PokeNNN - Round 29

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Dragonair, Dragonite, Rhydon, Rhyperior © Pokémon, Game Freak, Nintendo

DAY 1:

Another day of streaming began on a video game channel. The one who played was a Rhydon and did not have many followers and enjoyed a wide variety of them. Some days he had more followers or in other video games did not even reach 50 followers. His name was Dony. Doing streamings was like a hobby and worked as a warehouse waiter in a big company in the mornings until the end of the afternoon. As he finished his streaming, he looked at his phone and had numerous messages. Like every year, he took part in the sexual challenge with other pokemon and used a mobile app to meet them. Numerous messages started well but demanded money for each day of challenge passed which Dony did not like and blocked them. After 30 minutes, discarding or blocking users, a new user started with a greeting icon.

"Hello, I've looked at your profile and I'm interested to join in the sexual challenge with you." said the new user.

"I'm Dony. Nice to meet you." says the Rhydon sending a photo to the new user.

"I'm Toni." replied the new user doing the same.

Toni was a green-eyed Dragonair. The background seemed to be a park. The Rhydon asked him how he could write without hands and the Dragonair replied that using his powers he created hands to use his phone. After chatting for several hours, they decided to stay in a bar to meet. Tony accepted and sent him the location of a bar that was 1 hour from where he lived. At the end of the conversation, both pokemon went to sleep.

DAY 2:

The next day, after work he met Toni at a bar. He found him floating near where they had been. He only had a blue handkerchief and his eyes were green. They were talking about their hobbies and had quite a few things in common. Both made streaming videogames but Toni made it without a camera since he did not have. After eating something at the bar, they went to an arcade to have fun until they decided to go home. The Rhydon sent him a friend request so they could play together. After watching a movie, he went to sleep since today he did not feel like doing a streaming.

DAY 10:

The Rhydon woke up to the sound of his mobile. He turned off the alarm and went to get ready to go to work. While he's having breakfast, he looked at his mobile and there were quite a few messages from Toni. The Dragonair had evolved and had sent him many nude photos with his huge hard cock. Dony smiled and when finished his lunch, he heading to his job. While he's working, his manager called him and was accompanied by other pokemon. Among them was Toni but he did not see him. The Rhydon made them a tour of the company until another of his colleagues took charge of starting a previous training to start working. At the end of his workday, he met Toni in the changing rooms and they went to dinner together. After filling their bellies, they decided to do a streaming in the future since they only needed to buy a camera while they returned home. Dony and Toni gave their users to make their future streamings and returned to their homes.

DAY 20:

The Rhydon woke up with an erection that was marked on his sheets and got up dripping pre from his cock. After lunch and trying to lower his erection in his bathroom, he went to his job. Toni arrived early and he was wearing his uniform. As he changed, he gave him a big smack on his butt and left laughing naughty. He rubbed his butt and had his hand marked on the Dragonite on it. After a few hours, his manager gave him a Protector as a reward for his great work and having contact with him, he evolved into a Rhyperior, destroying his uniform. They handed him a new one and he went back to work. A few hours later, he went to the canteen to eat and Toni did not know him until he told him about the smack he had given him on his butt. Toni simply smiled and the Rhyperior looked underneath and the Dragonite had such a big erection that his pants could still hold it. Dony did not surprise him since he tried to excite him to make him lose but Toni growled warning him not to. The meal time was over and Toni sat for a few more minutes until the erection was lowered. Each one worked in a different area and they did not see each other until they finished their workday. Dony did not see the Dragonite in the locker room but all the males were with their hard cocks. He could also smell the pheromones of the males and hear moans in the showers. After changing, he found Toni waiting for him outside.

"You're very slow, I've been waiting for you for a good while!" says the Dragonite.

"I thought you were in the locker room." says Dony.

"I have left quickly since many can not be contained more by the sexual challenge. There are only 10 more days left and we will have a great time" says Toni.

"Do we do a streaming tonight?" asked Dony.

"Yes, sure! Don't be late!" says Toni.

The males went directly to their homes and played until they went to sleep with their erect penises.

DAY 28:

8 Days later containing the desire to do any sexual activity between them, Dony invited Toni to his house 2 days after finishing his sexual challenge. Upon arriving at their home, both pokemon undressed showing their crotches. In thickness, Domy won but in size the Dragonite doubled him. Their balls were just as huge and they couldn't help but touch each other. They gave each other a hug and their cocks brushed freeing pre and a big moan of pleasure. They just played video games all day until night.

"Well, it's time for me to go. It's too late." says Toni.

"You can stay to sleep. If you want." says Dony said with a smile.

"Thank you, but I'd rather hold back until the last day. I invite you to my house. Tomorrow I send you the location." says Toni.

"Great, I accompany you to the door." says Dony.

The Rhyperior accompanied him to the door without before giving him a big hug. The Dragonite left and received a heavy smack from the Rhyperior causing Toni to scream.

"Hey!" screamed Toni stroking his butt.

"A little revenge for the last time." says Dony with a big smile.

The Dragonite took flight with his huge cock still hard and dripping pre as it moved away towards the dark horizon while the Rhyperior closed the door and continued playing a few more games until who decided to go to bed to rest.

DAY 30:

2 Days later, the two males after finishing their working day, the Rhyperior went to Toni's house which was a two-storey house in the middle of the night to go to dinner and spend the sexual challenge with him. It was a bit far from the city and there was no one living 2 kilometers around, so the neighbors could not complain about the noises of the Dragonite. Toni welcomed him with open arms and gave him a big hug.

"Welcome, big guy! I would like to release the load right now!" says Toni.

"How about joining our channels into one and playing until we pass the sexual challenge?" asked Dony.

"Sounds great. I have many that may interest you!" says the Dragonite letting the Rhyperior into his house.

Both pokemon went up to the upper floor where Toni made his streaming and had two big bedrooms with bathroom included for special guests like Dony while in the main one had a big kitchen with dining room and a more modern bathroom with other spaces for their guests to sleep as their relatives. Toni told him that he had ordered food, so it was not necessary to prepare dinner. He turned on his television and they started playing for a while. They rang the doorbell and the Dragonite went for dinner while the Dony waited for it. On arriving, Toni started the streaming with Dony on the last day of the sexual challenge and saw a porn movie with his followers until the time of the end of the sexual challenge.

"Well, it's 00:00. Time to release the load, guys!" says Dony taking off his pants in front of Toni's followers.

"Not so fast. Look here" says Toni pointing to a list in one corner of the screen.

There was a list of points of what he would do if he passed the challenge and started reading them aloud. With a big smile, he kissed the Dragonite surprising its followers and increasing in number.

"I wouldn't mind fucking with you while we are streaming." says Dony.

"Seriously? You mean it?" says Toni very surprised.

"Yes, I want more action on these sexual challenges" says Dony.

"Dude, you're the first one who doesn't make excuses for me when I want to fuck someone in streaming and blow them up." says Toni.

"Great, I'd love to." says Dony wanting to do it

"Take this before. It's a pill with fast effects. It will make you very stretchy and you can regenerate for 24 hours." says Toni.

"How about if you show me videos of that kind when you were a Dragonair?" asked Dony.

The Dragonite nodded and went into a folder for at least 20 videos. His followers were on the rise reaching 1500. He put his favorites among them, exploding a Blaziken in a sauna, a Milotic on the beach, a Scrafty in a disco and a Furret in his house. After watching those sexual and explosive videos, his followers wanted to see them fuck already but they made them wait a little longer since they wanted to browse other channels they knew. One had about 10000 followers watching a Lugia and a Ho-oh fucking in the Bell Tower and the one that was a gigantic cumdumpster that was the Lugia. The bad thing that the connection goes down when it was going to explode. Another channel of two Zoroark fucking in turns and were very obese. It was seen that one of them fucked him to burst and then the other Zoroark also exploded swallowing his own cum by the explosion of the other leaving the streaming in silence but seconds later, they stood up in a daze and raised their thumbs indicating that they were fine. The Rhyperior stood up from his seat and stood on all fours, raising his tail and showing his butt to Toni's followers.

"Do you want to see me explode?" says Dony moving the butt with a lot of sensuality and the chat exploded with alot of bomb icons.

"Let's not make them wait." says the Dragonite taking off his clothes showing off his huge cock.

Many new followers subscribed to see that another pair of pokemon were going to fuck in streaming. They saw the Dragonite grabbing something and push a button. A small drone with a camera began to fly around them to see all possible angles to see how it was filling the Rhyperior like a cumdumpster. Toni gave him a nice smack on his butt followed by putting his cock between the buttocks of the Dony.

"Are you ready? I'm not gonna hold back." says Toni .

"Go ahead, I'm looking forward to it." says Dony.

The Dragonite stuck all his huge cock in the butt of the Rhyperior starting the show. The new followers continued to arrive and already had almost 3000 watching them fuck in streaming. Toni fucked him ferociously banging his huge balls against Dony's butt and supported his tail on his shoulder for more comfort. The Rhyperior seemed to enjoy it and his cock was squirting a lot of pre, starting to leave a puddle on the ground. Toni increased his speed more using Agility and when he had his speed to the maximum, he hit him with Extreme Speed. The two roared with pleasure and the belly of the Dony reached the ground with the first cum cannon of Toni. The drone recorded how it was filling it like a balloon receiving numerous comments in the chat asking to fill it more and the Dragonite looked at the comments through the small command and he answer that this was the beginning of his stream. He continued to use Extreme Speed, hitting Dony's butt hard nonstop with his big balls and the Rhyperior was enjoying it.

"Do you want me to explode it now? I put a poll." says Toni to his followers.

Toni continued fucking but without ejaculating and lay on top of him to kiss him while they answered the poll. A few minutes later, the survey ended and 99% of his followers wanted to see him already made a large pool of cum.

"Dony, the chat has already decided. Prepare yourself that you are going to explode in my stream!" says Toni very happy.

"Come on, I was starting to get bored." says Dony.

The Dragonite roared holding tightly the buttocks of the Rhyperior and with a powerful Giga Impact made Dony scream with pleasure causing an explosion of cum to come out under great pressure from the butt of the Rhyperior. There were already at least 5000 followers watching the stream show and they had arrived in time to see Dony transform into a gigantic cumbomb. All the clothes he had not taken off were torn to pieces, his arms and legs were absorbed by his body while his cheeks swelled with Dragonite's cum. His chat followers wrote "Explode, explode, explode!" nonstop encouraging Toni to do it all at once. The Dragonite did not disappoint to more than 5000 followers, making it explode with a powerful Giga Impact, ending with a sonorous KABLOOORF and the streaming was cut abruptly. The Dragonite was hit against the wall by the shock wave and his entire bedroom was covered in cum. Minutes later, Toni got up from the ground and put the live one back on. His followers waited for his return but now there were almost 8000. They also saw that a big pool of cum moving and began to rise. Gradually it took shape until Dony had resurrected as a Rhydon.

"Oh, my." says Toni seeing that his friend had made him lose his evolution abruptly.

"What? Am I a Rhydon again?" says Tony until he started touching his body.

"I didn't expect this. With other pokemon this has not happened to me." says Toni a little nervous.

"I've enjoyed little with my new evolution but we can fix it." says Dony showing off his huge Rhydon cock.

The chat suggested Dony exploit Toni as punishment and asked for a poll. About 80% wanted Dony to exploit it, 15% to exploit Toni again and the last 5% to do 69. The Dragonite accepted the poll and stood in front of the camera, at a reasonable distance so that when it exploded it did not impact all the cum to his equipment. Dony with a big smile grabbed him from his waist and bit his neck.

"Let's continue with the fun!" says Dony ramming his cock into Tony's narrow butt.

The Dragonite growled at the push of the Rhydon and began to fuck slowly to get used to his huge cock. In a few minutes he filled it with pre, swelling his belly like a barrel. His followers increased close to 9000 and Dony fucked him more wildly making the Toni moan with pleasure in front of everyone. With a powerful Giga Impact, he ejaculated the biggest cumshot of his life. He transformed him into an obese Dragonite causing his belly to fall to the ground and his whole body became bigger and rounder. The same thing was happening to him as Dony before but in a much more accelerated way and he vomited his semen until with a powerful BANG, the Rhydon was hit against the wall by the shock wave and all the cum painted white on the screen. The chat was filled with applause icons and they wanted more. The Dragonite had taken it before coming and regenerated a bit stunned.

"First time?" says Dony.

"Yes, I didn't know it was that intense." says Toni.

"Round 3?" says Dony seeing that his followers wanted to see them fuck for more time.

"Of course. There's a lot of cum to be released from our balls." says Toni.

The two horny males continued their sexual streaming, exploding each other until dawn. Dony had fainted after the last round with Toni as he exploded it almost 7 times and he said goodbye to his followers who had reached 11000 in a single night. He received a lot of money and decided to distribute it with the Rhydon and incidentally compensate it with another Protector to be a Rhyperior again. When the Rhydon woke up they went for a relaxing bath and slept in the other beds from the principal floor as Dragonite's bedroom was flooding with cum. Before went to sleep he pressed a secret button that he had and he would have his bedroom clean and scented the next day. They became very friends and left the sexual app to become professionals in the world of porn.

PokeNNN - Round 30

DAY 1: It was a quiet afternoon and a group of 4 pokemon left a studio after recording a new album. His group was called the Black Thunder. They were 2 Toxtricity and 2 Obstagoon formed by Roy, Troy, Gon and Gaston. They did not have a house of their...

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PokeNNN - Round 28

DAY 1: It was a hot summer day and a Buizel came out with a small backpack with his things to spend the whole morning at the beach. His house was a 15 minute walk from the beach. His name was Lei. He wore his towel on his shoulder and his eyes were...

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PokeNNN - Round 27

DAY 1: A Flygon woke up by the sound of his alarm clock and went to take a refreshing shower. Upon getting up, he grabbed his big backpack and flies to his job. He worked as a postman and handed out all kinds of deliveries except illegal products....

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