Third Arc Crimson Moon: Chapter 6

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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#7 of Third Arc

Chapter 6.0: Confessions of a Love Sick Puppy

Point Edge

Chad West... The hot, smoking Husky who played Shane 'White' Fang in the Crimson Series, drunk off his ass, kissed me.

This wasn't a cute peck on the lips either.

He was right in there, tongue and everything. He was even reaching down my pants and groping my erection with one paw and the other was cupping the base of my neck, forcibly turning my head.

My first thought was 'Hallelujah!'

My second was 'Awwwww yeah!'

My third was 'Pants. Off. Now.'

It was only about the seventieth that I started thinking about pulling away.

My sixty-ninth was... well... 'sixty-nine'.

That was about when my senses came to me. I had both my arms wrapped tightly around Chad's waist, my paws running up his thighs and my tongue competing against his for ground in our unified muzzles. I was first to pull my muzzle away and I stared at him.

To my utter horror, his eyes were clear, full of determination and clarity.

He wasn't drunk.

He was just playing drunk!

Wow... He's good.

Wait a minute...

"Whoa!" I cried, leaping back and pulling away from him like he was made of hot iron - which, in my opinion, he figuratively was.

Chad gave me a cheeky grin. "You like that?" The slurring was gone and so was his staggering stance.

"Y - You're not drunk?" I stammered. I already knew the answer but I needed confirmation. My brain was fried after all.

"Pretty good, huh?" he answered with a smirk. "I kind learned a lot when I went to Jembrian."

My brain was slowly starting to kick in... I was back up to 25% processing power by the time I said, "You learned how to fake you were drunk and molest another guy?"

Oh god... He had hidden cameras somewhere didn't he?

I was so busted...

Chad West crossed his impressive arms. I think he was flexing for me. "Sure. Didn't you know? 50% of the guys that go to an acting college come out gay." He winked at me, that cocky smirk crawling back onto his lips. "Wanna take a stab at which half I fell into to? Or..."

He advanced on me a lot quicker than I thought possible. Suddenly, he had me in his arms, his muzzle buried in my neck and taking long, whiffs of my scent. "Would you rather 'stab' me with something else?" His paws found my crotch, rubbing my erection through my pants.

Progress to restoring higher mental functions slowed down. I was only at 45% when I shuddered and inadvertently thrust my pelvis into his paw.

Chad gently licked my neck, brushing his long tongue against my short fur there. Combined with the cool air of the night, I was left wanting more of his licks to maintain warmth.

55%... 60%...

"You smell really good, Jake," he murmured, pressing his muzzle against my collarbone. I felt the wetness of his nose and I shivered. "Like crystals..."

70%... 75%...

"Ch - Chad... I..."

His head tipped towards mine and he pressed his muzzle against mine, brushing his tongue against my parted lips and trancing them across my muzzle.

Back down to 65% efficiency...

"So you like it when people play with your feet, huh?" Chad chuckled. "Let's get your shoes off, Jake..."



"Hold it!" I cried, leaping back away from him. I left him stunned as I backpedalled a little. "What the hell are you doing!?" I demanded, my ears flat against my skull, my tail straight and my fangs bared.

"Isn't it obvious?" Chad answered with a slightly shaky grin. His body exuded confidence however. "I'm coming onto you, Jake. I like you."

"Right," I growled, taking a step back. "How do I know this isn't just some act, huh? Your little stunt with the beer back there was pretty smart." I made a note not to underestimate him again. He was good.

Chad folded his ears back just a bit. "Alright... I'll admit that was a bit much... But you like me right? You're gay?"

This would actually be the first time someone asked me whether or not I was gay. Most of the time, after the first time we kissed or had sex, it was pretty much assumed. That said, while I told myself over and over again that I was out to the world and that if anyone ever asked me if I was gay or not, I wouldn't deny it...

... my instincts proved the contrary.


Chad looked like I had struck him hard with my squeaky hammer toy. "Oh... Then..." His ears folded back fully and he tucked his tail between his legs. "Sorry... I... I thought... Oh geez..."

Was it my imagination or was the big Husky about to cry...?

Damnit... Just what I needed. A big, muscular, smoking-hot actor with a sensitive side. Goddamnit! I swear the Gods are blessing Chad to make him more and more appealing to me!

I growled and stormed over to him. I seized his cheeks forcefully... stared him directly in the eye... and kissed him. I felt him go weak and his eyes fluttered. As quickly as the kiss came, I ended it.

"I'm gay," I muttered, still baring my fangs. "I just didn't want anyone else knowing because if they found out, the people I care about might get hurt."

Chad blinked and regained his footing. "What do you mean?"

I released his cheeks and turned around, storming back down towards the beach and back to the motel. "I can take care of myself. I don't care if my career goes down the drain because people think I'm corrupting them with subliminal messages in my books. But there are a lot of people close to me that might get grilled on having known me."

"You mean like Mr. Lester?"

I froze for a second. There was no need to compromise Rob. "Yeah... Like Rob."

"You don't need to worry about me, Jake." I turned around and found Chad with one paw raised and another pressed against his chest in the position of solemn oath. "Back in Jembrian, we had an oath amongst the other gay actors. We never expose anyone else unless they want to and we never come out if it'll mean hurting anyone else."

I raised my eyebrows at him. "You've been with other people?"

Chad winced and lowered his paws. "Sort of... I've kissed and cuddled but never... you know." He coughed and blushed. "Sorry... I'm just a little nervous, you know... I mean... I never thought you'd actually be gay... Bi, maybe but it was still slim... After I saw you with Kristine and the chemistry you two have on set..."

That was a surprise to me. "Chemistry?" I repeated. "What chemistry?"

He gave me that look of confusion canines are renowned for. "I guess you've never seen yourself on film. You're a compelling actor, Jake. I actually believe every word you're saying."

It was my turn to blush but it was hidden under my black fur. "You're just saying that..."

"No! I'm serious!" He took a few steps towards me but kept me at arm's length. "You're really great! And even out of filming, you and Kris talk a lot... I was hoping that date with you and me at the movie would at least put me on your radar..."

Boy did it ever...

"You were on my radar way before that," I snickered. "Crimson Hearts, you stole the movie for me."

Chad blushed deeper and looked away. "Aww... You're just saying that."

"Hey, I'm gay and in that movie, you were a hot, shirtless Husky. You were my wet dream for a good week or so."

He chortled and reached out with his left paw but hesitated when was about to touch my paw. "Umm... So... Can I confess something?"

If he told me he loved me, I would have punched him. Seriously, if he had said the instant he saw me he 'imprinted' on me, I would be out of there so fast that the gods would have to rewrite the laws of space and time to make 'The Speed of Jake' the limit of speed.

"Fire away."

"I kinda hated you when you came here that first day."

For some reason, that hurt but also added some more weight into the budding relationship between us.

I'm not sure why...

"Okay..." I began.

"I thought you were this snobby, prissy, rich asshole that thought he could just waltz onto set and own the place because you knew the director. I actually thought you were going to steal my role especially when we got to room together."

I had never considered that possibility before. Now that I thought of it, if my head had been out of my crotch when I first roomed with Chad, that would probably have occurred to me as well. After all, species-wise, he wasn't really fit to play Shane Fang and then suddenly I came along.

"Then you played Shane when I got food poising..." Chad said, chuckling softly. "I seriously thought you were after my job back then."

Again, I realised that might have occurred to a lot of people.

"Then you fell off the cliff..." Chad murmured. I rubbed the back of my neck and muttered a soft, 'Don't remind me'. "When I found you huddled up in the forest, freezing cold and nearly dead, I thought I could just leave you there and my problems would be over..."

I spun to lock gazes with him. "Wait a second... You found me?"

Chad looked puzzled. "Didn't anyone tell you?"

I shook my head as I realised that I owed Chad my life. It was so simple how just a few words could suddenly change my perspective of this one, amazing Husky. Before he was just some pretty eye candy... A few seconds ago, he was some pretty eye candy who shared my sexual orientation and had the hots for me... and now... he was a guy who had risked his life and saved me.

That last one seemed the most special to me.

"I never got to thank you..." I murmured softly. "Thanks for saving me, Chad."

The Husky chuckled softly. "I almost didn't. I hated you back then. I thought you were really going to kick me off set or something. I used to be the manly-man that every girl wanted and then you come on set with your awesome body and your golden fur that's shaped like a heart on your chest." He was eying me a little hungrily and I couldn't help but curl my tail a little around my leg.

Chad shook his head and continued. "Anyway... I seriously considered leaving you there... But then I guess I couldn't do that to someone. So I picked you up and carried you back to the motel." He blushed deeper and looked away. "It was a while since I've been with anyone... Almost three years really... Since I started acting, I've avoided other guys or else... you know...

"But when I held you in my arms and you were cuddled up to me... I dunno... It just felt... right. I was kinda curious about it so... I asked you to go on an unofficial date with me. I had Den and Kris as 'gay buffers' so that you wouldn't think I was gay. 'course I didn't know they would flake on us so it was only you and me... I wasn't even sure if you swung my way so I dropped a few hints.

"You know, the hot dog thing."

I remembered that... vividly. "You did that on purpose," I accused.

He grinned at me. "Yeah... Also took you to see one of my movies to see how you'd react. I kinda saw your eyes widen whenever I was on screen so either you were into me because I was there or you were just into guys in general."

He was really good.

Very conniving.

"And the dinner?" I asked.

Chad blushed deeply. "I was actually trying to see if you could make a fool of yourself..." He glanced away, his tail tucking between his legs and kicking the ground absently. "Valenise dishes are notorious for leaving a mess and not everyone can use chopsticks. I like Valenise a lot and I told myself if you hated it, I wouldn't bother..."

"But then I rammed into that guy and went all 'gangsta'," I supplied.

Chad's blush grew so deep that it was almost impossible to tell the white patches of his body with the rest. "That really impressed me... I mean, the guy was three times your size and you stood up to him. It was like you weren't afraid..."

It was interesting how at that very moment, I had decided not to chase Chad's tail when he had chosen that moment to fall for me. The irony hit me like a hot ten tonne sack of bricks.

"So you decided I was worth going after at that point?"

"Not really," Chad answered, adding a soft whimper to his every word. "I wasn't even sure you were gay so I decided not to risk it. But then, when you went to work on the script with Mr. Lester and left me all alone, I... I sort of..." He coughed loudly, causing my eyes to narrow. "I... Uh... I dreamt about you... and me... us..."

I couldn't help it.

I started laughing loud and uncontrollably. "I was your wet dream!?"

Chad frowned at me as tears began forming in my eyes. I was getting a little short of breath but the sheer hilarity of the situation was killing me. Chad had dreamt about me when I had dreamt about him! Now I realised why Chad's scent was so strong when I had entered the room this morning. He had pawed off!

"It's not that funny..." Chad murmured, looking deeply insulted.

I resisted the urge to hug him and just wiped the tears from my eyes. "No... Sorry, it's just... I had a dream about you too! I've been fantasising about you since the moment I met you!"

"You have?"

I let out another laugh. The look of sheer amazement on his face was priceless. "Hell yeah! You have any idea how hot you are!?"

Chad blushed, inclined his head to the side and absently scratched his cheek. "Well... If a guy like you thinks so..."

I ran through recent events in my head and realised just how ironic things had turned out. During the entire ordeal, I had assumed Chad was straight and homophobic. I even thought he was after Kristine! On the other side of the field, Chad thought I was horribly straight and after his co-star! I realised that my little stunt earlier in the morning would have probably really thrown him off my trail.

"So what gave you the courage to come out to me?" I asked, smiling with the hints of laughter lingering in my throat.

Chad took a deep breath and let it out very slowly. "I didn't lie when I told you about Kristine and Dennis... I don't think she's right for you."

"Got that right."

He snorted. "Yeah... Well, at the time, I thought you were just going to fall for her but she was just going to use you to get to Dennis. I didn't want that. Even if I couldn't have you, I could at least stop you from getting together with her... I sorta decided that... if all else failed, I'd try to... convert you..."

It was how all those straight-to-gay porn movies and stories started. Conversion.

Funny how the entire ordeal could have been avoided if we had just been honest with one another but we both lived in a world were being gay wasn't the social norm. People saw 'gay' when there was nothing there. They even used 'gay' as an insult. It was a straight world, after all.

Moments like these made me wish that Rob was right... That I could just miraculously escape into another world that was forged according to the rules I had set, the rules that I liked.

But then again, the keyword there was 'escape'. I wouldn't be solving my problems... I would just be leaving them behind.

I turned back to Chad, smiling at the thought that even if the problems of the living in a heterosexual world weighed down on me, I at least had others like Chad who also carried that weight. "And if I turned out to be straight?"

Chad grinned sheepishly at me. "I was hoping my honesty would at least give you some food for thought... Or I could just say that I was really drunk... and maybe some complimentary sex afterwards...?"

Damn he was cute... Even cuter when he's desperate for sex.

My raging hard on was begging me to take him there and then, out in the open with the sea breeze swirling around us, beneath the ocean of stars and under the watchful gaze of the silvery moon. Normally, I would but that just made the experience sound seem some cheap 'one night stand'. We confess to one another our orientation, our hidden feelings for one another, laugh at how stupid we were, kiss and then have sex. We'd exchange some cheesy words after our climax and then end of story. We fade to black and the words 'The End' appear on the screen.

No... I didn't want that.

Not with Chad.

He saved my life... That meant something to me... and I didn't want just some brief fling with him. Hormones had nothing to do with it. My heart was pounding so hard in my chest that it was fit to burst. It pumped hot blood through my veins and every breath I took, I got a lungful of Chad's scent. My blood picked up those tiny air particles and carried them all over my body.

My brain came up with a single word.


Not a fling.

Not a one night stand.

A boyfriend...

I clasped my hands behind my head and looked up at the sky with a soft sigh. Thoughts were hard to collect when your body was lusting for someone but I managed it somehow and turned my gaze back to the buff Husky in front of me.

"Tempting," I answered, "but despite all this, we barely know each other. We haven't even officially been on a date yet. Real life isn't like those cheesy porn movies or stories you find online where you realise the other guy is gay, you have sex there and then and you instantly become mated at that point. We're both of the species where sex is kinda important... especially if you give your partner the fanged ring."

Amongst canines, we called the mating bite the 'fanged ring'. As you may recall, for canines and lupines, a mating bite is basically a proposal. Thus, the comparison of an engagement ring.

"I guess..." Chad murmured, his shoulders sagging slightly. "So... I guess you're not interested in a relationship right now...?"

"Sorry. No. I've had my fair share of relationships gone wrong and rings that have been broken." I lowered my arms and grinned at him. "But for the man who saved my life, I'm willing to give you one date."

Magic words.

Suddenly, Chad was standing up straight, his tail wagging furiously and his eyes shining. Really beautiful eyes too. "A date? Really!? You mean it?"

I suddenly felt so much older despite actually being younger than him. "Yeah... One date. You get one shot, puppy." For emphasis, I lifted a finger. "Don't screw it up."

Chapter 6.1: The Bases are Loaded...

Crosstown Bed and Breakfast

Thankfully, Chad and I weren't needed for any of the scenes being filmed the next day. Rob gave us the day off while he hurried to film the remaining scenes that Kristine was involved in. Which was probably a good thing.

I couldn't sleep all night.

I had given Chad a bit of ground when we returned to the motel after our little confession session. After we had showered - individually, mind you - and he had brushed his fangs free of the beer smell, we had shared the same bed. Nothing happened. We just spooned, his arms around me and him gently nuzzling the crook of my neck.

It was all I could do not to turn around and break down those last barriers between us.

I don't know why but the mere thought that his feelings for me had evolved from hatred into something else... It really meant something. I was taking extra care to ensure that our relationship didn't devolve like what happened with me and Rob. We were both high-profile people anyway. Well... I'm more moderate-profile.

Most of the time, we'll be away from one another so in theory we'd be comfortable without seeing one another for long periods of time...

... but then again, that's how my other relationships broke apart...

All night, I remained awake thinking of all the possibilities of the two of us being together and they all ended with us parting ways in a flurry of tears and broken hearts.

There was one scenario where I was on one side of the world and I thought he was on the other. Then, just as I was fighting the Evil Tentacle Monsters from the centre of the planet, he'd come around and realise I had been hiding a big part of my life from him - while I was being tentacle raped of course. The lies I had accumulated over the years would come back to haunt me and we'd leave heartbroken and without one another.

Our five adopted kids would end up in his custody, of course.

The alternative ending to that was he'd systematically try to destroy me, becoming my not-so-arch-nemesis as he tracks down each of my sexual partners, reveals the truth to them and then they all hunt me down. They trap me in a deep, dark mansion where they take turns raping me, one climax per lie I told them.

Okay... so maybe that scenario wasn't so bad.

But I didn't want to lose Chad...

Maybe it was just a species thing. You know, with the two of us both being 'butt-sniffers'. But I was really attracted to him... My problem was all the baggage I had...

Could he take it all? Could he take the fact that I frequently disappear to unknown places to fight the supernatural? Could he take the fact that, over the years, I've fallen in love several times over and it never worked?

Could he take the fact that one of my biggest kinks is being the subby wolf at the beginning only to grow into a massive, muscular lupine monster and have my partner worship me?

... yeah, I'm one of those guys.

By the time morning came, I wasn't really that enthusiastic about our date.

Chad, however, was practically bouncing off the walls.

We had breakfast at the usual place where we shared a few bits of personal information. It turns out, he was never really into acting at first. He was trying to become a teacher but when he saw a play as part of an assignment, he fell in love with the leading role. A girl. They actually dated for a semester and her thespian's ways rubbed off a little on him. He started acting and found that he actually liked losing himself in the fantasy worlds of the play.

Then the girl dumped him for the high school football quarterback. Crushed and broken, Chad moved to another school to focus on his acting which he chose as his profession. When he got to Jembrian, he knew that he had found his true calling and went all the way.

That girl ruined all girls for him and he experimented quite a bit in college. He found that he liked men a lot. He related to them easier, he loved the touch of their bodies and was amazed at how well they could get him off. His taste in men ran towards the fit and healthy to the ridiculously muscular. Muscles got him off.

Epic yarfy score!

"Never fell in love though," Chad admitted, sipping his hot chocolate that I had bought for him. "I had friends but no boyfriends."

"I've fallen in love," I said, staring into the dark pool of hot chocolate in my mug. "Never worked out though."

"Why not?"

"Several reasons. Interests. Time. Not fit for one another. Things like that. Sometimes, it was just about the sex and I don't think a relationship should be built around something a superficial as that."

"Who was your first?"

I chuckled darkly. "My first what? Kiss? Love? Boyfriend?"

He gave me his cheery, bright smile that melted my heart. "Why not all?"

Rolling my eyes, I said, "Well, my first kiss was actually with a girl as well. It was a dare and quite frankly, it sucked. She smelled too sweet for me and it made me sick. My first love and boyfriend are really the same..." Despite my better judgement, I sighed heavily and glanced out the window. "Cliff... He was the captain of the soccer team when I was in high school... We met when he accidentally hit me with the soccer ball.

"He took me to the nurse and then to the mall afterwards to apologise. We started secretly dating afterwards."

Chad inclined his head to the side. "You sound like you really liked him."

"He was great. Kind, gentle... and really affectionate. He was the first one to give me a mating bite."

There, Chad winced. "Oh... Wow... What's it like?"

I snorted perhaps a little too cynically. "It's like... Like someone's injected you with electricity that polarises your entire body towards the one that bit you. Like some cosmic force is constantly pulling you towards your mate and every second you spend without them is torture through absence. Every fur on your skin, every cell in your body and every breath you take revolves around them. When you're around them and you hold them tightly, there's just this sensation of being... right... Like nothing else in the world matters. Everything else dulls and your mate shines like a beacon of light in the darkness."


"Wow... I have no idea what you're talking about."

That made me laugh as I turned back to Chad. "No one's ever given you the mating bite?"

Chad shook his head. "All my partners have been non-canine or lupine. If they ever bit me, it just made me hard. Nothing as poetic as what you just said."

I shrugged and finished my hot chocolate. "Well, after you get bitten a couple of hundred times the effect sort of dulls. Not sure if I'm just a sucker for the little nuances of dating or not but for me, just because you nibble on my shoulder, doesn't make you my one and only."

A look of dismay crossed his features. It occurred to me that he wanted this as much as I did... I instantly regretted instilling a degree of depression into him.

"Come on," I said, patting his paws lightly. "We live in modern times! You got one day to wow me, puppy."

That brightened his spirits.

After breakfast, he took me back to the motel where he rigorously brushed his fangs. Obviously, he wanted to presentable for our date. It was quite cute. Once he was done, he offered me his arm but I just rolled my eyes at him and strode past.

"So what did you want to do today?" he asked, quickly recovering.

I cocked an eyebrow at him. "Aren't you taking me on a date? Shouldn't you have this all planned?"


I could actually envision his brain shattering into a million pieces.


I have a counterattack against his Puppy Dog Pout!


"Um... Well... See... I wanted to take you to Port Cherubliss... To the carnival there..."

I cocked my other eyebrow. "The carnival? What are you? Twelve?"


Fire two.

Chad's knees were actually shaking. "Erm... Well... We could go up to the mountains if you wanted..."

"So I can fall off a cliff again?"


Fire three...

"Erk... Um... Why don't we go see a movie...?"

"Already did that one."

Fire four...


"We just ate."

Fire five...

I just sunk his battleship.

Chad folded his ears back and whimpered loudly.

Man he's so cute.

I beamed at him and wrapped an arm around his shoulders, holding him tightly to my chest. "Aww, I'm just having some fun with you, Chad." Just to ease him a little more, I licked his cheek. That perked him right up.

"S - So what did you want to do...?" he stammered. There was a noticeable bulge in his shorts.

And idea crossed my head.

"Why don't we pick up where we left off last night?" I suggested. "We'll take turns to pick the activities for today that we both have to participate in. If the other guy really enjoys themselves or backs out, that's one point to the guy who suggested it."

"What do we get if we get more points at the end of the day?"

I grinned at him. "That guy gets to be on top."

Chad's thick fur fluffed out and his eyes went wide in horror.

"Oh my god..." I began, my grin growing broader. "That's right... you've never had your cherry popped, have you?"

He was whimpering loudly now. "No..."

"I am going to have so much fun."

It was only fair that since I came up with the idea, he got to choose the first activity. He took me to the high school which still remained closed. Rob and the production team were filming scenes there that revolved around Kristine and Dennis. We greeted them briefly before Chad pulled me around the back of the rather small school to the soccer field.

In one paw, he had a soccer ball.

"Did I ever mention that I suck at sports?" I asked, lining up in front of the goal as he stood a good distance away. "I'm only really good at chasing balls..."

Chad set down the soccer ball, grinning at me. "Well that'll make you a good goalie then."

"Not those kind of balls, Chad."

He blinked and looked like I had smacked him one. Blushing, he regarded the soccer ball at his feet and winced loudly. "Great... Now I can't stop thinking about that..."

Striking a confident pose, I said, "Aw, what's wrong puppy? You afraid of shooting at me? Afraid your that big ol' ball of yours will hit me too hard? Come on!" I spread my arms out wide as a grin crossed my features. "This hole is pretty big! It's an easy shot!"

Chad gagged. "Stop that!"

"It's not that hard to score is it?" I continued, my grin broadening. "I mean compared to professional soccer players, I'm pretty easy."

Chad's fur fluffed out and his tail went rigid. "Stop ruining soccer for me!"

"Chad, I'm just trash talking," I chuckled. "Just kick the ball and let's get this over with. I'll give you one point just because I'm loving tormenting you."

He glared daggers at me. "I swear, you're part fox."

"Maybe," I answered with a snicker. I winked at him. "Come on, let's see how you handle your balls."

Chad let out a short 'eep' as he adjusted himself a little. I was amazed at how easily I could turn him on. No wonder he wore baggy shorts most of the time. After a few seconds where he composed himself, Chad lined up a shot.

Being in multiple combat situations before, I had a good idea on how to read people's movements. I learned pretty early on that in battle, most of the fight is done mentally. Physical might was good but without a head on your shoulders, you were useless. When it came to canines with big tails like Chad, the direction that they would turn would be indicated by the direction their tail was pointing. This was especially true with digitigrade-stance Mortaelians like Chad since they used their tails for balance.

Chad's big, fluffy tail flicked to the right.

I instantly dove to the right -


The ball hit the net far to my left.

I was crestfallen.

Even more so when I hit the mud with a loud, splat.

Stupid rainy weather.

"You okay, Jake?"

I grumbled and tried to get up but I slipped and hit the mud again, splattering myself all over. Chad rushed over and helped me to my feet.

"Did I mention I suck at sports?" I chuckled, trying to hide the bruise to my ego.

"I gathered," Chad snickered, wiping some mud from my face. "Don't feel bad though. Soccer is my game. Played it all through my life. Elementary, middle, high school and even college. My coach used to tell me I could've gone pro."

"Why didn't you?" I asked, flicking my tail to get rid of some of the mud.

"They don't allow gays in the pros."


When I saw the pained expression on his face, I just knew I had said the wrong thing. The distinct possibility that Chad West could have become a soccer superstar instead of a world renowned actor suddenly flashed before my imagination. I would spend my days ogling him on my TV instead of watching him steal my heart and soul on the silver screen.

I was also royally annoyed at the world of sports which was still quite bigoted. It wasn't so much that any sport 'didn't allows gays' but it was more like if someone who was homosexual tried to get into any sport, they just wouldn't make it and 'it wasn't because they're gay but other decisive factors'. Or, if they came out during their employment, their career would mysteriously come to an abrupt end after their proclamation.

It is a straight world, after all...

"Well, I'm glad you didn't," I said, picking up the soccer ball.

"Why?" Chad replied, sounding completely perplexed.

I straightened and shoved the ball back into his paws. "Because you would have ended up on some professional team instead of gracing us mere mortals with your transcendent acting skills. Plus, you wouldn't have saved me."

I mentally kicked myself for being so cheesy.

But it was the truth.

Who knew what would have happened out there in the storm if Chad hadn't been there.

Conversely, if I hadn't been so busy trying to get my mind off Chad, I wouldn't have been standing on the cliff edge and consequently get knocked down a sheer cliff.

I wasn't about to tell him that though...

"You're still the better actor," he murmured, taking the ball and returning to his shooting position. "But I am glad I saved you." He glanced over his shoulder at me briefly. There was a flash of a smile there. A smile that said 'Don't get caught smiling at him you idiot but hot damn, I can't help it.'

I did realised I had the same smile on my face and wiped it off my muzzle.

Was I really in love with him...? I only knew him for a short while but in that time, he had saved my life, we'd gone on an unofficial date and he had visited me time and again in my dreams.

And what had I really done for him...?

Wow, I've been a real demanding diva... It's all been about me and I hadn't once returned the favour or his affection...


Stars flashed before my eyes and I hit the ground once more. I was vaguely aware of someone shouting 'heads up' followed by 'Jake'. In the flurry of stars, comets and twittering birds, I obtained enlightenment.

Chad had essentially put his entire being in front of me. All his cards were on the table. Me? I was so selfish that I was keeping all my cards hidden and with a smoke bomb in my paw to make sure I could make a hasty escape. I was so caught up in my own baggage that I didn't realise just how much Chad was investing into this budding relationship.

"Jake! Speak to me!"

I blinked.

Like some corny cartoon, the stars in my vision peeled away to frame Chad's gorgeous face. Those comets all smacked against one another to explode into a flurry of puffy, pink hearts. The birds began dancing around Chad's face in a heart formation, singing the most beautiful love song that I had ever heard. Not that I actually heard anything. My ears were still ringing.

"You smacked my head with your ball."

Chad blinked. "Huh?"

"I dunno if that counts as tea bagging..."

He groaned and patted my chest. "Yeah, you're okay." I chuckled and sat up. Chad grabbed his soccer ball and regarded me curiously. "Did you need a moment to rest?"

Possibilities flew around in my head...

... but it only took a second for me to make a decision.

"Nah. My regeneration will take care of any damage."

"Cool. Because we should -" Chad froze and stared at me like I had just blasphemed against the gods. "Your what?"

I stood up and rolled my shoulders. "My regeneration. As long as I have stored energy from using my powers, I regenerate supernaturally fast. Anything short of beheading I'll heal."


I grabbed the soccer ball in my mental grip, seizing the gravitational forces around it and pulling it away from Chad's paws. The big Husky just stared as I commanded the ball to hover over my right paw, spinning lazily in the air. I could feel my muscles expanding ever so slowly.

"I have superpowers, Chad," I said, releasing the soccer ball and letting it land on my paw. "I can manipulate gravitational forces around me. Whenever I use my powers, I also store a bit of energy in my body, developing my muscles and making me stronger. I can release the energy in various forms but it only lasts for about a day or so. After that, it just expires and I go back to normal."

I didn't want to look into Chad's eyes... I pondered showing him something else... Maybe how I can mimic telekinesis or hover in the air.

Whatever my thoughts, I quickly forgot them because at that moment, Chad wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled my neck, pressing his wet nose against my fur. I felt him gently lick my fur and that small gesture alone sent shudders across my spine. It was arousing but that was all secondary to the affection I felt there.

He didn't freak out.

He didn't call me a liar.

He didn't even laugh or say something like, 'You're shitting me' or 'stop pulling my leg'.

He just believed me.

I was lost for words... and as an author, that's a bad thing.

Damnit... Just when I found a counterattack for his Puppy Dog Pout, he finds another way to reduce me to a blubbering mess.

I felt his cheeks press against mine and my instincts took over. My arms acted of their own accord, curling around his thicker, more muscular body. I brushed my cheek against his, whining softly when he kissed my lips.

"You're already pretty super to me, Jake," he whispered into my ears. "You don't need superpowers to impress me."

I finally found the strength to look into his eyes.


We were so close to one another that our noses ended up pressed against one another. A look of astonishment crossed his features and by looking at the reflection in his eyes, I could see that I had a similar look. Perfectly in synch, we smiled warmly at one another.

"I come with a lot of baggage," I admitted. "I'm not a public hero... I just help when I can but that still means I've got my fair number of enemies and people that'd hurt you if they could get to me... I don't want anyone getting hurt because of me."

"So says the guy that I had to save from one little storm," Chad chuckled, licking my nose.

I licked his in return.

"I fell off a cliff..."

He licked my nose again...

"You were half dead..."

I licked his...

"I could've made it..."

He licked mine...

"Not without me..."

We licked each other's at the same time, our tongues brushing against one another. All inhabitations went out the window as we wrapped our muzzles around our intertwined tongues. Our gentle, little peck turned into a more passionate, affectionate kiss as I endeavoured to go on an exploratory expedition into his throat.

He had exactly the same thought.

I remember just how much he loved it when his partners shoved their tongue deep into his muzzle and he reminded me just how much I loved exactly the same thing. I think he tried to say something but in the mix of our intertwining tongues and lapping muzzles, it was completely lost. His thick, muscular pecs were pressed hard against my chest, acting like an amazing, thick, pulsating pillow that I just wanted to cuddle and hold against me for all eternity.

"Mmmhm... Jake... Mmmm..."

God his voice turns me on so much.

If the ground wasn't muddy, I swear, I would have pushed him against the floor, rolled around in the dirt, get all muddy and...

... Actually, that wasn't just a bad idea...

I pushed him -


I froze...

In the course of kissing, one should never hear a 'click' regardless of sexual orientation.

My heart began plummeting as I slowly turned my head to the right...


... where Rob and the entire production crew stood... jaws wide open, eyes wide as saucers and quite a few of them with their fur all fluffed out.

Some little subconscious version of me hit the panic button and my brain was instantly awash with thermonuclear explosions, chaotic natural disasters and this one little guy who was running with scissors...

Then the worst thing happened.

Rob flicked out his phone, turned it to me and -


... took a photograph.

Everyone else instantly did the same.


Chad pulled his lips away from me and looked really pale. He was shaking from head to toe and his tail was tucked so far between his legs that it almost curled all the way up to hide his crotch. I realised that he had a lot more to lose than I ever did.

His career was just starting.

He didn't have a fallback plan.

Me, if I fell, countless governments would rush to my rescue in the fear that I'll expose some of their dark secrets. Probably one or two of them out of pure friendship but other than that, I was pretty safe. Some superheroes would come to my rescue as well.


He was busted.

There was an awkward silence after all the photos were taken. As phones and cameras were put down, Chad and I were left standing in the middle of the soccer field like two actors who had forgotten their lines in the middle of the multi_billion_ dollar theatre production. There wasn't even that awkward cough that would cut through the silence.

Looking at the faces of each and every one of the people in the crowd, I could just tell they were seriously considering going to the nearest place with internet connection to upload their pictures. Or maybe to the nearest gossip magazine for a sizable cash payout.

The next issue of 'Celebrate Celebrity' would sell out with record numbers. Headlines would read 'Reap the West: Writer Wolf and Hot Husky Playing 'Ball' on Set!' Paparazzi would be breaking down my door and Zeke would reveal all my embarrassing secrets including the fact that I have a blue G-string somewhere in my laundry...

And Chad... He'd disappear never to be heard from again... Probably get disowned by his parents... Kicked out of any movies he had lined up... never allowed to act again 'for reasons other than his orientation'...

Damn... I screwed up...

Chad suddenly broke the ice.

He turned in the opposite direction and stormed away, head ducked and eyes shut.

For the second time that day, I made a snap decision.

I seized his paw and pulled him back to me, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and grinning brightly. "Well, guess the secret's out huh?"


I pressed my nosed against his, still grinning. The gesture obviously surprised him but his tail relaxed a little. "Well, this is a date, right? So we're officially dating!"

His brown eyes went big and wide. It was on the verge of hitting that Puppy Dog Pout but I quickly kissed him to stop him from frying my brains again. I needed all my wit to get through this.

"Aren't you worried people will hate you when they figure out you're..." He barely whispered 'gay'.

"What?" I replied with mock innocence. "The thought never crossed my mind! I was just concerned about what people might think when they figure out you're dating a crappy author without any consistent storylines!"

He blinked at me. "But... What about your career...?"

I bent over and licked his cheek. That sent murmurs throughout the entire crowd and Chad's feet were twitching again, ready to bolt. "Listen, puppy, if people judge my work on who I am then they don't deserve to read the stuff I put down. Who a person is should have no bearing on how you look at their work."

"That's awesome for you, Jake but with me... I have to work with people... They have to like me..."

"What's not to like?" I answered, hugging him tightly. "You're kind, romantic, sensitive, one hell of a beefcake and let's not forget an amazing kisser." For emphasis, I kissed him one more time. His knees went weak and his eyelids flickered.

I made a mental note about the effect of my kisses.

Heh... He's got his Puppy Dog Pout...

I've got my Toe-Curling Smoking Hot Brain Melting Smooch!

"Besides," I said, hiding my smirk as I pulled my muzzle just an inch away from his. I left him gasping for breath. "If some random on the street judges you alone for just being gay, just hit them over the head with a rubber dildo, take them to your 'love dungeon' and have your way with them until they're begging for your cock in their ass."

Chad instantly jerked backwards. He stared at me for a few short moments before letting out a nervous laugh. "You didn't really do that, did you?"

Just once.



Enough said.

"Of course not." I nudged his chin with my knuckles. "Now come on, let's go tell them that it's not gay. Our balls didn't touch."

Chad snickered and kissed my chin lightly. "Nah... I like being gay."

Grinning, I pressed my groin against his, feeling our raging erections through the cloth. "Just to make it official," I added with a wink.

I held his paw as we strode purposefully towards the rest of the crew. There were quite a few disproving looks cast our way - particularly from Dennis and that other 'werewolves' from the 'pack' that Chad was meant to hang out with in the movie. Kristine looked a little worried and disappointed. Rob, on the other hand, had this 'Squeeeeeee!' look mixed in with a 'You! Me! Chad! Threesome! Now!'

I'll have to admit, a threesome was starting to sound pretty good.

No one actually brought up what they saw as we excused ourselves and left the production crew to do their thing. I heard Rob yelling a couple of times to keep everyone focused but apart from that, there was no gay bashing, no angry scowls and definitely no jokes at our expense. Chad got more and more relaxed as we left the high school.

We sat down at the bus shelter in front of the school. Chad let out a long, relieved sigh and leaned back, staring at the roof of the shelter.

I gave him a moment, just letting him digest the fact that he was no 'out' to the world.

"My parents don't know."

I smiled at him comfortingly. "Yeah, I gathered."

His eyes flicked towards me. Gone were the soft, innocent films that made him look like a wide-eyed puppy new to the world. They were now replaced by a soft edge of worry tinted with sadness that made him look like a lost puppy that was searching for his owner.

"How'd you know?"

I leaned back as well and gave him a lopsided smile. "Those who are out to their folks tend to be less worried about whether or not they're out to the world. They have that security that there's always a home for them."

"Is that the same with you?"

Nodding, I slid up next to him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and letting him lean against me. "Yeah. Hell, my dad was the one that outed me. He kissed me."

Chad's tail fluffed out. "Um... Does your dad look anything like you?"

I pulled out my phone. There were 36 missed called and 10 text messages. All from my mom. After all that had happened, I had forgotten that she had called me... I made a note of it and flicked through my stored photographs until I found one of my dad.

"This is him."

I think I saw a bit of drool on the corner of Chad's muzzle.

No doubt he was fantasising about me and my dad doing it. My dad was pretty hot.

"We didn't do anything if that's what you're thinking," I snickered, tucking my phone back into my pocket. "My parents have a sick sense of humour. You know, for my eighteenth birthday, my dad actually hid inside a cake and came out completely nude with icing on his nipples and a ribbon on his cock?"

Chad's tail fluffed out again. Just like his 'Hey', I guessed his tail fluffing out was a little nuance of his that betrayed his thoughts. "You're kidding!" he laughed.

"Nope," I laughed. "It was private party, though. Just me and close family."

"What did your mom think?"

"She was the one who put the icing and ribbon on."

Chad was laughing again and I found his laughter infectious. I joined in and before we knew it, we were laughing ourselves right into a kiss. It was only a gentle peck and I brushed my muzzle away from his, nuzzling his cheek affectionately.

"I wish I had parents like yours..." he murmured. "If they found out, I think they'd go out of their way to make sure I never succeeded in anything. They're so against gays that it doesn't matter if I'm their son..."

It was a clichéd story that I knew from personal experience. Cliff - my high school fling, the soccer captain - had similar parents but he was stronger than both Chad and I combined. He wasn't afraid and went out of his way to get back at his parents as much as they struck at him. Even as they disowned him, he stood strong, put himself through high school, went to college and even got into an international soccer team.

I guess he was the one except to the 'professional sports don't like gays' rule.

Even I hid behind my 'If they don't ask, I'm not gay' rule.

"You can always stay with us if you need someplace to stay," I offered.

Chad snorted. "What? In your small farm in Seaman's Cove? Last I heard, you had ten chickens, fifteen cows and thirteen horses that needed a crew of fifty people to maintain. You barely have time to write."

I rolled my eyes and stood up. "That was just a false lead," I answered. "I actually live in a small two bedroom apartment in Inner City Shellington with my best friend, Zeke. I helped pay for a mansion in the outer suburbs of the city where my parents live. You can always stay there... or..."

I reached down my shirt and pulled out the golden key hanging from a silver chain I wore. "... you can always go to Haven."

Chad's tail fluffed out again. "You're going to kill me!?"

It took me a moment to realise he mistook 'Haven' for 'Heaven'.

I decided to play on that. "Don't be a wuss," I growled, seizing his paw with my free paw. "Come on!"

He was instantly in panic. "No! I mean I love you Jake but come on! I'm too young to die!"

I paused for a second... wondering if he actually meant that he loved me or if it was just something he threw together to catch me off guard. I put that in my 'to derive' pile and slipped the key over my head. A soft, golden glow erupted from the small ornament. A bright, golden door with an ivory doorframe appeared in space right in front of us.

Chad stopped struggling long enough for me to open the door.

Loud, boisterous music filtered in from the world beyond. Strobe lights flashed and a gentle mist flooded in from inside. I pulled Chad inside and shut the door behind me. The frigid temperatures of Crosstown suddenly faded and we were hit by the heat generated from multiple bodies rubbing against one another in a titanic orgy of dance movies and senseless, sensual movements.

_Haven_wasn't any ordinary nightclub/tavern/pub.

It was the one place in the universe that was completely neutral. No conflict could arise within Haven. Even Chad's panic faded when he stepped through the door. Endless black surrounded us, only broken by multiple disco platforms with flashing lights and hovering strobe lights. Luminescent poles shot up from the ground, connecting one platform to the other. Hovering, translucent panels of light formed stairs to each of the platforms where countless species from all over Mortaelis' past, present and future danced regardless of species, gender, time and orientation.

This was Haven.

"What the...?" Chad began but he as cut off by a deep, rumbling baritone.

"Well, well, if it isn't the Worldrider."

I turned to my right where the bar stood. Countless bottles of liqueur - some of which I didn't recognise - just hovered behind a large, muscular equine with a luscious length of blonde hair. He was dressed in a white, gilded toga and had an olive branch wreath on his head. His eyes were an unusual shade of purple.

"Hey there, Truce," I greeted, pulling Chad towards the bar. I didn't need to push my way through the crowd or pardon myself. The crowd just parted on their own accord naturally.

"Truce...?" Chad began, gawking, trailing his eyes from Truce's impressive torso to the top of the equine's head which rose to a good ten feet above us. "As in the God of Harmony and Peace?"

"Please to meet you Chadstone West," Truce answered, extending a very large hand.

I turned my gaze towards my Husky. "You're name is really 'Chadstone'?"

Chad blushed and shook Truce's hand, his paw becoming completely consumed up the wrist in Truce's massive appendage.

"P - P - Please to meet you, S - Sir..." Chad stammered. His eyes flicked to me. "Please tell me I didn't just die."

Truce let out a loud, bellowing laugh and released Chad's paw. "Of course not, Chadstone! This is my abode! Haven! A place of peace and harmony! Where anyone can be whoever they want, whatever they want and no one will raise a finger or claw against them!"

I leaned casually against the bar and grinned at Chad. "No one fights here in Haven. It's the magic of the place. In fact, the plaque above the door reads, 'Let all who enter through this portal leave their troubles behind.'"

Truce grinned down at me and ruffled my hair lightly. "Of course that doesn't apply to the one individual that found my Celestial Key and gets to enter my club without really going through the front door."

I grinned back up at Truce. Once again, as a Worldrider, the Gods had no hold on me. That meant that Truce's magic didn't work on me. But in a place like this it was impossible not to be peaceful and just have fun.

"So who you got down there?" I asked, peering over the bar.

Truce chuckled and reached down, pulling up a trim racoon who had a fair amount of semen all over his muzzle. "You remember Miguel?"

"Hi Miguel." I nudged Chad who had been reduced to a stupor similar to the ones Rob and the production crew wore a few seconds ago. "Say hi to Miguel, Chad."

"Hi Miguel," Chad answered mechanically.

Truce chortled loudly as the racoon waved at them and returned to giving the God head. "Why don't you take your cute little puppy to the dance floor, Jacob? I think all this is a bit of culture shock for him."

I had to agree with him there because at that moment, I saw Chad's gaze drift away from the gay racoon giving a god a blowjob to the other signs of wanton lack of sexual labels in the endless club. Men were kissing men, grinding against one another suggestively. Women were fondling one another, burying their faces into each other's cleavage or crotches. Guys were humping girls without a care who watched. Some were even purely naked, pouring beer all over themselves and letting complete strangers lick them all over.

Yep... this was Haven.

I took Chad's paw and pulled him to the dance floor where I slowly grooved to the beat of the techno music.

"Is... Is this real or am I just hallucinating it all...?" Chad stammered.

"I told you I was a superhero, didn't I?" I replied with a wink. I grabbed his paws and used it as a trail to lead me behind him where I grinded my crotch against his ass.

His paws instinctively reached around me, gripping my ass and pulling me closer. It took him a second to realise what he had just done and he took a step away and turned towards me.

"So... You can actually talk to the Gods!?"

"And they talk back," I snickered. I shook my hips, turning my back to Chad and swinging my tail suggestively from side to side. I gave him my best foxy smirk and I saw that little bit of drool on his muzzle again.

Chad shook his head. "And... You get to come to this club any time you want...?"

"Yup! Drinks are free too!" I reached behind me, took Chad's paws, pulled them over my shoulders and crossed them in front of my chest, still swinging to the beat of the music. I noted that he was swinging too... just a still hesitantly. "Money is the root of all evil and conflict so Truce makes sure that everyone gets free drinks!"

"Doesn't anyone get drunk?"

"That's the best part! You get a buzz and the instant you get too drunk, you instantly sober up!" The music instantly changed and my ears perked up, flicking towards the nearest speakers. "Awesome! I love this song!"

I slipped away from his grasp, turning around and dancing. My heart was pounding to the beat and my feet and paws were swirling and twisting in expertly stylised moves. The crowd around me slowly began to give me way as they realised I needed a little more room. Chad looked around, blushing deeply he was suddenly left out in the middle of the dance floor, all alone and watching me groove.

I winked at him dropped down to the ground, supporting my weight on my paws. I switched my style to break dancing, doing a quick flare that went into windmill. The crowd cheered and I saw Chad's eyebrows snap up as I ended up on my back and leapt to my feet.

I switched to hip-hop, popping and locking with ever beat of the music.

I was really feeling it!

On the next beat, I leapt into the air, leaving my body parallel to the ground and spinning on my side like a horizontal drill. I landed on the ground on my paws without the rest of my body touching the ground to the applause of the crowd, even Chad.

I jumped back to my feet and didn't let a single bit of momentum to go waste.

I somersaulted backwards, quickly switching into a cartwheel and then into one last somersault.


I landed on my knees and pushed myself across the ground, sliding across the illuminated floor and ended up directly at Chad's feet. My Husky was grinning broadly and was cheering along with the rest of the crowd.

I took that as a good sign.

With a smirk, I seized his thick, muscular calves and then pushed myself off the ground. I flipped my entire body completely upside down, using Chad as my support. I slipped my legs around his chest, gripping his meaty torso with my thighs. Letting go of his calves, I brought myself right-side up again. I suddenly had my chest at his eye level and he was effectively supporting my weight as I clung onto his chest with my thighs.

"Whoa..." he gasped, staggering a little from the extra weight. "You can really dance!"

I gave him a wink as I cradled his cute head in my paws and bent down to kiss his forehead. "What can I say? I've been around."

As the song came to an end, I uncurled my legs from around Chad but smoothly planted my paws on his wide shoulders. I pulled myself up above him, splitting my legs completely above me, reminiscent of a gymnastics move. For that brief instant, our heads were pressed against one another, me upside down and him right-side up. We were staring into each other's eyes and he was smiling with those as well.

I slid down behind him, twisting around and gripping him tightly as my feet touched the ground. I held him against me as I rubbed myself against him up and down without a care.

The crowd closed in on us again as the music changed.

Chad became more relaxed at that point and he turned around and swung danced right beside me.

"Never knew you were a good dancer!" he laughed.

I pulled up my shirt, showing him my rock-hard abs. "It's where these came from!"

All inhibitions flew out the window as he bent down, grabbed my waist and kissed my abdomen, licking at my muscles. He pushed me down and we toppled to the ground. Naturally, everyone gave us way as we lay on the platform of dancing lights.

Chad brought himself up to my level and gently kissed my nose.

"You gotta show me were you learned all those moves," he said.

I didn't have the heart to tell him that I used an amalgamation of all dancing styles in combat. I'm not a 'powerhouse fighter' as my dad once told me. I'm really not that fast but I was really flexible - you had to be with all the bedroom acrobatics I've been through - and more of a tactical fighter, preferring to use my skills and ingenuity instead of brawn and raw power. My dance-like moves were designed to dodge enemy attacks and either close or increase the distance between them and myself.

They were good in clubs too.

But they were developed for fights thanks to my dad.

"So long as you teach me how to handle a soccer ball as well as you," I replied, poking his nose gently with a finger.

"Why don't we start now?" he snickered, gripping my balls in a paw.

I grinned back up at him. "Chadstone West, I do believe I'm corrupting you."

Chapter 6.2: It's an 'Action' Movie

Cliff Beach

For a first date, it was pretty awesome.

I mean, okay, by now there's about a thousand pictures on the internet about me and Chad kissing in the soccer field but you know what?

I don't care.

I don't think Chad cared either anymore.

I think I showed him that the world isn't really that cruel. There was a place out there that no one cared what your sexual orientation was. I firmly believed that the Gods were entitled to their opinions mortals to theirs. If they wanted us to be straight or gay, they'd do something about it but ultimately, it was our choice whether we followed them or not. They can damn or bless us however they want but if they wanted us just one way or the other, they wouldn't have given us free will.

Chad was realising that slowly, I think.

We walked down Cliff Beach paw in paw. We had missed the sunset but I had this feeling there would be many, many more of them to come.

Even if I had been holding his paw for close to an hour now, my heart was still fluttering.

It was only at that point that I actually realised that I was dating a movie star!

I wondered if we would be the 'it' gay couple. We'd walk down the red carpet paw in paw, kiss for the press, share popcorn in all those movie premiers, he'd thank me when he received an award, call me up on stage to kiss me and then we'd adopt a kid or two. Eventually, he'd go into directing and I'd be the one writing for him.

Alexiel would be happy with that.

Heh... You know, now that I thought about it, none of that seemed so absurd anymore.

I was definitely a possibility now.

We might even revolutionise gay relationships for the world! As we come out to the world, a flood of homosexual superstars and high-profile people would start overwhelming the world, making it known to everyone that we aren't a minority - that we are part of society - and that it's okay to be gay!

Of course there'd be conflict with the conservatives. Maybe a war over it and the gays would be forced to evacuate to an island on their own where because of a united cause, we'd make incredible scientific and military progress where we could defend ourselves. The war would come to our shores and we'd always take prisoners, only raping those that deserved it as we expose them to actually be closeted gays who felt safer hiding behind their conservative parents and country.

Alternatively, we could just make the Gay Ray that'll turn everyone homosexual.

Probably launch a couple of satellites that could fire it down upon the countries who dared to -

"What're you thinking about?"

I glanced at Chad... and blinked for a few seconds.

Don't say 'world domination'.

Don't say 'world domination'.

"World domination."


Chad snickered and squeezed my paw a little tighter. "So do I get to be your queen?"

"Nope. We're both queens."

He laughed at that and nuzzled my neck. He was really into nuzzling. I guess it's a dog thing. "So... You mentioned you can grow muscles right...? How big can you get?"

I held him against me and nuzzled him right back. "Oh... Pretty big. Of course, I have to be careful or I'll store so much energy that I'll actually start inadvertently expelling it. I basically go supernova hot. Oh and if that happens, I attract my archnemesis, Grim."

"Who's Grim?"

"The Avatar of Death."

Chad stopped nuzzling for a second, unsure if I was joking or not. "Uh..."

"Sorry, Chad... I'm not joking," I sighed. "See... occasionally, I get these paper cranes from an unknown source that tell me to go places... Those places usually involve me saving someone... That someone is meant to die... They're on Grim's list. Grim hates me for taking his kills and he's tracking me now. If I ever use my powers too much, he'll find me."

Slowly, Chad pulled away from me, staring worriedly into my eyes. "How much is 'too much'?"

"Basically if I start weighing five hundred pounds of muscle or I create a massive black hole. But..." I fished out my phone. There were now 109 missed calls and 54 text messages. "... if Grim comes up, I've got this."

"You're phone?" Chad asked dubiously.

"It's no ordinary phone," I answered, wrapping an arm around him and angling the phone's camera towards us. I quickly smiled and took a picture. I showed him the photograph. The two of us looked like best friends. "If I get a photo of Grim, I banish him back to wherever he came from and scramble his tracking of me for 24 hours. Meaning, he can't see me for the next day."

Chad inclined his head as he regarded the phone. "Doesn't Grim ever find a way to work his way around that?"

I patted his shoulder and tucked the phone into my pocket. "Nope. Grim is a deity. That means he's static. He doesn't grow."

"Well... you don't have to worry, Jake. I'll protect you from him."

I smiled at him. He had no way of defending against Grim. A mere touch from the bastard could kill anyone and that bloody scythe of his was a damn nuisance. On the times that I ran into him, I barely got a photo in.

Still, I appreciated the gesture.

"Thanks, Chad."

"Hey, you basically introduced me to the God of Peace and Harmony!" Chad said with a laugh. "Oh! And Truce added me to the guest list! Apparently, every full moon, I can get into club!" He dug into his pocket and pulled out a silver ticket. "He said that on those times, the address of the door will appear on this!"

That raised my eyebrows. Truce must really think a lot of Chad if he gave my Husky - I was amazed how quickly I started calling him 'my' Husky - such a magical device.

"Good for you. 'Course, you might not need it if you have a VIP pass." I waved the Celestial Key and winked at him.

"And having a boyfriend that does is a big advantage."

On the word 'boyfriend' both of us stared at each other a little awkwardly.

I... I wasn't sure if I had the right to call him 'boyfriend' just yet... I had told him almost everything. The only things that needed to be said were all the sexual partners I've had throughout my years, the many 'adventures' I've had and the fact that - right now - I'm supposed to be dealing with bloodsuckers and howlers.

But I've basically covered the basics... I could tell him about those at a later date.

It was a long list.

"We are boyfriends now... right?" Chad asked softly. "I mean... we've officially dated now..."



I didn't know how to finish that sentence.

It was completely idiotic!

My heart, my mind and every fibre of my being claimed him as my boyfriend except my muzzle. Every time I tried to tell him that - yes - I had in fact fallen in love with him, my muzzle just choked up. It wasn't just because of his smoking hot body but also because he was very understanding, listened well, affectionate, fun to be around, a talented actor, intelligent, just as crafty as I was and still had this bit of vulnerability that made me feel wanted.

But... that one word held me back...

... I had no idea why...

... or maybe I did...

Baggage... I had a lot of it.

"... Are you sure you want to be with me?" I asked softly. "I mean... As you can probably tell, I've got a lot of things following me. For all you know, we'll be happily having coffee one day and then some old flame will come up and tell you how much I squealed when he mounted me and how much I liked it. This will, of course, be conveniently at the one coffee breakfast where you were going to propose to me so he ruins that moment. You'll storm off and shove the ring into my paws while throwing hot coffee on me. I try to apologise but you never return my calls. You move out and I never hear from you again until-"

He shut me up.

With his lips.

I think I kept talking about how the only time we'll ever meet again is when I'm on my death bed and he stabs me through the heart before I pass away peacefully and the last thing I remember during my life is his mad cackling. After that, I just went into a series or murmurs and moans.

Hearing that, Chad pulled away and cupped my chin in his paw. "I've got a lot of exes and baggage too, Jake," he said. "What I want is to be with you, to learn more about you and to hold your baggage... If you'll hold mine."

Okay, I'm sold.

"God, you sound like you're proposing," I snickered.

"Maybe I am," he said with a sly smirk. "I'm proposing that you be my boyfriend. What do you say?"

I gave him my answer.

A strong grope of his crotch...

... a paw on his ass...

... and a firm kiss.

I pressed all my weight against him and he didn't resist, letting the two of us fall onto the sand, the waves lapping gently against our bodies as we rolled down the beach, caught in our passionate, loving embrace. He ended up on top of, panting and with flecks of sand falling of his stunning, coppery fur.

"So am I gonna get lucky tonight?" he asked.

He's so cute when he's horny.

Lightning fast, I grabbed his shoulders and flipped positions with him, slamming him against the sand and pressing my weight down upon him.

"I don't think so," I answered, one eyebrow raised and a smirk on my face. "I think you had a little more fun on my activity than I did with yours. You did hit me with a soccer ball, after all."


I saw stars as he was suddenly on top of me again. "I didn't hear you complain. Besides, I think you had more fun on our first date."

I slammed him again. "That wasn't a date," I growled. "We went to the movies and had dinner. If you wanted to be technical, that was first base."


Damn he's strong.

"Then our earlier date was second base," Chad answered. "This is our third and that means I get to mount you."

I poked his nose with a finger. "Better do your math, puppy. Home is where you go all the way. Third is wbhere you get to grope my crotch."

Chad sat up and frowned. "Really...?"

I wrapped my paws around his shoulders and pulled him closer to me. Our lips met lightly. "Yeah... but we're not playing baseball are we?" I snickered. "Though I wouldn't mind your 'bat' hitting my 'balls'."

Chad rolled his eyes and kissed me again. "Not again with the sports puns. You really hate sports that much?"

"What's to hate? Hot, muscular guys in uniform running around sweating? Yum-yum."

"You are such a horndog."

"So says the guy who went and got me a foot long hot dog with nothing but mayonnaise in wholegrain bread."

We snickered together.

Our snickers turned into loving moans as our muzzles intertwined once more, our tongues brushing against one another. I tasted him and he tasted me and we both loved it. My paws slipped around his back, running over those smooth curves of his muscles and loving how they flexed and relaxed as he moved to explore my body.

He grabbed the back of my neck a little roughly but nothing to hurt me. His cock was pressing hard against mine, strained against his pants. He thrust his tongue all the way to the back of my muzzle, filling me with the warm appendage that made me yearn for something else of him to fill me. His tail brushed against my paws as I ran them through his thick, fluffy fur. His paws squeezed my biceps lightly and slowly crawled beneath my shirt to find my nipples.

Just the mere contact made me gasp, breaking our kiss. He took the moment to lightly nip at my neck, licking my fur and suckling at the muscles there. His fingers closed around my left nipple, their warm, padded touch squeezing against the hardened, fleshy nubs that sent electrical jolts through my entire body.

"Chad..." I moaned.

Then my heart plummeted.

"Chad..." I began a little more urgently. "Chad...!"






Talk about 'cooling off'.

Salt water hit us both and sent us rolling away from one another. I instantly missed his warm touch and that muscular body pressed up against mine. I groaned and staggered to my feet before the next wave could hit me.

I searched for Chad. I didn't find anything except for a large pile of seaweed with a thick, fluffy plume sticking out of it...

Oh wait...

I couldn't help it.

Laughter erupted from me as Chad staggered to his feet and peeled the pile of seaweed from his body.

"Think that's funny huh!?" he snapped. He grabbed a piece of seaweed and hurled it at me. I was used to dodging projectiles so I managed to jump aside in time before he could do any damage.


Too bad he tackled me shortly afterwards.

Suddenly, we were both covered in seaweed.

"Rawr..." he sneered mockingly. "I'm an evil seaweed monster come to rape your ass."

"You're a great actor, Chad," I answered, pushing him off. "But you need someone to write you better lines."

"It's why I have you, right?"

Why is it that he managed to turn my little snide remark into something romantic?

Not that I'm complaining.

"Come on, superstar," I said, getting to my feet. "Let's go back to the motel and wash up. I've got sand in my pants and seaweed in my ears."

The moment was gone and we both knew it.

A pity... Sex on the beach would've been awesome.

I helped Chad get rid of the seaweed all over him before we headed back to the motel. We just laughed and shared some memories with one another. He told me that he'd done plenty of beach sex scenes before but they were always fake and constantly interrupted by the word 'Cut'. Those sex scenes were always contrived and he never got hard. Of course, he told his co-stars - who were all female - that it was because they were just acting.

I never had sex on the beach before. It was a little too corny for me but for Chad... Damn, I really wish we had gone all the way.

Oh well... Maybe next time.

Kristine was right. There was something romantic about this place.

We returned to the motel and he opted to take a shower first. The seaweed made him stink... a lot.

As he showered, I decided to finally address the missed messages and phone calls I had received. I flicked out my phone. All the calls were from my mom. I checked the messages.

The first few dozen were all pretty much the same.

'OMG! He blew up the garage!'

'Why would he even cook_something in the garage!? Did you tell him to do that!?'_

'What in the world were you thinking encouraging him like that!? You know he's a menace to society with any sort of kitchen utensil!'

The next were calmer to a degree.

'He sent you Incendiary Rounds!? Jacob Samuel Reaper, I specifically_told you to call_ me_first if you needed something!'_

'Dear Lord! Did you know what he did with the spare rounds!?'

'He thought it'd be funny to see if he could put 'holes' in his blood pudding to help it air out with those rounds!'

And the last few... Yikes...

'OMG! Is it true!? Are you dating Chad West!?'

'He looks so hawt!'

'Does he kiss good?'

'Where has he taken you?'

'Have you gone all the way yet?'

'Is he a top or a bottom?'

'How big is his cock?'

'The last one was from your father.'

I rolled my eyes and went to my laptop. Not surprisingly, there was a whole mess of emails waiting for me. They were a mix and match from my parents. My mom was getting very political and informing me that she was getting a whole team of lawyers to defend me and Chad just in case someone decided to make a big deal about a world-renowned author and a budding movie star being gay. My dad on the other hand was... giving me tips.

He informed me that Huskies apparently liked it when people played with their tails and being canine, loved belly rubs. He also linked me to Chad's personal website where he informed me of Chad's turn-ons and turn-offs. I was inclined not to believe most of the stuff there but it did have Chad's affinity for deep-throat kissing so... I wasn't sure.

I was a little surprised that Chad liked underwear... a lot.

"Okay! You're turn!"

I snapped my laptop shut and grinned at him. "Great!"

I would seem like some pervert if he caught me looking at his website.

I swiped up a fresh pair of underwear and hurried to the shower to get all the dried up salt crystals out of my fur. One of the major disadvantages of being a furred species - salt water and their salt crystals. At least they're relatively easy to get rid of. Once again, I had that fantasy where Chad walked in on me, saw my cock and gave me a blowjob...

This time, I just ran with it, letting it mull around in my head and arouse me before I shut off the shower.

A devilish thought crossed my mind.

Chad liked underwear.

So I wondered how he'd react if I walked out of the shower, dripping wet with my underwear tented.

I'd saunter up, lean against the wall casually and ask him if he'd give me a hand...

Oh yeah, I might get lucky tonight after all.

Grinning, I stepped out of the shower to get ready.

Big problem though.

I didn't find my underwear anywhere.

Damnit... I was sure I had grabbed a pair... I guess in my rush to hurry to the shower, I had just grabbed a pair of pants instead.

There went my plan.

And I hated going commando in denim. It was so... chaffing.

Then again, Chad was gay... I was gay...

There's no harm in walking out naked, was there?

Of course not.

We're mature, sensible people.

I took a deep breath and let myself calm down until my manhood slipped back into my sheath. It took about a minute or two but I was sufficiently confident that I wouldn't appear like a horny dog when I stepped out. I mean, as much as I wanted to do it with Chad, I didn't want to seem like I was only in it for the sex.

He was really a nice guy.

And I didn't want to lose him over something as not having sex.

I stepped out of the shower room with a casual smile on my face -

... and smile that dropped quickly to the floor with my jaw.


There was Chad... on my bed, arms crossed behind his head wearing nothing but a pair of underwear and a big grin on his face. A huge tent was visible against the blue boxer shorts with the bulldog over the crotch giving the one fingered salute and the words 'Suck on this' displayed beneath him. I knew that there was a similar bulldog on the other side of the boxers that was mooning the audience with the words 'Kiss My Ass' instead.

How did I know this?

Because they were my boxers!

"Th - Those... those are mine..." I stammered, pointing at the boxers.

"I know," Chad answered with his smile growing broader. "Why don't you try and take them?"


I was halfway to pouncing him at that moment when I reigned myself in. "No thanks," I replied with a crooked grin. "I guess I'll just sleep on your bed then."

Chad's grin faded and he whimpered. "Oh..." I tensed every muscle in my body. "Alright - Whoa!"

I instantly pounced him, slamming against his hot, muscular body and burying my muzzle in the thick fur between his glorious pecs. "Mine!" I shouted hungrily and quickly worked my way down to his crotch where I nuzzled my underwear, licking at his cock through the fabric and cupping his balls lovingly.

Chad's entire body twitched and convulsed both in shock and pleasure. I ran my paws down his thighs - his wide, iron-corded thighs that were so warm to the touch. Once I reached the rim of my underwear, I slipped my paw up the leg, rubbing the muscles there and kneading the juicy pieces of beef upwards as if I was coaxing every blood cell towards his crotch.

He moaned softly as I wrapped my lips around the band of my underwear. Growling like a dog fighting for a chew toy, I tugged at the boxers playfully, snarling and baring my fangs. I made sure to brush my muzzle against his cock every now again and that ten inch piece of Husky meat twitched in excitement every time I came in contact with it.

I looked up at him. His muzzle was wide open, his tongue rolling off the side of his lips and a glazed look of disbelief mixed with ecstasy on his face. His arms were uncrossed from behind his head but his paws were gripping the headrest tightly, his claws digging into the wooden frame.

"Jake... Wow..."

That was a green light if I ever heard one.

I growled lustfully and pulled my boxers down. Fresh grass and dew drops hit me my nose like a sparkling wash of mountain air after a summer storm. My mind instantly glazed over and I suddenly found my muzzle buried deep into his thick, dark brown crotch fur that was rife with his scent. I took a slow, long whiff, feeling his fur tickle my nostrils. The little particles of his scent flew straight to my brain where they burned themselves into my memory.

I could barely form sensible thoughts. When I felt something hot, slippery and wet brush against my cheek, I laid my eyes on the most beautiful cock I had ever seen. Everything about Chad was perfect. His ten inch long monster of a penis was testament to that. It was deep red, pulsing with thick veins and all mine!

A small dribble of precum slipped out from the tampering tip and I hurried to lap it up. The creamy, salty taste danced on my tongue for an eternity. Eternity was too short. I greedily kissed the tip of his member, feeling him shudder and hearing his gasp as my fangs gently brushed his sensitive flesh. Slowly, I curled my lips over my fangs so that I wouldn't harm him.

Not that I'd ever want to damage such a glorious piece of meat.

Inch by inch, I slid down his cock, pulling back up and working my way to the base of that glorious, red, pulsing tower of manhood. I felt his toes curl beneath me and I heard his feverish pants and moans. My left paw found their way up from his abdomen, caressing the abs there and squeezing the fleshy muscle lovingly. My right slipped over his thighs and cupped his balls, caressing their furry, heavy sacs in my padded grip.

Three years worth of cum had to be good.

As I reached down halfway his pole, I began applying a soft, sucking pressure with every bob of my head. He whined loudly and a thick spurt of pre shot down my throat, coaxing my tongue to lap it all up and slide down his shaft. I slipped my tongue past my lips, sliding it down to the base of his cock where I expertly slipped it around the rim of his furry sheath. His whines grew louder and his legs were twitching wildly beneath me.

I had to adjust myself slightly so that my muzzle was completely vertical to his cock so I could get maximum coverage as I shoved my entire muzzle around his cock. I felt his meat press against the back of my throat, shooting his thickening pre straight down into my stomach.

I could feel his knot forming and I moved my right paw over his balls to gently press on it.

He let out a lout 'yipe' for that.

Heh, that was cute.

"J - Jake, w - w - wait..."

I looked up with his cock still in my muzzle.

He was still caught in the sexual haze but there was this dreamy edge to his face.

Wow... Even in the throes of sex he looked so perfect.

"Your eyes are so beautiful..." Chad murmured. "Like sapphires..."

My heart jumped and just for that compliment, I gave his cock a quick suck. He threw back his head and moaned, ending it with a quick sucking of air through his clenched fangs. He was holding back for some reason.

"J - Jake..." he stammered, jerking his head back to face me. "C - C - Can I... Can I mount you?"

God yes!

I'm not sure if I said that with an expression on my face or just something I did but he gently sat up, pulled his claws out of the headrest and rested them against my cheeks. He very gently pulled my muzzle away from his cock. The cook air caused his cock to spurt a little bit of pre that splattered against my muzzle, particularly on my nose.

His scent mixed with the powerful male musk that screamed 'sex' hit me.

Slowly, he slipped his legs out from underneath me, causing me to sit up. We sat on my bed, nose to nose as he slid my boxers off his glorious legs. Slowly, he twisted his head to the side, his tongue slipping out and gently cleaning my muzzle of his pre. Our lips met on some impossible-to-resist compulsion and my arms found their way around his neck, pulling us closer and deeper into the kiss.

He pushed his weight down upon me and I let him press me down against the bed. His paws slowly slid away from my face and down my body, his mere touch tickling me and sending waves of passion through my entire body. It was like he was setting of countless landmines of lust all over my body. I squirmed under his grip, trying to merge our bodies into one, unified host of passion and sex.

My eyes rolled up into the back of my head as he pulled away from our kiss and buried his muzzle in the thick, golden fur on my chest. His wet nose tickled me a little as he snorted loudly and licked my nipples, making my long, black, foot-long cock jerk involuntarily and spurt a nice wad of pre cum onto my chest.

"I see why you liked the foot longs," he chuckled, gripping my cock in both his paws. "Man... You're bigger and thicker than I am!"

"Got that from my dad," I answered with a grin. He squeezed my cock, causing me to yarf softly.

"So your dad is bi?"

I gave him a devilish smirk. "Why? You wanna see if we can get into a threesome after the movie's done?"

He blushed a little as he bent down and kissed the tip of my cock. That gesture alone sent waves of pleasure shooting down my foot-long shaft, down to my balls which churned with life. That pleasure rocketed up my spine, causing my entire body to twist in anticipation and eventually to be released in a deep moan from my throat.

Chad slipped his muzzle from the member smoothly onto the golden treasure trail, kissing each of my abs one by one before licking each of my nipples. I yarfed loudly that time.

He brushed his cheek against mine before kissing my ears tenderly. "I love it when you do that..."

"When I yarf...?" I asked. My sentence ended in a moan as he squeezed my cock again, running his paws over its length and causing me to spill a rather large wad of precum onto his chest, effectively gluing us together.

"Yeah," he snickered, licking my ears. "It's like a cross between 'Yiff' and 'Bark'." He turned to me and kissed me tenderly as his paws slipped off my cock and gently pressed my thighs apart. "Yarf..."

I looked into his eyes... Got lost in their amazing, chestnut brown expanse...

"Yarf..." I answered.

We kissed again. I breathed in his scent. Felt his chiselled body against mine. Relished his paws running through my thick chest fur...

... and moaned when the tip of his cock pressed gently against my ass.

I gasped when I felt that sizzling tip slip into me. The mere contact sent my entire body into a reflex reaction where my arms clamped tightly around him and my legs curled around his waist.

Chad pulled away worried. "If I hurt you..."

"Don't think you'd ever do it intentionally, superstar," I chuckled. And I believe that. "Just go easy, okay? Been a while."

He smiled at me and bent down, kissing me tenderly as he pushed himself deeper into me. My thoughts way straight out the window and it was like I had entered another Puppy Dog Pout induced mental blank only this time, I was fully aware of everything. I had no control of my body as I pulled him closer to me, running my paws all over his thick, muscular back.

His cock pushed deeper into me, causing me to moan and throw my head back in absolute ecstasy. I had forgotten what it felt like to have someone in me and to have my Husky in me...

Oh Gods yarf!

Chad began panting, unable to keep our kiss intact as he began rhythmically thrusting into me. With each thrust, he put more and more of himself into me. I felt his hot precum spill into me, providing lubricant filling me warmth. Just the thought of him stuffing me full of himself - of something his hot, god-like body produced made my cock yearn and beg for release.

I whimpered, practically begging him to take his cock in his paws.

Too bad his paws were clamped firmly around me hips to provide him with more leverage as he pumped, thrust and shoved his ten inch cock right into me! I could feel his balls slapping at my ass and his knot pressed against the ring of muscle.

Good thing he was creative.

Chad suddenly bent forward and seized my cock in his muzzle!

My whines turned into yarfs as he took half of my member into his luscious muzzle. He wasn't just a good kisser either. He gave transcendent head! His lips were smooth, soft and warm. His breath tickled my sensitive member and every time he sucked my precum right out of my balls, his skilled tongue would lash out and slide into my cumslit, causing me to yarf loudly.

I threw back my head and gave a cry of pure bliss, a cry that was periodically interrupted by yarfs and pants.

Smack! Smack! Smack!

He was pounding and pounding into me, groaning and moaning with that alluring, thrilling deep voice of his that sent my heartstrings racing.

"Yarf! Yarf! Yarf! Yah-ahrf!"

I arched my back as -


His knot pushed right into my, completely filling me! I could feel his cock pressing against my innards and it just... just felt so right!

A howl I never saw coming surged out of my throat as my cock jerked violently, spraying cum deep into Chad's muzzle. He snorted and choked, pulling his head back as he let out his own cry of ecstasy. I felt him slam into me one more time. His cock vibrated inside me and I felt his molten seed pour into me, spreading the glorious warmth all over my body and leaving me tingling for more.

My own orgasm seemed like nothing compared to that feeling.

Then it hit me as the last bits of cum splattered across my chest and his...

... I was in love.

I loved Chad...


My ears were suddenly filled with panting... and it wasn't my own.

Chad collapsed on top of me... gasping softly. I saw a trickle of something thick and white pouring out of his nostrils and it made me chuckle as I realised that was my cum. He obviously hadn't been able to swallow.

I wrapped my arms around him.

My brain hadn't recovered yet... so my body was running in autopilot.

Gently, I kissed his lips lightly.

"God... I love you, Jake..." Chad sighed.

I wanted to tell him I love him too...

And my body did just that.

I turned my muzzle away from his lips, trailing my tongue gently across his strong jaw line... down the thick, pulsing veins of his neck - feeling his racing pulse against my tongue - and finally down to his nice, rounded shoulder.

I closed my eyes...

... I knew what I wanted...

... what I had to do...


... I closed my jaws around his shoulder...

... and bit him...

Not so hard to break the skin... but hard enough to tell him that I loved him as well...

... A mating bite.

Third Arc Crimson Moon: Chapter 7

**Chapter 7.0: I Wuv Yoo!** **Crosstown Motel** I've been in love. Plenty of times. At least... I _thought_ it was love those times. But here's the thing you should know about love, kids: it's a two way...

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Third Arc Crimson Moon: Chapter 5

**Chapter 5.0: The Scenic Route** **Director's Trailer** When I woke up the next day, I smelled of rabbit and sex. Rob was gone but when I checked the time it was eight-thirty so I guessed he had gone off to start filming or...

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Third Arc Crimson Moon: Chapter 4

**Chapter 4.0: According to the Script** **Crosstown Cafe** Nova's warning sparked a bit of interest in me. If I was going to run into bloodsuckers and howlers, I'd have to be properly equipped. The last thing I wanted was to get...

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