PokeNNN - Round 22

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Decidueye, Hisuian Decidueye © Pokémon, Game Freak, Nintendo

DAY 1:

In a dense tropical jungle where the Sun entered a bit, there was a small pokemon village where Decidueye lived among other Grass, Ghost or Dark-type pokemon. There were streetlights with wildfire inside to illuminate the town the rest of the day as the Sun only entered the hours it reached its highest point. Two Decidueye were expert archers and gave practices to the most novices. Cid was an expert Decidueye of Hisui to whom they had respect and Eddy was his apprentice, an ordinary Decidueye although his aim only surpassed Cid. The practices were carried out on a hill with different objectives. They started with a demonstration and all their students applauded. Then they practiced for hours until the class was over. When the night arrived, Cid and Eddy were talking about doing the sexual challenge but Cid was not interested and interrupted him during his workouts. Eddy went home and went to sleep soon to continue with the training.

DAY 5:

Cid and Eddy continued training with their students until they saw a great improvement. They finished the training sooner since Cid and Eddy had an errand from their bosses since some food was not easily obtained or the suppliers did not have them. They came out of the dense forest and the Sun was quite annoying for Eddy but Cid had protection from the Sun. They came to the neighboring city and bought a big amount. With two huge boxes on their backs, they returned to the village where they were distributed in all the pokemon of the village. Then they decided to go hunting until the night fell, that was when they had better vision. Returning to the village, they had a great banquet with everything captured and then went to sleep.

DAY 8:

Eddy woke up and went to the bathroom to wipe his face. After meeting Cid, they went to a small bar to drink. Hisui's Decidueye asked him about the sexual challenge and Eddy had it all under control. They were talking almost all afternoon and when the night came, they went hunting. After returning to the village with numerous animals, they were handed over to the village butcher. The two Decidueye when talking a little back to their homes, went to sleep soon as they had no appetite.

DAY 13:

5 Days later, Cid and Eddy went hunting and training individually. When Eddy had moved far away from the village his cock became hard. It was long and thick dripping pre. He was training with that load as he listened to his balls growling full of cum, waiting to release the load on someone. He found a river and put his belongings aside to bathe in the river. The water was cold causing the huge cock to lose size and relieving pressure in that area. After the bath, he ate some berries and continued to train a little more, again having his erection. When night came, he tried to hunt something but his huge erect cock made them flee from the horror. He returned with empty hands and manage to lower the erection before entering the village. Cid was found with a bunch of preys on his shoulder. After delivering them to the butcher, they went to drink something in the bar and Cid confessed that he was curious to know how big he had for the challenge. Eddy smiled at him with a naughty smile and got up from the table to show him but Cid stopped him from doing it in public and Eddy couldn't help but laugh as he did jokingly. After ordering some dinner at the bar to accompany his drinks, he told him that he could come with him to see how he trained with his huge hard cock. Cid nodded nervous to see him and they finished the dinner. The two Decidueye quietly went home to continue their training.

DAY 14:

Eddy went to train with all the tranquility and saw Cid waiting for him. The Decidueye smiled and his cock instantly became hard, surprising the Hisuian Decidueye. He was hypnotized as he trained with the huge hard cock and his big balls like oranges. Eddy's training caused Cid to have an erection as well and he quickly covered himself up so Eddy wouldn't see him. A few hours passed and they rested to eat. Eddy realized that Cid was constantly looking at his cock and spread his legs causing Cid to get upset and Eddy to laugh at him as it was another little joke. Afterwards both Decidueye fought until their bodies could not stand any longer. Cid distracted Eddy's huge hard cock during the match causing him to get aroused and Eddy to smile as they were both the same. Night came and after lowering their erections with a powerful berry they ate, they went hunting. They were not very successful and returned to their homes although Cid began to feel something for Eddy.

DAY 30:

More than three weeks passed and Cid did not see Eddy again since his last training with his huge hard cock. The Hisuian Decidueye went to visit him and knocked on the door. There was no answer. He looked out the windows and could see nothing. After many attempts, he decided to return later. Cid was training with other pokemon until night. After dinner, he went back to Eddy's house. He knocked on the door again and no one opened. He put his ear on the door and could hear noise. He knocked on the door again and opened herself.

"Eddy? Are you at home?" asked Cid.

"Cid? I need help! I can't get out of bed!" says Eddy screaming inside the house.

The Hisuian Decidueye entered Eddy's house and had a strong smell of pheromones coming from his bedroom. Upon seeing him, he was surprised at his huge cock. Last time it was long and big and his balls big but it had changed. Now his cock was thicker and shorter with huge balls like watermelons and he could not move. He helped him up and accompanied him to the bathroom to clean his plumage. After nearly 3 hours cleaning his plumage, he couldn't help but look at his gigantic crotch.

"I think it's time to release the load" says Eddy.

"Have you overcome the challenge yet?" asked Cid.

"Yes, we've been in the bathroom a long time. It's 00:01 right now. Didn't you notice the little clock I have in the bathroom?" says Eddy pointing to the little clock on the wall.

"Then.. could I...?" says Cid with a big smile squeezing Eddy's huge balls.

Eddy moaned with pleasure as Cid squeezed his huge balls nonstop until a bunch of pre came out of his cock.

"I'm gonna cum!" said Eddy.

"Come on, flood it all!" says Cid.

"Sit on top!" shouted Eddy.

"No way!" says Cid, stopping squeezing his friend's balls.

"Just a few minutes... please?" says Eddy with puppy eyes.

Cid reluctantly accepted and sat on top of Eddy's huge cock. The Decidueye sighed in pleasure as Cid jumped on top of his cock but only the tip came in. Eddy tightly gripped his waist and pushed half of his cock into Cid making his eyes almost pop out of their orbits, creating a huge bulge is his stomach and having an erection.

"FUCK! Much better!" shouted Eddy.

"Let me get up, you idiot!" shouted Cid in gasps of pleasure and pain.

"I'm going to cum now, get ready!" says Eddy holding the Hisuian Decidueye tightly so he wouldn't escape.

"DON'T YOU DARE!" shouted Cid.

Eddy screamed with pure pleasure and a loud SPLORT was heard in Cid's belly, filling the Hisuian Decidueye. Cid couldn't help but moan until his cheeks filled instantly. Eddy fucked his butt again, firing another cumshot inside him, screaming with all his might and holding him by his arms so that he would not have a chance to escape. Cid's cock had an instant cumshot.

"Take it all, Cid! I love you, you bastard!" shouted Eddy.

"I lov-GLK!!!" Cid could not finish his sentence since he vomit gallons and gallons of cum through the mouth like a white hidropump, leaving him in a state of pure pleasure also cumming twice by Eddy's orgasm.

Gradually his crotch was beginning to shrink and Cid was gaining a lot of weight leaving him very obese. After 10 minutes of nonstop cumming, Eddy fell asleep. Half of his body was covered in cum while the poor Cid heard him coughing and spitting cum out of his mouth. His whole body was covered with semen cum for his head. There was a gigantic white puddle occupying the entire bathroom and it had expanded throughout the house. Cid noticed that Eddy's cock had already come out of his butt and attempted to get up but his body weighed so heavily on Eddy's cum that he did not give up and using Bulk Up lost some weight. He went to look in the mirror and was pale from how obese he was. He stroked his round body, even his cheeks were fat. He turned to the sleeping Eddy and opened the shower faucet wetting him all over his face.

"Hey, I was sleeping!" says Eddy.

"Look at me!" says Cid, surprising his friend.

"Wow, you're so fat!" says Eddy trying to hold his laugh.

"For my Bulk Up has no effect." says Cid, caressing his huge belly.

"You have enjoyed it with me?" says Eddy rising from the ground.

"No, I hate it! I don't forgive you!" says Cid very angry.

"Are you sure?" smiled Eddy stroking his obese belly.

Cid blushed like a tomato and Eddy gave him a kiss on the cheek. They gave each other a big hug, followed by a tongue kiss.

"That's a yes?" asked Eddy.

"I loved it. Can we do it again?" asked Cid.

"Sure, but never again like that. For a moment, I thought my balls are going to explode." says Eddy.

"We're going to clean up and go to sleep. We will do our training the next night to lose this belly." says Cid.

"Okay, but I'll use your big belly as a pillow." says Eddy, stroking her belly.

The two Decidueye cleaned their plumage and the Sun began to rise but went to sleep peacefully while Eddy did not stop stroking the huge and obese Cid's belly full of his cum until both fall asleep in broad daylight.

PokeNNN - Round 23

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PokeNNN - Round 21

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PokeNNN - Round 20

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