One Naughty Night

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It never pays to be naughty, particularly during the ice and snow when there are so many different creatures looking for those that are naughty. One late night, a painter with sticky fingers encounters a Krampus ready to put one more naughty boy in his sack.


This story was created thanks to the amazing generosity of my patrons. They helped guide the content in both polls and a patreon discord and enjoyed up to a year of early access. If you are interested in helping to create stories like this or ensuring other ongoing series continue, please check out my Patreon at or you can send a one time gift with

Once again, thank you to everyone that made this possible!

One Naughty Night

Written by Leo_Todrius

A Gift for my Patrons

If these walls could talk... There was something about a call center that felt eerie once everyone had gone home. The space was cavernous, practically an aircraft hangar. The floor had been broken up into a hedge maze of cubicles, conversation spaces and training areas. The windows were dark with the dead of night and the fluorescent lights hung from the steel girders along the ceiling did little to make it feel less like the middle of the night... But that was, after all, when it was the least disruptive to get some work done.

Plastic had been spread out across the all weather carpet. Beige paper had been set down over that for a semblance of safety. A few ladders had been deployed as well as a cherry lift for those hard to reach places, but Carlos had started on the side corridor where everything was in reach of his roller. The cotton tube dipped down into the molasses like turquoise paint before he hoisted it up, rolling it across the wall in thick streaks. Turquoise was normally a cool color, but when one filled an entire hallway with it, it started to feel a bit bold. It was, after all, the company color.

Carlos' neon green t-shirt clashed with the decor, though his black pants had turquoise paint splatters all over it. His skin was a rich terra cotta tone and his angular face was framed by a modest black chinstrap beard that followed his jaw line. A black oversized beanie was pulled down over his head, coming to a stop just above his eyebrows, one of which had two shaved lines bisecting it for a little bit of an artful edge. Carlos had never been the biggest man on any work detail. In fact, some of his co-workers regularly called him the runt of the litter... but it was funny how the runt was given the job of using the cherry lift and ladders, getting up high when no one else wanted to.

Some people might have passed the time by blasting tunes from their Bluetooth speakers or at least pumped some through their buds... but Carlos hadn't saved up enough for anything like that yet. It felt almost painfully ironic that he was painting a call center that sold fourteen hundred dollar phones and he hadn't even been able to get himself a pair of Beats. Carlos worked his wiry arms up and down, getting the paint all the way up to the green painter's tape that would create a crisp, perfect line when he was done. Carlos did good work, but he had not yet developed the muscles for incredible stamina. After painting half of the hallway on both sides, the ache indicated it was time for a break.

Even with the employees having gone home for the night, not everything had been turned off. Huge televisions mounted to walls showed percentages and metrics that Carlos couldn't even begin to decipher. There were leader boards of names, but also slideshows of charitable works done by the employees as they volunteered for activities. It was mildly interesting, although Carlos was more drawn in by the table full of cell phones left on display. He could only guess they were for the employees to get familiar with the products they were talking about. He moved over, hefted a few. They were anchored down by long cords, apparently too much of a risk even for the employees. Even if he could get them free, they probably had software or something that made them a hazard to take.

Carlos rubbed at his left elbow with his right hand as he resumed his serpentine path through the call center, meandering among the desks until he reached the far end. The access road outside glistened with rain, gloomy in the cold night. There was still snow and ice buildup on either side, steadily being reduced to slush. Carlos was about to head back the way he came when he spotted a desk in the corner. While it still had a computer on it, there was no keyboard or mouse. It had also collected a fine layer of dust, making the white table surface a faintly darker hue than the others. Equally caked in dust was a small black case emblazoned with the emblem of Chrystal Buds, one of the highest fidelity pieces of audio he'd ever heard of. Carlos stared at it for a good minute, his brain running through the details. It couldn't possibly be someone's desk without a keyboard, and even if it was, they hadn't been there in so long that dust covered everything. Even if the buds were someone else's and they'd been set there by mistake, they'd been forgotten long enough to get dusty too... and work would have been a lot easier with music...

After several moments of inaction, Carlos casually walked over and picked up the case, leaning down to blow on the dust to move the particles enough to blur the outline where the accessory had been grabbed from. A quick dip of the case into the pocket of his jeans before drawing it back out got rid of the dust there. A slight smile crossed his face as he turned around and started heading back toward his work area, opening the Chrystal audio case to see if it had enough charge to begin Bluetooth pairing. Thankfully enough, it did. In another moment he drew out his phone and set it to search for the buds. In another second, they had synced perfectly.

By the time Carlos got back to the plastic protection covering the carpet, he'd popped the buds in and filled his head with rich beats. He leaned down to collect his paintbrush, intent on doing some of the fine corner work around taped off door handles and badge readers.

Down the hallway, beneath the plastic covering, another screen flickered. At first, it flickered because it snapped on from its dormant state, but soon it flickered as the image of a crackling fireplace filled the screen. The logs crackled and shifted, but the smoke billowing from them did not go up the virtual chimney. Instead, the smoke spilled out of the screen, creeping down under the plastic before pooling on the floor. The smoke swirled and built, coalescing and solidifying into hooves, into furry ankles, then furry legs.

The black smoke built into a black form, rising to fill the hallway all the way to the ceiling. The smoke collected itself tighter and formed flesh and bone, sinew and muscle, a living and breathing creature soon standing there in the hallway. It was strange how human senses worked. Carlos had not seen any motion of the smoke moving, but after a few seconds he was able to sense that he wasn't alone. He turned, inhaling as he saw the massive form of something that was clearly not human.

"El Diablo!" Carlos gasped, although his stylized eyebrows furrowed as he tried to remember any story where the devil was quite that furry... Carlos was dwarfed by the massive beast. In fact, the creature was so large that his horns were practically scraping the fresh paint on the ceiling! The beast's shoulders rose and fell with each heated breath, a strangely long forked tongue slipping and slithering out, dipping down almost the entire length of the beast's immense black beard. His chest and stomach were bare, though the flesh was so tough that Carlos had assumed it was some sort of leather chest plate at first.

There was a bit of gray mixed into the otherwise black fur, and... and... the biggest dick that Carlos had ever seen in his life. It hung down to the creature's knees, as big around as a gallon of milk and easily twice as long. Wooly black furry balls hung behind it, visible despite how wild the fur was on the beast's mighty legs. The creature's huge cloven hooves seemed to slice through the beige Kraft paper on the floor with the slightest movement. Carlos slowly drew his eyes back up to the creature's goat-like face, but where normal eyes had been before, inky black pools of pure darkness remained. They were haunting in their depth, their immense and immeasurable depth that Carlos simply fell into.

As their eyes met, the black of Carlos' pupils spilled out over his iris, then the rest of his eyes until they were solid black as well. His jaw dropped open slightly, a drop of saliva running down the corner of his mouth, stopping only when it touched the edge of his chinstrap beard. The tension eased from Carlos' eyebrows, then his shoulders. His arms sunk a little lower and the paintbrush dropped from his hand to the floor.

A slow, wide smile crossed the Krampus' lips. He took a step forward, then another, never breaking eye contact from his prey. This eighteen year old was indeed naughty, but it was his particular kind of naughty. A clawed finger came up, running down the edge of the painter's perfectly groomed beard. He zig-zagged the claw down the underside of Carlos' chin, down his throat, across his neon green work shirt and down to the belt that held up his sagging jeans. The Krampus looked into Carlos' soul, re-living the times he had hot wired cars, the times he'd beaten up other street urchins like himself, the times he'd managed to ferret out which of his homies were open to getting blowjobs and availed himself of their openness.

"If you are looking for work that is more rewarding, I think I have an opening for you..." The Krampus growled, "All that it requires is your soul..." The beast grinned, sliding his clawed fingers under his immense cock before hoisting it up. The flesh was a dark brownish gray in color, but the flesh was healthy and virile. Veins pulsed along it, the skin just pliant enough to give the beast a foreskin that didn't completely hide the plump head at the end. It looked almost human, although there was a bulbous split pair of bulges at the base that seemed to throb in time with the creature's heartbeat.

Whatever the Krampus had done to him, Carlos felt as if he'd been ripped open like a present. The only men he'd been with had been sworn to secrecy. No one knew he was gay, they just thought he was too busy doing side hustles to have a girl... But this being had dug deep and found his secret. Carlos wanted to resist, but somehow he felt as though for the first time in his life he was being seen for who he really was, who he wanted to be, and... and... he wanted that Krampus cock, he needed that meat, he craved it, longed for it, yearned for it. The human lunged suddenly, grabbing at the beefy demon dick. His lips parted and his tongue came out, slathering the leathery length with wild abandon. Carlos was on his knees, jerking the Krampus off, hands sliding up and down worshipfully along the length even as his tongue slithered to the tip.

A strange salty, musky taste blossomed across Carlos' mouth as he got the first hint of the Krampus' essence. It was manly, most certainly, but also a bit alien. It was only an after-taste he was detecting. The real thing must have been far more potent. The more he licked, the more he picked up a pine scent hidden amid the salty residue, but it wasn't enough. Carlos brought his lips up to the Krampus' foreskin before he sunk his tongue under the protective edge of flesh, working it around the Krampus' cock head. He slid his tongue back and forth, cleaning meticulously. It was all of it glorious, but it was also a prelude.

As Carlos worked his tongue back to the very tip, he teased the urethra little by little before he began to push against it. Carlos shivered as a clawed paw came down to clutch and grip his skull tightly. It was a sign of success, of victory. He sunk his tongue deeper into the slit, finding it unusually stretchy and pliant... In fact, the slightest touch of his tongue made it slide wider and stretch more. Carlos had never been with a demon before, and as the experience was new, he nudged in a little closer. He only had half a second to think before he felt the urethra suddenly fan out, sliding over his mouth and nose. A wet squelching sound came as it began to undulate and tug at his face, spreading out over his cheeks, and then his chin. Every inch of flesh it covered, the better grip it gained.

The Krampus stared down at the human as his head slowly slipped into his cock. The human had been unaware that every stroke of his hands had been working an ever elongating, engorging, bloating weapon. The Krampus had been forced to take a step back, then two, then three just to keep everything aligned with Carlos. Thankfully his gangly arms allowed him to continue holding and guiding the human's head. With a gentle push, Carlos' head popped past the tight gap of the Krampus' urethra, disappearing inside. Tissue that was designed to expel piss and cum began to work in reverse, tugging and pulling the other direction. Carlos felt his head slide deeper as his neck was brought into the warm confines of the impossibly large dick.

Any prey animal would have panicked, trying to fight or flee, but Carlos was still under the sway of the Krampus. His hands still slid up and down the enormous cock that was swallowing his head, at least until the painter's sounders began to get squished and compressed by the ever advancing shaft. The Krampus threw his head back, rolling it to one side and then the other, his long hair brushing across his back. Blood rushed into the stretchy, leathery cock meat as it bloated and widened enough to accommodate the painter's narrow shoulders. It was almost a bit painful, practically feeling like it was tearing, but as the demon dick flared to its widest point, it surpassed the only true resistance Carlos could have offered.

What had been slow and steady at first suddenly progressed at a breakneck speed. The Krampus nearly fell backwards as Carlos began to get sucked into his dick. The cock had broadened to nearly four feet wide, the head and shaft both bloated impossibly. The veiny length pulsed and stretched like a snake devouring a creature far too large for its belly, but a wet slurping sound came as Carlos disappeared into the Krampus cock. The flesh slid down his biceps and triceps, squeezing around his flat chest, then his elbows. By that point Carlos' wiry arms were pinned to his sides, no longer able to pleasure his master.

Drool spilled from the Krampus' running mouth as he watched the eighteen year old's elbows disappear into his meat, then his forearms. The human's waist was compressed, his own feeble homosapien dick pinned to his leg as he was sucked into a much larger manhood. The Krampus swayed, feeling Carlos sliding up his length, pulled by ever undulating muscles. The painter's knees disappeared next, then his ankles. The well abused urethra began to contract and shrink again as it neared the end of its meal, coming tighter just before Carlos' shoes were engulfed. The rubber and leather caught on the edge, stopping the human's forward motion just long enough for pressure to build, laces to tighten, and the shoes to suddenly pop off and clatter to the floor. Bare socked feet writhed and wriggled until they were forced into an angle that allowed them to be sucked in.

As if Carlos was moving along some sort of cursed slip and slide, his forward motion took him around a bend, his spooge soaked beanie plastered to his face as he was bent and curved. The tight confines of the Krampus cock gave way as Carlos' head emerged into a larger space of some sort. It was a relief beyond words, Carlos only then realizing just how tightly the muscles had been squeezing his head, and how hard they were still squeezing his shoulders and legs.

A strange, blissful, almost euphoric pleasure began to blossom inside of Carlos' head as his shoulders slipped free, then his elbows. It was almost as if he was being born again, except for the fact that it was pitch black, hot and slick. There was an odd moment of almost weightlessness before Carlos was expelled out into a vast pool of squirming, sloshing goo. Muscled tissue throbbed all around him, massaging him and squeezing him, manipulating his body and working it around in the sloshing pool of cream.

A deep, satisfied sigh escaped the Krampus' lips as he finally did sit back on his furry ass, looking out at his splayed legs and his beach ball sized testicles, one of which was now housing his newest captive. The legend about the Krampus had been told for centuries, and while there were many types of Krampus, some had taken the story that the beasts kidnapped naughty children and put them in their sack in a different direction. This Krampus had never gone after children. They still had time to redeem themselves. It was the newly minted adults that were his concern. If it was too late to change their ways, well, there was already enough evil in this world... but it was a hard job, hard to do alone, and the Krampus knew he wouldn't have to for very much longer. Clawed hands slipped down, massaging the enormous furry ball that held Carlos.

Had it been seconds? Minutes? Hours? Time seemed to have no meaning as Carlos marinated. His mind was barely functioning. Some part of him struggled to tell him that what he was experiencing wasn't technically possible. It wasn't the way testicles were made, and yet there he was. His skin had never felt so moisturized, his hair so soft, his pores so open. It wasn't just that the Krampus' sack was full of nourishing cum, it was that the fluid seemed so rich and alive. Carlos squirmed and thrashed, feeling his nipples tingle as they grew swollen, puffy and aroused. The more Carlos moved, the more he realized his work shirt had been deteriorating, eaten away until it dissolved against his skin.

Likewise, the denim of his jeans posed no threat, stinging slightly as the material was eaten away. His boxers were but an afterthought. As Carlos' belt sizzled and melted away, the painter's cock flung free, growing stiffer and harder and fuller, the flesh aching with need and desire even as a forest of black hair began to sprout across his own modest ball sack. The hair was bristly and coarse like his bush, but it was ten times thicker, longer and denser. It spread like wildfire until his sack was completely furry. The black bush crept up from Carlos' groin to circle around his navel, anchoring it in place.

The painter thrashed more, realizing how long he'd been holding his breath. He tried to last, tried to survive, but bubbles escaped before he took in lungs full of the Krampus' essence. As he did, his back arched. His black eyes seared, his ears stretching to points. The perfectly groomed black chinstrap beard began to grow more ragged and wild, growing in uneven shag along his face. The painter wouldn't have even been aware of the changes if it hadn't been for the fluid motion circulating around him. It caught every strand of hair, every bit of fur, every piece of changing flesh. Carlos felt his beard getting longer and creating drag. He felt his upper lip tingle with a forming mustache. He felt a stinging, burning pain as the tip of his tailbone pried its way free of his pelvis before flicking up, growing fur at an incredible rate. Carlos murmured, bubbles escaping his lips as he started to reach out.

The Krampus grunted happily, watching his huge ball wriggle and squirm. He'd marinated his little beast as long as he could. Clawed hands began to work the massive veined cock. What began as a gentle, reassuring rhythm began to grow faster and harder, more insistent. The Krampus began to pant with each thrust, his hips starting to gyrate. The moans built into a crescendo of sound as the peristalsis of the beast's big dick began to work in the correct direction. Carlos had practically done somersaults inside of the Krampus' sack, but now his head began to get squeezed through impossibly tight passages yet again. His shoulders were squeezed tight together as he began to retrace his journey. Carlos welcomed the tightness, the embrace. It was practically like salmon finding their spawning grounds.

Moans escaped from the Krampus' lips, the moans becoming exultant yells of pleasure and triumph. Practically every species on the planet enjoyed a good orgasm, but to the Krampus, returning his newest son to the world was beyond perfection. He watched the cock bulge as Carlos started to emerge, soaked with cum. The painter did not resist, extruding out of the demon's massive dick until a wet plop came and he landed naked on the kraft paper - naked except for the beanie that covered his longer, greasier black hair.

Carlos lay on the ground for a few moments, panting for breath. The cum stuck to his skin, but it was translucent enough that the Krampus could already see the first stages of his corruption. The chinstrap beard that had been so neatly groomed and only a few centimeters thick was already growing shaggy, unkempt, growing out from his jawbone. His upper lip was darkened with stubble and two lumps formed on his forehead beneath the hem of his beanie. What the Krampus appreciated most of all, however, was the leathery tail that hung down over the painter's pert muscled ass. It whipped around, tipped by a black tassel. When it swung up between his legs, it slapped a plump black furry sack full of balls the size of oranges. A long, leathery Krampus cock extended from Carlos' groin, throbbing with his heartbeat.

The Krampus could not yet move with his cock still as large as it had grown in order to devour Carlos, so instead he stretched out a clawed finger, catching the painter's chin and raising his head. Carlos looked up obediently, panting, wincing only slightly as his horn nubs emerged from his forehead. The Krampus didn't need to say anything and Carlos understood. He moved forward, grabbing onto the sides of the beast's massive dick. He began to fondle and grope it, sliding the flesh up and down, moving his hands. As Carlos got a good rhythm, he brought his own modest demon dick up and began to slide it into the slit.

The Krampus hissed happily, feeling Carlos plunge his prick into that dark well. In moments Carlos had closed his dark eyes and was holding on, thrusting back and forth, his cock disappearing into the wet depths. Each thrust seemed to leave him with more length and more girth, a dopey grin crossing his face. Carlos' tongue soon slipped out of his mouth, but it didn't just drop half an inch over his lip. It practically unspooled, stretching out to four inches, eight, then sixteen. It hung across his cum soaked beard, lolling past his nipple.

The Krampus' leathery lips tightened as he writhed and grunted, reaching out to pet the side of Carlos' head, feeling his ears stretching into taller and taller points. His horns curved upward, curling back along the shape of his skull just above where the beanie held back his dirty hair. Carlos thrust as hard as he could, feeling the meaty mound of his benefactor's cock slapping his oddly full, very soft, very black furry bush. The exercise forced his blood to circulate fat through his system, spreading a burning tingle across his legs. The black hair that had already been there became thicker and longer, turning straight hairs into curls. The bare flesh that surrounded each hair darkened as more and more began to push out and grow in.

The shadow swept across Carlos' legs until they were enveloped in black fur. His toes flexed and twitched, contorting as webs of flesh bound the toes together, tightening and pulling them into position before his toenails spread out to coat them. His ankle popped as it grew wider and thicker, his heels reducing in size to accommodate a new body opposition that favored his hooves.

Carlos moaned, his mustache growing down over his upper lip as his chinstrap beard oozed out lower and lower from his face. The neat line that had carved out his cheeks dissolved as stubble rushed up higher and higher, claiming his cheeks in seconds. The stubble grew into his mustache, taking a crescent curve up to his hairline... but as Carlos fucked the Krampus' cock, the crescent border of his beard fizzled into an uneven waxing curve that nearly reached up to his eyeballs.

Patches of black fur sprouted from Carlos' elbows, then his shoulders, then the small of his back. Thickets of fur spread into a forest, growing together over his back and then his arms. His well tanned chest grew even more tan, the rich clay ue fading to a grayer, more leathery texture. The Krampus drooled into his own beard, watching Carlos's humanity disappear. His son had horns, ears, a beard, and a tail. His hooves were fine, his balls even more impressive... and as he watched, Carlos' model worthy nose flattened and broadened into something more feline like, robbing him of his humanity.

As much as the Krampus wanted to hold out longer, it was hard after he had already orgasmed once. He shuddered, his huge cock suddenly massaging and squeezing Carlos's. The younger Krampus threw his head back and gasped, nearly doing a double gasp as suddenly his own cock was filled with the gushing flow of the beast before him. Carlos felt his testicles suddenly growing in size, sinking lower in his sack as they were filled in reverse. He could draw no more air into his lungs, frozen in bliss as he felt fireworks going off in his ass as a half dozen new prostate glands grew in, each one of them a hot button for physical pleasure.

The stubble on Carlos' upper cheeks grew out to match the unruly length of his now seven inch long beard, the hair uncoiling and elongating. Each strand was even longer than his beard was, but its spirals added the density that stood out so well. Carlos moaned, his absurdly long Krampus tongue stretching out towards his creator. The Krampus opened his goat like muzzle and sent his tongue out as well, the two tangling in a knot of sinful pleasure above where their cocks had been combined.

More bones and cartilage popped and shifted as Carlos gained broader shoulders. His ribs flared apart, giving him more of a barrel chest. His fingernails darkened, stretching out into deadly black claws as his palms grew gray and leathery. He still used them to massage his master's shaft, embracing how full he felt on his own. His nipples perked up, his knees popping and snapping next. Despite all of the changes, Carlos had not grown any taller. The corruption had left him very stocky, almost as wide as he was tall. His grapefruit sized balls and doubtlessly oversized cock would seem even larger given that he had retained his short posture. His beard tickled at the edge of his leathery pectoral as it crept down, almost rivaling his father's for length. The two beasts moaned and groaned, drooling and kissing, thrusting and grinding until an equilibrium was met. Neither was orgasming, the trickle of cum coming from each no longer forcing its way in or out.

A sticky, wet sound came as the Krampus reluctantly pulled his cock off of Carlos's, rising back up to his full height. A geyser of feral cum erupted out as the cocks separated, landing in a messy puddle on the floor. The Krampus looked down at Carlos before reaching to pet his thick, bushy black beard.

"You were naughty, and now you will serve me on Christmas nights..." The Krampus said, licking his lips once more. Before Carlos could say anything, another sense spread across their awareness that someone was close by. Both Carlos and the Krampus turned their heads at the same time to look outside and see motion by Carlos' truck. Someone was using a hanger to try and get into the window of the car and unlock it. A menacing grin crossed Carlos' bearded face.


Christmas was both the most dangerous and least dangerous time to rob someone... The distribution of people was completely different. If an entire family was at one house at a party, that was not the place to be, but that meant each of their houses were unattended. Similarly, no one worked at banks or call centers on Christmas Night, meaning any vehicles were abandoned and ripe for the picking. Cole bit his bottom lip as he tried to work the hanger deeper to get the vehicle unlocked. He had nearly succeeded when he heard something scrape on the asphalt. He spun around to face the noise, but before he had finished his rotation a clawed hand closed around his throat and lifted him off the ground.

The thief's legs dangled helplessly as he reached up to clutch at the clawed hand wrapped around his neck. Carlos looked at the human, at his freckled cheeks and scruffy red soul patch. Cole, likewise, looked at the horned, bearded goat demon before him with absolute terror. Even as he was being choked, he opened his mouth to scream. Carlos' wicked tongue shot out to fill the open orifice. Cole's mouth was occupied, then his throat, his esophagus, and soon his stomach. Cole tried to bite, but the flesh was too strong.

Carlos used his free paw to slash at the thief's pants. His jeans came apart in tatters. The underwear beneath needed only the encouragement of one claw to slice the waistband before his cold cock was revealed. Carlos continued to hold the thief in place with one hand, hoisting the human's dick with the other until he stepped forward. A wet, slick sound came as Carlos' Krampus cock engulfed the thief's. In moments they had formed a strange fleshy circle with Carlos' tongue in his mouth and his cock enveloping the human's. The thief tried one last time to kick the beast before he felt a hot syrup rush enter his loins. Carlos' tongue, too, began to root around until it seemed to find an ethereal space that held the thief's soul. As Carlos used his tongue to penetrate the thief's spirit, all fight left the human. His panicked eyes relaxed and turned an inky black, remaining open for only a moment before they slipped shut.

Carlos let out a deep, low groan of satisfaction, the steam blasting from his nostrils as they flared out into a goat nose. His skin darkened to grayish brown and his horns emerged from his forehead, his body rippling as all of his black fur came back out in full force. He shed the guise of his humanity, all save for the black beanie on his head and the twin leathery scars that bisected one eyebrow.

With a little bit of concentration, the junior Krampus' cock began to undulate, massaging the captive human cock inside of it. Likewise, the inhumanly long tongue slithered around before it plunged into the very depths of the thief's soul... Cody? Yes, Cody was the thief's real name... Nineteen years old, stealing quite a lot of things for quite some time. Very naughty. Carlos knew what he could do about that. With a little more force, his growing cock oozed and slipped all the way up to the base of Cody's, all but sealing on it. The cum issuing forth from Carlos' demon dick only intensified, working in reverse, sending the tainted seed through the tiny fissure. It should have hurt given that his body was not designed to take such pressure in reverse, but Cody felt oddly wonderful as his balls began to swell and grow and expand, sinking down lower as redfish brown hair erupted from the wrinkled skin.

Slowly, obediently, Cody began to suck on the tongue filling his mouth. His tongue worked against it affectionately, his lips massaging what they could reach. The saliva coming from it seemed so sticky and so satisfying, especially as Cody's face darkened with the expanding shadow of rust colored stubble. The hair spread out from his soul patch, covering his entire chin before it crept up the corners of his mouth and latched onto his upper lip. The flame colored goatee spread outward, engulfing his cheeks in mere moments. The Krampus continued to pour into the thief, filling him from both ends. The human seemed to be going through a sort of time lapse as his beard filled out, growing centimeters every second.

His cheeks disappeared beneath the forest of hair, then his jaw line, then his lips. The beard pushed out longer, fuller, thicker and bushier. In less than three minutes, Cody had gone from looking like a run of the mill pedestrian to a lumberjack wearing all dark clothing, but as two horn nubs tore their way through his forehead, there was little doubt what fate would befall him. Pointed ears came next, then an inhuman nose. The teeth around Carlos' tongue sharpened, and the tongue pressing against his was getting stronger. Cody's brow ridge swelled up, pushing out over his clenched, dark eyes. The pale skin darkened considerably, taking on the pale pallor of ash in sharp contrast to his reddish-brown hair.

As much as Carlos tried to keep the human in place, he reluctantly dropped him back to his feet on the pavement. Cody remained, unable and unwilling to move even as his balls reached his knees, well larger than grapefruits and heavier than russet potatoes. Carlos sniffed the air, smelling sweat and stink and lust. Cody was shaping up well, especially as more patches of fur began growing across the human's shoulders. The thief's shoes warped and distended, stretching over toes as they fused and his toenails merged together into boney sheets of keratin.

A tearing sound came as Cody's shoulders grew wider - too wide for his sweatshirt. A groaning came, not from either male, but from the belt that reached its breaking point. The metal tooth of the belt suddenly tore through several holes before jumping to the side of the belt. Carlos had already ripped the fly open to get to the thief's junk, but now his pants were too small even unzipped.

The Krampus dreamed of the day he would one day be able to take someone all the way into his cock, but for now he contented himself with being the one that could dispense justice and bring new fates to those that did wrong. With a wet slurp, Carlos retracted his long tongue into his mouth and looked into the desolate dark black eyes of his new servant. Cody panted, steam coming from his goat nose, a leer coming from the sharp teeth, a lustrous shine coming from the thief's beard.

Carlos considered for a long moment. He reached out, grabbing onto one of Cody's virgin horns. Unlike his, the thief possessed ivory white horns that were smooth, though jagged like lightning. Cody looked up before he felt his master place a hand on his head, coiling his fingers around the bone. Carlos began to thrust up and down, stroking Cody's horn. The new Krampus moaned, bleating out, his tail thrashing as it stretched out from behind his muscled ass cheeks.

His horns suddenly surged in height, growing an inch higher, then three, then five. Both horns pushed out of the young man's skull with buttery ease. Nodding in satisfaction, Carlos reached out, petting the redhead's beard before he sunk his claws into it, got a good grip and began to pull. Cody was confused at first, almost going so far as to lean forward, but as he felt the tug sending electric jolts of pure lust through his body, he resisted and stood his ground. The result was not that Carlos got a grip full of loose hair, but that the Krampus he created started to moan in sexual bliss as his beard was stretched longer by hand.

Nipples? No, that was amateur beard length... Navel? Sexy, but no, Carlos wanted more. He kept pulling even as the amount of cum erupting from Cody's cock forced their erections to split in a messy orgasmic fountain. Carlos focused on his work until the long rusty red-brown beard reached the thief's cock and split slightly to accommodate the pillar before him. Carlos let out a long sigh of satisfaction before he grabbed the thief's head and pulled him into a kiss. Two impossibly long tongues danced and wrestled with one another, racing across razor sharp teeth inside of faintly inhuman mouths. Leathery chest brushed against leathery chest. Hooves clattered and scraped as clothing fell away to the ground. The icy night posed no threat to beasts that lived for the holiday.

"Already getting busy my boy, very impressive..." A deep, gravely voice came as the first Krampus strode out. He looked the red and gray Krampus up and down before nodding with satisfaction, "We better go, there's a gang fight breaking out downtown." The Krampus said.

"This is one naughty night, isn't it?" Carlos asked. The Krampus chuckled enough that his enormous cock wobbled.

"Every night is one naughty night..." He murmured before he turned to walk down the access road that ran past the call center. As he walked, his form dissolved into shadow and then smoke that caught on the wind, spiraling up into the atmosphere. With some reluctance, Carlos gave Cody one last kiss and one last beard pet before he turned and followed after his master. Not wanting to be left behind, Cody began jogging after them both, his hooves clicking and clattering on the asphalt. To those that lived in the distance, it just sounded like sheets of ice sliding off a roof. Little by little, the evil in the world shrank away, keeping some sort of balance in the darkest and coldest of nights.

Berserker Battalion

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Ghostbusters: The Fallen - The Other Side

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A Mammoth Task

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