Rarity's Burning Haunt 2

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#109 of Commissions

Rarity decides to spruce up an old haunted house, but finds the spirit haunting the place too hot to handle!

This is a commissioned piece. If you'd like to get some work done from me, please consider checking out my Linktree.

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Poor unfortunate Rarity finds herself buried in a pile of old material and costuming equipment, her swelling and throbbing butt sticking out from the stack, burned by the will of a spirit. The poor pony shuffles and squirms but only succeeds in keeping herself buried. If she is going to get out, it would have to be by using all her body, even her aching haunches.

"Oh, darling, why are you so mean to me?" the pony asks, muffled under the material. "All I wanted was to make your home beautiful. If you didn't like that, you could have just told me!"

In response, her lantern lifts up, the creaking and clanking of the metal audible even through the things that keep the pony pinned down.

"Oh, no, darling, please! I beg you, don't do anything rash! I've learned my lesson. I'll leave here immediately, don't you worry about me-ieee!"

The lantern flames flare up, heating the metal of the base. The spirit presses it up against her sensitive skin, the hiss of the heat rising up throughout the room.

Rarity kicks, whinnies, and snorts, but her thrashing about does naught else but knock the lantern out of the way, clattering to the floor nearby!

The pony whimpers as the throbbing pain spreads over her butt, finally scrambling from the pile and limping weakly away from the room. But, as she makes it to the door, the fiery spirit appears before her, giving her a hearty "Boo!" before laughing maniacally.

Rarity whinnies and rears up, but her hooves strike nothing but air. She takes this opportunity to sprint past the spirit, heading toward the door.

The spirit has other hands and spins around, slapping her on the butt with its flaming tendrils of energy, caressing along her crack, and licking between her legs.

The sudden burning, throbbing, searing sensation sends her stumbling across the grand foyer, tumbling over herself, and landing in an alcove in the middle of the room, her face against the wall, sitting down right on her sensitive rump, whimpering.

That last attack got close to her most sensitive areas, making them tingle and pulse with pain. It's a pain just to sit down now. How will she go to the bathroom if her poor little ass and pony pussy are red and sensitive from the fire?

Despite this, Rarity trudges onward, sniffling and stepping into another room of the dangerous demesne. "I'm going to pretty up this place, darling. It's just simply a terror! Now, you can hate me that much, can you?"

As she limps her way into another room, she finds this one has a spirit board nestled into a table. A chair slides out for her as soon as the pony enters the room.

"Oh, no, I can't possibly sit down," she protests. "You made sure of that!"

Her butt throbs, her nethers quivering.

A blue flame appears on the board, dancing around the letters of the board.

"Well, at least we're communicating now. Let's see..." she says, narrowing her eyes. "Sit for five minutes, and I'll go away."

"Really, darling, you will?"


"Well, I can... hopefully... do that." She says, wiggling her hindquarters. "But no funny business?"

The fire goes out, and the chair slides toward her.

Rarity whines, backing up towards the seat and hopping up onto it. "Oh, what a strange setup we have here." She says, lowering her backside.

"Nnnmmm... w-what I wouldn't give for this to be soothing and soft," she moans. "But let the timer commence!"

The poor pony sits awkwardly for the first minute, tapping a hoof upon the table. After the minute passes, a flame appears over the "1" on the board.

"Hah! Four to go ,you little tricky sprite!"

Then, another whisp of flame erupts, but Rarity doesn't see it. She glances from side to side. "Now, where could that be?"

Soon, she sniffs the air. "Hm... is that a wood fire going? Somewhere else in the house or, ah!"

The flame licks at the wicker under her bum, curling the straws of her seat and letting them dance over her burnt heinee. "Nnngh... This is... ah... hardly fair!"

The flames dance, almost as if laughing at her.

Sweating, she leans over the table. "I'm a pony of my word... I'll win this little game... and I won't leave this, ah, seat!"

She lowers her head, clenching her teeth. The heat springs up, her cheeks reddening, glowing from the excitement. "Gah!"

The heat plays deeper into her, into the recesses, practically flaring up her core with the strange sensation. "Ah... ha... hot... hot! Hooo! I can't... ngh... I must... ... h-how much time?"

She looks up to the board. The fourth number had been lit.

"Just one... one more minute... and then... and then I win!"

The flames jump around like a crowd, pointing and laughing at her.

Her tail swishes, trying to make some air blow by her, but it only serves to stoke the flames. She throws her head back, crying out, whinnying in pain, her neighs echoing out through the darkness of the evening and down the hill to Ponyville.

A spark appears on the final number, and at the same time, Rarity falls forward, crashing into the table and sending the spirit board toppling over herself. As one final curse upon her battered behind, the flames on the spirit board smack her on the ass, sending her whinnying and running through the room, knocking over things in a panicked craze.

This all ends when she trips over the remains of the chair, falling on her chin, her bum high in the air, and her tail falling over her.

Even that little hair stroking her skin makes her whimper and cry. But the house is quiet, and she perks her head up, sniffing.

"Ghost? Are you there?"


Despite the burning in her tush, the mansion has a different feeling. And now, Rarity realizes that she is, in fact, alone in this place.

"W-well, who said people didn't have to suffer for beauty?"

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