PokeNNN - Round 20

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Ivysaur, Venusaur, Breloom, Tropius © Pokémon, Game Freak, Nintendo

DAY 1:

In the middle of a big city, an Ivysaur woke up with a huge yawn. His name was Urvan. He worked in a market selling berries and other fruits. He got up from his bed and went to the bathroom to wipe his face. After cleaning up, he made the breakfast and went to work. He came to the market with other pokemon and went to his post. It was a huge building with its different stalls where customers came to do their shopping. The chief was a Breloom who was a lover of agriculture and always brought the best fruit in the region. Once mounted his post, customers began to enter the building and the Ivysaur was serving its customers. After many hours, his boss ordered him to rest for a while to eat. The Breloom catered to many customers alone and Urvan came back to help him as he finished eating. When the afternoon arrived, his partner arrived as support and continued until the market closed. They picked up their stall and returned to their homes.

DAY 2:

The next day, while he was installing the stand, a pokemon approached the Breloom and told him everything he had to do. The pokemon was a female Tropius. She was beautiful and very attractive falling in love to the Ivysaur. He introduced himself to the new member and her name was Supi. The Tropius was responsible for serving customers from her position with the Breloom while Urvan tried to attract customers with good offers that had his position. At the end of his shift and arriving at his house, he had an erection thinking about that Tropius after not having any sexual thoughts, now with that female he would have it a little complicated. After taking a shower, he had some light dinner and went straight to bed.

DAY 7:

5 Days after Supi started working in the market, Urvan kept looking at her and was very distracted at work. The Breloom did not give it much importance and continued to sell his merchandise to their customers. They took a short break and Urban decided to invite Supi. When he was in front of the Tropius he was blank and his cheeks turned red like tomatoes. She was confused at first and heard from Ivysaur's lips the word "date" and she told him yes. Urvan did not believe it and the Tropius told him the place and time. At the end of the break, they continued to work until their afternoon shift partner came and the Ivusaur with the Tropius went home to prepare their appointment. They stayed at night to watch a movie but I didn't know what it was.

Seeing the title, he did not know that I was going until when he entered, there was a smell of sex in the room. It was a porn movie. It lasted 3 hours without rest and all the audience had masturbated or had sex during the movie. Supi was calmly leaving while the Ivysaur noticed strong sexual urges and that his cock would not take long to get hard and destroy his pants. After walking through a park, the Tropius told her she was very attractive and knew she was making the sexual challenge. Urvan could only blush and then they said goodbye with a kiss on the cheek. Upon returning at home, he sighed in love and lay down on his bed until a not very pleasant noise made him come down from the clouds. His cock had shattered his pants and he had to throw the whole suit in the trash. He went to the bathroom to get down to the erection to rest without discomfort.

DAY 16:

Supi arrived earlier at the market and received a call from his boss that today could not come to work for a personal problem and went to pick up the keys to his house. Urvan got up and his cock was hard with the balls as big as grapefruits. He spent about 2 hours trying to lower the erection and the size of his balls in the shower followed by Aromatherapy that caused him a deep tranquility. Then he put on his work clothes and headed to the market. Supi was found alone installing the stand and helped her to start serving clients. While they were working, the Tropius looked at the Ivysaur's butt as his balls were marked on his uniform and a slight laugh escaped from her as Urvan continued to bring merchandise to the post. For a few hours, they had to help each other until it was time to rest. While they were eating some fruits and later the companion of their boss came sooner to help them.

All the fruits were sold and they were able to leave earlier, picking up the stall and Supi approached the Ivysaur. Urvan looked at the big Tropius and whispered something in his ear. He blushed his eyes away and turned his eyes to her. Supi nodded and winked at him, moving his butt with a lot of sensuality. Urvan inspired and expired deeply as he was going to have an erection at any time as he could hold on until the end of the month. 30 Minutes later, he came home and took off his uniform immediately making his cock hard, it was even bigger than a Venusaur. Its evolution was close since his balls had swollen more like melons reaching a few centimeters from the ground. For almost all night he was using Aromatherapy constantly to reduce the monstrous cock he had until at bedtime he was able to rest.

DAY 23:

Almost a week later, Supi invited her home to eat and the Ivysaur put on his best clothes to surprise her. He had woken up without an erection and headed home. He arrived in less than an hour and the house of the Tropius was two story block and he ring the bell. Supi received her in an elegant dress and left inside moving her butt with sensuality. Urvan grunted sensually and entered the house, closing the door with his Vine Whip.

"Thank you for inviting me." says Urvan.

"It's nothing. I hope you like the food." says Supi looking at the oven and stirring a pot with his Vine Whip.

Urvan nodded and stared at her butt as he waited for the meal quietly.

"I know you're looking at my butt, Urvan. That will be your dessert." says Supi with a giggle.

"Oh, sorry... I can't help it. This challenge excites me to the minimum." says Urvan.

"Don't worry. Could you set the table?" says Supi.

The Ivysaur nodded and began to prepare the table. After locating everything, he place everything and the Tropius took the food with both whips. They served each other and began to eat. There was a brief silence as they ate but the Ivysaur started tasting Supi food and it was delicious. Supi also ate watching as the Ivysaur had eaten three dishes and smiled slightly. 1 hour after eating, the stomach of the Urvan was already full. After a while, they went to the bedroom as she knew that the Ivysaur was looking forward to unloading all the cum for her. Supi got into position and there was a big table so that the Ivysaur could ride the Tropius.

"You don't need to take your clothes off. Your body and crotch will already do it for you." says Supi.

"I'm not responsible for what happens" says Urvan.

There were several mirrors in the room and Supi looked at them to see the Ivysaur and his crotch. Urvan climbed on the table and began licking her lips from her vagina. She was surprised and could see in the mirrors how the bulge of the pants began to grow until it ripped out his huge cock. Urvan continued to lick her vagina and his huge balls came out of his pants that were big as grapefruits but had not reached their actual size.

"What are you waiting for? Fuck with that huge cock you got!" says Supi.

"Very good! There we go!" says Urvan riding the Tropius with a powerful push.

"Wrong hole!" says Supi looking through the mirrors.

"I need a warm-up first!" says Urvan.

The Ivysaur began to fuck her very quickly and moaned with great intensity as he noticed how Urvan's huge balls were hitting her butt nonstop. Urvan noticed that his crotch grew more and more until he had it huge like a Venusaur, indicating that his body was going to evolve at any moment. Supi enjoyed his huge cock inside his butt and Urvan roared cumming a massive amount of cum and began to evolve. As he evolved, the belly of the Tropius filled like a balloon, while his huge cock grew even bigger within the anus of Supi. The table he was on, it split in two by his weight and his clothes were torn to pieces leaving him totally naked until he completed his transformation.

"We're going to intensify this a lot more!" says Urvan in his deep voice, pulling his cock out of her butt and slamming everything into the Tropius' vagina.

"Oh, yeah! Destroy the whole house if you have to!" screamed Supi of pure pleasure.

The Venusaur's thrusts shakes the bedroom mirrors and roared again expanding Supi to the size of a waterbed destroying her dress. The Tropius was enjoying themselves until they heard a loud crackle beneath them. Urvan did not want to stop and cums again every more amount, filling the Tropius more and the ground fell to pieces falling on the principal floor, destroying everything below. None of them hurt each other as Urvan had cushioned the blow with the Tropius while she almost vomits by hitting the ground so hard. Urvan continued to fuck the obese Tropius, flooding the house with his own cum and that will reach the ceiling. At nightfall, Urvan had fallen asleep snoring deeply on top of the huge, obese Supi who was satisfied but would have liked to finish otherwise. When the Venusaur woke up in a few hours, Supi had lost half her weight, able to walk but her vagina and butt were dripping with cum.

"Have you rested well?" asked Supi.

"The best sex and rest of my life" says Urvan.

"Do you want another round?" asked Supi.

"As many times as you want but I won't do any more challenges" says Urvan.

"Okay, come back here in a few months. I'll have to live with some friends until they repair the mess."

"And I'll have to move to another house. I won't have space with this new body." says the Venusaur.

They left the destroyed house and went to a lake that was about 20 minutes from her house. After cleaning themselves, each one went to a friend's house until they could repeat the experience.

PokeNNN - Round 21

DAY 1: On a hot summer day, on an island inhabited by Delphox resides a male Braixen named Lex. It was one of the few Braixen that were already on the island and had an intensive training. He met Xena, a Braixen just like him who was heading with...

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PokeNNN - Round 19

DAY 1: A Grovyle awoke from his sleep by the annoying sound of his alarm clock. His name was Leroy. He worked as a waiter in a stylish restaurant. He got up very sleepy and went straight to the bathroom. After a refreshing shower, he went straight to...

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PokeNNN - Round 18

DAY 1: It was a sunny day in a city in the middle of a big forest. Two pokemon came out of their houses. They were a Girafarig and a Zebstrika. They were called Zike and Rafa. They loved competing for everything even sexually. On their first day they...

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