PokeNNN - Round 2

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Second round of pokéNNN!

Empoleon, Infernape: Pokémon © Nintendo

An infernape came from his exhausted work and entered in his house. His name was Kong. Inside the house, there was an Empoleon who lived with him named Royal and worked in a patisserie while the Infernape was a personal trainer in a gym. The Empoleon was in the kitchen on his back and Kong couldn't help but hug him. The Infernape caressed and rubbed his chubby belly very gently. Before meeting, Royal was not very sociable and hated physical contact. Since he started working as a pastry chef, he always came with cakes and ate them all gaining weight week after week making Kong unable to avoid stroking his huge belly and the Empoleon didn't care.

"I'm already home." says Kong hugging the Empoleon's belly.

"How's the first day of the challenge going?" asked Royal.

"Fine. By the way, what prize did I take?" says Kong, grabbing his belly, lifting it up and dropping it, making slight sloshes.

"I think I'll start going to the gym and diet. I'm very fat." says Royal.

"I see you well!" says Kong.

"I don't want to tell you anything but I find it a little annoying. You use me as a cushion when we watch television." says Royal.

"Oh, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." says Kong.

"My bet is: no rubbing until you complete the challenge. If you lose, you will have to rub muscle." says Royal

"Okay, and if I win, I'll fill you up until you can't move." says Kong.

"Deal, but without losing control." says Royal.

The two males dined quietly and then went to sleep.

DAY 4:

It had been 3 days and Kong still had no erection as he was a little sad not to pet Royal's big fat belly as the Empoleon would start going to the gym. He arrived later than normal and entered the house. The Empoleon was watching television and they greeted each other. He left his work things in the bedroom and sat next to him.

"How was the first day of the gym?" Kong asked.

"Good, I'm exhausted. I'm sorry I can't go to the one you're working on. They have a little high prices." replied Royal.

"Don't worry. From here a few months they will put discounts." says Kong, looking away at his belly.

"Do you want to caress me?" says Royal with a mocking smile as he pats his belly.

The Infernape was silent and went to his bedroom for a moment. A few minutes later he returned with his phone. Kong took a picture of him and Royal started laughing.

"What are you doing?" says Royal.

"As you are going to lose weight I want to see the before and after." says Kong.

"If you want photos ... okay." replied the Empoleon.

Royal got up from the sofa and allowed himself to take all the photos that Infernape wanted.

"Satisfied?" says the Empoleon making Kong nod with a big smile.

After the photos, Kong recommended some exercises as warm-up and they went to sleep.

DAY 11:

While Royal was losing weight in the gym, the Infernape helped other pokémon with his tips and intense exercises to burn as much fat as they could. One day, a fat male Lopunny came to the gym and reminded him of the Empoleon when he was round and plump. He noticed that the pants he was wearing began to have an erection and he went to the locker room to hide. He entered one of the toilets and locked himself for 15 minutes. His cock had grown a little and he was panting thinking about that obese Lopunny. To caress his big belly or grab his buttocks with both hands. He took a deep breath and gradually relaxed until he was able to lower his erection to the point that it was not marked in his pants. He returned to the gym and helped the obese Lopunny with his exercises, at the same time containing the impulses of stroking his huge and obese belly. After the erection was contained during the day, he came to his house and locked himself in his room looking at Royal's photos when he was plump and round until he fell asleep.

DAY 19:

The Empoleon had lost quite a bit of weight and his huge belly was almost pure muscle. Kong came exhausted from work and couldn't help but get his cock out of his pants. It was thicker than before surprising Royal.

"Wow, I'm surprised that you continue that challenge." says the Empoleon.

"It's getting harder and harder for me to hold back at work and I constantly go to the locker room." says Kong.

"Can you take me some pictures to see the difference?" Royal asked.

"Yes, of course ..." says Kong.

The Infernape took his cell phone out of his backpack and took quite a few photos of it. Royal posed by flexing muscle and even kissed them. He winked at the last one making Kong blush.

"Do you want to make me lose the challenge?" says the Infernape.

"No, I like the big cock you have." says Royal.

The Infernape concentrated as much as possible to bring down the big and thick cock that he had since he had to go to work the next day in his bedroom while the Empoleon was excited by the see the huge Infernape's cock. He felt big excitement and went to the bedroom where his cock came out of his slit. It was leaking pre and it was bigger than Kong's.

"Now you get up? Let's see how I get down to work. "thought" Royal as he sat on his bed while his cock was throbbing.

DAY 25:

Kong woke up with his huge cock even with his balls sloshing full of cum. He took a deep breath and managed to lower his erection a little. He left his bedroom where he heard the water fall in the shower. While was waiting for Royal to finish, he prepared a quick breakfast for him. The Empoleon came out totally naked with his whole body wet and his huge hard cock without realizing that the Infernape was still at home.

"What the!? What a monster! Were you secretly doing the challenge in secret?" says Kong very surprised.

"Yes, I'm surprised you still haven't given up." says Royal.

"How could you hold the erection so easily?" asked Kong.

"Thinking of my things that it is nothing erotic until your huge cock, I get horny and lost concentration and now I can't lower it." says Royal.

"I can help you if you want ..." says Kong with a slight mocking smile.

"But stay there. You're not going to touch me." says Royal.

Kong helped him to relax and the two Pokémon were able to go to work but often had to go to the bathroom so as not to see the huge bulge that formed in his pants during their workday. When night came, both Pokémon arrived exhausted and with their huge cocks leaking pre, they reaching the last days of the challenge.

DAY 30:

Kong and Royal continued to go to work although it was too difficult for them to hide the bulge. Kong left earlier as he left traces of pre on the gym floor and his boss told him to stay a few days off as he tried too but it didn't last not a week. As for Royal, he left after finish a huge wedding cake since his companions kept looking at the large bulge that he had as if his pants were going to burst. Kong arrived two hours later and when he arrived, his pants exploded showing his balls as big as pumpkins and dripping pre non-stop. He went to his bedroom while his cock was throbbing. Royal arrived an hour from the end of the 30th. The Empoleon had not taken off his work uniform and called Kong if he was home. The Infernape left his bedroom with his giant cock throbbing and his balls gurgling very loud. Royal growled and his huge cock came out of his pants destroying them out of his slit.

"Prepare to lose." says Royal.

"We will see that! You will be a morbid Empoleon when I beat you!" says Kong.

The two males came face to face and the Infernape stroked the Empoleon's huge cock. Royal did the same and saw Kong's mane begin to grow slowly. Time passed and the pre of the cocks of the two pokémon did not stop dripping much pre. Royal licked his cock causing Kong to moan, growing his mane of fire more, but the Infernape kissed him on the mouth, rubbing his huge cock with his and fapping both cocks at the same time. Royal shuddered with pleasure and noticed that his tail also was stroking his ock. The Empoleon couldn't take it anymore and the Kong stopped him from kissing making Royal scream of pure pleasure releasing a huge load of cum against his body while he smiled victoriously.

"I won. Turn around. Time to be the obese Empoleon you were again." says Kong.

Royal was panting ejaculating again with pure pleasure and a sound of an alarm was heard. The Infernape turned the Empoleon around and began to push the tip of his monstrous cock into his butt even with his work clothes on. Royal opened his eyes wide and then held him tightly by his fins, leaving him immobilized. Kong was pushing deeper into him, forming a monstrous bulge in his stomach. It was so tight that it was going to release a wave of cum in no time. A measure that moved his waist, a lot of pre came out of Royal's butt until Kong screamed, making his mane of fire light up, getting huge and a large explosion of cum coming out of the Empoleon's butt.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck! Kong control yourself, remember what I told you a month ago!" screamed Royal as his cock fired more cum uncontrollably.

His belly grew instantly listening to a loud RRRIPPPP of his clothes showing his belly like a beach ball, making the abs he had to disappear. His belly continued to grow non-stop tearing his entire suit as Kong continued to scream with pure pleasure, emptying the load on his balls that were slowly losing size. His butt became huge and flabby, causing Kong to grab his buttocks with his hands. His belly reached the ground and he began to lift it off the ground preparing the worst.

"Kong? Don't you think it's enough? KONG?!" screamed Royal when he saw that he was completely immobilized and his huge cock ejaculated uncontrollably like a hose.

The Infernape released the last cum cannon causing its mane of fire to light up and a huge waterfall of cum came under big pressure making Royal a gigantic and morbid cumdumpster. The poor Empoleon thought he was going to burst since his body occupied the entire apartment and from the outside, his belly occupied all the windows. He heard Kong release a deep sigh of relief and fell asleep while Royal continued to cum until he was completely drained. The next day, Kong woke up relieved and hugged his immobile and obese Empoleon.

"Good morning, chubby penguin!" says Kong.

"Very funny. You will have something to digest all this, right?" he said clapping himself on his obese body.

"Yes, but I must look for it. Now rest." says Kong.

The Empoleon went back to sleep while Kong searched for the medicine to make Royal weight down. After looking for hours around the apartment walking on the huge belly of the Empoleon, he finally found what he was looking for. An hour later, he gave him the medication and he lost weight quickly.

"We will never do this challenge again." says Royal.

"Okay, as long as I have you chubby ,I'll be happy." says Kong stroking his fat belly.

"You are my friend but you are an idiot monkey." laughed the Empoleon.

PokeNNN - Round 1

DAY 1: It was a windy day where 2 pokémon slept peacefully. They lived in a large 4-storey building where all the neighbors got along well. An alarm clock rang and went off fast. It was a Sawk and he got out of bed. His name was Nao. He released a...

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