A day with mommy

Story by KGyiff on SoFurry

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A day with mommy

Hay guys this is a story I did forToni Serinn. She has been like a mom to me so I did this story for her and thought I would post it. And I know this is not a story that I would normally write but hell I love her and if this makes her happy then I'm happy. So I hope you all enjoy.


It was one of those lazy Saturdays that all you want to do is just lay back and let it go as you relax. Or well it was everyone but Toni, she was buzzing around the house cleaning it. She would be relaxing with her mate but sadly she was away on a work trip this whole weekend.

"Well that is the entire bathroom and the kitchen clean, which just leaves the living room and the bed rooms." Toni says with a sigh missing her mate wishing she was here so that they could just relax with each other all day.

She walked out of the kitchen to go clean the living room when she stopped at the door way to it and lean against it and smiled. Sitting there on the ground was her cub KG; he was playing with some toy cars not even noticing her watching him. She just smiled and watched him for a little more. See unlike Toni which was a Snow Klynx(part snow leopard, kitty, and Lynx), she had a white pelt with some gray around her arms and legs and red spots on her back and tips of her tails and ears and rose red hair.

KG was a Black bear with purple horizontal striped down his back and arms and purple hair. her and her mate Selphi witch was a bunny had found him on their door step on night and decided since they cannot have kids being them both female decided to keep him. But they loved him all the same.

Toni smiled and walked over and sat behind her cub and pulled him onto her lap and watched him play, gently nuzzling the back of his head.

"What are you doing mommy?" he says giggling as he keeps trying to play with his toy as his mommy nuzzling him.

Toni smiles and watches him keeps playing "just watching you play honey."

KG giggles and keeps playing with his toy cars "ok mommy"

She smiles and watches her son play with his toy cars and kisses the top of his head "so honey Momma Selphi is gone for the weekend so it's just you and me"

KG looks up and smiles and giggles "yaaaaa I get to spend time with mommy!" he stops and looks a little sad "but I'm going to miss momma Selphi to."

Toni just kisses the top of his head "I know sweetie but she will be back soon and she misses you to" smiles at him "so let's cheer up ok? And I was thinking if you are a good boy we could go to the park today."

KG's eyes get big and he shoots up and turns to face her "that park mommy! Oh can we go please please, please, please!?"

Toni just giggles and smiles "Yes honey we can, but you have to pick up all your toys and get ready ok?"

He just nods quickly and grabs his cars and runs off to his room as fast as his little legs could take him.

Toni laughed softly and got up to go get ready herself, she loved to go to the park with him. It was always fun and they got to spend time together. She went to her room and got dressed in some better clothing, she thought her PJ's where not too good to wear to the park. She just put on a pair of blue jeans and a red shirt and got a bag ready for their little trip. After she got some toys and there launch packed away in a hand bag for them she went to the door and saw her little KG trying to tie his shoes and giggled; it was always the cutest thing to see him try, but she always ended up tying them for him.

"C'mon shoes tie!" Yells a frustrated KG at his shoes which are in a tangled mess. Witch only makes Toni laugh and move in to help him.

"Remember honey it's the bunny goes around the tree though the hole and pull tight." She finishes tying his shoes for him and gives him a hug and a kiss on the head "ready to go honey?"

KG nods and opens the door for them and looks up to her with a smile. She smiles back and picks him up and puts him on her shoulders and walks off the park with him.

"Wow mommy I'm up so high!" KG giggles as they walk to the park. She just giggles and keeps walking with him on your shoulders.

"Yup honey you are, so are you ready to spend a whole day with your mommy?" she asks with a smile.

"Yes mommy I am, it's going to be so much fun!" he replies with a big smile.

They only live about 10 minutes away from the park so it did not take them that long to get there. When they got there Toni let KG down to go play on the playground and with the other little cubs there. Toni found a nice little bench to sit down on and watch her son play with all the other cubs.

Toni giggles as she watched KG play with a little fox girl and her friends and thought "oh he's going to be a real ladies man when he gets older" she just shakes her head and keep watching him play.

About an hour goes on and the little fox girl has left as well as her friends so it's just KG playing now but it does not bother him he is still just playing and having a grand time. She looks around at the trees and the lake nearby. She suddenly hears a loud thud and hears KG start to cry. Her head shoots up to see what happened and sees KG on the ground holding his elbow and crying. Toni quickly gets up and runs over to her wounded cub and scoops him up in her arms.

"KG KG what's wrong what happened!" She says quickly and in a concerned voice.

"I..I..I w..w...was r..r...running an..and I f..fell" He get out around sobs and with tears striking down his cheeks.

"It's ok sweetie it's ok mommy here" she gently rocks him till he calms down and smiles at him "now let's take a look honey and see what the damage is ok?" she says sweetly to him.

He nods and lifts up his left arm and shows her his elbow. There is a little scrape with some blood coming out. She smiles to him and carries him over to her bag and digs out a little first aid kit and pulls out some Neosporin and a band aid. She dresses his wound and gives it a little kiss.

"There all better sweetie" she give him a kiss on the fore head.

He snuffles his nose and smiles "thank you mommy it feels better now" he opens his arms and gives her a hug. She smiles and hugs him back and holds him close to her relived there was no real damage to her little boy.

She looks down at her watch and sees that it is about one PM and smiles down to her boy. "You want to get some lunch honey?"

He nods his head snuggles into her. She smiles and picks him up and grabs her bag and walks over to the lake. She spots a tree close to the lake and sits under it in the shade and pulls her bag close. She puts KG on her lap and hands him his sandwich and digs out her own and smiles.

"Eat up honey mommy made you your favorite!" she smiles and takes a bit out of her own.

"Really!?" he says happily and digs into his own and smiles "Yaaaaa PP&J you're the best mommy!" He happily keeps eating and smiling as he does.

She smiles back and eats her PP&J as well. The meal past in a few minutes in silence both not wanting to stop eating there launch to talk and they had all day to talk after.

"Ok honey all done?" Toni says crumbling her wrapping up and puts it back into the bag.

KG nods and hands her his wrapping and snuggles into her lap "that was really good mommy thank you" smiles up at her.

She smiles back and hugs him "you're welcome honey and you don't have to thank me it's my job" giggles and smiles down at him.

She digs into her bag and pulls out a kite and holds it above him and smiles. "You want to play with mommy?"

His eyes get big again and smiles just as big. He loved kites more than almost any type of toys. He jumps up for it and giggle "yes yes yes yes! Can we mommy can we!?"

She giggles and hands him the kite and watched him run off with it trying to get it to fly. After a few failed attempts he gets it up in the air and walks back to his mommy and sits in her lap holding onto the handle of the kite to keep flying it. They sit like that for some time, him flying the kite and sitting happily on his mommy lap and her snuggling him and watching him and saying how pretty it is.

After about an hour of that the winds died down and it was starting to get chilly so they packed up and she put him right back on her shoulders and walked back home.

"So did you have fun today honey?" she asks looking up at her son on her shoulders.

He giggles and looks down at her and smiles "yup momma I did it was lots of fun I liked playing with the kited the most, oh and playing with that fox girl Hannah!"

Toni just laughed and shook her head at the last comment and kept walking home. When they got home Toni let KG down and told him to get ready for his nap and he nodded and ran off to go get ready. She unpacked and went into the living room to find KG sitting on the sofa waiting for her.

"Mommy will you take a nap with me?" he asks cutely and a little sleepily.

She smiles and picks him up and lays down and puts him to her chest and lays him down there and kisses his head "ok honey nap time now"

KG nods and snuggles deep into his momma, he places his head to her chest and yawns softly and falls to sleep, quickly followed by his momma.

The hours go by uninterrupted as Toni and KG sleep. Toni wakes up first and looks at the clock on the wall, it was about five PM. She looks down and sees her little boy sleeping soundly on her chest and slightly snoring. That only made her smiles and gently strokes the back of his head and say softly.

"Sweetie, Sweetie you need to wake up nap time is over."

He ground a little and stretched out his arms and legs and slowly woke up. He fully wakes up and smiles up at his mommy and says softly.

"Ok mommy I'm up" he yawns and stretch's out again. She smiles again and keeps stroking over his head and smiles back at him and gives him a hug and hold him tight to her. He snuggles back and stays in his mommy's arms.

"Ok honey are you hungry?" She asks and keeps him close to him and smiles down at him.

He nods and snuggles into her still a little sleepy and says "yes mommy I am, is it dinner time?"

She nods and picks him up and brings him into the kitchen and sits him down in a chair and start to get dinner going. About 15 minutes later she comes back to the table with two plates of chicken nuggets and some fries. She smiles and puts one down in front of him and one at her seat next to his and warmly smiles at him.

"Ok sweetie eat up"

She giggles as he starts to quickly and hungrily eat his food. Still smiling she starts to eat hers as well. The next few minutes go by in silence as the two where to occupied with eating to talk.

"All done mommy!" KG says holding up his plate to show his mommy.

"Very good honey!" Toni says picking up her plate as well as his. She went over to the sink and rinsed the plates off and left them in the sink to do later.

"Ok sweetie what do you want to do now?" She asks walking back over to the table. She picks him up and sits down in his seat and puts him onto her lap and nuzzles the top of his head.

"Hmmmmmm, can we watch a movie mommy?" he asks and giggles as she nuzzles his head.

"Sure we can honey." She keeps smiling and picks him up and walks into the living room with him and takes a seat on the sofa. She lies down with him on top of her and turns to the TV and turns it on with the remote.

"Ok honey well the Great mouse detective is in the DVD player right now do you want to watch that?" she asks petting over his head.

KG smiles really big and nods quickly "oh can we mommy please"

She giggles and turns the DVD player on and they both lie down and watch the movie. About two hours pass and the credits start to roll that she looks down to see a half sleeping KG on her chest.

She smiles down at him and says "I think it's bed time for a certain little one."

KG looks up a little scared "mommy can I sleep with you. The bad bat guy in the movie scares me, so can I sleep with you please" he asks in a pleading voice.

She looks down with a warm smiles and holds onto him and keeps him close "of course you can honey, and momma will make sure that no bad things get you ok?" she nuzzles the top of his head till he calms down.

He nods and starts to calm down as she nuzzles his head and looks up and says in a sleep tone " Then can we go to sleep mommy I'm really tired." He puts his head to her chest and yawns.

She smiles and picks him up and turns off the TV and DVD player and headed off to bed. She walks into the bed room and over to the double king size bed that she and her mate love so much. She turned on the table lamp on the table next to the bed and crawled into it. She then laid on her back with little KG on her chest and snuggled him close to her.

"Ok honey do you want me to read you a story?" she asks him as she pets over him softly still keeping him close.

He nods and snuggles into her and yawns and says sleepily "Yes mommy" he yawns and closes his eyes.

She smiles and reaches over and grabs go dog go and opens it and starts to read to him. She wraps her tails around him and keeps him close as she read to him. She finishes reading the book and looks down to see her little cub sound asleep on her chest snoring lightly and snuggling one of her tails.

"I love you sweetie, you holds a special place in my heart and I will love your forever and ever." She says softly as she strokes the back of his head as he sleeps. She reaches over and turns off the lamp and gets deep down into the covers with the little boy. She falls to sleep with a smile knowing that tomorrow was Sunday and that they had a whole nether day to spend together.

She whispers out before she follows her son to sleep "forever and ever."

Valentine Ch 1 a new home Re-typed

_This is a re-type to the first one I posted so once again please enjoy and comments are always nice even if you're just going to say is boo you suck. And also if you are under the age of 18 please hit the nice big red X in the top right hand corner of...

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Valentine Ch 1 A new home

This is the first story i did but there is a re-type that i do hope you read insted of this.Oh and disclaimer if you are under the age of 18 please.... Ok you know the rest just hit the big red X Now enjoy!! All characters and this story are...

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