Acorning Around.

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#14 of Smut Quickies

Here's the eighth SQ in the 13 Smut Quickies Marathon!

This one centers around our beloved Zoroark, Rammy Sonet, getting it out with Sally Acorn from the Sonic the Hedgehog series! Got motivated to do this one after seeing one porn drawing involving her awhile ago. Although, I can't find the source material for it due to forgetfulness (rip). So it looks like I can't link it at the end.

Nevertheless, I hope you all like this one today! That'll be all the SQs for the day. (Ignore the fact that this one came out on Friday instead of Thursday yesterday like Ramilda, but shhhhh, pay no mind to my mistake there. >:T)

"So...Knothole should be somewhere around this forest," Rammy the Zoroark states while wearing his red shirt and blue shorts, pushing aside branches. "At least, that's what she told me." He stares down, a map in hand. "Tails said that this map will get me here with no trouble." Stopping in his tracks, he looks ahead: Smirking.

"Turns out, the kid is right."

The many tranquil treehouse, the decent proportion of mobians roaming left and right, the kids playing tags, the teens playing truth and dares, and the adults socializing while trading goods: This is Knothole, the land of luscious beauties.

The fox gazes upon a hill: The zigzag pathway snaking and swerving. He walks down, his backpack jittering with materials inside. Reaching the village, the villagers there pausing their personal lives and turning their attention towards him. Eyebrows raise, suspicion and peculiarities enticing the critters.

"Who is that?" a black bear says.

"I have no clue," a yellow mink follows, head tilting.

A straw hat wearing turtle points. "I'd neve' seen a mobian lookin' THAT tall before," he mentions, his accent thick and southern, twiddling with his wheat. "And I'v seen tall mobians, alright!"

Mobians are like Rammy: Anthrofied in nature, some even wearing clothes to cover their bodies with. Much like he does. So the differences he notices right away is that they're...quite smaller than him. Almost midget size.

(Yeah, I had a feeling I'd see the villagers being the same height as Tails', haha.)

The fox waves at the crowd: Smiling, his eyes closing.

"Hey there."

The villagers glance at each other: Caution rising, heads tilting. Brief commotion sparks within, the fox's ears flickering.

(I guess I'm too abnormal of a 'mobian' here compared to the others'. Fair enough.)

One of them walks forward: Blue uniform covering this coyote individual with pride, his sword dangling side to side. He grips his belt, squinting at the unknown visitor.

Rammy stares back, remaining calm and collective. "Heyo."

"Who are you, visitor?" the coyote asks, his gaze sharp and tense.

The Pokemon perks up. "The name's Rammy Sonet. I came here because someone told me they're willing to solve my issues."

"And how did you find this sacred village, visitor?"

Rammy lifts a claw. "Tails directed me here, that's how."

The canine quirks his brow. "You know Tails?"

A smile plasters the fox's face. "Yep! He's a pretty cool kid, in all honesty."

"Oh hey, there you are!"

The feminine voice catches the crowd's attention, all turning around. A voluptuous squirrel walks into view: Big breasts shielding behind her blue jacket, her legs covering in pants of the same color. She spreads her arms, smiling at the kitsune.

"Welcome to Knothole, Rammy."

The coyote gasps. "Sally, you know this person?"

The squirrel nods. "Yep. Tails told me he found him at Dragon Valley nearby." Her hand waves around. "And he even offered to help him get to this village."

"Mhm!" Rammy holds his hands together. "He's a sweet and considerate fella. I honestly wouldn't been able to find this village if it weren't for the map he'd given me."

"I see." The coyote huffs, his eyes closing. "Well if that's the case--" he takes out his sword, pressing it against his chest. "The name's Antoine D'Coolette. A friend of Sally Acorn is a friend of me and the rest of Knothole!"

The crowd mumbles, nods forming, smiles arising--they all warm up to the Zoroark soon, gazing at the tall anthro with content.

The coyote squints once more. "Please never break this recently formed trust." He tiptoes, pointing his sword at the fox. "Got it?"

Rammy lifts his hands. "Ah, understood, sir! You have my word!"

Sally nods, sighing. "Don't worry, Antoine: I'll make sure he doesn't pull anything suspicious on us while I'm around." She smiles up at the kitsune. "Even though he has good intentions."

"Hmm..." Antoine squints further more, his brow even arching up in an exaggerated manner. Eventually he retrieves his sword, nodding. "I shall be off then." He turns, eyeing Sally. "Apologies if I've been on edge lately." His ears lower. "Bonnie hasn't return from her ventures with Sonic yet. And then seeing a mobian I've never seen before just..." His teeth gnashes. "It made me think he's a spy for Robotnik, wanting intel on our new hideout after the last one, that's all." Sighs.

The villagers gaze at the coyote, sympathizing with his concerns as a bit of worriedness spread across their faces, too.

The squirrel's hand rests on the coyote's shoulder. "Understandable. We've--" Sally grimaces. "...had mobians betrayed us for Robotnik's cause before. I can't blame you for being on edge." Smiles. "But trust me: Rammy means well, and Bonnie will be fine while she's with Sonic. Heck, I heard that Shadow is there with them too from the many updates she gave me."

Antoine perks up, raising a brow. "Eh? Why's that?"

Sally shrugs. "Not entirely sure, but hey: The more help we get is the merrier." She lifts her thumb, winking. "Especially one that's a GUN agent."

"Hmm..." The coyote sighs, nodding. "Fair point, I suppose."

Rammy simply blinks. (I have zero clue what any of those two are talking about, but it must be something important.)

With that, Antoine and the other mobians carry on with their business, a few staying behind in awestruck at the mysterious fox. Sally walks to the tall 'mobian', holding his hand. "I'll show you to my treehouse." She smiles, her eyes closing. "We can talk about your issue from there, okay?"

The Zoroark nods. "That'll be nice." He smiles back. "Thanks."

The two move forward, with Rammy managing to get a view of Sally's fairly big assets: Swaying, swerving--even_ jiggling_ occasionally. He blushes, staring ahead at the road afterwards.

(Talk about having cake.) He snickers softly. (Whew~)

. . .

A tall treehouse lies ahead of the two, the leaves shrouding it and the area, blocking out any incoming sunrays. A ladder is there attached to the tree, Sally climbing up on it while Rammy follows suit.

"Apologies if the place ends up a bit cramp for you, by the way," the woman states. "It was made with mobians in mind." Her ass sways at each movement, wiggling.

A bulge forms within the zoroark's shorts as he gets a good view of her cake: Bouncing, jiggling side to side--the tail even wags occasionally.

Rammy smiles. "It's fine. You guys didn't expect a tall Zoroark like myself to arrive here, so I get it."

"Ah. Good to hear, then."

Soon Sally opens the bottom door into the house, entering. There isn't anything special here: A few furniture to the right, a lone bed to the left, and a round table with two chairs in the middle. There's also a window ahead, displaying houses along with the village itself.

"Make yourself comfortable." Sally sits in the first chair, facing towards Rammy. Rammy sits in the second, his head lowering due to the roof being close to him.

He crosses his legs. "Alright so," his hands clasp together. "Found any new infos on how to return me back to my world?"

The squirrel's elbows rest on the table, finger to chin, eyeing up in thoughts. "Well..." Her chin is tapped. "Nicole told me she found the solution, but..."

Rammy raises his brow. "Go on."

Sally lowers her head, sighing. "It's unfortunately written in a language she couldn't understand. It was advanced even by her standards."

"Yeesh, I see then." Rammy folds his arms, staring with concern. "Does this means I'll be stuck here forever?"

The squirrel shakes her head, lifting a finger. "Not at all. Or at least I hope so." Her hand rests on the table, the squirrel leaning forward. "Nicole is very intelligent: Being able to decode all sorts of unknown languages and mysteries out there." Winks. "She'll figure out the answer eventually."

"Huh. I see, then." The fox's claw rests on his chin.

Sally smiles, her eyes closing. "We'll get you back to your world, sooner or later."

The fox begins to perk up, sighing in relief. "I suppose so. Thanks for all your help, Sally."

The squirrel shrugs. "Hey: Can't leave a clearly lost person out there by their lonesome, right?" Her arms fold beneath her breasts. "Especially when they're claiming to be from another world, too."

Rammy smiles. "Yeah, you're right." He gets a good look at Sally's cleavage: Her tits melon and plump, trapped by her jacket. The Zoroark gazes off, snorting softly. "You're sure right..."

The woman catches the occasional glances, slowly catching on as a smirk spreads across her. "You know," she crosses her legs, leaning back. "You probably went through a lot out there, so..." Lifts her tits. "Is there anything I could do to help you relax?"

The Zoroark blushes at the lifts: Eyeing up Sally, then the tits, then Sally, and then back at the tits again. "Ah." He scratches his snout, staring off. "Admittedly? Some fun time in bed would be nice." He waves his hand around. "That's if you want to, of course haha." He scratches the back of his head. "Sorry if that was blunt."

Sally shakes her head. "Oh no need for apology: I completely get it~" She gets out of her seat, unzipping her jacket. It drops: Her tits jiggling in freedom, captivating the fox with its brown areola. The squirrel bites her lower lip, pressing her tits together, fondling them. "Mmm..."

Rammy stares on: Bulge rocking hard in his shorts, pleading to release itself from its prison. The zoroark smirks at the woman. "Whew." Sighs. "Glad we're on the same page here, beautiful."

The squirrel snorts behind her hand. "Indeed." She struts over to the bed and sits, crossing her legs. "As one of the leaders of the Freedom Fighters, it's my duty to please my followers and visitors alike when necessary." She gives him bedroom eyes. "Which includes erotic stuff, too." The woman beckons, her tail wagging. "Now how about you let this lady give you a nice titjob, hmm?"

"Heh." He sets his backpack to the side, stripping his shorts down. "No need to tell me twice, hun." His big, pink canine cock flops out in eagerness, the knot escaping his sheath. Once he reaches Sally, his cock grinds_ exactly _on her face: The height differences working wonders for them.

Sally murrs, kissing the shaft and cupping his balls. She lets the fox nudge her face, nuzzling against the wood. She slips her boots off, freeing her feet and toes in all of its glory.

The anthrofied squirrel snatches her tits and slaps the dick between them, licking the tip. Rammy shudders, moaning softly.

"Ah yes," Rammy says, his eyes closing in bliss. "That's it. Just like that...~"

Sally giggles, gazing up the tall pokemon with enticement. She massages his rod, her tits lifting up and down, her lips kissing and slurping the tip. She moans, bopping on the meaty head, her big tits continuing to smother the rod.


Rammy clenches his teeth, precum spewing into the mobian's lips. Sally drinks it, her eyes shifting to the fox's dick: The length, the tender, the glister--just about a whole lot of things about it makes her crave for more and more, including the sweetness of this bizarre outsider's pre-jizz.

"Mmf." (I want to suck him off~)

Rammy glances down as soon as Sally stares up: The latter simply smirking before moving forward, shoving more of that shaft into her maw. The zoroark moans, the squirrel sucking him off in tendencies:_ Aching_ for more of that huge dick.

Rammy snorts. "So much for it being only a, mmm, titjob~"

Sally winks, increasing the pacing. Groans exchange between the two: Slurps and slops, slops and slurps--saliva coats the fox's rod in glee, Sally borderline reaching the knot.

"Mmm, ah!" His dick twitches, his climax arching. "Oh fuck, Sally!"

(Sounds like he's about to blow~) Her head is groped. "M-Mm?" Rammy shoves Sally forward, his knot bypassing her maw's defense and resides on her tongue. "M-MMF!?"

The fox howls happily.


Rows upon rows of cum spiral throughout Sally's maw, jetting right down her throat. Her eyes widen, the large number of seeds racing out of her maw within seconds: Painting her tits, painting her face, her lower body--even the bedsheets like a tsunami! Some even crash onto the wooden floor: What a load!

(I--) Sally quivers. (Holy MOBIUS!) Her face grows red. (I've never seen a man cum this much at such a large rate!) She moans, her eyes rolling up. (B-Bonus points for the cum tasting sweet and addicting, too!) She gurgles those seeds down, her tail wagging, her tongue rubbing the knot. (I need some air, though. I feel like this much cum would have me suffocating!) She taps Rammy's fat ass, jiggling it each time.

The fox purrs, eyeing down. "Hmm?" He blinks for a moment. "Oh, you want to breathe! Gotcha!" He tugs, his hips swaying side to side. He pulls his large dick out: Cum spewing out in a messy manner. Sally pants, her tongue hanging loose, cum dripping over her breasts.

"Ah...ah." Is all she can utter, swallowing whatever cum that was left within her flooding maw.

Rammy's hands rest on his hips, the fox lifting his brow. "Impressed?"

Sally glances, scooping up the seeds from her face before sucking them. "Lay down on your back. _ Now. _"

Rammy smirks, relaxing himself on the bed. Sally jolts up, stripping her pants off: Her pussy basking its wet, eagerly appearance at the fox, juices trickling down her legs. Rammy's hands rest behind his head.

"Gonna take that as a yes."

Sally climbs up, strutting her pussy alongside the fox's dick, grinding and moving over it. She feels the huge rod pulsating, teasing her folds. She shivers, biting her lower lip. "Ngh." Stroking the fox's chest fur, she purrs. "Oh goodness of Mobius: I can tell that this," the mobian positions the shaft towards her pussy. "Will be GREAT~"

She slides right down, a loud blissful moan following suit.


She jolts up and slams down: Riding the zoroark, mounting the zoroark--steering herself on his big meatstick, her tits flopping along the way. Sally moans, the knot assaulting her folds over and over, begging to infiltrate her juicy walls. Her stomach bulges from the fox's tip, the small woman letting her tongue hang loose.

"AH!" Is all she can scream out.

Rammy gropes the bedsheets, his eyes closing, his tongue hanging: He feels pure heaven from a thirsty squirrel wanting him inside. Sally's womb is hammered and wrecked, her feet fondling the fox's balls.

"Mmm." Rammy purrs. "Someone's suddenly, mmm, eager for this dick~" He thrusts up, following along with the squirrel's movement.

Sally purrs. "I, mm, normally wouldn't be this pent up for one. But yours' is just..." Squirms. "Ngh~" Juices spray over the meat, coating the balls with temptious ecstasy. Her tail wags in delight as she mewls loudly, speeding up the pace.

"Ah. I tend to, mmm, get that same sentiment in my world, hehe~" Rammy states, spewing his pre-seeds into the squirrel.

"Mm, really now?" The knot almost pushes itself inside of her as she keeps riding roughly, Rammy's dick jittering towards its inevitable climax. Sally pants, rubbing the chest fur. "Good to know we're both veterans in sex, mmf."

"So it seems, mmm."

Sally's ass wiggles, her pussy continuously being plapped and smacked until eventually--

"OOH!" She slams, shoving the knot into her. She mewls in joy, splashing juices all over the dick like crazy.

"Nyah~" Rammy unleashes his massive loads of cum throughout the mobian: Bloating her belly to near extreme, causing some to escape out and coat his balls along with her ass and feet. Some even spills over the bedsheets in a waterfall manner, littering everywhere.

"Oh Mobius, YES!" Sally screams. "FUCK YES!" Her tits are stroked, the woman fondling and groping them with aggression, panting heavily. "AAH! I-It's filling up my womb! NGH!" She eyes her belly, the bloat being plain and obvious. "So much cum, mm~"

Rammy snorts, winking. "And that was just one load, hun."

Sally licks her lips, wiggling her behind. "I see." She lifts.


Many seeds guzzle out of her upon the dick withdrawal, painting the fox's lower body further. Sally groans, staring down at the mess.

(What a monster of a dick...) she thinks, rubbing her inflated belly. (I love it~)

She turns around, laying down on Rammy. "Take control and fuck me up real good, handsome," she advises, pressing her leaking cooch up on the messy rod.

Rammy spreads his legs, winking at the squirrel. "Will do, beautiful." He grips her thighs, jamming his shaft_ right_ back into her pussy. Noises utter around the house upon the insertion, Rammy shuddering in joy, eyeing up. Sally curls her toes, mewling while groping the bedsheets.

"So damn huge, AH!"

The Zoroark goes to town on the woman, his knot ramming in and out of her pussy, stimulating the folds. The fox groans, his balls smacking the cum leaking pussy in crazed sophistication. His toes wiggles, clenching teeth while smiling. Sally's intense moans and groans echo throughout the house: Being music to the fox's ears.

"Fuck!" Sally's belly slosh, each thrusts making it jiggle and wiggle. "Goodness, it still feels great despite being so full!" Previous seeds race out of her cooch due to the immense poundings, spilling over the sheets more and more. Her stomach shifts back and forth, her womb receiving kisses from the fox's tip.

"Never taken a cock this good before, mm~?" Rammy asks in a femininely smug tone, giggling.

Sally giggles as well, her tits bouncing during the bent spoon position. "Oh don't get me wrong: I've, mm, taken some fair shares of good mobian dicks in my life. It's just--" She yaps, squirming and spewing juices over the cock. "Oooh this dick feels so huge and magnificent, ah~!"

Rammy keeps going, smirking. "Glad to hear, hehe." He releases his pre-seeds, ramming and slamming each time, his cock grinding along the soft walls. "Aaaah, I can do this alllll day long!"

"Mmm, same!"

Rammy stops.

"Eh?" Sally feels her legs lifting up along with her arms: Both locking in place, trapped by the zoroark's arms. " EH!?"

The fox grins deviously, being on his knees. "I'm gonna hammer you up FURTHER, hun!"

He slams and rams and jams into that filled pussy with speed, full nelsoning the hell out of her. Sally mewls and yelps, her tits swinging, her stomach bouncing. Rammy groans, gnashing his teeth.

(FUCK YEAH!) the fox merely thinks.

"Oh fuck! Oh god damn shit, YES! AAAGH!" Sally states, eyeing down the big rod driving into her like a truck.

"Gonna cum in 3, 2--" Rammy closes his eyes, unloading a massive amount of cum into the squirrel while moaning happily, Sally moaning along with him. " 1!"

Sally showers his dick with her womanly juices, the seeds spilling and coating the balls messily along with her pussy. She keeps getting pounded, simply screaming the following: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"

Rammy sticks his tongue out, arching his head with satisfactory.

"Mmm~" He sighs, his thrusts slowing down. "This is the life, man."

"N-Ngh..." Sally blushes, her belly expanding further. "It's, mmm, definitely one of my favorite hobbies, for sure."

Rammy snorts. "Same here." He pulls his dick out, many jizz splashing out of Sally's pussy. The woman moans, her round belly lowering itself in size.

"Whew..." Sally pants, Rammy setting her down beside him. "What a...rush that was."

Rammy purrs. "No kidding."

"I--" Sally grunts, relaxing on her back. "I need a breather...I think." Her eyes shift to the throbbing, batter-leaking, towering dick: Drooling on command. "Maybe."


Sally blinks, her belly being back to normal by now. "Yeah. Maybe...Mmm."

Rammy tilts his head. "Contemplating, I assume?"

"Ehehe..." Sally gives him bedroom eyes. "Yes, I am." She turns around, laying on her side while spreading her asscheeks. "Please fill my ass next~" she requests, fingering her cum fountain pussy.

The fox smirks. "Decided that fast, huh?"

"I figure why not before I take my little break." She smacks her behind, jiggling. "Now how about you come give this quality mobian ass a nice detour, sweetie."

Rammy lies beside her and spoons her, gripping her waist. "Once again: You don't have to tell me twice~" He shoves his dick right into her anus, the squirrel screaming in joy as he pounds her away.

"OH!" Sally jabs her pussy, previous seeds gushing out as Rammy rams into her ass, the anal walls warming the cum-coated shaft. His knot slips in and out thanks to the juices, the fox lifting his leg up in glee.

"Mm, fuck this is so good." Rammy purrs, slamming into the woman's ass. Her hole tightens around, the squirrel groping her left tit in ecstasy.

"Nyah!" Her hair covers her right eye as she drools over the sheets. Her eyes widening, her tongue hanging. (So rough and eager, ah!)

The zoroark spews several precums throughout her, his balls smacking her behind nonstop. Rammy curls his toes, moaning in bliss. "Man, Sally: You have an amazing ass, too!" He shudders. "Hgnnh~!"

"Thanks~" She then gasps from the fox groping her breasts, fondling them before speeding up. "Ah! Ngh!" Sally lays her hand on the fox's, pressing back against each thrusts. "That's it, mmm. Fuck me. Fuck me like the absolute slut I am. Oh god!"

Rammy's cock twitches, his eyes closing while his tongue hangs out. "Yes!" He dumps his messy amount of seeds throughout the squirrel, the two moaning in pure pleasure.

Sally's feet curls, her pussy spraying juices over the bedsheets, further making the bed messy alongside the river of seeds. She feels so heavenly with this guy, pure bliss and relief circulating throughout.

All she can say is the following: " YEEESSSS!"

Rammy moves his hips back before slamming forward, a hefty cum splash forming and colliding onto the two's bodies. The Zoroark sighs happily, smiling. "Yes, indeed~" He slides his shaft out: Sally's anus gaping, many jizz crashing out.

The squirrel moans borderline uncontrollably: Her forehead sweating, her arms quivering, and just her body in general quaking from the intense fucking. Rammy lifts up, his behind planting on the sheets. He tilts his head, smiling.

"Need a breather now?"

Sally simply lifts her thumb, leading the fox to purr.

"Duly noted."

The woman lies on her back, eyeing up the handsomely voluptuous fox. "Aren't you...tired after all of that?"

The man crosses his legs. "Nope! Takes me a really, reaaaallly long while to get truly tired." He sticks his tongue out, winking while pressing his finger against it.

Sally tilts her head. "Huh. Really now?" Her hand to her chin. "How intriguing."

"Mhm." The Zoroark nods. "My stamina is pretty high~" He flips himself over, his large behind wobbling as he lifts his legs up and down. "And my balls never stop producing more of those lovely batters. Quite the package I am, huh?"

"Indeed you are, Rammy." Sally caresses her chin, eyeing the man's ass. "Indeed...~"

Rammy notices the looks, grinning and wiggling his fatcheeks. "Ever thought about eating a man's ass out? Especially after he's done fucking ya silly?"

The squirrel twirls her hair, giggling. "Not that I recall."

"Ooo." He gazes. "Wanna make this a first then?" He grins once more, his sharp teeth casting.

Sally thinks for a moment before smirking back. "Heh, sure thing." Shrugs. "When a gal this creamed up, why wouldn't she want to eat her partner out afterwards~?"

"So true." Rammy climbs on top of her, his large behind shadowing her face. The woman bites her lower lip: Eyeing the sweats dripping off his buns, falling onto the sheets beside her. He lowers, his puffy hole touching Sally's lips.

"Mmm~" the two moan, the zoroark stroking the sheets with his feet.

He wiggles around, Sally kissing his ass while groping her breasts eagerly. Cum drips out of her two holes as she eats her thick partner's ass: Kissing and licking, her tongue sliding inside. Rammy sighs, his anal walls gripping the tongue's length.

"Juuuust like that, mmm." He shudders, his hands resting on his knees, his balls hanging low with sweat and previous cum sliding across. Rammy's dick throbs, precum oozing out already. "Doing great down there, Sally hun. Keep it up, mmm."

"Mmf." Sally drools over the fat donut, squeezing her tits. Her juices etch out, further messing up the sheets. (Is this what it's like having sex with someone not from this world?) She thinks, her toes scrunching up. (If so: It's amazing!)

The zoroark moans, smothering the woman's face further. His fat buns wobble and tremble, his big dick twitch and shudder: Spewing more and more pres by the second. Sally then gropes his ass, fondling and massaging them, making out with the hole like a date would.

"Ngh. So close."

Sally keeps it up, eventually smacking the fox's ass roughly.

"AH, YES!" Rammy cums across the bed, hitting the wall behind it as he mewls. He sighs in relief, smiling. "Mmm."

Sally giggles, her tongue remaining within the hole. She swirls it around, making the zoroark shiver as he cums a couple more times. His cum sprinkling spree soon comes to an end, the Zoroark sighing in satisfaction.

"God that felt great, mmm." He looks behind him: The squirrel still being occupied by his ass. He giggles. "I see that someone's liking my ass right now~"


The zoroark smiles, wobbling his booty. "You can keep going as long as you like, beautiful~" He gets on his knees, caressing Sally's face with his feet. He purrs. "My ass needed some good oral actions, anyways."

(I'd be surprised if no one wants to eat this, HONESTLY!) she thinks, her tongue wiggling and sliding all over the warm walls. Rammy blushes, wiggling his toes on the squirrel's face as his tongue hangs loose. Sally cups up the large buns, giving it soft smacks every now and then. "Mmm."

As this happens, a hologram appears in the middle of the room. A lynx shows herself, wearing purple clothing while her hands are behind her back. "Sally, I've uncovered what the runes are sa--" she pauses, taken aback by the scenario.


"Eh?" Rammy looks behind him, the lynx staring down at him with perplexion. Rammy blinks. "Who's that?"

"Mmmf!?" Sally taps Rammy's ass for him to get off, to which he does. She lifts up, gazing at the lynx. "Nicole! I, uh--" The squirrel clears her throat, scratching the side of her head. "Apologies that you had to see such a display, haha."

"Hmm. Seems you've gotten yourself into another one of those 'sex' again." Nicole eyes the fox. "With an entity that's not even from our world, no less."

Rammy waves, sitting next to Sally. "Hiya."

Nicole stares motionlessly before taking a gaze at Sally. "Princess: I'm still processing the element of enjoyment towards something that requires the creation of life." A finger to her chin. "I don't get it."

Sally scratches the back of her head. "It's complicated to explain, but do know that it's not for everyone much like anything else in life." She smiles. "Which is fine."

"Hmm..." Nicole hums. "I'll keep that answer in mind."

The Zoroark quirks his brow. "Wait, 'princess'?"

Sally blinks. "I forgot to mention that detail to you, huh?" She chuckles. "I'll explain later. Right now, Nicole has something to tell us." Her fingers snap. "Oh wait, I need to know something else first!"

Rammy tilts his head. "That is?"

The squirrel pokes her fingers together. "I, uh, forgot to...take my birth control pills today. So, uh, um...I'm not going to get pregnant, right?"

Rammy lowers his eyelids a little. "Nope: I'm infertile~"

"Eh?" Sally sighs in relief. "I mean, big relief there, but also I did not know this about you. Must be a nice perk to have."

The zoroark giggles behind his claws. "Yep! Especially for a sex lover like myself, teehee~"

"Sorry to intrude, but I have vital information that could help our friend here." Nicole gestures to Rammy.

Sally lifts a finger. "Ah, right!" Nods. "That's what you're trying to tell us, then. Go right away."

Nicole nods, spreading her arms. Many maps and written words spread behind her, displaying list of steps the two can follow. "The languages written in those ancient runes...told me this." She gazes upon the step-by-step display. "There's a lot to follow here. Since the multitude of traveling from one realm to the next is complicated in various ways." She glances at the duo. "A chance of failure here is high."

Rammy's eyes widen. "Whoa..."

Sally bites her nail. "Ah..." Her brows narrow. "Gotcha, then."

"I advise both of you to listen closely." The lynx's brows narrow as well. "The convoluted process about universe traveling is_ crucial_ to grasp. So comprehend the steps to the best of your abilities." Her hands fold, the holographic creature bowing. "Understood?"

Rammy and Sally look at each other for a moment, silence lingering. They then nod, staring back at the lynx.

"Alright. Lay it out to us, then," Sally states.

"Mhm." Rammy crosses his legs. (At the very least: I hope that doing this allows me to travel between my world and theirs'.) The fox smiles slightly.

(Wouldn't mind having more fun with Sally again~)

The Snack That Plaps Back.

Cracker Kingdom, home of the goldfish crackians! Many roam this vast kingdom, going from one place to the next: Residing in their homes, or shopping for some delicious salts. Heck, some even hang out with each other at the park! Peace is the main...

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Passionate Express.

The train persists across the lush greens, traveling over the wide ocean on the bridge gaping between the forest. A tunnel can be seen from afar, the train arching its way towards it. Sitting at the front of the train lies a chubby fennec fox: A...

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Hung Times.

"Phew." The blue jackal drops down a ton of hay, his accent thick and light. "That's the last of em'." The Riolu basks at the sunset in front of his lonesome cabin: Wearing blue overalls with black suspenders keeping it in place. Haven's hands rest by...

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