Counting the Night.

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#15 of Smut Quickies

The ninth SQ during our 13 Smut Quickies Marathon is here, folks!

This one centers around Rammy getting down and dirty with a seductive vampire named Velina from Vampire Mansion. I was inspired to write this one after seeing a Youtube vid on it. I'll share the link for it at the end, but you can also search up "Vampire Mansion" and then see Velina herself. This one is kinda cursed, kinda not? xD

Regardless, I like what I've written here and hope you guys enjoy it, too!

The full moon basks down upon this massive forest.

Owls hooting, the leaves and bushes rustling--It's a pretty serene and bright night, almost too eerily quiet. And then a car passes by, rev engine ensuing.

Driving around the forest is a dark fox with a red shirt and blue shorts, scanning the place. Rammy the Zoroark huffs, taking one look at his phone in his hand.

"Crypt said that the location to the mansion should be around here somewhere," the kitsune states. "I hope it's not a fluke: I really do miss New Earth...despite this world not being entirely bad to hang with." Sighs. "Can't even call Katherine here since some unknown barrier is preventing her from reaching me. I'd been out of here otherwise."

Chuckling, he shakes his head, his eyes closing while smiling. "No point in sulking over the negatives: Let's see if this Velina person can hel--OH SHIT!" The Zoroark takes a drastic turn, trying to stop himself from hitting incoming trees before--


. . .


He blinks: Casually gazing at the destroyed car he was in.

"Welp...That happened."

His hands rest by his hips, hoots echoing across the forest once more. Rammy looks over the horizon: A large mansion is seen from afar. He lays a claw on his chin.

"Hmm...Think I probably found the place I'm looking for. Conveniently enough."

He wastes little time trudging through the bushes: Shoving them aside. He travels on foot for a good while, the mansion ahead becoming more and more apparent.

(I wonder what this Velina woman is like. Is she friendly? Kind? Horny? ...Possibly all three combined?) He passes by a tree with red markings on it. (I mean, it's possible. I've met plenty of them before~)

The fox soon stops, gazing up at the large mansion: Gates surround it, multiple windows of various sizes from top to bottom, and then lies the double doors in the middle, waiting to be opened once the visitors bypass the gate. The fox whistles.

"What a view," he says, smiling.

The door behind the gate opens, a pair of pink eyes glance at him. Rammy flinches, backing up a bit. (Is...that the owner or...?) The eyes move forward, revealing a woman strutting in her white gown, wearing nothing on her feet as her big tits get covered. Rammy blushes, a bulge casting within his shorts, mesmerized by those melons.

He smiles. (Oh my.)

The pale skin woman reaches the gate, unlocking it with a snap of a finger. "Hello." She simply says, smirking. "I've noticed a lone wanderer heading towards my home, and..." Her teeth is licked, her arms folding. "It turns out to be you, huh?"

Rammy gazes at her physique, admiring the plump and curvy figures. He also glances at her teeth, which he could've sworn he saw...fangs?

"Uh." His throat is cleared. "I suppose so."

The woman looks down, eyeing the friendly fox's bulge. "Hmph." She turns around, smiling. "Want to come inside?"

The zoroark blinks at the sudden question. "Really? Are you sure?"

The woman nods. "You're lost, aren't you? It'd be rude of me to not help a fellow wanderer in need for a place to stay."

"Uh..." He's entranced by the woman's decent looking ass. "Sure thing then."

"Splendid." The woman takes notice and walks forward, strutting her buns, swinging side to side. As the fox follows along, he gasps.

"Oh right! I remembered that I was supposed to come here, anyways!"

The gate closes behind them, the lady tilting her head slightly. "Oh?"

"A person named Crypt told me to come to this mansion. Said that the owner can help me return back to my world." His head tilts. "I assume that's you?"

She reaches the mansion's doorknob, caressing it. "Yes. You're right." The woman gives the fox a deep gaze. "Who is this 'Crypt' you speak of, though?"

Rammy quirks his brow. "I thought you'd know?"

Her head shakes. "Can't recall knowing someone named that."

The fox caresses his chin. "...Bizarre. I...guess it's a fluke that you can get me back home then." Rammy sighs. "Sorry for wasting your time then."

The woman holds her hand up. "Hold on." The knob twists. "While I don't know who Crypt is, I do know how to aid my visitors however much I can." Her head turns towards the entrance. "You said you wanted to go home, correct? And home as in...another world?"

Rammy perks up, pointing. "Yeah! Exactly!"

She smirks once more, pushing the door open. "Then let's head inside: There's much to discuss on the topic at matter!" She turns, her hands behind her back. "And what you shall do in return~"

Rammy folds his arms, intrigue plastering. "I see. What is this return of favor?"

The woman winks. "That's for you to find out pretty soon."

. . .

The two are at the diner room: A lone lamp hanging in the ceiling, dimly lighting itself at the lengthy table. Consisting two chairs opposite of each other, Rammy sits at the left while the woman sits at the right. Rammy's eyes close, immersing himself with hot chocolate in his mug, a warm blanket wrapping around him.

The woman keeps her gaze on him, twirling her white hair. "Before we continue: Do you like the drink?"

The fox lowers the cup, smacking his lips. "Quite a lot, actually. Has the right amount of sweet and chocolateness that makes hot chocolate a joy to drink." He sets it down. "I appreciate the blanket as well since it's been chilly out there, too."

"I bet it was." Her longing gaze persists, the fox staring into them with a blush.

(Damn she's fine~) Is all he can think, giving her the gazing treatment.

(What a fine specimen to play with...) she thinks, caressing her chin. The woman leans back. "Before we begin, an introduction to each other is necessary, wouldn't you agree?"

The zoroark blinks for a moment. "Oh!" His fingers snap. "Right, right. You did let me waltz into your home without knowing who I am."


Rammy leans forward, his elbows on the table, his head resting on his hands. He smiles. "The name's Rammy. Just a simple fella wanting to live his life to the fullest, that's all." Winks. "And you, the lovely woman who's my ticket home~?"

The lady giggles behind her hand. "Such confidence, I see. I can tell that you'll do amazingly well in my game."

He quirks his brow. "Your game?"

The woman lifts her tits, twirling her hair. "Call me Velina. I own this very lonesome mansion here for a long, long time." She slides her hand beneath her cleavage, rubbing the tip of her left breast. "Things tend to be pretty lonely because of being the only one here."

Rammy smiles at the display, remaining still. "I see."

Velina withdraws her hand. "Whoever this 'Crypt' is, do know that they're correct about me being capable of helping you go back to your world. Because you see..." She smiles, her fangs revealing. "I'm a vampire: A very powerful one who's capable of traveling between realms."

"Oh. I knew I wasn't tripping earlier when I saw those fangs." Rammy closes his eyes, glee painting across him. "That's pretty cool~"

Velina flinches, taken aback. "You're...not frighten by such a reveal?"

Rammy's ears flicker. "Why would I be?"

"Well...It's not common for anyone to meet a vampire, let alone a powerful one such as myself." She sounds a bit bummed out by that last part. Velina folds her arms. "Was expecting some sort of horror response, in all honesty." Her chin is caressed. "Then again, you're a talking furry creature that's around the same size as me and has similar anatomy to a human." Blinks. "Hmm. Perhaps such a reveal isn't out of the norm for you."

Rammy snorts. "And right you are! I've met some vampires from my world. They're pretty common, and much like other species living there: There's the good ones, the bad ones, and everything in between~"

"How intriguing." Velina lays her feet on the table. "What if I'm the bad one?"

The zoroark gazes at the feet: Those toes being wiggled, taunting the fella. "Well..." He leans down, kissing them. "Then you'll be lovely in bed."

Velina blushes, her toe poking the fox's snout. "Heh. Back to the topic at hand..." She crosses her legs. "I'm able to take you to your location at will. However, there's one thing I want from you in return." Smirks.

Rammy purrs. "I sort of know what that request may be, but do tell."

Velina squints. "You must play a game with me."

The fox blinks, shaking his head. "...What kind?"

Velina gets out of her chair. "Ever heard of Hide & Seek? It's pretty much that~"

"Oh." Rammy snorts. "Sounds simple enough." He feels his nose booped by the humanoid.

"Ah, but here's a twist: The winner tasks the loser to do whatever sexual tasks they wanted them to do."

If Rammy has a tail right now, he'd wag it upon hearing that. The fox grins. "Go on."

Velina grabs his head, bringing him between her tits as she stares longingly. "To elaborate further: There's six rounds. After the end of each round, you and I get to do whatever sexual request we can to each other depending on who wins."

"I see. I like the sound of that, hehe." Rammy snuggles between her tits. "Then what?"

"Then comes what happens if either of us win the game: If you win three or more rounds, then I'll take you to your home with ease."

"And if you win?"

"Well..." Velina smiles widely. "I can keep you here as a sex partner until I'm in the mood for this Hide & Seek again~"

"..." The fox simply grabs the woman, carrying her as she gasps in surprise.

"Oh!" Velina snickers. "Did I rile you up or something~?"

"More like trying to give me a valid reason for losing on purpose~" The Zoroark licks her lips, the vampire moaning. "You wearing that gown is tempting enough. That consequence may as well be heaven, hun."

"Mmm..." She caresses his cheeks. "We'll see by the end of our game here." She fades out of the fox's grasp, reappearing by the door behind him. He turns as she speaks. "Each round lasts for 20 minutes, with them ending quicker if you manage to find specific items along the way."

"Oh? Items, you say?" Rammy stares with intrigue.

"Those are for you to see when the game starts."

The doorknob twists.

"Ah, gotcha then." The fox gets up. "When does the game starts?"

Velina blows her kisses, pink smoke jutting towards the fox. "When you wake up from your brief slumber."

"Hmm?" Rammy is hit by the smoke, a heart symbol forming out of it. His eyes close, his body fading. "Oh...dea--" as he falls over, he disappears: leaving Velina by her lonesome.

Velina exits out of the room, gazing out of the large window ahead, the full moon shining through. She blinks. "Oh! I forgot to tell him that he'll need to escape through my bedroom's vent since I've locked the door." Giggles. "Ah well. I'm sure he's smart enough to figure that out." She turns to the right and walks away.

. . .

"M-Mm..." Darkness fades, the zoroark's vision returning to normal as he lifts up, caressing his head. "What...happened again?"

The Zoroark looks around: Being in a fairly decent sized bedroom with a lonesome bed he's on, a desk being on the right side, and some boxes being ahead of him. There's also a vent at the top right, with a single door beside him.

He gets up, caressing his chin. "Hmm..." His fingers snap. "Oh right! Velina blows some pink smoke at me, I fell asleep, and then...ended up here, somehow." His head tilts. "Wish that she could've given me a heads up there, haha."

Rammy turns to the door. "She said the game starts as soon as I wake up, so..." He touches the doorknob. "Let's get to it then."

Twist. Budge.


He twists the knob again: The door budges, not moving.

"...Locked." The fox scratches the side of his head. "How do I play Hide & Seek with her if the door's locked? Hmm..." He then eyes the vent above. "Perhaps I can escape through there?" His hand gets shrouded in shadowy aura. "Only one way to find out!" The fox jumps, slashing the vent before landing on the top box. He steadies his balance, almost falling off. "Whoa!"

Once he sits still, he proceeds into the vent, crawling through. After some time, he makes it to the other side: Landing on the ground. He's in a hallway with a couple of windows displaying the full moon's light, containing a few desks and tables.

At one of the tables lies a piece of paper, the fox staring at it in curiosity. "Hmm?" He grabs the paper, reading:

"Hello, Rammy. This is Velina. If you're reading this, then that means you've escaped the room through the vent. Nice job since I've forgotten to tell you about that!"

(Oh I'm aware.) Rammy snorts. He keeps on reading:

"Come to the main hallway that has the entrance to the front door. From there, the game will start the moment you see me. To reiterate: You must last 20 minutes in hiding from me, the seeker. Additionally, you can find specific items that'll speed up the round. In Round 1, the item is Mystical Ball. Find all three of the Mystical Balls and toss them at me, and then you'll win the first round. Fear not of what they'll do as they are merely harmless.

With that said, best of luck to the both of us. Try not to get caught~"

The paper fades into pink dust afterwards.

"Huh. Duly noted, then."

Rammy turns to his side and walks down the hall, reaching around a corner. He walks down the stairs of the corridor, turning another corner to eventually reach the main entry of the mansion, spotting an exit from afar. In front of the exit lies Velina: Basking in her new outfit, a black negligee that nearly exposes all of her naked body.

Rammy's bulge forms yet again, his lips licked. "My my, you want me to lose already?" he states.

Velina simply giggles. "It makes getting to the really fun parts very enticing, no?"

The fox turns around. "I suppose so." He makes a mad dash for it. "But where's the fun in making it all so easy?" he yells, leaping onto the edge of the stairs before climbing.

Velina licks her fangs, arching herself. "Good point." She dashes after her playmate.

. . .

Rammy maneuvers through the mansion: Bypassing desks and stairs and many shelves alike. He soon encounters a bunch of barrels ahead, hiding behind them without a question. His eyes jolt towards something round and glowing on a chair beside him.


Before he can question it, the vampire stops in front of the barrels: Eyeing directly at his spot. She twirls her hair, humming.

"Hmm..." Velina squats, being at the same head level as Rammy. Rammy blinks, sweats dripping.

(Is she...seeing me or--)

"My my, Rammy: You sure know how to hide."

The fox grits his teeth. (Ah crap. Looks like I--) Velina walks towards a nearby door. (...Lost?)

"Didn't know that you were an expert at hiding, darling." Velina giggles, entering the door. "How clever of you."

Rammy tilts his head. (...She was looking right at me. How didn't she see me?) The fox shrugs. (Ah well. At least I found this.) He yanks the glowing thing from the chair, its harmonic sounds resonating from it. (This must be one of the Mystical Balls Velina mentioned.)

The ball suddenly gets absorbed into the fox, Rammy freaking out before realizing the lack of pain in him. It's as if the ball isn't inside of him to begin with. His ears flicker.

(...Strange. Not sure why that happened, but--) he gets out of his hiding spot. (I'm going to take that as a sign of obtaining it.) The fox smirks. (Time to find two more while I have 14 minutes left.) He flicks his snout. (Sounds easy enough.)

He turns to the door to his right, wanting to stray as far from Velina as possible.

The game of Hide & Seek persists for a little while longer: Rammy hiding in the bathroom, obtaining another Mystical Ball there, and then booking it to a library near the diner he was at before.

One more Mystical Ball lies on the bookshelf, the fox gasping. "Oh shit: My ticket to winning this round is here!"

The door behind bursts open. The fox turns: Velina struts in, swaying her curvy figures.

"Finally found you~" She grins, her sharp fangs unraveling, her longing pink eyes gazing.

Rammy eyes at the orb behind him, smirking. "I think we both know who wins this round, hun~"

"Of course: It's me." Velina dashes, her arms lifting in a predatory manner.

"Nuh uh." The fox jumps back in time of Velina's grasp, landing besides the bookshelf. He snatches the ball, absorbing it.

Without thinking, his arm jets forward, aiming at Velina. He shoots three balls. "Whoa!"

Velina gasps, being pushed away. She soon falls down, moaning while rubbing herself. "Mmm, yes...~" She slides her hands underneath her gown, groping her tits. She lies on her side, exposing her black panties that barely covers her vagina.

Velina wiggles her behind, beckoning. "You've won the first round, handsome." She taps her ass. "What do you wish to do to me?"

Rammy caresses his chin. "Hmm..." He eyes her covered cooch, smirking. "How about I eat your pussy out? I can see the wetness through that pantie: It wants them badly."

Velina gasps, her hand to her lips. "Oooh? Wanting to spice things up for your first win, I see!" She snaps her fingers, her pantie disappearing. She lifts her negligee, exposing her wet, juicy pussy. "Go ahead and dig in."

The zoroark lands on his knees, leaning down. He nuzzles his snout against the wet pussy, lapping up her juices. Velina moans softly, gazing at the fox in serenity. She caresses his head, the fox purring.

"That's it. Just like that, mmm."

Rammy slips his tongue into her vag, swirling it throughout the inner wet walls, grinding. Velina closes her eyes, her head resting on her elbow, her toes clenching in delight. Some juices spew out, coating Rammy's tongue as he happily laps them.

"Mmf," the fox murrs, groping the humanoid's ass and caressing them. His claw teasingly tugs at the folds, Rammy penetrating the insides. "Mmmf."

"Oh my. Mmf." Velina shudders, her vagina jittering. "I can feel myself nearing. Oh your tongue play is really great~!"

Rammy simply smirks, keeping his deep licks going. "Mmf. Mmm~" Pre-cum oozes on his shorts, forming a spot.

"O-Oh!" Velina squirms, climaxing over the fox's face, juices spraying everywhere. "Ah!"

Rammy pulls back, his maw hangs open, his tongue dripping juices. Once Velina's climax settles, the fox licks his lips, purring.

"How was that?"

Velina pants, snapping her fingers to return her pantie. "Magnificent." She simply states. "I was really impressed by your cunnilingus skill. I assume this isn't your first time doing it?"

"Yep. Far from my first time, beautiful." Rammy giggles, standing.

Velina stands as well. "How fascinating." Her hand to her lips, an enticing grin spreads. "This'll make our game pretty fun at least."

Rammy's hands rest behind his head. "Implying it wasn't beforehand?"

The two laugh.

"Oh no no, it totally was. It's just now knowing that you're a well experienced individual, our game is made even better." Velina folds her arms. "I'll teleport somewhere else to give you a head-start for Round 2."

Rammy quirks his brow. "Wait, you can teleport?"

Velina laughs in a pompous manner. "Of course I can~! I did state I'm a powerful vampire after all, no?" She waves her hand around. "But fear not as I will not use it during our Hide & Seek. I may be a bit of a mischievous, but I like to play things fair and square."

"Heh. Good to know, then."

Velina then fades into pink dust, leaving behind a piece of paper. Rammy picks it up, reading:

"Greetings again, lovely Rammy. Round 2 will be the same as Round 1, except you must find three Enchantment Waters and douse them unto me. Best of luck~"

"Enchantment Waters, huh..." The fox nods. "Gotcha, then." The paper eviscerates, the fox leaving the library. (Wait, I forgot to question her about the Mystical Balls.)

He shrugs.

(Eh, I'll question about it at the end of the game.)

. . .

Rammy traverses through the mansion yet again, looking from side to side, one corner to the next. (So far, so good.) He dashes across another corridor, reaching downstairs to meet another large room akin to the main entrance. (Velina sure has a lot of rooms, huh? Makes me wonder how no one's seen her mansion yet.) Blinks. (Perhaps beside Crypt.)

His ears flicker, hearing footsteps and hums. (Oh snap!) The fox glances around before hiding underneath the table, Velina walking by from the door she came. Behind the door lies a bottle on the desk, light blue liquid swishing about. (Is that the Enchantment Water?) the fox thinks, glancing.

(Once she leaves, I'm booking it.)

The vampire walks up the stairs before stopping for a moment, her hands behind her back. "You know, maybe I should've asked the sheriff again if she wanted to join." Sighs. "Ah well." She continues upwards.

(The sheriff? I guess Crypt isn't the only one who visited this place.) The fox then jolts after the opened door, closing it before gazing down at the Enchantment Water. The liquid pulsates and swishes, basking within its glass chamber. Rammy picks it up: The bottle submerges inside of his hand like the Mystical Ball did.

Just like before, too: He feels no pain. His brow lifts. (That' weird. I suppose not as weird as some other things I've been through, but still.)

Footsteps are returning.

(Ah. Better get a move on!)

From there, Rammy roams further: Hiding whenever necessary, running whenever necessary, and even finding another Enchantment Water at the mansion's balcony.

"Wait, this mansion has a balcony?" The fox gazes around: Fences surrounding the fairly large outdoors, a few furniture displaying themselves here and there. He also gets a pretty view of the full moon, dousing him with heavenly light. "With how huge this mansion is, I didn't think it'd have one."

His claw to his chin. "Then again, balconies are a thing in any home ever. So I guess I shouldn't be surprised by thi--"


"OOF!" Rammy falls down.


The Zoroark looks behind him: The vampire's tits grind on his back, the woman staring into him with temptation.

The Zoroark snorts, smirking. "Indeed, you have." Velina turns him completely around, pinning him on his back. Rammy purrs. "So what do you have in mind on doing to me, winner~?"

"Mmm, so much..." Velina trails her finger across the fox, licking her fangs. "So very much things..." She unbuttons Rammy's shorts and slides them right off, his big canine shaft springing up in joy, his hefty balls hanging low. The vampire blushes.


The fox snickers. "Impressed?"

The vampire slowly slides her finger across his dick. "Very much so..." She then lifts his balls. "As tempting as giving it a really good suck is...I have something else on my mind."


Velina smirks, leaning down to view the fox's puffy hole. She gropes his ass, his nuts resting on her face. She kisses his anus, Rammy shuddering as he jerks himself off.

"Oh dear! I see you wanted to, mm, return a favor from earlier. Hehe."

(You know it~) Velina says into Rammy's mind, the fox blinking in surprise.

"You can communicate through mind?" he asks, moaning.

The woman caresses his big behind. (Of course. What powerful vampire such as myself can't?) She giggles in her head, moaning while sliding her tongue across the anal cavity, leading the fox to curl his toes in satisfaction.

"M-Mmm, I see!"

He leaks pre-cum onto his hand, continuing to move it up and down. He pants, his toes clenching. Rammy moans in a feminine manner, Velina happily gliding her tongue. He smirks, wiggling his behind.

"Just like that, Vel. Ah~"

(I immediately took a risk at providing you rimming service. But good to know that you seemed to not mind~)

Rammy snorts. "Oh hun, I don't mind it one bit. In fact: I adore it. Whether it be male, female, or whatevs that gives me this treatment."

(Quite the equality man, aren't ya?)

The fox winks. "You know it~! Mmm."

Velina keeps rubbing and kissing and licking up the Zoroark, wiggling her thicc booty as she provides this thicc man his satisfying service. Rammy sighs in relief, letting his tongue hang loose. His cock twitches, his climax nearing.

"Aaah~" (Fuck, I'm almost there.)

Velina laughs, her tongue sliding and penetrating. Rammy's balls nudge her nose, leading her to close her eyes each time.

"Nyah!" Rammy releases all over himself, shooting loads upon loads of seeds. Velina feels some landing on her face, pulling back.

"Oh!" she says, saliva trailing along the way. She gazes at the amount of seeds the fox spill across: His face, his shirt, and the concrete ground. Velina giggles behind her hand. "Wow...You sure release a lot~"

His cum sprinklers end, the fox panting before winking at the woman. "There's a lot more, too~"

Velina tilts her head. "Is that so?" Grins. "How lovely."

"You don't know the half of it." Rammy grins back.

Velina's hands lay by her hips. "Although, you being coated in your own mess would make the game awkward for us to play so..."


The cum on Rammy's body goes away, leaving the fox to blink in perplexion.

"I've made those semen of yours' disappear. Just so it wouldn't be an inconvenience for you."

"D'aww, you shouldn't have~" The fox waves his hand around, sliding his shorts on afterwards. "I wouldn't mind remaining in my jizz, honestly~"

"Kinky much?" Velina snorts.

"Oh I'm mad freaky for cum, believe me!" Rammy laughs along, blushing as he strokes his cheeks in euphoria.

The pale vampire folds her arms. "Fascinating." She turns around. "Anyways, the third round involves searching for the same items again."

"Like all three?"

Velina nods.

"Ah. I suppose that's fair to keep things challenging."

Velina sways her hips while moving forward. "Just like before, I'll go someplace else to give you a head-start. Okay?"



"Hmm?" Rammy's ears twitch, gazing at the noise nearby: Nothing but trees and bushes.

"Is something the matter?" Velina questions.

"...Ah." The fox shakes his head. "Just thought I heard something, that's all. Must be my mind plating tricks."

The pale woman shrugs. "It happens." She gestures to the entrance. "Now let's carry on, shall we?"

Rammy nods, following the woman inside of the mansion. Velina scoops up the leftover cum on her nose, giving it a lick. Her face grows red. (Sweet? I...did not expect that taste.) A soft purr leaves her lips. (Enticing...)

As the two enter inside of the mansion, a figure pops their head out of the bushes, gazing at the balcony. She appears to be an officer, adjusting her hat.

( he playing Hide & Seek with her instead of going home?) the officer thinks, squinting. (...Not fair that I don't get to join in while at it!) Sighs. (I'll give him a couple more minutes to go home. If this game is still going, then I'll barge in to join them whether Velina likes it or not!)

. . .

The game persists: Rammy ducking and hiding behind corridors, bypassing Velina whenever she shows up--avoiding her at all cost. Eventually he reaches the living room, containing a chimney ahead with a fireplace being lit inside. The fox then spots the Enchantment Water inside the fireplace, smirking.



The fox yaps and turns around, Velina sliding across the ground before eyeing him. She stands, her sharp fangs unraveling.

"Found you~"

Rammy smirks, snatching the third water. Once he turns, the three waters usher out of his hands, splashing over the vampire. Velina gasps and falls, moaning. She rubs over her wet gown, laying down while biting her lower lip.

" Oooooh , you've hit a really good spot, mmm!" she exclaims, her hair drenching. Velina then lies on her back, smirking. "Alright. What sexual pleasures do you wish to do this time?"

"Hmm..." Rammy caresses his chin. "Turn around."

"Hmm? Well if you insist." Velina does exactly that, being on all fours. "Anything el--EH!?" She yelps, her ass being groped as the Zoroark presses his face between her cheeks: Wasting no time licking and kissing her ass.

"Ngh! I see, then! I gave you rimming service, and now you're doing the same unto me. How generous~"

Rammy purrs, vibrating the vampire's buns as a result. Velina moans, her anus puckering and shuddering at the oral treatment. She curls her toes, stroking the wooden floor while licking her lips.

"Ah yes, Rammy. Keep it up. Rim me up nice and good, mmm~"

The fox nods, slipping his tongue into her. He penetrates the woman while fondling her buns, the humanoid mewling. She gazes at the full moon, dousing her with its light. She wiggles her behind, sliding a hand underneath her gown and stroking her tit.

Some juices leak out of her pussy as she says the following, "Yes. Ah! Oh goodness, this is wonderful, Rammy!"

The zoroark speeds up, wobbling his fat behind.

"Oh." Velina gnashes her teeth, her pussy ushering a bit more juices. "Oh goodness, I'm going to--" she releases her juices everywhere, mewling loudly. "Aaah goodness yes! Oh that felt wonderful, mmm!"

The fox pulls back, saliva trailing along the way. He licks his lips, sighing. "I'm honestly tempted to just jump straight to sex right now, haha."

"I can't blame you, darling." Velina giggles behind her hand. "Your physique is...immaculate to toy with~"

The fox shrugs, purring. "What can I say? I'm built to please others this way~"

Velina turns around, tapping the fox's snout. "This is where we're getting into the halfway point now of this game. So far, you're in league."

Rammy smirks. "Sweet."

Velina giggles. "I best to improve myself from here on, then." She stands. "I'll be get into position now. Once again, let's wish each other the best of luck."

"As always." Rammy winks.

Velina disappears, leaving behind a piece of note. The zoroark picks it up, reading:

"Round 4 requires you to get three Euphoria Repels while surviving under 20 minutes, per usual. Get all three and you win the round. Toodles~"

The Zoroark nods as the paper fades. "Alrighty then. Time to get to searching." He ushers out of the living room.

. . .

The fox dashes through the mansion again, running away from Velina. He jumps over a nearby chair within the long hallway, turning to his right. Heading downstairs, a hiding spot displays itself next to some barrels. He leaps into it, making sure the barrel stands upright before hiding. Frozen in place, he gazes up at a vampire already looking down at the spot.

Velina lays a finger by her cheek, humming. "Hmmm..." She turns to the left hall, walking down. "You know, I'm thinking about cutting this game off. Been going at it for some time now, hm."

(I'm starting to think she's not seeing me on purpose now.) the fox thinks, taking his attention towards an opened bathroom. A cyclical container rests atop the counter, a lipstick symbol plastering it. Rammy gasps. (That must be the Euphoria Repel!)

He jolts out of the spot, heading to the bathroom. (Alright, time to get it and find the other tw--) he gets tackled down.


"Wh-Wha!?" Velina's tits nudge his arms, the woman giggling down at him. Rammy huffs. "No way! I saw you walking away not too long ago!"

Velina winks. "Well I've heard footsteps and then head right into the bathroom~"

The zoroark gasps. "So you did see me in those hiding spots before!"

The vampire giggles, getting off. "Guilty as charged~" She rests her tits on her arm, her finger nudging her cheek. "Apologies for cheating a little there, hehe."

"Heh, it's alright. I'll let it slide just so I can see what sexual demands you want out of me for winning." The fox purrs, laying down.

Velina gazes at his shorts, the woman licking her lips. "For this request, I want to have a taste of your dick," she states bluntly.

"Ah. Well if you insist!" The zoroark strips his shorts off, his canine shaft springing out. "Go ahead, hun~"

The humanoid lowers her head down, caressing the shaft as she kisses it. Rammy groans, his dick throbbing. Velina stares him up, nuzzling his dick while her tongue licking all over it. Rammy stares back, grinning.

"Someone's feeling needy right now."

Velina giggles, her lips approaching the tip. "Just...a little bit more than usual." She slides the shaft into her mouth, the fox moaning proudly.

"A-Ah fuck~"

Velina lowers, her eyes widening at the length nearly entering her. "Mmf." (Oh goodness. He is...quite huge.) She becomes mindful of her fangs as she bops her head, moving up and down. "Mmmf~"

Rammy bites his lower lip, sweating from all the running he's done. "A-Ah yes! Just like that, beautiful!"

The pale-skinned vampire continues, saliva coating the rod in ecstasies, the woman closing her eyes. (Your dick. It's so wide, so elongated, so...)

Rammy's eyes close as well, the fox arching his head. "So what~?" he questions, curling his toeclaws.

(So--) Velina gasps at the pre-seeds oozing on her tongue, tasting the sweetness. (Tasty. A sweet kind of tasty, might I add!)

Rammy chuckles. "I get that a lot. Always a nice compliment though~"

(Great to hear.)

"I can't blame anyone for being, mmm, addicted to my dick. I'd suck myself off, too." The zoroark snorts, grinning.

(Hehe, how erotic.) Velina speeds up the pacing, using her tongue to swirl around the shaft. Rammy groans, gripping the floor.

"Ah! Fuck, this is so good!" Rammy lets his tongue hang loose, drooling.

Velina fondles the fox's balls, using her finger to tease the sheath itself. Rammy mewls and moans, squirming. His cock twitches, his balls churning.

"Velina, I'm--" the fox gropes the vampire's head and shoves her forward, making her reach down his base. "AH!"


The knot slips right through the vampire's mouth, his dick unleashing loads of cum throughout her. Velina remains in the forced deepthroat, drinking as much of those batters as possible. Soon some of them spill out and coat her face, Rammy's balls, and the ground beneath.

(HOLY GRACIOUS, RAMMY!) Velina screams in her head, her eyes trembling with bliss.

"Ah! Shit, that's really good!" the fox shouts, mewling nonstop.

Velina absorbs this climax: Letting it all sink in as she downs the seeds, having hearts for eyes. Eventually the fox's jizz slows, Velina wiggling her head before plopping out of his dick. Many seeds ooze out of her maw, coating the already messy cock.

"A-Aah..." She pants, swallowing the rest of the seeds. Velina clears her throat, grunting.

Rammy sighs in relief, his hands behind his head. "That was pretty good, what you just did there. Mmm..."

Velina keeps gazing at the shaft, rubbing up on her vagina. She bites her lower lip, moaning. "..."

Rammy notices the intense looks, his brow quirking. "Oh~?" Velina remains silent for a moment before pouncing on the fox, the Zoroark yapping. "Whoa there!" he says, a blush forming.

"Say: How about we ditch this game and have more fun in my bedroom, hmm?"

Rammy blinks. "Oh?"

"I'll even help you return back to your home. Just...please." She leans in, her tits resting on his chest. "I need this right now."

The zoroark stares for a moment before snorting. "Of course. Why would I turn down such an offer? Especially from needy people like yourself~"

"Sweet! Then let's get started right away~!"

Velina snaps her fingers and the two fade into pink aura.

. . .

Velina moans loudly: Being picked up by the fox while he rams into her pussy over and over, his balls smacking her behind. Both are completely naked by this point, their clothes lying on the ground.

The two are on the master bed within a fairly lit room, the full moon behind the windows being its light source. The bed rustles and shuffles, the zoroark squirming on his knees. Velina's legs lift up and down, the vampire mewling while her toes curl.

Rammy grunts, stroking the woman's behind. "Fuuuuck, I'm so glad that you just cut off the game by this point and have us do this." Snorts. "It's the better alternative, wouldn't you say~?"

Velina nods. "Oh absolutely! I, AH--never thought your cock would be this magnificent until I blew it!" Her tits jiggle, her juices squirting over the shaft. "I wished I'd gone with this sooner too, mm!"

"Hey, better late than never, am I right~?" Rammy snickers. "Besides the, mm, foreplay was really nice."

"Glad to hear, ngh."

The fox shoots several pres into the woman, speeding up. His knot hits and hammers the woman's folds, aching to pulverize her insides more than ever. Velina drools: Her teeth gnashes, her saliva escaping her maw--pure horniness drives in.

"OH MY LORD!" The woman wraps her legs around the fox, stroking the back of his head. "I'm going to cum! AAAAH!" Velina can't help but to release earlier than the fox, mewling like crazy as the juices splatter over his dick. This allows his knot to finally bypass the fold's barrier, the woman yapping. "EEK!"

"I'm about to follow suit, hun~" Rammy smirks before slamming deeply into the vampire, unleashing his sweet batters throughout her. "Aaah~"

Velina shudders, her belly expanding a bit as she's filled to the brim. Those seeds guzzle out and cover her behind along with the sheets below, creating a mess. "O-Oh my!" Blushes. "So many of them from just one climax, aah!"

"And the best part? I'm far, FAR from being tired~" A devious grin spreads across the horny fox.

Velina gasps. "Oh really?" She gives him her own nasty grin, eagerness overriding. " Let's test that claim, then."

Velina pushes the fox down.

"Oh boy!"

The vampire goes ahead and makes out with him: The two deepening their kisses as Velina lifts herself up before slamming down, previous cum oozing along the way. The woman rides Rammy in delight, the fox spreading his legs. They both moan, his tip hitting her womb nonstop.

Rammy gropes the woman's tits, fondling while swirling his tongue around hers', both drooling. Their eyes meet, plaps and splashes can be heard from the amount of previous seeds sloshing around Velina's insides. They exchange longing gazes, purring throughout.

Once Rammy pulls back from the kiss, he immediately sucks on Velina's right tit, continuing his gropes as he slams into her.


. . .

Behind the bedroom door is the same cop from earlier, her head pinning against the door as she hears Velina screaming in joy.

"J-Just like that, Rammy! Oh please keep it up, aaah!"

The bed squeaks and rustles, the officer shaking her fist in response. (Rammy...I gave you a simple task to ask Velina to take you home. And here you are repaying me back with you fucking her instead!?) Her teeth gnashes. (I-I'm so going Her juices leaks, wetting her pants. (T-To...) She blushes, huffing. (I-I'M GOING TO DO SOMETHING TO PUNISH YOU IN...IN A...)

The squeaking and rumbling continues.

(...Ngh.) She covers her face, whimpering. (Dammit, why couldn't she invite me? Why do I always get to miss out her fun!?)

"Oh gosh Rammy, oh dear!" Velina moans loudly. "Aaaah, another big load!? OH YOU DID IT LIKE TWICE IN ONE GO!? HOW!?"

The cop whines, squirming as the two inside go at it. The officer's face grows red, staring down at her hands. She forms them into fists, shaking.

(That's it! I'm barging in there and giving Velina a piece of my mind!) Her hand rests on the handle.

. . .

Rammy rapidly pounds Velina's filled cooch, spooning the woman. "Ah. Nyah~" He cups her breasts, the woman stroking the sheets as the two occasionally kisses. Many seeds spill out of the hole after each thrusts.

"That's right. Keep, mm, going. Ngh!" Velina states, shuddering.

"God I never want to stop, ngh," Rammy replies, shivering.


The two freeze up, eyeing the front door: The officer is there, the moon's light showing off her fury look and black hair. Rammy quirks his brow.

"Crypt!? What are you doing here!?" he says, pulling his cock out instantly.

"W-Wait, she's Crypt?" Velina questions, grunting.

The cop folds her arms. "Yes. And the real name's Amy. Sheriff Amy, to be exact!" The beige-skinned woman points at Rammy. " You. How dare you partake in that Hide & Seek game and end it off with something provocative!?" Her arms fold. "I thought you wanted to go home, which was the reason why I gave you the address here in the first place!"

Rammy blinks for a moment before scratching his head. "Not gonna lie, Amy: You didn't tell me the part where Velina was gonna have me play that game first."

"I--" the sheriff stomps. "Th-That's besides the point!"

The zoroark folds his arms, raising his brow. "And that is?"

The woman points at Velina. "I wasn't a part of her game! As always!" Huffs. "What's your deal, Velina? Why don't you ever let me have fun with you?"

Velina finishes licking some of Rammy's seeds off her tits before saying, "Hmm?"

Amy struts forward, whining while her big tits jiggle. "Don't play dumb with me, Miss Velina! You always do this everytime a wanderer stumbles upon your mansion!"

Rammy eyes between the two. "Um. Vel: You two have some sort of history with each other?"

Velina nods. "Yes. It's a long story, too. But I'd rather not get too deep into it." She waves her hand. "Amy, the...reason why I don't invite you is because..."

Amy folds her arms. "Because of what?"

Velina stares. "You never let me. Like at all."


"And then make this huge ordeal over it because of how you hardly ask me about it."

The officer pouts, staring off. "Well, I--" sighs. "You keep ignoring my calls, pleas, and everything though."

Velina tilts her head, perplexed. "That's because you always interrupt me when I try to offer it to you. Either that or run off when I get the chance to said offer."

Amy looks down for a moment before whimpering. "O-Oh...I...I'm so sorry, Miss Velina!" She covers her face, crying. "I'm such a fool! I should've been more patient when you're talking with me! I'm so sorry for failing to catch on, waaah!"

Velina walks over to pat Amy's back, tapping her shoulder. "It's okay, Amy. It's my imposing and powerful presence that stopped humans like you from being forward."

"I-I..." Amy uncovers her face, staring into Velina's pink gaze with her purple ones. "Y...You know that was the case?"

The vampire giggles behind her hand. "Of course. I see this all the time with those that has met me, yourself included. I understand how unorthodox it is to be so scared by a powerful vampire's presence." She holds the human's hands. "Trust me, I may come off as malicious and can be devious at times, but I ultimately mean you no harm." Smiles.

The officer sniffles. "I...I see." She hugs the vampire, whimpering. "Thank you! All of those times I struggled to come clean and talk to you about it. They were stressing me out, so...I-I'm happy to hear those words coming from you."

Velina nods. "You're welcome, friend."

"Fr...Friend?" Amy gasps softly. "That's...the first time you've ever called me that."

"I've always seen you as such, Amy. It's just been...difficult to communicate with you because of this belittlement of yours'." Velina sighs in relief. "I'm at least happy that we've finally resolved our dispute."

The officer smiles. "Same here, Miss Velina. Same here..."

Rammy folds his arms, nodding. "What a wholesome display we have here. Truly what I'd consider a happy ending."

The two woman chuckle.

"Actually, the real happy ending has yet to happen," Velina states.

"Oh?" Rammy perks up. "Why's that?"

Velina smirks and gets behind Amy. The woman eyes the vampire. "E-Eh?" Her breasts is groped. "EEK!" A blush is formed before the vampire strips her down, tossing the police attire, panties and everything.

Amy is completely naked: Her big tits hanging, her curvy figures on full display. "M-Miss Velina!?"

The vampire caresses the human's shoulders, gazing at the fox. "This lady here wants to join our fun, yes? Well, I figure this is the day she can finally have her wish." Velina tilts her head. "You wouldn't mind doing this for her before I return you back home, hmm Rammy?"

The fox stares at two curvy woman, his large shaft springing up on command. "Oh." He licks his lips. "Oh I'm definitely okay with this, hun."

Amy gazes at the cock, blushing deeply. "Holy crap, he's as HUGE as I thought."

Rammy tilts his head. "As you thought?" Blinks. "Wait, were you that person in the bushes I heard earlier?"

The woman pokes her fingers together, looking away shyly. "I...Y-Yes. Yes I was."

"D'aww, I see then." Rammy walks towards her, groping her tits. She gasps and moans, blushing red. "Don't worry: I'll make sure to give you as good of a treatment as I did to Vel here." The fox winks at the vampire, to which she winks back.

Amy pants at the sight of his dick, neediness climbing up. "Al-Alright. But are you, erm, sure you want to continue having sex with us instead of finding a way back home?"

Rammy smirks. "Ah, it'll be fine. I don't mind enjoying my time with you two some more~"

"I see."

The fox then gropes the woman's ass. "Now let's continue, shall we~?"


From there, Amy gets picked up by Rammy: Her pussy being pulverized by his dick while on the bed, Velina spreading his asscheeks out. Rammy pounds her nonstop, his puffy hole shivering at the vampire's tongue.

"OH MY GOD! FUCK, IT'S SO BIG!" Amy exclaims, squirming while curling her toes.

(That's what I'm thinking, hehe,) Velina says into the woman's mind, fondling the zoroark's fat buns while swirling her tongue. "Mmf."

Rammy grins. "Glad that you're loving it, mmm~"

The three moan loudly, enjoying the rest of their night. The full moon basks its light down at the mansion, providing serenity to the whole area. here's the said vid in question on the game. Also shoutout to ChrisBMonkey, btw! Great youtuber and furry artist in general. <3

Acorning Around.

"So...Knothole should be somewhere around this forest," Rammy the Zoroark states while wearing his red shirt and blue shorts, pushing aside branches. "At least, that's what she told me." He stares down, a map in hand. "Tails said that this map will get...

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The Snack That Plaps Back.

Cracker Kingdom, home of the goldfish crackians! Many roam this vast kingdom, going from one place to the next: Residing in their homes, or shopping for some delicious salts. Heck, some even hang out with each other at the park! Peace is the main...

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Passionate Express.

The train persists across the lush greens, traveling over the wide ocean on the bridge gaping between the forest. A tunnel can be seen from afar, the train arching its way towards it. Sitting at the front of the train lies a chubby fennec fox: A...

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