A Game to Grind On

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Anton is looking for the latest game to play that involves his interests, and when he does he finds himself drawn into it more than he realized. This game in particular is very good at adapting to its player's whims.

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Anton sighed as he looked through the list of games that he had on his computer, scrolling through the RPG heavy set before getting up from his gamer chair. It was a Saturday and with that came the time for him to get into something story heavy that he could play for the entire night, but as he pushed the glasses up against his face there was nothing that was really calling out to him. Considering his catalogue there was something to be said for that, but it happened more often than not. While he enjoyed diving into a realm of deep fantasy and escapism the game offerings as of late were starting to feel the same.

But at the same time he wanted to play something, so he decided to just do a search for new games in the same genre before heading over to his kitchen. As he headed over to get something he could heat up in the microwave he couldn't help but pass by his window as he saw people walking down the street towards the venues that were further down the river. No doubt it was going to be quite the night and he hoped that there wouldn't be any loud concerts tonight. Part of him always thought about going but he wasn't really into the whole scene, being more of a nerdy guy that would prefer staying in with a pizza than trying to go out and actually socialize in real life.

It didn't help that he was more than a bit overweight; a sedentary lifestyle of games and a not so healthy diet with fast food had caused him to gain considerably over the years. While he didn't like to think of himself that way he was basically the stereotypical nerd whittling away his life in fantasy worlds. But as he put a few slices of leftover pizza into the microwave he didn't feel the need to change, at least not in that way as any motivations or aspirations he had were all tied to fantasy. It was why quite a few of his games had certain themes to it, which as he came back to the computer he found that one had popped up in his feed that appeared to be brand new made by a company called Haleon Enterprises.

It was one of those choices matter types of games, Anton scrolling through the screenshots while reading the synopsis. As he saw that it was a fairly standard fantasy game he saw a few images that caused him to pause. They were... very intense looking transformations that were captured, one of them being someone into a werewolf while another looked like they were turning into a gryphon. As he scrolled a little further down he saw that the game heavily advertised as being transformation-centric, the game boasting that the game changed around the player and the player would do the same.

Anton found himself biting his lip as the game hit on a very powerful fetish of his. More than once he had put his money down on something just because it had someone turning into something else, only to be mostly disappointed by them. While this could have been the same he saw the price tag was a mere ten dollars and for the graphics being boasted he decided to take a gamble. If it turned out to be garbage he could always return it anyway and after a relatively short time the game was purchased, downloaded, and installed on his system.

As soon as he booted it up it led to a black screen with swirling silver letters that asked if he was sure he was ready to go to a land of fantasy, seeing several warnings that caused him to pause. Aside from the usual depictions of violence there was also one that warned of graphic sexual content. He hadn't seen that on the page... but in reality if it was tied to anything he had already seen he was already on board. He clicked the button at the bottom and suddenly the screen flashed, everything going white as all he could see was the bright light.

Had this game just blinded him!? As the brightness faded though he could hear the sound of water rushing by him and the sound of bugs... but he had never put his headphones on. Instead of sitting in his chair he found that he was standing too and as his vision finally cleared he found himself outside. This wasn't just the street outside his apartment though, as he looked down he saw that he was on a dirt path that ran next to a river.

This couldn't be real, he must have had a stroke or something and was lying on the floor of his apartment drooling and hallucinating. Yet it wasn't just sight and sound, as he went over to the river cautiously he could feel the dirt under his bare feet and the water against his hands. As he stared into the reflection he realized he had seen this screenshot before, this was part of the game that he had just downloaded. When he saw himself in the reflection he frowned; other than a loincloth he was completely naked and saw his own pudgy human form, but as he continued to stare he saw shadowy silhouettes that were suddenly around him.

Was this... like a character creation screen? As he looked at the figures around him in the reflection he looked up and saw that there was nothing actually around him. Going back to the silhouettes he saw that they were all typical fantasy races, and as he dwelled on the tall, pointy-eared one that likely represented an elf the others suddenly disappeared. All he could find himself doing was watching as the shadow divided itself again, but this time instead of difference races they were different types of physical builds.

Each time he chose something the shadow of what he was looking at became more distinct just like when making choices for a character in a video game. He was so engrossed in the process that the fact he had gone from being in his chair eating pizza to being nearly naked in the middle of some forest was being lost on him. By the time he was done though he found himself looking at his own reflection in the water again, causing him to frown as he looked back around. With the distraction gone he once more circled back to the fact that he was somewhere that he clearly wasn't supposed to be as he walked forward.

"Uuggh," Anton muttered as he put a hand to his stomach, feeling his stomach rumble that reverberated through his belly. "Pizza's not sitting well..." As he took a second to stop, not knowing where he was going anyway, there was a stronger reverberation that went through his entire form as he let out a gasp. "Or... maybe not!"

As Anton fell to his knees the bizarre sensation of his insides shifting continued to grow stronger, and as he put his hands to his stomach it felt like it was... shrinking. With another groan he fell backwards as his back popped, the hunch he had from years of sitting forward in his chair correcting itself as his belly continued to rumble. It looked like something out of a horror movie at first but as he saw the flesh pulling in on itself his eyes widened as he realized what he was seeing. His body was changing... and as he could feel his hair growing longer he brought a lock of it to his face to see the brown bleaching out to blonde just like he had chosen in the reflection on the river.

Suddenly a surge of change swept through his body and aside from his features shifting it was causing another reaction to happen. This was something he had secretly hoped would happen to him his entire life and as his rather large butt tightened up and his sides narrowed a bit he could see the loincloth he wore starting to tent. There had been a set of options in the river that he had glossed over in slight embarrassment but as he pulled the piece of fabric aside he saw it manifesting as his somewhat diminutive maleness suddenly swelled with new growth. What fascinated him even more was that he could actually see it, letting out a soft sigh as his jiggling belly continued to deflate while his chest started to become more defined.

As he continued to lie on the ground gasping from the sensation of change and the sexual stimulation that came from it he could feel the tips of his ears starting to stretch, groaning as they formed into points while they framed the long sweeping hair that cascaded down to his shoulders. Even though he couldn't see it he felt his facial features moving, the pudge of his face and somewhat greasy skin being swept away and replaced with smooth, tanned flesh that was unblemished while his nose and lips became slightly sharper. Even his jawline morphed a bit as his back popped with new growth, the transforming male gasping for air that caused his new chest and flat stomach to heave. The entire body of the increasingly elven man shook as his limbs stretched and grew, his fingers becoming slender as the last of the fat on his arms and legs was converted to lean muscle that gave him a lithe frame.

With the last of his features morphing it was all becoming too much and as he gripped his new fingers into the dirt he let out a cry as the pleasure came to a head. His new tight rear clenched and he saw his impressive endowment throb hard before erupting, his new thinner hips pushing up into the air with each successive jet of cum before he flopped back into the dirt. With the sun shining on his body the pudgy nerd that had come into the world was gone, replaced with a wood elf that laid there panting heavily. When Anton opened his eyes once more the dull brown was replaced with a vibrant green as the sensations of change left his twitching body.

When he managed to recover the new elf stumbled his way back to the river, though his body felt far more nimble and agile than before, and when he looked in the reflection he saw the character he had created staring back at him. It was his face... and even as he pressed against his angular chin and saw the elf in the water do the same he couldn't believe it. As hard as it was to believe he felt like he was in the game, and yet it all felt so real too. While he tried to contemplate what happened to him though he suddenly heard something that caused him to grab his loincloth and wrap it back around him as best he could.

Not much later a cart came down the path and as the driver saw him sitting at the edge of the road it caused the human man to stop the horse. "Oh... don't see many elves running around these parts," the man said. "Especially not as... underequipped as you. What happened, if I may ask?"

"I was... robbed," Anton replied. "Do you think I could maybe get a ride into town?"

"Well luckily for you I'm not hauling much at the moment," the man said. "I'd say to not try anything funny but unless you're going to beat me with that club you got behind that loincloth I think I'm fine." The elf found himself blushing slightly at that as he had gone for the largest size, something that perhaps he might have wanted to reconsider as he hoped into the back. "What's your name, stranger?"

"My name?" At this point as the elf repeated himself he realized that he could leave more than just humanity behind at that spot as a small grin came to his face. "...Ryonir. You can call me Ryonir. Now this town up ahead, I don't suppose they have odd jobs I can do to get some money to buy new gear?"


Ryonir wasn't sure how long he had been in the game by this point as he slowly stalked his way through the cave system he had just wandered into, and as he kept his hand on his bow he really didn't care. While everything in this world felt real he found that at its core it was still an RPG, and as such he had been using his skill at playing them for the last twenty years to help him out. The second that he had gotten into town he started grinding for gear and loot and the only difference between what he was doing now and what he been doing before was that he was actually experiencing it. At that moment he was trying to stop something that was destroying cropland and if he could get it done then he would have enough gold to reach the capital.

As the elf made his way through towards the final cavern he noticed two large slug-like creatures that were near the cave entrance. They had infested the passageways he had chose to sneak through but were easy enough to kill. Skill in the bow was not the only thing he had been mastering and as he snapped his fingers a spark flew out and went straight towards them. The two were immediately immolated and as he slid past them he could see the small crack that would lead into the main chamber and the one that was causing all this terror.

It took a bit of shimmying but he squeezed in, dropping down onto a ledge that was a few feet below. The area was very dark but with his enhanced vision and the aid of a little extra magic he could see something that was lurking below. Whatever he was looking at was huge and he guessed was some sort of final boss for the mission, which made sense given the reward he was looking at for finishing this quest. He tried to not trigger it for as long as possible and as he used a little more arcane skill to get to the large plateau that would serve as a decent fighting ground he managed to catch what the head of the creature looked like and it caused him to gasp.

He was fighting a dragoness?!

The revelation caused him to nearly fall on his face as he got to the bottom of the wall he was scaling down. There was no way he would have taken this job to exterminate the threat if he knew that they were being besieged by a dragon! But he didn't want to abort the quest either as that was a lot of gold that he would lose... but he hated games that involved killing such creatures and making them these feral, mindless monsters.

As Ryonir tried to figure out an alternate means of doing this quest he had long since forgotten that the game changed based on his choices, and not just the conscious ones either. The strong aversion that he had to killing a dragon had caused whatever programming he was trapped into shift... and as an alternate solution was starting to formulate the elf gasped as he saw the rather large creature start to stir. His presence must have awakened her, and as she slowly unfurled to reveal her majesty Ryonir knew that he was running out of time before they had to fight. He thought through all the spells that he had learned while in the downtime of traveling and as he thought about it there was one that came to mind that he didn't even realize he knew.

The quest didn't specifically indicate that he had to kill the dragon...

...he just had to get it to stop what it was doing.

"Well well well," the dragoness rumbled, her voice echoing through the cavern as she turned to face him. "A little elf thinks himself an adventurer. Why are you here, to steal from my hoard? To kill me for accolades among the guilds? Perhaps sell my parts off for gold?"

"I don't want to do any of that!" Ryonir replied as he started to pull up all the magical reserves he had for this spell. "But you have to stop rampaging through the fields of the human settlement! They sent me here specifically because you keep terrorizing them!"

A booming laugh rang through the cavern as Ryonir continued to charge, feeling his magic reach its peak while the dragoness hopefully didn't notice. "It was the fault of those humans for putting their fields in my domain," the dragoness said as she turned her huge head to look him right in the eye. "In any case I do what I please, even if those weren't my lands I would ravage them just to get the point across. I am curious though what they thought a scrawny little elf like you was going to do to stop me..."

"This!" Ryonir replied, taking the magic spell he had been holding and cast it on her. The dragoness recoiled as she was hit by the sudden arcane energy and tried to bring up a shield to stop whatever damage was being caused, except that Ryonir wasn't intending on causing damage. Instead he had found a spell that hopefully would solve the problem and prevent any blood from being shed.

Dominate monster.

It was a spell that up until recently the elf didn't even have, but the game had attempted to the choice that Ryonir made to not harm the dragon. As the dragoness thrashed about to try and stop it though there was more that was being done behind the scenes, her body shrinking slightly as she let out a gasp. At this point the player was more than aware of the sexual nature of the game, having enjoyed that part quite a few times when the situation called for it as he wooed lovers during his travels. He also liked being on top, and while that worked into spell he had just cast and also a few other hidden desires of his there was one small detail that the game had to fix first...

...Ryonir preferred men.

Which the game translated to preferring male dragons.

It was an easy enough thing to fix...

As Ryonir continued to concentrate on the contested spell he almost doubled over as he began to feel strange, like his clothes were tightening around him as he watched the dragoness growling and snarling in defiance. He could feel his magic pooling about inside of him and admittedly had never used this spell before but thought it would just be like some sort of charm person. The arcane energy seemed to have other plans though and as he saw the dragoness finally get small enough for the plateau he stood on to contain her, which still made for a very large creature, he suddenly heard a snap and a loud rip. If he hadn't been in a contest of wills he would have blushed in embarrassment as his maleness had not only gotten completely erect but it was also twice the size of his former rather large endowment.

That wasn't the only thing that was changing on it though, as Ryonir could feel the seams of his clothing starting to rip from his increased size his focus remained on his length as the fleshed shifted and grew ridges on it. It was clearly a dragon's dick, and as he continued to see it grow he noticed that something was still happening to the dragoness as well. She was still gasping but it was in surprise as her muscles hardened and her draconic body became more muscular, more masculine while she looked around in shock. Somewhere in the back of Ryonir's mind he remembered that male dragons sometimes mounted one another as a show of dominance... which would technically fulfill the spell as long as they were both male dragons.

Conditions that the spell were happy to alter the two in order to get, it seemed.

"What... what are you doing to me?" the dragoness asked, moaning as Ryonir saw her bent over while her pussy began to shrink. "Why am I becoming male?"

It was something that Ryonir hadn't seen before and wasn't quire sure of the answer; while he had engaged in some transformation related content already he was making sure to save anything that would happen to him until he was sure of what he wanted to be, but as she watched his fingers push out claws through his gloves and his boots tear from his feet swelling with new growth he figured there were worse things that he could be than a dragon. It was also an intensely erotic sensation as his thighs bloated with new growth that his pants ripped from, exposing the bump of a tail that had just started to push out from above his thickening cheeks. But even as his legs splayed out slightly he found himself drawn towards the dragoness who remained on her chest, though as it barreled out with new muscle with the scaly limbs stretching out it was more like a dragon.

By the time Ryonir closed the distance between them he had managed to grab onto the tailbase of the dragon, who at this point was still nearly three times his size. As he latched on and caught the boss by surprise his legs suddenly surged with new growth and he found himself having to hold onto the creature for leverage as his smaller elven upper body was rocked upwards. "It's time you know your place," Ryonir threatened as he gave a very sharp growl, his voice already starting to deepen. "You won't be terrorizing that village, or any village for that matter, because I won't let you."

"Th-that's your plan?!" the dragon shouted, more shocked than anything as he tried to get up only for the morphing hands of the elf to press against his sides and keep him down. "Turn me into a male dragon and dominate me?"

"Why not?" Ryonir replied as he found his tongue licking his sharpening teeth, watching as the boss tried to squirm out of his grasp only to be dragged back by his growing strength. "It's working, isn't it? Big strong dragon like you against a little weak elf like me, getting tricked into being on the bottom while I plow into you. I doubt that you would leave just by the shame of it."

Though the dragon snarled at him it was quickly replaced with a moan of pleasure as Ryonir pushed his thickening, scale covered finger into their hole. It caused a tremor of pleasure to go through their form, watching their green scaly body squirm from the pleasure. When he glanced down he thought for a second that the pussy that he had seen before was still there, only to notice the slit in his groin was much smaller. It had been the last stage of his transformation and as he continued to push his digits against the new prostate the dragon had he could see a fleshy pink tip emerging from it.

The new cock that the dragon sported was small at first, but with every push of those fingers inside of him more and more of the thick shaft slid out. The grin spread on his muzzle as he could hear the boss of this level moaning even just from getting fingered, which were stretching him out as he was growing bigger. This dragon was probably not going to be a threat to the local populaces anymore, but he continued to get to the point where they were almost evenly sized he decided that it would only make sense for him to be sure. With blue scales covering hardened muscle all the way down from his chest he used his new hind legs to get up behind the needy dragon male and start to push something else inside of him.

The dragon boss tried to continue being indignant and say that this was nothing, but he choked on his words as Ryonir's thick cock pushed into him. As the tapered tip slithered inside the elf began to pant, hearing the sound his breath made growing deeper by the second as he continued his unconventional means to beat this boss. The changes were spreading quickly up to the rest of his body, his already heavy hands cracking and stretching into the forepaws more typical of a dragon. As his tanned flesh was overtaken by scales on his back he let out a deep, heavy growl as he felt the muscles stretching upwards while also pulling back.

It was his new appendages... he wasn't going to be a strong, virile male dragon without a proper set of wings, which as they unfurled he continued to grow in size while pumping his hips into the green dragon beneath him. While it would have been a bit embarrassing for the boss to be getting his tail raised by a small elf there was no shame in being taken by someone that was bigger than you, something that Ryonir was happen to whisper to the other dragon whose mouth was hanging open from the pleasure. Though he lost the ability to hold onto the legs of the other creature as his shoulders rolled back and his elbows snapped into place it was already, he didn't need to brace up the dragon since he had grown bigger than him.

The sounds of their rutting filled the cavern and as the magic ran through its course Ryonir considered the dragon beneath him to be fully dominated. His hips rocked back and forth as he continued to plunge deep into the tailhole of the other male, feeling those muscles tense underneath him while his bloated chest finally stretched and filled out to become its proper draconic configuration. As the green dragon orgasmed for the first time as a male Ryonir was about to have his own first, that of a huge blue dragon. He could feel it building and nearly brought the other dragon down into a laying position as his orgasm was matched by the popping of his vertebrae in his neck and cracking of his jaws as they stretched out his elven face into something far more animalistic.

His roar echoed through the chamber as he finished inside the other dragon, who was practically sprawled out on the floor of the cavern as he pumped his seed into him. If it was possible he imagined the green dragon would have swirls in his eyes as he pulled out. Once he had gotten off his post-orgasmic high he got a chance to really look at himself, stretching out his tail and cracking the knuckles of his new paws. It wasn't a bad body, though as he looked down at the torn remains of his stuff he frowned slightly at the gold that he would need to use to replace them.

"Now I just need to figure out how to do quests as a dragon," Ryonir muttered to himself as he tried to pick up his bow with his claws only to have the small weapon slip out of his grasp.

"Who said you'd be the one doing quests?" the green dragon replied, Ryonir turning his head around to see the other creature getting up while his legs wobbled. "Fuck, I forgot what it's like to get railed by another dude like that..."

"Wait, what do you mean by that?" Ryonir asked. "And how do you know what I mean?"

"What, you thought I was just some sort of random NPC?" the green dragon scoffed, Ryonir thinking about it for a few seconds before grinning sheepishly and nodding his head. "You must be greener then my scales then if you thought that, how long have you been roaming around this place for anyway?"

"Uh... six months, I think," Ryonir replied. "Why?"

"The fact that you can even remember how long its been shows that you haven't been around here for very long," the green dragon said. "Listen, you know how the game changes with how you play it, right? Well that also happens with the roles you choose to be in, and considering that I like to be a big strong dragon causing chaos eventually I found a quest that allowed me to do just that. But the game isn't static, I knew eventually someone would come here and slay me or whatever and I'd have to start over, but I have to say that you mounting me to get your way is interesting... especially since you made me a dude."

"I uh... sorry about that," Ryonir said as he looked down.

"Don't be, I actually started as a guy," the green dragon said before motioning towards a clutch of eggs. "Really into oviposition though, so the game shifted me into this by way of a magic artifact. Of course I'd be interested in seeing how it's going to assign this quest, try and defeat two gay dragons or something like that I imagine."

Ryonir found his head spinning with questions, but fortunately his newfound friend was more than happy to answer them while they recovered. It turned out he wasn't the only on in this game and that most, if not all, of the players that he interacted with were probably players to some degree. Most have been in the game for so long that they didn't even remember where they had come from and none of them were looking to try and get out anytime soon. As he thought about it his life wasn't anything to go back to... especially not when he could be a dragon.

And if this was in six months, he could only imagine what form he might take with a real grind...


As the red-scaled dragon waited in his car he looked at the rear-view mirror to make sure that his tie was on straight, looking over himself once more before he let out a sigh. "Don't be nervous," the dragon said to himself as he turned on the...

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Passing Through

The small town at the crossroads of a mountain pass and the capital didn't have a lot of permanent residents, but one walking into the area would assume otherwise. Most of the businesses and shops catered to the adventurer's that passed through...

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Puppet on my Strings

Talen hummed to himself as he made his way through the store, looking through the rows of video games to see if there was anything that might catch his eye for the weekend. The dragon was looking for something that could hold his attention for...

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