Stray Thoughts

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Life is seldom fair or kind or generous, but every so often a kind deed can change someone's life path. It all began with a nice young man and a stray cat...


This story was created thanks to the amazing generosity of my patrons. They helped guide the content in both polls and a patreon discord and enjoyed up to a year of early access. If you are interested in helping to create stories like this or ensuring other ongoing series continue, please check out my Patreon at or you can send a one time gift with

Once again, thank you to everyone that made this possible!

Stray Thoughts

Written by Leo_Todrius

Assistance by Trickster_D

Supported by my Patrons

Inspired by the character of Michopanq

The clitter-clack-clitter-clack of the train filled the air as Liam walked. Train car after train car rumbled by, each one emblazoned with some of the most colorful and audacious graffiti he had ever seen in his life. A few of the buildings Liam passed by had been tagged as well. It wasn't, after all, a very nice neighborhood. The homes in the area were old, split into hack-kneed duplexes to cram more people into less space for more money. Half the businesses were covers for chop shops and Liam could swear the other half were never open and existed solely for tax write off purposes. Still, there wasn't a lot he could do about it.

Liam was eighteen, coming up on the last few months of high school. He had a wave of curly brown hair on top with shaved sides that would have made any tik-tokker jealous. He wore an old yellow and orange jacket, his black jeans blown out at the knees, and a pair of yellow sneakers that were his pride and joy. The white soles had been meticulously cared for to keep them clean despite the relative levels of grime in the neighborhood. A ragged hand-me-down backpack hung from one shoulder as he walked, the imbalance more for style than function.

The walk to school was just under a mile, hence the lack of school buses. Despite the noise from the passing train, Liam was starting to pick up another sound coming from the empty lot that sat just before the onramp that took the cars over the curve in the railroad tracks. Liam's brown eyes tightened slightly as he tried to make it out, realizing it was a sort of long, low yowling sound. Liam slowed as he passed the weed dispensary, looking around the lot, trying to figure out what the sound was. It didn't take him long.

Perched on an overturned plastic bucket, sitting up on all fours, was a big, fat tom cat. His head was upturned, his mouth parted, fangs glistening with saliva as he howled and yowled. The cat had clearly seen better days. His black claws were unreasonably long, one ear looked as though some other animal had taken a chunk out of it, and the poor cat was soaked through from the heavy rain the previous night. Liam would have felt compassion for any cat, but this particular cat looked quite... unusual... Its fur was a shade Liam had never seen before, sort of a bright purple. The fur running down its stomach was a lighter shade of pink, and a crest of white fur stuck up between purple pointed ears. That alone would have been unforgettable, but the cat had a dark grayish-black mane that framed its face and gave it muttonchop-like spikes on either side, along with dark spots on its chest and stomach.

"Hey there buddy... What's the situation?" Liam asked the cat. The tom cat, however, kept yowling its mournful call. Liam considered for a moment before he swung his backpack around onto his chest, unzipped it and reached in. After a moment of fishing around, he withdrew a tinfoil wrapped square. The tom cat was mid-yowl when Liam peeled the foil back and the scent of home baked turkey hit the air. Gleaming gold eyes snapped open and the fat cat pounced from the bucket, closing half of the distance between itself and Liam in one jump. The cat bounded all the way up to the chain link fence, squeezed through a hole that seemed far too small, and then proceeded to pop up on his hind legs, putting his fore legs above Liam's knees. The cat announced his intentions with an even louder meow.

"I get it, I get it. No problems my dude. I'll share." Liam said, crouching down. He started picking at his sandwich, pulling out pieces of light meat and dark meat, feeding it to the cat. Fangs cut through the meat eagerly, spittle coming out as whiskers twitched. The cat gobbled the meat down, voracious. Despite the fact that the tom cat was fully grown and had a little bit of a belly, Liam worried that he was this hungry because he hadn't been getting any food for a while. He didn't exactly have enough money to buy a replacement lunch, but doing something nice for a stray cat would have to be its own reward.

Little by little, the sandwich shrank away until nothing was left but the bread - though the cat ate some of that too, probably more interested in the mayonnaise on the bread than what it was on. Unlike some cats, the tom cat apparently understood the food was gone and did no meow for more. Instead, to Liam's surprise, he hopped up with wet paws onto Liam's crouched lap... and started to kneed. Liam gasped, feeling the full body weight of the cat coming down on him over and over again, those long black claws looking dangerous. Liam opened his mouth to protest and the cat gave him a rough sandpapery lick before he started to purr with such intensity that the vibration rivaled the engine of a motorcycle.

Liam chuckled a bit at that, rubbing the white tuft between the purple cat's ears, then sliding a hand down to rub at his tummy. The cat purred even more, his thick purple tail flicking to one side and then the other. If Liam hadn't known any better, he would have sworn the purple cat was grinning from one side of his muzzle to the other. Liam leaned down and kissed the top of the cat's head right between his ears, giving his long, sturdy back a few more pets before he took in a slow, reluctant breath.

"I'd be a lot happier hanging out with you all day, but I have to get to school. I'm already a bit late. If we're lucky, maybe I'll see you on the way back home, although I won't have any more food, just more pets." Liam said. The cat seemed heedless of his statements, continuing to knead on him until Liam scooped the cat up and set him back down on the ground. The cat looked up with wide golden eyes as the eighteen year old resumed his walk, looking both ways before darting across the overpass, heading to the other side. The cat watched him go, still grinning, eyes starting to glow with an ever increasing intensity. As the sound of the train finally faded away, so too did the purple cat until the only thing visible were the eyes and the smile, and then those, too, disappeared.


Sparks rained down from metal girders on the new wing of the school, cordoned off behind chain link fence and plastic sheeting from the areas the students were intended to walk. Liam winced a bit as he heard a bandsaw start up somewhere in the construction zone, but he moved at a light jog up the sidewalk, tugged open the heavy brown side door and moved into the north end of the building. To his relief, the hallway was still filled with the seething masses of his classmates. A smile crossed Liam's pouty lips.

"Yo, fresh meat, this is the senior hall." A gruff voice boomed before devolving into laughter.

"Funny as always, Bruno." Liam said without even looking at the hulking second yer senior where he stood, leaning against his locker as if it was the be all, end all hang out space. Liam filtered into the current of traffic that moved through the hallways, though his curly hair and unusually bright jacket did help him stand out a bit. He was starting to feel better and better about the day. Sure, he might go hungry, but he'd done a good deed and he wasn't even late as a result. Liam looked around to get a general feel for the day when he noticed that the stream of students was curving up ahead, maneuvering around an obstruction.

The source for the social whirlpool was obvious. Several members of the football team were hanging out by the trophy case, each one clad in their red and black varsity jackets. They wore them like a uniform, even going so far as to wear their jerseys underneath. They were all huge guys, standing well over six feet tall with broad shoulders and arms as thick as Liam's waist. He was about to write off the cluster when he caught something unexpected out of the corner of his eye - a shock of white hair sticking out from the hole in a backwards turned baseball cap... and pointed purple ears...

Liam came to a stop, causing two other students to ram into him. He murmured apologies as they were forced to go around him, causing yet another disruption to the foot traffic, but how could Liam move? In the middle of the three jocks was... was... a massive, tall, muscled, purple cat man... He was six foot four, wearing the same red and black hat the other jocks wore, but he'd gone with a worn blue denim vest that did absolutely nothing to cover massive biceps and triceps that were fully exposed and fully covered in purple fur. Even his thick neck was furry, at least where it wasn't covered up by a black leather collar with short metal spikes. His pink stomach fur disappeared behind a black tank top and his blue jeans hung so low that they exposed not only his thick tail, but the waistband of what Liam could only guess was a jockstrap.

Disbelief shot through Liam's veins like ice water, but how could he deny his eyes? One pointed ear had a chunk missing, though both were pierced with several black rings. One paw was half hidden inside the pocket of his jeans, but the other held onto an iPhone and showed off wickedly long black claws. His eyes were an intense shade of yellow, the vertical slits dilating larger each time he laughed, and his face was framed with a tri-pointed grayish black beard that looked as though it would have belonged to a pirate just as much as a high schooler. Come to think of it, between the beard and the diamond of black hair sticking out on his pink chest fur... How could a cat have pubic hair too?

"Yo, my dude!!!" The cat man said, grinning wide, the light glinting off his fangs. The jocks looked around in confusion until realizing that Liam wasn't moving.

"You know him?" One of them asked, sounding as though the connection between the two made them re-evaluate their earlier assessment.

"That's my boi!" The cat said, starting to push his way through the other students that practically threw themselves out of the way. The cat reached Liam, towering over him. He suddenly grabbed Liam, lifted him off the floor and held him close. An intense vibration began to penetrate every cell in Liam's body as the immense cat jock began to purr. Liam murmured before he closed his eyes, resting his head on the chest of the beefy feline. Liam hadn't realized how touch starved he was until the bell rang and the students started swirling around them even faster. The other jocks still seemed a bit dumbfounded.

"Guess we'll catch you later, bro." One jock said as he turned to join the other two, heading toward class. Liam felt a bit weak in the knees as he was set back down on the ground, although the cat jock kept one huge clawed paw on each of his shoulders.

"It's... it's you..." Liam murmured.

"Of course it's me, bro, who else would I be?" he asked. Liam swallowed a bit.

"I hope you like turkey?" he asked hopefully. The cat closed his eyes, licking his lips with a sandpapery tongue.

"That was the best god damn turkey I've had in my life... Well, honestly, any of them." he grinned, "You do something special?" he asked, his clawed hand slowly clenching and unclenching on Liam's shoulder. Liam stared up at him in wonder and disbelief.

"I... added honey to the mayonnaise." he said. The cat's jaw dropped.

"Honey... You are a genius...." he whispered.

"I'll bring you some more next time, if you like." Liam said, blushing faintly. He was only barely aware that the hallways had emptied and he was alone with the cat. The cat, however, seemed a bit more aware as he looked around.

"Should we be somewhere?" he asked curiously. Liam looked around before panicking slightly.

"Uh, I should be in class, but I don't know about you. They didn't seem to... notice?" Liam asked. The purple cat grinned, reaching back to run a paw over the back of his furry neck.

"Oh, they noticed, but I have ways of making sure they don't freak out. As far as they're concerned, I'm just one very handsome stray." He grinned.

"I... I don't even know what to call you. I'm Liam, by the way." he said.

"Liam..." The purple pat considered, "That's a very cute name, my dude." the cat said before shrugging a bit, "As for my name, well, you thought something about Tom when you saw me, didn't you?" he asked. Liam looked confused for a moment before his brown eyes widened.

"You mean Tom Cat? I... Do you really want your name to be Tom?" Liam asked. The cat smiled, running a claw down Liam's chest.

"What do you want to call me, bro?" he asked. Liam blushed again, feeling a stirring in his loins he most desperately wanted to stop before things got too far.

"Tom will work fine..." He said. Tom licked his lips again coyly, starting to inch closer to Liam.

"Maybe now I can thank you for breakfast," he said. Liam's mind started to short circuit.

"I-I... Not here, we have to..." Liam muttered, realizing he was panting so much he was going to hyperventilate.

"Woah, who is the bruiser, fresh meat?" An all too familiar voice asked. Liam spun on one heel, spotting Bruno. His slayer t-shirt was so faded it only said 'lay' on it, though he certainly sported the mullet of a music aficionado. Given a few more years, he was sure Bruno would own a van with a beautiful mural painted on the side of it.

"My master is not fresh meat..." Tom said, puffing out his furry chest as his pointed, pierced ears flattened.

"Your master?!" Bruno asked. Liam reached out, snagging one of Tom's huge paws, nearly shivering at how good his puffy paw pads felt against his skin.

"He meant boyfriend, " Liam corrected, realizing just a little too late that a cover story of being gay wasn't entirely better than trying to explain why a cat man was calling him master.

"Boyfriends?" Bruno repeated, looking back and forth a bit before he actually started to grin, "Master..." he added in little more than a whisper before he finally shook his head, "Little dude, I may have misunderestimated you. Way to go..." he said with shocked pride before he resumed his leisurely stroll towards class. Liam didn't watch him go, still frozen in place. Had Bruno just been some sort of... ally? Had their years of back and forth really shifted gears when he admitted he was gay? Also, what was that vibration that was buzzing through the floor? Liam turned to see Tom grinning ear to ear.

"What?" he asked with concern.

"Bro! You just stood up for me, you defended my honor against the bully! That's so fucking hot..." Tom purred, his blue jeans starting to stretch obscenely over one of the largest bulges Liam had ever seen in his life.

"It was pretty cool, I-" Liam was interrupted as Tom leaned down, bringing their lips together before a rough, barbed, sandpapery tongue plunged into his mouth. It caught and scraped on the roof of his mouth, but it also felt so amazing that words could not do it justice. Liam melted into the kiss, feeling Tom's wet nose against his, the tickle of fur and whiskers, the warmth of a boyfriend covered in fur. It made his heart race, his nipples sting, his cock throb, his balls broil, his... wait, what? Since when had his nipples stung? And if he had already gotten hard, why did it feel like he was getting harder again? Oh god, he was so hard... his cock felt like it was made of diamond... He was sweating, moisture collecting in his pits and his chest. His whole body felt weird... and wonderful... and he needed more... and more...

Liam lunged at Tom, pressing against the cat, returning the kiss. He panted and grunted, human hands sliding up under the tank top to find slightly rounded, slightly flabby flesh forming a very pettable belly. Tom purred more and more, though it was he that broke the kiss, pulling back.

"What?" Liam panted, though he wasn't sure what he was asking exactly. He was flushed, his face red, his curly hair starting to get moist from the sweat. His question devolved into a low moan, a groan, and then... Liam understood. His jaw dropped.

"You... you were in heat this morning... That's what all the towling was about." Liam whispered. While Tom couldn't exactly blush, he did reach back to rub at his neck, looking embarrassed.

"Yeah, though the turkey was an amazing distraction." he admitted.

"And now you're here?" Liam asked. Tom held out his paws.

"Hey, there aren't a lot of people in this world that will go out of their way for a guy... You gave me your food, even though I could smell you didn't have any left. You stopped to help me. THat's not just sweet, that's damn sexy. That's some real good master stuff right there." Tom said. Liam stared up at the very handsome, very large cat, unsure of just how to feel.

"And now?" he asked. The purple cat grinned wider at that.

"You did tell that guy we were boyfriends..." He admitted,, moving one paw to Liam's chest to start squeezing it over and over again. Liam flushed again, his nipples stinging even more in arousal.

"I mean.. Oh god, I don't know what I mean..." he whispered. Tom smirked at that, his long purple tail coiling around Liam's leg.

"If you were a stray in heat right now, what would you be doing?" Tom whispered. Liam shook his head.

"I sure as hell wouldn't be going to class... I'd be looking for a good lay..." Liam whispered.

"How about we work on that right meow..." Tom said with a confidence larger than his pun, slinging a huge arm around the small of Liam's back, leading him triumphantly down the hallway.


Even without the showers on, the men's locker room still smelled of steam and sweat after the senior PE class had headed up to the gym. Liam felt an odd flutter in his heart as he entered the room, feeling Tom's towering presence half a step behind him. Liam had assumed, at first, that Tom was leading him out of the building. When it became clear that he was not, Liam turned, his mouth opening to ask a question - then hanging open as he gazed at his would-be boyfriend in dumbstruck shock.

There had not been time to change, nor anywhere for Tom to do it, but he was clearly... ready for the locker room... His denim vest remained, frayed at the sleeves and the midriff. His spiked collar was there and his pierced, disfigured cat ears stuck up from his backwards turned baseball cap, but Tom's tank top and pants were gone. Tom had been turned towards the showers, but as he turned back towards Liam, one long black claw slid under the strap of his overstrained jockstrap and tugged it down.

Liam was hit first with the sight of the biggest, fattest, most purple manhood he'd ever seen in his life - and then a wave of the saltiest, most alkaline musk he'd ever smelled. His eyes watered, but so too did his mouth. Tom's immense cock curved upward slightly, rising from two balls that were each the size of an acorn squash. The black diamond of fur in the center of Tom's chest glistened with sweat while the shorter velvety pink fur on his chest utterly failed to hide the huge purple areola and turgid nipples the cat was sporting. Tom's long tail swung almost hypnotically behind him as yellow eyes gazed into Liam's, a cocky fang filled grin crossing that feline face framed by that masculine beard.

The human was speechless, but his useless mouth found new purpose as Tom leaned in and kissed him. Liam's eyes clenched shut, his head tipped back and his mouth invited the rough, sandpapery tongue. Tom's huge hand easily closed around the entire back of Liam's skull, holding it in place as he began to tongue fuck his boyfriend. In and out, in and out, back and forth. Liam started to gulp at the larger man's saliva, letting it flow into him. When Liam dared open his eyes, he stared into the pyrite pools of Tom's, feeling as though he'd plunged into a vast sea of liquid gold.

Waves of massaging vibration began to pass through Liam's face and into the rest of his body as Tom purred again, still tongue bathing the inside of Liam's skull. It was a romantic gesture, an intimate one, but the preening had purpose. Each lick had slipped over increasingly sharp teeth inside of Liam's mouth, the curly haired boy gaining a dangerous bite. When their tongues dared to meet, the microscopic barbs dug into the innocent boy's tongue, grabbing and tugging, torturing the flesh until it grew barbs of its own that tugged back, grazing and scraping like hooks of velcro.

The slightest changes were enough for Tom's confidence to begin spilling into Liam. He reached up, a hand grabbing the back of Tom's much larger head. Tom's purring intensified before he broke the kiss and began to lick at Liam's face. Liam gasped, his back arching, eyes slipping shut again as his face tingled and stung. His cheeks prickled as tiny transparent whiskers poked free of the skin, but Tom had already moved on, lapping at Liam's right cheek. The skin reddened from the abuse, but then the sharp feeling softened as downy brown fuzz began to sprout beneath.

If Liam's cheek had been toast, Tom would have slurped off every last trace of butter from it. The tongue bath had been meticulous, leaving a trail of velvety brown hair from the top of Liam's ear down to the cute curve at the base of his jaw. Tom switched sides without warning, repeating the process, licking and purring and holding. Liam panted, overwhelmed merely by the preening, unaware that he now sported wicked sideburns that would have made any teenager in the 70's jealous.

The tongue danced across Liam's face, tracing a strip up from his chin to his pouty bottom lip that sprouted into thick, soft brown fuzz. Liam writhed like a beached fish as Tom began to lick at his ear, that rough tongue working over the skin as it, too, grew a coating of fur. The cartilage warmed and softened, the skin stretching over reshaping structures until a pointed cat ear stuck out from the right side of Liam's head. The eighteen year old shivered in delight as the edge of Tom's thick black beard tickled across his face before he bathed his partner's other ear for several luxurious licks... and then nothing.

In that stillness Liam knew only his heartbeat, his breathing. His eyes slowly opened, a panting breath coming over sharper feline teeth, his own rough tongue nearly lolling out of his mouth. He looked up at Tom in a daze before he felt a dinner plate size paw press against his chest. Plump fingers tipped with paw pads began to knead and massage Liam's chest, the claws starting to drag back and forth across his shirt, fraying the material. The sensation was nice, but all it took was one push from Tom and Liam was falling backwards, landing on the long wooden bench that ran in front of the lockers.

"Hnhh!" The sound of Liam's air getting knocked out of his lungs was unintentional, but his breath returned to him in a sharp gasp as his pants were ripped from his legs, belt and all. The pants went skidding across the gym floor, leaving Liam in his yellow sneakers and underwear. Tom brought his massive paw down and resumed his kneading, this time on Liam's groin. The young man gasped and moaned, back arching, his brown feline ears twitching as they started to migrate up the sides of his heads, taking up a higher position.

"There's my boi..." Tom purred, feeling the human reach full erection in just a few gropes. One slash of a wicked black claw caused the elastic to crumple the fabric out of the way, revealing Liam's throbbing pink meat. "This kitty wants more honey mayo with his meat." Tom grinned before he leaned down and began to slowly lick his way up from the root of Liam's shaft to the head.

"Hss...nnnh..." Liam muttered unintelligibly, one lanky arm sprawling out to brace against the cold metal of the locker to keep him balanced on the bench, the other slumping off where his fingers traced the rough cement floor. Every lick sent sharp jolts through his body. His nipples were as hard as diamonds, his balls ached, his ass clenched and unclenched, but his cock... his cock felt as if it was being forged in fire. The skin stung from the tiny barbs on Tom's tongue, but the stinging caused blood to flow through the flesh and the flowing blood only increased his erection.

Tom clearly wanted to talk his master up, but he was too busy. His tongue was flicking like a slithering snake, his long tail swaying behind him. Out of the chaos came a semblance of control as Liam panted. His face wrought itself into expressions of pleasure and pain, his upper lip starting to plump on either side as the tip of his nose flattened. The wild sideburns grew out thicker and longer, gaining an inch, then two while shorter, creamier beige hairs began to sprout at the edges of the sideburns, creeping out across his cheeks.

Seemingly satisfied in roughing up the surface, a deep and dangerous growl came from Tom's throat before he plunged himself forward, taking his master's cock in his mouth. The cat moved his paws, grabbing onto the support column that held up that end of the bench and he began to do... push ups? His huge, muscled body rose up and down, his proto-muzzled face plunging around Liam's lightning rod of a dick. Liam's fingers tensed and relaxed with each push up, his heart racing, his cock aching. He couldn't tell where he ended and Tom began and, honestly, he didn't care.

Whether the exercise was a chance to show off or merely a convenient way to suck his boyfriend off, it clearly was showing off Tom's prowess. His pectorals bounced, his biceps and triceps bugged, even his calf muscles were full and round in his over long gym socks. Liam's only regret was not being able to see his partner's package, but he was in too much heaven to try. Tom drew his mouth up slowly, revealing four inches of Liam's cock, then six, then... eight? That couldn't be right... Tom dropped down, then pushed himself back up, his fangs acting like guard rails. Six inches of cock emerged from his maw, then eight, then... ten? Again Tom lowered himself and lifted, down and up, down and up, licking and sucking and bathing Liam's manhood in excess saliva.

Black blossoms began to sparkle across Liam's eyes as blood left his head. His skin tingled in different ways, a drunken daze crossing his face. He felt dizzy, almost too weak to lift his head, but he managed it long enough for a wobbly gaze at the massive pillar of flesh rising from his groin. Liam blinked languidly in disbelief, seeing that he'd grown so long that Tom couldn't take it all into his mouth anymore and there was a gap below his lips even on the downswing... Down and up, down and up. Liam struggled to remain looking, gasping faintly as Tom came off the tip with a loud, wet pop sound.

"Bro, you gotta hang in there, you're not even halfway there yet... You're going to be an alley cat like me in no time." Tom purred before he began to lick the sensitive flesh on the underside edge of Liam's fat, swollen cock head. Liam shook, spasmed, then collapsed limp against the locker room bench. Tom slurped and slurped, his sandpaper tongue roughing up the sensitive snake enough that rubbery barbs began to pull their way up from the smooth skin, firming into place, catching on the stray cat's tongue.

With the feline barbs in place, the transformation only accelerated. Every heartbeat pushed more blood into the shaft, bloating Liam's cock wider, taller, fatter and thicker. One ball popped free of the remains of his underwear as his testicle expanded, followed soon after by the other. As Tom got more and more to work with, the cat switched to one armed push ups, using his free hand to coil around the base of Liam's immense cock, squeezing and massaging it. Liam let out a gasp that grew into a yowl as every bit of growth he'd experienced to that point was dwarfed in an instant.

Tom grinned from ear to ear as he watched Liam's cock surge with dramatic and impossible growth, pushing past a foot, then eighteen inches, twenty, then twenty four. The cock was almost as wide as the human's waist and when Tom let go of it, the fat tree trunk fell like lumber in the woods, slapping across his stomach, his chest, between his nipples and hitting his plump lips with the massive, swollen, rose red cock. All Liam had to do was to look at the undulating urethra before he plunged his lips around it and began to suck himself off with insane urgency. As he felt his cock slipping into his own mouth and tasted the strange alkaline tang of his own precum, it was as if something in Liam's brain was ripening... His pituitary gland? Some other part of his brain? The part responsible

"Now you're getting it bro... Just a little further. I can see the embers, it's time for some heat." Tom said as he slowly pushed himself up. He watched with pride as Liam grabbed onto his monster cock with both hands, furiously jacking himself off. His ivory fingernails began to soften and stretch, the skin around the edges looking irritated before it suddenly seeped across the tops of his fingers, firming only when it had covered the nails. In one particularly good spasm of pleasure, the ivory nails emerged again as sharp claws, curving harmlessly perpendicular to the curve of his mighty meat.

Tom licked his lips, savoring the moment before he reached down to tug the last scraps of Liam's underwear from his waist. He carefully tilted the former human's hips upward, having the dual effect of making Liam deepthroat himself while also exposing his asshole. Tom was starting to huff and pant, his eyes glazed over with need, his own hole aching and twitching. One massive paw lowered his purple shaft down, tracing it along Liam's pucker, drizzling a bit of feline pre onto it. In seconds the nettling sensation caused the ring to swell and toughen up, turning rubbery in order to better greet its would-be guest.

Liam was nearly too distracted with his massive cat cock, feeling his veins boil with heat, but he let out a soft mew as his anus was suddenly stretched wide. His legs kicked out, his cheeks blushing in sexual surprise before he groaned happily, feeling several inches of his boyfriend slide into his ass. As Liam panted and groaned, his face continued to change.The skin around his nostrils inflamed, swelling larger, growing moist and pink. The tip of his nose blunted further until it was little more than a triangle sticking out a little, his upper lip split and curved. The soft cream colored fur spread over his upper lip, then his nose, surrounding his eyes before sinking into his hairline. His mop of curly brown hair seemed to shimmer and shift as other colors emerged; orange, wheat, gray and white.

"Fuck yeah, my handsome callico, such a stud..." Tom grunted as he slammed in harder and harder into his lover. Liam called out in bliss as his stomach bulged with the presence of his boyfriend's cock, though he was too distracted and soon wrapped his feline muzzle around the head of his own cock. Lapping at the urethra, he teased himself until he was rewarded with silky, syrupy pre that was greedily gulped down. Every thrust sent Liam's balls bouncing up and down, the wrinkly fresh stretched taut over the now massive testicles, the skin softening to a creamy white as fur bristled out of the skin and coated it, trailing up Liam's stomach. His young, fit stomach had already been deformed by Tom's massive cock, but now it grew fuzzy and soft with fur.

The ever advancing edge of fur crept up past Liam's navel and stomach before blossoming across his chest. As the fur reached his underarms, the sparse hair that was already there grew thicker, bushier, and denser. The hairs nearly crackled as they expanded, retaining their much darker shade of brown that made the pit tufts stand out in contrast. Similarly, stray wiry brown hairs began to poke out from the much softer velvety white fur on his chest. Liam spasmed, his clawed hand grazing the locker, the sharp talons clicking every time they caught and released the air vents in the burgundy metal.

A straining sound came, not from Tom or even Liam necessarily, but Liam's prized shoes. The leather had stretched tight over feet that had grown longer, thicker, taller and wider. The laces were threatening to cut into the materials that made up the shoes. They felt uncomfortably tight, almost painfully so until there was a strange pop-snap. One ivory claw had pierced through the toes of the shoes, bringing with it relief - enough relief that Liam flexed his right foot and sent four more claws through. He wiggled his toes, fraying the fabric, stretching it out and even dragging them side to side a little. Satisfied with the ease to the pressure on his foot, he replicated the movement with his left foot until both shoes were torn out in the front, tipped with dangerous claws.

Tom sneered with appreciation, looking down at his master. He was a mate befitting a true tom cat, a calico stud ready to breed and to be bred... But there was so much more he could be. After all, he'd felt the embers in the boy's mind when he'd been eating the sandwich. All of this, all of what he was, had been there already. Tom threw his head back and let out a feline yowl that reverberated and echoed through the locker just as he thrust as deep as he could. Liam's eyes snapped open, his whiskers twitching as he felt fuller of cock than he'd ever dreamed possible. His stomach bulged, his ass was gaped and his body was willing.

With one of the most intense cocky grins Liam had ever seen in his life, Tom reached down to curl one hand around his boyfriend's massive meat, then the other. With both fists on the rod, he tipped it up at a 90 degree angle, bringing the fat head of Liam's otherworldly cock to his lips. Tom's muzzle parted and that rough, relentless tongue slipped out to tease Liam's slit. Liam's mouth parted and before he could let out a meow of his own, Tom slammed his head down around Liam's rod as far as he could go while simultaneously thrusting in as deep as he could reach. In that moment they were one.

"Yeooooooooow!" Liam roared, feeling a strange tickling sensation followed by a sudden electric weight that fell away from his underside, a soft white and beige striped tail surging out just below where Tom's cock was nestled deep inside of him. Liam shuddered, feeling his belly filling with warm cream, so much so that it felt like it was going to burst... but when the pressure built to what felt like bursting, it seemed to go... elsewhere... Liam moaned, his intensity redoubling as his chest did the same. He watched his pectorals swell, growing firmer and rounder and fuller until he couldn't see his stomach anymore. It might have been concerning, but he could feel new meshes of muscle webbing their way across his stomach, hugging and squeezing Tom's cock even greater.

The arms that had been dangling over the sides of the bench grew thicker and rounder as his biceps and triceps were infused with new mass and energy. Even his calves and glutes thickened, rounding flesh and changing his body proportions in rapid order. Cells divided with a rapid pace, forcing even his bones to grow thicker and longer. Liam inched his way along the table as his spine stretched, matched only by how fast his tail was growing in. The long, serpentine tube of fur was daring and twitching around off the side of the bench. Liam writhed and flexed, arching his much longer back, flexing his far wider shoulders. His knuckles popped as his fingers grew and his pams widened, his ivory claws glinting in the fluorescent lights as they grew longer, sharper, and deadlier.

Drool leaked from the corners of Tom's mouth but he forced his eyes to remain open, watching Liam get buffer and stronger and studlier. It was no easy task given that he was sucking down his boyfriend's oversized package at the moment, but there was no substitute for tasting the moment the last of his human sperm had been ejaculated and the stronger, richer flavor of his kitty cream as it spurted out instead. Tom gulped down Liam's load, watching as the kitty stud embraced his new body until, at last, the brown in his eyes seemed to ignite and burn, settling into a rich sulfurous yellow.

As Liam's tsunami of semen began to ebb, his long tail straightened, stiffened, and then twitched. A slightly more acrid alkaline aroma burst into the locker room, but Tom embraced it. His purple tail flicked up, his rubbery black anus quivering before he added his own scent marking to the room. This school was theirs, after all. They were the tom cats, the kings of the block. With great reluctance, Tom slurped and licked at the spent head of his lover's cathood before eventually releasing it. The long log of flesh languidly descended before landing perfectly centered between two pillowy pectorals. Tom licked his lips several times, his rough tongue collecting every drop of semen from his mouth.

"That's twice I've fed you today..." Liam said, though he startled himself a bit at how much deeper his voice was. A clawed paw reached up, rubbing at his furry throat before he grinned, his sharp predatory fangs glinting.

"I promise I'll steal you something nice for dinner... Pigeon, maybe." Tom offered, offering Liam his big paw to help him up.


The waxing and waning of chatter crashed against the halls of the senior wing of the school, the students flowing through the narrow passages guided by social currents and inertia. The school had remained largely unchanged over the last six decades, at least aside from a few renovations, but in the last week there had been far more changes to the student body. The whirlpool around the trophy case had only grown larger. Tom was there, as ever, with his shit-eating grin of cocky pride. He still towered over the others, his purple and white ears twitching and his tail swaying hypnotically as he laughed, running his black claws through his bushy dark beard that contrasted with his brighter colored fur, but his eyes were drawn to Liam, the new heart of the group.

Liam's curly brown hair had remained even with his transformation, though the colored highlights sympathetically matched his calico fur. Sulfur yellow eyes held a confidence he'd never known as a human. Wild brown sideburns jutted out from his cheeks and the red and black school jacket seemed barely able to contain him. It was only thanks to the sheer number of students that none of the faculty had yet noticed Liam wore nothing under that jacket, a dark brown diamond of hair sticking out from his chest fur and the waistband of a jockstrap sticking up from the waist of his sagging pants. A triangle of pubic fur pointed up towards his navel, the curve of the denim betraying the root of his incredibly large endowment.

The former human reached up to rub at the back of his head, his feline ears flattening as his whiskers twitched, the jacket straining around biceps and triceps as big as melons. It had taken a lot of blood to fuel his immense erection and even more to feed his bountiful muscles - none of which managed to circulate back to his brain. Liam had not achieved Tom's height, but it seemed he had grown wider and stronger than his most handsome boyfriend, a fact that the eighteen year old was more than happy to put on display for his classmates... and, in that very moment, even more than just on display. Liam's yellow eyes slipped shut as a grin crossed his feline face, his paw tugging right side of his jacket out of the way just a little bit more.

Caleb, the vice-captain of the wrestling team, was moaning softly, his hands caressing the soft calico fur covering Liam's belly, his eyes closed in an expression of innocent bliss, his mouth nursing from one of the cocky catboi's thick, rubbery, prominent dark pink nipples. Whatever magic had turned an average student into a prodigious feline jock, it had altered his physiology more that could meet the eye: his plump pectorals were now able to produce a sweet, syrupy milk that was basically irresistible for any athlete or meathead on campus... and Liam was more than happy to share.

"Damn, milk really does make a body good..." Caleb groaned between sucks, as he rubbed his impressive bulge - although, of course, not as impressive as Liam's - through the thin layer of spandex of his singlet, a singlet that looked almost painted on his body, highlighting every muscle, the curve of his thick butt cheeks and his permanently erect nipples.

Since the jock had started regularly nursing on Liam's kitty milk, he had started packing pound after pound of pure muscle, and the fact that that also seemed to coincide with a sharp lowering of his IQ didn't seem to bother the boy at all. He was big, he was happy and - thanks to his newfound appreciation for spandex-clad cocks - he regularly got plowed by his equally engorged squadmates in the locker. Tom's huge paw slipped down, giving Caleb's bubble butt an appreciative squeeze, a clawed thumb sliding up and down the crevice with nearly enough force for the claw to split the material... nearly.

"You know what Coach would say Caleb, never leave a job half done. Liam's left tit is full to bursting!" Tom said with encouragement. Liam moaned at that, his left pant leg ballooned with his massive erection, his ears flat against his head. Caleb raised his head and gave Tom a grin that more than one person would have described as "Cheshire-like".

"How about I suck his left tit while he fills my ass with kitty cream in the meantime?" he suggested, murmuring in a lewd tone. An immense eruption of vibration blossomed from Liam's huge chest, reverberating in the hollow space above his diaphragm.

"Might be a bit much for the trophy case, but I bet the locker room is free." Liam said, obviously in agreement with the plan. Tom couldn't have been prouder of his master. In a few short days he'd become the total tom cat of campus, spreading his feline heat until all the males were ready to fuck at a moment's notice. Still, filling Caleb with kitty cream was a way for the newly minted feline to sow his wild oats and help fulfill the biological imperative far too complex for them to put words to.

"Careful, Caleb, there're no rematches. If you let Liam fuck you, you'll be his slut forever..." Tom whispered, grinning a menacing fanged grin. Caleb licked his lips, still wet with rich tomcat boi milk.

"Dude, I've been sucking his tits like a bitch for the past week. Being his slut forever seems like the best possible outcome if you ask me," he answered earnestly. "Especially if I can feed from him every day for the rest of my life..."

"Just so long as we're clear... And I always get first crack at whatever meat my boi is sharing." Tom said, putting one huge paw on the small of Caleb's back and slinging the other around Liam's shoulder. The stray cat led the two men towards the locker room and a life of debauchery and sin. Their yowls would wake the neighborhood in the dead of night, and their futures would be as savory as a homemade turkey sandwich.

One Naughty Night

**One Naughty Night** Written by Leo\_Todrius A Gift for my Patrons If these walls could talk... There was something about a call center that felt eerie once everyone had gone home. The space was cavernous, practically an aircraft hangar. The...

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Berserker Battalion

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Ghostbusters: The Fallen - The Other Side

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