PokeNNN - Round 1

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First round of pokéNNN!

Sawk, Slaking: Pokémon © Nintendo

DAY 1:

It was a windy day where 2 pokémon slept peacefully. They lived in a large 4-storey building where all the neighbors got along well. An alarm clock rang and went off fast. It was a Sawk and he got out of bed. His name was Nao. He released a slight yawn and went to the shower. Suddenly, in another bedroom, various alarm clocks began to sound where a Slaking slept. The huge pokémon with a single blow from his hand, tore them apart leaving the bedroom silent again but it didn't last long as they sounded further out of reach. He got out of bed lazily and turned them off without destroying them, releasing a huge yawn. Meanwhile, the Sawk had already come out of the shower and went to the kitchen to prepare the breakfast. On the wall, there were 2 calendars in the month of November and the Sawk grabbed a pen making an X on day 1. Minutes later, the Slaking came out even with a sleepy face, scratching his belly and greeted his roommate. His name was Paul.

"I hope you are ready for this month. No porn, no masturbating for a month. Whoever loses must be the servant of the other." says Nao, handing over the pen to Slaking.

"Let's improve the bet. It will be each other's sex toy." says Paul, grabbing the pen and making a circle on day 1.

"Well, may the best win." says the Sawk giving his hand to the Slaking.

The Slaking smiled and went to the bathroom to shower while the Sawk finished, preparing the breakfast. 10 minutes later, the Sawk went to work as he was a karate teacher in a gym with a Blaziken while the Slaking worked from home.

DAY 6:

The Sawk rose normally while the Slaking rose with a some difficulty. His cock was hard and he seemed unable to lower it. The Sawk kept a cold head and smiled at his roommate while preparing lunch while the Slaking went to the bathroom to try to lower his erection. Upon returning home, Nao sighed with relief as he could no longer contain his focus and his cock was so hard. Upon entering the dining room, he saw Paul sitting with his hard cock a little bigger than 5 days ago.

"How are you doing with the challenge? I see you bigger. " says Nao normally.

"Good, without any problem." says Paul

"Do you want chinese food?" asked the Sawk.

"Yes, why not? Thank you." answered the Slaking.

The two Pokémon called a restaurant for dinner at home and were talking about today. 20 minutes later, the bell rang and Slaking got up but the Sawk stopped him. The Sawk focused his mind and his cock returned to his normal state and attending to the delivery man, who gave him his order and gave him his money. Returning to Slaking, he sighed, having an erection again.

"Bit by BIT it will cost you more to shrink it and in the end you will lose." says Paul.

"That will not happen. Let's have dinner, it's going to get cold." says Nao.

After dinner, they went to sleep although they began to awaken the need to masturbate.

DAY 12:

Sawk woke up to strange noises from Slaking's room apart from his snoring. Bit a bit, he opened the door and saw the Slaking sleeping and talking in dreams. He saw the thicker cock while his balls had grown a little. He closed the door and went to work. During his classes, he continues to contain his erection without his students noticing. At the end of classes, the Sawk showered and sighed with relief, having an instant erection and his balls swelled. While showering, someone greeted him and hid his crotch as best he could. Seeing him, among the steam, he saw Blaziken also with his erect cock and smiled.

"Hey, how is the challenge going with your friend Slaking?" asked the Blaziken.

"Well, his cock is getting bigger." says the Sawk.

"Do you think you will hold back until the last day?" Blaziken asked.

"I have a lot of physical resistance and control my sexual impulses." says the Sawk.

"I have a tremendous desire to fuck someone." says the Blaziken raising his eyebrows with good sensuality.

"Get away a little, your hormones are distracting me." says the Sawk.

"Haha, I'm kidding. I can't wait to see your bigger cock in the next few days." says the Blaziken.

The Sawk did not answer him while his coworker put on his clothes and left, leaving him alone. A few hours later, he arrived at his house and the Slaking came out of the shower with a bulge on his towel, hiding his cock.

"Hey, I just made dinner. Every time my cock is more sensitive." says Paul.

"That gives me an advantage." says Nao.

"Shut up, I'm not going to lose." says the Slaking.

The Pokémon dined with their erect cocks and crossed out on their calendars and then went to sleep.

DAY 19:

The Slaking woke up first in the morning and went to the bathroom to look at the mirror. His cock was bigger and his balls were like tomatoes, at the same time that they gurgled since they are full of cum. With a big sigh, he showered calmly while the water relaxed his body. After drying, he got out of the shower and stumbled upon Sawk inadvertently touching his cock against his causing both moaned at the same time, containing the urge to cum.

"I haven't seen you!" says Paul.

"Don't worry, but be careful next time." says Nao.

"It's gotten even bigger, huh?" smiled the Slaking looking at his friend's cock being long but his balls were almost as big as oranges.

The Sawk did not answer and went into the shower. The Slaking was always naked in the apartment since the pants and underwear bothered him a lot with the strong erection he was containing. Sawk also did the same only when he got home since he could still contain that erection during his classes. Sawk was very focused on teaching although Blaziken stared at his crotch in case he had an erection during the lesson. At the end of class, the Sawk met Blaziken in the bathroom and told him to take a break until the challenge with Slaking ended. Although the Blaziken tried, he could see that his cock was flaccid and had released the load. Sawk returned very late since he could not control his erection and he had to hide it with his backpack, walking through places without pokémon that could see his big cock. Upon arrival home, he got naked and the Slaking was already in bed. He walked around the place and there were traces of pre on the floor. The Sawk was smiling that his partner was beginning to give in and went to sleep.

DAY 24:

Both Pokémon got up at the same time with their beds with a puddle of pre. The balls of the 2 were already weighing them down but Sawk did it quite calmly and helped his friend up. The Slaking thanked him and walked to the dining room while Sawk went to the shower. Sitting in the chair, a loud crunch was heard, alerting the Slaking. His crotch was so large that the chair was warning him of danger. The Sawk came out of the shower relaxed with his huge crotch, slightly reduced by the shower and when the Slaking got up, the chair fell apart.

While the Slaking was in the shower, the Sawk cleaned the pre that was everywhere since the hormones of both males spread throughout the apartment. After spending almost 2 hours in the bathroom, the Slaking seemed very relaxed and sat down on the sofa very gently so as not to break it. The Sawk sat down with him and they put on the television. They kept looking at each other's crotches, thinking who would give in first. Hours passed until Slaking began to explain his sexual experiences with other Pokémon trying to get horny to Nao more, but his friend also counterattacked with the same thing and none thought to give in. Every so often, the two males took turns going to the bathroom to take a cold shower until it was night. They had a light dinner and went to bed.

DAY 30:

Paul woke up very restless around 10:00 in his bed since his balls were as big as watermelons and his cock like a ram. It took him about 3 tries to get up and when he stood up, a jet of pre shot out of his huge cock making him growl. On the other hand, Sawk got up with difficulty as his cock kept leaking pre with his big blue balls, like pumpkins, swaying as he walked. When the two left of their bedrooms, they greeted each other as always although the two were reaching their limit. Nao was almost 1h in the shower and Paul twice as much.

"Let's make this more fun." says the Sawk.

"Let's see what's your plan to make me cum." says the Slaking

The Sawk left to the bedroom and returned with a bunch of dvd's. The Slaking simply said nothing, sitting on the sofa. The fighting-type pokémon, introduced one of the dvd and pressing the button listening to erotic music. The Slaking sounded familiar the music to him and the Sawk sat quietly with his huge crotch as his cock dripped pre.

"Hey, that was against the rules and it's my private collection!" says Paul.

"I was thinking when you could leave some to let off steam after work and today is the last day of the challenge." says Nao.

The Slaking growled into his roommate's trap and they were watching porn all afternoon. After they were both on the verge of exploding of pleasure, night came and they had 2 more hours left. They couldn't both get up off the couch while their cocks leaked pre and their balls churned full of cum. Suddenly, the Slaking began to fap Nao's cock with one of his hands.

"Hey, stop! I'm going to cum!" says Nao.

"This is for grabbing my private collection!" says Paul.

The Sawk was trying to get off Paul to continue masturbating his huge cock but he stroked his huge balls making him shudder.

"I can play along too!" says Nao.

The two males continued to excite each other, containing the desire to cum. They looked at the clock they had on the wall that was approaching 00:00 on December 1st.

"Cum already!" shouts Paul fapping faster Nao's huge cock.

"I'm not going to do it!" shouted the Sawk rising from the sofa for that Paul did not make him cum.

The Slaking did not give up and approached him grabbing his cock again and his at the same time. The two males shuddered and their balls weighed on them so much that they could no longer move from where they were. After a few very intense minutes, the Slaking released a great scream releasing a huge cumshot hitting the ceiling.

"Yes, I won!" says Nao with a big smile but the Slaking was pointing at his watch.

"It's 00:01. There is no winner." smirked Paul.

The pokémon growled masturbating his cock throwing another huge load between gasps and moans of pleasure causing the Sawk to no longer contain himself and masturbated also causing his first cumshot releasing a great scream of pleasure. Nao fell to the ground and continued to cum non-stop filling the entire place while the Slaking roared with every cum cannon that came out of his cock flooding the entire house. The Sawk was almost 5 minutes and 10 minutes ejaculating non-stop until they passed out from pleasure. On the morning of December 1, the two males woke up in the ground, all covered in cum and were completely drained.

"Hey, do you want to do this challenge the next year?" asked Noa.

"No way, I thought my balls were going to burst." says Paul.

"Okay, I thought the same. Let's clean up this mess." says the Sawk.

The two males cleaned their apartment and then they cleaned themselves after experiencing the first and last time of this challenge.


PokeNNN - Round 2

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