Legacy of the Vampire 2:Endless Night

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#2 of Legacy of the Vampire

Red Rover: Greeting ladies and gentlemen, due to popular requests...

Gomamon: Amidst the threats and attempt beatings.

Red Rover: I have decided to do a sequel to my masterpiece, Legacy of the Vampire.

Gomamon: Which already far surpasses the original.

Red Rover: Because you get laid in this lemon.

Gomamon: Exactly what I said. This far surpasses the original.

Red Rover: Anyway the challenge in a sequel is to make it fresh and original while keeping to the original story, yet making it so it can stand on its own.

Gomamon: And not having it turn in to some horrible tragedy like Wayne's World 2.

Red Rover: Like the first one there is a sound track to this lemon as well, composed by me and Jodan.

Gomamon: Mostly by Jodan since he has better taste in music.

Red Rover: If you want the sound track contacted me on AOL instant messenger under mrredrover or Jodan under Neptune200.

Gomamon: If you want to draw me in a pic yiffing Aquaveemon, call me greatful.

Red Rover: Again I?d like to thank Trillermon for creating the Vampmon character. Also Outlaw Torn for discussing the title with me, and Ebass and Jodan for being Beta readers.

Gomamon: And the good folks at Toei and Bandai cause they won?t sure our asses off.

Red Rover: And now the long await sequel.....

Legacy of the Vampire 2

Endless Night



One year. One year. It amazing what a difference a year can make. People grow, worlds change. It has been one year since the defeat of Malomyotismon, a being so powerful he threatened the very plane of existence. But now, the Digital World was prosperous. Viruses living with vaccines in peace, cities and towns being rebuilt. But even amidst the construction there was time for celebration, for the word was a peace. But the funny thing about peace. It never seems to last.


Millennia ago....

Gennai walked into his lab with a heavy heart. He had just fulfilled Veemon's last request, sealing him under the red Digiegg of Courage. Gennai had done so with great reluctance, but Veemon felt he had debt to pay to his friends. (I just hope you find the redemption you are looking for...) Veemon walked over to the two remaining digi eggs, those of Light and Hope. "What?" Gennai looked around the table, now bare of the digi eggs. "Where did the digieggs go?"

"Looking for these?" Gennai turned around. A creature with long reptilian wings and white fangs glared as him. The female Vampmon stood on the window still, clutching two digieggs in each hand.

"I must put some bars on that window." Gennai replied as he looked for his sword. Not surprisingly, that was gone as well. This Vampmon knew how to plan ahead. "Any body can fly in without an invitation."

"You are the one who sealed Veemon up, are you not?" Lady Vampmon jumped off the sill, floating in mid air, using her wings to stay aloft. Her wings flapped slowly, making gently noise as she hovered.

"I am." Gennai admitted as Lady Vampmon moved close.

"Try to run and I'll kill you." Lady Vampmon moved close, her face just inches away from Gennai's young face. "We need to talk."


Present day...

Gennai placed his feet up in his reading chair. A small oil reading lamp added to the illumination from the fireplace. Gennai opened up a small leather bound book. Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet to be precise. Gennai had a fondness for reading. It was nice that he finally had some time to read. "Ahhhh..." Gennai took a sip from his tea on the small wooden table. "Peace. I could get used to that."

"Peace. Pieces." A dark voice echoed from behind Gennai. "Whatever works for you."

Gennai got up as the oil lamp by his chair was shattered. The porcelain shattered as it was flung into the fire place, the leftover oil catching blaze, the fire roaring louder. "Who's there?!" Gennai got up, looking around the room.

"Remember my kind?" An eerie voice filled the room. "I'll give you a hint. We drank digimon's blood. We shunned sunlight. And you thought we were all extinct."

"Vampmon..." Gennai breathed out. He was in danger. He was unarmed; the fireplace did little to light the room. "A survivor?" Gennai looked over the fireplace. His sword. The one he used to fight Piedmon all those years ago.

"Yes. Even after the great Vampmon cleansing, I survived." The Vampmon spoke from the shadows. "All these eons, where we moved from history, to legend, to myth, to nothing more than forgotten memories. Except.... you still remember my kind. "

"A shame. I had hope for you Vampmon" Gennai edged towards his sword. "Veemon himself fell in love with a Vampmon." Gennai caught a flash of shadow, but whether it was the Vampmon or his imagination he did not know.

"And that is the reason why I am here." Gennai looked around, but still could not see the Vampmon. He could not see well in the dark. But Vampmon could. "Why have you not told Veemon, Hawkmon and Armadillomon why they were under those Digi eggs?"

Gennai edged towards the fireplace slowly. "It was Veemon's last wish. Before I sealed him, he asked me if he and his friends were ever reunited and if I were still around, not to tell him the truth. Veemon felt great shame for betraying his friends. I see how close the Three are together now, I didn't want to bring up the past."

"The funny thing about the past." Gennai realized the voice was closer now. "Some times it comes back to bite you."

Gennai lunged for his sword, but he was grabbed from behind by a surprisingly strong grip. Stronger than normal Vampmon, for this was an ancient Vampmon Gennai felt two sharp prongs on his neck, and he fell to his knees. The Vampmon kept drinking as Gennai's struggles ceased. She stood up when he was done. Gennai's body did not break up, must be because he was different than digimon. No matter. "You stole my love from me. Having him sealed away in that damned digi egg. This was as much your fault as it is the Vampmon who were responsible for the defeat of the Three. But the Vampmon paid. They all paid. Nothing will keep me from being reunited with my love."


The Human World-

Veemon stood in front of the mirror. He had his head bowed slightly, even embarrassed to ask the mirror questions. "Er... care to dance?" Veemon looked at the mirror, and made his voce a bit deeper. "Care to dance?" Veemon tried a pose, bending over in a half bow. "Care to dance?"

"Why I'd love to." Veemon turned around, Davis at the door. Davis had a big smirk on his face. "You're so big and strong, Veemon." Davis batted his eyes.

"Very funny." Veemon retorted as he turned back to the mirror.

"Ok ok, sorry to tease, but I have never seen you so nervous." Davis laughed. "I mean I've seen you stare down Mega digimon without batting an eye."

"Yeah but this is Gatomon." Veemon bent over the table, and picked up a small bow tie, holding it up against his neck. "What do you think?"

"Well I am not up much on Digimon customs." Davis admitted. "For example on human dates, it is customary to wear pants."

Veemon smirked as he threw the bow tie back on the bead, along with some normal straight ties he had dug out of Davis' father's closet. Veemon was trying really hard to figure out what Gatomon may like, and failing miserably. "And how do you expect me to get my tail in a pair of jeans?" Veemon turned around, showing his long blue-scaled tail. "Besides, most digimon don't care about clothes. Just our custom I guess."

"Not a bad custom. Think you can get Kari into it?" Davis smiled at the image.

"I suggest you mention that to her." Veemon replied with a grin. "I'd love to see Kari chase you down."

"Heh." Davis shrugged. "But anyway if you are done asking yourself out, we can head over to Tai's. Your girl awaits."


Gatomon sat on the bed with a look of indignity on her face. "Is all this really necessary?" Gatomon twitched as Kari combed her fur on her head with a brush.

"Well silly it is your first date." Yolei smiled lying on the bed reading a Cosmo. "We need to get you all pretty for your man."

"Not like you need to." Palmon was on top of Kari's dresser, spraying the various perfumes on her hand, and smelling them. "Veemon has had a crush on you for months now."

"We were wondering when he would work up the courage." Sora was doing her own nails, applying a lair of finisher. A girl?s night out was always fun.

"Well he didn't really." Gatomon admitted as Kari brushed her purple tinted ears. "He showed up at my door with a single rose."

"Ah how sweet!" Mimi smiled as she filed her own nails in front of Kari's mirror. She had arrived back in Japan to celebrate the anniversary of the Digital World being free. She and the other Digidestined had a party planned at a big restaurant. The digimon had their own plans in the Digital World. Of course the humans were invited, but it was decided that it would be nice for the digimon to have dates, and to have to be chaperoned. Of course it should also be noted this was Davis' idea as well, so he could have a chance to hit on Kari without her own guardian angel Gatomon around.

"Very sweet." Gatomon replied, her ears twitching. "I answered the door. He turned beet red, and began to babble incomprehensible for five minutes. I finally asked him if he would like to come with me to the Freedom Celebration."

"Oh that is so cute." Yolei smirked looking up from her magazine. "He has such a thing for you. I bet you he has a little shrine of you at Daisuke's house."

"He is going to love the way you look." Kari brushed Gatomon's white furred back.

Gatomon however did not really care for all this preening, even though she was a cat she was not one to fuss so much about her appearance. "Well yeah, but this just isn't me."

"Just give it a chance." Kari giggled as she moved the brush down her back, and all the way up her tail. "What do you think Yolei?" Kari grabbed Gatomon's tail. "A pink bow?"

"Nah blue, it would match her eyes." Yolei smiled back.

"Purple." Palmon looked back from the mirror. "Goes with those ears of hers."

"How about yellow?" Sora helped spreading her fingers, looking at the nails. "Like that V on Veemon's forehead."

"I don't think so." Gatomon snatched her tail away. "Do girls normally do this before a date?"

"Yup." Mimi nodded in front of the mirror, looking at Gatomon's reflection.

"Of course." Kari saw Gatomon jump off the bed.

Gatomon sighed. "Well how do I look?" Gatomon turned in a circle.

"Beautiful." Sora answered, though she couldn't really notice a huge difference, although Gatomon did look a little neater, her fur nice and shiny from a previous bubble bath.

"So when are the boys coming?" Palmon jumped off the counter, deciding the perfumes did nothing for her. Her body had a natural flowery smell anyway, much nicer that these man made smells.

"Soon. Biyomon is probably asking out Hawkmon now." Yolei replied flipping a page in her magazine.

"You mean Hawkmon never asked her out?" Kari asked surprised.

"Nope." Sora shook her head. "She was getting frustrated."

"I kept asking Hawkmon if he was going to ask her out, and he kept putting it off. I guess he is even more scared of girl's then Veemon." Yolei replied with a shrug. "You think biomerging with you Gatomon would have rubbed off some confidence with the opposite sex."

"You'd think that?' Gatomon shrugged, but she thought to herself. (I never thought about it before... but I never sensed any feelings towards Biyomon from Hawkmon when we merged, in fact, Hawkmon seemed to have no thoughts about any girl, as if had given up on them... Of course I didn't really pry. It would be wrong.) Biomerging was the most personal thing two digimon can do. More than sex, even more than love Gatomon would have to say. You became one digimon, one mind, one body. Gaotmon would never betray that trust with Hawkmon for something so petty as if he had a crush on Biyomon or not.

"They would make a cute couple." Mimi admitted as she turned away from the mirror. "Birds of a feather." Mimi looked to the door. "Oh Biyomon!"

Biyomon was at the foot of the door, walking not flying. "About time." Sora got up off the bed. "We need to start getting you ready. I mean you're supposed to be leaving in an hour."

"I'm not going." Biyomon replied, flustered. Her feathers were ruffled and she had a look on angst on her face.

"What?" Sora went over. "What's wrong?"

"I am just not feeling well." Biyomon answered in a defeated voice. A terrible lie. All the girls saw right through it.

Gatomon's ears perked up, hearing the boys come up form downstairs. "Well why don't you and Sora get a drink." Gatomon grabbed Palmon's arm.

"Oh ah sure...." Palmon and Gatomon walked out of the room as they heard a knock on the door. "What was that about?"

"Hawkmon must have turned her down." Gatomon went on as they reached the door.

"I figured, but why would Hawkmon say no?" Palmon felt Biyomon's rejection. "Maybe he's got another date?"

"Hawkmon? Ever see him look at another girl? Even us?" Gatomon looked at the doorknob and sighed. Human devices were not built for someone less than three feet high.

"Yeah.... but you think Hawkmon would have at least been a gentlemon." Palmon held out her hand. She was taller than Gatomon, and her vines gave her a reach that would envy any NBA basketball player.

"Well I know some digimon who are going to be gentlemon." Gatomon smiled as the door opened.

"Heya Gatomon!" Gabumon smiled as he walked in the door, giving Gatomon a polite little hug.

"Gabumon, you are looking good." Gatomon smiled a little more than usual.

"And what about me?" Tentomon buzzed over Gabumon's head. Matt had dropped them off after picking them up at their houses. Cody and Izzy were already halfway to Matt's house for the inevitable party.

"You are looking good too." Palmon smiled as she looked over at Armadillomon who crawled in the door. "All off you. And what is this? No dates?" Palmon less than subtly hinted.

"Nah me, Gabumon and Tentomon are going stag it looks like." Armadillomon shrugged. "But hey, as heroes of the digital world, we should be able to find someone there." Finding a date didn't concern him much.

Just what Gatomon and Palmon wanted to hear. "Actually, one of you wanted to ask Biyomon out." Gatomon replied in a firm tone.

"Huh?" Tentomon looked over at Gatomon. "You mean she doesn't have a date?"

"What about Hawkmon?" Gabumon asked rubbing his head. "I thought you girls said?"

"X-nay on Awkmon-Hay." Palmon put on finger on her lips. "So which one of you lucky guys gets to ask Biyomon out?"

"Well I don't know, I mean I wouldn't it be kind of awkward at the last second out of pity like that?" Gabumon looked around.

"More awkward then being dangled by your legs outside a ten story balcony by a certain champion digimon?" Gatomon clicked her claws together once.

"But of course, who wouldn't be happy to take such a lovely lady to the grand event?" Gabumon knew Gatomon wouldn't hurt him for that. But Gatomon was serious about him taking Biyomon out.

"That's the spirit." Gatomon slapped Gabumon on the back. "Now remember, make it sincere. The only reason you didn't ask her out was because you thought Hawkmon was going to."

Gatomon watched Gabumon go into the room, as Kari, Yolei and Mimi filed out a second later, catching the subtle hint. "Is he?" Mimi asked.

"Yes." Gatomon nodded. "But Yolei, what's going on?"

"I don't know, but I am going to have words with that so called digimon partner of mine." Yolei looked annoyed. Turning down a girl flat out like that was not something Hawkmon should do, especially to someone sweet like Biyomon.

"Hey guys!" Tai walked into the apartment, not bothering to knock since it was his. "Have we made ourselves at home?"

"Just getting everyone ready for the big party Matt's throwing." Yolie looked over at Tai. None of the humans were going. It was decided that the digimon needed to have some time for themselves. It does put a cramp on a date when your digidestined partner is there.

"Well Agumon decided at the last minute we needed to get something." Tai patted Agumon on the back of the head, and Agumon moved forward, clutching a small package.

"And how is my lovely lady this evening?" Agumon went up to Palmon, holding a small gift. Agumon was a touch smoother with the ladies than Veemon was.

"Oh Agumon you charmer!" Mimi snickered from behind Palmon.

"Thank you Agumon!' Palmon began to on the package, not one to savour a gift.

"I wasn't sure what would be a good gift." Agumon shifted uncomfortably. "I mean, Tai said chocolates or flowers, but you don't like chocolates, and you are a flower so that kinda seemed wrong."

Mimi glanced over Palmon's shoulder curiously. The paper came away, and Palmon was left holding a small bottle of.... water? "Bottled water?"

"Pierre. The best water there is." Agumon said hopefully.

"Oh what a thoughtful gift!" Palmon smiled happily, and hugged Agumon tightly.

Mimi looked over at Sora and shrugged her shoulders. "A plant thing I guess."

"Speaking of plants." Patamon flew in the open door. He had flow in from the airport, carrying his date. They had just arrived at Tai's apartment, Patamon a bit tired, though his date wasn't that heavy and airport wasn't that far away. "You remember Floramon don't you?" Patamon flew over his date's head, a green Floramon with a red petal head.

" 'Ello Agumon." Floramon spoke in a French accent. "And 'ow 'ave you been?" Floramon smiled, speaking her H's as silent letters. Her Digidestined was with TK at the airport, having flying into to meet some more of the Japanese Digidestined.

"Fine." Agumon blushed a little, hoping Palmon wouldn?t be jealous, though Palmon hardly thought anything of it. Besides, everyone was greeting the newest couple.

"Heya guys!" Gomamon, the white fur sea mammal came into the apartment.

"Gomamon!" Everyone greeted the digimon, before all eyes turned to his date. "And who is this?"

Gomamon smiled proud of himself. "This here is my lovely date for the evening." Gomamon gestured to his side.

A beautiful digimon with blue scales came in. She had a face sort of like Veemon's, but she had fins on her face and tails. "Hello everyone."

"Meet Aquaveemon." Gomamon smiled from ear to ear. Aquaveemon was a looker he knew that. And although he would never say it out loud, Gomamon thought she was the best looking girl here. "My catch of the day."

"Oh you." Aquaveemon giggled as she bent down, rubbing her hands through his mohawk.

"Aquaveemon?" Veemon came in next. "I didn't even know I came in a water version."

"Oh hi. You must be Veemon." Aquaveemon. "Pleased to meet you." Aquaveemon smiled. "Gomamon mentioned you when we first met. Making sure we weren't related."

"Hehe yeah I know better than to hit on my friend's sister." Gomamon laughed as Veemon laughed as well. Of course, digimon siblings were rare. Digimon were born from digital eggs, and unless a digimon was born in the same egg as twins, a digimon was almost inexplicitly an only child. "And I know she didn't take the Veemon handle because she's your wife either." Another laughed filled the air.

"Anyway." Gatomon walked over and grabbed Veemon's arm. "This mon is all mine."

"Uh uh...." Veemon turned almost purple from blushing, with all the girls giggled. Veemon was not at all suave with the ladies. Gatomon hated to admit it, but she rather enjoyed the look of absolute panic on Veemon's face.

Agumon shook his head as he grabbed Palmon's arm. (I need to work with that boy. Courage in battle yes. Courage in love? Hardly.) "We just need Wormmon now and we can go." Agumon replied looking around.

"I just got here." Wormmon cried from the door, but his voice came from six feet above the ground.

"Oh we were..." Gomamon turned to face Wormmon, but ended up looking at a pair of white furry feet. Gomamon slowly shifted his gaze up. "Talking about you..." Gomamon coughed as he followed the shapely legs up, across a shapely torso, to Wormmon perched on the yellow shoulder of the new arrival.

"Hey everybody." Wormmon replied. "Sorry we are late."

"Ah no problem... um... and who is this?" Tentomon looked at the tall yellow fox creature as he hovered overhead.

"My name is Renamon. I am very pleased to meet you." Renamon looked down at the rookies, dwarfing the lot of them.

(Whoa.... Wormmon and her?) Gomamon couldn't help but wonder. He felt a little jealous all off a sudden, and then he looked back at Aquaveemon, who smiled back at him. Gomamon melted. (Well... he can have her.)

"Well I hate to break up the party, but you better get going." Kari walked to her computer. Biyomon and Gabumon came out a second later. Sora stood behind the pair, giving a slight smile to Gatomon and Palmon, figuring out that the two must have sent Gabumon in to ask her out.

"One more couple for the road." Sora smiled as Gabumon held Biyomon's wing under his arm. Gabumon had done a half decent job asking her out the last minute. Gabumon said he felt like sort of a loser being one of the only digimon without a date, and wonder if Biyomon could go with him. Sora admired his plan, though his foot twitched nervously as he asked her to join him, an obvious tell. Still, Sora hoped Biyomon bought it; she was very trusting.

"Well then." Kari walked up to the computer. "Digi port OPEN!"

The computer flashed with a portal, opening to a new world. "It'll drop you off right near the celebration!" Yolei shouted.

"But what about Haw..." Patamon started when Tentomon elbowed hi in the chest.

"Err let's go!" Tentomon knew the story, and figured Hawkmon would come later, if at all. Probably didn't want to face Biyomon right now. Or Yolei.

Patamon shrugged as he flew into the portal, followed by all the other digimon. Someone would fill him on the details later. The portal flashed as the digimon finished entering, before sealing with a final blip, leaving the humans alone. "I never get tired of seeing that." Tai commented.

"I know. Kind of weird letting our digimon out on their own, and speaking of digimon, I need to have words with mine." Yolei huffed.


There was a giant grassy field in the middle of the Digital World. A menagerie of creatures filled the area of all types. The vast majority were rookies, but larger champion and ultimates were sprinkled in the mix. At the front of the field stood a giant stage, filed with Ottamon and Geckomon, the musical digimon. There was a great commotion of talking, laughing, and a few minor scuffles. But it was a grand event; digimon from the four corners of the Digital World flew, crawled, burrowed, or swam here. The crowd had just swelled to enormous proportions when Andromon, the humanoid cyborg, came out into the middle of the stage. He walked up to the front of the stage, the crowd starting to simmer down. Andromon had in fact organized this event, as tribute for his friends. He spoke, his voice amplified several hundred times by the speakers he had tuned himself into, but his voice came crystal clear. "Welcome digimon!" This alone got a standing ovation from the digimon, the roar was almost deafening as a group of Tyrannomon and Darktyrannomon in the back burst into loud roars. Andromon wait for a few minutes until the decibel level subsided to an appropriate level. "I would like to thank you for all coming out to this, the first annual celebration of when the Digital World, truly became free. The Freedom Day Celebration!" Another roar from the crowd shook the stake itself, the digimon straining to be heard over the Tyrannomon herd on east side. Andromon had to wait a full five minutes before the crowd had cheered themselves hoarse. "I had arranged this event because I believe we should pay tribute to those who fought so hard to help save us. While there were many who aided them in their battle against the evil force, raging from the Devimon, to the Dark Masters, to Myotismon's rebirth, it is they whose strength and determination had brought us all here today!" Another cheer arouse, though this one only lasted a minute, because most of the crowd realized Andromon was not done talking. "So before we can the Freedom Day celebration, I think we should give the heroes a congratulations worthy of the deeds they did!" Andromon clicked into the co-axial cable into his neck. He scanned the crowd, and instantly picked out the twelve faces he had come to known. Another mental command brought to life the spot light on top of the stage, and it quickly swivelled to the first digimon.

"AGUMON and PALMON!" The light shone on the happy couple as the crowd magically parted so everyone could get a lone. Agumon waved to the crowd with a smile, half blinded by the light, while Palmon held both of her hands over her head. The crowd broke into a frenzy applause and cheering, Agumon and Palmon both feeling a little self-conscious.

Andromon moved the spot light after four minutes, deciding not to wait till the crowd stopped their praise, or they would be here all night just to finish the introductions. The light stopped on another digimon couple. "GOMAMON!" The crowd's volume increased again as Gomamon waved his flipper to everybody, Aquaveemon by his side. "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful!" Gomamon replied, but no on heard him.

Four minutes went by as the spotlight found the next target. "PATAMON!" Patamon flew over the French Floramon's head as the crowd cheered for them. Patamon flew in a circle, waving his front left paw to people as they praised him.

Andromon waited again as he brought the light forward. The digimon had already moved away from the next couple, sensing they would be chosen soon. "GABUMON and BIYOMON!" Gabumon smiled at the crowd, actually blushing a little. Biyomon waved with her pink wings, but she felt kind of odd. The way Andromon said 'Gabumon and Biyomon' just sounded funny to her. Oh sure Gabumon was great, but he was here only out of pity. Biyomon knew that.

The light moved yet again, this time centring on a yellow plated digimon. "ARMADILLOMON!" Armadillomon stood on his hind legs, holding his paws over his head. He spotted a beautiful female chocolate Lopmon in from of him cheering, and Armadillomon motioned for her to come forward. Lopmon blushed, but she did, standing next to Armadillomon as the crowd cheered madly.

Armadillomon tied to talk to the Lopmon as the light began to move again, but it was still to loud, and the crowd had burst into applause again as the light landed on the green insect. "WORMMON!" Wormmon smiled happily resting on Renamon's shoulder, waving his front feeler though it was hard to tell. Renamon just smiled as Wormmon received his praise.

Andromon moved the spotlight again, landing on Tentomon, buzzing high above the crowd. "TENTOMON!" Andromon's amplified voice shouted as Tentomon's wings buzzed, and shot a band of electricity through the air. The band of electricity went up ten stories, before bursting into a ball of pure light, illuminating the sky. The crowd's roar reached a fever pitch.

"Hmmm show off." Gomamon smirked as the crowd cheered Tentomon's pyrotechnic display, which Tentomon had been working on for a month now.

Andromon waited till the glowing sparks died before he move to his next target, landing on the brow feathered bird, who was standing on the edge of the crowd, not in the centre like the other digimon. "HAWKMON!" Hawkmon, unlike the other digimon, just lifted his wing for a second, not responding to the crowd's reaction like the others. He only waved for a second, before putting his hand down, and then he got a look like he just wanted the praise to be done.

Andromon felt confused, noticing Hawkmon's rather obvious uncomfortable reaction even at this great distance. Of course Andromon could easily see up to fifty miles with his optic sensors.

Andromon moved the spot light after a minute on Hawkmon, targeting the last couple, the blue dragon rookie and the white feline champion. "VEEMON and GATOMON!" Gatomon smile and waved to the crowd while Veemon smiled, holding both hands clasped together over his head. Veemon felt such a rush, thousands of digimon screaming his name and Gatomon's as well. Veemon looked over at Gatomon, the beautiful digimon ... Veemon reached over and grabbed Gatomon?s arms. Gatomon had a look of deep surprise on his face as Veemon bent her over in a bow, and kissed her on the lips. The crowd exploded.


"Oh that was great!" Aquaveemon panted as she sat down on the blanket, watching the party. Her and Gomamon had dance already for some time. Gomamon was not the best dancer; his body was simply not built for it. "I haven't had that much fun in years."

"Hehe." Gomamon laughed by Aquaveemon's side. "I know. It's nice to cut loose like that."

"Yeah." Aquaveemon smiled. "I am impressed at the response you guys got."

"Well it's nice to be loved for what I am, perfect." Gomamon smiled at the aquatic rookie.

"You have such an ego!" Aquaveemon giggled at Gomamon.

"Well it is hard not to have an ego when you are so talented, not to mention drop dead cute." Gomamon gave Aquaveemon a half smile, cocking his head.

"Oh realllyyyy..." Aquaveemon's tail moved to the left. "And you think you can out do me in say, a swimming race?" Aquaveemon looked at the river behind her.

"Best swimmer out of all of the chosen digimon." Gomamon bragged.

"Correct me if I am wrong, but you are the only swimmer." Aquaveemon smirked.

"What? Intimidated by me?" Gomamon winked. "I am the best at everything."

Aquaveemon stood straight up. "Oh yeah?" Aquaveemon took a step towards the river. "Then let's see you catch me." Aquaveemon did a graceful flip, landing in the water. Her body made slid in smoothly, hardly making any splash.

Aquaveemon instantly took off upstream, easily fighting against the current. She heard a splash as she swam to the centre of the river. (I'll just let him chase me for a bit, I mean, he can?t keep up to me, he doesn't even have any fins.) Aquaveemon swam up streams at half speed, when something underneath her blew air bubbles on her stomach, startling her. Aquaveemon looked under her chest, Gomamon swimming belly up. "You'll have to do better than that." Gomamon's voice rang clear, Aquaveemon could hear perfectly under water, a trait of most marine digimon species.

Aquaveemon smiled. "You want to play at my level?" Aquaveemon laughed. "Then here we GO!" Aquaveemon turned on a dime, using the current to her advantage. She was at top speed in a heartbeat, swimming downstream as fast as she could, her tail reflecting the moonlight with every pass. Aquaveemon took a glance behind her. (Well I'll be...) Gomamon was twenty feet behind her, and staying with her. He made long powerful strokes with his flippers, his mohwak pushed flat back because of the speed. Whiles he was clearly trying, he was keeping up to her. (Hehe ok, let's try this!)

Aquaveemon moved right to the bottom of the river, skimming the rocky river floor. The current doubled her speed, her body a glistening missile. She darted left and right between seaweed covered boulders. Aquaveemon glance behind her as she passed under a large u-shaped rock. (He is still with me?) Aquaveemon regarded with surprise. Gomamon was so awkward out of water, but his speed, his gracefulness, was unbelievable.

Gomamon did a little barrel roll as Aquaveemon moved fast, using her riptide to keep up. (Whoa she is fast...) Gomamon panted. Gomamon knew that he would need some way of catching her; the only way he managed to keep up is he was using her own current to keep up with her. Gomamon concentrated; he had an instinctive grasp of currents and waterways. He could feel that river was about to take a sharp U turn. Gomamon smiled as he came up with a dangerous, foolhardy plan. Something one should only do if one's life was in danger. (Perfect.)

Gomamon suddenly left the bottom of the river just as the river began its bend. He shot straight to the surface, now a torpedo. He burst out forth form the glassy surface, sending up a spray of water. "WAHOO!" Gomamon cheered as he actually sailed over the peninsula, cutting the distance in half, clearing the shore going a fast as a speeding car. Gomamon placed his flippers together as he just cleared the lost rock and began his decent. Had he been going any slower he would not have made, and probably broken something when he landed. But it was perfect.

Aquaveemon cleared the corner and looked behind her. (Looks like I lost him... I must admit he is fast, but he's not as good as me. Guess I'll have to go back and let him nurse his bruised ego...) Aquaveemon smiled to herself.

"BANAZI!" Gomamon broke the surface of the water, sending out a spray of bubbles as he zeroed in on Aquaveemon.

"Awwk!" Aquaveemon gasped as she was tackled midsection, Gomamon making sure not to hurt her though. Gomamon wrapped his flippers around Aquaveemon's neck, and kissed her fin ear impulsively. Aquaveemon felt Gomamon latch on to her shoulders, the force driving them downwards in the river bottom. "Let me go!" Aquaveemon giggled as Gomamon held on to her tightly, though she didn't mean that at all. He was having too much fun.

"Caught me a little fishie!" Gomamon laughed as he held on tightly. "Don't thing I am going to let go just yet!"

"Oh yeah?" Aquaveemon laughed as she wrapped her legs around Gomamon's furry body. "Then how about we take a quick spin?"

Aquaveemon began to thrash her tail, and quickly began to spin, holding on to Gomamon tightly. "Whoa!" Gomamon felt like he was in a clothes drier. Gomamon held on tightly, pressing his face into Aquaveemon's face as she playfully tried to get him off. She felt Gomamon's furry body press against her smooth scaly skin, feeling the warmth pass form one to another.

"Mmm...." Gomamon began to kiss Aquaveemon deeply. Or maybe it was Aquaveemon who started to kiss Gomamon. Whoever started it, the friendly race turned into something else. Aquaveemon sunk to the bottom of the river as the two continued to make out. Gomamon began to rub his lower half of his body against Aquaveemon's belly. His red seal dick began to slip out of his pouch, stimulated by the humping motion. Gomamon then began to slide lower, nibbling lightly on Aquaveemon's neck.

"Mmm Gomamon...." Aquaveemon moaned as she felt Gomamon slide between her legs. Little bubbles of air escaped her lips and floated towards the surface. Aquaveemon placed her hands on Gomamon's furry ass, to prod him to go forward. Aquaveemon was a virgin, having never been with a man. She had just met Gomamon a while ago, and this was moving fast. But she did not want to stop.

Gomamon however, hardly needed any encouragement. His seal prick dipped into Aquaveemon's wet cunt, tearing her virginity from her. There was hardly any pain as her hymen shattered. The wet river environment lubricated her so well, Gomamon slid in and out with out any effort. A drop of blood dripped from Aquaveemon's cunt but was washed away before anyone noticed.

Gomamon began to fuck Aquaveemon faster now. His flippers were wrapped tightly around her back as Gomamon slammed into her, driving her into the sandy river bed, the cold smooth sand massaging her buttocks and back even as Gomamon humped her, squirting a bit of precum into her cunt.

"Ohh Gomamon!" Aquaveemon gurgled as she felt herself staring to orgasm. She had masturbated before, but this.... this was so much better. Gomamon's furry body rubbed tightly against her breast, her nipples hardened like raisins. The cool sand caressed her back, a contrast to the hot sea mammal penis rammed into her repeatedly. "Oh Gomamon!" Aquaveemon shouted loudly, though the sound could only be heard to the two lovers underwater.

Gomamon fucked Aquaveemon harder now, wanting to cum as Aquaveemon had her own orgasm. Aquaveemon was incredibly tight, so it didn't take much more for him to let out his load. He let out a little moan, the remaining air from his lungs escaping to the surface as he came hard into Aquaveemon's pussy. Seal cum dripped out of her cum as Gomamon kept fucking, making sure that every drop of his seed got into Aquaveemon. Gomamon gurgled for a second, not wanting to remove himself from the sweet embrace of Aquaveemon's vaginal walls. However, Gomamon had exerted himself with the race and even more so in the deflowering of Aquaveemon.

Gomamon suddenly shot to the surface, making the span in two seconds. "Gasp!" Gomamon came up for air crawling on the shoreline, taking a big gulp of life giving air. "Whoa... that was incredible..." Gomamon panted. He could hold his breath for a long time, but he did not have gills like Aquaveemon. He still needed air occasionally. "I never did it under water like that before."

"Oh man!" Aquaveemon knelt next to Gomamon, half out of the water, Gomamon by her side. She could breathe air or water, one of her digimon species traits. "You were great...."

"So were you." Gomamon brushed his flipper over Aquaveemon's smooth leg.

Aquaveemon's smiled as she looked up, then a look of disappointment crossed her face. "We must be twenty miles away!" Aquaveemon could barely see the lights in the distance.

"I didn't realize we were moving that fast." Gomamon panted as he looked at the river. "And we swam down stream with the current. No way we are going to make it back as quickly."

"Ah nuts." Aquaveemon sighed. "We are going to miss the party! I was looking so forward to it."

An evil grin crossed Gomamon's face. "Well." Gomamon suddenly jumped on Aquaveemon's back. "We can continue our own little party right here..."

Gomamon began to nibble on Aquaveemon's ear. Aquaveemon giggled at the sensation. "Oh you are incorrigible."

Gomamon reached in front of Aquaveemon, massaging her breasts. Then Gomamon heard something, a faint rustling. Not the wind. Not a falling branch. "What was that?" Gomamon looked around suddenly.

"Something wrong?" Aquaveemon looked around as Gomamon slid of her back

"I heard something." Gomamon scanned the darkened forest. Unfortunately, the same ability that allowed him to swim full speed in water with his eyes open also gave him rather poor night vision. Gomamon let his ears do the work. "There's some one here..."

"Gomamon, are you sure you aren't paranoid?" Aquaveemon bent down, and rubbed Gomamon's back. "Maybe we can loosen you up...."

"SHOW YOURSELF!" Gomamon screamed at the top of his lungs, scaring Aquaveemon back.

"Gomamon!" Aquaveemon panted as she stumbled back. "You scared me!"

"And that's my job." Aquaveemon didn't even see the blow coming.

"Aquaveemon!" Gomamon shouted as he saw a flash of shadow hit Aquaveemon down. Gomamon leapt at the shadow. "Get away from her!" Gomamon lunged, but hit only air. Gomamon landed as something connected with his jaw, splitting his lips as he was knocked into the river. Gomamon's head swam; he took a breath accidentally, getting a lungful of water. The choking spurned Gomamon back to clear-headedness, and he launched himself back to the surface, jumping on the beach and coughing up a glass of water. Gomamon's had snapped up, looking around, blood dripping from his lips. "Aquaveemon?!" He shouted as he looked to where Aquaveemon fell, but she wasn't there. "Aquaveemon!!!" Gomamon shouted more panicked. He looked frantically through the forest, and then by chance, he looked straight up. Aquaveemon was in mid air, being held by behind. "AQUAVEEMON!" Gomamon screamed as he saw Aquaveemon struggle, two dark wings encircling her. "NOOO!" Gomamon screamed at Aquaveemon's head snapped back, a wordless scream escaping from her lips as two fangs buried into her neck. Gomamon saw the shadow's head buried in her neck, shortly before Aquaveemon began to spasm. She desperately tried to escape, but her struggles began to weaken. Her arms suddenly went limp as the last drop of life was drained out of her.

"I'LL KILL YOU!" Gomamon leapt at the bloodsucker, but again fell short. He moved to turn again, but a foot slammed against the back of his head. "UGH!" Gomamon's face was slammed into the sand. He tried to get up, but the creature was surprisingly strong.

"I am sorry, but I need to feed..." The creature hissed in a clearly feminine voice. "It is the way of all Vampmon..." The Vampmon breathed into Gomamon's ear, as she dragged her tongue across Gomamon's neck.

Gomamon felt hot breath on his neck, and he redoubled his efforts. But he could not escape. He felt two sharp points drag across his neck. "Errr..." Gomamon braced himself. (All those battles, to end like this...)

"No." The creature, which Gomamon now knew as a Vampmon, spoke. "You remind me of someone who was once kind to me." The Vampmon bent over whispering in his ear. Gomamon now could tell one more thing from this Vampmon?s voice thought it didn't concern him at the time, this Vampmon was a female. "I am sorry for your lost, but it pales compares to mine. I have waited a thousand life times and more to be with my love. You will only need to live one."

Gomamon turned his head slightly, just enough so his mouth wasn't full of sand when he talked. "You won't live one more life if I ever catch you again Vampmon." Gomamon hissed before he was hit in the back of the head once more, shutting the world out around him.


Gatomon and Veemon were dancing back at the Freedom Celebration, Gatomon obviously the more graceful of the two. Finally Gatomon and Veemon began to walk back to their own little spot. "Man this is fun." Gatomon panted as she and Veemon walked out of the crow to the edge, taking a seat on the grass. Gatomon's tail brushed up against his hand, causing him to blushed beat red.

"Y... Yeah.? Veemon stuttered. Veemon had hardly said two words to Gatomon since he kissed her. His lisp had gotten steadily worse, showing how nervous he was.

"Veemon." Gatomon shook her head. "Calm down. I am not going to attack you for kissing me like that. You took me by surprise I admit, but I admire your bravery." Gatomon gave Veemon a little smile, which made Veemon just melt.

"Well...... I don't know what came over me..." Veemon rubbed his hands together, still embarrassed over the events.

"I have to ask Veemon." Gatomon smiled softly. "Why are you so nervous around me?"

Veemon took a deep breath. "I don't know." Veemon smiled back as he looked square into Gatomon?s lovely face. "I guess it is those beautiful red eyes of yours."

Gatomon's jaw stood open slightly for a second. "Veemon... my eyes are blue."

Veemon looked into Gatomon's baby blue eyes. "Flamegatomon, I... I'm sorry..." Veemon stuttered.

"Whoa whoa..." Gatomon held up a paw. "Did you just say 'Flame' Gatomon? Where'd that come from?"

Veemon began to sweat. "I... I... have...? Veemon looked at Gatomon. Suddenly he saw something. Gatomon had bright red fur with stripes, and red eyes, beautiful red eyes. "I have to GO!" Veemon suddenly got to his feet.

"Veemon?!" Gatomon got up as Veemon took off in the crowd.


The Freedom Celebration had ever sort of digimon. Creatures raging from giant dinosaurs, to mechanical machines, sentient plants, and more. This new arrival hardly seemed out of place, although one time her mere presence would have sent fear and panic. But no one knew her kind anymore. Mainly because she was the last one of her kind, from an era long since forgotten. So slipping into this crowd unnoticed and with out any incident was child's play. Or so she thought.

Twelve Gazimon were celebrating Freedom day with a barrel of fermented berries, the Digital World equivalent of cheap booze. Well it's true the Digital World was in peace, there were still unsavoury elements. These Gazimon used to work for the Dark Masters, under Etemon's rule. Needless to say they enjoyed the freedom, but some of the old ways still stuck. "Well lookie over there." The largest Gazimon smirked as he nudged the closest Gazimon to him.

The Gazimon all followed the big Gazimon's finger. "Now who is that?" There was a female digimon walking through the crowd. She had deep red eyes, and a pair of reptilian wings sticking out of her back. She had two white fangs jetting out of her mouth, and a lock of hair that hung from hair in a gothic style. "Man oh man, I think I am in love." Another Gazimon smiled.

"Sorry boys, first come first served." The largest Gazimon smiled as he walked out of the ground.

"I heard his name called..." The female digimon looked around the crowd, as if intent on searching for something or someone. The crowd was huge, finding a single digimon in this mess was a task in upon itself. She considered flying overhead, but she didn?t want to swoop down like a vulture. She had the whole seen played out. She would walk in from the crowd, he would recognize her.... his eyes would slowly beam with dawning recognition. He would approach her as if by magic, taking her hand, whispering her name.... "I know he is here..." She said again, moving past a pair of Mekanorimon.

"If you are talking about Mr. Right, that would be me." Gazimon overheard the lady digimon speaking. "Now if I could just learn your name, we could be Mr and Mrs Right."

"The name is Vampmon. Lady Vampmon if you prefer." Lady Vampmon turned and faced the Gazimon. "And I'd prefer if you'd go find someone else. I am not interested." Lady Vampmon turned away from Gazimon.

"Oh come on now." Gazimon grabbed Lady Vampmon's arm. "How about we have a little fun?"

Lady Vampmon wrenched her arm away. "You don't want to know what I would find fun right now." Lady Vampmon hissed, before she began to walk away. Suddenly Lady Vampmon felt two hands wrap around her, grabbing her on the chest.

"Oh maybe you just don't know how to party." Gazimon squeezed Lady Vampmon's breasts.

Lady Vampmon smiled as she grabbed Gazimon's paws resting on her chest. "Well Vampmon do know how to party." Gazimon smiled as Lady Vampmon held his arms, but the next minute he went flying across the field, sending up a spray of sod. Lady Vampmon smirked, straightening herself up. "It is just we party rough."

"Funny thing." Lady Vampmon looked behind her. Eleven Gazimon circled her, snarling. "So do we."


Palmon and Agumon were talking about the time they snuck into Myotismon's army. "I thought you looked kind of cute with that fro." Palmon snickered as she took a sip of her drink. Digitamamon, the egg entrepreneur, had set up bars and snack shacks all over, and well stocked one. A Cogmon just floated away with a can of 10W30 motor oil.

"Hehe that thing itched though." Agumon scratched his scalp. "Not used to hair in this form."

"Well I am glad you two are having fun." Gatomon walked up to Digitamamon counter, and dropped a digidollar. "Milk." While this may seem like a pretty tame drink, milk did have a slight intoxicating effect on her.

"Coming right up!" Digitamamon smiled as he disappeared under the table.

"Gatomon?" Palmon looked over to Gatomon, who was without Veemon. "Something wrong?"

"Not really." Gatomon was handed a milk bottle of 2% milk. "But Veemon just upped and left on me." Gatomon took a swing of the milk.

"Whoa, Veemon ditched you?" Agumon coughed surprised. Agumon knew Veemon's obsession with Gatomon.

"Are you ok?" Palmon asked Gatomon, slightly concerned.

"Oh yeah." Gatomon took another sip of the milk. "But it was weird. I mean, Veemon had kissed me right?"

"Awww..." Palmon and Agumon both made the same sound. "That was so cute."

"Funny you two." Gatomon smirked licking her lips. "But he suddenly said I had such beautiful red eyes."

"Huh?" Agumon looked at Gatomon. "But your eyes are blue."

"Ouch." Palmon shook her head.

"I know, and it seemed to genuinely surprise him. I mean, it looked like he really thought my eyes were supposed to be red." Gatomon blinked once. "And then he apologized, but he called me Flamegatomon."

"Double ouch." Agumon grimaced. Calling a girl by the wrong name, that was just bad.

"I wasn't angry. But he looked really confused." Gatomon sipped at the milk again. "And then he took off. I didn't think I should follow, but maybe we should send one of the guys?"

"That would be a hint for me right?" Agumon looked at Gatomon. Gatomon nodded her head. "Ok ok. I will go hunt Veemon down."

"Great, he ran off in that direction." Gatomon pointed to the edge of the forest.

Agumon sniffed at the air, overwhelmed but the thousands of digimon. "This may be a while. I don't think I can track him easy." Agumon leaned over Palmon's shoulder, and kissed her on the cheek. "Now don't go anywhere."

Palmon blushed. "I won't." Palmon smiled as Agumon disappeared into the crowd.

"Well at least you two are getting along." Gatomon smiled.

"Yeah, Agumon is so sweet." Palmon admitted. "And he is a great kisser. You wouldn't believe how long his tongue is."

"Too much information." Gabumon overheard the conversation as walked up to the bar, placing his own order.

"Oh hi Gabumon." Gatomon replied just noticing the furry rookie. "And how is our newest couple?"

"Well... I am trying." Gabumon took the two drinks, a seed wine for Biyomon, and a beer for Gabumon. Gabumon had developed a taste for beer with Matt over the last year. "But I think Biyomon knows this was a pity date. I mean, she is great, but she seems kind of depressed..." Gabumon looked over to Gatomon. "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault Gabumon. I know you tried." Gatomon sighed.

"You go back and try and cheer Biyomon up some." Palmon smiled softly.

"I'll try." Gabumon nodded to his two friends as he walked back through the crowd.

Gatomon and Palmon looked at each other as Gabumon left. "You're thinking what I am thinking?" Palmon looked over at Gatomon.

"Let's go find us a Hawkmon." Gatomon replied with a bit of a huff.


Hawkmon sat perched on a tree branch, watching the celebration for some time now. He was originally not going to come, but after facing down an angry Yolei, had decided to grace the celebration with his presence. He had not yet spoken to Biyomon. In fact, he had done nothing but watch. Something felt odd to him, like deja vu, only much stronger. (Maybe I should be down there, but I never cared for these celebrations...) Hawkmon looked over the crowd. (Wait... where did that come from? I have never been to anything like this before... yet... this all seems oddly familiar. The cheers, the congratulations to us, the Three...) Hawkmon shook his head. (What? The Three? Who is that?) Hawkmon looked down at the crowd. All cheering, laughing.... except for one.... a single figure stood perfectly still in the edge of the crowd. She, yes Hawkmon could tell it was a she, even though she was bundled in a thick robe of sorts, looked at him. Hawkmon began to crane his neck, as if drawn. (Who.... are you?) Hawkmon began to get up.

"Hawkmon." Hawkmon looked around as three vines shout out, latching on to the branch above him. Palmon pulled herself up, landing on the branch next to Hawkmon.

"Hawkmon we want to talk to you." Gatomon easily scaled the tree and ended up behind Hawkmon.

Hawkmon had not even seen their approach; he was so wrapped in his thoughts. "Uh something wrong?" Hawkmon replied looking at the two females. He cast a casual glance back to the crowd. Whoever that blue robed figure was, she was long gone now. Hawkmon felt a deep sense of regret over that for some reason.

"Why did you turn down Biyomon like that?" Gatomon glared at Hawkmon.

Hawkmon?s attention turned back to the matter at hand. "Er I tried to be nice..." Hawkmon explained himself.

"Well why couldn't you simply say yes?" Palmon snapped. "Would it have killed you to go on one date with Biyomon?"

"She just wanted one lousy date." Gatomon replied. ?Not a life time commitment.?

"I don't know... it just seemed wrong..." Hawkmon admitted nervously.

"How? You aren't married are you?" Palmon snapped back. "Biyomon just wanted on night to remember."

Hawkmon's heart skipped. (A night to remember. The best night of my life, side by side with... )

"Hawkmon?" Gatomon waved a paw in front of Hawkmon's face.

"Huh?" Hawkmon shook his head.

"You spaced out there." Palmon suddenly looked concerned. "Listen, I didn't mean to snap. But Biyomon looked forward to this for months now. She honestly thought you were going to ask her out."

"Right, sure." Hawkmon felt very weird. For a minute he flashed on something, something... important. Hawkmon regained his focus. "Sorry, I didn't mean to lead Biyomon. I guess I should have made my intentions clear."

"It's not just that." Gatomon sighed. "Biyomon is, or was, quite smitten with you. I mean, it's one thing for it not to work out, but not even to give it a chance."

Hawkmon looked up at Gatomon. "You are right. I don't know why I acted so rude."

"Great, so here is what your are going to do." Gatomon smiled.


"So you're a chosen digimon to?" Armadillomon looked over at his impromptu date, the rookie Lopmon.

"Yup. My partner lives in Canada." Lopmon went on as she sat next to Armadillomon.

"Fascinating." Armadillmon replied, though he was looking over Lopmon's nice body. Armadillomon was going to suggest going somewhere more, private, when he was rudely interrupted by the flying body coming at him

"GUH!" A Gazimon came flying out of nowhere, rolling to a stop at Armadillomon's feet.

"What's going on?!" Armadillomon got up, along with Lopmon. "A fight?"

Gazimon just groaned, sporting three claw marks on his face. "Look!" Lopmon pointed down the centre of the crowd that had parted, the nearest digimon watching the fight.

"ELECTRIC STUN BLAST!" Two Gazimon fired at Lady Vampmon, charging their fur with electricity.

Lady Vampmon leapt straight up, using her wings to guide her as she sailed over the blasts in a graceful back flip. She landed behind the pair in a graceful black flip. The Gazimon turned, the one on the left taking a foot to the side of the head from a perfectly executed round hose kick. The second Gazimon swiped at Lady Vampmon but Lady Vampmon merely ducked, and swept out with her leg. Gazimon's legs flew out from under him. "GRah!" Gazimon lost his balance.

Lady Vampmon caught Gazimon by one of his ears before he completely fell over. "So...? Lady Vampmon hauled Gazimon to his feet. "Did we enjoy the party?" Lady Vampmon hissed.

Gazimon looked around. His eleven Gazimon buddies were around him, in very states of consciousness. "Please don't hurt me."

Lady Vampmon sneered. "Lucky for you I don't do that any more." Lady Vampmon brought the Gazimon close to her face. "But I can make exceptions."

"Rolling STRIKE!" Lady Vampmon turned as a hard yellow ball struck her in the side of the face, Lady Vampmon went flying as Armadillomon uncurled and landed on the ground. The Gazimon landed on his butt, and immediately ran off terrified.

Lady Vampmon regained herself in mid air, landing on the ground in one knee. Black blood dripped from her mouth and down her chin. "Armadillomon..." Lady Vampmon spit a mixture of saliva and blood on the ground. Her own blood tasted rancid in her mouth.

Armadillomon glared at the creature. Her appearance filled him with anger. The black wings. The sharp fangs. Suddenly a word formed on his lips. "Vampmon..."

Lady Vampmon's eyes went wide in surprise. "You... remember me?"

"No." Armadillomon replied. "But I remember you are evil."

"Wait Armadillomon." Lady Vampmon held out her hands. "I don't want to have to fight you."

"Well guess what?" Armadillomon took a step forward. "You ain't got a say in the matter."


Andromon looked over the party, which was going well. A few minor skirmishes, a male being fresh with a female... nothing to be concerned about. Armadillomon seemed to just breaking up a fight. Andromon began to adjust his hearing processors to filter out the majority of the party so he could listen in.

"Hey Andromon." Palmon appeared on the stage beside Andromon.

"Palmon." Andromon lost interest in Armadillomon for the time being. "How are you enjoying the party?" Andromon asked as he looked down at the small rookie.

?Well yes, but I need you to do a favour for me.? Palmon smiled sweetly.

?For you Palmon, anything.? Andromon replied.


?How?s your wine?? Gabumon asked Biyomon politely as they mingled.

Biyomon took another small sip. ?Fine thank you Gabumon.?

Gabumon smiled back, but he knew Biyomon was depressed. She was putting on a good show, but Biyomon wasn?t having the time of her lift. Her thoughts were elsewhere. ?Hey Gabumon.? Gabumon looked to his side as Gatomon grabbed his arm.

?Uh hey Gatomon.? Gabumon stuttered in surprise.

"Gabumon, just who I was looking for.? Gatomon smiled as she began to drag him. ?Come on the band leader wants you.?

?But but....? Gabumon stuttered as he was ceremoniously hauled off, leaving Biyomon alone.


The band, which called themselves RPG, were playing for the Freedom Celebration was a skilled one, having brought many songs form Earth to the Digital World. The drummer was an Icedemidevimon, a flying bat creature with white leather over his body. The man on base was a red dragon creature with wings called Redmon. The piano player was a feline named Infernogatomon, with fur so red and dark it was almost black, and she had emerald eyes. The guitarist, a small mechanical stag beetle digimon, went by the name of Kokuwamon, and right now he flew up to the mike, calling out to the crowd. "Hi we the members of the band RPG want to thank you al for coming here!" Kokuwamon spoke, his voice crystal clear. The crowd cheered, and Kokuwamon waited a second before speaking again. "And now, we'd like to invite a guest digimon up!" The crowd cheered again as Gabumon was all but thrown on the stage by Gatomon. "GABUMON!" Kokuwamon cheered, along with the rest of the crowd.

Gabumon however stuttered. "But... I am not that good..."

"Oh hush I heard you play." Palmon looked out from the keyboard, taking a side-by-side place with Infernogatomon. "You are better than you give yourself credit for." Palmon ran her fingers up the keyboard, playing a simple C scale.

"You play piano?" Gabumon looked over at Palmon with some surprise.

"Let's just say...." Palmon's fingers began to extend. "I have the fingers for it. Not to mention Plants to grow better listening to music. Read that in a gardening magazine. But Gabumon, we need a slow song." Palmon looked out towards the crowd.

Gabumon followed Palmon's gaze, and he suddenly realized what was going on. Gabumon smirked as he was handed his guitar by Kokuwamon, the guitar actually plugged into his body. Kokuwamon doubled as singer and amplifier. Gabumon went up to the mike and spoke. "All right then! I see a lot of happy couples out there!" Gabumon heard several girls scream. "So I think we need to slow it down a notch, and show everyone just how special this night can be?" Gabumon smiled as many couple already moved close, ready for the slow dance. Gabumon's fingers ran over the guitar, supremely made, and began to play. His voice changed as he David Bowie's voice came from his mouth as Gabumon broke into the most romantic song as he could thing of, As The World Falls Down.


Biyomon just stood in the middle of the party by herself, Gabumon's voice vibrating through the crowd as couples danced close with one another. She was angry now. Hawkmon had retracted hr from the start, and now Gabumon left to fulfill some rock star fantasy. She dropped her bottle to the ground, the leftover birdseed wine spilling on to the grass. Biyomon gave one angrier glare to Gabumon on the stage as he tuned his instrument, before turning around, ready to leave. ?Oh!? Biyomon gasped in surprise, running face to face with Hawkmon.

"Hello Biyomon." Hawkmon said quietly, looking quite sheepish.

"Oh Hawkmon." Biyomon replied a bit snoopy as the soft dance music began to play.

Hawkmon felt a little uncomfortable at Biyomon's reaction, but he did deserve it. Hawkmon took another breath, to gather the courage. "Would you... care to dance?"

Biyomon was going to say no. He had turned her down, and Gabumon was all but forced to take her out. This was supposed to be one of the best nights of her life..... "Yes." Biyomon suddenly replied, saying it without realizing it.

Hawkmon held out his wing, which Biyomon took. Hawkmon placed his wing on to Biyomon's waist as Biyomon placed her own wing on his shoulder. Biyomon and Hawkmon instantly began to move gracefully with the rhythm, bird digimon seeming to have a grace all to their own. They flowed smoothly across the grass, Biyomon?s anger melting away as Hawkmon?s strong touch guided them from one point to another.

Hawkmon took a deep breath as he looked down at Biyomon?s face. It was time to talk. "I... owe you an apology." Hawkmon looked slightly to his side. "I should have agreed to this."

"Why didn't you?" Biyomon asked. "Do you not like me?" Biyomon asked the question she did not want answered."

"No. I find you very attractive." Hawkmon answered with a bit of a sigh. "It's just..."

"Then why?" Biyomon asked again. "Is it someone else?"

Hawkmon took a deep breath. "Promise not to think it's weird?" Hawkmon looked into Biyomon?s face. ?I... am not ready for a relationship.?

?I didn?t want a relationship, I simply wanted a date. Just so... we could get to know one another.? Biyomon answered. ?If something else happened, then we would deal with it.?

?That?s just it. I was terrified of something happening. It felt like.... I was betraying something....? Hawkmon tried to word his feelings, but even he didn?t understand them.

?To Yolei?? Biyomon replied confused.

?No not her. She is my partner and my friend, but she would never stand in the way of a relationship. It?s....? Hawkmon strained to think.

"YAH!" A loud and familiar scream snapped Hawkmon to attention. Biyomon and Hawkmon looked up as Armadillomon came flying into the centre of their dance. Biyomon and Hawkmon leapt backwards as the rookie landed roughly.

"What on earth?" Hawkmon landed five feet back as Armadillomon skidded to a stop.

A winged digimon with fangs landed in front of Armadillomon. "Do we NEED to continue this?!" Lady Vampmon growled as she landed. ?I could have killed you five times if I wanted to!?

Armadillomon flipped on his stomach. "I know you are evil. I don?t know what your plan is, but I will stop you."

"You can't beat me." Lady Vampmon replied as she looked at Armadillomon. "I've improved over several lifetimes."

"Well I'll tell ya what I've got." Armadillomon smirked. Lady Vampmon looked around her. A Gabumon, a Biyomon, a Palmon, a Gatomon, a Wormmon, a Hawkmon all formed a circle behind her. "Friends."

"Armadillomon who is this?" Palmon asked her fingers extending slightly in preparation for an attack.

"Vampmon." Armadillomon sneered. "Some evil creature."

"Vampmon?" Hawkmon's eyes went wide. "I've... heard that before."

Lady Vampmon turned. She recognized Hawkmon. "I am not surprised. You don't remember life before the digi egg, do you?"

"Life... before?" Hawkmon stuttered. "I had a life before the digi egg?"

"Yes." Lady Vampmon replied, trying to talk to Hawkmon. Hawkmon was always the most level headed of the Three. Maybe if she reached him he could talk Armadillomon down.

"Don't believe her." Armadillomon growled. "She is trying to trick us!"

"You think all those years under that digiegg you would learn some patience." Lady Vampmon looked around. They had a rather big audience, the nearby digimon have all stopped celebrating, watching the show. "Listen, I don't want to make a scene. Why don't we all go off and talk privately..."

"Oh you'd like that." Armadillomon moved closer. "Well we ain't stupid enough to go anywhere with you. Ya may have a horde of your pals in those woods there."

"Although this may disappoint you, I am the last Vampmon." Lady Vampmon replied with a touch of sadness. "My kind died out eons ago. Only I survived."

"Well then, I guess we can just make sure you join your buds." Armadillomon hissed as he leapt at Lady Vampmon again.

"Look, can I get five seconds to explain?" Lady Vampmon tried to keep herself calm, but even her patience was wearing thin.

"Maybe if we tie you up first!" Tentomon buzzed. He had learnt not to fall for these tricks some digimon play. If Armadillomon thought she was evil, that was good enough for him.

Lady Vampmon looked around; realizing perhaps a show of force may come in handy. Her voice took a slightly deeper tone. "You don't want to have to fight me...."

Tentomon suddenly stopped dead, landing softly on the ground. "I don't want to fight..."

Lady Vampmon turned around, looking at the rest of the digimon. "None of you want to fight me...." Lady Vampmon caught the eyes of all of the digimon. "Fighting is wrong..." A trick she learned a few thousand years ago. A trick only elder and disciplined Vampmon knew. The most powerful weapon in her arsenal.

"What did you do to them?' Biyomon looked at Tentomon. Tentomon landed and just seemed to stare into space.

"Natural seduction." Lady Vampmon replied, feeling proud of her. "Elder Vampmon learn that over a few millennia. As long as a digimon is even slightly attracted to me, they can be charmed."

"Great." Armadillomon growled. "Lucky fer me that I don't find ya attractive."

"Nor do I." Hawkmon glared as he looked around. Wormmon, Tentomon, Gabumon, Patamon had all stiffened.

"I am not surprised. I see that you are starting to remember, you and Armadillomon." Lady Vampmon looked back and forth. In a way this was good. It meant Veemon had a chance of remembering her. But it would have been easier of she had met Veemon first.

"The digi girls here aren't affected either." Gatomon looked over at Palmon and Biyomon. "Guess we just don't swing that way."

"Well speaking as girls, do you think we can solve this without resorting to some testosterone fight like guys would? Lady Vampmon pleaded.

"Fat chance." Lady Vampmon looked behind her. Lopmon, Renamon, and Floramon all glared angrily at her. "We don't like someone messing with our dates."


Agumon lifted his head, sniffing the air again. (I could be making out with Palmon. But noooo.... good thing he saved my life, otherwise I'd have to kill him.) Agumon looked around. The crowd was thin here, and up on a small hill under a lone tree, sat a blue digimon, breaking a branch and half, then half again. Agumon sighed as he trekked up the hill "Veemon?" Agumon walked up the hill.

Veemon looked up at Agumon startled. He had been completely lost in his thoughts, running through the evenings events in his mind "Oh hey?" Veemon tried to smile, though it wasn't in him. Besides, he guessed Agumon already knew what was going on, mainly because Palmon wasn't on his arm.

"So what is that idea?" Agumon sat next to Veemon. "You've been telling me all about this date with Gatomon ever since you asked her, and now you ditch her?"

"I... don?t know Agumon.? Veemon sighed looking at the broken twig in his hands. "I... just saw this... flash of something... a vision.... Gatomon had red eyes and fur, and I called her.... Flamegatomon..."

"Flamegatomon?" Agumon looked confused.

"I know it sounds crazy but that name..." Veemon dropped the sticks on the ground. "When I say it I feel... such a loss. Like something is... missing." Veemon placed his hand on his heart. "It actually hurts now, do you believe it? Veemon clutched his chest.

"Veemon, what's going on?" Agumon asked concerned. "You are starting to worry me."

"I don't know... it's weird... the last month I have been having dreams." Veemon rubbed his hands. "No wait... it goes back longer than that. I would wake up being scared and frightened.... but I couldn't remember. But lately I have been remembering a bit more... red eyes..... Black wings.... a sliver dagger....." Veemon rubbed his head. "I don't why but these images mean something to me! And it's driving me nuts!" Veemon rubbed his temples. "And now Flamegatomon...." Veemon looked over at Agumon, a tear in his eye.

"Veemon..." Agumon was worried. "Something's wrong."

Veemon actually smiled. "What a time to get a nervous break down... Just after I kissed Gatomon." Veemon touched his lips. "Maybe... that is what touched my memories... it seemed so familiar..."

"Wait, memories?" Agumon through for a second. (Veemon called them memories....) "Veemon what do you remember about the digieggs? How you got under them?"

"What?" Veemon thought for a second. "I honestly don't know... I never thought about for some reason.... I just accepted that was were I came from.... Why?"

"You called those dreams memories." Agumon replied trying to make sense of the situation. "Is it possible your dream are memories? From another life?"

Veemon was stunned. It had never occurred to him before. But it made sense... Did he have a history? Another life? Veemon looked up from his hands, staring at the crowd. Suddenly something caught his attention "What's going on?" Veemon pointed to celebration. The crowd had parted, there was a major fight in the centre Veemon could tell, though he couldn?t? see the specifics from the distance.

Agumon looked behind him. ?A fight??

?We better check it out.? Veemon got up. (At least it will give me something else to do than dwell on Gatomon... or Flamegatomon.)


"Leave our dates ALONE! HA!" Renamon came in with a powerful kick, but Lady Vampmon moved quick, throwing her into Lopmon.

"POLLEN RAIN!" A blast of pollen came from the French Floramon, dousing Lady Vampmon with the sleeping powder.

"Sorry Frenchie." Lady Vampmon covered the distance to Floramon in a split second. "Lady Vampmon don't need to breath." Lady Vampmon grabbed Floramon and flung her over her shoulder, into the bushes so she would not be seriously harmed.

"SPIRAL TWISTER!" Biyomon fired a blast of green energy from the sky.

Lady Vampmon jumped straight back. "Don't make me hurt you!" Lady Vampmon shouted.

"POISON IVY!" Six vines streak towards Lady Vampmon from Palmon's hands. Lady Vampmon's arm was encircled with vines. "I don't like women who mess with my friends!" Palmon braced herself. Gabumon, Tentomon, Wormmon all still stood in mute wonder, unable to move or speak.

"If it helps the seduction is only physical attraction." Lady Vampmon say Armadillomon rush her. "I can be quite a bitch once you get to know me." Lady Vampmon grabbed Palmon's vines with her free arm. Palmon was yanked off her feet, and swung into Armadillomon with enough forced to send both of them tumbling.

"FEATHER SLASH!" A feather came flying toward Lady Vampmon from the skies. Lady Vampmon moved just as the feather sailed by her cheek, slashing a small cut. Lady Vampmon hardly felt it, her body healed from such cuts quickly.

Hawkmon caught the feather just as Lady Vampmon took flight. Hawkmon was surprised by her speed, catching him in the stomach with both fists. "Whoomfff...." Hawkmon gasped as he was knocked back. Lady Vampmon hit him with a little more force than the others. He sailed clear out of the celebration, flying into the forest behind him. His head smacked into a tree branch, ripping the world from him.

Lady Vampmon gasped for a second. She had meant to pull her punches, but Hawkmon could be seriously hurt now. "I didn?t mean!?

Biyomon rammed the surprised Lady Vampmon from behind, knocking her forward. ?Stop THIS!? Biyomon then came rushing at Lady Vampmon trying to grab her from behind, but Lady Vampmon, now spurred back to action, grabbed Biyomon's wing, and threw her to the ground, this time make sure she landed in a safe place, namely the top of a rather annoyed Mushroomon.

The crowd began to murmur, sensing that this was more than just a common drunken brawl. After all, the chosen digimon were all involved, but surprisingly, they weren't able to touch this new digimon. Lady Vampmon landed on the ground, glaring over everyone. "Listen, I am the best fighter in the digital world! Don't make me hurt you!"

"Best fighter?! Then try me on for size!" Gatomon leapt at Lady Vampmon. "LIGHTNING CLAW!"

Lady Vampmon dodged the first punch, but Gatomon's tail swung out, catching her under the legs. "Whoa!" Lady Vampmon fell back, taken by surprise. (Right Gatomon, champion level with the strength and speed to go with it.)

"Gotcha!" Gatomon threw another punch as Lady Vampmon fell backwards.

"No!" Lady Vampmon spread her wings wide, steadying her self. "Got you!" Lady Vampmon grabbed Gatomon's arm as she dodged to the side. She twisted Gatomon's up, causing Gatomon to yelp in pain. "Now then kitty." Lady Vampmon but her mouth to Gatomon's ear, her lip still bleeding from Armadillomon's attack. "Do you want to continue this pointless fight, or do I start to really get angry?"

Agumon and Veemon rushed through the crowd. While some of the digimon were still celebrating, or were to drunk too notice, many had gathered around the fight. The crowd parted as Agumon and Veemon stormed through. Veemon stopped dead. Gatomon was being held behind, the strong rookie struggling in vain. And behind her, was a nightmare. A creature with long black reptilian wings that seemed to flow into the night. Her mouth dripped with blood, a mere inch away from Gatomon's neck. Agumon looked around. "Ok Veemon we need to..." But Veemon did not hear. A horrifying vision flashed in front of his eyes. A beautiful creature with silky red hair and dazzling red eyes, being raped and tortured in front of him, and he could do nothing, helpless as they sank their teeth, those horrible night creatures, into her beautiful neck... his lover.... his... his.....

"Not AGAIN!" Veemon screamed, scaring Agumon. "I won't let you die AGAIN!!"

Lady Vampmon's head snapped up from Gatomon's ear as something charged towards her. Lady Vampmon gasped. It was him. The one who she searched for years, her love, Veemon. "Veemon..."

CRACK! Veemon hit Lady Vampmon with as much force as he could muster. Lady Vampmon went flying across the field. Lady Vampmon pulled her wings in close as she roiled to keep them from being damaged. After the fourth somersault, Lady Vampmon rolled to her feet. Her cheek throbbed, the blow painful, but nothing hurt more than the fact who delivered the punch. "V... Veemon" Lady Vampmon stuttered stuttered.

But Veemon had enveloped in a rage. The celebration, his friends, everything had died out around him. All he saw was the blood dripping down the Vampmon's lips. Flamegatomon's blood... "VEE PUNCH!"

Lady Vampmon was taken by surprise again, her entire world blurring around her as Veemon hit her under the jaw with a powerful upper cut. Lady Vampmon went flying out of the digimon crowd, her back smacking against a large oak tree. "Uhh..." Lady Vampmon?s body had already begun to heal as she stood up, as Veemon rushed her again.

"VEE HEADBUTT!" Veemon launched himself forward, aiming at Flamegatomon's murderer.

Lady Vampmon had enough presence now to jump straight up, her wings spreading to take flight. Veemon's head butt shattered the tree trunk, sending up splinters of wood as the enormous tree began to crack and fall. Lady Vampmon glance down, Veemon looked back up. His face was burned with fury and anguish. He wanted to kill her, rip her to shreds, and make her pay.... (Not like this!) Lady Vampmon screamed to herself. (It wasn?t supposed to be like this!)

Veemon looked up growling. The Vampmon looked back at him for a second, then turned. her wings spread wide as she flew into the night. ?Come back!? Veemon screamed at the monster as she disappeared over the rooftops. ?Come back so I can KILL YOU!!?


?Uhhhh....? Hawkmon shook his head. ?My word....? Hawkmon blinked his eyes as he looked around. The Freedom Celebration was nowhere in site. (Did she hit me that far?) Hawkmon began to get up.

?Be still.? A blue winged grazed Hawkmon? temple. ?You are hurt. You have been out for well over an hour.?

Hawkmon was up in a flash, turning around and jumping back ten feet. ?Away!? Hawkmon tensed himself for this new intruder.

?I dragged you away from the battle, I need to make sure you weren?t hurt.? The figure, clearly female, spoke. She wore a blue robe, which hid almost her entire body, except for two yellow legs, and here blue wings.

?Uh thank you...? Hawkmon looked closer. She seemed familiar, very familiar. :?I saw you...? Hawkmon?s eyes began to glow with dawning comprehension. ?You were at the party...?

?But there is more than that isn?t there?? The robed figure took a step forward, but Hawkmon didn?t feel the least bit afraid.

?Yes... we knew....? Hawkmon?s wings dropped to his side. ?Long ago....?

"Hawkmon." The blue robed figured began to speak. "Ever since I first saw you, I felt something, gazing across you from the town's square. I admired you strong presences, feeling it even from my great distance. Just having you near me made me feel safe."

Hawkmon's eyes glazed over as he began to speak. "And the first time I saw you, I admired your beauty, your grace. I had never felt fear in my life, until the first time I approached you. My heart was in my throat when I asked for your company that one beautiful spring morning..." Hawkmon's spoke, not knowing where the words came from, but the flowed out of his beak naturally, as if he was breathing.

The blue robed moved closer. "I thought I was dreaming when you came. You spoke so eloquently, so charming. I blushed so hard I thought my feathers would turn red. I don't how I found the breath to say yes."

"I had rehearsed that speech so many times to myself. But I still expected rejection. Why would this muse accept me?" Hawkmon moved close, reaching his brown wing out and placing it on the side to the blue hood. "But she did."

The blue robed figure touched Hawkmon's wing with her own. She to had a wing hand, with bright blue feathers. "I fell in love then and there, knowing I could never love another. I knew that you would always be there for me when I needed you." The wing-hand moved down to the robe wrapped round her neck, touching a gold pendant.

"And I knew that I found true happiness. And I thank whatever fates conspired to bring us together." Hawkmon's voice became a hushed whisper. He looked into the blue robed hood. "How... where did... that speech... it's like..."

"They were our wedding vows." The blue wings moved to the hood and slowly slid it back. A beautiful face with blue feather and a bright yellow beak appeared from the shadows. "My beloved husband."

Hawkmon began to shake, tears coming to his eyes. "P.. Panpumon?"

Panpumon smiled, hardly opening her mouth as she whispered. "Yes my love. I'm back to set things right."


"A vampire?" Izzy looked at Tentomon confused. Some of their digimon had arrived back early, Agumon, Wormmon, Tentomon, and Gabumon, and interrupted the middle of the Digidestined party.

"Yes." Tentomon nodded to the group of Digidestined. Everyone had gotten together when they had arrived back. "Well no, a Vampmon exactly."

"Is anyone hurt?" Kari asked a bit scared.

"No." Agumon shook his head. "But everyone else is looking for Gomamon and Hawkmon."

?Andromon is organizing the cancellation of the Celebration.? Gabumon admitted with some regret. ?Veemon was quite insistent that this Vampmon was very dangerous.?

?The others are still in the Digital World searching for this Vampmon though.? Wormmon replied. ?We came back because it seems that Vampmon can charm us.?

?Good idea, but we should get back to help the others digivolve.? Cody answered. ?If she is dangerous as Veemon says she is...?

?Well then let?s get going!? Tai shouted as he grabbed Izzy?s laptop. ?Kari??

?On it!? Kari grabbed her digivice. ?Izzy find me the nearest digiport!?

?Working on it.? Izzy?s fingers flew like magic as he scanned the Digital World for the nearest port in place to the Freedom Celebration. The same one he sent the digimon to. ?What the? The digital gate!?

?What?s wrong?? Joe asked pushing up his glasses. ?We need to help Gomamon now!?

?The digital gate is obliterated!? Izzy began to look for the next closest one. ?It?s gone to!?

?Izzy, come on!? Yolei shouted over his shoulder.

Izzy scrambled though one port in place to another. ?I don?t believe it. Ever digital gate for miles, destroyed!?

?This Vampmon...? Sora started. ?She must have been planning this for months!?

?She systematically destroyed ever digital gate near the freedom Celebration.? Izzy went on. ?Then after you guys left, destroyed the one that I used to port you all back.?

?So what do we do?? TK asked concerned.

?... the next closest gate is.... well over a week?s travel away.? Izzy gasped.

?You mean?? Davis looked at Izzy defeated.

?The others are on their own for now.? Izzy sighed slumping his shoulders. ?I just hope they can handle this till we arrive.?


"Any luck?" Gatomon replied as she meet up with Palmon. They had been searching for hours. The Freedom Celebration was over. Andromon, like always, organized a skilled evacuation, making sure digimon left in groups large enough so this Vampmon would not pose a threat. Andromon of course wanted to come with them, but Veemon wouldn?t hear of it. Andromon was much more useful in helping the other digimon. Andromon could do in a minute what would take others days to organize.

"No." Palmon shook her head. "I couldn't find Gomamon."

"Me neither." Biyomon landed with the girls on the ground. "It's still dark and there is too much foliage to see them from the air."

"We?ll find them.? Veemon tried to keep moral up, but he to was angry. Afraid that if that Vampmon escaped she?d kill again, and it be all his fault.

?If that Vampmon seriously hurt him." Armadillomon crawled out of the bushes from his own search. "I'll make sure she spends the rest of her life regretting it. Both seconds of it."

?Don?t worry about that.? The bushes began to part next to the group. ?Hawkmon is fine.?

"Vampmon?" All eyes turned to the centre of the field, everyone tensing. A tall blue feathered bird where a blue cowl and tight dress came out.

"You've heard of them?" Armadillomon glared cautiously at the new arrival.

"Yes." The blue-feathered digimon nodded her head. "I know all about them unfortunately."

"Who... who are you?" Biyomon asked a little scared. She was getting bad vibes from this person.

"Her name is Panpumon." Hawkmon came out a second later, he had gone unnoticed until now. "And she's.... my wife."

Gatomon could swear that she actually heard Biyomon growl. "Excuse me?" Gatomon moved in front of Biyomon, just in case, even though she knew Biyomon was a pacifist, having Hawkmon reject her and turning up with a wife in the same day would be enough to anger the most caring soul. "Hawkmon?"

"What's goin' on?" Armadillomon was truly confused now.

"It's a long story..." Panpumon smiled softly. "But like Hawkmon and yourself I was trapped under a digiegg. But before that... me and Hawkmon were married." Panpumon reached over and held Hawkmon's wing.

"You had a wife before the digiegg?" Biyomon gasped. (This is what Hawkmon felt... he must have known on some level....)

"Why didn't you tell us?!" Veemon asked Hawkmon. He was not happy for Hawkmon, but upset. Veemon had to clench his fist to keep from shouting out at Hawkmon for keeping this a secret. "We had a right to know about our past lives!"

"I honestly didn't remember." Hawkmon sighed as he looked at Panpumon. "And I feel guilty, forgetting you. It wasn't till I saw you again..."

Panpumon placed a wing tip on Hawkmon lips. "It's not your fault. Gennai warned me that the digiegg would cause memory loss, possibly permanently. But even with that warning I still sealed myself, for the slim chance of seeing you again. It was worth the risk though to be with you."

Hawkmon smiled tenderly at his wife, feeling an overwhelming urge to kiss her, but he was stopped as someone interrupted. "Wait." Armadillomon held up a paw. "Gennai knew? Then why didn't he tell us?"

"There were reasons. To do with Vampmon." Panpumon's face grew dark. "They were the reason that you three were sealed away in those digi eggs. They almost killed me, destroyed the village me and Hawkmon lived in, and they also killed your love Veemon." Panpumon looked at Veemon.

"Flamegatomon." Veemon said the word that had haunted him this day.

"I see you are remembering to." Panpumon nodded. "My memory returned recently and I hunted for you Hawkmon." Panpumon turned to her husband smiling again. "I wish we could stay, but we have more important things to do." Panpumon growled again. "Like killing that Vampmon."

"I know it is important we find her but shouldn't we talk about this first?" Palmon started. "I mean this is a big change for you four. A past life..."

"NO!" Panpumon snapped, looking at the ground. "They are like locusts. They can convert other digimon to be like them. We need to stop her now before it is too late!"

"Panpu..." Hawkmon placed a wing on her shoulder. "Calm down..."

"I am sorry..." Panpumon took a deep breath. "But you must understand, they are pure evil. What they did to me, to you, it unforgivable.

"I am with the lady." Gomamon crawled out from the underbrush.

"Gomamon!" Veemon ran to his friend who was clearly hurt. His lip was swollen and he looked livid.

"I want to know everything about this Vampmon." Gomamon walked past Veemon to Panpumon. "But specifically, how do I kill it."

"Gomamon, what happened?" Gatomon went over to Gomamon.

"The Vampmon killed Aquaveemon." Gomamon glared. "And now, I am going to kill her."

Panpumon looked down at the angry Gomamon. "Then I will help you." Panpumon nodded as she looked at Hawkmon. "I will do anything to help set things right."


Lady Vampmon ran through the forest. She knew if she flew, she would be spotted. Besides, she could move as silently on the ground as she could in the air. "An eternity..." Lady Vampmon leapt to a branch, crying to herself. "An eternity waiting for the day when Veemon would be free.... free from that damned digiegg prison." Lady Vampmon brought her knees up to her chest, rocking herself. "Every night I dreamt about how me and Veemon would meet... Would he sweep me off my feet? Would his face break into dawning comprehension as he remember me? Would he kiss me, like that last time we kissed..." Lady Vampmon touched her lips. "It seems like a distant memory though. Not even a memory. A memory of a dream. But I still held on. I never lost hope that one day Veemon would be free. And that glorious day came. I returned to that cave, the cavern which that red digiegg rested, my love just out of reach, and found the digiegg... gone." Lady Vampmon smiled as she looked up at the sky. "It didn't even make sense to me at first. The digiegg was supposed to be there. It had been there when the Dark Masters ruled, when the Digital World reformed. It hadn't changed in the lifetimes that came and went. But now it was gone. Which can only have meant one thing. Veemon was free." Lady Vampmon closed her eyes. "I searched the land, hampered that I could only search on night, but that did not detour me. I heard a rumour of a blue dragon in one corner of Server, than no sooner had I flown there, you'd showed up on another remote region. It was like the fates still conspired to keep us apart. But I did not believe in fate. No, I would see you again." Lady Vampmon took a breath. "You disappeared to that other world, Earth, one place where I cannot go. Then I heard about Freedom Day, and how you'd be there." Lady Vampmon placed a hand on her chest. "If my heart pumped it would have burst out of my chest. For a creature who says decades pass like a blink of the eye, a day became a tortuous nightmare. Then... came the day. The day of the festival. The day I had dreamed for so many nights." Lady Vampmon stood up, her cheeks tear stained. "And how does Veemon see me? As a lover from the past? A redeemed soul? NO!" Lady Vampmon lashed out, a two-inch branch ripped from the tree as if it was Styrofoam. "He sees me, lips bloodied, standing over Gatomon!" Lady Vampmon snarled at herself, when she heard crashing in the forest. "Great. I managed to rekindle the Digital World fear of Vampmon in a single night. And being the only one, I better find someplace to hide. And I know just the place."


"Why are we going to Gennai's?" Gomamon growled. "We should be hunting that vermin Vampmon down!"

"Gennai has something that will help in our hunt. Vampmon are very hard to find, and even harder to kill. They are essential immortal. That last Vampmon is probably the oldest living creature in the world, more so then Gennai, Azulongmon, anybody." Panpumon went on, flying close to Hawkmon. "Besides daybreak is near. Like any creature of the night she will scurry into a hole. Sunlight is lethal to her."

"Then it should be easier to hunt in the day." Gatomon replied running on the ground.

"No. You'll never find her. Vampmon can be all but invisible when they want to. Besides you've all fought today. We need to rest at Gennai's before we resume the hunt." Panpumon landed in front of the small house over looking the cliff.

"Well I hope Gennai can help." Veemon replied as he walked next to Armadillomon. "She can charm our friends like that it'll be tough to fight her."

"I just wonder where they are with our digidestined?" Biyomon replied. "That Vampmon was strong. If we can digivolve it is easier."

"Wouldn't help much anyway." Panpumon replied. "If she got her teeth into you it would only make her more powerful. Vampmon drink blood to survive. Each kill makes them stronger. If she killed ultimates and megas, she will grow powerful still. And a Vampmon is at its peak right after a fresh kill." Panpumon opened Gennai's door without even bothering to knock. Panpumon looked into the house. "YOU!"

Lady Vampmon glanced up. Gennai lay at her feet sprawled over the ground. His neck had two clear puncture wounds, which where red with Gennai's own blood.

"I thought you were supposed to be dead." Panpumon glared from across the room.

"As a vampire," Lady Vampire bared her fangs. "I get that a lot." Lady Vampmon

Lady Vampmon backed up slowly. "Listen I was trying to help Gennai..."

"How dumb do you thing we are?" Gatomon hissed back.

"Something killed him.... I just...." Lady Vampmon started to back up. This looked bad, she knew it.

"You.... killed Gennai." Gomamon glared. "Killing you may not bring back him and Aquaveemon, but it sure will make me feel better."

"Aquaveemon?" Lady Vampmon repeated the name Gomamon mentioned.

"I guess you don't care about who you kill." Gomamon moved forward more, his claws scratching the wooden floor. "She was the girl I was in love with. The girl you killed tonight you soulless beast."

"Gomamon please listen to me..." Lady Vampmon started.

"She is trying to use her seduction powers!" Panpumon shouted from behind, but even then her voice sounded like a raised whisper.

"No she won't! Beak BUZZSAW!" Hawkmon fired over Gomamon's head.

Lady Vampmon flung herself to the side, years of instinct taking shape. "Damn it listen!"

"We've listened enough!" Gomamon leapt forward and tackled Lady Vampmon in the mid section, taking her down to the ground.

"You're heroes!" Lady Vampmon rolled with the impact, flipping Gomamon over her head, and then jumping back to her feet. "You're supposed to give a second chance!"

"Tell that to Flamegatomon!" Veemon jumped forward, throwing a punch at lady Vampmon. "Tell that to HER!" Veemon cried as he swung again.

Lady Vampmon was hurt now, not by the punch for Veemon hadn't landed one yet. But the rage in his eyes stuck more than any wound. "Veemon I could never hurt anyone...." Lady Vampmon brushed off Veemon's next punch with a block. "Please look in your heart..."

"SPIRAL TWISTER!" A blast of green energy form Biyomon's wing splashed into Lady Vampmon's face, blinding her.

"Rolling STRIKE!" Armadillomon came flying into her chest as Lady Vampmon stumbled back. Lady Vampmon grunted, and went flying into the back wall.

"VEE HEADBUTT!" Lady Vampmon went through the wooden wall as Veemon connected with enough force to send her flying into the next room. This was a patio over looking the ocean. The sun was just coming over the edge of the horizon, turning the sky a deep orange.

Lady Vampmon got to her feet. The attacks hurt, but she was already healing form what would kill most other digimon. "Please..."

"No more begging." Panpumon stood at the hole in the wall as Veemon, Armadillomon, Gomamon, Hawkmon and Biyomon came out. "It never worked on any of your victims."

"I've changed Panpumon." Lady Vampmon glanced over her shoulder. The sun was up slightly higher. The only reason she was not exposed to the sunlight was the fact the house was positioned north to south, so she was still covered by the shadow.

"I saw how much you changed." Gomamon moved forward again. "She's mine."

"It doesn't matter. The sun will be up in a second." Panpumon smiled enjoying this. "When you see her burst into flames, you will get the justice you deserved Gomamon. As will you Vampmon." Panpumon spit out the word Vampmon.

Panpumon looked to the side of the house, the shadow slowly moving. She had chosen Gennai's house as a safe haven, but there was no way she could re-enter, unless she planned on killing everyone in side. Which she would never do. Especially to Veemon... Veemon. Panpumon looked at his face, full of hate and malice. To her. Lady Vampmon bowed her head. "Veemon..." Lady Vampmon raised her head as Veemon growled. "Try to remember me." Lady Vampmon suddenly jumped back off the patio that over hung the cliff. The digimon all ran to the side as Lady Vampmon dove several hundred feet, wrapping her wings around her. The sunlight hit her half way down, but Lady Vampmon used her wings to cover her body, the wings crack and burning, but buying her enough time.

Gomamon watched as Lady Vampmon made a splash in the ocean far below. "NO!" Gomamon growled as he ran to the edge of the balcony, leaping off.

"Gomamon stop!" Hawkmon grabbed Gomamon before he fell more than two feet.

"Let me go! I can follow her!" Gomamon looked up as he was held in Hawkmon's taloned feet.

"She managed to take us all on, you would have no chance alone." Hawkmon reminded Gomamon. "We aren't going to lose any more friends to this creature." Hawkmon flew over to the balcony, dropping off Gomamon.

"But she is getting away!" Gomamon exclaimed.

"She will not get far. She still needs to feed." Panpumon stood in the house still. "But Hawkmon is right, following her would be fool-hardy. Vampmon don't need to breath so she can stay underwater indefinitely. And the murky water would block the sunlight from reach her as she sinks to the bottom."

"So what then? Let her kill some more?" Gomamon grumbled thought Panpumon's words were sinking in.

"No." Panpumon walked over past the Gennai's body. She did not even seem the least bit sickened by the dead body. Hawkmon guessed that Panpumon was used to the Vampmon's carnage. Hawkmon looked over at Gennai, their friend again.

Gatomon was the most used to death. Her service with Myotismon had toughened her more than she ever admitted. Gatomon took an afghan off the couch, covering Gennai. "We... better bury him...." This still bothered Gatomon though. Digimon never left a body when killed. But a real body.... Gennai no less.

"You, Gomamon, Palmon, and Biyomon can do that." Panpumon opened up a solid oak case, ripping the lock from the door with out the least bit concern. Hawkmon actually gasped a touch in surprise. Panpumon seemed very strong, and angry. Angrier at the fact that Lady Vampmon escaped than the fact Gennai was dead. Armadillomon, Hawkmon, and Veemon all went up to Panpumon as she opened the case. "When you three where locked in the digiegg, you left something behind." Panpumon stepped away from the case. Three weapons hung there, a pair of silver gauntlets with razor sharp clawed. A oak crossbow with silver etched arrows attached to the side. And a dagger, silver as well from tip to the hilt.

"Those weapons... " Armadillomon reached up, almost mystically for the gauntlets. "These... are ours." Armadillomon slipped the silver over his front paws. They fit like a charm, and felt completely natural.

"They are." Panpumon picked up the oak cross bow by the handle, and handed it to Hawkmon. "It is what you used to fight Vampmon."

"Silver." Veemon slipped the sheath under her elbow, as he admired the blade. The feel of the blade in his hand, it felt natural. Veemon made a quick gesture, the blade following his whim. It was like it was a part of him.

"Devastating to Vampmon." Panpumon replied. "We will rest for the day, then go out hunting in pairs at night. I will explain everything about Vampmon, though it seems that you are remembering quite well." Panpumon looked out as the other digimon began to bury Gennai in the yard, Gatomon sending off tufts of dirt as she cried. "When your friends are done burying Gennai."

"We should go out there... Gennai deserves to be buried by friends...." Hawkmon stuttered.

"I... can't." Panpumon bowed her head. "I've seen too much death.... I just want to stay indoors."

"No no it's ok... I can't see Gennai like that either." Hawkmon hugged his wife as he looked at Veemon and Armadillomon. "You two go and help... we'll be fine..."

"Thank you Hawkmon." Panpumon smiled. "Don't worry, we will kill that Vampmon if it is the last thing we do."


Lady Vampmon crawled out of the ocean as night fell. Her entire body was frigid, even though she could stand the icy depth, her soul was crushed. Veemon had tried to kill her. They blamed her for Gennai's death. (Is someone setting me up? Killed Gennai and made it so it looked like I killed him? But who would even know? Armadillomon? Hawkmon? They may have remembered the past, hated me for taking Veemon from them, leading them to be trapped in those Digieggs. But that either of those two would kill Gennai? Laughable. They could hardly kill their worst enemy, let alone one of their best allies.) Vampmon sighed to herself as she sat huddled on a rock. (And does it really matter? Gennai was dead, bitten in the neck and drained of his blood. I mean, even I can hardly believe I didn't do it.) Lady Vampmon wiped a tear form her eye.

"Hey bitch." Lady Vampmon lifted her head up. Gatomon stood on the beach, sand blowing from a passing breeze. Gatomon pointed an accusing claw at lady Vampmon. "I was hoping I'd be the one who'd find you." Gatomon growled, her eyes narrowing to slits.

"Whatever. I don't care." Lady Vampmon but her head back down.

Gatomon paused for a second. "If you think pretending not to fight back will stop me...." Gatomon began to second-guess herself. She and Veemon were partnered with one another, but Veemon had convinced her they could search the shoreline quicker separate. There was no danger in either of them being charmed, and Gatomon was sure she could handle herself if in trouble. But now... this Lady Vampmon seemed to up to something.

"I said I don't care. Kill me. Leave. I honestly don't care. I am sick of this life. Hiding in shadows. Living with my sin. You can't understand!" Lady Vampmon's head snapped up as a thought crossed her mind. "Tell me Gatomon, when you served Myotismon how did you feel?!"

Gatomon hissed. "That was a low blow."

"Well it was worse for me." Lady Vampmon slid off the rock. She was privy to most of the Digital World's information. The fact Gatomon here once worked for Myotismon was common knowledge. "I had to kill digimon to survive. Any digimon. Good, evil, it did not matter." Lady Vampmon stood up straight. "I hated myself when ever I felt the urge. The taste of blood sickened me at the same time as it nourished me."

"I changed!" Gatomon snapped.

"Oh yes you changed. All the atrocities are behind you now? They mean nothing?" Lady Vampmon snapped.

Gatomon stood silent for a second. "No.... Every time I sleep I hear Wizardmon's dying scream. I see myself ready to kill Kari, for simply being a threat to my master." Gatomon began to shiver. She never told anyone this before, not even Kari, why now?

Lady Vampmon actually began to smile. "Maybe I was wrong. Maybe you do understand me."

"...Maybe but that doesn't excuse what you've done." Gatomon answered back a little more unsure of herself. "Gennai and Aquaveemon are dead."

"I know you have no reason to believe me, but I had nothing to do with it. I never met this Aquaveemon, and Gennai was like that when I arrived. I would never hurt Gennai. I owe him more than I could ever repay. I will mourn him, more than you can imagine." Lady Vampmon bowed her head.

Gatomon began to waver. "How do I know you aren't using some charm powers on me?"

"Listen." Lady Vampmon held out her hands slowly. "Tie me up. Lock me in a cage if you wish while you search for the true killer. If you truly believe that I did these things, then I should be put to death."

Gatomon looked into Lady Vampmon's eyes. They were streaked with tears. "I... believe you."

Lady Vampmon slowly smiled. "You don't know how much I needed to hear that."

"But why did you show up here? Why at Gennai's?" Gatomon wanted more.

"Gennai knew the truth about me and Veemon." Lady Vampmon's voice dropped to a whisper. "He kept it a secret since before Veemon went under the digiegg, Veemon made Gennai promise never to reveal what he had done."

"What did Veemon do?" Gatomon was curious.

"He betrayed his friends, and because of that, they both became sealed under the digieggs." Lady Vampmon began to look nervous. She was treading close to the subject of Veemon and herself. Who knew how Gatomon would react to that?

"Betrayed them? Veemon? What would cause Veemon to betray Hawkmon and Armadillomon...." Gatomon looked at Lady Vampmon. Her eyes were teared up again, and she could not even look directly at Gatomon. Those red eyes were so sad.... red eyes..... "You love him."

Lady Vampmon's head snapped up. "Wh... How?"

"You do don't you?" Gatomon cocked her head slightly.

"More than anything." Lady Vampmon sighed defeated. "That's why he fought his friends. To save my life."

"That's why you were at the party. You'd knew he'd be there." Gatomon went on as she put the puzzle pieces together.

"But Armadillomon found me first, and it... oh god... he saw me attacking you... and..." Lady Vampmon broke down, unable to contain herself any more. She wrapped her arms around Gatomon's neck, sobbing. "It wasn't supposed to be this way!"

Gatomon did not know what to do. She was not good at dealing with a raw outburst of emotion. "There there..." Gatomon comforted, which was all she could think off, just letting Lady Vampmon cry.


Veemon quietly moved across the cliff top overlooking the beach. He was surprised how natural this was to him. The hunt, every single sense seemed heightened. (Panpumon was right. This is natural. Perhaps it was foolish of me to split up with Gatomon, but I can handle a single Vampmon. And Gatomon is an army upon herself. She is not in danger.) Veemon looked down the cliff, peering down the shoreline.

Lady Vampmon had her back turned to Veemon. Her arms were right around Gatomon's neck; Gatomon did not even seem to be fighting back, as if unable to. Veemon's anger poured forth once more. "GRAAHH!"

Lady Vampmon turned just as Veemon leapt off the three story cliff. Gatomon's head snapped up as well. "Vee!" Gatomon shouted as Veemon connected with Lady Vampmon's stomach with a double kick.

"Guh!" Lady Vampmon went flying back. So powerful was the blow that Gatomon, who was right behind Gatomon, was taken along for the ride. A sickening krack filled the air as both girl went into the boulder which Lady Vampmon was sitting on a second ago. Lady Vampmon slid down, only a little stunned. Gatomon, who was behind Lady Vampmon, took the full impact of the rock, her own body protecting Lady Vampmon. Gatomon fell on the sand, knocked cold.

"Gatomon!" Lady Vampmon gasped as she looked over at the feline. She was out cold, most likely a concussion. She then turned to her more immediate problem. Lady Vampmon was on one knee, looking up at her once true love. Veemon stood there, growling. "If you hurt her, I promise to make your death as painful as possible."

Lady Vampmon bowed her head. Gatomon, her one key to reaching Veemon, was out. Now Lady Vampmon could not even look at Veemon, she could not stand to see that look of hate on Veemon's face. "You... don't remember me."

"Do I need to?" Veemon took a step forward. "I saw you standing over Gatomon like that. I may not remember my past, but I felt something horrible. You Vampmon took away someone that I loved once. Am I RIGHT?!"

"... Yes." Lady Vampmon continued to look away.

"Her name was Flamegatomon." Veemon's fists began to shake. "I can't remember much, but I remember her in pain. Her screams. And me feeling helpless."

"She was raped and killed by other Vampmon." Lady Vampmon admitted. "It was why you hunted Vampmon so much."

"Do you know what this feels like?!" Veemon placed a hand on his chest. "I can feel the pain of losing her as if it happened yesterday! All because of you and your kind!"

"No. Not my kind. The Vampmon who hurt your love Flamegatomon are long gone. All Vampmon are gone. Only I remain." Lady Vampmon held out her hands.

"One too many." Veemon took another step forward. "You waited so long for revenge. Did you plan on killing Gatomon, just so I could relive the horror of Flamegatomon again?!" Veemon reached behind him, pulling out a long silver dagger. "Well I will not allow that."

Lady Vampmon lifted her head, looking at the gleaming silver blade. "Your dagger?"

"One of your Vampmon victims, Panpumon remember? Hawkmon's wife. Like us, she was trapped under a digiegg. Fortunately for us." Veemon moved forward. "She told us all about your kind. Praying on entire villages like locusts. But more importantly. She told us how to kill you. Permanently."

"I will not defend what has happened in the past." Lady Vampmon replied looking straight at Veemon. "Vampmon needed to kill digimon to survive. Some delighted in the fact while others like me, despised ourselves. But we were all feared and hated. But that changed. One digimon, a Vampmon hunter, fell in love with a Vampmon. He saved her from being burned alive, and was so involved her that he was ready to become like them, a Vampmon. That digimon was you Veemon. And I was that Vampmon."

Veemon's hand grabbed tighter on the dagger. He looked into Lady Vampmon?s eyes, not seeing evil or trickery, but a hurt. A deep hurt that seemed to go to her soul... Veemon shook his head. "Don't try your charm tricks on me!" Veemon growled, forcing the feeling down. "The sight of you repulses me. You are just a monster. One that deserves to be put down."

Lady Vampmon's whole body went numb. "If that's the way you feel." Lady Vampmon faced Veemon, standing tall.

"Are you ready to fight?" Veemon's knees bent as the dagger shone in the moonlight.

Lady Vampmon stood straight up, holding her arms wide. "No. Everything I told you was the truth. I have never lied to you Veemon. And I have not tried to charm you, now or ever."

"Like I'm am going to believe a Vampmon." Veemon glared as he finger the hilt of his weapon, the feel of sliver felt very familiar.

"Then kill me. I will not fight you." Lady Vampmon closed her eyes. "I have lived longer than any creature should be allowed. I survived for only one reason." Lady Vampmon held her head high. "I just... wish there was a way that we could be together..."

Veemon held the kiss for a second, wanting it too last forever, until he finally broke the embrace. "I just... wish there was a way that we could be together..." Veemon ran his hands over Lady Vampmon's face.

Veemon stumbled in surprise. (A trick! She is using her seduction powers against me!) "None of your tricks Vampmon!" Veemon regained himself.

"No tricks." Lady Vampmon's eyes teared over, dripping down here cheeks. "Just make the death quick. You owe me that much."

Veemon growled as he leapt forward. "I owe you NOTHING!"

Lady Vampmon gasped as Veemon plunged the silver dagger into her shoulder. This would be finished up by a lateral slash across the chest, which would split Lady Vampmon?s core into. It was a move Veemon had done, more times than he could remember... Veemon looked into Lady Vampmon?s eyes, wanting to see the life drain out of them as he finished her. But Lady Vampmon just looked back, her cheeks now streaked with tears. She didn't beg, plead, fight back, or even scream. She just looked at him, with those helpless red eyes... red eyes... red eyes....

"GAHH!" Veemon leapt back placing his hands on the sides of his head. He saw Lady Vampmon, screaming as she was being burnt at the cross. He saw thousands of digimon cheering as Lady Vampmon writhed in agony. And then he saw himself, leaping through the flames, shattering the cross, ripping the bloody stakes out with his bare hands. His forbidden love.... the love of a Vampmon. "Uh uh uh..." Veemon curled up in a ball on the ground, his entire body shaking.

Lady Vampmon grabbed the silver hilt sticking out of her shoulder. "Grrrrrr...." Lady Vampmon's palm burned as she yanked hard. "AH!" Lady Vampmon threw the bloody dagger on the ground. Lady Vampmon grimaced in pain. It had been a while since she felt the burning sensation of silver on her flesh. But the pain was soon foreshadowed as she knelt on the ground. "Veemon?"

Veemon looked up, still shaking. "What... what have I done?" Veemon buried his face in his hands again.

"You remember?" Lady Vampmon whispered as she moved close.

"Everything." Veemon cried into his hands. "Oh my god..." Veemon began to hyperventilate. "I almost killed you!"

Lady Vampmon touched her shoulder, wincing slightly. "Don't worry about it. It's kind of sweet."

"What?" Veemon looked up confused.

"It is how we first met after all." Lady Vampmon smiled.

Veemon looked up at lady Vampmon in disbelief. Then a smile cracked on his face. "Yeah, it is isn't it?"

Lady Vampmon smiled back. "You would not believe how long I waited to see that smile." Lady Vampmon placed a hand across Veemon's face.

Emotions flooded back. Love long thought lost returned. Veemon all put leapt forward, and hugged Lady Vampmon tightly. "All these years." Veemon held Lady Vampmon in his arms, moving his head back as he looked into her eyes. "I can't believe I've forgotten the way you felt."

"I never did." Lady Vampmon smiled softly back, her fangs jetting slightly from her closed mouth. Lady Vampmon took a step back, not wanting to break Veemon's warm grip, but there were other concerns. "We need to... find some way to talk to your friends. Gatomon and I were talking... maybe we can end this..... I don't want to fight or hurt anyone else."

Veemon smiled back. "We will..." Perhaps I another state of mind, he would have heard the approaching foot steps earlier. Maybe he would have saw figures fly in from the air, and saw the trees rustling as a figure took careful aim. But Veemon did catch a glimmer as moonlight reflected off pure silver. "NO!"

Lady Vampmon turned just enough so the arrow pierced her through the right breast, missing her core by a half an inch. "SCREECH!" Lady Vampmon feel to the ground, in pain as the arrow burned.

"NO!" Veemon rushed forward as three vines encircled his feet. "UH!" Veemon fell to the ground.

"Hold him Palmon!" Panpumon landed on the ground with Hawkmon. "He is under the Vampmon?s seduction spell! They must have overpowered Gatomon!" Panpumon pointed to Gatomon on the ground.

"Guys NO!" Veemon screamed as Biyomon moved to help restrain him.

The strategy was first rate. Veemon was incapacitated, and the Vampmon was wounded. The next two attackers came out of the bushes as Hawkmon reloaded his cross bow. "You're MINE!" Gomamon screamed as he leapt by, raking his claws against Lady Vampmon's wing and face.

Lady Vampmon went down, three cuts opening on her right cheek. "Uh!" Lady Vampmon grunted as she laid on the ground, her eyelids fluttering. Her right wing had a long tear in it now, rendering her flightless for a while.

Armadillomon leapt high into the air. "Got ya!" Armadillomon came down, his silver claws pointed directly at Lady Vampmon's chest.

"NO!" Veemon screamed as Armadillomon descended.

Lady Vampmon's eyes flew open. Her hands came flying up, and grabbed Armadillomon's claws. "Rrrr...." She growled, her hands burning as they held on to the silver gauntlets.

"You're DEAD!" Gomamon ran over, ready to drive his claws through Lady Vampmon's soulless eyes, for vengeance against his first true love.

"No, I'm...UNDEAD!" Lady Vampmon twisted to the side, and flung Armadillomon off.

"Whoa!" Armadillomon went flying into the side, smacking into Armadillomon. Armadillomon began to get up, when Lady Vampmon ran up, hitting both of them across the face with one solid kick.

"Stop HER!" Panpumon screamed as Hawkmon aimed his cross bow. Panpumon held out her wings, ready to launch her own attack.

Lady Vampmon ripped the arrow out of her back ignoring the pain, the silver hurting her palm. "Catch!" Lady Vampmon flung the arrow hard.

"Ah!" Panpumon was taken by surprise. She dodged, but the arrow caught her cape right by the neck, and pinned her to a tree it was flung with such force.

Lady Vampmon ducked as Hawkmon shot an arrow at her. "Stop this!" Lady Vampmon pleaded as she stumbled. The adrenaline in her system was passing, and her body tried to heal the wounds that were so recently inflicted on her.

"I will not fall for your seduction!" Hawkmon readied another bolt. Lady Vampmon could only dodge for so long. Her body dripped with black blood.

Biyomon and Palmon had Veemon pinned, but they were watching the fight the fight. Armadillomon and Gomamon were down, and Panpumon pinned. She kept trying to pull her cape free, but she seemed afraid to rip the cape. Biyomon and Palmon watched Hawkmon fire again, the arrow missing narrowly this time, an inch form Lady Vampmon's cheek. So engrossed they were, they forgot about Veemon for a second. A mistake. "YAH!" Veemon burst free from Biyomon and Palmon in a surprise burst of strength.

"Veemon this is for you own good!" Palmon held out her hand to restrain him once more.

"VEE PUNCH!" Veemon moved quicker, knocking Palmon in the face.

"Veemon!" Biyomon gasped in surprise as Veemon turned to her. "SPIRAL!"

Veemon moved faster. "VEE PUNCH!" Biyomon's head snapped back as she fell over, stunned. 'I am so sorry..." Veemon replied as he ran to the fight.

Hawkmon flew back out of Lady Vampmon's grip. She was moving slow now, her injuries severe. "Now you shall pay!" Hawkmon aimed his loaded crossbow.

"STOP IT!" Veemon grabbed Hawkmon's crossbow before he could fire

"Veemon desist!" Hawkmon shouted as he wrestled Veemon for the crossbow. "You are under her spell!"

"It's no spell!" Veemon looked back with pleading eyes. "I love her!"

Panpumon growled as she looked at the arrow. It was pinned close to her neck at the sem. If she pulled at her cape the whole seam would go, ripping a huge hole, which she could not allow. Panpumon suddenly hit a brainstorm. She grabbed the dangling cape, and wrapped it around the arrow shaft, and gave it one good yank. The arrow came out clean from the tree. 'Now then." Panpumon let the arrow fall to the ground. "The last Vampmon."

Lady Vampmon stood up, thankful for the moment rest as Veemon stopped Hawkmon. (I need to get away.. they won't hurt Veemon... but they will kill me.)

"DEMON!" Panpumon grabbed Lady Vampmon from behind.

"UH!" Lady Vampmon choked as Panpumon to squeeze her. Even weakened, Lady Vampmon was surprised by the ferocious strength. (My god... She is... impossibly strong... even stronger than Gatomon...) Lady Vampmon felt pain as Panpumon squeezed.

"You've drank your last drop of blood!" Panpumon growled, her beak hardly open as it was shaped in a dreadful snarl.

"Not... yet!" Lady Vampmon opened her mouth, and bit down on Panpumon's arm. Her fangs, which could pierce almost anything short of harden digizoidium armour, sunk through without any effort.

"YAH!" Panpumon screamed, then shutting her mouth quick as Lady Vampmon broke fee.

"Pa-tooie!" Lady Vampmon spit to the side. (Ugh her blood! It tastes... rancid.) Lady Vampmon rubbed her lips, clearing of the drops of black blood.

Panpumon rubbed her arm once, then glared upwards. "I shall rip your wings off your back." Panpumon growled as she moved forward.

Veemon and Hawkmon were still wrestling, Veemon trying to keep Hawkmon from getting a second shot off. "Please Hawkmon, listen to me!" Veemon still held tightly to the crossbow.

"She has killed before Veemon!" Hawkmon shouted back. "She killed Aquaveemon, and I will not allow her to kill again!" Hawkmon twisted the crossbow to the side, Veemon losing his balance and tumbling. Hawkmon raised his bow quickly, a clear shot at Lady Vampmon's back.

"STOP!" Veemon reached out as Hawkmon fired, catching the side of the cross bow, deflecting the shot slightly.

The arrow sung towards Lady Vampmon, but missed her sailing by her head as it continued to its unintended target. A sickening thump filled the air as the air pierced through skin and muscle. "UHhh..." Panpumon stumbled back, the arrow embedded in her right shoulder.

"PANPUMON!" Hawkmon screamed as his face went pale.

"Hawkmon!" Veemon gasped. "I didn't mean..." Veemon got out before Hawkmon brought the crossbow under Veemon's jaw in anger, the wood cracking as Veemon's lip split.

Hawkmon threw the broken crossbow down as he ran to Panpumon's side. "Panpumon! My love!"

"It burns!" Panpumon cried on the ground. "Get it out!"

Hawkmon bent down by his wife. "I got it, be still!"

Veemon watched as Hawkmon pulled the bloody arrow out of her shoulder. He wanted to rush to Hawkmon's side. Beg forgiveness. Help Panpumon. But Lady Vampmon had collapsed, her energy spent. Biyomon and Palmon would be up in a second. Gatomon was no help. "Come on now." Veemon grabbed Lady Vampmon and put her arm over his shoulders.

"But your friends..." Lady Vampmon coughed as Veemon began to run.

"They will be fine, but I need to get you to a safe place!" Veemon took off, all but carrying Lady Vampmon, moving at a speed he not thought possible.

Hawkmon stood by his wife, who laid on the ground. "Panpumon, please don't die on me..." Hawkmon rubbed his wife's blue cheek.


"Huh huh huh..." Veemon panted as he ran through the forest, carrying Lady Vampmon in a piggyback position.

"Veemon rest." Lady Vampmon ordered from Veemon's back. She had grown too tired to run, but Veemon had just picked her

"We need to get away..." Veemon panted, but his legs were tired.

"We can't run forever." Lady Vampmon replied with a sigh.

Veemon finally stopped. "... You?re right." Veemon dropped Lady Vampmon gently on a stump.

"Mmm...." Lady Vampmon coughed.

"Are you ok?" Veemon asked with concern. She had been stabbed though the shoulder, pierced with an arrow through the chest, and her palms were burnt from Armadillomon's silver gauntlets.

"I've been better." Lady Vampmon smiled but it was weak. "I may have stopped killing digimon to live thanks to Gennai, but I still need Digimon blood to heal."

Veemon looked at Lady Vampmon, and placed his fingertip on his fore arm. "Errr..." Veemon grimaced in pain as he dragged his sharp nail down the length of his forearm.

"Veemon!" Lady Vampmon gasped as Veemon opened a wound in his arm.

"You need blood. I have a pint or two to spare." Veemon looked at his dripping arm. His blood was a deep blue.

"I can't drink from you Veemon." Lady Vampmon stuttered.

"We need you at full strength if we want to escape." Veemon placed a hand on top of Lady Vampmon's head. "My friends won't stop searching for us. They won't harm me, since they think I am under your spell." Veemon smiled softly at Lady Vampmon. "And maybe I am."

Lady Vampmon looked up at Veemon and nodded. "As I am under yours." Lady Vampmon looked down at Veemon's arm. The blood called to her, the primal instinct. But to drink from Veemon, the idea sickened her. But Veemon was right, she needed blood. Lady Vampmon placed her mouth on Veemon's arm.

"Mmmm..." Veemon felt two pricks in his arm as Lady Vampmon's lips wrapped around his wound.

"How... how did you change?" Veemon whispered as Lady Vampmon drank slowly, as if afraid to cause further pain.

Lady Vampmon removed her lips from Veemon's arms, placing a strong finger over wound, stopping the blood flow. "I owe it all to Gennai...."


Millennia ago....

Gennai walked into his lab with a heavy heart. He had just fulfilled Veemon's last request, sealing him under the red Digiegg of Courage. Gennai had done so with great reluctance, but Veemon felt he had debt to pay to his friends. (I just hope you find the redemption you are looking for...) Veemon walked over to the two remaining digi eggs, those of Light and Hope. "What?" Gennai looked around the table. "Where did the digieggs go?"

"Looking for these?" Gennai turned around. A creature with long reptilian wings and white fangs glared as him. The female Vampmon stood on the window still, clutching two digieggs in each hand.

"I must put some bars on that window." Gennai replied as he looked for his sword. Not surprisingly, that was gone as well. "Any body can fly in without an invitation."

"You are the one who sealed Veemon up, are you not?" Lady Vampmon jumped off the sill, floating in mid air, using her wings to stay aloft.

"I am." Gennai admitted as Lady Vampmon moved close.

"Try to run and I'll kill you." Lady Vampmon moved close, her face just inches away from Gennai's young face. "We need to talk."

"You know?" Gennai crossed his arms. "I am not one to condone such rudeness. Why don't you try talking to me in a civil manner."

Lady Vampmon glared for a second, before lowering her head. "I... am sorry. I am used to intimidating people to get what I want."

"Try asking nicely. You'll find it works better." Gennai relaxed a bit. "You are the Vampmon Veemon fell in love with aren't you?"

"He told you?" Lady Vampmon gasped in surprise, Gennai knowing the dark secret.

"Of course not. But I hate to admit it; your friend Veemon is not the most skilled liar. He came to me asking me Vampire seduction, and now you are hearing asking about his sealing in the digiegg. I just put two and two together." Gennai replied.

"Love...." Lady Vampmon chuckled. "I thought killing digimon to survive was hard. How funny that is. Now I know true pain... even greater then the hunger I feel now." Lady Vampmon clutched her chest. "I felt the hunger creeping on me not long ago..." Lady Vampmon looked up from her hands and knees. "I needed to feed. I found a happy couple, a Terriermon and his Lopmon girlfriend." Lady Vampmon actually chuckled. "It was perfect. A happy couple, obviously in love. Moonlit night. Secluded forest. A perfect kill." Lady Vampmon began to laugh. "We had a saying for those couples. Happy meals." Lady Vampmon looked in Gennai eyes. "It was the typical scene. I fly in. The Lopmon screams. The Terriermon tries to defended her but fails. One blow and he was down. I turn to the female Lopmon, such fear in her eyes as she sees her own death... me." Lady Vampmon's eyes watered now. "But as I grabbed her, she begged for me to spare her love!" Lady Vampmon smiled. "She cared so much for him she was begging for me to take her instead! And I saw the love I had for Veemon. How could I destroy that?" Lady Vampmon began to laugh. "A Vampmon with a heart. What irony." Lady Vampmon continued her sad laugh.

"I don't think it is sad. Or funny." Gennai replied looking at the quivering Vampmon.

Lady Vampmon felt her stomach. "I feel the hunger right now. Every instinct says for me to kill... to feed... and it scares me.... I don't want to feel this anymore! I want this feeling our of me!" Lady Vampmon crawled up to Gennai's feet. "Please... I need your help. I can't kill anymore... Even if it means my own death... but I don't want to die either.... help me... please..."

Gennai looked at Lady Vampmon for a second. "Erudan!"

Lady Vampmon sighed as she heard Gennai call out his assistant?s name loudly. "So this is how it is." Lady Vampmon sighed as the door swing open behind her.

A tall man, a few years older than Gennai, stood there. He had on identical robes to Gennai, but had long red hair, which ended in a ponytail. He carried a Bo staff of digizoidum, afraid his master may be attacked like last night. "Vampmon!" Erudan growled as he readied himself.

Gennai put out his hand. "At ease. Lady Vampmon here will be our guest."

"What?!" Erudan gasped as Lady Vampmon looked back at Gennai in surprise. "She is evil!"

"I have decided we will help her." Gennai replied firmly. "I have long thought that I may be able to stabilize a Vampmon and end their blood lust. But now, now I have what I need to test my theory. A willing volunteer."

"This will not..." Erudan started to say.

"You are my assistant. You will prepare her a room, or I will find myself a new assistant!" Gennai replied with a firmer tone.

Erudan looked back at Lady Vampmon. He seemed to tense for a second. "As you wish." Erudan turned and walked out of the door.

"You must excuse him." Gennai sighed. "He is wise, but impulsive."

Lady Vampmon stood there stunned for a second. "Th... Thank you."

"No thank you. You may help me to save your race, and end a war." Gennai replied as he offered Lady Vampmon his hand. "I will show you to the guest room Lady Vampmon."

"Lady Vampmon?" Lady Vampmon looked up at Gennai. She had never been called that before. It was always Vampmon, and it always sounded dirty to her. "I like that." She smiled.


"Let me help you." Gennai held on to Lady Vampmon's shoulder.

"Th... Thank you." Lady Vampmon was very weak. Not only from the lack of blood, but from fighting her instincts. Right now she should be on top of Gennai, burrowing her teeth into his jugular, draining him dry of his lifeblood.

"I admire your restraint." Gennai lead Lady Vampmon down his lab. "It's been well over a month."

"Two. I have... never gone this long." Lady Vampmon kept talking. It helped her focused from the hunger that was gnawing her insides. Most Vampmon when reaching this state are little more than ravenous beasts, turning on the nearest warm blooded victim. Lady Vampmon was stronger than that.

"Hopefully you will be able to go on indefinitely." Gennai and Lady Vampmon stopped at a small stasis pod. It had a metallic body with a glass dome, slightly longer than Lady Vampmon was tall. "This hopefully will stabilize your code."

"Ending my hunger?" Lady Vampmon smiled hopefully. Even that small gesture took a large effort.

"Unless you are badly injured. You will still need blood to heal wounds, but not to stabilize your form. But..." Gennai took a deep breath. "This is all theoretical. You must know, this has never been tested."

"Till now." Lady Vampmon smiled as the lid slid back. The insides were padded with red velvet. "Just like a coffin."

Gennai helped Lady Vampmon step in and over the metal railing. "But hopefully it means new life to you and your people." Gennai smiled as Lady Vampmon slid down, lying with her arms crossed. "It'll be some time before the procedure is done." Gennai smiled as he pressed the button to close the lid.

"Good night then." Lady Vampmon smiled as the chamber sealed. A second later a thick white opaque gas filled the chamber, erasing her from view.

"Sweet dreams." Gennai sighed. He hadn't had the heart to tell her that this might all be in vain. After the defeat of the three, the great purging had started. Digimon had had enough. Digimon ravaged the landscape in groups, hunting down Vampmon everywhere. Every cave, temple, hiding place was checked. Many digimon died, they were not Vampmon hunters, they were simple townsfolk, farmers, and merchants. But they did manage to succeed in making Vampmon all but a distant memory. Gennai worked with a passion, he had given up so much sleep he thought he would never catch up what he lost in the last two months. Gennai would have loved to test the equipment more before subject Lady Vampmon to the procedure, but there wasn't time. And his assistant Erudan wasn't much help. Erudan had no love for Vampmon, one had killed Erudan's friend Agumon. Erudan helped Gennai of course, as was his duty, but only doing what he was told. Never suggesting, never working harder than necessary, and never, ever did he once talk to Lady Vampmon. Erudan had left in fact, not wanting to witness the result of his works.

"GENNAI!" Gennai's head snapped up. He had fallen asleep standing up again. For how long he wasn't sure. But from the readouts on the chamber he designed, the procedure was taking place. (My body is telling me to relax.... Of course Erudan is calling me now. That'll have to wait.)

Gennai yawned and stretched his arms as he walked out of the lab. While he should have stayed and watched, Erudan did seem insistent. And Gennai could not do anything now to help Lady Vampmon. It was an all or nothing shot. Her code was being rewritten, fused with stabilizing energy. In short, she would not be a Vampmon anymore. But something.... else. Gennai hoped it would work for Lady Vampmon's sake. Though it was true, her race was born to kill digimon, she wanted more. Gennai hoped that she would make something of herself. Gennai walked down the stairs. A bit slower than usual. He stopped two stairs form the bottom, resting his sandaled feet on the cold stone. Gennai looked up curiously. "Company?" Gennai replied.

Erudan was not alone. A dozen digimon, rookies, stood with him. Erudan himself was armed with his staff, but the end of it was sharpened to a point. The rookies to looked tense. "We've come for the Vampmon."

"You know you just missed her." Gennai smiled back, which through Erudan off. "I sent her to pick me up some milk and a loaf of bread. I am sorry Erudan, I should have asked you if I should pick you up some of those chocolate covered almonds you love so much."

"Are you treating this as a game?!" Erudan snapped back as he pointed his staff at Gennai on the stairs. The rookies around him began to grumble. A pair of Ebonagumon's stood point, dinosaur creatures with black skin and red eyes. Alarumon's stood in front of Erudan, four of them, plant digimon with dark green skin and large purple flowers. And six Gazimon, grey furred creatures, whose hair bristled with static electricity.

"Well Lady Vampmon is tired right now. I am sure to tell her you called." Gennai was joking, but there was a method to his madness. He needed to delay the fight. If the procedure were interrupted, Lady Vampmon would die. Her body was little more than fragment code now, being rewritten and reformed.

"Just step aside. You will not make the Vampmon more powerful!" Erudan ordered again.

"Why of course Erudan." Gennai steeped to the far left of the stair. "You need but to ask." Gennai motioned to the stop of the stairs, half bowing as he did so.

Erudan eyed Gennai cautiously. "No tricks." Erudan began to climb up the stairs keeping one eye on Gennai. His digimon force followed, mostly made up of guards from the local village.

"Oh I don't need any tricks." Gennai answered as Erudan ended up on the same step as him. "Especially since Lady Vampmon is right behind you."

Erudan's head snapped to the side as he dropped into a low kata stance. Every digimon turned and readied themselves as well. Gennai however, merely grabbed Erudan by the sleeve, and pushed him down the stairs. Erudan screamed was cut short as he went tumbling backwards, on top of the small digimon army. Gennai did not waste any time, bounding up the stairs as a lone electric stun blast from a Gazimon sailed over his head. Gennai made it to his lab, and shut the solid oak door shut with one fell swoop. "This should hold him till you recover." Gennai said hopefully as he slid the bolt across the door. Lady Vampmon couldn't hear him of course, but it helped to focus Gennai. Gennai had decided that he had better beef up security around his lab, though he never thought it would be to keep Erudan out. Gennai sighed as he slid and sat at the bottom of the door. "Great. But it'll take some time for them to chop through...."

"EBON FIRE!" The call rang clear through the other end of the door.

Gennai got up in a flash. "You'll burn the whole place down!" Gennai shouted as the fireballs rained into the door. Already it began to become ht in the lab, and the cracks of the door glowed red as they were bombarded with flames. Gennai grabbed his sword just as one finally volley hit the door. Flames spewed into the room as the door disintegrated. A stray lick of flames hit some volatile chemicals, which burst into a micro explosion. The blaze spread across the wall of the lab as Erudan entered, steeping over the charred remains of the oak door.

"Gennai!" Erudan shouted amidst the blaze. His staff hung by his side, ready to attack.

"Erudan." Gennai threw off his robe, holding his double edge sword at the ready. Digimon poured into the lab, apparently following a plan of some sorts.

"I will not allow this evil to consume the land!" Erudan shouted loudly.

"Look around you!" Gennai snapped back as the fire began to worsen. "The fire, the destruction. This was not Vampmon's doing. This was yours!"

Erudan saw that reasoning with Gennai was impossible now. "Restrain HIM!" Erudan shouted to his digimon allies.

The plant rookies Alarumon suddenly took point. Erudan instructed them well. "Poison IVY!" The Alarumon's purpose became all too clear. There job was to immobilize Gennai, so Erudan may slay the Vampmon himself. Perhaps in better shape and with more sleep, Gennai may have been able to dodge all the vines. But from four Alarumon with six vines apiece, Gennai was helpless in seconds.

Gennai was bound tightly as the Alarumon kept him from moving. The Gazimon and Ebonagumon all took points around the room. But it was Erudan who walked up the capsule containing the incapacitated Lady Vampmon. "Erudan NO!" Gennai shouted, but his words fell on deaf ears.

"Now foul demon!" Erudan held the pointed end of his digizoidium over the chamber glass centre, right where Lady Vampmon's heart would be. "This ends HERE!" Erudan thrust the staff down hard. The glass shattered easily from the force of the blow. However, the blow came from inside the chamber.

Erudan gasped as his staff was stopped cold. The smoke which filled the chamber dissipated outwards. A strong hand wrapped around Erudan's staff. Red eyes glared up at Erudan. "You know something?" Lady Vampmon smiled softly from the glass coffin. "You have such bad manners."

The next sound was a resounding crash as Erudan was flung through the air effortlessly, smashing into the laboratory equipment and sending beakers and glass flying. Erudan rolled off the table, and landed on the ground, unmoving. The digimon just stood in wonder. One Gazimon stood in front. "Come on guys, she's uh just one Vampmon." Gazimon tried to rally the troops, but he was clearly no leader.

All the digimon looked up at the Vampmon. None of them had ever seen a Vampmon, save for the time that they witness an execution in their village. Her wings spread out wide, spanning the entire lab as she stood perched on the top of the pod like some bird of prey. Her entire body illuminated against the burning backdrop. And when she spoke, her voice was stern, devoid of all fear. "Leave." Lady Vampmon hissed, not even raising her voice. The digimon all felt the one word chill them to the bone. They looked in her red eyes, and saw that she could kill everyone there with out any effort. The digimon broke into a panic, breaking for the door as if all the bats out of digital hell were out of them.

Gennai got up off the ground as the lab burned around him. "Good to see you Lady Vampmon."

"Nice to see I can still earn some respect." Lady Vampmon smiled as she jumped off the stasis tube. Lady Vampmon helped Gennai up, her strength returned.

"How are you feeling?" Gennai asked as Lady Vampmon and him bolted for the door.

"The hunger, is gone!" Lady Vampmon smiled happily as she and Gennai ran down the stairs. "You realize what you?ve done?" Lady Vampmon cried as she ran out the door. The digimon had already fled, leaving her and Gennai alone. "My people can be..." Lady Vampmon looked back at the fire as it began to consume the building. "NO!"

Gennai looked back, the fire was spreading rapidly. All his data, works, knowledge, lost. Just setting up the lab again would be a monumental undertaking. "Lady Vampmon... I am sorry. Erudan..."

"Is still in there!" Lady Vampmon spread her wings as she realized something.

Gennai gasped and looked at the fire. "Lady Vampmon, it's too dangerous! And he tried to kill you!"

"I have to show the world I can change!" Lady Vampmon flew straight up. "What better way than to help my enemy?!" Lady Vampmon flew up the three stories to the lab entrance, flinging herself through the window, even though flames licked out to the skies.

Gennai held his breath for ten seconds, then twenty.... a full minute had passed before Gennai bowed his head. "No..." Gennai felt such a loss. Lady Vampmon, gone.... the one chance her species had..

"YAH!" Gennai heard a piercing scream as Lady Vampmon came soaring out of the window, carrying the much larger Erudan under her. Flames scorched Lady Vampmon as embers floated of her back.

"Lady Vampmon!" Gennai cried as she landed, dropping the burnt, but otherwise all right, Erudan roughly on the ground, jostling him awake.

"Kaff! Kaff!" Erudan raised his fist to his mouth and coughed. "What happened?" Erudan looked around, staring into the angry glare of Lady Vampmon.

Lady Vampmon merely sneered back at Erudan's frightened face. "You are such an ass." Lady Vampmon glared angrily at Erudan. Lady Vampmon then looked back at Gennai, her expression softening. "Now what?"

"I can try and rebuild my lab.... but it will take some time." Gennai sighed as he watched his life works go up in smoke. The entire stone building was ablaze, flames leaping high into the night sky as it consumed the building.

"Then do it. I will search out my people. Those that survived." Lady Vampmon sighed. "I know that there are so few of last. I may already be the last. But I can't stop trying." Lady Vampmon looked up to Gennai. "I can never thank you enough for what you did to me." Lady Vampmon reached up, and hugged Gennai as the man bent down. "I hope we will meet again some day." Lady Vampmon cried softly as she held on to Gennai for a few seconds, thankful for the warmth and kindness.

Gennai took a step back as Lady Vampmon released him. With a single flap of her enormous wings, Lady Vampmon took to the sky. Her body silhouetted against the moon as she flew off in the distance. Gennai looked up, the burning stone castle ablaze in the back ground, Erudan cowering at his feet. Gennai smiled as he spoke, thought she could not hear him. "I know you will make me proud."


Lady Vampmon made a long sigh as she finished her story. "I did it for you. I doubted I would ever see you again, though I hoped. But Veemon, I couldn't hurt anyone else." Lady Vampmon ran her hand over Veemon's white cheek. "You spared me, fell in love with me. I couldn't hurt anyone in your memory...."

"You did so much for me...." Veemon grabbed Lady Vampmon's hand. "And I forgot you. I attacked you...."

"Shhhh...." Lady Vampmon took her free hand and placed a finger on Veemon's lips. "Don't live in the past." Lady Vampmon smiled. "Live in the moment."

Veemon smiled softly and kissed Lady Vampmon's finger. "You are so beautiful." Veemon whispered softly.....


"Panpumon let me remove your cloak." Hawkmon grabbed his wife by the neck of the blue dress and cloak she wore. "I need to tend the wound."

"No." Panpumon held her shoulder, covering the injury. "I am fine. But we wasted enough time here."

"And I wish you'd let me look at that wound." Gomamon replied. "I know a bit of medicine and first aid from Joe. And you lost a lot of blood." Gomamon grabbed Panpumon's wing. "Let me check your heart beat...."

"I am fine Gomamon really." Panpumon snatched her hand away, but smiled back at Gomamon. "You are just like the Gomamon I knew back before the digiegg. He jumped when I sneezed wrong."

"Yeah but this is not a sneeze. You had an arrow in you." Gomamon answered back.

"And I am not letting you go back into battle wounded." Hawkmon replied defiantly.

"You always so worried about me." Panpumon smiled softly back at the pair.

Armadillomon, Biyomon and Palmon were over by Gatomon. Gatomon was up on slightly raised incline. Her head was supported by a log covered in grass, a make shift pillow. "Gatomon is just sleeping. She has a nasty bump on he head." Palmon reached into her flower, and pulled a part a small leaf. She crushed the leaf in her hand, and rubbed it all over the scarped bump. "I don't want to wake her right now, but I don't want to leave her here alone."

"Then you all go." Panpumon decided. "The Vampmon is badly injured, and she may feed off Veemon."

"What?" Armadillomon suddenly perked up. "Ya mean..."

"She may need him as a protector but her own life comes first. If she needs enough blood to heal, she will kill him without a second though." Panpumon explained to the group.

"But Gatomon, and you...." Hawkmon stuttered.

"You stay with me." Panpumon smiled at her husband. "We will watch Gatomon. The others should have no trouble tracking them and killing Vampmon." Panpumon looked over at Armadillomon. "You were a great Vampire tracker. The best."

"I hope so. Cause now that Veemon's in trouble, I will track her to the ends of the Earth." Armadillomon growled.

"Then move quickly." Panpumon replied. "And don't fall for her seduction."

"Believe me." Gomamon growled. "That is the last thing I will do."


Veemon kissed Lady Vampmon deeply, running her hands tenderly over her body. She had healed fast. Even with the silver inflicted wounds, Veemon's strong blood had closed what would be fatal wounds to another digimon. Veemon still touched her tenderly as a mother would a newborn. But Lady Vampmon enjoyed the sensation none the less. Veemon's tongue entered her mouth, his tongue touching her white fangs as it explored every knook and cranny. Veemon's hands, which had been gingerly touching her breasts, began to move downwards, slipping lower. Veemon's left hand began to cautiously work its way in between Lady Vampmon's leg. Veemon wasn't afraid Lady Vampmon would reject him, or that he was moving to fast. Veemon knew this was right. He was only afraid of hurting her.

Lady Vampmon felt the strong fingers dance over her crotch, massaging her pussy lips. She arched her head back a little. "More..." Lady Vampmon moaned in but a whisper. Veemon complied, probing till he found the moist opening. Lady Vampmon groaned as Veemon's blue finger entered her wet cunt. "Ohhh Veemon...." She moaned as Veemon fingered her insides, sending little jolts of pleasure up Lady Vampmon's body.

Veemon smiled as he brought his mouth down to Lady Vampmon's nipples, sucking her left tit. Lady Vampmon let out a little squeal of glee, closing her eyes as her nipples harden in Veemon?s mouth. Veemon moved over to the right nipple, caressing the bud in the same way, and eliciting very much the same reaction. Veemon now wanted more to. He wanted to be with her, as any man could be with a woman.

Lady Vampmon felt Veemon's finger slide out, and Veemon's mouth leave her breast. She knew what this meant as Veemon lowered his hips slightly. His blue dick dangled like a smaller third leg. Lady Vampmon looked up longingly into Veemon's eyes. "Be...gentle. Lady Vampmon moaned softly. "It is my first time."

Veemon stopped for a second. "You... are still a virgin?"

"Well." Lady Vampmon smiled softly at Veemon. "I wanted my first time to be with the right guy. And the right guy was sealed under a digi egg."

"But all those years..." Veemon stuttered. This surprised him; Lady Vampmon was ancient, and beautiful. At least in his eyes.

"Good things come to those who wait." Lady Vampmon whispered.

Veemon smiled softly as he positioned himself. His blue dick rested its head at her vaginal entrance for a second, before he slowly pushed himself in. He slid in effortlessly; Lady Vampmon had no hymen, having been lost so long ago during many a bloody battle. Lady Vampmon gasped, for she had never felt anything remotely like this before. Her body was so cold, but now, warmth filled her in her most sensitive area. The pleasure was boundless. "Veemon!" Lady Vampmon gasped in extreme pleasure, cumming right then and there, Veemon hardly having to do anything. The warmth of his dick was enough to set her off in a spiral of pleasure.

Veemon didn't stop though hearing her orgasmic cries. He immediately began to penetrate her insides, using long powerful strokes, slamming his entire length into the climaxing female. Lady Vampmon finished her orgasm quickly, but almost immediately was being humped to another one. Veemon rested her hands on her tits, still being careful not to harm her, but wanting to make this experience as pleasurable as possible. Veemon massaged Lady Vampmon's tits as he fucked her, feeling the hardened nipples under his palms. Lady Vampmon was in sheer ecstasy now. Her head was rolled back and she would have screamed had she the need to breath. As it was groans of pleasure echoed from her lips, as Veemon panted. Veemon wasn't a virgin; his first love was Flamegatomon all those years ago. Veemon never thought he could feel this way with anybody, ever be this close. But now, as the two were embraced in the most intimate way possible, he knew he was wrong. Veemon pumped harder now; ready to release himself fully into Lady Vampmon. His thrust tempo increased, and he rammed into her as fast as he could now. Lady Vampmon's groans of pleasure became ecstatic, coming to one long moan as she came a second time, an orgasm that seemed to dwarf the intensity of the first.

"Uhhh!" Veemon came a split second later. His hot cum flooded her insides, the warmness pleasuring Lady Vampmon even more. Lady Vampmon felt the warmth flow into her, and she cried in her approval. Lady Vampmon suddenly sat up, and embraced Veemon tightly, wanting to hold on to this moment forever.

Veemon didn't want to break the embrace as they held on tightly for what seemed to both like an eternity, long after Veemon's dick had left her, shrinking back into its hidden pouch. Veemon thought slowly back off, although that effort seemed hard for him. "We should get going." Veemon whispered softly as he stood up. He felt a touch woozy from giving blood, and from exerting himself during the sex. Lady Vampmon looked better, but she was far from fighting shape.

"You two aren't going anywhere." Armadillomon came out of the clearing, his silver gauntlets gleaming in the moon light.

Veemon turned and faced Armadillomon. "Armadillomon?" Veemon moved in front of Lady Vampmon.

"Did you think you could escape?" Gomamon snarled as he came out next to Armadillomon.

Veemon legs felt weak from the lack of blood. Lady Vampmon was better, but still no match. "Get ready to run..." Veemon whispered to Lady Vampmon. "I'll hold them off..."

"She's not going anywhere." Veemon looked behind him. Biyomon flew overhead, landing on the branch. She held Veemon's own silver dagger in her wing. Palmon stood across the way, her fingers twitching.

Veemon tried to position himself to protect Lady Vampmon, but his friends had encircled, cutting off all possible escape. Veemon saw Gomamon advanced, and he moved in front of him. "Get out of my way." Gomamon growled at Veemon.

"No." Veemon replied as he stood in front of the injured Lady Vampmon.

"She killed Aquaveemon!" Gomamon snarled. "I am just making sure she gets what she deserves. Don't stand in my way."

"She told me she didn't do it!" Veemon replied as his friends moved closer.

"And ya believe her?" Armadillomon snapped back. "I remember her kind. Killers. Monsters."

"Maybe you are right. But you know me as well." Veemon looked at Armadillomon. "All those eons ago, I told you the truth. I have never lied to you. She did not kill Aquaveemon. Now please, all of you, just go." Veemon begged.

Armadillomon suddenly spoke. "Ya know me better than that. I used to think I knew you as well." Armadillomon suddenly felt very odd, feeling that... he had lived this before.

Armadillomon began to pace in a half circle, one eye on Lady Vampmon, another on Veemon. "Ya know me better than that. I used to think I knew you as well."

"Sorry Armadillomon..." Veemon stood in front of Lady Vampmon, but a vision flashed in front of his eyes.

"Sorry Armadillomon." Veemon replied as he positioned himself between Lady Vampmon. Veemon was tired, he had gotten little sleep, and had just run a great distance carrying Lady Vampmon. Armadillomon however was on fresh legs.

"You're perecting that Vampmon." Armadillomon continued speaking, but he was living in the past. "What's gotten in to ya?"

"And now yer pertecting that Vampmon." Armadillomon stopped moving. "What's gotten in to ya Veemon?"

Veemon was to. He had lived this scene before. "Listen all of you, we've been through a lot. We've fought side by side. Please... go. I don't want to have to fight any of you."

"Listen Armadillomon, we've been through a lot. We've fought side by side. Please..." Veemon begged. "Go. I don't want to have to fight you."

Armadillomon and Veemon looked at one another with knowing gazes. "We've... done this before."

"We have." Veemon replied with a knowing nod. "Back in our first lives."

"That... didn't end well did it?" Armadillomon bowed his head.

"No." Veemon shook his head. "It didn't."

"Are you going to back down?" Armadillomon asked back. Veemon just shook his head. "I figured as much. Ya leave me no choice." Armadillomon took a step forward, and after a second of pause turned, facing the rest of the digimon.

"Armadillomon, what the hell are you doing?!" Gomamon snapped as Veemon and Armadillomon stood side by side.

"I screwed up. I didn't trust Veemon when I should." Armadillomon looked back at Veemon. "I owe him one."

"But the Vampmon..." Agumon started from Gomamon's side.

"I don't care about the Vampmon. I still think she should be put down to." Armadillomon shot out. "But I care for Veemon. He's my pal. Period. So if you want the Vampmon... ya got to git by me."

"Armadillomon..." Veemon looked down at his friend. "Thank you."

"You think you can stop me?!" Gomamon bared his teeth. "If I got to get by both of you, then so be it!" Gomamon began to tense up.

"Poison IVY!" Six vines wrapped around Gomamon's body.

"Let me GO!" Gomamon glared back at Palmon.

"Gomamon we aren't going to start hurting our friends!" Palmon replied. "We've been through too much!"

"So what do you want me to do?! Just let her go?!" Gomamon snapped back.

"At least let's hear this Lady Vampmon's side of the story." Biyomon replied trying to find a peaceful solution. "She isn't going anywhere."

Gomamon grabbed Palmon's vines with her flippers. "What is there to TELL?!" Gomamon pulled Palmon forward, Palmon losing her balance and her vines loosening. Gomamon was now free. "I saw you wrap your wings around her up over the trees! You killed her in plain sight in front of me where I couldn't get at you!" Gomamon leapt at Lady Vampmon. "NOW YOU DIE!"

"SPIRAL TWISTER!" Biyomon's wings beat rapidly, firing a volley of green energy.

"GAH!" Gomamon was knocked to the side, rolling over on the dirt. Gomamon coughed once as he rolled to his stomach.

Gomamon looked up at Biyomon, flying overhead. Then he looked at Armadillomon, on the ground with a concerned look. "I thought we were friends. But I see what she did means nothing."

"She didn't kill Aquaveemon." Biyomon landed on the ground. "I know that."

"Because she said SO?!" Gomamon snapped, straining at his bonds. "I SAW HER!!"

"No it wasn't her." Biyomon realized something as she flew over the scene. "Think Gomamon. You said she was flying over head right?"

"Because she wanted to kill Aquaveemon in front of me." Gomamon glared at Lady Vampmon. "I'll never forget that..."

"But you just said she held Aquaveemon with her wings." Biyomon answered as she held out her own wings.

Veemon eyes went wide. He turned back to Lady Vampmon. "Can you fly without your wings?"

"No." Lady Vampmon shook her head. "I need my wings to stay aloft."

"Then she couldn't have been holding Aquaveemon like you said..." Armadillomon looked back at Gomamon. "Are you sure they were wings holding Aquaveemon? Not her arms?"

Gomamon wanted to snap back, say it didn't matter. But he looked at Lady Vampmon's arms. They were slender and thin. There is no way he could have mistaken those for wings, even at night at a distance. "No... They weren't arms."

"Which means.... there's another Vampmon." Gatomon replied summing up the situation.

"A converted digimon." Lady Vampmon replied standing straight now. "It must be a winged digimon, like a insect or bird type digimon. Even a Demidevimon possibly."

"Right." Biyomon nodded. "She would have two sets of wings then." Biyomon held out her wings as if by example. "Her natural set, and the set she acquired when she converted to a Vampmon."

"So she could fly with one set, and hold Aquaveemon with the other." Palmon replied with a nod.

Veemon looked back at Lady Vampmon and smiled. "You didn't do it!" Veemon hugged Lady Vampmon tightly.

"I said I didn't." Lady Vampmon hugged back.

Gatomon helped Gomamon up. "Thanks..." Gomamon mumbled as he looked over at Lady Vampmon in Veemon's embrace. "I am... sorry."

Lady Vampmon looked down at Gomamon. "No... I understand. I did say I was the only Vampmon left, which is why you blamed me. I truly thought I was the last. But there is one converted Vampmon left."

"Well I am going to find this Vampmon. And I will stop before she hurts anyone else." Gomamon replied with a growl. "Killing my first love... I will do anything to help make set things right."

"Gomamon I am sorry..." Lady Vampmon started, when Gomamon's words hit her. I will do anything to help set things right. "Oh my god..."

"What's wrong?" Veemon asked confused, noticing Lady Vampmon's back.

"We have to go NOW!" Lady Vampmon screamed as she flew out of the cave.


"How is Gatomon doing?" Panpumon asked as she sat on the ground.

"She is fine." Hawkmon bent over Gatomon again. "She seems to be sleeping soundly now."

"That is good." Hawkmon suddenly felt two strong wings wrap around his body."

"Panpumon?" Hawkmon felt the familiar touch of Panpumon. Familiar now, Hawkmon found it hard to believe he forgot Panpumon's caress.

"My love." Panpumon held Hawkmon tightly.

"Panpumon... you shouldn't be up..." Hawkmon felt Panpumon's wings slide lower. "I mean... you are injured...."

"I recover quickly." Panpumon whispered into Hawkmon's ear. "And I want to be with you know." Panpumon began to kiss the back of Hawkmon's neck as she rubbed his crotch.

"Uhhh..." Hawkmon let out a little groan as he felt his dick extended out from his brown feathers. His body did so want this; he had not had any relationships since he came out from the digiegg. And he did so want to be with Panpumon right now, more than anything. "I do so love you..."

Panpumon ran her feathered wings up Panpumon's shaft. "And I you. More than anything." Panpumon continued to massage Hawkmon just right, using her feathers to tickle him ever so slightly, until Hawkmon became rigid and hard.

Hawkmon groaned as he felt Panpumon slide down his back, placing little kisses on the nip of his neck to the small of his back. Hawkmon laughed slightly at the sensation, which seemed to please Panpumon even more. As Panpumon went down to her knees, she began to guide Hawkmon to turn around. Hawkmon complied, looking down at his lovely wife as she stroked his shaft. Panpumon didn't even look up as she open her beak. Panpumon carefully took Hawkmon's shaft deep inside her own beak, being careful not to cut the sensitive organ on her teeth. Hawkmon moaned softly, running his hands over Panpumon's head. Panpumon skilfully began to blow Hawkmon off, running her slender tongue up and down the length of Hawkmon's shaft. Hawkmon was in a world of ecstasy. It had been so long since he had done this... millennia to be exact. Not even the sure eroticism of this, but just to be with his wife, his one true love....

Hawkmon began to groan louder now as he thrust into Panpumon's mouth, Panpumon's wings resting on his buttocks, Panpumon wanting him to release, to feel Hawkmon release himself into her mouth, Hawkmon was only to happy to comply. Hawkmon let himself go, letting his semen flow through his piss hole as he let out a low orgasmic moan. And Panpumon continued to suck, drinking his cum down hungrily, savouring this gift from Hawkmon. "Mmm Panpumon..." Hawkmon groaned as he finished shooting his load into Panpumon's lips.

"Like old times." Panpumon swallowed what was in her mouth, still giving Hawkmon a blowjob. It only was a matter of seconds till Hawkmon was once again was hard, his dick throbbing for more. But Panpumon wanted more as well.

Hawkmon felt Panpumon place a hand on his stomach, and push him gently backwards. Hawkmon laid on the grass, his red dick standing at attention. He was half sat up as Panpumon stood over him. She moved the bottom part of her tight dress over, exposing her cunt. "Why are you not taking your cloak off?"

"You had a fetish for clothes." Panpumon smiled softly. "In fact, the last time we made love, I had made a dress like his one especially for you. Except for the cloak and cowl." Panpumon began to slowly slide down. "I just wanted this to be like the last time... if not better..."

"It is always perfect with you..." Hawkmon smiled as he felt his dick slide into Panpumon. It felt so familiar to him now, the feel of his wife's tight cunt surrounding his cock. She began to ride him, moving up and down and rhythmic and powerful thrusts. Hawkmon began to thrust up every time Panpumon thrusted down. Hawkmon wrapped his wings on Panpumon's tight ass, feeling the blue material under his wing tips as the two began to hump one another rapidly. Panpumon's beak was kept tightly shut as she let out little squeaks of pleasure. Hawkmon however was less discrete, letting out a groan every time he thrust into his wife. They moved faster now, Panpumon slamming down hard, wanting to release herself, but also wanting Hawkmon to enjoy it as much as possible. Hawkmon too wanted to make this moment last forever, but he could not hold back much longer. Panpumon was too could, and her cunt was too tight. "UHhhhhhh Panpumon!" Hawkmon groaned as he came, shooting a generous second helping of cum into Panpumon's womb.

Panpumon arched her head back and cried to the skies. "Hawkmon!" Panpumon was waiting for this, using her willpower to make sure she came the second Hawkmon did. The dual orgasm seemed to make the pleasure better for both off them. They were literally shaking with pleasure, cumming hard as the two finally slowed down, humping slower and slower, till at last, Panpumon stopped, resting on top of Hawkmon as they bather in the afterglow.

"I can't believe I forgot you." Hawkmon panted as Panpumon slid off his cock.

"I never forgot you." Panpumon wiped her cunt clean of the mixed cum. "Even in my dreams in that coma, they were always about you."

Hawkmon cleaned himself off as best he could as he stood up. "I would have done anything to wake you my love...."

"I know I know. But those dreams.... having you torn away from. Never to see you again." Panpumon chuckled, but it was a sad laugh. "How ironic when I woke up my reality would be the same as those dreams."

"My love...." Hawkmon reached out for Panpumon.

Panpumon suddenly turned around away from Hawkmon. "I woke up a year after you were sealed. I had hoped to see you over my bed Hawkmon, but it was our friend Gomamon. Scarred fro life, missing an eye, a tail, and he still smiled. But I didn't. You weren't there." Panpumon wiped her eyes. "Can you imagine what it felt like to wake up into a world with you gone? Not even dead, but trapped under some foolish egg the Vampmon imprisoned you in. It was worse. Having you just out of reach like that..."

"Panpumon I am so sorry..." Hawkmon started.

Panpumon continued her back-story. "I begged Gennai, use one of the last two digieggs. Entomb me like you, so there would be some small chance we would meet up again. But no. He had already converted the last two Digieggs with the digivices. They couldn't work on me anymore. So I scoured the ocean where the other Digieggs were lost. I brought Gomamon with me." Panpumon smiled. "He was a true friend. But it was a needle in haystack. We searched for months. The tide could have carried them across the seas by then..."

"But if you didn't find a Digi egg, how did you survive to this time?" Hawkmon was confused.

"I realized on that cold day, staring at the ocean, what the Vampmon truly took from me. Not only sealing you, but the one chance I had of ever seeing you again. So I decided to set things right." Panpumon's voice took one of determination. "So I told Gomamon I was going on a quest. I searched the digital World for over a year searching for Vampmon, but the great cleansing had all but wiped them out. I finally found one in the remotest corner of server. A sad specimen. He looked like death, his face sullen, and his body was so apartheid that he could hardly walk. He attacked me the minute he saw me, crazed with hunger, but I beat him with ease. It was hard to believe that those lowly creatures were the ones who destroyed my life that horrible night." Panpumon sighed. "They had taken so much." Panpumon looked straight up, a tear running down her cheek. "My life only had one purpose, one goal...."

"Panpumon..." Hawkmon moved close when Panpumon's back began to stretch. Hawkmon stepped back in fear.

The blue cloak Panpumon wore around her began to stretch at the seems. There was a great ripping sound as the cloak split, sending rags of blue everywhere. Hawkmon gasped as Panpumon turned around slowly. Two giant black leather wings sprouting from her back, flapping softly in the moonlight. Panpumon floated softly off the ground, flying with the long dark wings. She spoke, but this time she held her head high, Hawkmon seeing two fangs getting from her beak. "To be with you."

Hawkmon began to shake as Panpumon flew towards. "P... Panpumon... what... what did you... do?"

"I forced the Vampmon to convert me." Panpumon landed on front of Hawkmon. "Before I killed him. Then I hunted down each and every one of his kind. It took eons, but I finally killed them all, using their own powers against them." Panpumon held out her blue wings. "Or I thought I had. Lady Vampmon eluded me. The fact that she did not kill made it impossible to hunt her down."

"She... does not kill?" Hawkmon fell back, landing on his tail feathers. "But do you?"

"I had no choice." Panpumon shook her head. "As a Vampmon, I need energy to survive. Digimon blood. If I only take a little, it only keeps me barely alive. I need to be strong to survive, and to hunt."

"How... many?" Hawkmon stuttered.

"A eternity's worth." Panpumon bowed her head. "But it was a necessary evil. I killed hundreds of Vampmon around the Digital World. A few innocents were need to help me in my fight."

Hawkmon scooted backwards, terrified at this nightmare come to life. "A... Aquaveemon? Gennai?'"

"I need nourishment. Aquaveemon was available. But I spared Gomamon. He is your friend." Panpumon bend down, reaching out her blue wing to Hawkmon's cheek. "I could never do anything to harm you..."

Hawkmon recoiled in horror. "And Gennai?"

"He knew my secret. I couldn't let him betray me." Panpumon spoke in a whisper.

"You..." Hawkmon stuttered.

"It was all for you my love." Panpumon moved closer, Hawkmon seeing the two fangs as she spoke. "All these years... and now we can be reunited for eternity."

"Eternity?" Hawkmon stuttered as Panpumon wrapped her wings around his neck. "Wh... What do you mean?"

Panpumon opened her mouth slightly. "You'll see.... It's time for us to make out destiny... by you becoming a Vampmon." Hawkmon gasped as Panpumon pressed her beak against his, and he felt his energy slowly drain away....

"Let him go."

Panpumon slowly turned her head. Gatomon stood on the raised inclined, her claws at the ready. "Feeling better?" Panpumon asked sweetly.

"Kill the Vampmon before she charms us. Don't listen to her." Gatomon parroted Panpumon from before. "I didn't listen to you. I listened to that Lady Vampmon. And you know what? I believed her. It seems that she loved someone from her past. Veemon."

Panpumon hissed as Hawkmon slumped to the ground. "Those creatures are not capable of love!"

"Bull." Gatomon snapped back. "She risked everything for Veemon. She is no monster. You however are."

"You dare to call me a monster?" Panpumon looked back with a glare of pure rage.

"You killed them all. You followed Gomamon and killed Aquaveemon. You killed Gennai before that. Why else would you not bother knocking at his door?" Gatomon hissed. "Because you knew he was dead."

"Gennai was reasonable for sealing my love for so long. For making me have to turn myself into what I despised most!" Panpumon growled back.

"All those hurt and killed. Lady Vampmon may be dead now because of your blindness." Gatomon tensed her legs. "Your destiny is OVER!"


"Panpumon?!" Armadillomon gasped as the group ran across the field. "Yur kidding!"

"No." Lady Vampmon replied. "She is the only one it can be." Lady Vampmon flew overhead. "There were only eight digi eggs, and they were all accounted for. What other way could she survive this long unless she was immortal?"

"And when that arrow pinned her to the tree..." Biyomon flew next to Lady Vampmon. "She was careful not to rip that blue cape and cowl she wore, because she used it to hide her wings!"

"And why she grabbed the arrow with part of her cape, not her wings. Silver hurts Vampmon." Palmon replied as she ran on the ground.

"And her blood." Lady Vampmon licked her lips. "When I bit her wing to escape, her blood was horrid, spoiled. It was because she is a Vampmon. A Vampmon can't feed off another Vampmon."

"And the way she spoke." Gomamon growled. "Always with her beak almost shut, or facing away from us. To hide her fangs."

"Not to mention the fact she stayed in Gennai's house when we fought you the first time. She couldn't come out into the sun." Veemon looked over at Lady Vampmon. "I should have seen it!" Veemon shouted angrily. "But what now? She doesn't plan on feeding on Hawkmon does she?" Veemon replied with concern.

"No. Vampmon can love." Lady Vampmon smiled at Veemon. "I am proof of this. She would never kill Hawkmon..." Lady Vampmon suddenly stopped.

"I am sensing a but here." Gomamon looked up at Lady Vampmon.

"Unless she wants to convert him." Lady Vampmon replied with dawning comprehension.

"But... Hawkmon would never agree to that." Biyomon stuttered.

"He wouldn't." Lady Vampmon agreed. "And I don't think Panpumon would accept that. Which means Hawkmon may be in even greater danger than I thought."


Hawkmon rested on the ground, coughing. His body began to shimmer slightly, indicated how badly injured he was. "Why do you RESIST ME?!" Panpumon screamed as she picked Hawkmon off the ground by his neck once again. "I gave my SOUL to be with you!!"

"I... can't... become... like you..." Hawkmon coughed.

Panpumon's eyes were wild. "You will become like me! I did it for you, why can't you do it for me? Don't you love me? Did you not say you can't live with out me?"

"I did love you..." Hawkmon's vision blurred. "But I loved Panpumon, the girl who... fought with me side by side to try and save my village.... the girl who surprised me... in the beautiful dress on our anniversary.... the girl who could .. never harm another living being. But you are... not that Panpumon. At least... not anymore."

Panpumon squeezed Hawkmon's neck tighter. "You will be mine!" Panpumon brought her beak to Hawkmon's. "I can't charm you into being a Vampmon. You must submit willingly! Just accept it!" Panpumon pressed her beak against Hawkmon's. "It's destiny."

"Hhhh..." Hawkmon gasped as Panpumon kissed him. She had done it before, and Hawkmon had refused to give in. And it had almost killed him. He felt his core energy draining again, his body began to flicker.


Panpumon broke the kiss and turned around. Lady Vampmon stood in the field. Veemon brandished his dagger and stood next to Armadillomon with silver claws. Biyomon flew over Palmon's head. both ready for an attack. And in front stood Gomamon, an enraged look on his face. "The last Vampmon." Panpumon hissed. "I was planning on ending the blight on the Digital World later. But I can finish my job now."

"So it wasn't Lady Vampmon here who killed Aquaveemon." Gomamon growled.

"I had no choice for your friend Gomamon. The hunger was on me." Panpumon placed Hawkmon gently on the ground. "Be still my love. You are weak."

"You monster!" Gomamon snarled, his lips in a hideous sneer.

"Monster?!" Panpumon's back reptilian wings spread wide. "That creature there!" Panpumon pointed at Lady Vampmon. "Her kind ripped Hawkmon from me! Nearly killed me! Destroyed my village!" Panpumon growled, her eyes filled with hatred. "And the final irony, having to change into one of you demons to see my beloved again."

"We've never even met!" Lady Vampmon snapped back. "I had nothing to do with your village!"

"It doesn't matter if you weren't there! Your kind is all alike!" Panpumon snapped back. "I deserved a happy life with my husband! And you denied that to me!"

"Enough of this." Gomamon took a step forward. "She's killed Aquaveemon, and she isn't going to stop."

Panpumon looked at Gomamon, smiling, not the least bit afraid. "Gatomon." Panpumon said in a clear and firm tone. "Here."

Gatomon slowly came out of the woods. In the confusion, no one even noticed she was there. "Gatomon?" Veemon called to her, but she did not respond.

Panpumon smiled as Gatomon stopped right in front of her. "Stop."

Gatomon stopped cold as if switched off. "Gatomon?!" Biyomon shouted from behind. Gatomon did not respond, just stood there like a statue. Her eyes were half closed, as if she was falling asleep standing up.

"Biomerged with Hawkmon right?" Panpumon walked up to Gatomon. "How very... intimidate that must have been." Panpumon looked at Gatomon. "I heard about the story. You and Hawkmon sharing one body to help save the digital world. Sharing thoughts. Feelings. Even ones on a subconscious level. In some way I am jealous. You shared something with Hawkmon I will never feel."

"Oh no..." Biyomon's eyes went wide. "Gatomon shared Hawkmon's mind when the turned to Slyphimon!"

"So she would share Hawkmon's subconscious thoughts. Just enough..." Lady Vampmon started.

"To charm her." Panpumon ran a wing over Gatomon's cheek. "It was a very lopsided fight, she and I. I said but one world and she submitted easily." Gatomon did not seem to notice the caress of Panpumon's wing, just standing there looking ahead. "Gatomon?"

Gatomon suddenly sprung to life, her eyes wide. "Yes m'lady?" Gatomon turned her head to Panpumon, the women she would do anything for. Anything.

"Kill the Vampmon there." Panpumon glared behind Gatomon. "And anyone who tries to stop you. Beheading works quite well."

"At once." Gatomon turned and raised her claws, her eyes narrowing. These were her enemies now. How they could once be her friends confounded her. They were the rivals of Panpumon, which means they all must pay.

"Oh this is not good." Palmon took a step back. In the span of a heartbeat, Panpumon had turned the tables on them. Gatomon was a champion, and deceivingly powerful. Even in their champion forms, they'd be hard pressed against Gatomon. As mere rookies... they where in serious trouble.

"Stop Gatomon!" Lady Vampmon ordered. "Leave Panpumon to me!" Lady Vampmon knew that she was the best flier here besides Hawkmon who was very weak, and Biyomon who had no experience fighting Vampmon.

Panpumon had already turned her attention back to Hawkmon. "Now come here my love." Panpumon bent over Hawkmon's weakened body. "We need to finish what we've started...."

Lady Vampmon moved with a silent and fast grace, leaving the others to battle Gatomon. "Let Hawkmon go." Panpumon looked over her shoulder. Lady Vampmon stood there. Gatomon was taking on the rest of the group, leaving Lady Vampmon free to deal with Panpumon.

"Your kind still tries to stop our love?!" Panpumon shrieked as she turned around. Her voice was no longer soft and gentle, but loud and hateful, filled with years of anguish.

"You are killing him!" Lady Vampmon shouted back. "Don't you see?! He doesn't want to be burdened with our curse!" Lady Vampmon pleaded for the one thing that may reach Panpumon. Her husband Hawkmon.

"He is confused!" Panpumon growled. "He has seen your evil and fears it! He will become mine, now and forever!'

Lady Vampmon looked at Panpumon, her eyes wild and crazed. There was no love. She had forgotten that long ago. "You've gone mad.? Lady Vampmon slowly realized. ?You don't care about Hawkmon. You only care about yourself!"

"You soulless monster." Panpumon moved forward, letting out a long hiss. "To question my undying love... I shall rip you limb from limb!" Panpumon let out an holy scream as she leapt forward, ready to finish this.

Lady Vampmon took flight, flying straight up. (Maybe if I can lure Panpumon far enough away, it'll break Gatomon's trance. Then they can get Hawkmon out of there.) Lady Vampmon looked down as Panpumon's blue wing encircle on her leg. "Ah!"

"Ha!" Panpumon smiled as she pulled Lady Vampmon down. "You try and escape your judgment?!" Panpumon brought her free blue wing across Lady Vampmon's face as they struggled in mid air.

Lady Vampmon grabbed Panpumon's wing. as she tried to hit her again. "I am trying to save my friends. Including Hawkmon!" Lady Vampmon kneed Panpumon in the chest with as much force as she could muster.

If Panpumon was hurt from the blow she showed no sign of it. "Don't you dare speak his name!!" Panpumon spun in a circle, catching Lady Vampmon with a kick to the midsection.

"UHhhhh..." Lady Vampmon spun in mid air, her entire side on fire. (She is so strong....) Lady Vampmon regained herself with her wings, but Panpumon flew straight up, and came down hard on the small of her back with both feet. "GAH!" Lady Vampmon yelled as she went hurtling downward, Panpumon riding her.

Lady Vampmon hit the ground hard on her chest, her entire body going numb. "Uh...." Lady Vampmon coughed on the forest floor as she turned on her back. Panpumon's foot came slamming down on her chest a second later. Lady Vamp screamed again.

"You are weak." Panpumon growled as she rested a clawed foot on Lady Vampmon's chest. "I am surprised that you are the last survivor."

"I... don't kill anymore." Lady Vampmon looked up from the ground. "I merely take enough to survive when I need to. Gennai... helped me."

"No wonder you are so sad." Panpumon growled as she leaned down. "I had to take the digimon fully in order to fight your kind." Panpumon grabbed Lady Vampmon's neck. "Now to end the Vampmon legacy." Panpumon smiled as she squeezed.

"Back off BITCH!" Biyomon landed behind Panpumon, and slashed out with Veemon's silver dagger, taking Panpumon by surprise.

"Yah!" Panpumon screamed as a new wound opened on her wing. "You!" Biyomon raised her knife for a second strike, but Panpumon merely backhanded her, moving faster than Biyomon.

"UH!" Biyomon went flying to the side, the silver dagger flying from her grasp. The dagger rolled on the ground, glinting in the moonlight as it came to a stop. Biyomon got to her knees as a powerful grip encircled her throat.

"You wanted Hawkmon for yourself don't you?" Panpumon smiled which half turned into a crazed laugh. "It is like the fates themselves are denying me. But I will make Hawkmon mine." Panpumon opened her mouth, and brought Biyomon's neck to her face. "Even if I have to kill everyone who wants to keep him from me."

"Uhhh..." Biyomon gasped as Panpumon sunk her teeth into his neck. She tried to push Lady Vampmon away, but she was far too weak.


Panpumon turned around, removing her mouth from Biyomon's neck. "Hawkmon?" A drop of Biyomon's blood rested on her yellow bottom beak.

Hawkmon stood up, very weakly. "I never saw how much you sacrificed for me..." Hawkmon's feet wobbled, but he regained himself. "I have been selfish... After all you've done for me."

"Oh Hawkmon..." Panpumon smiled as she discarded Biyomon with out a second thought. Panpumon turned and flew the distance to Hawkmon with her black leathery lings, landing softly in front of her ailing love. "I knew you would see." Panpumon wrapped her wings around Hawkmon.

"I do see." Hawkmon looked up into Panpumon's eyes. Hawkmon was crying hard.

"Hawkmon my love, why do you cry?" Panpumon brought her beak close to Hawkmon. "This is a happy day."

"I cry because..." Hawkmon took a deep breath. "Because I love you."

Panpumon placed her beak on Hawkmon's own, but only for a split second. Her entire body suddenly went cold. "Guh..." Panpumon stumbled back, the silver dagger buried deep in her chest. "Hawkmon...." Panpumon coughed as she fell to her knees. "My.... " Panpumon's body began to bubble and hiss, her core split into four. "Love....." Panpumon gurgled as her body dissolved into a hissing pile of black goo, Panpumon's eyes staring at Hawkmon as she finally dissolved.

Gatomon held Veemon by the neck, when she suddenly shook her head. "Veemon?" Gatomon looked around, her friends tossed around like matchsticks. "What happened?" Gatomon looked over the field, Hawkmon standing over a black pile of ooze, the question answering itself.

All eyes were on Hawkmon as he stood there over the black remains of his once beloved life. "I loved you... my wife." Hawkmon's eyes suddenly glazed over. "Uhhh...." Hawkmon began to fall over.

"Hawkmon!" Biyomon ran up, catching Hawkmon as he fell. Biyomon lay Hawkmon gently down. "Don't worry we'll get you some help..."

Hawkmon's form flickered. "Don't... think that's going ... to help...."

"Don't say that!" Biyomon's eyes teared up. "You are going to be fine!"

"No he's not." Lady Vampmon walked up behind Biyomon. "Panpumon tried to force him to convert, and he resisted." Lady Vampmon bowed his head. "She corrupted his core data. His body is trying to stay together but..." Lady Vampmon raised her head slightly. "He will completely fragment, never to be reformed...."

"Isn't there anything you can do?!" Biyomon screamed at Lady Vampmon.

Lady Vampmon rubbed her hands. Her mind raced as it came out with the most obvious solution. "I can... finish the conversion. As a Vampmon, he will..."

"No." Hawkmon coughed, his eyes flickering.

"Hawkmon it is the only way!" Biyomon started.

"Then... I am sorry...." Hawkmon raised his wing to Biyomon's face. "I saw what... happened to.... Panpumon. Please understand... I can't go through that... not even... for you.... Biyo..." Hawkmon's wing slipped from Biyomon's face, falling limp to the ground

Biyomon began to shake as she hunched over Hawkmon's body. She turned her head to her digimon friends. "HELP HIM!!" She screamed frantically, but her friends could only gaze on, helpless as she is.

Lady Vampmon seemed confused for a minute, and then suddenly stood up straight. "There is one other way. I can feed energy directly into his core."

"Well then do it!" Biyomon shouted at Lady Vampmon.

"I didn't know Vampmon could do that..." Armadillomon replied confused.

"Vampmon don't normally go around saving digimon's lives." Lady Vampmon moved next to Hawkmon. "Plus there is no guarantee.... The conversion is a sure thing, but this.... there is a huge risk."

"Please, do anything...." Biyomon looked longingly at Lady Vampmon as she stood up.

Lady Vampmon looked at Hawkmon, his form half transparent. He had only seconds. "I will do everything." Lady Vampmon glanced back at Veemon. "For a true love." Lady Vampmon bent down and placed her mouth gently on Hawkmon's beak. Her lips almost passed right through, Hawkmon's form was so weak.

Biyomon stood back. For the longest second, nothing seemed to happen. Then Lady Vampmon began to glow. Her chest began to burn with white light, and slowly moved up her neck, and through her mouth. The light then left Lady Vampmon's body, into flowed into Hawkmon's. Lady Vampmon stepped back as Hawkmon's body began to glow with white light. His body spasmed, and his eyes and mouth burst open, shooting out beams of light. Then the light disappeared. Hawkmon's body laid there, not moving his eyes closed.

Biyomon moved forward slowly. "H... Hawkmon?"

Hawkmon eyes suddenly flew open, and he sat up. "What... what happened?"

"Hawkmon!" Biyomon rushed forward, wrapping her wings Hawkmon. "I thought I lost you..." Biyomon began to cry. Hawkmon not knowing what happened, simply returned the gesture, hugging

Veemon looked on at Biyomon and Hawkmon. "I had no idea you could do that..." Veemon turned to Lady Vampmon. "Thank yo...." Veemon's words died in his throat. Lady Vampmon had collapsed on one knee. Her own form began to flicker. "VAMPMON!" Veemon screamed as he rushed to her side. Lady Vampmon fell to the side, landing on Veemon's shoulder as he knelt by her. "What did you do to yourself?? Veemon?s voice quivered.

"I lied..." Lady Vampmon coughed. "There is another reason... Vampmon don't... give their core energy..." Lady Vampmon smiled at Veemon, her body flickering again.

"No...." Veemon's body froze over. "Why.. why didn't you tell me?"

"You... wouldn't have let me." Lady Vampmon replied knowingly. "Even to... save your friend...."

Veemon began to shake now. "No. I can't let this happen!" Veemon held out his arm, and dragged his sharp-clawed finger over the blue skin. Veemon didn't even feel the pain he was so numb. A thing line of blood dropped down his fore arm. "Take it!"

"Blood... won't help." Lady Vampmon's eyelids fluttered. "Nothing will...."

"I... just found you!" Veemon wrapped his arms around Lady Vampmon. "You can't die now!"

"I lived... a thousand lives Veemon." Lady Vampmon forced her eyes opens. "I lived... longer than any being should. It is my time..."

"No it's not!" Veemon snapped. "I forbid it!"

"So damn... stubborn." Lady Vampmon lifted her hand, and stroked Veemon's chin with the back of her palm. "One of the reasons... I love you."

Veemon's cheeks were streaked with tears. "I love you to." Veemon bent his head forward, kissing Lady Vampmon one last time on the lips, just as the sun began to rose over the horizon.

Lady Vampmon's looked at the light as it shone on her, for the first time in her existence. "The sun..." Lady Vampmon looked on as her body began to glow. "It's so... beautiful..." Lady Vampmon gasped as her body began to glow brighter, blinding every being there. When the light died the sun had risen on a new day in the Digital World as Veemon stood in the centre of his friends, crying.



Hawkmon sat perched on the tallest building facing west over the Japanese Sea. It was a beautiful sight, one awe inspiring, but it only served to remind Hawkmon how lonely he was. He flew up here since he wanted to wallow in his self pity, and no one would be able to bother him her. Well, almost no one. Hawkmon barely noticed as the small pink bird landed softly on the ledge beside him, hardly making a sound as he talons graced the rooftop. Biyomon landed on the ledge next to Hawkmon. Hawkmon didn't have the heart to chance her way. Biyomon sat down next to Hawkmon, speaking first. "You did love her."

"With all my heart and soul." Hawkmon looked out to the sunset. "And I killed her."

"No Hawkmon. She died years ago." Biyomon replied in a whisper. "That was not the same Panpumon you loved."

Hawkmon sighed as he finally turned his head, the feather in his band dipping down between his eyes. "You're right... I couldn't love something that would hurt my friends... or you." Hawkmon smiled slightly, though it was simply a shallow gesture. "But even what she had become I still loved her. Even when I didn't know she existed I still loved. And even though she's dead.... I still love her...." Hawkmon looked back at the sunset.

Biyomon looked at the sunset with Hawkmon for another minute before she finally spoke up. "I do care for you Hawkmon." Biyomon stood up on the ledge. "But I know you need time. " Biyomon walked over to Hawkmon, and kissed him softly on the cheek. "If you ever need to talk."

"I know where to find you." Hawkmon smiled back.

Biyomon nodded as she took a step back, leaping off the balcony, taking graceful flight as she flew away. Hawkmon watched her out of the corner of his eye. (Maybe, just maybe.... I will feel love again...)


Epilogue 2-

Veemon was in the middle of the Digital World, in a part so old the rest of the world had all but forgotten about it. The Dark Masters had ignored it, the digimon had abandoned it. But Veemon was here now. Behind him stood a run down shack, little more than the stone foundation on which a happy little domicile once rested. Veemon had all but ignored the hut, walking into a small batch of grass and thistle that seemed to consume the landscape. Veemon reached down, ripping the plants from their roots, not even feeling the stinging burrs in his skin he was so numb. His dagger rested in its sheath under his shoulder.

"I always wonder why you had a crush on me." Gatomon walked behind Veemon. Veemon looked up at a faded statue still hanging with some pieces of moss. She had come with Veemon; she didn?t really want Veemon to be alone right now.

Veemon didn't look around, rubbing his hand over the faded stone statue. "I used to be a bit of an artist... before..." Veemon rubbed his hand over the stone cold face of Flamegatomon. "I never thought I could love again.? Veemon reached under his shoulder, slowly drawing out the dagger. ?Having her torn from me like that..." Veemon held the silver dagger in his hand clutching it tight.

"You loved her Veemon. She knew you would have done anything to save her." Gatomon stood next to Veemon on his knees at the gravestone.

"When I felt love again, I felt like I was betraying her memory. Especially to the same creatures who killed her." Veemon looked into the soulless eyes of the statue. "But I was denying myself. What I felt for Lady Vampmon was as pure as for Flamegatomon. And now I lost them both."

"No you didn't." Gatomon knelt down next to Veemon. "They will both be with you always."

Veemon looked to the side, not moving his head. "You remind of Flamegatomon. Not just the way you look, but the fact you always just know what to say." Veemon looked back to the statue.

"I would have like to meet her." Gatomon looked at the statue.

"I think you would have been good friends." Veemon smiled softly as he drew in a deep breath. "Gatomon... would you mind? I need a moment..."

"Of course." Gatomon stood up, placing a hand on Veemon's shoulder for a moment, before she ran off.

Veemon waited a moment before he spoke to the statue. "I'm sorry I forgot Flamegatomon. I still love you, more than before." Veemon walked up to the foot of the statue, where there was a small inscription.



"When I felt love again, I denied it. I felt like I was betraying you. Especially when it was to a Vampmon, the same creatures that killed you." Veemon brought is silver dagger to the inscription, and dragged his knifepoint over the last five words. Chips of stone fell as Veemon repeated the motion. "But I was wrong. I loved Lady Vampmon as much as I loved you." Veemon began to drag the knife, making small quick strokes. "I hope you two understand that my love for both of you diminishes neither. And I look forward to the day where I see you both again." Veemon stood up, and plunge the silver dagger deep into the earth. Veemon looked at the new inscription, his eyes wet and moist. "Good bye."

Veemon walked away from the grave, the wind blowing leaves across the grave stone. The silver dagger shone in the setting sun, the beams landing on the new word Veemon had etched in.




Red Rover: Man, this was depressing as hell. I mean, I almost wanted to cry when I wrote that last part.

Gomamon: *Cough* wuss.

Red Rover: Although killing off Gomamon wouldn't faze me.

Gomamon: You need some Prozac badly.

Red Rover: Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my second Mega lemon. I wonder if I will get a dozen requests for a sequel to this one?

Author?s Notes


(If you want a zip copy contact ume on AOL instant messenger under mrredrover or Jodan under Neptune200. )

Myth- LOV overall theme

Toxicity- Veemon's theme

Trippin' Tristram- Vampmon's theme

Hall of The Mountain King- Hawkmon's theme

Come out and Play- Armidillomon's theme

Snow Princess- Panpumon's theme

Complicated- Gatomon's theme

Immortal- Gomamon's theme

Barbery Coast- AquaVeemon's theme

Ocarina boogie- Biyomon's theme

Woman- Veemon/Gatomon theme

As the world falls down- Hawkmon/Biyomon theme

Amber- Gomamon/Aqua theme

Sacrifice- Hawkmon/Panpumon theme

Kiss from a Rose- Veemon/Vampmon theme

Pushing the sky- Gazimon fight scene

7 minutes- Panpumon/Vampmon fight

Fun facts-

The book Gennai was reading in the start of the story is "Romeo and Juliet" was the story Legacy of the Vampire was originally based off of.

The RPG (Which stands band are all characters from my RPG Acts of Vengeance, which has been going on for well over a year. Also, Ebonagumon, Palmon, Gatomon, Gomamon, and Patamon also all appear in my RPG.

The title of Acts of Vengeance for the RPG came from one of my lemons, which came from an Avengers comic book.

The phrase Armadillomon used "She'll regret this for her entire life. Both seconds of it." came from the move Demolition Man.

There are thirty three thousand two hundred and ninety six exactly words in the lemon.

Rejected titles


Night of Blood


Made up characters

Aquaveemon- The artist Marika?s creation, used in Jodan?s Shatter Heart series.

Flamegatomon- Sylia Stingmon's creation from my RPG.

Infernogatomon- Yet another one of Sylia Stingmon's creations from my RPG

Icedemidevimon- Outlaw Torn's RPG character

Redmon- Devildoll's own creation

Ebonagumon- Zero Sabre Blade's character from my RPG.

Panpumon- Really good pic I got from Jodan, but no clue to where it came from.

Vampmon- Trillermon's creation, an excellent author.

Erudan- My very first RPG character from years ago, if anyone remembers. He actually betrays Gennai to the Dark Masters in my first long lost RPG.

Fear the Red

Respect the Rover

Legacy of the Vampire 3: Unholy Child

**RED ROVER:** For a lemon that was supposed to be a short little story based on a great character by Trillermon, this series keeps going. **GOMAMON:** It's called milking your success. **RED ROVER:** Anyway the first lemon Legacy of the Vampire...

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 14 - Facing Your Fears

And let us continue in the world of Hyrule. This world is more based on the Ocarina of Time world. By the way, the amoeba is from the water temple in Ocarina of time. It is the final boss there. ...

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 13 - Triforce

And now we are in the world of Hyrule. And we are getting into the drama! This is more based on the Ocarina of Time world. I know there are like a dozen versions of Hyrule. ...

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