Valentine Ch 1 a new home Re-typed

Story by KGyiff on SoFurry

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This is a re-type to the first one I posted so once again please enjoy and comments are always nice even if you're just going to say is boo you suck. And also if you are under the age of 18 please hit the nice big red X in the top right hand corner of the screen. I would also like to dedicate this re-type to SMWolf because without his help this story would still be a horrible mess thank you now enjoy.

All characters and this story are copyrighted 2010 by KGyiff.


The metal collar felt cold around her neck as Valentine was led down the hall to the showroom.

"I always hate this part," thought Valentine as she was led around a corner to another hallway. "They put us in a small cell, chain us to a wall, and let furs come by and see if we're worth their money." She let of a low sigh and thought, "Well maybe I will be lucky, and some fur will buy me.

She came to a sudden stop and stared at the metal door to the showroom. The guard to her right opened the door while the guard behind her pushed her forward.

The room was dim except for the 20 cells. They where bright inside so the buyers could see the slaves in all their naked glory, but the slaves could not see them. Valentine was led to the third cell on the right, and the end of her chain was locked to the loop on the wall. She was order to kneel and look at the ground until told otherwise.

"Well maybe not being sold won't be too bad. I mean I've heard of the master that most slaves get. They beat them, over sex them, and underfeed them." She shivered "Yeah, maybe my best bet is to not be bought."

"Is this the one you told me about" said a large shadow from outside the cell door.

"Yes it is" said another voice from outside.

"100% pure ursine breed, age 23, white pelt and teeth, hourglass figure, scarlet hair except from the left bang which is silver, and a double D cup Brest, just as I described on the way here" said the same voice.

Valentine may not have been able to see who the first fur was, but she knew who the second fur was. It was the Captain of the Guard.

Mr. Black was what all the guards called him. It may be because he had an extremely black pelt for a wolf or because that was the color of his soul. Valentine was betting on the second one.

She knew him very well. The first night she was here he was the one who "broke her in". She had only been 20 at the time, and she has never forgotten that night or the other ones when he would come "give her a visit".

She might not have been able to see the other ones face but she could feel his eye's look up and down her body.

"SLAVE!" yelled Mr. Black.

"Show this nice male you whole body" he said with a little smirk.

Valentine leaned back and showed the potential buyer her body. She stuck her breasts up in the air and gave the man a good look at her cunny and her flexibility. She fixated her body so it made an arc with her tummy was facing the ceiling. Slowly taking her hands off the ground she lifted the upper part of her body till she was standing straight up.

"Hmmm, very nice" said the shadow of a man outside of the cell.

"How much do you want for her?"

With a big smile Mr. Black said "oh we were thinking about 150 thousand?"

"HA! You said yourself on the way here that she has never been sold. So with that and the fact that there are no other buyers in mind, how about...

"Ohhhhh, 50 thousand?"

"WHAT?! THAT IS AN OUTRAGE!" boomed Mr. Black.

"We will take no less than 75!"

"Deal! She's sold"

"Ha! You know we would have taken 55" Mr. Black grinned.

Her new master just smirked.

"I would have gone to 130."

Mr. Black snarled and barked at the two guards at the door, "you two take this slave to the wash are to be cleaned. Then take her to the front area to her new Master!"

The two guards immediately ran over, opened the door, unlocked Valentine's chain, and jerked her chain. "COME!" one ordered her.

When she got outside of the cell door, Valentine tried to look for her new master, but he had already left the room.

While being led to the wash area, Valentine thought, "Well I I'm bought. I have swapped one hell for another one."

Valentine came to a stop at the door to the wash area; the guard to her right opened the door to the room.

The room was bright and pure white. There was a big hole in the middle filled with water in to clean up in it. There were also a few fur driers in the left wall and a few mirrors on the right wall.

"Get in slave" barked to wolf to her right

"Hey, man. Do ya think you can watch her for a bit? I got to go take a piss." said the wolf to the fox guard to her right.

"Yeah, sure. Just shut the door when you leave" he said to the other guard with a smirk.

Valentine meanwhile was just ignoring the guards, so she did not hear them talking. She was just wondering if the water in the hole was hot or cold.

"Ah! Cold just as I thought" Valentine grumbled as she climbed in. She started to clean her fur when she heard a splash behind her. When she turned around, she saw the fox just a few inches away from her face.

"Time to have some fun before you go," said the fox. He reached up, roughly grabbed her breasts and squeezed them and hard!

Valentine tried to scream but he put his right hand over her maw.

"Shhhhh! We don't want more guards coming, do we now?"

He took his left hand off her breast and started to move it down to her cunny.

"Oh, no! Not this! Anything but this!" Valentine thought as she felt the fox start to grope her cunny.

Just as the fox was pulling out is penis, the door swung open, and into the room came Mr. Black. He ran over and kicked the fox in the head. The fox yipped as he went crashing into the water.

Mr. Black yelled at the fox, "What the hell are you doing?

"That slave has just been sold, and like hell I'm going to sell damaged goods!"

"It's kind of ironic that we are damaged goods if we're raped after we're sold and not before," Valentine thought.

The fox held a hand up to his head. There was blood pouring from his ear.

"You!" bellowed Mr. Black as he pointed to the wolf guard running back to the wash room.

"Take this scum to the punishment room. He will get the punishment of a slave for this!"

The fox just looked terrified as the wolf grabbed him. As the wolf dragged him away, the fox screamed, "No! No, Mr. Black! Please! Anything but that! Please!!!"

Mr. Black just picked up the fox's nightstick and threw it at the fox's head. The impact knocked him clean out.

After the fox was gone Mr. Black turned and looked at Valentine. She just looked at the water. She was shaking a bit. He just looked at her. He said, "Your master said to give you this"

He pulled a shampoo container out of the bag in his right hand and tossed it into the water; he placed the bag on the floor and slid it to Valentine.

"Use the whole thing. Then get dressed, and the guard will bring you to the front," Mr. Black growled at Valentine.

He turned and walked out of the room, shutting the door.

"He still has a black soul even after all that" Valentine thought as she lathered up her pelt with the shampoo. She made sure to take special care of her boobs after what happened with the fox.

"Why the hell do they always grab them so hard? It's not like they get bigger if you do," she thought as she went over to the fur dryer. After a few minutes of drying, she got out and went over to the bag that Mr. Black had dropped off. She looked inside.

Valentine gasped when she saw the contents of the bag. There was a bright red long sleeve blouse made of silk. Under that was a pair a black slacks that went down to her ankles. There also were a pair of black silk panties and a red silk bra. After she put them on she eyed her new outfit in mirror.

"Oh, my god! It fits just right in all the good spots" she giggled.

"I look pretty sexy," she added.

Valentine put her hair up in ponytail. She left her silver bang hanging over her left eye.

"Are you done now?" said the guard leaning against the wall on the other side of the room.

Valentine jumped and let out of yip. She turned towards the guard as she thought "How long has he been there?"

"I didn't know you where there, Master! Sorry, Master. Yes, I am ready to go, Master."

Valentine looked down when the guard came over and reattached the chain to the collar. He led her away to meet her new master.

The guard opened the door to the main entrance and led Valentine inside. Once inside the door she looked up at the main desk and saw her new master.

Her ursine master looked to be in his late thirties to his early forties. He was 6'2 with a dark black pelt and gray fur on his muzzle that went down his neck to at least his chest. His shirt covered up the rest of his upper body hiding his pelt from view for now. He had short gray hair but not because of age. It was just his natural coloration. He was well muscled. He stood up right with great posture. He wore black slacks, a black buttoned up vest with a dark purple shirt under it, and a full-length black coat outlined in white fur. He had a smaller version of his coat folded over his right arm.

The bear turned to look at her. She could see he had light gray eyes. When she realized she was staring him in the eyes, she quickly looked down at the floor.

"Kneel, Slave!" the guard commanded Valentine.

As she started to kneel, Valentine's master said, "No, remain standing. I paid a nice bit of money for your clothes. I will not have you messing them up."

He turned his attention to the guard.

"Unhook her chain and that metal collar. I have brought my own."

He pulled a red collar out of his jacket pocket. It was the same shade color of the shirt she was wearing. He walked over to Valentine and put it around her neck.

The guard then took out a leather leash and handed it to her master. He swatted it away.

"Slave or not those are extremely degrading. I'm sure she won't run from me."

Her new master glared down at Valentine. She looked up at him and let out a whimper.

"Slave, we are leaving" the master said as he went to the door.

Valentine walked with her head down towards the door. Her master opened the door and held it for her. Once outside she let out a long shiver as the cold air hit her.

"God, I forgot it was soooo ccccooolllddd this time of year!" she thought as she waited for her master to tell her what to do now. She felt warm all of a sudden. She looked behind her. Her master had taken the other coat and put it over her shoulders.

The bear said, "Put it on. I spent a great deal of money on you. I don't want you getting a cold"

Valentine's master led her over to a limo parked on the road near the main entrance. A hare with a chocolate brown pelt was standing there holding the door open. She bowed and said, "Mr. Volxs"

Her new master put Valentine into the limo and told her to sit. While he had a conversation with the hare who Valentine guessed was the driver, she looked around.

The limo was a pretty basic build with long leather seats, a mini bar to the left and more seats to the right and a row of seats in the back behind the doors; she decided to sit in the row of seats in the back. It was not too long before her master got in and took a seat on the right side of the car and looked at her and smiled.

"You can relax now," he leaned back and grinned.

"I just had to act like a hard ass so they won't reconsiders my offer" he looked her in the eyes and just kept smiling.

She quickly found out she was staring at him and looked down at her feet. Her master just let out a chuckle.

"Look, I know what you're thinking. How can I trust him? Is it just an act? Should I let me guard down?

"All I can say is, though you belong to me. Don't think of yourself as a slave. Think of yourself as my guest."

Valentine looked up and asked, "So, if I'm your guest, can I can leave whenever I want?"

Her master let out a sigh

"If you want, yes, you can. I would be upset if you do, but, yes, I will give you your freedom.

"However, there is one condition. Spend one month with me. If you want to go, you may. If you want to stay you can.

"Do we have a deal?"

Valentine just looked at him and thought, "Well one month can be too bad.....

"If it is I can just try to escape."

Nervously she said, "Yes"

"Great!" he smiled and reached over to the bar. He grabbed a bottle of water and a plastic container full of pills. He handed them to Valentine and said, "Take all of those pills and drink the whole bottle."

"What are they?" she asked.

Suddenly realizing her impudence at questioning her master, Valentine quickly looked down and implored her master, "Forgive me, Master!"

He walked over to her. Knelt down in front of her, and put his hand under her chin. He lifted her head up and looked her in the eyes.

"Look, no one will ever hurt you ever again. I know what you have been through. I know that it will take some time for you to trust me, but I pray that you will do so one day. Just remember that you will never come to any harm even from me while you're under my protection."

She watched her master go back and sit on his seat.

"Master, what do I call you?"

"Oh, my! Where are my manners? My name is Lance Volxs. You may call me Master Lance, Master Volxs, Mister Lance, or Mister Volxs" he winked and said "I hope you chooses one of the masters"

"Then I will call you Master Lance," she said.

Looking at the pills in her hand, Valentine asked, "Then, Master Lance, what do these pills do?"

"Oh, a bunch of little things. A few are vitamins, and some will help you gain some weight so you can get back into your healthier figure. I saw your ribcage earlier. How long have they been starving you?"

She finished swallowing her pills and said "About a month. It was my punishment for not making my master cum in the time allowed. I was allowed only one meal a day after that."

"I see. Well, my little pet, what shall I call you?"

"I shall answer to whatever you desire to call me, Master Lance."

"And your master desires to call you by the name your parents gave you," he said shooting her a smirk.

"My name is Valentine, and I don't remember my last name, Master."

He chuckles and said "Well, that explains the red hair and the red eyes."

Master Lance gave her a warm smile and added, "What a shame you do not know your family name. I will look into your file more to see if I can find it."

She looked away and said "Oh you noticed. Most people are afraid of my eyes. They say I'm a demon, so I try to hide them."

Valentine started to tear up and sob a little. Lance got up and sat next to her. He put his arm around her and whispered into her ear, "Well, I think they're lovely. You don't need to be ashamed about your body. Those fur' only say it because they don't have those eyes."

He gave her a warm hug, a few moments passed and he said "We're here."

Still sobbing a little she looked up at her master with a confused look and said "Where is here?"

He smiled and said, "Your new home."

The door opened. The hare on the other end bowed said "Mr. Volxs"

Master Lance slid out of the limo and turned to offer a hand to Valentine. She took it and was led out of the limo. She turned towards the hare. The hare femfur said, "Hello, Mistress Valentine."

Valentine was in complete shock that was the first time in her life someone had addressed her in a form other than slave, whore and any other degrading manner. She tried her best to act calm but was desperately trying to hold back her tears.

The hare sensed Valentines confusion. She said, "Oh, I'm terribly sorry. Mistress Valentine. My name is Jenny, and I know your name because the window separating the compartments isn't as soundproof as Mr. Volxs thinks."

The chauffer turned her head and stuck out her tongue at Lance. He just playfully swatted at her.

"Jenny is my personal driver whenever I don't feel like driving myself. When I'm at work, and you want to go somewhere, just ask her, and she will gladly take you. She lives in the house with us, so she will be easy to find."

"Well, Mr. Volxs I'm going to go park the limo. I'm guessing you are going to take Mistress Valentine on a tour?"

Jenny said as she smiled and walked back to the front of the limo.

Master Lance just looked at Valentine and said, "If she will allow me."

Valentine replied "Whatever the master desires."

Master Lance shook his head and said, "I will break you out of that habit if it kills me."

The bear offered his arm to Valentine, but all she did was stair at it.

"Um, Val, you're suppose to take it and let me lead you around" her master said shooting her a smirk.

Valentine started because she had forgot what that gesture meant and at him calling her Val. It was the first time in a very long time someone had called her that. She liked hearing it again. She smiled and took his arm. He turned around and showed her to her new home.

Valentine tried to take in what she saw. There was a huge log cabin on top of a hill. It was surrounded by a lush green field bordered by a thick line of trees.

Master Lance chucked and said, "Yes, I know it's a lot to take in at once, but, believe me, it gets better!"

Valentine looked up at her Master in shock. He let out a deep laugh at her look and led her up the path to the dark brown, thick oak front door. Master Lance unlocked the door and led her in side

If Valentine thought she was speechless after what she saw out front she should consider herself a mute now. The inside was huge, and it was only the first room. It was all made of rich, deep brown wood, even the floor. There was a step in the middle of the room that went down a foot to a lowered part of the room. In the lowered section there were three leather couches arranged in a U-shape pointed towards a giant fireplace. The fireplace took up the whole wall. There was a plasma screen TV mounted above the fireplace. A fur rug in front of the fireplace completed the decor

Master Lance chuckled and led her to the next. The dining room had a crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling above a twelve foot long, dark brown table surrounded by a dozen chairs.

Master Lance kept taking her through the house. The next room was the kitchen.

"This is my favorite room of the house right here," Master Lance said as he smiled at Valentine.

Valentine looked around at this room. There were two refrigerators, two freezers, several wall mounted ovens, a dishwashers. An island counter in the middle of it. Connecting all the appliances where just a wall of countertops with a few sinks near the refrigerators, the other half was a huge pantry with a metal door on the far side of the

Master Lance led Valentine over to the metal door and said.

"It's a giant smoker. A good deal of our meals will come from it. By the way, Val, can you cook?"

Valentine just looked down and confessed to her Master "No, Master, I can't. I'm horrible at it."

"Great!" exclaimed her master happily. "You see, I own the best five star restaurant in the city not too far from here.

Not only that, I'm the head chef. If you said you could cook I could not teach you but I'd have to let you cook for me."

He gave her a smile and took her back to the living room. They went over to the far wall and stopped facing it.

Valentine looked at her master and asked, "Um, Master I don't mean to question you, but why are we looking at a blank wall?"

"Trust me, you will see!"

He grinned and hit a switch on the wall. It slid open and revealed the best part of the house by far.

Valentine let out a loud gasp as she saw what was in the hidden room. Inside was a lush green grass field within a huge greenhouse. Many different types of trees including apple, pear, and plum trees. A garden in the far corner of the room was where Valentine guessed Master Lance got his vegetables for his cooking.

Master Lance walked Valentine to the middle of the greenhouse where there was a large spring.

"Now this whole room remains warm at all time no matter the season, so feel free to come in here and relax whenever you want."

Valentine bent down and touched the water and exclaimed in shock, "It's warm!"

She looked up at her master. He laughed and said, "Now what is the point of owning a house up in the mountains and not having a hot tub? Want to go for a dip?"

Valentine looked up with a great big smile and said, "Yes, Master, I would love to! But I don't have a swim suit."

She looked back down at the water and sighed. She loved swimming, and it would have been great. She looked at her master. He was in the process of taking his shirt off

Master Lance asked Valentine, "Why should that stop you?"

Her master had taken his pants off and folded them up with the rest of his clothing. He then placed them away from the spring to avoid getting wet. By the time he had done that Valentine had stripped down and had dove into the spring.

She was surprised at how deep the pool was. It was at least seven feet deep.

When she came up for air Valentine got good look at her new master. He was ripped. Her eyes trailed down his rippling abdominal muscles to his sheath. It was a good five inches long. She was a bit surprised that, even though she was naked in front of him, he was not rock hard.

"Ahhhhhh! That feels good on these old bones," her master signed as he lowered himself into the hot spring. He chuckled as he saw Valentine. All that was visible of her was from her eyes up. She was in pure bliss

"Enjoying yourself. Val?" her Master said from across the spring.

Valentine snapped out of her trance and said "Yes, Master."

All of a sudden she remembered her training as a slave. The master must all ways be pleased before the slave. Acting quickly to avoid being punished she swam over to her master. To rectify her error, Valentine reached out and stated to massage his sheath.

Her master reached down and moved her hand off his sheath and said

"No, not tonight, Val. Let's just enjoy this for a little while longer. Then I will show you to your room and call it a night. Okay?"

He then put an arm around her and pulled her into a warm hug

"Besides I'm more for the cuddling anyways" he said giving her a warm smile.

Valentine just nodded and placed her head against the gray fur on his chest. She listened to his heartbeat and thought

"I don't know why I'm doing this. I mean, this could just be an act he is putting up...

"But it does feel nice to be wanted....

Master Lance brushed his fingers through her pelt and hair for an hour or two.

"Okay, Val. You ready to get out?" He said


He looked down at her and saw she was asleep in his arms.

"Hmm. The first day, and she's this comfortable with me. This is a good start."

He did think about awakening her and bringing her to her bed, but he decided otherwise.

"She did have a long day, a lot of new changes, and those pills probity didn't help ether," he said out loud to the trees.

He scoped Valentine up in his arms and took her to the fur dryer near the door. He dried them both off and took her to her bed.

As Master Lance was leaving her bedroom, he said softly, "'Night, Val. Sweet dreams."

He clicked off the lights and left to his own chambers.

"Tomorrow will be an interesting day, won't it?" he said to himself on the way to his own bed.

Valentine Ch 1 A new home

This is the first story i did but there is a re-type that i do hope you read insted of this.Oh and disclaimer if you are under the age of 18 please.... Ok you know the rest just hit the big red X Now enjoy!! All characters and this story are...

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