Wasp's Surrogate 6

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#24 of Tik Tik Begins

The wasp joins in on the orgy created by her roach servant.

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Cricket chirps and gasps fill the neighborhood, mixed with the grunts and buzzes from the mother wasp. Soon, the wasp digs her claws into her surrogate's back, her ovipositor expanding as an egg rolls out of her, spreading the cricket's entrance out as the egg enters its new mother.

The wasp is so enthralled that she's a grunting, buzzing mess, losing all connection to the world around her as she releases her payload into this new mother, scratching her new incubator and wet nurse.

"Oh, I feel it, I feel it!" The cricket chirps, grabbing onto the wasp, curling her legs in, preventing the deliverer from leaving, from pulling back, from denying her that new sensation that she believes she desires.

"Give me your eggs! Every last one. Fill me up until I burst!"

The wasp's focus returns, a smile spreading across her face. "Excellent. It's, hah... finally, fuck, h-happend!"

The egg penetrates through the final entrance of the ovipositor, its dripping and hard goodness spreading and lubricating the cricket. She rubs her stomach, nodding, staring, waiting, desiring, but then screams.

A second later, a hiss from behind the wasp causes the egg donor to whirl around for a fist to connect with her jaw.

She falls onto the cricket, coughing, groaning, stunned.

The cockroach crushes the wasp's hips with his massive grip, yanking her by the shoulders and lifting her up.

She hisses and chitters, kicking and punching as her ovipositor dangles down between her legs, the egg unceremoniously popping out of the opening, tied to its original host with the mucus that held it in before.

"Unhand me, you stupid creature!" The wasp gasps, snapping, her stinger twitching.

"You can't do that to her," the cockroach says, wrapping his arms around her and squeezing her.

"Gnngh... I don't... understand!" she hisses. "You were under my spell! My surgical precision. Your brain should be much right now! Fed by my chemicals!"

The roach holds her tighter, slipping over her shoulder, hissing into her ear-hole. "You hurt so many others. I don't care about myself, but everyone else must go free!"

The wasp tilts her head, twitching in his crushing grasp. "I... I'll make sure your end is painful!"

"Maybe, but it'll be mine!"

He opens up his elytra and lifts off, the wasp screaming in his grasp.

The dazed and confused others finally snap into action, the crickets leaping to follow the two in the air, clawing desperately for the two, moaning and crying for their lover.

But the cockroach continues his flight, higher than the two could ever hope to reach.

"You won't get far," the wasp wheezes, poking her hands-free from his grasp and clamping onto his head. "Your mind is mine! I will have you unhand me!"

The cockroach does an aileron roll to the side, and a whip of wind indicates the passing of another large body.

The beetle stops and spins, rushing toward the two, his hands outstretched, his eyes a haze of the hypnotic suggestion.

The cockroach swoops down, dropping the wasp and then flying back up, lacing his fingers together and hammering the beetle with a crack to the head!

The beetle plummets like a rock toward the ground, his arms and legs flailing cartoonishly as he is about to meet the earth.

The wasp laughs, her wings twitching, starting up their flight. "You fool. I'll be out of here in no time... time?"

She hisses, grabbing at her wing. It's not moving. "T-that asshole!" she screams. "You broke me!"

The cockroach speeds down under her and then lifts back up, grabbing her in two hands and carrying her bridal style. "Wrong. I'm doing what I'm supposed to."

"You... what? Yaaah!"

The cockroach speeds up, disappearing with the wasp off into the distance, into the mountainside where no one would ever see them again.

Down on the ground, the beetle groans, rolling onto his back. "What happened...?" he groans, coughing, red liquid oozing at his mouth.

"Oh, my, here's another one!" says a calming voice. The beetle stares up as his vision is filled with the fluttering powdery wings of moths.

"Are you alright, officer? Please, don't move. You've many fractures to the exoskeleton."

"Wa-asp..." he groans out. "Got that cockroach son-of-a-bitch," he sighs, collapsing into a steady breathing.

The medical workers flutter around the neighborhood. At the same time, a second group of guards gets statements from some of the remaining insects.

"I don't know what came over me," says the female cricket. "I just saw him going at it with her and... and it seemed right?"

"I never knew I was into that sort of thing," the male cricket said, "But now, I can't stop thinking about it."

"That's what a wasp does to you, "says the worm, jotting down their statements. "They can be pretty selfish when it comes to mating time.

"The important thing," says a more petite mouth, carrying a large medical bag, "I that we ensure that all the eggs are accounted for. Each of you line up. I will need to perform an examination on all of you." He says this, slipping on a glove, making sure it's nice and tight with a slap. "Everyone line up. Let's do this quick."

Another moth flutters off down the street. "Alright, I'm checking over here for other survivors!

They flutter toward an alleyway, where a small ant sits in a corner, rocking back and forth.

"Hey there, little guy," the moth says, slowly approaching. "Are you alright? Did that mean wasp get to you?"

"Sh... she's gone?"

"Yeah, she left. You're safe now."

"Mistress says that if she's gone, I should do her bidding."

"H-ha... what's that?"

Wasp's Surrogate 7

The wasp groans, her head swimming. Wherever she is, it is dark. She tries to push herself up, but when she does, a sharp pain crashes through her exoskeleton. With a hiss, she falls back, her chest rising and falling, her world a swirling mass of...

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Wasp's Surrogate 5

The female cricket backs up, scooting away from the wasp, shuddering, half-paralyzed by fear and half by the toxins flowing through her body. "W... why are you doing this?" the cricket gasps, supporting herself on her shaking arms. "What do you...

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Wasp's Surrogate 4

The giant beetle did not expect his day to be going this way. When he got a call of a disturbance, he did not think the overly aggressive roach would be balls deep into another cockroach. It just didn't make any sense. He was fucking her like he was a...

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