Wasp's Surrogate

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#4 of The Adventures of Tik Tik

A roach who likes to police people's lewd acts finds himself at the mercy of a domineering wasp and loses more than he would ever expect.

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The Adventures of Tik Tik is a fantasy erotica series starring a cute kobold wizard out to make new friends! The readers fund its development. Those who support get early access to stories and rough drafts, the ability to vote and make poll options for monthly bonus stories, and able to produce and direct the plot with other top-tier supporters! Not only that but the more that I'm supported, the more of these stories 

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During the darkness of the night, the lone figure scrambles out from an underground recess, his carapace glistening in the moonlight and his antennae twitching. He lumbers through the streets of the city, the chirping of crickets and cicadas serenading one another as a racket and a testament to the debauchery of the town.

As he passes a couple of crickets rutting in a corner, he looms over them, folding two arms over his chest and resting two others upon his waist.

"And they call me filthy," he grumbles. The broad-shouldered roach growls before he stomps forward, barking at the two young fornicators.

Quick as they can, they spring away, no doubt to take their actions elsewhere.

"Good," he grumbles. "Just as long as it's not anywhere near me."

"And is there something so wrong with seeing two lovers enjoying each other's company?" comes a voice that trails its words longer than they are welcome.

The roach turns around, snorting, and sees the iridescent figure standing before him. Much smaller than he, she holds her slimy breasts close to her with bright blue hands. Her others are free, having a glass between her fingers while the other rests gently upon her hip.

"I haven't seen you around here before," the roach says.

"And, of course, you haven't," she responds. "I tend to keep to myself, except when I require a little muscle."

The roach shakes his head and walks past her. "I'm sorry, miss, but I cannot work for you. I have my own duty to perform."

She chuckles, bringing the glass to her mouth drinking. "Oh, well, I do love a man with dedication and devotion, even if it is misplaced."

He stops, turning his head ever-so-slightly. "There is nothing misplaced about my duty. It is my own."

Adorned over her shoulder like a regal cape, her wings spread wide, and she lifted off. "Oh, and that's where you're wrong! It would do so much better working for me!"

She drops her glass all at once, letting it shatter to the floor, and he spins around, holding his arm up in defense.

A blue hand, once holding the sticky substance at her chest, now pushes forward, pointed needle-tipped finger extended and just a plate's breadth from the roach's face. However, his arm blocks her chest, the blobby thing sinking against his plated forearm.

He throws his arm forward, sending her flying backward, but the wasp takes to the air, flying around in the darkness of the light. Only the faint shimmers of her shell can be seen as she zips around.

He stands his ground, gritting his teeth, spinning around to catch up with her, but she launches down at him, the force of her crash sending him back onto the ground. With two hands, she pins him down, and with two more, she jabs into his throat. The red venom tipping her fingers pumps into the roach's body, filling him with a white-hot burning sensation.

He twitches, gasping, his breath quick and steady, but it isn't his own. At least it isn't being made of his own volition.

She sits up, chuckling softly, stroking her venom-tipped finger down along his broad chest. "Now, then, isn't that better?" she asks. "You're nice and relaxed, aren't you?"

All he can let out is a surprised gasp as his body lays there, unresponsive.

"A very good boy you are," she says, standing over him, her eyes shining in her devilish glee.

"Yes, you'll do very nicely, won't you, dear?"

He tries to lift his arm, but he cannot.

"Very nicely, indeed." She slips back down, pressing her mouth to his, her body lying upon his own.

"And you were so silly, thinking that what those crickets were doing was unnatural." She coos, stroking her arms down his sides.

Despite his paralysis, he can feel every motion of her body. It's almost as if everything was heightened. Two hands move down his body while two more make their way up to his head.

She rests her palms right by the sides of his head, pointing those tipped fingers right into his helmet. Her eyes stare multifaceted images into his own, and she slowly exhales, pushing forward, cracking through a weakness in his armor into the goopy insides.

"A... aaah!?"

"Don't you worry?" She sighs. "I've done this many times before, as have my mother... and her mother... and her mother." Don't you worry, you'll be fine. Better than fine.

His eyes roll back, and the initial fear and desperation sink in as happiness and elation fill him with a warmth he's never had before.

"N... nooo..." he groans.

"Hm...? Oh my, don't you have a strong will?" She asks. "Don't worry. I'll find that part of your brain soon enough."

His arm lifts up, and he grabs her by the wrist, gritting her teeth, locking eyes with her. "I... I won't... let you..."

"Let me what? Give you purpose? Direct your anger and disdain to something better?"


She pushes her finger deeper against his skull. "Oh, but of course, my dear," she coos. "It'll be better if you just lay back and let me do my thing. Just enjoy the feeling. You'll feel so wonderful."

"I'll feel... wonderful," he says, sighing, closing his eyes.

"That's right... and you'll be mine."



The cockroach leaps up with a start from his bed, gasping, clasping his head.

He pokes and rubs, but everything is where it needs to be.

Sighing, he shakes his head. "Just a nightmare," he says, clutching his sheets. "What a relief."

But as he regains his awareness, something makes him pause. He looks down, feeling the oddity in his sheets, and he throws them off of himself.

It is then that he discovers that he has a large and raging erection.

"What... in all that's decent..." he whimpers.

Outside, upon the rooftop of an adjacent building, the wasp sits, kicking her legs as she watches through his window. "And now," she coos, "the fun begins."

The roach stares down between his legs, panting heavily as his dick throbs painfully erect. "W... what the hell...?" he gasps, clasping onto the sheets. He reaches down, a finger poking at the turgid length, only to gasp when the shock of delight runs through his body.

"Gah...!" He gasps, clasping his hands over his mouth.

"What's the matter, big boy?"

He whips around, shrieking at the sight of the iridescent green wasp crouched upon his windowsill.

"Y... you!?" He groans, scrambling out of his bed, catching a leg up on the sheets, and toppling down right onto his butt.

"That's right, lover, me," the wasp says, climbing out the window, her feet clacking along the floor.

"La-last night... w-what was that?" He grunts, grabbing for the wall behind him and pulling himself up.

With hands on her hips, she steps to him, lifting a foot and stomping it down in the space between his legs. "It was what I wanted it to be. Isn't that enough?"

The roach winces. "It... it shouldn't be..." he grumbles.

She smiles. "But it is."

He looks away. "I don't know why."

"Oh, but I do."

"Y... you do?"

"Of course," she says, stroking up and down her side. "I know everything you need to know, don't you remember?"

"I..." He blinks but winces, rubbing his head. "I can't..."

"You're such a naughty boy, you know, ruining people's fun, and for what purpose?" She leans in, lifting her foot, her scaled toe touching the base of the length, sliding slightly upwards.

He pants, gulping, watching downward as she strokes up along his cock. "I... I... don't know..."

"Your purpose is to guard. You're a guard bug, aren't you?"

"T... that's right." He says, rubbing his forehead. "A guard bug. The best."

She curls her toes around the length, stroking it up and down. "And a good guard bug takes time to please himself, doesn't he?"

"B-but I've never... not, ah!"

She squeezes the length hard, tilting it to the side. "Are you speaking against me?"

"W... what did you do to me?" He whines.

"Nothing you didn't want." She says, letting go.

He gasps, reaching out but stopping himself.

"See?" she says, chuckling, sitting on the bed, crossing her leg, lacing her fingers, and setting them on her lap. Her other hands cup her breasts, tapping and clicking together slowly and deliberately.

"I... why can't I remember?"

"Don't worry about it," she says. "There's nothing to worry about, so why bother with it? You need to take care of yourself." She says this, tilting her head, "so do it.

The roach sits there momentarily, looking up to her, then down to himself. He exhales a broken whimpering groan before he finally reaches once more, wrapping his hand firmly around that shaft.

"Have you ever done this before?" she asks.

"I... I have never touched myself." He responds.

"Oh, are you one of those types who vow celibacy? How utterly boring."

"It... it was a vow for focus..." he says, stroking up along the shaft, pressing his palm to the thing. He gasps, pushing his hips up.

"Now, look at you, groaning like a boy discovering his dick for the first time," she says, resting her cheek upon her hand. "What am I going to do with you?"

"W... whatever, nngh, you want...?"

"Well, yes," she says, clicking in delight. "But I can't make things too boring," she says, stroking down over her thigh. "After all, it's no fun until I have you asking for it, well and truly."

"A... asking for... for it?" he repeats.

"Speed up," she says, yawning.

His pace quickens, his hand rubbing roughly against his sensitive skin, that throbbing cock feeling the brush of a dry touch for the first time, but not for long, as the pre that oozes from it slicks it up, allowing him to speed up even more.

"Now slow down," she says.

"Aaa..a.aah...?" He gasps, slipping down on the wall and laying flat on the ground. "N... no... please. I want it to finish."

"Isn't it repugnant, though? Finishing from your hand like that? Wouldn't you rather something else make you explode?"

"S... something else?" he asks, gulping.

"You've seen the others in their fornications. Watched them for quite a bit, I'd wager," she adds. "I'm sure there are those out there who would love to feel that big meaty thing inside of them, wouldn't you agree?"

"I... I don't know."

"Let go."

He does so, closing his eyes, shuddering. His arms ache, and he tries to lift them, but he can't, no, won't, no, can't!"

She stands up, her wings spreading, fluttering as gold as the light passes through them and onto him. "YOu are not allowed to cum, not unless that cock of yours is deep inside someone. Anyone. I don't care. But" I'm sure your suffering will only go further until you find yourself someone to fulfill your desires."

"Oh, nngh... I.... S... suffer."

"I know you do," she says, turning to face away from him. "It's what I intend for you until you are a good boy, and fuck someone for me." With that, she hops out of the window, flying away.

The roach takes so long to climb up to his bed; each agonizing moment, he keeps his hips away from things and saves himself from rubbing that engorged member. His breath is heavy, his focus dissipated.

He only has one thing in his mind: relief, sweet relief.

As ordered by his mistress.

The cockroach stumbles out of his room, becoming a lumbering hulk with massive meat dangling between his legs. He grumbles and groans, an automatic response that he is unaware of. He stumbles out the door and into the bright day, causing him to squint and cover his eyes as he scans the street.

"So hot..." he groans. "So bright."

"Whoa, buddy, what the hell is going on?"

He slowly turns, overshadowing the sun and glancing at the one who spoke to him.

Standing there is a smaller roach, a female from a different class.

He grunts, his shoulders rolling.

Her eyes trail down over his body, locking onto that magnificent meat between his legs. "O-oh, uh, you're in rare form, ain't ya?"

He grabs the smaller roach by the shoulder, spinning her around.

"H-hey, what are you doing!?" She yelps.

She's down on the ground. Did he push her? Did he want to? Does she want to be there, on her knees, ass up in the air, wings spread, claws digging into the earth?

"Of course, she wants to be here, my big boy," the soothing voice of the wasp says, her wings fluttering, her form looming around his back, rubbing his shoulders, stroking at his sides.

"You're doing great. Why would you want to stop? After all, your mistress wants you to come.

"Come..." he repeats.

"C... come again?" The lady roach says, her head pressed against the ground

"Come!" He roars, thrusting forward, pushing himself against her and into her.

"Aaah! Oh fuck!" She gasps, clenching her hands into fists, her head lowering.

"You like it!" He grunts, thrusting forward, slapping against her, their armored bodies clacking against one another.

She claws at the ground, panting heavily, her huffs filling the air. "Aah. Aah... aahh.. Aaah!" she screeches as she reaches forward, grabs the fence in front of her, and pulls herself up.

He wraps his arms around her, squatting, picking her up, slamming her against the fence, her face smushed against the surface, her body pressed against the wall, sliding up and down against the metal as he fills her with each excited thrust, filling her, spreading her, breaking her.

"Yes, my little puppet," the wasp says, petting his antenna. "You're such a good boy, doing what you're told. You love sex, don't you?"

"Ha... aha... yes... eyss!" He snarls right into the ear of his partner, his toy, his thick cock spreading her abdomen with each of those relentless thrusts.

She throws her head back, screaming out into the sky, her body shuddering, wrapping around that cock, sucking him dry.

"F>.. Fuuuck!" He groans, letting go of her, letting her ride his dick as he sits there, shooting up spurt after spurt up into her body.

The female slides off of the fence, laying on the ground, her ass up in the air, oozing with his spent fuck juice.

"Careful now, the wasp says, pulling away from him. "You have company."

More armored individuals, including a giant beetle, approach him, holding their hands up as they slowly walk up to the roach.

"Now, now," says the beetle. "We don't want to start no trouble. But you're going to have to come with us."

"What, and take him away from me?" The wasp asks, walking behind the beetle, stroking her finger over his horn, walking beside him, wrapping her arms around his body.

"N... no..."

"Now, son, we just want to help you," the beetle says. "We don't want any trouble.

"Don't take her from me!" He grunts, standing tall, just shy of the size of the beetle.

"No, no!" the beetle says, waving his hands. "We just want to ask you a few questions, that's all."

A smaller beetle runs behind the roach, scooping up the smaller female. He doesn't turn. He just stares at the more enormous beetle.

"Stay away from her," he says, clenching all four fists.

"What are you going to do about it?" The wasp whispers. "Aren't you going to protect me from this brute and his own huge cock?"

"Yes." The roach says.

"Oh, so you are coming with us," the beetle says. "That's a relief!"

A punch straight to the beetle's face sends the large male stumbling back. The cockroach doesn't notice, nor does he care that the wasp disappeared. All he cares about is that suggestion she whispered into his ear.


The beetle grabs another thrown fist, catching all four as the roach sends them flying at him. "Oh, okay, big guy, I was hoping you'd put up a fight!"

The roach buts his head against the beetle. "Oh yeah, that right?"

"Yeah! Been eying you for a while now, policin' people all on your own. Not lettin' the guard take care of things!"

"Talk, talk!" the roach grunts, pushing forward, knocking the beetle backward.

The beetle wraps his arms around the roach and lifts him over his head, grunting in exasperation as he crashes the cockroach down onto the ground, knocking it flat on their back.

The wasp zips down from the sky, stroking the chest of her fallen toy. "Now, you're not going to let him get the better of you, are you?"

"N... no..." the roach groans.

"Then, you should use a secret technique to stop him." She says.

"S... secret?"

She giggles. "Yeah, and I'll teach it to you right now."

The beetle pushes himself onto his elbows, but before he can get up, the Roach rolls over, pinning him down.

"Oh, fuck's sake!" the beetle grunts. "What's the matter with ya? You finally break?"

The roach sits on top of the beetle, staring down at him with his focus, seeing his mistress sitting there, her hands on the beetle's head.

"No," says the roach. "I have a purpose." And with that, he reaches behind himself and grabs the beetle by the crotch!

The giant beetle did not expect his day to be going this way. When he got a call of a disturbance, he did not think the overly aggressive roach would be balls deep into another cockroach. It just didn't make any sense. He was fucking her like he was a bug possessed, and the things he said and the actions he took afterward only made him seem less and less mentally stable.

What the beetle expected most minor of all was to be pinned down onto the street with the muscular man grabbing his beetle cock, sitting on top of him.

"C... calm down!" The beetle says, reaching up and holding onto the roach's waist. "Something's not right here."

"You're right," says the roach, his eyes a dull glowing red as he stares down at the beetle.

"I'm glad we can see eye-to-aah!"

The roach squeezes the beetle's cock, scooting backward, his ass rubbing against the beetle's length. "I will do as you command."

"But I didn't say any, ooh!"

The Roach lines himself up, pressing his hole against the beetle's length.

"I didn't even know you had a, aah!"

The beetle's words are cut off as the roach leans back, his chest broad and spread, his legs pinning down two of the beetle's arms, his arms supporting himself on the ground and the beetle's thighs. He slowly lowers himself down, pushing the beetle's cock deeper into his own.

"Is this... ah... what you... mmm... want? M... my queen?"

The beetle grunts, gripping the roach. "Oh, fuck me... that's... that's..."

The beetle's partner, a smaller beetle, rushes up to him. "Don't worry, chief! I got ya!"

"Hold that thought!" the beetle barks. "I got this one."

"B... but sir, he's... he's..."

"Distracted," the beetle says. "Enough for... ngh... backup to... ah... come. Go... g-get help for... the girl."

"Uh, boss, about that..." the smaller beetle says, two roach hands resting upon his shoulders. The female roach leans forward, resting her chin upon his head, her chest smushed up against his back.

"Seems she's kinda waiting in line."

The male roach shoves down, sitting on the giant beetle's hips.

The big beetle gasps, his mouth wide, chittering, shuddering. "T... tell her... I... it's gonna... be... awhile!"

The male roach lowers his head, closing his eyes. He slides up and down that pole, pushing himself up and letting go, letting gravity sink that cock deeper into him. "Is this... how it will... feel... when you grace me...?" He asks.

"What's he talking about?" asks the small beetle, roach fingers squeezing his cheeks, pulling him to look up toward her. Through his compound eyes, he can practically see the hearts in hers.

He's on the ground only a moment later, with a more prominent roach woman straddling him. She sinks his own cock deep inside of her snatch, the sloshing discharge of the more enormous cockroach mixing in with the beetle's dick.

"C... chief!" The beetle yelps. "This is... ahh... It's...!"

"It's part of the job, cadet!" the chief grunts, grabbing his roach and hefting. He rolls him over with a heave, knocking the perp onto his back and lifting his legs. "Alright, big guy. You wanna fuck, let's fuck!"

He practically roars as he gets the cockroach's thighs, spreading his legs. Now the beetle thrusts into him, pumping as the more prominent male's cock bounces about, spilling juices with each and every thrust.

"You aren't... gonna let him... show you up...?" asks the female roach, rolling her hips, teasing the smaller beetle.

The cadet shakes his head, holding onto her arms. "I... I like it more... sensual..." he admits.

"Aw, aren't you a cutie," she purrs, licking her lips. She leans in, holding him into a kiss, sighing as the two of them lay chest-to-chest, their lower bodies gyrating in the middle of the street.

Even as the cockroach grunts and slides on the ground with every thrust from the beetle, two crickets watch from the sidelines, shaking their heads.

"What the hell!?" says the male cricket, chirping in annoyance. "We were just breeding like good, normal people. This is degeneracy here."

"Now, now, dear," says the female cricket. "If they are trying new ways of life, that's perfectly fine. Who are we to tell them what their mating calls are like?"

A soft buzzing descends behind them, and two red-tipped hands caress their shoulders.

"Oh, you two are so progressive! How wonderful to hear about that in such a dung heap of a town."

The two cannot whirl around before the needle-like fingers jab into their necks. When the wasp retracts, the male falls to his knees, rubbing at his throat, staring up with his antennae twitching. "W... what are you... doing?"

The wasp pulls the female in close, a finger stroking up and down her segmented abdomen. "Oh, don't you mind me, mister man," she says. "Your lady love is so fertile right now, with all so many eggs, isn't that right?"

"I... I am?" the female says with a curious coo.

"Oh yes, but not nearly enough. No, you're so ready to be a mother many times over," the wasp says, placing her palm on her stomach. "But you have so much room in there. What's a few more eggs?"

"I... maybe...? But what about my... mate?"

"Oh, him?" The wasp asks, shaking her head. "He might be totally into seeing you filled with egg after egg, isn't that right, sweetie? See? He's getting hard just thinking about watching you scream in delight."

The female cricket looks down, and the male is already sliding his hands up along his thighs, spreading them, showing off his erect member.

"What a good boy," coos the wasp. "Just like my other good boy over there." She strokes under the female cricket's chin. "But, are you ready to be a good girl?"

The female cricket blinks, shaking her head, pulling herself back. "W-wait, this can't be right. What are you saying?"

The wasp chuckles, taking a step forward. "Oh, you're a willful one, aren't you? Then, this will be extra fun breaking you."

The female cricket backs up, scooting away from the wasp, shuddering, half-paralyzed by fear and half by the toxins flowing through her body.

"W... why are you doing this?" the cricket gasps, supporting herself on her shaking arms. "What do you want with my mate and I and... and those others?" she asks this, as groans rise up from the roaches and beetles, fornicating against nature and fucking each other for their own pleasure, or perhaps, it was for someone else's?

"Well, I suppose I owe you a little bit," the wasp says, striding over toward the male cricket, whose gaze is blurred and hazy and who now has red drool dripping from his mouth. She stands next to him, placing her hand on the cheek furthest from her and pressing his head against her thigh. "Everyone in this little town will help me with something."

"A... and why would we do that?" the female says"

"Because," the wasp says, tapping a finger upon the male," You'll want to.

With that inaudible command, the male scoots around, facing her, placing his hands upon the wasp's thighs. He opens his mouth wide, dripping with the red spit.

She strokes over his antennae and tilts her head back, exhaling delightfully as a change occurs between her legs. Emerging from the plates of her body is the long stringer, the phallic thing dripping with the same dangerous liquid. Its head rests right in front of his face. Without hesitation, the male cricket sinks his face against her hips, swallowing up that stinger, his antennae pointing upward. He sits up on his knees, crossing his legs, and as he sucks her off, he serenades her with his loud chirps.

"A... ah... such a lovely song, don't you think so?" the wasp says, smirking at the female cricket. "Where have I heard such lovely music before?"

The female whimpers, covering her face. "H... he called me... with that song!"

"Oh my, is that right?" the wasp says, a hand on her hip, another on the back of the cricket's head. She raises a third and snaps.

Over with the other fucking bugs, the giant beetle and cockroach stop their manly rutting immediately. Mechanically, they pull away from each other, their manhoods throbbing and wanting desperately to release, but they cannot. They will not. They lumber over behind the female cricket, each grabbing two arms.

The large males pry her hands from her face, grasping at her wrists, holding her up, and dangling her so she barely touches the ground with her knees.

"What's a show if you're not going to be able to watch?" the wasp asks, huffing as she stands tall, gripping the back of the male's head.

He bobs his head along her, continuing his song, loudly slurping and moaning as the crimson drool drips down onto his chest and the ground at her feet.

"P-please..." the female groans, shaking her head, shuddering.

"Hm? What... nfff... is it?" The wasp asks. She rocks her hips forward, placing a second hand on the back of the male's head. Now she thrusts into him, leaning forward but keeping her gaze turned toward the female. With each thrust forward, she grunts, which solicits a higher-pitched chirp from her partner.

The female's gaze turned away, but the two large males grabbed her and jerked her head so she could stare forward, capturing every moment as her mate hungrily gulped on the wasp's stinger.

"Take me instead!" The cricket finally calls out!

The wasp stops her thrusting. At the same time, the beetle and the roach drop the cricket, letting her fall to the floor on her hands and knees, her head hanging low.

The wasp pulls the cricket off her feminine pseudo-dick, holding him back as he pants and moans heavily, drooling and slurping for her.

"It's not a good look for you to be so desperate. Just wait while I take care of my newest," she says, tossing him away. He falls down to the ground, limply lying there, staring in the direction of his mate.

The wasp steps over to the female cricket, looming over her with a sinister sneer on her face. "Was it so hard to accept what you want deep down?"

"I don't..." the cricket responds, hissing as she can't, no, won't finish the words. "It's the venom!"

"I'll let you in on a little secret," the wasp says, sitting before the cricket, her legs slightly spread. "My venom isn't some sort of mind control poison."

"I... it's not?"

She shakes her head. "Nope. It simply removes inhibition. What? Do you think it's magic that I use to control your mind? No, no, I'm no enchantress. I simply give your mind what it needs to relax."

"That... no, that doesn't make sense. I never would want to see him, and I never..."

"Never...?" She asks, squatting there, hands on her knees, her stinger throbbing, twitching.

"I never..." the cricket gasps, pushing herself up, sitting up, then standing up.

"I'm not telling you what to do now... so what will you never do?"

"I'd never..." the cricket says, touching the wasp's shoulder.


"Do this..." the cricket responds, slipping onto her, straddling legs around her legs.

The wasp holds onto the cricket's rear, holding her up and slipping her closer.

"Do what...?"

"Be your surrogate."

"You said it, not me," the wasp responds.

The cricket presses herself chest-to-chest with the wasp and leans in, locking her mouth with the wasp, stroking the wasp's back, holding her tight.

All the while, the cricket lifts herself up, the wasp gently guiding her, and soon, erh, womanhood accepts the stinger, letting it slide deep into her, throbbing and ready, her body clamping around it.

All the while, the three men watch, the roach clenching his fists as he does so, a crimson tear running down his eye.

Cricket chirps and gasps fill the neighborhood, mixed with the grunts and buzzes from the mother wasp. Soon, the wasp digs her claws into her surrogate's back, her ovipositor expanding as an egg rolls out of her, spreading the cricket's entrance out as the egg enters its new mother.

The wasp is so enthralled that she's a grunting, buzzing mess, losing all connection to the world around her as she releases her payload into this new mother, scratching her new incubator and wet nurse.

"Oh, I feel it, I feel it!" The cricket chirps, grabbing onto the wasp, curling her legs in, preventing the deliverer from leaving, from pulling back, from denying her that new sensation that she believes she desires.

"Give me your eggs! Every last one. Fill me up until I burst!"

The wasp's focus returns, a smile spreading across her face. "Excellent. It's, hah... finally, fuck, h-happend!"

The egg penetrates through the final entrance of the ovipositor, its dripping and hard goodness spreading and lubricating the cricket. She rubs her stomach, nodding, staring, waiting, desiring, but then screams.

A second later, a hiss from behind the wasp causes the egg donor to whirl around for a fist to connect with her jaw.

She falls onto the cricket, coughing, groaning, stunned.

The cockroach crushes the wasp's hips with his massive grip, yanking her by the shoulders and lifting her up.

She hisses and chitters, kicking and punching as her ovipositor dangles down between her legs, the egg unceremoniously popping out of the opening, tied to its original host with the mucus that held it in before.

"Unhand me, you stupid creature!" The wasp gasps, snapping, her stinger twitching.

"You can't do that to her," the cockroach says, wrapping his arms around her and squeezing her.

"Gnngh... I don't... understand!" she hisses. "You were under my spell! My surgical precision. Your brain should be much right now! Fed by my chemicals!"

The roach holds her tighter, slipping over her shoulder, hissing into her ear-hole. "You hurt so many others. I don't care about myself, but everyone else must go free!"

The wasp tilts her head, twitching in his crushing grasp. "I... I'll make sure your end is painful!"

"Maybe, but it'll be mine!"

He opens up his elytra and lifts off, the wasp screaming in his grasp.

The dazed and confused others finally snap into action, the crickets leaping to follow the two in the air, clawing desperately for the two, moaning and crying for their lover.

But the cockroach continues his flight, higher than the two could ever hope to reach.

"You won't get far," the wasp wheezes, poking her hands-free from his grasp and clamping onto his head. "Your mind is mine! I will have you unhand me!"

The cockroach does an aileron roll to the side, and a whip of wind indicates the passing of another large body.

The beetle stops and spins, rushing toward the two, his hands outstretched, his eyes a haze of the hypnotic suggestion.

The cockroach swoops down, dropping the wasp and then flying back up, lacing his fingers together and hammering the beetle with a crack to the head!

The beetle plummets like a rock toward the ground, his arms and legs flailing cartoonishly as he is about to meet the earth.

The wasp laughs, her wings twitching, starting up their flight. "You fool. I'll be out of here in no time... time?"

She hisses, grabbing at her wing. It's not moving. "T-that asshole!" she screams. "You broke me!"

The cockroach speeds down under her and then lifts back up, grabbing her in two hands and carrying her bridal style. "Wrong. I'm doing what I'm supposed to."

"You... what? Yaaah!"

The cockroach speeds up, disappearing with the wasp off into the distance, into the mountainside where no one would ever see them again.

Down on the ground, the beetle groans, rolling onto his back. "What happened...?" he groans, coughing, red liquid oozing at his mouth.

"Oh, my, here's another one!" says a calming voice. The beetle stares up as his vision is filled with the fluttering powdery wings of moths.

"Are you alright, officer? Please, don't move. You've many fractures to the exoskeleton."

"Wa-asp..." he groans out. "Got that cockroach son-of-a-bitch," he sighs, collapsing into a steady breathing.

The medical workers flutter around the neighborhood. At the same time, a second group of guards gets statements from some of the remaining insects.

"I don't know what came over me," says the female cricket. "I just saw him going at it with her and... and it seemed right?"

"I never knew I was into that sort of thing," the male cricket said, "But now, I can't stop thinking about it."

"That's what a wasp does to you, "says the worm, jotting down their statements. "They can be pretty selfish when it comes to mating time.

"The important thing," says a more petite mouth, carrying a large medical bag, "I that we ensure that all the eggs are accounted for. Each of you line up. I will need to perform an examination on all of you." He says this, slipping on a glove, making sure it's nice and tight with a slap. "Everyone line up. Let's do this quick."

Another moth flutters off down the street. "Alright, I'm checking over here for other survivors!

They flutter toward an alleyway, where a small ant sits in a corner, rocking back and forth.

"Hey there, little guy," the moth says, slowly approaching. "Are you alright? Did that mean wasp get to you?"

"Sh... she's gone?"

"Yeah, she left. You're safe now."

"Mistress says that if she's gone, I should do her bidding."

"H-ha... what's that?"

The wasp groans, her head swimming. Wherever she is, it is dark. She tries to push herself up, but when she does, a sharp pain crashes through her exoskeleton. With a hiss, she falls back, her chest rising and falling, her world a swirling mass of pain.

"Be careful," grumbles a voice, gruff and deep.

She turns her head, wincing at a bright light in her vision. A shadow looms into view, the large and imposing frame of the cockroach eclipsing the light.

"I tried to get you away," the cockroach says. "I tried to make sure you were safe. Forgive me."

"I'm alive... that's what matters for now," the wasp groans.

"Not for long," the cockroach responds. The crack in your armor. There's damage."

She places her hand to her side and winces. Pulling it free, feels the goop of her fluids coating her fingers.

"I'm falling apart," she wheezes, running the liquid through her fingers. "Would you look at that?"

"It's inevitable," he says, flopping onto his knees before her.

She turns away from that light. "We can't fight our nature. All I wanted was to procreate. You understand."

"I do."

"Of course you do. I rewired your brain."

"Then, you know that this isn't love or compassion I feel," he says. A rough hand rests on her hip.

She nods, resting her cheek on the soft ground she lays. "Of course."

Two hands rest on either side of her hips.

"It is the duty," she sighs, her mouth quirking in a smile. "Are you ready to perform it?"

He leans in over her, two hands wrapping around the thick pole of her stinger, that engorged ovipositor. He presses his mouth to it, engulfing the phallic thing, growling in the back of his throat.

She rocks her hips forward, hissing and falling back down. "Aah... f... fuck, I can't even enjoy it," she says, chuckling.

He gurgles and growls, his throat vibrating that thing as his head bobs lower and lower with each movement. His free hands slide up, reaching for her egg sacks. In his large hands, he stimulates them, rolling fingers, groping her goopy chest.

She huffs and puffs, hands pressed upon his head, pushing him down along her length, rubbing and caressing him.

"Y... you make a good... caretaker," she sighs. "K... keep it up. You will be a wonderful, ah, surrogate."

He groans as he slips his head down to the base. He presses his hands firmly against her chest. The eggs within her sack shuddered and fell down through her body.

"A... aah?" She gasps, her body twitching. "S... so many are... c... coming out!" she says. "I-I never felt so ma-many!"

As they drop down through her system, heading into her ovipositor, she shakes her head, her antennae drooping. "Yes... I won't ever feel anything, ah, like it, mmm, again either!"

Her hips twitch, and even though they are pained, she can't help herself but thrust forward. With each panting huff, she pushes herself forward, her whole body feeling like it was about to fall apart, but she keeps going.

He groans, his antennae perking up, his grip tightening on her, his mouth clamped around her.

It's only a matter of moments before the first of the eggs expand her ovipositor, stretching his mouth out. It's just what he wants. It's just what he needs.

An egg pops out, falling from her femcock and into his throat. The second one follows suit, and then the third and the fourth.

This keeps up, filling him up, nestling in his stomach. He hasn't eaten anything since that night she initially took him and made her his. That's because he wasn't hungry. That's because she rewired his brain--kept his stomach from digesting.

Egg after egg fills him up. Some are smaller, and some are bigger. These beads of new life fill him until the wasp's ovipositor finally deposits its last ovum. She collapses, her arms falling limp, her fingers twitching.

He lifts up, sitting on his knees, the venom dripping from the corners of his mouth.

"Now, I shall go find some food for them," he says, picking himself up.

"Wait," she croaks, lifting a hand feebly.

He stands there, waiting for her response.

"My control of you," she wheezes. "It can only go so far." She says, swallowing. "I need to give you more doses every night... or you won't follow my order..."

"No, that's fine," he says, wiping his chin with a slow and deliberate thumb stroke. "It's been three days. I feel fine."

"B... but that means it has..."

"Yeah," he says. "But I guess there's nothing left for me back home after what I did."

She chuckles. "What a delightful man..." she coughs. "Deep down, you always were a servant. Please, then, listen to me."

"You have my attention."

"My children... their names. Glixie... Trashna, Uticash..." Her chest rises and falls, and she places a hand upon that flattened sack. "And... Vas... Vaspaja..."

She lay there, her breathing slow and steady, her head resting on its side, her chest rising and falling, and then rising, and then falling, and then...


The cockroach turns from the cave and emerges into the sunlight.

No one who knew him saw him again, but it wasn't because he had become a hermit in the last season of his life. Because the curse of the wasp had exploded, leaving the place a ghost town. The only things left behind, even at the turn of a new generation, were the fear-struck statues that had once been the insects who had lived in the town.

They remain there, even as Vaspaja flits down to examine the ghost town. She walks through the sight of many exoskeletons left behind, empty and attempting to run from their fate, until she stops by an alleyway, seeing one remains of an ant. She reaches forward, poking its forehead, her necromantic energy swirling into it.

"Wake up, my servant," she coos. "You shall continue the work my mother started all those years ago..."

Wasp's Surrogate 7

The wasp groans, her head swimming. Wherever she is, it is dark. She tries to push herself up, but when she does, a sharp pain crashes through her exoskeleton. With a hiss, she falls back, her chest rising and falling, her world a swirling mass of...

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Wasp's Sting 6

Tik Tik freezes at the edge of her illusory barrier, noticing the subtle yet insidious fracture in the wall she had erected for the first time. The masking spell shimmers at the perfect angle that if she were to drop her guard by being distracted with...

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Wasp's Surrogate 6

Cricket chirps and gasps fill the neighborhood, mixed with the grunts and buzzes from the mother wasp. Soon, the wasp digs her claws into her surrogate's back, her ovipositor expanding as an egg rolls out of her, spreading the cricket's entrance out as...

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