PokéNNN - Round 4

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NOTE: The spanish version in the bottom of the document.

Pansage, Pansear, Panpour, Simisage, Simisear, Simipour © Pokémon, Game Freak, Nintendo

DAY 1:

Three monkey pokémon left the mall after playing in the arcade at 22:00 at night. They were a Pansage, a Pansage, and a Panpour. Their names were Parsley, Patrick, and Payton. The three of them lived together in a fairly old apartment and the landlord was quite grumpy. They loved video games and having fun until nightfall and they had already started the challenge without any difficulties. Upon arriving at his apartment, Patrick went to put the console on.

"Guys, what do we play on our first day of the challenge?" says the Pansear.

"First we go to dinner and then we choose among the 3." says Payton.

"Sandwiches or ... fruit." says Parsley.

"Fruit." says Patrick and Payton at the same time.

"Tomorrow you have to buy food. Whoever comes before work prepares food for others." says Parsley.

"Alright!" says Patrick and Payton in unison again.

The Pansage gave them the fruit and they played until the dream invaded them. The next day, the Pansage was the earliest to wake up and Payton had to wake Patrick up always with Water Gun since he did not wake up even with a Gigalith's Explosion. The 3 monkeys ate sandwiches quietly and went to work. The afternoon came and around 16:00, Payton came first and went to buy food in the meantime, Parsley and Patrick came home at the same time and played video games with high volume. 2 hours later, Payton came exhausted from shopping and his teammates stopped playing to help him. They had a good dinner and continued playing until loud noises were heard from the door.

"Oh shit! The landlord! Turn down the volume!" says Patrick.

The Pansage was attending the door and there was a Rillaboom with the grumpy face. Parsley swallowed saliva as he was the landlord of the apartment where they lived. He warned him that he was tired of called their attention and that they had respect for other neighbors. The Pansage apologized to him and the Rillaboom left. Parsley closed the door and they continued playing until they went to sleep.

DAY 7:

Little by little, they had difficulties. Patrick woke up with an erection and with Rest he was lowered with a Chesto Berry that one of them gave him to wake him up fast while Payton and Parsley took cold showers to keep erection under control. None of the 3 monkeys had no problems at work and returned home without any problem. When they played, they liked to use attractive characters causing strong erections that urged them to masturbate but because of the challenge they couldn't even touch each other. In order to control the impulses, they used less attractive characters and relaxed at the same time that one of them prepared dinner. After dinner, they played a few more hours without disturbing the neighbors until they went to sleep.

DAY 11:

4 days later, Payton received a package from his relatives in Unova. He opening it but quickly moved away from him

"What's wrong?" says Parsley looking at the box.

"A Water Stone! I can't use it now!" says Payton.

"Oh, if there is also a Leaf Stone and a Fire Stone for us, Patrick!" says Parsley.

"How kind your parents are to give us one and there is an envelope inside!" says Patrick said looking inside the box and grabbing the note.

The Panpour read the note aloud to his roommates.

[Hey, little brother! How is the challenge going? I am great and our parents have decided that you are an adult to evolve, but that we send you a Water Stone. Also for your friends, they will surely be very happy. Cheer up with the challenge, I continue to endure.

A hug from your older brother Sebastian.]

"How about we use it now?" says Patrick .

"We haven't even been 15 days!" says Payton.

"Come on, we will be stronger!" says Parsley.

"And with bigger cocks that will make us cum instantly!" says Payton.

"You're so exaggerated! We can hold out the desire to do it!" says Patrick.

Suddenly, a photo had fallen from the letter. The Panpour grabbed him and he was from a Simipour posing with a huge cock. Behind the photo he put a note: "Send me a photo of victory". The Pansage and Pansear were amazed at how big his crotch was and Patrick grabbed the Water Stone from the box and threw it at the Panpour.

"WAIT, WH-" yelled Payton as he contacted with the Water Stone, reacting to his body and a light beginning to evolved him.

His body changed shape and evolved to Simipour. His crotch had grown quite a bit, feeling a big sexual impulsed to fap and falling to his knees with his cock leaking precum.

"Come here, you idiots!" yelled Payton very angry.

He got up with trembling legs and grabbed the two evolution stones and ran towards them. The two monkeys ran so as not to be caught by the enraged Simipour with his big hard cock behind them throughout the apartment. He threw the Fire Stone into the Pansear hitting him on the head and evolved Simisear leaving him out of combat with a bump on his head. As for the Pansage, he caught him and shoved it all over his butt making his eyes open like oranges. Parsley couldn't hold a loud moan and evolved into Simisage with a sore butt.

"You are a brute!" says Parsley.

"We are already at peace." says the Simipour, still angry and slamming the door as he left for his bedroom.

Minutes later Patrick woke up with a headache and Parsley handed him a small ice pack to lower the swelling in his head.

"I think we're pass the line." says the Simisage stroking his butt.

"I did not expect that reaction." says the Simisear putting on the ice pack on his head.

The two monkeys looked at their crotches and Patrick's was much bigger than Parsley's.

"You have huge balls! It does not bother you?" says the Simisage.

"A little but I can hold on. Let's apologize." says Simisear.

Patrick and Parsley knocked on the door and received no response. They decided not to disturb him and started playing with the console. Night came and the Simipour left his bedroom ignoring his roommates. Patrick and Parsley apologized for their behavior and the Simipour forgave them but punished them by trying to lose the challenge by stroking their balls but they resisted the temptation to cum. After dinner and trying to lower their erections to go to work, they went to sleep.

DAY 17:

10 days after evolving, at work they began to attract females and even males due to their good physical condition. They came back quite horny but Parsley bought something exclusive that was only put up for sale during this challenge.

"Guys, I bought this." says Simisage showing a small pot of strangely colored candy.

"What are they?" asked Patrick curious.

"Are they trustworthy?" asked Payton suspiciously.

"They are regenerative candies. They are from a company specialized in creating erotic products and are very famous. Try one. There are different flavors." says Simisage opening the pot.

The Simisear and the Simipour looked at each other and grabbed each other. They tasted good and licked it until it melted into its mouth.

"And now what?" asked Patrick.

"You have to wait a few hours for them to take effect. If you ask if there are any side effects, there are none. Let's do some games. The winner tries to cum the loser." says Parsley.

Night came and the three monkeys went to sleep. Suddenly, around 01:00, the Simipour woke up with discomfort in his crotch. His balls were big like peaches and his cock was dripping precum.

"Fuck the challenge!" says Payton getting out of his bed.

He was silent for a few minutes and listened to the snoring of his friends. He opened the door slowly and left his bedroom. He began to masturbate, opening Patrick's door. He knew he had a very deep sleep and smiled from ear to ear.

"Let's see those effects." thought Simipour.

Payton stood next to the sleeping Simisear and booped his huge cock on Patrick's buttocks. He turned him upside down and began to slowly push his cock and Patrick continued to snore but by shoving almost his entire cock, he became nervous as he stopped snoring. After a few seconds of tension, the Simisear continued to snore and Payton began to fuck him. Slowly he increased his speed, hitting his balls against his butt until he could not help but moan with pure pleasure. A lot of precum filled the Simisear's belly like a beach ball but Payton didn't stop there. He changed his position and put it on doggystyle to continue emptying the entire load on him. Simipour's moans were getting stronger and louder until he cum again, this time his cum came out of Patrick's butt puffing up his belly more, occupying the entire bed.

"Damn, if I had known this before, I would fuck Patrick every night." thought Payton filling the Simisear more by making the bed creak due to his massive weight.

Patrick continued to grow, becoming huge and destroyed his bed with strong CRUNCH but he still slept peacefully. Payton could not contain himself and shouted with all his might saying to explode and with a strong BLORF, the Simisear was already a huge splatter of cum. The entire Simipour's fur was covered in his cum. He heard screams from the neighbors since the explosion was like a bomb. Payton quickly returned to his bedroom and covered in his own cum.

DAY 18:

The next morning, first thing in the morning, they started knocking on the door. The Simisage woke up and the earplugs fell off since Patrick evolved his snoring was heard from the other side. When they left their bedroom, the other doors were open, surely they had gone to work. He got up and went to attend the door. Again, the intimidating Rillaboom with other neighbors heard a big explosion in his apartment but he had ear plugs and he heard nothing. They asked about the other two monkeys but had gone to work. The Rillaboom told him that tomorrow they had to leave the apartment because of all the complaints and the Simisage accepted, apologizing for the inconvenience caused. Parsley closed the door and went to wash his face. Upon leaving, he saw the huge mess in Patrick's bedroom and the smell of sex was powerful causing his cock to release much precum.

"What the hell happened here?" thought the Simisage.

After 30 minutes, his two companions arrived. Payton's cock was in his normal size while Patrick's when relaxing his crotch grew and was bigger than Parsley's.

"Dudes, bad news. They kick us out tomorrow." says Parsley.

"I do not care. I was sick of that grumpy gorilla already." says Patrick.

"If you've seen the disaster, it was me. I couldn't take it anymore." says Payton.

"And did you have to fuck me until I burst asleep? You could woken me up!" says Patrick.

"I see the candy is going great." says Parsley.

"Pick up our belongings while you two calling some friends. I thought you went to work." says Parsley.

"Oh no. We asked for a few days off thinking this was going to happen." says Patrick.

"Okay, so I'm going to work. At night, we will have a party and take revenge on that Rillaboom. " smiled the Simisage.

"Great, we'll take care of the rest." says Payton.

The Simisage groomed to went to work and taking a deep breath shrinking the size of his crotch in half to go to work. Night came and the apartment was no longer his. Patrick called some friends and told them they had an empty apartment to sleep and they kept their things in a warehouse that they did not use. They arrived in the afternoon and took their belongings. Parsley came to his house and saw his horny friends.

"Ready to destroy everything?" asked Parsley taking off his clothes showing off his huge erect penis and his big testicles like melons.

"Ready. We have been loaned a device to soundproof noise. We can do whatever we want." says Patrick.

The 3 monkeys started fucking in the dining room. The Simipour sucked Patrick's big cock while Parsley shoved his huge penis into Simisear. The 3 monkeys groaned at the same time. Parsley savagely fucked his butt while Patrick did the same in Payton's mouth. They moaned and screamed with pleasure non-stop until a lot of cum and precum came out of Simipour's mouth filling it like a balloon at the same time that Parsley filled Patrick with a lot faster.

"Wow, it's like a Hydrocannon entering my stomach!" yelled Patrick.

The Simipour continued to swallow non-stop while the Simisage grabbed his arms screaming with pleasure cumming with more power immobilizing Patrick and Payton raised the massive belly of the Simisear to continue swallowing his friend's cun. In a few minutes, there were already 2 huge cum bombs that exploded at the same time painting all the walls white and the Simisage protecting itself from the disaster it had made. A few seconds later, the Simisear and the Simipour regenerated, the orgy continued. Patrick kissed Parsley and took him to the bathroom where they continued to fuck between orgasms and screams of pleasure. His belly became huge with just a Simisear cumshot as his balls continued to be huge filled with cum and exploded. The noise of the explosions was thunderous and from the device, the neighbors did not hear anything. They continued in the 3 bedrooms where they did the sex train. Payton knew how to use Double Team and made a clone of him to fuck all 3 at the same time. The fatigue began to affect them and their frenetic and intense rhythm continued. They screamed with pleasure and their bellies grew at the same time as they were cum even the Payton clone at the same time as well. They continued to grow and Patrick bit Payton's ear, Parsley Patrick's shoulder, and Payton's clone Parsley's hair. The three screamed again, ejecting all the cum from their balls, turning them into giant spheres of cum until they destroyed one of the bedrooms and the walls of the second bedroom. The Payton clone disappeared when the real one exploded and everything was silent. 10 minutes later, the three monkeys seemed satisfied and went to sleep in the last bedroom, which was neither destroyed nor flooded with their cum.

DAY 19:

After an intense night of sex and exploding each other by flooding and destroying the apartment as revenge for the annoying landlord, Payton and Parsley woke up with a big yawn.

"Good Morning." says Parsley, removing the earplugs from his ears.

"We're going to clean up before I see the mess." says Payton.

"We completely forgot about the challenge. We are sex machines." says Parsley.

"We'll do it another time." says Payton.

The Simisear continued to sleep, snoring loudly and the monkeys smiled having the same idea. Their cocks got hard and Parsley touched Patrick's nose and the Simisear opened his mouth while Payton spread his legs and shoved his cock into his butt. The Simisage stood up, spreading his legs and bent slightly with his cock at the height of the Simisear's mouth asleep and rested his hands on the wall, starting to fuck his sleeping friend's mouth. The two gasped and moaned with pleasure until Parsley cames first in his mouth. He heard a loud BLORT from Patrick's stomach as Payton had cum him inside. They continued to fatten their friend, tearing the bed apart until they reached the climax at the same time.

"GOOD DAYS, SLEEPYHEAD! WAKE UP ALREADY!" screamed Payton and Parsley at the same time as a lot of cum came out of his butt and mouth ending in a thunderous KABOOM, causing the walls to be destroyed and the two monkeys come out of the bedroom covered in cum.

Payton and Parsley went to what was left of the shower to clean themselves and 10 minutes later Patrick regenerated with a sleeping face that went to clean. Then they were looking for the keys to the apartment between gallons of semen until they found them, sighing with relief. They left the destroyed apartment and locked the door. They went to the Rillaboom house and gave him the keys with a smile while the gorilla slammed the door of anger. The three monkeys began to walk fast before the Rillaboom discovered the disaster they had made as revenge and a car was waiting for them. He was one of Patrick's friends, an Infernape who helped him in everything. They left the place and became best fuckfriends forever in their new home that their friends had offered them.


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