Tik Tik at the Pooka's Pool 8

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#114 of Anteronian Adventures

Knowing the Pooka is a tricky fey, Tik Tik suggests a compromise...

I wrote this for "Pooka's Day." Be sure to leave out the treats for the fair folk, or they might mess with your crops.

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The Adventures of Tik Tik is a fantasy erotica series starring a cute kobold wizard out to make new friends! The readers fund its development. Those who support get early access to stories and rough drafts, the ability to vote and make poll options for monthly bonus stories, and able to produce and direct the plot with other top-tier supporters! Not only that but the more that I'm supported, the more of these stories 

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Tik Tik presses her finger between her eyes, scraping downward to scoop up the glob of pre. She doesn't answer the Pooka as she opens her mouth, rolling out her tongue and wrapping that muscle around the cum-coated digit, sucking and slurping and enjoying herself in her hedonistic delight for the moment.

After she finally swallows, of course making a show of it, she stands up, hands firmly on her hips. "I propose to you a trade. We finish this fun later and in a different place. You will take me to where my friends are, and there I will let you fucking destroy me with your gigantic cock."

The Pooka shifts into his leporine form, the old rabbit stomping up to her, puffing out his chest and snarling. "I'll do no such thing, missie. You are just trying to get a free ride out of me. You'll throw me to the wayside once you're back with all your friends, never to think of this old Pooka again."

"And you wouldn't attempt to breed me by filling me with your Pooka spunk, wipe my memory of you when we're done, and leave me with a magical egg?"

The Pooka taps his foot, folding his arms over his chest. His ears droop, and he turns away from her. "It seems we still have trust issues, even after all that."

"If only there was a way to get what we both want." Tik Tik says.

The Pooka quirks a brow, turning his head over his shoulder. "You have something in mind, don't you, lass?"

"I do, I do," Tik Tik says, summoning her book to her. "I've found some interesting techniques I've wanted to try. While logistically, it would be difficult to have you on your back and dangerous for you to be looming over me, there is one technique I'd love to try." She flips through the pages, smirks, and turns the book toward her companion.

The Pooka blushes. "Why, lass, that's the strangest thing I've ever seen. How would it work? How would it feel good for ya?"

"It'd feel good for you, wouldn't it?"

"It... might," he admits. "I don't suppose you have the material necessary to make it happen, would you?"

Tik Tik taps her head. "Oh, I have access to oh-so-many materials, but I'm sure you have something here we can use."

"I'll have to check my storage," the Pooka admits, hopping past her and the bench and heading back into his Pooka pool.

Soon, the Pooka emerges in his equine form, his body glistening and his mane clinging to his neck and over one eye. He holds long straps in his mouth, which he lays at Tik Tik's feet. "There," he grumbles. "I hope you're happy."

"Oh, did you have these before?" Tik Tik asks. She draws a circle around her with her toe, creating her floating platform. She picks up the straps and floats up to the horse's face. "This will be perfect," she says. "A bit and bridle, is it? How did you have such a thing?"

"Sometimes, I have to play the part of a domesticated horse," he says. "The Death's Coach is a bit more freeing than a nobleman's carriage, that is for sure, and so then, I-gah!?"

Tik Tik sticks the bit in his mouth, slipping the bridle over his face. "Hehe, that's a good horsey," she says. "You can talk, but it doesn't mean you have to. Enjoy listening for a change, won't you?"

She hops off her disc, setting the rest of the bridle onto him, leaning her chest against his muscled neck and fastening the thing to him. Still, as she lays the reins over him, she conjures additional material. "No need for a saddle where we're going," she says, adding a pink and magical alteration to the material and wrapping it around her body. Holding onto the strap, she hops over the edge, pulling his head back.

The Pooka snorts, and he coughs, only to have himself gulp when he feels her pressing her body up against his belly, the ropes and strands wrapping around them, keeping the two held tight together.

"S... so this is what it feels like," he says. "What daft person thought of this trick?" he muses.

"Oh, so you can talk?" she muses. "That's fine. Your voice sounds cute when you got that in there."


Her feet press against his still-hard cock, lifting it up and rubbing the length. "Oh, yes, this should work quite well, indeed. Now, my friend, be a good horse and pick up my things."

Tik Tik swirls her finger, and her clothing bundles together lifts into the air, and rests on the pooka's back as a pack.

The Pooka shakes his mane, stepping out from the safety of his pool and out towards the mysterious road. "Fuck me... if anyone found us together... they'd think you mad."

"Let them think it," Tik Tik says, pushing her heels against the bottom of his cock, lining that massive thing between her legs. "I'm having the time of my life!"

The Pooka leaps from the boundaries of his Pooka pool, galloping through the spooky road. Through the piercing sunlight, the mysterious path is less of an enigma and more of a morbid truth. As the wind whistles through the trees, they reveal their secrets to the world and the weary travelers who dare cross their threshold.

But Tik Tik is too busy for flowery poetry and understanding new and inscrutable truths. Because, right now, the kobold ties herself to the belly of the pooka-horse and is ready for the ride of her life after that experience of death.

Tied up against the belly of the beast-shaped friend, Tik Tik rubs against his hide, her soft scales scratching slightly against the short hairs.

With each galloping step, her soft underbelly rubs against his, his hot, snorting breath sending pulses of movement she can feel. As he sprints down the lonely road, there is no moment to relent.

Tik Tik at the Pooka's Pool 9

Of course, the main attraction for the kobold is not the sight of the path ahead, upside-down from her position under him, but of the prominent and throbbing equine member that sits with her, bound by the straps he placed on him. She made sure that the...

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