Read the Terms and Conditions

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Rook is a bit hasty when he takes a job, finding himself do a field study with a certain synth eagle.

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Rook found himself snorting as he looked through the job board on his computer, the red dragon nearly spilling the cereal he had been eating onto his scaly yellow chest. He had been looking for odd jobs for some extra money and the one he found was some sort of experiment involving computers for a rather sizable sum. Despite having enough experience with electronics to get his device to turn on and connect to the internet it said that there was no experience necessary, in fact it was even preferred. It was definitely an odd job, Rook thought to himself as he clicked on the application button to send his off just in case.

As he waited for the application to process he continued to eat, only to stop when he saw the download bar pause and a prompt appear for him to read the terms and conditions of the job. "Yes yes, whatever," Rook said as he hastily scrolled down the entire lengthy page before pressing the accept button that lit up, only for a new one to appear a few seconds later with more terms and another confirmation. "For crying out loud..."

After the second scroll through and acceptance he found that his e-mail was finally sent off, which allowed him to go back to the job hunt. It didn't take him long before he got to the end of the list and when he did he got up to put his empty bowl away. As he washed it out and thought about what he would do for the rest of the day though he heard a ding come from the device that had caused him pause. Had someone already wrote back for an interview?

When the dragon sat back down at his computer he found a message waiting for him, which when he clicked on it he found was from that computer lab test he applied to on a lark. To his surprise he had actually gotten chosen to do it and was given an address and time. For a second he thought that maybe it was one of those trojan horse e-mails considering how expedient they were but there were no links to click and he actually knew of the address that they were flashing on the screen. It was small office complex that was often rented out to those that needed work space for a few weeks or months, though he had never heard of it hosting lab space.

Maybe it was one of those psychological experiments that had to do with computers, Rook thought to himself as he looked at his phone and found he only had a few hours to prepare. If he managed to nail this job the money would float him for at least a few weeks without him having to worry. He hopped in the shower and got dressed as quickly as he could so that he could get there early, especially if midtown traffic was bad. Once the dragon got on his best shirt that also hid the gold nipple rings he had pretty well he was out of his apartment and down the street to catch the bus.

Thankfully everything was running as scheduled and when he got to the building he looked down at the paper he had scratched everything down on. Sixth floor... when he looked up he didn't think that the building even had one, but as he walked inside and headed to the nearest elevator he found there was a button marked as such. He pushed it and as he looked at his phone again he found that he might have still arrived a bit early. Oh well... if anything he could just wait until he was called, though as he looked at his screen he frowned as he suddenly lost reception.

When he got to the sixth floor he walked out to see a falcon man sitting behind the desk, typing on the computer while also taking a phone call in the process. As Rook was about to wait though the other man saw him and waved him up to the front desk. "Welcome to Metal Eagle Enterprises," the falcon secretary said. "Are you Rook?"

"Oh, yes, how did you know?" Rook asked, which prompted the other man to smile.

"I was just told that we had a red dragon coming in today that would be starting our full trial," the falcon stated as he brought up a tablet. "Just go ahead and reconfirm the terms and conditions of the experiment you're about to participate in, and then once you sign away we can get you started!"

Rook thanked the falcon and took the tablet, which when he looked at the screen he had to practically squint at the printing on it. What the hell were they doing here, testing out nuclear devices? Or maybe it's that AI that they keep talking about, the dragon mused as he quickly flicked his finger down the screen in order to get it to the bottom. Either way he really didn't care, he just wanted to get this done and get his check before the bank closed as he signed on the line with his finger when prompted.

The second he had clicked finished the falcon called him up once more, taking the tablet from him. "Wow, that was fast," the falcon said with a grin. "You must be really interested in this trial!"

"You bet," Rook replied as he tapped his fingers against the reception desk. "So... I know I'm a bit early, but..."

"Oh, you can head right on in," the falcon said as he pointed to the door. "They'll be waiting for you on the other side."

Rook was surprised that there was no one in front of him and thanked the falcon again before moving to the door. As he looked at his phone again he found that at this rate the money might actually be in his account by tomorrow. When he got on the other side of the door he was a bit surprised to see no one there, only for a few lights to flash in front of him and a creature suddenly appear. A hologram... Rook had heard about something like this but had never heard of one actually being in existence as he waved his hand through the raven.

"Please don't do that," the raven replied, prompting Rook to back away and apologize. "No worries, my name is Nevar, and I'm here to guide you through the rest of the process. If you'll just come this way we already have a pod waiting for you."

As Rook was about to ask a question about the experiment itself he found the hologram turning away and leading him down the hallway. He still had no idea what this actual test was for and was surprised that no one was really telling him anything. Perhaps he should have asked that other avian that was in the lobby... but it was too late for that no as the hologram waved a hand against a touch pad and the door in front of them opened. When he was led inside he let out a gasp as he saw a dozen large metal cylinders that looked like some sort of sci-fi tanning bed before being led to one that was open.

"Here you are Rook," Nevar said as he gestured to the first one in the row. "Once you get inside the testing will begin. Thank you so much for your help, we greatly appreciate it."

"That's great, but what-" Rook started to ask before the hologram faded away. " I actually doing." When Rook looked at the pod he sighed and found himself stepping up. "Maybe that's part of the test, going in blind to whatever is about to happen."

Once the dragon was inside the pod he heard the doors closing behind him, the glass sliding into place to seal him in. Despite how futuristic the outside looked the inside was rather bare as he brought his hands up against the smooth metal walls. There was nothing here for him to manipulate, nor any computers like the ad said. What he could feel was a tingling that came from the walls of the pod and suddenly for the first time since he had taken the job he wondered if perhaps he had gotten in over his head.

The pod rattled slightly and suddenly he heard something open underneath him, looking down to see that there were tiny holes that had appeared in the floor. This was too weird... but as Rook pounded his scaly fist against the glass he could feel the sensation of static rising. When just banging against it wasn't enough he attempted to use one of the black horns on his head to break through, only to slip and fall backwards. As he made contact with the wall of the pod he felt a small surge of electricity that coursed through his body. It caused him to back away and while it didn't hurt it caused something to him, or rather his clothing as he began to feel it falling away from his body.

"What?! No no no..." Rook said as he tried to grab onto his nice shirt that had fallen off his shoulders only to have the material dissolve away in his hands. "Argh, that was my best shirt!" As the last of the cloth disappeared however he found himself looking at his hands in confusion. They looked... shiner than normal, and as he brought them up to his face and pressed them against one another they felt like... metal?

As he tried to pull off whatever was on his fingers he let out a yelp, which made him realize it wasn't just his fingers that were changing. He put his hand to his throat as he felt it stiffening, the scales becoming a shiny red and yellow just like the ones on his face. When he looked down at his body, which had become completely naked due to whatever was happening in the tube, he saw that patches of his scales were being covered by metal. No, not covered, Rook realized as he saw the black talons of his feet growing shiny, it was being changed...

His body was being assimilated!

Even as his scales were being transformed right before his eyes he couldn't help but notice that it wasn't painful like he had expected something like this to be. It was actually rather pleasant, to the point where he could see his maleness starting to harden just like his eyes. Though there wasn't a mirror the reflective surface of the tube was enough for him to see himself and his mouth opened in shock. It was real, he was actually becoming a robot as his vision blurred for a second. When he tried to blink his eyes he found that his eyelids were no longer a thing and when he could see again he found that they had turned into glowing LEDs.

As he tried to figure out what was going on he found new information flooding into his mind, seeing words pop up in his vision as he kept looking around. Nanite integration field nominal, internal organic structure priority... these words and others popped up in his mind as his draconic body became sleek, smooth metal. Aside from the initial shock of being turned into some sort of robotic creature he could feel his libido to rise, which when he wondered why that it he found the information forming in his own mind. This was a natural part of the assimilation process, he gathered as he saw his shaft turning shiny and black, that the desire would be linked to his new synth form as he felt his toes and fingers flex unnaturally.

Rook wasn't sure how long he had been in the tube, but as he could feel the last of his body becoming infused with whatever these nanites were there was a chime and he was informed that the process was complete. Though the transformation hadn't seemed to mess with his mind at all the dragon still found himself stumbling slightly as he got used to all the new sensory information being fed to him. As he gripped the side of the tube he brought a hand to his head and could feel the smooth metal of his palm against his head, which as he brought his fingers down to his mouth and touched his tongue he found that to be the same. It wasn't just his scales, whatever this thing was had turned his entire body into this synth that they had talked about.

"Hey, Nevar!" Rook shouted, hearing his voice being slightly demodulated for a few seconds before it returned to normal. "What the hell is this, you turned me into a robot? You can't just do that to people!"

"Actually, that's exactly what we intended on doing to you," Nevar replied as he appeared once more, looking at the fuming dragon synth in question. "Are you... sure that you're supposed to be in this study? You did read through all the terms and conditions, right?"

As Rook's muzzle and eye twitched he thought back to the stack of words that he had essentially ignored, but even that was the case there was no way that turning someone into a robot was legal... right? "I still can't believe that you did this to me," Rook grumbled as he crossed his arms over his chest, only to put them back to his side as the sensation was not only odd but also unusually sensual. "Can I speak to the project leader about this or something?"

For a few seconds the hologram just looked at him, then smirked before he suddenly disappeared once more. With no response and no idea what to do he just continued to try and move his fingers to get used to the strange sensation of their moment, at least until he felt a heavy hand press down on his shoulder that caused him to stiffen. "I hear that we have someone that didn't read the fine print," the deep, smooth voice of the creature that had appeared behind him said, Rook slowly turning about to see a black metal eagle synth with gold and chrome highlights looking straight at him. "My name is Haleon, and I hear that you requested me to air your grievance with my process?"

"I uh... wow..." Rook couldn't help but say as he looked the other man over. He was a literal unit of a creature, the muscular creature's body sculpted from the metal on his body to make him look as handsome as he was imposing. "I mean, I think I made a mistake here. I admit I may have skimmed the terms and conditions but I didn't even know this thing was possible."

"So now that you realize that this experiment wasn't the walk in the park you expected you expect me to release you from a binding contract so you can just go on your way?" Haleon asked, the eagle looking him over with eyes that shuttered like a camera to narrow in on him while the dragon timidly nodded. The other synth scoffed at that and shook his head before leaning in once more. "Too bad; you're my dragon synth for the month, so I suggest that you suck it up and enjoy yourself while you're here... R00-K."

The dragon balked as he suddenly saw words flash on his visor that gave him the new designation, which as it did he suddenly found that it was the only thing he could think about when he tried to remember his name. "Wait, Haleon!" R00-K said as the eagle turned back. "Did you really mean a month, I don't even know what I'm supposed to be testing!"

"Oh, that's the easy part," Haleon replied with a grin on his beak as he brought up a flash drive. "We're testing portable programs to turn snyths into slaves, and since you summoned me here I think I'll take you under my wing... personally." Before R00-K could say anything he suddenly found the flash drive plugged into his neck, causing him to gasp as the programming began to get downloaded into his own systems. While it should have been impossible for something like that to alter his brain he began to feel a need to serve this eagle, or at the very least to follow him as Haleon pulled out the flash drive and motioned for him to follow...

Over the next few weeks R00-K wasn't sure how many programs he had been subjected too, but after the first one the feeling of having this this rogue programming filter into his mind was something that he had come to enjoy. Master Haleon told him that it was a result of additional subroutines that were in each one, the idea being to make the one that was exposed to them docile even if the programming didn't work. For R00-K he wasn't sure how that would feel, not when he was already so loyal to the nexus eagle. He couldn't imagine not wanting to serve at the feet of his magnificent eagle synth, especially as he felt another flash drive get plugged into the back of his neck.

"How are we feeling today R00-K?" Haleon asked as he looked at the dragon, watching his eyes flicker as the newest round of programming wormed its way into the thoughts of the other synth.

"I am wonderful today, Master Haleon!" R00-K declared. "How many I serve you?"

"Well, since we're getting to the end of our time together I thought that we'd test something that I've been looking forward to," Haleon replied, grinning as he came up behind the dragon and played with one of the golden piercings on his nipple. "You've been such a good servant, I think it's time that you get a reward."

"Oh... oh my," R00-K replied. "I... am your faithful and loyal servant, I am to please."

"Not bad," Haleon replied as his beak brushed against R00-K's head, feeling the bigger man pressing up against his body. "But I think we could be a bit more enthusiastic about it, don't you? After all I've been waiting and hungering for you since we started doing these little tests, I think we can help with your desire to reciprocate."

R00-K gasped as he felt another flash drive get pushed into the port in his neck, this time feeling a much stronger code get pushed into his mind. It was almost disorientating, and when he was turned around by the one behind him his eyes practically sparkled from seeing such a muscular stud of a man. Even though it was the same one he had been serving for a month he suddenly found him incredibly sexy as the programming conditioned his thoughts that way, the dragon synth practically slavering at the mouth as he knelt down before his master. He needed to show much he needed him, particularly inside as he opened his muzzle to take the thick rubbery cock that had emerged from the nexus lord.

But this was still a test, Haleon reminded, and though the dragon was eager he needed to put him through his paces. With the flash drive still downloading the wonton slut servant into him all R00-K could think about was pleasuring his master as he was told to get on his hands and knees. He so enthusiastically, even raising his tail to expose his hole. When he looked back Haleon had a bemused smirk on his beak before telling him to turn around and get on his back.

Once more all R00-K could think of was both pleasing his master and getting railed by the handsome stud of an eagle. He needed it more than anything, and as he remained there on all fours waiting he finally felt the weight of the other man on top of him. For the synth dragon it was a dream... one that he had just realized about a minute ago, but a dream nonetheless that was becoming realized. He found himself thanking his master over and over as those clawed hands rubbed against his shiny body.

Though they were made of metal their bodies had a surprising amount of give to them, simulating the touch of a real person while also protecting them and giving them their lustrous appearance. As Haleon squeezed his pec possessively R00-K let out a moan of pure desire. Use him more, that was all the dragon synth could think of even before he started to feel the tip of his member start to push into him. With his tail pulled upwards Haleon licked his beak and whispered into R00-K's ear hole just how good of a servient synth he was before pushing inside.

With the download still scrambling his thoughts R00-K failed to see the warning in his visor, his blissed-out mind too concerned with following the actions of his master to understand what it meant. Something about conflicting programming, overriding data, memory usage... none of it really mattered to the dragon synth as he felt that godly cock slide into his tailhole. Even as he began to feel something happening to his thighs while the thick rubbery appendage split him open the only thing he could do was moan and try to push his thighs back to fulfill the programming given to him.

Suddenly the dragon felt himself getting pulled up to his knees, Haleon nuzzling against his neck while those hands continued to squeeze against his thighs and chest. As he continued to gasp and moan despite not needing to breathe he did feel something odd with his muzzle, and while at first he ignored it to focus on the inches of the eagle's shaft sliding into him eventually was concerning enough to pull his attention away. When he brought up his fingers to his face it was starting to harden even more than it already had as it began to feel like his muzzle was squishing together.

But even though something strange was happening to him R00-K didn't want to have the ecstasy stop, not when he can feel the powerful, muscular body of the eagle behind him pressing up against his back. Even as his sides began to stretch and suddenly Haleon didn't have to bend down so far to press against him all he could think about was the pleasure. With his feet pressed behind him he couldn't see what was happening to them, but as his draconic toes merged together and the scales of his feet shifted around they began to look a lot more like his master's. The transformation, the programming being corrupted by the nexus lord behind him, all he could do was hold on as suddenly his chest swelled out.

This was enough to get the attention of Haleon as well, looking back to see that the one he was fucking had started out smaller than him but was quickly growing in his physique. "Now that's interesting," Haleon mused as he continued to keep his cock inside the dragon's tailhole, though he was starting to lose more of those features as his fingers played with the muzzle that was curving out into a very avian beak. "I didn't expect for my influence to cause such a reaction to your body when the program was still downloading."

"I... it certainly is," R00-K said, pausing as not only was his body growing but his own maleness as well. As metal feathers started to sprout from his shiny wings he couldn't help but start to stroke himself, though as he did he watched his bicep bulge and flexed it again to see the muscle shift into his forearms to bulk them out as well. "How... how do we stop it, master?"

"Stop it?" Haleon asked with a chuckle, reaching down and grabbing R00-K by his shaft while leaning in to his ear once more. "I told you we're going to be experimenting on you, and you still have a few hours left in your contract. Time to ride this out big boy, both figuratively and literally."

R00-K whimpered slightly, but while his body was growing bigger he found himself becoming even more subservient to the eagle. It was if whatever little willpower that was in his body was being pushed out and replaced with muscle, though it didn't help that Haleon continued to push into his tailhole even while his butt swelled and firmed up. More of his scales grew out and while he couldn't determine what sort of avian he was becoming he knew it was something, especially when he was lifted up to his feet and saw the scaly digits underneath him.

Once they were both standing Haleon thrusted hard inside the other man, causing R00-K to squawk from the jolt of pleasure as his hands went to his stomach. He could feel every inch of that slick member even as his body grew, if anything making his insides tighter and more reactive. As the eagle held his stomach as well he felt his muscles spasming slightly as they grew more defined, becoming a six-pack, then an eight-pack, and finally a ten pack as he continued to grow in height. With each thrust of the nexus lord behind him it only made him grow more, finally starting to get above the one giving him such power as he found himself flexing his heavily muscled arms.

As the swelling muscle rippled throughout his body he found his pectorals becoming mountainous with the eagle groping on them with one hand while the other stroked his cock. R00-K was so lost in the haze of powerful sensations that he wasn't even aware he was about to cum until his master told him too. Almost immediately he could feel his thick thighs and abs tighten before he let loose a stream of silver liquid, which dissolved in the air before it even hit the ground. He could also feel Haleon filling him up as well, getting to the point where his belly became slightly distended before it was absorbed into his powerful form.

When Haleon was finished he pulled back, R00-K's beak opened in sheer awe at his buff form. His feathered body was perfectly sculpted, his muscles heavy and strong without overdoing it like he had seen in others. He flexed his pectorals and watched them bounce while his red and gold feathers gleamed in the light. Even without the programming in his mind prompting him to he found himself thankful as he used a clawed finger to play with the piercings that were still in his chest and found the one in his beak as well. Haleon chuckled at that and then reached up to pull the flash drive out, saying that he could probably mark this one down as a success before telling R00-K to get him something to drink.

R00-K immediately turned and practically ran to make sure his master was refreshed, spending the last few hours serving and massaging the metal eagle until finally a timer appeared in his vision. It flashed zeros and said that the experiment was concluded, which Haleon also seemed to realize as he sat up after getting his chest rubbed by the buff avian synth. "Well, it seems that our time together is at an end," Haleon said as he put his hands behind his head. "Looks like you can get your money and be sent back to the place from whence you came."

"Oh, yes," R00-K said as he suddenly became reminded of his dragon self and his home that was waiting for him, his deeper voice sounding a little dejected at the thought. "I suppose that's right."

As R00-K stood up and was about to ask how this would work Haleon raised a finger to get him to pay attention. "Or... we are always looking for full-time opportunity," Haleon explained as he gestured to the others that were around, which R00-K seemed to notice for the first time was also all avian synths, even the ones in charge of things. "I could always use a servant like you, and from your track record I think that you would enjoy it."

"Track record?" R00-K asked, which prompted the eagle to wave a hand dismissively.

"Don't worry about it," Haleon replied as he leaned forward. "At this point you have two options that you can choose from. Either you can be Rook the dragon and get your payout before forgetting that something like this is a thing, or you can be R00-K the avian and take your place as my servant... which if you do well I could see you being put up in my roost to serve me personally."

R00-K found himself blinking a few times, but honestly he had made his decision at the prompting of having two options. "I wish to serve you in this form, Master Haleon," R00-K said as he bowed down to one knee in front of the eagle. "Allow me to remain in this body and I will use it to satisfy your every whim."

Haleon smiled and nodded as he told the new synth that he had made a great choice, and as he agreed he saw the eagle gesturing down to the thick rubbery shaft that was draped across his thigh. R00-K knew exactly what he needed to do and immediately wiggled his way to the chair that his master sat on before grabbing hold of the base, pumping it a few times to get it firm before pushing the head of it down into his new beak. While he wouldn't have utilized his knowledge to read the terms and conditions of any contact he signs in this case the muscular hawk synth considered it to be a win as the throbbing cock slid into his throat for him to pleasure...

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