blood and let the two of them run screaming though the night, splashing in puddles, and breaking the rules.

Selora looked to her sister, who slept soundly, then gathered her robe and sneaked out of their room. Bare feet padded to the front door as her robe swished softly against smooth skin. A glance through the shutters proved she had not dreamed the voice. Three heavy locks slid back with effort, but when Selora opened her front door, there stood the rain soaked woman she feared she would never see again.

"Oh my God, Elizabeth," Selora whispered loudly and crushed her close with a hug that soaked her front. "Where have you been?" she asked after ushering her friend inside. Elizabeth's beautiful brown hair was matted and dripping water onto the clean floor, and her dress clung tightly to the curves of her skin.

"I found food," Elizabeth said as she refused a dry blanket. "Save the linen for after we get back."

"We can't go out," Selora insisted, "if the soldiers find us-"

"I hid it in our secret place," she insisted, her eyes conveying a type of wild excitement Selora could never resist.


"You worry too much," came the phrase and the sparkle in the amber eyes which nearly always ended the night in trouble.

"Alright," Selora said as her willpower crumbled, "just... wait here," a quick trip up the stairs to the bedroom found a dress which needed cleaning and a hat she knew would keep the rain out of her eyes. When she came back downstairs she found Elizabeth stretching lazily without a hint of fear in her eyes. Wet droplets ran across her shapely bosom seemingly without notice. "You're awfully relaxed about this," Selora grumbled, as she put her shoes on, it was then that she noticed her friend's bare feet.

"I've been out every night this week," Elizabeth teased. "This type of night is the best."

"Because of the rain?"

"The rain makes everything better."

Smiles passed between them as they sneaked out into the night. Angela would be furious for them doing something so dangerous but Selora could never say no to Elizabeth, and that flaw had caused them to do this hundreds of times as children... and every time it rained.

They ran through the night like children, once more, sticking to the shadows and alleys where authoritative eyes did not see. The cold rain brought a welcome shiver as the two women moved quickly through twists and turns. Elizabeth stopped at a cellar door they both knew well and slid the swollen boards in a way that allowed them to bar it whether inside or out. Once they secured the entrance they almost tumbled down the stairs in familiar fits of giggling. A single oil lamp burned low and was brought to life with a twist of its nob. Baskets of dried meats and several loaves of hard bread were stacked in the corner for them.

"Alright!" Selora said a little louder than she meant to and she covered her mouth.

"It's alright," Elizabeth said as she moved closer, removing Selora's hat with a mischievous grin, "you know no one can hear us here." With a strong embrace, the women held each other close.

"I missed you," Selora whispered, then she places a delicate kiss on her lover's lips. They were soft and the outer skin was cold; but as their tongues slipped back and forth, a familiar warmth filled her with a taste of meat which lingered. Their kiss deepened with a hunger which had grown during their time apart. Elizabeth's lips broke their link, then she drew her tongue down Selora's neck and nibbled her gently. This playful teasing brought a rush of goosebumps which stood in rows along the stimulated nerves. There was then a harder suck and bruising bite which left a lovers mark on her skin.

"Oh... Liz..." Selora breathed as she kicked off her shoes and settled to the ground. "Oh... yes..." Several tugs opened her wet blouse and soon Elizabeth's warm lips were hungrily suckling the hardened nipples. A satisfied moan caused her to tense as her dress was pushed up and her panties tugged off and tossed across the room. A string of kisses blazed a trail to her delighted her sex. A sudden lapping of tongue sent shocks of sensation through her. "Oh... you're an animal tonight," she gasped as she grabbed her lover's hair and pulled her harder between her legs. Slurping and growling increased as the pleasure mounted, then as her chasm rippled and muscles clenched, a fierce bite caused her to scream and tumbled over the edge. But the intense licking and lapping did not stop until Selora struggled away.

"God... Liz... wha-" she stopped in mid speech as the looked at her lover's face. Blood glistened on her lips as an almost lupine tongue licked sharp fangs. A darkening of wild eyes stared hungrily back, contemplating another taste. Time held still with moments without movement or thought, only a settling of euphoric nerves which began to register a type of fear she did not know how to express.

"Don't... be afraid," Selora heard her precious Elizabeth growl as sickening crunching noises emitted from her frame. Veins bulged as bones cracked and a beast of a body grew in her place. The back of the Selora's head bumped into the wall, as she shuffled back, snapping her out of her shock. A scrambling lunged thrust her up the stairs to the cellar door. Several outward pushes shifted the boards allowing her to escape the rumbling sounds which had intensified in the darkness below. The storm greeted her with a cold blast of wind and rain. A mighty slam closed the cellar door and panic forced the boards back into place. A quick glance around saw barrels which she dragged and pushed onto the door. As the rain poured down upon her, she staggered toward the street and made her way back to the home she swore she never should have left.

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