Third Arc Crimson Moon: Chapter 7

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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#8 of Third Arc

Chapter 7.0: I Wuv Yoo!

Crosstown Motel

I've been in love.

Plenty of times.

At least... I thought it was love those times.

But here's the thing you should know about love, kids: it's a two way street.

The terrible thing about my species - and in fact the whole wedding proposal thing in general - is that when you give someone a mating bite - or an engagement ring - it's essentially one party setting down the proposal.

Admittedly, the other party can refuse or accept of their own accord but here's the thing: you may be casually making your way down Relationship Road, whistling away the days until you meet your love at the cathedral at the centre of the road when - what's that? - you see them already at the cathedral in a tuxedo and a ring in their paws.

So what do you do?

Either turn around and run for your life or you run straight to them, flying past bits of your life that you'll later regret and miss and jump into their arms, straight into a wedding.

Essentially, your partner_pulls_ you down the street and that fills you with regret.

With a mating bite - like the one I gave Chad last night - I was effectively claiming him as my own and pulling him down that street.

I loved him.

There I said it.

I loved Chad West not just because he was awe-inspiring on the screen but because he was also this amazing, spectacular person that I had come to both admire and cherish.

I love him...

... but did he love me?

I know he said he did but... Did he really?

Or was he just telling me what was customary to say after boyfriends fucked?

Having known the immense, nearly irresistible pull of a mating bite, I knew that right now - even as he slept - he was having every brain cell, every microbe in his body, every fibre of his being bound to me. My hooks were sinking so deep into him that if I ever turned around and dumped him, I'd be taking a chunk of him with me that'll leave him as nothing more than a blubbering piece of semi-intelligent flesh that would constantly be howling my name.

I was like a werewolf or vampire except I turned him into my sex-slave instead of a bloodsucking Goth or a lunatic!

Guilt wracked me.

Was I depriving him of a future with someone else? Was I ready to take the responsibility of this commitment?

I mean, all the other times I had been 'mated' was when my partner bit me!

It was them who claimed me... but this time around... I claimed my partner!

Panic Mode?

That was a given.

I was in Ultra-Mega-Crazy-Spastic-Insane Mode.

Everything was spinning wildly out of control in my head. I kept imagining myself sitting at my desk writing something and then Chad would come in and pester me about what I was doing. I'd get a paper cut from something and he'd panic and call the hospital. A leaf would land on my muzzle and he'd pull out a semi-automatic and blow it to bits, telling it to 'fuck off and never touch his mate ever again'.

I know I was like that the first time I got mated...

... Oh gods... I made a terrible mistake...

But as I regarded Chad slumbering peacefully on me, a soft smile on his lips and his tongue slipping out of his muzzle and dripping a bit of drool in my shoulder...

... I realised I didn't care...

I loved him...

Oh and he was tied deep with me.

I smiled contently and snuggled up right next to him, breathing in his scent and just watching him sleep.

I'm actually not sure if I slept that night. Whether I did or not, all I ever saw was him slumbering next to me. His angelic countenance was forever ingrained in my memory and subconscious just as much as my actions had placed me in his. It was a fair trade, in a sense.

I was vaguely aware when he popped out of me and I was left with a longing to have that hole filled again. I felt a little cold but as if sensing my chill, Chad shuffled in his sleep, slipping his legs between mine and intertwining us further. I sighed contently in his powerful arms and gently kissed where I had bitten him. I licked the exact spot a few times before nestling in against his neck, comforted by the warm embrace and soft touch of his fur.

When morning came, the sun's rays gently filtered in through the blinds and caressed our naked bodies. The dried cum on our bodies felt more like cement, binding us to one another.

I think it was about six in the morning when his eyes slowly peeled open.

Moment of truth.

I wasn't sure if I'd run out in panic if he told me he was now unconditionally in love with me.

Then again, I wasn't sure how I would feel if he didn't.

"Morning..." Chad murmured softly, nuzzling my neck tenderly. "Was... Was I okay? I mean... It's actually the first time I've... you know... And I didn't mean to tie with you... I was just... I wasn't too rough was I?"

"You could have been a little smoother with when you had your muzzle on my cock," I said, rolling my eyes. "I mean, I think you drew a bit of blood there -"

His eyes widened. "Oh Gods! Why didn't you -?" He stopped in mid sentence... then narrowed his eyes at me. I smirked at him, batting my eyes innocently. "Why you," he growled, seizing me and pulling me off the bed.

I laughed and flailed playfully as he stood up and lifted me into the air. His powerful arms slipped around my back and cradled me against his chest. I imagined this was how he had held me when he had rescued me from that storm. Only this time, I was fully conscious and I was staring into his, dazzling brown eyes, losing myself in their hazelnut expanse.

He set me back down on the bed, slipping the covers over me before sliding in right next to me. We lay there, just staring at each other, his head propped up on his angled elbow. There was this goofy, love-struck smile on his face and his eyes were twinkling. I was about to tell him to wipe that grin off his face when I realised I had exactly the same expression on my muzzle.

Damnit... I was in love.

"Is there something on my face?" I asked, feeling a slight blush on my cheeks.

"Yeah actually," he answered, scratching his left cheek a little. "Got a bit of cum right there."

I must've looked like a goddamn pig!


I hurried to quickly wipe it off... but Chad was quicker and leaned in, licking my cheek tenderly. He brought his lips to meet mine and I instantly melted into his arms. I seriously doubted that there actually any cum on my cheek and he just wanted an excuse to kiss me.

Silly puppy.

He didn't need an excuse for that.

I slipped one of my arms - I really didn't know which, I was lost in the moment - around his neck and pressed my other paw - oh hey, it was my right paw! - against his chest. I felt his rock-hard muscles press against mine palm and found his racing heart beating against those luscious pecs. His lips pulled away from mine for the briefest of moments, curling into a sneaky smile.

"So... I was wondering," he began softly. "What is it about me that you like best?"

Where to start...?

His eyes... Yeah, I love his eyes... So big and puppy-like that all I wanted to do was to cuddle him and yiff him!

His fur... Oh yeah. So thick and fluffy!

That cock? Hell yes!

And that body? Damn straight!

It was like a puppy's head was planted on a smokin' hot, adult's body with a god's cock.

I finally settled on one thing.

I slid my paw away from around his neck and pressed it against his pecs. "I'm gonna say I love these the most," I said, squeezing the tight muscle there. "I'm gonna admit that I love muscles too. I particularly love it when I get all big and strong and the guys I'm with..."

I stopped and coughed loudly.

That smirk on his face grew broader as he pressed his nose against mine. "Oh now you gotta tell me, golden boy."

I arched an eyebrow at him. "'Golden boy'? Where'd that come from?"

"From this," he replied, running his paws through the thick crest of fur on my chest. "For the record, that's the thing I love most about you. Well, physical thing, anyway." He buried his muzzle in my chest, running his tongue through my golden chest fur. My toes curled in delight and I was suddenly panting again.

Before I knew it, he had worked his tongue back up my neck to my lips. "Now you gotta tell me what your little fantasy with muscles is. Though I think..." He pulled up one claw and ran it in circles around my left bicep. "... I might be able to guess..."


"Does my golden boy like it when I kiss his muscles...?" Chad asked slyly. Before I could reply, he twisted his head away from me and I felt his tender lips press against my bicep. I shuddered and let out a staggering 'ah' as my cock stirred in my sheath.

"You get turned on when you're the big, dominant, muscular alpha male, don't you?" Chad crooned, running his tongue all over my bicep, sliding it between each strand of fur and covering every inch with his hot, flexible tongue. "I bet you love it when you turn the tables, huh?"

Without warning, he slid on top of me, the bed sheets draped over his wide shoulders. A big grin was on his face.

"I think you mentioned once that you wanted my cherry popped, didn't you?" Chad snickered. He winked at me as he buried his muzzle back into my chestfur. "Come on, Jake. Whatcha waiting for?"

Beneath the sheets, I could see his tail wagging excitedly.

I couldn't help but wonder if his sudden eagerness to be mounted was because I had given him a mating bite or he was just that horny. I was leaning towards the former... and that scared me. At the same time, it turned me on immensely.

Seriously, he was the bigger, stronger Husky until I created a black hole and put on like 250 pounds then I was suddenly on top....


"Need a little more motivation?" Chad snickered. His paws crawled down my sides, tickling at the edges of my nipples. As the sensations of those padded paws swept through me, I suddenly felt something wet slip around my right nipple, a gentle sucking pulling the fleshy nub with soft tugs. I glanced down and let out a soft whimper as I felt Chad's tongue brush against my sensitive flesh.

My cock slipped out of my sheath, brushing hard against Chad's own erect manhood.

That's it...

I couldn't hold it in any longer.


Who cares if my mating bite had trigger some sort of weird, chemical reaction in him that basically made sure he would forever be in love with me?

I_was in love with _him!

And goddamnit, I was going to have him lick and kiss every part of my body until he had no more saliva to give and I'd have to supply him some of mine in a hot, passionate kiss!

I moaned loudly, clutched him closely to my chest and altered gravity to -


"Jake! Chad! Get up! You're late for -"

We both froze.

Chad's muzzle was half open, his tongue out and resting on my nipple.

I had on bicep raised in a rather nice, rounded flex and my lips were pressed against the mound...

... Rob was standing at the door, a noticeable bump on in his tight, hotpants.

Okay, if it wasn't confirmed Chad and I were gay when we kissed on the soccer field, now was as good a confirmation as any.

Oh and that 'Squeeeeeee' look Rob had... Yeah...

Rob instantly clasped his paws together, his eyes began to well with tears and this idiotic grin crossed his features. "Squeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

"M - Mr. Lester!" Chad exclaimed, scrambling off me.


Chad hit the floor hard, taking the bed sheets with him and exposing me completely to the elements... and Rob's hungry stare. "Owwie..."


"Relax, puppy," I snickered, "he's one of us."

Chad looked up at me with his big, brown eyes, his ears flattened against his skull. "You mean he's...?"

"Chad, baby," I said, pulling him up. "If that" - I pointed at the flaming Robert Lester - "isn't gay, then the world is in denial."

Rob rolled his eyes and made a rather effeminate wave towards us. Then, in his best, 'I'm-SOOOOOOOO-gay voice, said, "Oh Jake, why do you always have to be like that." Just to pursue that stereotype a little, he placed his paws on his hips and swung them from side to side, making it known that 'bump' under his shorts wasn't just a clump of fur.

Chad's eyes widened and he scrambled up to the bed, hiding behind me like he was using me as a meat shield - pun definitely intended - against the Terrible Rape Bunny. "Oh Gods... you really are gay, aren't you?"

Rob pulled out his phone again and I was a little scared he'd take pictures again. "Chad, honey, this is my phone that I used to take a picture of you with." He stepped up to us and held it out in front of us. The picture of Chad and myself kissing was saved as a wallpaper. "Smell it."

We both pulled our heads back in shock. "What!?"

"You're both of the canid variety. You've got sensitive noses. Smell."

I winced and dared to take a sniff at his phone. Metal. Circuitry. That little tang from electricity and - of course, Rob's scent... mixed in with a definite, heady musk that I was all too familiar with...


Chad actually dared a lick and he smacked his lips a little trying to indentify - what I assumed - was a salty taste. My Husky's eyes' widened for what had to be the third time in the last ten minutes alone.

"You... You..."

"Pawed off the picture?" Rob finished, one eyebrow raised. "Yep. Oh, and I also occasionally paw off to this particular picture..." He pressed a button.

A new image was shown.

It was of me...

Nude... fully erect... sitting on a wooden chair and leaning against a breakfast table beckoning the observer closer...

"Rob!" I cried.

"Can I get that on my phone?" Chad asked.

"Chad!" I exclaimed incredulously.

"If I get to suck your dick," Rob answered with a cocky smile.


"No deal," Chad replied firmly, much to my relief.

For a second there I thought they were going to start bargaining for -

"... I get your ass and you suck off Jake's dick."


Rob's counter offer was that I screwed him and he sucked Chad's dick. They kept going back and forth, coming up with rather inventive ways to plan our eventual threesome that I had no doubt would occur sometime within the next week or so. Now Chad could actually claim he slept with the director.

By the end of it, they settled on both of us shoving our cocks up Rob's ass and knotting with him. In return, Chad would give Rob exclusive pictures of me and Chad doing it and Rob promised him a glowing recommendation whenever he applied for other movies.

Sell out.

Or was he a pimp...?


Bah, either way it seemed like I'd be having sex with Chad and Rob sometime in the future. I promised myself I wouldn't let that happen within the next week. The glow of actually having a mate was still filling me with this energising radioactivity that both filled my limbs with the strength to jump over the moon and at the same time reduce them into a pile of radioactive slush every time I looked at Chad.

"Okay you two," Rob said, a big grin on his face. "In all seriousness, we're filming today. I need both of you on set."

Chad slid up next to me, curling his arms around me and I spit out a few incoherent words. I think I said 'yiff-yarf-bark' at one point.

"Can we have half a day?" my Husky bargained. "I promised I'd take Jake to Cherubliss. The carnival there has this cool, fluffy Husky toy that I wanna win for my boyfriend."

'Boyfriend'... That was a good sign.

He didn't say 'mate' so he wasn't brainwashed into thinking I was the centre of the world...

Weird as it may sound, though, I wished he had said 'mate'...

"Until five," Rob countered, holding up his paw and extending all fingers. "We got a lot to do today before Kristine leaves."


Puppy Dog Pout... Thankfully not at me but even seeing it from side-on I had my memory wiped. I'm not sure but I think I began giggling like a high school girl because Rob was suddenly giving me a strange look.

"Until one?" Chad begged.



Rob narrowed his eyes. "Three and we can do it doggy-style the day after tomorrow."

Chad grinned. "Deal!"

Chapter 7.1: I Wuv Yoo Too!

Cherubliss Carnival

You know, for a guy who hadn't had sex in three years or any actual serious sexual relationships for even longer, Chad was pretty eager for it now... Then again, I guess that made a lot of sense. All those pent-up hormones were probably bubbling to the surface ready to burst in a volcanic eruption of creamy goodness.

Throughout the entire day, Chad couldn't keep his paws off me... and well... I couldn't keep my paws off him either.

A lot of people didn't look all that pleased with our now open relationship.

Even the slightest glance or smallest touch was seen as some sort of 'secret sign'. The glances I caught from some of the others in the production crew hinted that they thought Chad and I were secretly plotting to convert them too or to somehow 'infect' them. Whenever either of us took a step in one direction, people would take a step away. Whenever I coughed or sneezed, there was this one particular ferret who fished out a can of disinfectant, sprayed the air around him, pulled out a holy symbol, fell to his knees and spun around three times.

I kept my muzzle shut but I seriously wanted to punch the guy's lights out.

There were only a few who continued to treat us like we were just normal people. Dennis was amongst them. In fact, he actually made a show of slapping my back and shaking my paw after a particularly good take and then heading over to the ferret, making sure to touch the guy. That sent the bastard scurrying in fear.

By the three in the afternoon, we were almost done with all of Kristine's segments and we were ready to head off to Port Cherubliss. Dennis and Kristine decided to tag along as an 'apology' for missing the first little get-together. Neither Chad nor I minded.

It was sort of a... double date.

We took Dennis' car - a sleek, silver sports car - a good fifteen minutes drive away to Port Cherubliss and particularly to the pier where the carnival was being held. All the flashing lights, distinct odour of deep fried foods, sugar and screams of excited children were dulled in comparison to the fireworks that were sparking between myself and Chad.

"I could go for some corndogs," Kristine announced as we stepped through the colourful arches that welcomed us to the carnival. She turned towards Dennis with a big smile. "Why don't you go grab us some, hun?"

Dennis - who still hadn't taken off his make-up from the set, then again, none of us had yet - bowed elegantly. If I didn't know any better, it was almost a mocking bow. "Sure. Jacob? Chad? Did you want anything?"

"Nah," Chad replied, patting his chiselled abs that were showing through the black shirt he wore. "I gotta watch my weight."

"There's a power smoothie bar over there," Kristine said, pointing.

"Ooh! Sweet! Jake, you want any?"

I wasn't blind. I knew Kristine wanted to talk in private and I was pretty sure Dennis saw it too. Chad was the only one oblivious to the subtlety but I decided I'd let him go on being clueless for a little longer. Then again, I had reminded myself not to underestimate him again...

"No thanks," I answered. I fished out ten Solars and handed it to him adding a wink for good measure. "Just get the next size up from whatever you're getting and we'll share."

That brought a grin to his face as he took my bill and practically bounced towards the smoothie bar. Dennis gave Kristine an impassive glare before sweeping away and disappearing into the crowd.

"I'm happy for you, you know," Kristine said softly, her eyes cast down. "It's not what I had in mind... but maybe... Maybe because of this, you can actually save him..."

I gave her a sidewards glance, appraising her. Half her body did look relieved. It was in the way she was slouching and her face was quite relaxed, almost smiling. The other half looked angry... maybe... jealous? "I take it you never expected that I'd be gay and fall in love with Chad?"

"You love him?" she asked as if the word was some alien concept.

I resisted the urge to make a scene. I wanted to spun around and shout at the top of my voice, 'What!? A man can't love another man!? In order for anything to constitute as 'love' one partner has to have a cock and the other has to have a pussy!?'

I also wished Chad was here so I could grab him, kiss him passionately before biting his shoulder again, telling everyone that I had essentially proposed to him. Actually, you know what? I was seriously considering creating an immense gravitational force around some dirt beneath my feet to the point where the pressure was so great, all the minerals would be forced to come together to form a gemstone. I would then seize that gemstone, take one of Kristine's vertebrae and use that as a ring and get down on one knee in front of Chad and officially propose to him while Kristine lay at my feet, gurgling her last.

But I didn't.

"As a matter of fact, I do," I answered, maintain a calm tone. "I gave him a mating bite last night. After we had hot, steamy gay sex."

She bristled a little and her voice trembled when she spoke. "I see... But these are modern times. A mating bite doesn't really mean you proposed..."

"Between canines and lupines it does." I was smirking a little haughtily now.

"You barely know him..."

"He saved my life."

"You've gone out - what - twice and you already think that he's your soulmate?"

"It only takes one glance to imprint."

I can't believe I actually used that excuse. I hated the whole 'imprinting' excuse. But it worked. She had fallen silent for a good two seconds before she turned to me, her brow furrowed and her eyes glaring daggers at me.

"You're idiots to think you can rely on something so... instinctual as a basis for love."

I growled, flattening my ears and baring my fangs at her. I towered over her but despite that, she didn't back down. Gotta admire her courage. "Why don't you just come right out and say it," I snarled at her. "You just don't like the idea that two guys have fallen in love with one another!"

"You have no right to be in love!" she snapped back.

"By whose decree!?" I roared, my voice carrying over the noise of the carnival but it was drowned by a sudden shrill cry from the nearby rollercoaster. I lowered my voice but just a tad. "My right to love is set only by one person and that's me! If you think I'm going to listen to some old, grey-furred coot wearing a bathrobe in public who molests all his little altar servers then you can think again. Besides, the only way a tight-ass bitch like you can find true love is if you were to chop off those milk sacks you call breasts" - I jabbed her breasts hard - "attach them to your goddamn glory hole down there" - I pointed at her crotch - "and surgically fuse them to that stick you got up your ass because the only way you're ever going to get a man in their world is if you got balls that produce sauce and a cock!"

She reeled back. "What?"

"Those conservative bastards don't know the first meaning of love!" I cried, throwing my paw in some arbitrary direction. "They claim 'procreation not recreation' but love is all about recreation! It's about being with the ones you truly want to be not jamming your dick up the closest pussy! If a man loves a woman, power to them! But if a man loves a man or if a woman loves a woman or, hell, if a woman loves a man who used to be a woman then who the hell gives a crap!

"I'm even willing to wager that the problem to the world's overpopulation problem is going gay!"

I was taking deep breaths, my nostrils flared and my fangs still bared. I still had more ammunition for her and if that wasn't enough, I'd pull out my handguns and shoot her until she was dead.

Then I'd reload and shoot her some more.

After that, I'd grab Chad and have sex with him on her bloodied corpse while her spirit watched in horror.

Kristine backed down... her eyes cast back down.

"It's just not fair..."

"You wanna know what's not fair?" I snarled, lowering my voice and crossing my arms. "The world preaches freedom of speech and basic rights to everyone. But apparently I can't love someone because he and I both have a 'Y' chromosome."

"It's not that..." she whispered softly. "It's not fair that... two gay men can find love with one another and I can't find love in a straight man..."

My blood began to boil again but I forced myself to put down my fist which was on the verge of caving in her skull. I also resisted the temption to create a black hole in her equally black heart.

"It isn't a comparison of sexuality," I growled softly. "Love varies from person to person. You can't expect to fall in love just because your twin sister did. You can't find your soulmate because that fictional person in a movie or book did the same or because a celebrity did so. If you want love, you gotta work for it."

"But look at you two!" she exclaimed, flicking her eyes back to me. "Not even a week since you met and suddenly boom! You're both in love with one another!"

I threw my head back and let out a cynical laugh. "You wanna know what I went through in those five or so days when Chad and I weren't an official couple?" I began counting off the points with my fingers. "I got roomed with him, I replaced him during several shoots, I got conscripted into the movie being forced to learn countless lines in a matter of hours, I constantly dreamed of him fucking me, I fell off a cliff, I nearly froze to death, I busted my ankle, I had to endure a movie and a dinner with him and almost every night I had to basically lie in bed watching him sleep and agonising over how close I was to having him and never actually being able to touch him!

"Do you think any of that was easy? And do you even know what Chad went through!? Or, for that matter, what the two of us went through before we met one another!?"

She ducked her head again. "No..."

"That's right. You don't. Love may look easy from the perspective of one who hasn't walked in shoes of the lovers but it's far from that." I straightened my back and flicked my ears back to the upright position. "I don't know if Chad and I will last but right now, I love him. You wanna find love with Dennis?" I took a step towards her, letting my muzzle hover over her left ear while one of my fingers jammed her chest just above her heart. "Stop living in a fantasy world where true love happens instantly."

I pulled away from her that instant just in time to hear Chad's customary 'Hey!'

My expression instantly brightened as I turned to both him and Dennis. Chad had a massive Styrofoam cup of some sort of beverage while Dennis came in with two corndogs.

"Hey yourself, puppy!" I laughed, so casually and so easily. Chad was right... I was a good actor. Apart from the rather stunned look on Kristine's face, it was as if our heated argument had never occurred.

I took the cup from Chad and took a sip from one of the two straws there. "Hmmm! Grape!" I winked at Chad suggestively. "I always knew you like juicy, round fruit."

Chad blushed and shoulder-bumped me playfully.

"So what do you say we all hit some games before this evening's fireworks?" Dennis asked, taking a bite out of his corndog. "You might get to win that fluffy Husky toy for your boyfriend, Chad."

I smiled and wrapped my paw in Chad's. "Mate," I corrected. "We're mated."

Dennis beamed genuinely. "Congratulations! So who bit who?" He pointed at Chad. "Did you 'wolf out' on him, ya big horndog!?"

Chad let out a nervous laugh and blushed, flicking his ears towards me.

Dennis' eyes went wide and his jaw slowly dropped. "Oh you're kidding!? You?" He pointed at me. "You gave him...?" He pointed at Chad. "Whoa! I never thought you were a bottom, Chad!"

"I'm not!" Chad said, bristling slightly. "I mean... I wouldn't mind me Jake mounted me..." He whispered the last bit softly but I heard it loud and clear. I nuzzled him softly, promising myself I wouldn't pop his cherry until he told me was ready.

"That is still very romantic," Dennis said, his smile so easy and honest. "It's a true sign of commitment. You let Chad in you, Jacob, and in return, you Chad gives himself entirely to you with a mating bite. Truly inspiring."

I was suddenly very happy that Dennis wasn't with Kristine. The two were so different from one another. Seriously, if Dennis were gay then whoa-mama!

"A few games sounds like fun," I replied.

We wandered the carnival grounds for a while looking at the different types of games that were available. All the toys available for prizes were the same in each of the stands. The carnival was designed to give everyone a fair chance at each and every toy.

Dennis opted to go for one of those 'Test Your Strength' games.

Chad's tail instantly fluffed out and he did the same.

"Uh-oh..." I muttered to no one in particular.

"It's a little cute how they're trying to 'out-macho' each other," Kristine chuckled.

I wasn't in the mood to talk to her but her observation was painfully correct. It was just the way Chad was glaring at Dennis and the lion had this cocky smirk on his face. I was reminded of two guys on different sides of the spectrum in terms of manliness vying for the same girl. One was small, geeky and smart while the other was muscular, beefy and a little dense.

Wait a minute...

Was... Was that was Kristine meant when she said she couldn't have Dennis...?

She did state he was straight... but... What did she know?

She was so blinded by her 'love' that she was probably blissfully ignoring all the signs...

What if... What if Dennis was actually gay...?

I mean, he was very supportive of my move with Chad where everyone else treated us like we had fleas... And... he looked like he was trying to impress someone... and that someone clearly wasn't Kristine...

Oh Gods... what if... What if he was actually trying to impress me!?

What if... after seeing how open I was with Chad, he was trying to get in on the action? Our actions somehow gave him the courage to act on his own impulses and now he was after me!?

And the weird thing was... thinking about having sex with Dennis was kinda hot...

Chad... me... Dennis... Rob...

Kristine took a bite out of her corndog.

I slapped it out of her hands.

"What was that for?" she asked, suddenly angry again.

"The innuendo and planting ideas in my head," I growled.

Dennis was the first out of the two to strike the gong. It was quick, sharp and frighteningly precise. There was a part of me that sensed he was holding back. I'm not quite sure what.

When Chad stepped up to take his turn, he flashed me a grin as he picked up the wooden hammer, purposefully flexing his muscles just to give me a show. I think I started drooling a bit and I sipped at the power smoothie just to keep myself busy. When he struck the panel, he hit the gong as well and I think it had a louder ring than Dennis'.

But I'm biased.

As I said before, I would much prefer to have hot, wild werewolf sex than dignified, calm sex with a vampire.

Unfortunately, at the time, that particular game didn't have any fluffy huskies left. Chad got me a large, round turtle instead and Dennis brought a rabbit over to Kristine.

We jumped from game to game, Chad often competing against Dennis inadvertently. It escalated to the point where Chad actually began trash talking Dennis a little. Neither ever got the advantage over the other score-wise. One would win one the first game and then the other would with the next. Even in the games where they had to literally compete against one another, like the ring toss, the balloon pop or that creepy game where you have to be the first to chuck balls down clown's throats. No not those kind of balls.

It was actually kind of fun watching them glare at one another before the guy in the booth told them it was time to start.

At the ring toss, Chad purposefully threw one ring wide at the same time Dennis threw his. Their rings collided in midair and Chad's ring made it onto the mark while Dennis' went very wide. Chad got me a big furry lion for that. At the balloon pop, Dennis missed badly and his dart went bounced off the roof of the stall and hit Chad square on the nose. The dart wasn't sharp but it was still a big blow to the ego. Dennis gave his prize - a big fluffy Husky - to Kristine. Chad was grinding his teeth to a pulp over that one.

I wanted to step and tell them to stop being so immature but every time I tried, it felt like I was being hit by two different death rays from their eyes and I shrank back.

I mean, sure, it was fun at first they were really starting to hurt each other...

Yeah... I didn't like that one bit.

So, when we got to the next game booth at about four thirty in the afternoon...

"Hold Shelly," I told Kristine, shoving the turtle toy into her hands.

"Shelly?" she asked. "You named your turtle?"

I didn't reply to that and stepped up to the booth much to the astonishment of the other two.

It was one of those stalls were the object of the game was to hit the pyramid of cups with a ball. You had three balls but you had to knock down all six cups with one shot.

"Uh... Jake?" Chad began.

I put down the five Solars to play the game. "Yeah?" I replied innocently. "You know I'm good at tossing balls around."

His fur fluffed out. Chad quickly coughed and excused himself, slinking back behind me next to Kristine. Dennis cocked an eyebrow at the reaction.

"I take it your mate doesn't take well to innuendo?" the lion asked, juggling the three balls expertly.

"Nope," I answered, picking up the first ball. I snapped my arm back and threw it hard. I could almost hear the gunshot-like sounds as the ball left my paw and zoomed across the stall. It collided with the stack of cups and all three went down with ease.

I got a cheer for that.

"Not bad..." Dennis said, slight smirk on his face. He threw a ball almost lazily. It toppled the cup at the centre of the bottom row and the other cups just collapsed, cleaning the table. "Sometimes though, it's best to be tactical and over raw power."

Did he just call me a brainless oaf who got through life using raw strength instead of brains?

I mean, of course he didn't. I am an author. I let my brains do everything for me.

"I completely agree," I replied calmly. I spun around, back to the stall and threw a ball backwards. Even without looking, I knew another stack of cups had fallen. I gave Dennis a 'Beat-that-kitty' smirk. "Other times, you just need skill."

Those that had just been walking by stopped and stared, applauding my performance. I saw Chad grinning broadly, tail wagging and pumping the air with his fists.

Dennis' smirk just grew broader. He threw the ball high into the air. It soared lazily over the cups and dropped down right in the middle of the stack, collapsing all the cups with frightening ease. "Those who claim 'skill' leads them to victory are just relying on dumb luck."

Oh no he did-int.

"I'll have to disagree with you there," I said, turning back around. There were originally only five stacks so with two down, there was just one remaining. Dennis and I eyed one another. He was tossing the ball in his hand and catching it lazily. I was rolling my ball from paw to paw.

The air was suddenly very tense.

The crowd had fallen silent.

The sounds of the carnival dulled and all I could hear were two heartbeats... mine... and Chad's.

I mentally projected, 'This one's for you, puppy' to Chad.

At exactly the same time, Dennis and I threw our balls but where Dennis toss his straight at stack, I aimed a little lower. My ball was faster just by a fraction of a second. Both of us lowered our arms as the world seemed to slow to a crawl. I could hear Kristine's gasp, Chad's pained cry of 'No' and the crowd's awed cries...

My ball spun towards the edge of the table...


... and bounced off, missing the stack of cups completely!


Only to strike Dennis' ball in midair and jerk back towards the stack of cups!


The stack went down and -


Dennis went down with a strangled cry, the ball bouncing off his forehead!

There was a mixture of riotous laughter and concerned gasps.

I ignored Dennis for one moment and picked out the big, fluffy Husky as my prize - one of those enormous stuffed animals that was half as my size. The host gladly gave it to me, shaking my paws and asking me of Dennis was alright. I took the stuffed animal and offered my paw to Dennis who was rubbing his forehead but grinning nonetheless.

"Good shot," the lion laughed once I helped him to his feet.

"Just lucky I guess."

That wasn't luck.

Not by a long shot.

Remember how I can manipulate gravity?


When I shoot, I never miss.

And that applies to everything.

Chapter 7.3: I Wuv Yoo Three... Huh?

Port Cherubliss Pier

The rest of the day was a mix of laughter, friendly competition and fried foods. Had I effectively taken Chad's place in the ring against Dennis and I am proud to say that I won the majority of the games.

Mostly because I cheated.

Gravitational powers are awesome.

Especially in the shooting gallery. With my primary weapons being a pair of handguns, taking down all those targets was a breeze. I didn't have to use my powers there at all. Dennis was incredibly surprised when I took down all the targets before he could even get up to his fifth.

I made a 'shooting' comment that made Chad blush and sudden announce he wanted cotton candy.

At that point, I had amassed a large collection of stuffed toys but the one I loved the most was the small, grey wolf that Chad got me for second place at the balloon pop. Chad was hugging the fluffy, Husky I won for him constantly, nuzzling it and occasionally licking it. If I didn't know any better, I had been replaced.

But, at about eight in the evening, after winning a prize from every stall, going on the rollercoaster, getting puked on by Kristine - swear she really hated me -, going down the tunnel of love and getting stuck in there for ten minutes, feeling ripped off at the Haunted House ride and getting Kristine back after going on the Whirlinator, I was feeling rather exhausted.

Dinner was simple fare. Just some pizza and cola. Chad threw aside his healthy habits and shared a pizza with me.

Did I mention I love him?

Well, just to remind you, I love him.

At eight, the fireworks started. Kristine and Dennis were watching the display on the pier but as for Chad and I...

Well, we had our own fireworks display.

We wandered away from the crowd and slipped down onto the beach, paw in paw. I led him beneath the pier itself where he suddenly spun me around, pushed me against pier and pressed his lips against mine.


Feeling his amazing body against mine and his tongue pushing deep into my muzzle sent my mind dancing. I was on the verge of stripping down and letting him take me there and there when he pulled away and pressed his nose against mine.

"I've been waiting to do that all day," he sighed. "You have no idea how badly my balls have been itching."

I reached over and cupped his crotch in my paw. "Watch me to scratch it, puppy?"

A smirk crossed his features as angled his muzzle towards mine and licked my cheek. "Nah, I got Tony for that."

I jerked my head to look into his eyes which were filled with playfulness and mirth. I knew he wanted me to ask who 'Tony' and I was tempted not to ask but... Well... I feared that in the brief period where I had to clean up Kristine's vomit or when I was in the toilet hurling my lunch back out, Chad had met this overeager fan - Tony, of course - and had made out with him in the stall next to me. I heard a lot of groaning and fapping coming from that stall and it wasn't just one person either.

"Who's Tony?" I asked.

Chad winked at me and nodded to his right.

Oh god! Tony was right there watching us!

A sick voyeur who wanted to get down with his favourite movie star and his boyfriend... Worse, he was going to be a constant... As the weeks go by, he's always going to be there, helping Chad and having sex with us... But then when I get sick and can't take be around Chad, Tony will pounce and start making his move... Slowly, Tony will push me out of Chad's life and replace me... Eventually, Tony will knock me out in the middle of the night, drag me into the basement of the house, chain and gag me for all eternity while he made beautiful love to Chad!

No, Tony! No!

I glanced to my left... and sure enough, there was a figure there... a Husky...

... except... it was small... and sexless...

... and stuffed.

It was the toy I had given him when I won that game against Dennis.

"You named your toy?" I asked, my heart still racing at the possibilities.

Now, my thoughts had switched to the completely irrational - but still frighteningly scary - prospect that the stuffed toy was haunted. Every time something bad happened, Tony would appear with that innocent smile on his face... I'd wake up in the middle of the night screaming as Tony was about to shove a steak knife through my heart but when Chad woke up, Tony was back on the shelf, giving me that creepy, innocent smile! When I would try to tell Chad about it, he'd call me crazy and then I'd be sent to the mental asylum to which I would die when Tony appeared and killed me...

No, Tony! NO!

"Yeah..." Chad murmured softly, his voice deep and sultry as he brushed his nose against my ear. "I always like the name 'Tony'. I was thinking that'd be the name of our first adopted son."


I pushed him away suddenly. "A - Adopted son!?" I stammered. "Y - You wanna have kids!?"

He looked confused... and so cute... But still confused. "If that's okay with you, that is. I mean, I would really love to be a father even if it's just through adoption. Or a surrogate parent." He blushed a little and glanced away. "It's just... When I was a little kid I always had this dream that I'd have this white picket fence house somewhere in the suburbs and I'd have two kids - both sons - running around where I'd play football with them in the big backyard, take them to games, ride bikes with them... things like that.

"Through those fantasies, though, I never really pictured my 'wife'. That figure was a given, I guess. It was always me and my sons. But now..." He blushed even deeper and ducked his head a little. "That first night we spent together, I had this dream about us... Still that same house, same sons and same activities... but you were there too... Doing everything with us..."

I had to fight really hard not to put my paws to my chest and let out a loud, swooning, 'd'awww' followed by a whimper of pure love. All my horrific nightmares of 'Tony' were replaced with 'Tony Reaper West', my son... My awesome son who would grow up to be a star football player, who was big, strong, healthy and well-adjusted despite having two gay dads. My spectacular son who loved both his parents and whose parents loved him dearly. My astounding son who would come home every for every birthday and special occasions for dinner and spend the weekend with us.

My hot, smoking son who we'd invite to bed after every said dinner and we'd spray the whole house with our cum...


"You probably think I'm a real sappy idiot for that, don't you...?" Chad murmured.

"You kidding! I'd love a son! More cocks in the house!"


I was about to retract my obviously hormonal statement when Chad coughed multiple times.

My jaw dropped.

"Oh my god... You were thinking exactly the same thing, weren't you!?" I accused, jabbing his chest with a finger.

Chad winced and scratched the back of his head. "Well... I mean... We're gay... and if our sons turn out gay too and if they happen to want to... 'release some tension' after a massive football game and working at the local gym... then... It's our responsibility as parents to... you know."

I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck, pulled him close to me and kissed him tenderly. I pulled away just before the mind-melting qualities of my kiss set it. "Best. Family. Ever."

Chad grinned and kissed my nose. "And hey... If your dad wants to join in..."

I poked his nose. "You, Chad West, are one horny movie star."

"Just horny for you, Jake Samuel West Reaper."


If you didn't get what that meant, think harder.

I glanced at the stuffed animal to my left. "Avert your gaze, Tony." I gently kissed Chad while keeping a smirk on my lips. "You're too young to be corrupted."

A soft melody began playing in my ears... Filling my heart with so much joy and my cock with so much blood... Chad and my lips drew closer and closer together... I could smell his breath... His scent was ambrosia to me...

I shut my eyes... my paws locking behind his neck...

_'I see your true colours

And that's why I love you

So don't be afraid to let them show

Your true colours

True colours are beautiful,

Like a rainbow '_

Wait a second...

My eyes snapped open and he pulled to the right, reaching for my phone. Chad let out a sharp, 'whoa' and staggered forward as I flicked open my phone.

It was Alexiel...


"Sorry," I whimpered, pulling the phone to my ear. "What?" I growled softly so only Alexiel could hear me.

"Is it true!?"_the black fox on the other side of the phone demanded. _"Did you actually kiss_Chad West!?"_


Alexiel didn't know I was gay... I didn't know how he would take the news. I got this eerie feeling that he knew somehow. He was oddly omnipotent in some ways and his connections ran so deep that if he wanted, he can make anything happen. Deep down, I knew he cared for me even if he did stress out a little much. In person, he was quite easy going and very casual but when it came down to business, he would run that extra mile and then around the world just for his clients.

That said... What could I say?

Thankfully, he said enough for me.

"How soon can you get back here? I'm scheduling a press release with Chad's agent. We need to nip this in the bud before it spirals out of control. I'm not worried about you, Jake. When it comes to great works of literature, people will defend your right to be heard and since I'm_publishing your works, it doesn't matter._

"But,that Husky is who I'm worried about. If his career goes down, you'll be pegged as a sort of home-wrecker... or career destroyer. Your kiss will be like the 'kiss of death' or something. I don't care if it's true or not, Jake. But for now, we need to tell everyone that it isn't."

That would be hard considering half the population of Cherubliss and an entire production crew basically saw the two of us flirting shamelessly and showing public displays of affection.

I glanced at Chad, at his big puppy dog eyes, then turned back to Alexiel. "Listen, we're filming something right now. Can this wait?"

"Filming? But it should be the middle of the night there and there are hardly any night scenes in Crimson Moon."

Goddamit! Does everyone have a global knowledge of the Crimson Series that they can recall at will!?

"Well they missed some, okay?" I growled. "Call back later."

I hung up and grinned back at Chad. "So... Where were we?"

Chad opened his muzzle -

"There you are!"

Both of us jumped and turned towards Dennis' head which was hanging upside down from the edge of the pier.

My first thought was, 'Oh God! He is a vampire!'

Seriously, his makeup hadn't wiped off and he was still wearing those red contacts.

Then I realised he was just poking his head over the edge of the pier.

"The fireworks are over," Dennis reported. "We're heading back."

I sighed and glanced towards Chad. We both knew that the 'fireworks' were indeed 'over'.

"Yeah... We're on our way," Chad answered.

We gave each other a sad little smile before we picked up our stuffed toys and followed Dennis and Kristine back to Dennis' car. We stuffed the toys in the trunk while Chad and I sat in the back. The drive passed in silence until Cliff Beach came into view.

An idea crossed my mind.

"Hey, can you drop us off here?" I asked.

Chad shot me a confused look and so did Kristine. Dennis had this, 'Oh I see' look on his feline features. "Sure thing. We'll bring your prizes back to your room."

Dennis pulled over to the side and I leapt out. "Take care of Tony," I added. Dennis just gave me a faint chuckle and drove off.

"We're going to walk?" Chad asked once the car rounded the bed and disappeared into the distance. "You know it's like another ten miles until we get back to the motel right?"

"I know," I said with a shrug. The road was flanked by the tall trees of the forest and the sheer edge of Cliff Beach to our left. The Beach itself was many miles long and we could see Crosstown in the distance, a small clump of twinkling lights. "I just figured we could go for a midnight stroll down Cliff Beach and pick up where we left off last night before we cooled off."

I could see that Chad liked that idea but he still looked a little confused. "Yeah but... It'll take us until tomorrow to get back to the motel..."

I gently curled my left arm around his waist and held up my right paw. A small, glowing, white crystal appeared hovering on my paw, just bright enough to illuminate my pads but nothing much else. It was about the size of a pea.

"Do you trust me?" I asked, watching Chad's amazed expression.

"Yeah, of course I do."

I flashed him a grin. "Then hold on tight."

I threw the crystal into the air. It zoomed upwards like a streaking comet through space. I gripped Chad tightly and then -


For a brief moment - not even half a blink - we were engulfed in absolute darkness and the next thing we were soaring in the air, high above the trees and practically kissing the starry night sky.

"WHOA!" Chad screamed, flailing as we hovered in the air for a second... then began to drop.

"Hold onto me," I told him. I think the calmness in his voice brought him back to his senses and he slipped behind me, wrapping his muscle-bound arms around my neck and hooking his thick thighs around my waist.

I flung my left hand towards the shore, another crystal shooting off in that direction. The instant it was over the cliffs, I flicked an imaginary switch in my head and we 'flashed'.

We were hovering over the cliffs not a nanosecond later.

"What's happening!?" Chad shouted but it was only through the rushing winds from our altitude.

I grinned at him as I threw another crystal upwards and over the ocean.

We flashed and we were exactly where the crystal had been.

"This is a way I expel some of the excess energy I have stored up!" I explained over the howling winds. "Flight is dangerous because it takes too much energy and I could attract Grim. So instead, I just teleport!"

I threw several crystals in rapid succession towards Cliff Beach - particularly towards the spike of rock that I knew was Point Edge. Some crystals flew by faster than others as I had wanted them to. We flashed from crystal to crystal, each particle of solidified energy like a stepping stone for me.

"You can teleport!?" Chad laughed. "That is so awesome!"

The scientific explanation - according to my dad anyway - was that by creating an intense enough gravitational field, I could actually bend space and time to create a wormhole that linked to placed together. It was a technique I learned pretty early on and did so more by accident as I was running after a school bus.

However, those 'blind jumps' as my dad called them were just that.


I needed some way to mark where I was going or I could end up halfway across the world or in space. When I discovered how to expel the energy I stored a short while later, I devised the crystals which acted like an 'anchor' for me that I can use to guide me through the very short wormhole. In essence, I only ever teleported to where the crystals were.

The crystals also had a sort of 'cling' effect where they could attach to any surface and, if I so wished, I could swap the positions what one crystal was attached to with another crystal.

A reason why my dad told me that I was a very tactical fighter who relied on the placement of my opponents and my own positioning to win the day. I guess his days when he was playing a virtual video game as a sport really paid off.

See? Video games do serve society.

Chad's comment and my own memories made me grin. "Yeah but so I don't get lost, I use the crystals to guide me!"

I threw one larger crystal forward and it shattered into seven more that sped away from us. I flashed into each one, drawing us closer and closer to Point Edge.

"You're not gaining muscle?" Chad asked.

"Nah. The effort to create the crystal and make the jump are pretty much the same so I don't grow."

"Aww... I wanted you all muscled..." He licked my right ear and I could feel him grinning. "I mean... This is amazing! I'm basically flying!"

I chuckled. "That's not all I can do!"

I shot a crystal towards the trees, watching it attach itself to a nearby branch. I flashed and clung onto the tree using powerful gravitational forces to hold me up. I winked at Chad from over my shoulder.

"Hold on tight, puppy."

Chad tightened his grip around my neck and I kicked off the tree. We zoomed from tree to tree with my launching off branches and trunks skilfully. Chad was laughing in my ear, clearly enjoying the ride as we flew across the forest at high speeds.

I kept building muscle in the process. I could feel my shirt starting to tighten and my pants felt a little tight. Chad paws were slowly being drawn apart as my neck thickened and I was quickly matching his size.

Just as we were about to read Point Edge, Chad's paws slipped a little lower down my chest, holding my thick, round, pronounced pecs and squeezing them tightly. He let out a soft lusty growl and I could feel his erection riding up my back.

I landed on a thick branch just above Point Edge and gently set Chad down on the same branch. We turned to each other. I was about an inch taller than him. He licked his lips in anticipation. No words needed to be spoken as I bent down and literally swept him off his feet and jumped down from the branch.

I softened the impact with my abilities, landing with nothing more than a soft 'thunk'.

Chad pulled his muzzle closer to mine and I caught him halfway, locking us in a deep, passionate kiss. I growled softly, my voice definitely deeper. He slipped from my arms but curled his left leg around my thighs. I held him up as we staggered towards Point Edge, our paws sliding up and over one another as we hastened to rip the clothing off the other.

I sucked gently on his lips and that weakened his knees. We both collapsed into the soft grass. I rolled to the side to let him slid on top of me. He sat up, his eyes hungrily appraising me as he ran his big paws over my pecs and my heavily muscles abs.

"You're awesome like this, Jake..." he murmured, his tongue sliding out from the side of his muzzle as he began panting. His paws drew circles on my pecs, teasing my nipples gently. "But I love you for who you are. The muscles are a bonus..." He leaned in and kissed me.

I didn't think it possible but at that moment, I fell in love with him all the more.

He loved me for who I was...

The freaky superpowers were just a fringe benefit.

I wouldn't have to grow for him every day just to satisfy him.

Damn I love him.

Heh, he was clearly aroused. His cock was already twitching rapidly against my thighs like it was on a vibrator...

... wait...

I pulled my muzzle from the kiss and regarded the pocket of his shorts. There was a faint, green light sprouting from within its confines. Chad regarded it with a heavy sigh and reached into his pocket.

"Sorry," he said. "My turn to break the mood."

Yarf it all to hell...

I swear! The Gods were basically telling us together now they're keeping us from having sex!

What the hell!?

Chad slid off me and lay down in the smooth cool grass beside me looking absolutely stunning in the moonlight. He answered his phone...

"Hello?" His face flashed with confusion. "What...? Oh... Alright..." He turned to me and handed me his phone. "It's for you."


I gingerly took it from him and placed it to my ear. "Hello?"

"How long do you think it'll take before you and Chad are free for a press conference?" Alexiel asked.

I was tempted to throw the phone off the edge. "Alex..." I growled menacingly.

"This is important Jacob. How long will you be there for? The longer this goes unattended, the more time people will have time to mull it over and the worse it'll get. You have got_to deal with this soon! At least within the next week or so before the newest edition of_ Celebrate Celebrity_comes out."_

Frustration boiled within me and I fought hard not to snap at Alexiel. I ran a paw down my face and counted to ten. "Alex... We're filming a sex scene right now and you're ruining the moment."

"What!? Oh!"_I could _hear Alexiel blushing through the phone. "Right... right... Sorry. Tell Rob I'm sorry... Erm... Give me a call when you can, Jake. Your parents are going to get grilled soon and I need to make sure they're prepared for that too."

That's right... If the press get a hold of my mom and dad... Well... My mom could handle it. She's a superhero that has had to deal with the press all the time. Dad... Well... Either he offered to make them lunch and killed them in a thermonuclear explosion or he makes their brains explode with his weird philosophies.

Why was I worried?

"My parents can handle themselves," I told Alexiel. "I'll be there when I can."

"Okay. Take care of yourself, Jake."

"You too, Alexiel."

I hung up and handed Chad back his phone.

"How did he get my number?" Chad asked.

"Magic," I muttered bitterly. I gave him a soft whimper. "So... Fireworks are over?"

My Husky sighed and pointed at his crotch. The lump there was gone. "Sorry..."

I wrapped an arm around him. "Well... We might as well head back then. Don't want Tony to get lonely."

We chuckled at the little joke and I carried him through several jumps back to the motel.

It looked like the rest of the crew was already asleep and by my watch, it read nine thirty.

Tony and the rest of our prizes were seated quaintly on the front door of our shared room. We brought them in and set them on our beds. Chad suddenly grabbed the bedside table between our beds and yanked it away. Then he pushed our two beds together.

I have no idea why but suddenly, I felt we had just gotten married.

And boy was I excited.

Chad jumped into bed, lounging there casually. He gave me a wink and I didn't need any further prompting. Slowly, I pulled off my jacket and flexed my arms just for him. I saw him instantly get hard and my own arousal was steadily growing. With a grin, I kissed each of my biceps, running my tongue along my right one as I slowly worked my shirt over my head.

Once free of the garment, I tossed it to the side as I began swinging my hips to the imaginary porn music that was playing in my head. I worked my belt off my waist and threw it in the pile. I struck a few posed for Chad and he had stopped panting or really doing anything. He was so transfixed with me.


I slid my pants of slowly, letting him slowly and agonisingly take in my bulked up thighs, the veins pulsing there beneath my short black fur. Just to tease him a little more, I brushed my tail in front of my thighs to bar his view. He whimpered loudly but when I pulled my tail away, he instantly fell silent. A drop of drool slid down from the corner of his mouth.

I kicked my pants straight at him and he was so mesmerised by my little, private strip show that he never saw it coming. He quickly flicked it aside -


... only to have my boxers land on his muzzle.

His eyes went wide and he seized them almost reverently. Those hazelnut orbs flicked from me to the prize in his paws. If I hadn't known better, out of all the stuffed toys I had given him, that piece of underwear was the best. His lips were trembling as he pulled it off his muzzle, seizing it in both paws and buried his nose right into the fabric. He took a long, shuddering whiff and his entire body shook with pleasure.

"Oh man..." he groaned like my scent was a drug to him.

While he was distracted, I knelt down over the edge of the bed and pulled his shoes and socks off. Once I saw his padded paws I was fully erect and drooling myself. I took a gentle lick of base of his footpaws and he let out a gasp. Taking that as a sign, kissed each of his toes tenderly while I took his other footpaw in my paw and pressed it against my cheek, rubbing against my fur. I relished the warm touch against my face and was infinitely aroused by his touch.

I -


"Jake? Chad? You in there?"


We both groaned heavily as we stared at the door angrily.

"We're filming, Rob!" I snapped.


There was a pause from the other side of the door.

"But I've got Alexiel on the phone. He says it's important."

"Goddamnit!" I roared.

I jumped to my feet, stormed towards the door and threw it open.

Rob jumped back in horror as I stood there, completely naked, completely erect and with Chad on the bed, a visible tent in his shorts. I took the phone from the bunny's paws.

"Look Alexiel," I snarled. "I'm having sweet, hot sex with Chad West right now! Stop calling or I swear I'm going to tell my parents to kidnap you, pack you in a tight, wooden box, shipped over here so that Chad and I can bust you out and then rape your ass for all the times you've killed the mood tonight!

"I'm gay okay!? Have been since I was fourteen! I've probably drank enough semen in my lifetime to feed all the starving children in the world! So stop calling, find a girlfriend and pester her because right now, I'd rather have my ass pounded than talk to you for another second about that goddamn press conference!"


In retrospect, that might have been a mistake...


There was silence on the other end except for a bit of shuffling.

... until...

"Goddamnit... I should've known better than to bet against your parents."


He... he... he was betting I was straight...?

Oh for the love of...

"Later, Alexiel," I snarled and hung up.

I shoved the phone back into Rob's paws.

... then I saw the bunny's big, round eyes.

"What?" I growled.

The eyes said it all.


Rob couldn't pull off a Puppy Dog Pout to save his life. Didn't mean he couldn't try.

"Aww, come on Jake?"

"No. I'm don't feel like sharing tonight."

"Why don't we let him join, Jake?" Chad asked from the bedroom.

I glanced over my shoulder.


What's worse than Chad's Puppy Dog Pout?

_Naked_Chad's Puppy Dog Pout.

How in the world did he get undressed so fast!

"It'll be fun..." Chad said, sticking out his lower lip for further effect.


Suddenly Chad ducked out of view, much to my relief...

... then he came back up with Tony...

Oh for yarf's sake!

"Pweeeease?" Chad begged, giving me an intensified Puppy Dog Pout. With Tony there - and that toy did look agonisingly cute - my legs went weak and my brain went back to our future family... Chad... me... Tony and our yet unnamed son... Oh and their Uncle Rob...

We'd have fun playing 'I'm Hunting Wabbits'...


"I'll take that as a yes!" Rob squealed, diving past me and onto the joined beds.

Chad grinned and winked at me.

My body reacted instantly by shutting and locking the door and diving in after Rob. The bunny let out a light squeal as Chad and I began nibbling on his long ears, licking down its fuzzy length and practically tearing his clothes off. Rob's nine inch cock was already proud and erect when we tore his hotpants off and he was moaning as our paws ran over the mound of his pronounced belly and his defined pecs.

"Wow, Mr. Lester," Chad murmured. "You're pretty tank..."

"Please, Chad," Rob chuckled, bending in and kissing his neck lightly. "Just call me 'Rob'."

I was suddenly feeling incredibly possessive. No one kissed my mate without my permission. I growled deeply and pulled Rob's face towards me. I wrapped my lips around his, running my tongue over the large front teeth finding the silver nipple ring that I had given him. I gave it a light tug and Rob instantly gasped.

Big mistake.

His short muzzle was open and I instantly shoved my tongue down his throat, practically ravaging his muzzle and bringing long, lustful moans from him. The bunny's left leg twisted upwards, curling over my waist and I saw his right leg doing the same over Chad's.

He was inviting us to stick our cocks up his ass!

Rob pulled away from my kiss, gasping and completely out of breath.

"I -"

He never got a chance to say anything.

Chad shoved his muzzle against Rob's. The bunny's eyes went wide for an instant before they glazed over with lust and his back arched. Precum poured out of his dick and splattered all over his round gut. I have to admit, it was goddamn hot seeing Chad kiss Rob.

Heh, a poor hapless bunny caught between a Husky and a wolf.

Our prey...

... and now we're about to stuff him.

I grinned and slid under Rob, licking his neck and seizing his bucking hips. I gently guided my cock into his tight hole, grunting as I felt the warm embrace of his ass ring. Rob squeezed down hard, sending shockwaves through my body and causing a burst of precum to enter him. Chad pulled out of the kiss, growling a deep, sexy growl and pulled Rob's legs up onto his shoulders.

I felt my mate's - damn, he's my mate - cock slide up next to mine. The heat from our two members was near volcanic that it was causing the cum in my balls to boil. I wanted nothing more than to let it loose but I held back as I thrust myself into Rob. The bunny threw back his head and let out a lustful cry.

The space inside Rob suddenly grew tighter as Chad pressed his manhood into Rob as well. The pressure mounted and my member was suddenly being pressed hard against my Husky's. Never before had I felt so close to him. I could fell his precum pouring over my cock and filling the space between us. Rob tried to squirm but I held him firm.

I thrust deeper into Rob and both the bunny and Chad let out a grunt.

Chad thrust and I felt myself getting pushed deeper as well. I felt one particular vein on Chad's cock pressing against mine, his pulse beating fast and in tandem with my heartbeat. Wild, primal instincts were taking over, spurning me on and demanding that I screw the bunny I had between myself and my mate.

Snarling, I began pumping rhythmically into Rob, bucking my hips every time Chad pulled out. We worked in tandem so even when I pulled out, he was pushing me back in and the perpetual momentum kept pushing us deeper and deeper into Rob.

The bunny grunted and moaned our names. One arm was wrapped around my neck, using me as support to keep him propped up while the other was on the sheets, twisting the cloth more and more with each passing second. I seized the nipple ring and gave it a tight twist. Rob rolled his head, letting out a high-pitched cry of sheer ecstasy.

I grinned at him but suddenly found my muzzle full of Chad's tongue and saliva. My mate had bent over Rob - still pounding away - and had kissed me. My left arm pulled away from Rob's twitching hips and curled around Chad's neck, pulling him closer to me as we brought ourselves together through Rob.

The bunny clenched his ass, forcing us to break our kiss as we both grimaced in pleasure. Our precum poured into Rob and I felt my knot rapidly forming. My pace was almost lightning-fast as I was thrusting wildly into Rob. Chad's hips were gyrating just as fast and I could see Rob's belly fat jiggling endlessly with our cocks working our way into him.

"Oh Gods...!" Rob shouted. "Oh... Oh my... Oh my god...!"

Chad pulled one paw away from Rob's hips and seized the bunny's cock, gripping it tightly as his face became flushed with intense pleasure. Rob's own body was turning red from the mounting pressure. I felt the heat rising all over my body. With Rob's body pressed against mine and Chad's cock almost volcanic and kissing my own, I was lost in the melting, sexual haze that had dulled my mind into nothing more than a raving, sex-crazed animal.

A howl built in my chest as my knot pounded hard against the walls of Rob's ass. I could feel Chad's own knot trying to force it's way in to the small confines.

"C - Can't..." Rob grunted. "G - G - Gonna....AAAAARGH!"

He threw back his head, his ears smacking me lightly as his cock twisted in Chad's grip and shot a thick spray of cum straight at Chad's face. Rob's entire body shuddered with spasms and his ass clenched instinctively.

The pleasure of the all that pressure pressed around my cock was too much!

I threw my head back and let out my howl as I shoved my cock right into Rob, tying with him. I felt all that molten cum in my balls pour out of my cumslit and straight into the bunny I was tied to. I held him tightly to me as I too was thrown into a fit of spasms.

Rob suddenly jerked back again as another spray of cum shot out of his cock. This one missed Chad but arched over him and splattered me instead. His musky scent hit me like a brick wall and my own cock twisted and roiled inside him a second time, shooting another heavy load.

Then, I felt the weight above me increase.

My eyes were still glazed by the haze of sex when I saw Chad sitting on Rob's chest, cradling his rounded belly with his thighs. Chad - still fully erect - was panting and had his cock pointed straight at us. He suddenly arched his back and let out a loud cry.

His cock jerked and cum came pouring out like the waterfall at the end of Point Edge. His hot, delicious cum poured all over Rob and myself. I was knocked straight out of my haze as I eagerly lapped it up. My tongue instinctively pound Rob's cheek and then his tongue as he too tried to lick up Chad's man-juices.

We kissed one another deeply, united by Chad.

The weight faded and I felt Chad slide in beside me as Rob rolled to the side, forcing me to the side as well. I felt Chad's arms around me as he settled in behind me, brushing his erect cock against my ass and trailing a bit of his cum against the small of my back.

Gently, Chad nibbled my shoulder.

Each little touch of his fangs was enough to make me hard all over again and to add to the copious amounts of cum already in Rob's bowel.

"Oh gods..." Rob sighed. "That... That was..."

"Awesome," Chad whispered into my ear. He kissed my cheek tenderly.

I just smiled at him.


Third Arc Crimson Moon: Chapter 8

**Chapter 8.0: Forks** **Crosstown Motel** A soothing melody played in my ear. It was one of my favourite songs. Canon in D Minor. My mother played it on the piano for me when I was younger and I grew up loving it....

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Third Arc Crimson Moon: Chapter 6

**Chapter 6.0: Confessions of a Love Sick Puppy** **Point Edge** Chad West... The hot, smoking Husky who played Shane 'White' Fang in the _Crimson Series_, drunk off his ass, kissed me. This wasn't a cute peck on the lips...

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Third Arc Crimson Moon: Chapter 5

**Chapter 5.0: The Scenic Route** **Director's Trailer** When I woke up the next day, I smelled of rabbit and sex. Rob was gone but when I checked the time it was eight-thirty so I guessed he had gone off to start filming or...

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