PokeNNN - Round 28

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Buizel, Floatzel © Pokémon, Game Freak, Nintendo

DAY 1:

It was a hot summer day and a Buizel came out with a small backpack with his things to spend the whole morning at the beach. His house was a 15 minute walk from the beach. His name was Lei. He wore his towel on his shoulder and his eyes were blue like sapphires. The beach in his area was always full and he had to walk a little more until he had a hole. He lay down on his towel and put on some special sun cream for his fur and relaxed a bit. After 30 minutes on his back, he turned around and left his exposed to the Sun. After another 30 minutes, he decided to take a bath in the sea while not far from there, a Floatzel arrived. His name was Taz. His eyes were green and he was totally naked on the beach. His body was big, tall, muscular and slim being the center of the looks. He found a hole next to the Buizel and put on his sun cream. A few minutes later, the Buizel came out of the sea and the huge Floatzel went to the sea to cool off. Lei sat on his towel and saw the towel on the side that was twice as big with a backpack that looked very expensive. The Buizel took out his mobile to look at the messages they had and when the huge Floatzel leaving the sea, he took a lot of compliments and whistles from many females and jealous males of his physical condition. The Floatzel sat on his towel and fixed on the Buizel.

"Hello, enjoying the beach?" says Taz calling Buizel's attention, diverting his face to the Floatzel.

"Hello! Yes, I come every morning before work." says Lei.

"I'm Taz. I have just returned to my region to visit my relatives working in various regions." says the Floatzel.

"I'm Lei. Don't you attract too much attention?" asked the Buizel.

"I don't think it's a problem" says Taz with a little smile.

Suddenly, he heard voices of females calling his name as if they were followers of him and began to collect his things. From his backpack, he took out a card and quickly handed it to him.

"Call me." says the Floatzel starting to run.

Just as I was going to say a word, a pile of pokemon passed through the sand, crushing or throwing every pokemon that was in the middle. After a few minutes, they helped each other by taking out pokemon under the sand and even called ambulances. After that disaster, he returned home to go to work. He was a simple worker of a small water park and watched over the pokemon not doing anything bad. When he got home, he looked for the Floatzel card and there was his phone and an email. He called the Floatzel and the first time, he just communicated. After trying a few more times, he finally answered. Taz apologized for leaving so fast and they were talking for hours. Lei explained about a sexual challenge that he had seen online and Taz already did it on many occasions without losing. The Buizel also agreed to do so. It was almost 2 in the morning and they decided to talk this time by video call on the next occasion since Taz was a busy pokemon but did not tell him what work he had.

DAY 11:

10 Days after meeting Taz, Lei reunited with the Floatzel at the airport as he had invited him to have a good time with him in the Alola region. He greet him and they gave each other a big hug. They were chatting throughout the trip until they reached Akala Island in one of the most exclusive hotels on the island. The Buizel was impressed by the luxuries he had and they stayed the most luxurious room. Taz took off his clothes by staying naked and Lei blushed at the sight of his butt again, he couldn't get used to seeing other naked pokemon. They relaxed in the jacuzzi and gave many caresses avoiding their crotches.

"Are you confortable?" says Taz.

"Yes, but I still get used to it with such luxury." says Lei.

"You know? I like you a lot." says Taz surprising the Buizel.

Lei blushed and kissed him on the mouth answering the Floatzel. The Buizel stood up and sat on the Floatzel's lap until he noticed something warm between his buttocks. Taz's cock was twice as big as his and he rubbed very slowly between them.

"Have you gotten horny? Me too" Lei said with his hard cock brushing Taz's chest.

"Don't provoke me that I can be dominant when I want to." says Taz.

"I'm also dominant though I prefer to enjoy both sides." says Lei coiling his tails with Taz's huge cock.

They stayed a few more hours in the jacuzzi rubbing each other and then went to see the television in their bed until they fell asleep with their cocks already flaccid and without being hard.

DAY 22:

The love of the 2 otters was increasing when they had already met for 3 weeks and Lei told him that they were going to move him to another water park since he was working in, they were going to close it from here a few days because of the low attention of the customers. They had also met Taz's parents who were very happy to see him and accepted him as their son. This time he went with the Floatzel to the Hoenn region. They landed in Mossdeep City and then by boat to Lilycove City where they had a room reserved for them and it was already night since the flight lasted almost 10 hours. Lei hadn't told him his current job yet, but he could still wait a little longer to tell him.

"What do you want to visit?" says Taz taking off his clothes again and leaving it in a chair.

"The hot springs of Lavarigde Town are very famous for relaxing the muscles." says Lei.

"We can also have fun in those hot springs" says Taz with a little naughty smile.

"They are public and mixed. I don't think we can do anything" says Lei .

"There are some arcades and good food in Mauville City." says Taz hugging the Buizel and noticing the Floatzel's cock brushing his belly.

"How would I like to suck your cock right now." says Lei, grabbing Taz's cock with both hands.

"And I would like to destroy your butt and evolve you to Floatzel." says Taz while the Buizel masturbated him very slowly.

"I didn't know that fucking you could evolve instead of training for years." says Lei stopping masturbating to the Floatzel as Taz pushed him gently as he was going to cum.

"This usually happens very rarely but I think you are one of them that you can evolve fucking without training. Are we going to dinner and get into a jacuzzi?" says Taz this time rubbing his cock on the back of the Buizel.

"Okay, you horny otter. Put on your clothes, I wait for you outside." says Lei pushing gently his partner.

A few hours later they decided to go to dinner and the Buizel had a big erection in his pants making him stand on his back at the exit of the hotel trying to lower his excitement. Taz saw him and gave him a big hug. They arrived at a restaurant in Lilycove City and got fed up with fish and seafood until their bellies were full. They even tipped for their great service. They returned to the hotel and undressed together, entering the jacuzzi and ending in a passionate kiss. A few hours later, they showered together with their hard cocks. His crotches were very big causing Taz's balls to reach almost to the ground. With a lot of patience and concentration he was able to return it to its normal size just like Lei who had to be in the shower longer to lower that powerful erection. After finishing their shower, they went to sleep hugging although Taz rubbed next to him until he fell asleep.

DAY 26:

After 4 exciting days in Hoenn, when boarding the plane they were informed that there was a big thunderstorm in Sinnoh and the plane was diverted to the Galar region, where Taz currently lived. Arriving at the airport, the Floatzel was completely camouflaged with sunglasses. Lei found it strange and they managed to leave without being seen. The taxi driver who was a Morgrem, did not know him when he took off his hood and glasses.

"Take us to Balloonlea in front of the Pokemon Center" says Taz .

"Alright." says the taxi driver.

The taxi got going and about 45 minutes later they arrived at their destination. He went out normally looking at both sides, paying the taxi driver and grabbed his hand where they arrived at a very bright apartment with very elegant details. Upon entering his apartment, he sighed in relief.

"What's that attitude coming from? Don't you like Galar?" says Lei.

"Not exactly, but this is when I started my porn acting career at Galar and I'm still very well famous." says Taz.

"Porn actor? That's why you have such a huge cock. And what happened when we met?" says Lei.

"Oh, I just started working in another new company when I ended up in Galar and all those females were known from this region. Sorry for running away." says Taz.

"Don't worry. It's all sorted out" says Lei.

"Tomorrow we go to the airport again and ask for tickets to return to Sinnoh. This apartment belongs to my parents when they spend the winter here. There won't be a problem" says Taz.

The Buizel hugged the Floatzel and they kissed again with their tongues, heading for the bed.

DAY 29:

The airport had technical problems in their planes and they had to go by boat to Sinnoh where the trip lasted almost 2 days. They arrived at Canalave City exhausted in the middle of the afternoon and with a bad face since the sea was very agitated. After drinking something to sit his stomach, Lei invited him to her house. The Buizel's apartment was small for him. They had to go and buy food as there was almost nothing in the fridge. They came back with many bags and cooked between the two as they touched each other trying to excite each other. While they ate they saw numerous movies that had even some porn content saved to imagine doing it with Taz once the sexual challenge had already happened. Once finished eating, Lei began to cross out all the numbers until the 29th.

"Tomorrow is already the last day of the sexual challenge" says Lei.

"Yes, and the start of the new month, we will fuck non-stop at my house. Does it look good to you?" says Taz.

"I'm really impatient to do it. How about we have fun in the bathroom for a while?" says Lei.

The Floatzel smiled from ear to ear and went to the shower where they spent almost 2 hours. The shower was quite narrow and they were both a little tight but didn't care. The cocks of both pokemon were huge just like their balls, but those of Taz almost reached the ground. After ejaculating gallons of pre without control, both males went to sleep while Lei used Taz's belly as a waterbed.

DAY 30:

The next day, the Lei woke up totally alone without Taz and got up to look where the Floatzel had gotten into. He called him constantly, looking all over his house but received no response. He grabbed his cell phone and called him but he's out of signal. After many attempts, a message arrived with his location and that he had left something on the table in his dining room. He went to look and there was a box. Lei lifted the lid off the box and inside was a maid cosplay and a candy. Also a note that before coming should eat the candy since the night would be very intense. Lei opened the candy wrapper and he smell it but doesn't have any smell. He put it in his mouth and had a taste of fruits but then a strong aftertaste to spicy. After taking out the maid suit, he blushed and went to look at the mirrors in his bedroom where he imagined himself caring for his partner. After a few hours, the Buizel checked if there was anything else in the box but it was completely empty. Taz called him and apologized for leaving without warning as he wanted to make him the best surprise and sexual experience of his life. He told him to send a transport to take him home and come with the maid suit he had sent him. Lei was curious but the Floatzel did not tell him anything and had to wait for the night for the surprise he had made. Lei was all day and late tidying up the house while thinking madness had occurred to his boyfriend. When night came, the Buizel put on his maid's clothes and felt very ashamed to wear them in public. Suddenly, they knocked on the door and he was greeted by another Floatzel but he was leaner and more muscular in sunglasses.

"Good evening, I'm here to pick you up from Mr. Taz." says the driver.

"Oh, thank you." says the blushed Buizel.

The Floatzel took him to a black limousine, where Lei got on and the driver returned inside his vehicle, driving to his destination. The car ride lasted at least an hour until the vehicle came to a stop.

"We have arrived. Less than 15 minutes left by 00:00. Enjoy the experience with Mr. Taz." says the driver.

"Oh, thank you." says Lei a little blushed.

The Buizel came out of the limousine and was in front of a huge mansion. On the side he put a sign that they were going to demolish it and it was strange that he will invite him to a mansion in full demolition although it was in good condition. He rang the doorbell and Taz answered him. The entrance doors opened and he walked down the elegant hallway filled with fountains and shrubs of different shapes until he reached the front door where the front door opened, seeing the big Floatzel with a big smile.

"Welcome. A little more and I'd fuck you right here." says Taz.

"Can you hold on for 15 more minutes, Mr. Taz?" asked Lei to his boyfriend stroking his big tummy.

"Of course. You took the candy out of the box, right? And don't call me sir. I find it very uncomfortable." says the Floatzel.

"Your driver was the one telling you. Yeah, what was it for?" he asked as he entered the mansion.

"It is to make you more stretchy and that you regenerate every time it makes you explode. Oh, he's known me since I was little and he treats me like I'm his big brother." says Taz.

"Wow, I wasn't expecting it. What do we do as long as the time is?" ask Lei.

"We can walk around the mansion and show you the areas where we'll fuck until the sun comes up" says Taz.

The Floatzel showed him the mansion and they told him that they were going to demolish it but he told them that he would take care of the demolition since it has something more destructive than dynamite. The Buizel escaped a laugh at the same time that his boyfriend was in a very elegant suit although he noticed a bulge in his pants trying to contain its original size. There were many bedrooms, bathrooms, a heated pool in the basement, another outside the mansion, jacuzzi and even sauna. They arrived at the mansion's largest bedroom where the Floatzel looked at a large clock that was less than 5 minutes left by midnight on December 1.

"Get ready, you're going to obey all my orders." says Taz.

"I can't wait, how about we do a quick warm-up?" says very horny, noticing that his skirt was lifted by the erection of his huge cock.

The Floatzel nodded and both otters lay down but the Buizel, stood on top of him brushing his cock between his buttocks.

"I've eaten that candy too, you can blow me up but there's a little condition." says Taz.

"Which one?" asked Lei.

"Until you're not a Floatzel, you can't fuck my butt." says Taz with a smile.

"Oh, come on! That's not fair!" says Lei.

"You will change your mind when my cock does not stop entering cum in your body exploding over and over again without stopping. This is better than training for years!" says Taz.

Suddenly, the clock started ringing making 12 sounds causing the Floatzel to remove the Buizel from above and pin him to the bed with his hands.

"Well, my dear maid. I give you your first and only order. Fucks with me relentlessly and evolves into a mighty Floatzel like me to destroy this entire mansion!" says Taz with a dominant tone.

"Yes, master! I'm all yours!" shouted Lei very horny with his cock dripping a lot pre.

The Floatzel's pants were torn to pieces showing his gigantic cock dripping much more pre than the Buizel. He lifted his skirt and gave it a powerful push, marking a big bulge in his belly. Taz fucked him very quickly by hitting his huge balls against his butt making the Buizel scream with pleasure and making the bed shake. With a few more thrusts, Taz growled and Lei's belly became so huge tearing his maid's clothes.

"There goes your first explosion!" shouted Taz.

"Come on, this is fucking paradise!" Lei shouted with his tongue out exploding in a few minutes making a POP sound and leaving a large puddle of cum on the bed.

The Floatzel took off his clothes by pulling them to the floor waiting for his boyfriend's return and regenerated at the exit of the bedroom.

"I'm here, daddy~! See if you catch me to make me boom-boom!" says Lei with a naughty giggle and moving his butt.

"How bad you are! Come here for us to continue new explosive love!" says Taz with a big smile.

The Buizel ran down the long corridor to one of them before the Floatzel went in search. Lei was very horny and leaning on the door masturbating until he heard Taz's footsteps at the door. The Buizel held his breath for a few seconds until the huge cock of the Floatzel went through the door as if it were a battering ram and entered Lei's butt making him scream of pleasure.

"I caught you! Prepare for your punishment!" shouted Taz using Ice Punch to harden his hands to get through the door.

His fists made two holes and held the Lei by the arms leaving him motionless and suspended him in the air. He began to fuck his partner with great intensity making the door tremble and heard the moans of pleasure of Lei until the Floatzel growled again ramming with all his strength, destroying the door and the Buizel exploded with a strong PUM painting white throughout the bedroom and Taz fell to the floor. The game of continuous hide and fuck did not stop. Gradually, Lei contained more and more cum becoming more elastic and destructive as there were huge holes in the mansion, shattered windows, and collapsed walls and even craters on the ground covering the area with Taz's cum. They had 3 hours of uninterrupted sex and Lei hid in a gigantic closet. Taz found it immediately by the trail of cum that left to regenerate and got into the closet with the Buizel. Lei tried to escape by opening the door but the big Floatzel grabbed him by his tails and pushed him inside again by slamming the closet door shut. Within a few seconds, the large closet began to shake, listening to the moans of the two otters fucking until Lei shouted "Daddy!" with all his strength and his belly he shattered the huge doors, continuing to expand through the bedroom to occupy the entire place. Taz bit his neck with dominance with his huge cock ejaculating like a pressure hose until Lei with his tongue out, detonated making a sonorous KABOOM, destroying everything in that room. Taz with a smile on his face returned to wait for the Buizel for his return and regenerated in front of him but he was already a Floatzel like him.

"Time to be my sex toy." Lei told to the Floatzel.

"Be gentle with me, okay?" says Taz with a forced smile knowing it wasn't going to be like that.

"I give you 10 seconds." says Lei.

Taz came out of the bedroom and listened to his boyfriend count to 10. In a few minutes he had him running with his huge cock behind him. The chase ended in the heated pool in the basement where the Lei gave him a good push and they fell into the water. Both held their breath and the horny Lei put his huge cock in the narrow back of Taz making him see the stars. On the surface was everything silent. A few minutes later heart-shaped bubbles began to emerge and seconds later, a monstrous Floatzel's belly came out of the pool expanding through the place, and, while in the depths of the pool, Lei fucked Taz's mouth swallowing to the last drop and with a BLOOORF sound destroyed the entire basement causing the entire mansion to sink and the entire basement to be flooded with Lei's cum. The Floatzel came out very satisfied after fucking with Taz but still wanted more fun. When he was able to get out of the basement, Taz followed him and gave him a big hug followed by a passionate kiss.

"You want to continue?" says Taz.

"Yes, I want more sex!" says Lei.

The two Floatzel went to relax in the jacuzzi but not too hard since their sexual instincts were still very active and fucked nonstop. They destroyed the sauna almost to the point of fainting from the heat, the outdoor pool formed a huge crater full of Taz's cum and there was less time for the sun to rise. Lei and Taz went to one of the dorms and performed a 69 and sucked each other's huge cocks. With their tails, they stroked each other's balls until they began to cum. The two Floatzels filled each other with the cum of the other until they could not contain that position. Then when they were obese, they gave each other a big kiss and using Hydropump and Water Gun they filled their bodies to be huge enough to occupy the entire ruinous white-painted mansion of both Floatzel bellies until they detonated with great force, causing a tremor and two powerful explosions that were heard 5 kilometers around. An intense rain of water and cum fell for about 2 minutes until it stopped. Taz and Lei regenerated with a big smile on their faces lying on the ground and gave each other another kiss on the mouth with the sun rising on the horizon.

"Have you had a good time?" asked Taz to his boyfriend.

"The best sexual challenge of my life." says Lei.

"Do we do it again next year?" asked Taz.

"No, never. It's been really hard to hold back and now I have you to fuck as many times as I want." says Lei stroking his boyfriend's face.

Suddenly, they heard a horn and it was the driver who had brought him to the mansion.

"Mister Taz, I'm glad to see you destroyed the mansion at the agreed time. His parents want to see him with his friend to inform him of the upcoming advances of his porn movie." says the driver.

"Stop telling me, mister, I'm not a kid anymore!" says Taz making Lei laugh.

Both Floatzel got up from the ground and headed to the limousine where the driver handed him some towels before entering so as not to dirty everything with cum. Once dry their fur, they got into the vehicle where they first passed through terminal bathrooms to bathe and remove the stench to sex and finally went to the home of Taz's parents where Lei lived with him happily for ever.

PokeNNN - Round 29

DAY 1: Another day of streaming began on a video game channel. The one who played was a Rhydon and did not have many followers and enjoyed a wide variety of them. Some days he had more followers or in other video games did not even reach 50 followers....

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PokeNNN - Round 27

DAY 1: A Flygon woke up by the sound of his alarm clock and went to take a refreshing shower. Upon getting up, he grabbed his big backpack and flies to his job. He worked as a postman and handed out all kinds of deliveries except illegal products....

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PokeNNN - Round 26

DAY 1: A Charmeleon awoke from his sleep and wiped his face. After his family prepared him a good breakfast, he went to work. He worked as a security guard in a huge block of flats. Almost all day he is looking at the surveillance cameras with a fat...

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