Good Neighbors 5: Stalked

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#5 of Good Neighbors

Jason's finally ready to put himself back out there but seeking another woman comes with challenges after his gay experimentation, one of which proves to be stickier than he'd imagined.

Only I could fix myself. It was a realization that had dawned on me the day after Ralph came into my place of work. I didn't need to remind myself that I nutted in him thrice, that was all I could really think about.

I was obsessive. The thought of his body was enough to turn me on, but remembering the intensity of the moment and the depravity of what I'd done... Max's ex. In my workplace. Three times. Three! It was enough to make my boxers strain.

And that was enough to burden me with a guilty heart, which wasn't something I wanted to live with. If Max was out of sight maybe I could convince myself it was out of mind.

But he was my neighbor. I saw him frequently. I fucked him frequently, and I wanted to keep doing that. His friendship was as passionate as it was coy. He'd carved himself out the perfect niche in my sexuality; something casual, something easy. Something decidedly different to every sexual relationship I'd ever had.

He'd prod and poke at my heterosexuality, he'd tease me but I'd grown more used to that. It almost felt normal and soon it probably would be. He was fun. He was warm. And that's kind of where those thoughts stopped. We kept having good times together but I wasn't so drawn to him I couldn't still my thoughts like I was with Ralph.

Ralph was a problem. My longing for him brought a word to my skull, shame to my mind and guilt to my chest. But I could fix that.

I sat on Max's couch. My pants were still straddling my ankles. The snow leopard sat against my side, my arm around his back. The TV was on but I wasn't really paying attention. I'm not sure he was either. I was flaccid, for now. Whenever we were together it was like we were on a timer until I could go again. Since I'd told him Ralph came to the gym, he'd been more eager to please me as much as he could and that was something I wouldn't fight. Not anymore.

I wondered if this might change that. I wrinkled my nose and bent to rummage my phone out of my pants pocket. I knew his eyes were on the screen the moment I lit it up. We hadn't meaningfully deepened our friendship, but step by careful step we had been learning more and more about each other over the last month. Nonchalantly, I opened up a dating app. His gaze swung up to meet mine. I smirked.

"That's new." He glanced back to my phone.

"Old more like." I sighed as the app loaded and revealed a grand total of zero new matches. "Something tells me you're good at this."

He snickered. "It's my favourite game." He reached a paw for my phone. "Can I? I bet I know your type better than you."

I don't know why I expected him to respect me enough to only give his thoughts, but I didn't mind. I passed him my phone and he started trawling through profiles.

"No, no, pretty eyes, no, eesh girl..." he visibly grimaced at a bad photo of a raccoon then moved on to the next woman, she was attractive but he balked at some information in her profile. "Not her, never her." I felt weirdly judged as I looked over to see what he'd determined would never be a fit for me-she was an actuary. "You'd have swiped on all of them, right?" He shot me a knowing look.

I shrugged. "Probably."

"Well if you're just looking to get laid I'm sure adding guys in the mix will get you results." He hovered a finger over my profile settings.

"I know, but I want more than that." I tilted my hips such that my cock flopped against my thigh. "And I know what I want."

"Fair." He started going through profiles again, passing on basically all of them until he reached a dog with piercings and an impressive rack trying to escape from a shirt with a metal band's logo. Her name was Hope. Here he finally paused and scrolled a little through her profile. "She seems your type, just." He pointed to a line. She was doing a PhD in mathematics. "Too smart for you."

I made a sound. "That's fine." I moved to swipe her profile but he jerked my phone away.

"Fine for you." He scrolled past. "Not for her."

"I don't-"

"Nah. It matters if you're honestly looking for something more." He turned back to me, a small grin on his face. "So, are you?"

I peered at him. "Maybe a fling is fine."

He sniffed as he scrolled back up to swipe on her profile. "When's the last time you touched a woman."

I sighed. "Ex."

"No shot." He snorted and without another word opened my profile settings. I lunged for my phone but he tried to scramble away as he changed my preferences from women to all. I grappled an arm around him as I dove off of the couch to pin him to the ground. He snarled as we landed and he shoved my phone out of reach.

Our naked bodies pressed firmly against each other. He stared up at me with pleading eyes. I felt a twinge in my loins and if it weren't for my phone eliciting a sudden ding I might've gone him then and there.

We both glanced over. I'd matched with Hope, the dog.

"Too smart for me?" I scoffed as I crawled off of him and claimed my phone.

He genuinely looked surprised. "It's all window shopping anyways." He let his eyes run eagerly across me like he was affirming all she wanted was the fit musculature of my body.

"Fine by me." I regarded him with a smile. "How would you open?"

He shrugged. "I," he tapped a paw to his chest before he went on in a distinguished voice. "Would take interest in her project but I also passed highschool math."

"Fifteen years ago." I muttered, it still bewildered me he was 32. He scarcely even looked 25. "Wouldn't work anyways, I doubt she's here to talk about her studies."

"No but it'd give you an easy in to mention you saw all the prime numbers in her profile without sounding like an idiot because it's the only thing you're bringing to the table." He tilted his head. "But you do you. She seems quirkier than she'll let on."

I tried to ignore him but as I went to start a message I froze up. This was the first woman I'd really be speaking to since Gabbie broke up with me. Worse, I think Max had convinced me she was out of my league. Even worse, I think Max was feasibly in her league. I'd need his advice.

I puzzled over my phone for a long moment. "What's a prime number?" I asked.

Max shot me a look before he threw back his head and laughed. "Maybe just tell her she's got nice tits, that's more your speed."

I scowled and hiked up my pants like it'd send a message. Instead he looked at me like it was just a challenge to seduce me again. I huffed as I gathered my shirt from where he'd thrown it an hour ago. "I'll solve her equation," I spoke the words flatly, so certain they'd come out triumphant or daring. Instead I found myself grappling with the awkwardness of the statement immediately after the words had left my lips.

"Oh sweetie." Max only shook his head, my cheeks burned. "At least you won't need to worry about a date." He was so smugly condescending I wanted to smack him around. I blinked after the sensation that thought imparted on my body.

"Not going to work." I folded my arms. I don't know how it happened but at some point his teasing had only started to arouse me, he knew that.

He tutted. "Best of luck then." He smirked. "If the stars align I'd like to meet her, she seems fun."

I squinted down on him. "I don't think it'd be... right, for you to meet someone I'm dating." I bit off the words awkwardly. "Just saying that, ahead of time. Like, we're uh, fuckbuddies."

He shot me a mystifying look. "Huh." He folded his arms. "So I wouldn't be the only one suspicious of you moving on with another guy."

I choked on my own spit. Guilt froze my heart. "I wasn't- I wouldn't..." I spluttered. "It's just..." I couldn't answer. I gave him a stricken look.

He winced. "Yeah, look maybe that one's not so fun." His lip twitched in annoyance. "Sorry."

I eased. "I haven't seen Ralph since the gym and nothing's happened. If I see him again, I will tell you." I put a hand to my cheek. He'd been so sensitive about it this entire time, and this wasn't the first time he'd brought it up for no reason. Excitement tickled in my chest at the same time. Three times in my workplace. I met Max's gaze and offered a warm smile. I had Ralph's number. If Max kept making things weird, I could answer in turn.

He shrugged. "Alright. What I should've said is just don't forget the buddy part of the fuckbuddy arrangement." He looked deflated. "I wouldn't expect us to keep banging if you entered a relationship that didn't give us room for that, but I also wouldn't like that to be the end of our friendship."

"Yeah." I sighed. "Maybe I'll reconsider, it's just... y'know."

"Yep, your heterosexuality must be unimpeachable for any woman to want you." He rolled his eyes. "Did you even see Hope said she's pan in her bio? Worst case, telling her you're bi might make you more interesting."

"I'm not bi." Heat rose in my words.

He only shot me a tired look. I met his gaze like it was a challenge. It didn't take long for him to give up and look away. "You really are such a bull," he muttered in distaste.

I tossed my horns at him before slamming the door to his apartment on my way out. I wasn't quite pissed off, but whenever he put Ralph between us he seemed to hone in on how that made him feel. If not for that, it'd all be good vibes.

I spent the next few days keeping my distance from Max, I was putting my efforts on Hope. Surprisingly, it was going about as well as I could hope for. Conversation had been sparse at first, but things opened up quickly once we got past awkward introductions.

We had similar enough tastes in music and film. She regretted the fact I didn't read, but I lamented that she didn't work out. She'd noted with amusement how we fell into gender roles, those two words together tended to lose me. I replied with a cordial 'lol' and hoped my disinterest wasn't too plain but she was chill despite doing too much.

Between her PhD, a sidegig as a bartender and a bustling social life I had no idea how she managed to have time to sleep, let alone goof off chatting with me. She had a directness about her I found very attractive, she wasn't someone who wasted time with tests and little games.

It was only an hour into our first conversation she straight up told me to move on if she wasn't someone I'd consider going out with. So I asked her out. And it was then I learned just how busy she really was. This was a bad week for her, with so much of her time taken up with other things. She seemed a little dismayed when she told me that, but I figured I could use my stubbornness for something good for once.

She seemed to read it as good patience when I told her I didn't mind if it took a week or more, I was enjoying talking with her. She answered in kind. There was a concert on next weekend. Some local bands she liked were playing at the university she was studying at.

We had similar tastes in music, and it seemed like a nice public space where we'd get a good sense of each other. The date was set and I was ecstatic.

In the last month since Gabbie had broken up with me, my emotions had been pulled every which way by those damn cats. This was a break from that. This was something new and genuinely quite exciting.

I even dusted off some old social media accounts, just because Hope was fairly active on those platforms. So I posted a bit. I went to see if anyone else I knew was going to be at this event and received the radio silence I anticipated. But, I started checking in once a day. I shared some fitness things. I made a bit of a show about posting gym progress, something which Hope kept an eager eye on. She was so bold as to comment on my posts in public with emojis or excitement or questions. It rubbed my ego just right to see it, to reply. To follow it up with more private conversation where we'd ask each other questions and learn about her.

I shouldn't have been surprised when she initiated a conversation about sexual partners. I grinned the entire time until she sent the only message I dreaded.

Ever done something with a guy?

I stared at my phone. I typed and deleted three different responses. Anxiety meshed with shame as I fought against a desire to lie to her. I frowned at the screen. One thing convinced me, I'd never hear the end of it from Max if he found out.

Yeah, I sent.

All the way?

My cheeks burned. I couldn't. Fuck me. I had to. I wouldn't let Max score that point on me. So just this once, I bit back my shame.

All the way, both ways.

I felt so weak. But if I could leave it there and not elaborate then maybe things would be fine.

Oh hell yeah. Too many guys get weird about it.

Relief broke through the fear. It was good then? Great even? Distinguished me from the countless other dudes that prowled these apps for women? I scoffed. It so suddenly seemed a good thing. Of course I was different from those other guys. It was all just good fun. What had Max said it was all about? Mutual pleasure? Well, I was an expert as I let Hope know. But she sent another message that gave me pause.

I'm surprised you don't mention you're bi in your profile.

I gawked at my phone. I- hmm. I stared at the word. From her it wasn't annoying. From her it wasn't demeaning or shameful. It was just a thing she could see me as. Something she seemed to enjoy about me. So that was good wasn't it?

Felt irrelevant to share, I've only been looking for something serious with women for now.

I'd added the last two words on a whim. I wasn't entirely sure what they meant, I just figured they might make me sound more certain of myself. Like it could be a possibility in the future, but it wasn't now.

_Sure, but serious should mean sharing everything :)

Guess you're right_

I don't know what possessed me, but I doubled back to my profile settings and tapped a different option. That's all it was. Two letters that hung under my name. It came with a little flag. I tilted my head. I think they were good letters. The flag was alright, I guess. Not quite my colours. I exhaled and was surprised to find how much tension I was carrying in that moment.

Fixed it :), I shot back again. That was it then. I stared at the ceiling. It almost felt unceremonious to admit it this way. Wasn't I meant to come out, or something? I cocked my head. I didn't really care, I guess. It was mostly for her benefit anyways. I just... I dunno. Being bi didn't have to be so... whatever I'd imagined it was. She was pan. I didn't understand the difference, but I liked that we sort of matched. That was good.

She had to go soon after. The world felt airy as I rose from my chair. Bi. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was just a bull. A bi bull.

I love bi bulls, Ralph had told me outside the gym. An idle grin rose on my face before I blinked so hard I almost stumbled. I did not like where that thought had come from. I scowled at myself. Shouldn't think of him. I needed my distraction.

So I knocked on my neighbor's door. Max answered with a raised eyebrow. "Was wondering when you'd-"

"I'm bi." I spoke from a place of strength and let the words shine with pride, let him know for sure I'd found comfort in the identity.

"Is that all?" He looked at me blankly, waiting for something more.

"I um, that was me coming out." I gave him an awkward look. "I figured you'd be happy for me or something." Frustration edged into my voice. Wasn't that what he was all about?

He shrugged. "I am, just, took you long enough. What made you finally start admitting it?"


"Hm." He folded his arms. "I want to believe you're being profound and this isn't about that bitch, but it is isn't it?"

I scowled at him. I wanted to chastise him about calling her a bitch but she was a female dog and doubtless he would bite back if I got defensive. The fact I even felt that way about her was a sign to me I was starting to grow feelings, I chose to find solace in that instead.

"I see." He smirked. "Well at least I can call you a faggot now." He exhaled in mock relief. "Been holding that one in too long." He looked at me a moment longer. "Oh? Figured you'd be dying to say it too." Whatever sting he'd intended to come with that fell flat at my feet. It just seemed so silly, so trivial. Did I ever really let him have so much power over me? I wanted to laugh.

"Were you always so childish?" I squinted at him.

"Yep, but not as much as you." He poked a tongue at me before he stepped aside to welcome me in. "Does this mean I can fuck you again?"

I cocked my head. "Dunno." I crossed my arms. "Hadn't really thought of that."

"Oh nooo." His chin dipped as he chuckled. "You did do this for Hope, didn't you?"

"What?" I scowled at him. "No. I did it because it's been on my mind and you're right. It was about time."

He sighed. "Be real. Like really real." He met my eyes as he sought confirmation. "You did this for yourself."

I nodded slowly. "I did." I tried not to sound indignant.

"And you feel good about this?"

"I feel great about being bi."

"You want me to plow you." He braced his palms together, his head pitched forward and there was an inquisitive look in his eyes.

"I-" I squinted at him again. "I don't wanna do anything gay while I'm speaking with Hope."

Max's jaw dropped. "You almost had me. Almost. I was like, this close." He pinched at the air. "To thinking you meant it."

Breath streamed through my lips. "I know how that sounds, but-"

"Bro I actually can't believe you." He suddenly sounded cold.

"'Course you can't believe me if it doesn't serve you." I tossed my horns. "Maybe I've got a better sense of what kind of guys I like."

Even as I said it, I knew it was the wrong thing to say. Danger rose in his stare. I hadn't meant it to be an allusion to Ralph but of course he'd take it as one. "Sometimes you really make me regret letting you get closer." He tugged his door shut between us. "Good luck with that bitch."

I stared at the cheap wood. There was no winning, even if I did what he wanted me to do. I frowned. What was I meant to do? I snorted, still staring at his door. I knocked again. He threw it open and frowned over my own frown. I wanted to say something but words couldn't form how I wanted them to, but it only took a breath of silence.

"Sorry Jason." He cast his gaze aside, shame plain in his voice. It surprised me to see it. "I'm not... well, at the moment." He touched two fingers to his forehead and whatever coarse words I'd been considering scattered.


He sighed, the breath coupled with something so utterly self-defeating I stepped forward and put arms around him. He settled into the embrace comfortably as the door shut behind us. "Ralph and I were almost getting on again." He spoke softly into my ear. "I thought it was going so well but now he's gone cold on me."

I thumped a hand on his back. "Maybe he's just busy." The words were useless.

Max leant away from me. "I um..." He hesitated a long moment. "I actually dread to ask this. I'm sorry Jason, but I think I need to know. I won't be mad, I think, but..." I knew what he was after.

I chuckled as I shook my head, not denying his request but more in disapproval. I tugged my phone out of my pocket, unlocked it and handed it to him. He checked Ralph's contact, he nodded at the empty call log and checked our message history. Still just the one message Ralph had sent me.

"I promised." I offered a warm smile.

He clicked his tongue. "I think I need you to slap me if I ask that again, I feel dirty." He grimaced as he handed my phone back. "I'm sorry. I- I just need... I don't know." He exhaled. "I think I wanted you two to be consorting so I had something to be mad at."

"You should be mad at him for ignoring you," I spoke flatly.

He laughed. "Better to tell me to fall out of love with him." He ground the heel of his palm into his forehead. "Lovesick." He scowled after the word.

"Eh." I shrugged. "I'm bi because it impressed Hope."

He shot me a bitter look of disdain.

"But!" I puffed up my chest. "It's also something I'm comfortable being open about, because she made me realize stuff about it."

He nodded. "Fair enough. Sorry for-"

"And!" I held up a hand to cut him off. "Maybe, if I'm in the mood for it, you can fuck me and it won't be some big ordeal." I folded my arms.

He nodded again. "Cool." Silence fell between us. "Would it be too gay for us to cuddle?"

I grinned. "It would be the correct amount of gay." The words felt awkward in my mouth, but I swept him from his feet and carried him to his bed, where I lay down beside him and embraced him tenderly.

We didn't talk as much as I expected to, but he never loosened his hold for the two hours I lay with him. At first it felt like I was spreading it on a bit thick while trying to prove to him I was trying my best to be his friend, but it didn't take long before a profound feeling arose within me. This closeness, this trust, this comfort was something I'd never shared with someone I wasn't in a relationship with. Hell, I think it outshone just about all of my past relationships too.

I didn't feel so aware of time passing. I was far more aware of the tension in his body and how it slowly eased. I felt the most relaxed I'd been in a long time, potentially the most relaxed I'd ever been. This was a moment with no expectations. I could go, he could shoo me off, anything could happen and I'd still be glad for this.

I didn't hold him because I was hoping to rut him. He'd given me his body so freely I could have it if it pleased me to do so, and it might later. But for now? I squeezed him in my arms and he responded by purring gently as he unwound in my embrace.

Eventually, he shuffled up in his bed and took a deep breath. "Jason?" His voice was husky but his eyes were bright. A gentle smile rested on his face.

"Hmm?" I looked up at him.

"I should be nicer to you."

I laughed, those weren't at all the words I expected. "Maybe."

"I'm feeling better now."


He sighed. "If I asked you to-"

"Dinner and drinks, easy." I swung to sit on the side of his bed.

He made a sound like his breath caught. "You don't hear this enough from me, but thank you. Honestly. Thank you."

I nodded. That might have been the first time he'd earnestly thanked me for anything. "Nice." I smiled. "Being honest, this," I gestured to his bed. "Meant a lot more to me than I expected it to."

"Yeah?" He quirked an eyebrow. "I was worried you might be bored."

I shook my head. "Nope. Look, I'll go get us food. You pick a movie or something and if you need something a little more gay later I might be interested." I shifted my tail. As a bull there wasn't a shred of elegance in the motion, but I'd seen both him and Ralph draw my eyes by moving their tails. I hoped it was an obvious enough flirt. My cheeks warmed. It was my first attempt at anything of the sort.

Max noticed. He chuckled and shook his head. "I'll make you my little girl another day."

His words gave me whiplash. I blinked and stammered over any kind of response.

"A joke, unless you want that," he offered mildly, like it wasn't the most absurd proposition he'd hit me with yet.

I blinked again. "I'll try it if you want me to but..." It was too awkward not to laugh at. "What does it even... nevermind." I stood and stretched. "Be back soon."

I stepped out of his bedroom, a grin on my lips. It faded. Guilt socked me in the chest. Would Max ever let me touch him again if he knew about what Ralph and I had done? The black cat was clearly causing Max so much distress and even if he only knew the way I thought about his ex, it would make it worse.

I shoved it out of mind. Not my problem, really. I could do right by Max. I made my way to my car, my thoughts had coalesced into a filthy truth. Keeping Ralph my perverse little secret only made me want him more.

Counting down the days for my date with Hope was easier than I thought it would be. Max and I quickly fell into a routine that made me even gladder I'd put in the effort to really be his friend. But there had been a slight shift between us. He stopped urging me into sex whenever he thought he could.

It felt fine at first but when I tested the limits he quickly proved to me there were none, he'd just left the ball in my court. Knowing that brought me a staggering amount of peace. Emotionally, I was full steam ahead on Hope with no distractions in that regard yet I spent more time with Max than I ever had before.

The day of the concert filled me with an excitement I hadn't felt since I first started seeing my ex. That was my hollow throughline. In reality, I hadn't felt it since Ralph. But my throughline was my truth and I could swear it to the moon and back if I had to prove it to anyone, including myself.

I rocked up to the venue, nervous as I padded over to the bar where Hope was sitting. As our eyes met, a giddy lightness settled into my chest. She was gorgeous and the way her warm gaze prowled my body told me all I had to know about her thoughts on me.

"At last." She grinned at me and bounded over, her arms spread as she wrapped me in a hug. Her tail wagged which only widened my smile. I was cautious about how I embraced her in return, more for the warmth of my thick arms than the weight of them. Anything further felt inappropriate, and a nagging thought in the back of my head told me to keep her wanting for more. She introduced me to her friends, mostly other women whose names I forgot immediately.

As the opening act kicked into gear, the bar filled with pounding music played far too loud. We started to move through the gathering crowd when a voice spoke up behind me, barely audible over the music.


My ears dropped tight against my skull as I spun. Amidst the crowd was Ralph. A tiny black spot in a vivid sea of people. I furrowed my brow as I took him in. My heart started pounding in my chest. I'd... I'd had him mostly out of mind this entire time. Hope was the perfect distraction, I- I was staring. My mouth went dry as my body reacted against my will.

Even meeting his eyes was a confirmation of what he wanted. "Ralph." I tried to sound curt. This couldn't be a coincidence. Not again. "What are you doing here?"

He cocked his head and curled a finger around his ear like he couldn't hear me, then beckoned me to wend through the crowd after him. My tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth. I wrenched my gaze away and hurried after Hope.

The opening act strayed a little closer to acid rock than the metal that would follow, but Hope was familiar with the band and passed me tidbits about them between songs. She'd been giving accentuated nods of her head along to the beat of the song which left me more enthralled by how easily she gave herself up to the music. As the opening act wound down, I excused myself to take a leak.

As I wandered through the crowd a sense of excitement kindled in me. In the relative quiet that followed the music, I found myself so smitten with Hope and the idea of dating someone as cool as her. I wanted to make it work. Hell, I felt ready to put in more effort than was typical of me. With some surprise, I traced that drive back to Max. He'd left me satisfied for so long I didn't need to push for sex first.

I entered the bathroom and went about my business, my thoughts had started to drift to what might happen later. Eagerness welled within me at the idea of inviting her back to mine, or, maybe she'd offer up her place? I sighed contentedly as I zipped up my fly. I wondered how good she'd be in bed and chuckled as I felt a semi forming in my pants.

But as I was washing my hands, I saw him in the mirror. Ralph leant by the door, watching me with the golden eyes of a predator. Someone else exited the bathroom and suddenly we were alone. A moment of aloofness passed over me as I turned to look at him. There was a casualness to our gaze that was ill-suited. Certainty broke within me as that fledgling arousal thundered to life. I strode over to him, plucked him by the wrist and dragged him into a stall.

I sat him in my lap. He was a small, quivering black shape against me. I groaned as his weight pressed on my crotch. He lay back against me, his paws reached for my face. I exhaled to hide a growl. There was something too natural about this way his body fit the curve of mine. Arousal seized me, its fiery influence too primal and encouraging for me to ignore. The way he wriggled against me told me everything I needed to know.

With our bodies pressed together, he was my little panther. I raised a hand to his waist. He didn't resist me as I tugged down both his pants and underwear in a single motion.

I reached for his cock, shocked at the surging arousal within me as I fondled him. I liked the feel of his five inches in my hand. I liked knowing I was almost double his size and so much thicker. Maybe it was another man's penis, but it struck me how in this moment that only resonated with my own masculine ideals.

I was bigger. He was mine. There was something girlish about how he squirmed against my thighs as I worked him. I'd fingered so many women to orgasm on my lap. I wanted to do it with him, like laying claim to new territory.

The briefest pang for Hope passed through my head and was discarded as Ralph loosed an ecstatic gasp. A better thought slid easily into place. Max had threatened to make me his little girl. What a fucking concept. I couldn't speak it aloud, but the idea lit fire to my thoughts. Ralph was my little girl.

I pulled his body tighter against my chest. My meaty hand fit snugly between his thighs as I jerked his cock. He gasped and purred in my lap, the vibrations rumbled pleasantly through me. "You're such a slut." I growled in his ear. "My slut."

"Uhuh." He managed between tight breaths. I stuffed my other hand up his shirt and pinched one of his nipples. He moaned at the contact, same as any woman would. My cock was rock hard, the fabric that bound it only distracted me from the moment. I lifted him enough to tug my pants down.

My thick cock was pressed between his thighs as he settled back against my chest. He made little sounds. Desperate sounds. Curious sounds. Hesitant sounds, like I hadn't already crammed the entire thing in him before. It didn't matter. It worked, the lust within me was unrelenting. His little paws found my cock.

I growled as I thrust firmly between his thighs. The soft fluff of his legs only coaxed my desire. As he started working my shaft I slipped my second hand up his shirt and tweaked both of his nipples. He jolted and whimpered. I squeezed harder and he moaned audibly.

Fiery thoughts erupted through me. Anyone else in the bathroom would've heard us. Good. Let them. My thoughts ran too rapid to catch up to my passions. There was no control as I shifted him in my lap. He was so light, so easy to push around. So easy to take any way I wanted.

I spread his ass in my face and I swear I'd never seen so glorious a sight. There was no doubt within me, I lapped at his crack. We moaned in unison as my broad tongue traced his pink hole. I lashed forward as I tasted the back of his nuts. He gasped as I nosed past to lick his sweet cock. "Jason," he pushed my name out between tight breaths. I relished it. There was a taste to his precum I never detected in Max's. Ambrosia, brighter and stronger than any honey.

The way he quivered in my grasp was pure ecstasy. A grin split my face as I cupped his tiny ass in my hand and nudged his hole with the tip of a finger. Pleasure turned to concentration as I stretched him. He was always looser than he looked, that was my little slut.

I was rushing, but fuck I couldn't contain myself. I crammed two fingers alongside my tongue and was immediately satisfied as he moaned far louder than was safe to. He was ready. I lifted him by his ass, my hands spreading him as I lowered him onto my cock. I thrust slowly into him and buried my face in his shirt to hide the moan that wracked my entire body. He was so warm. Tight enough to make me shudder with pleasure but with enough give that he sunk deeper into my lap with little effort. My hands pressed down on his hips, I could feel the way he shifted about my cock as it stretched him wider.

His paws clutched my horns as he started thrusting back against me. I whimpered as he rode me frantically. My fingers plucked at his nipples, but otherwise this was all him. His tail brushed under my chin in the cramped stall. I couldn't contain myself as he whimpered back against me. His voice curled softly through the air, like he tried to stay quiet but the pleasure forced it out of him.

I thrust into him and growled with the rhythmic pulsing of his hole. The new comfort of my bisexuality only made the moment more intense. He was a man but I could dominate him just the same, even he would coil and surrender to the pleasure I slammed into him.

My slut. "Fuck." I grunted and lifted him, I turned and placed him on the toilet seat to hump him with pent up fervour. I'd craved this since the gym. Fuck me, I'd craved it harder than I'd ever known. The unmistakable sound of my balls slapping against his taint filled the bathroom.

He fell silent against the cistern, his quiet was only broken by desperate gasps for breath. His face was creased in pleasure. It broke me to see him so defeated. I forced myself into him hard with one final thrust and collapsed over him as I lowed.

My cock throbbed as I sprayed a load deep inside him. He shuddered as his own orgasm splattered against the lid of the toilet. Both of us panted. I scratched him adoringly under his chin as I pulled out of him.

His body was like putty in my hands. I don't know what possessed me as I lifted his ass closer to my face, holding him so he hung almost upside down. My cum clung to his fur, some of the milky, watery part had separated and slowly dripped from his pink hole. I gasped as he started licking me. I always loved it when my partner cleaned me off after.

I blinked.

I could do the same. The thought seized me. Was this disgusting? I think I had to know for myself. Never in a thousand years would I do this for anyone else.

I forced my tongue into him. His hole felt different now. Stretched. He tasted entirely of my seed, which was salty and foreign despite me being its origin. But he moaned into my crotch. Not some careless throe of passion, but a deep soulful sound as every muscle in his body went lax. He pushed back against my face as I burrowed into his hole. He gasped like he was struggling to breathe, he was so lost in the pleasure I gave him.

It glowed warm within me. He wanted this so bad.

Fuck me, I wanted this so bad. And when I was done... he wouldn't stop me going again. He might even beg for it, if not now then soon. Knowing he was at the concert offered so many opportunities. Every act, I told myself as I lapped from the back of his balls to the base of his tail. I could do this every act. I nosed past his sack and let my tongue curl around his cock as it softened. Even his cum was sweeter than Max's. I smacked my lips over the taste of it. As much as I enjoyed it, it was nothing compared to the mutual pleasure of eating my own mess out of him.

I lashed my tongue into him so deeply he paused to purr and was so overcome by feeling he had to catch his breath before he returned to suckling on my cock. I slapped him on the ass and sighed contentedly.

Overcome with passion I pulled him to my face and kissed him far harder than I thought my shaking body was capable of. I grasped his cheeks and forced my tongue into him, he lapped passively back at it until he had to gulp in breath and retreat to brace his head against my chest. I exhaled, at ease and already thinking of how soon we could do this again.

"I wish we could do this whenever we wanted," he mumbled, his tail swished behind him as he tugged up his pants.

"Soon." I smirked at him as I kicked the door open to the stall, feeling as though I glowed with the splendor of dominating him. A stranger was by the sink, a flustered look about his face. I winked at him, he shook his head and grimaced before dashing out the door. At first I thought him jealous, but he seemed more disgusted or put out by having to hear our passion.

Regret spoiled the afterglow, all pleasantness fled me in an instant. Could we get in trouble for what we just did? Oh fuck. Hope.

"Why did I do that?" I muttered to myself.

"Because it was fun," Ralph offered in reply. I glared at him.

"I was on a..." I stiffened. "I have to go." I brushed past him. We weren't gone that long were we? I raced back to the concert and nudged my way through the crowd. I knew I smelled of sex, guilt hounded my every step. Hope would know, she was a dog. Even in a crowd her keen nose would sniff it out. What would she think of me then? When I elbowed my way back to where I'd been with her, she was nowhere to be seen. I cursed under my breath. The next act was already through a portion of their performance. I glanced around, somehow expecting to see her pop up near me.

Instead I saw her out on the green, her head dipped closer to one of her friends. She wore a chiding expression that only reminded me of every woman I'd ever lost. Doubtless she was venting her frustrations that I'd flaked after meeting her.

I growled to myself and turned away. Even if there was a chance I could fix it, I didn't think I had the energy nor the dignity to try. So I stormed off.

Emotions cascaded through me. I felt like such an idiot. Disappointment clawed at my chest, but it was my own damn fault. All I had to do was tell Ralph to fuck off. But no, simple easy pleasure had won me over again.

I found myself sitting against a wall near the sportsground on campus. Not a soul was around. From a hill I stared at the cloudless sky and wondered if I was destined to be alone. Somewhere behind me the rhythmic thumping of the concert sounded out hollowly. I hung my head.

Anger burned through me in a savage streak, but I felt lost at the thought of expressing it. I couldn't keep telling myself I was blameless, fuck me. I scowled at the sky and let my frustrations gouge vicious tears in my confidence. I'd lost the girl. I always lost the girl, but this time I'd own it. Hope had done nothing wrong, fuck, this was all on me and I knew that.

I sucked in a long breath. A weird thought drifted by. I think I wanted to tell Max I'd fucked it up. I sniffed uncomfortably. I wanted to be honest too about why, but I couldn't. It'd break his heart to know what Ralph and I were doing. I'd lose his friendship and trust in another way I'd have to wear the blame for. I ground my teeth and relished the unpleasant sensation.

The impulse was there to punch something. The wall of bricks behind me was a promising target; that would hurt. Fuck me that would hurt and that was what I deserved. I balled a fist.

A soft pitter patter to my left filled me with such dread I tried to tell myself I was imagining it, but no, the swishing shadow of his tail landed alongside me. I sat there, very still and very quiet. He put a hand to my shoulder. I seethed and stiffened.

"Everything okay?" Ralph asked. There was something soft to his voice, but it lacked the sweetness I'd anticipated. It sounded almost genuine if not for the fact that he was here at all.

I cut him a sidelong glance. "You're following me." I put no weight behind the accusation. I let my hand relax, I didn't want to lash out around him. He just shrugged.

I stared at him, waiting for any kind of reaction. Something. Guilt or an explanation or anything, but no, he just sat and patted my shoulder. Frustrations seethed through me. "The gym could've been a real coincidence. Not this." I squinted at him, my voice unpleasant. How stupid did he think I was? "All this music, the crowd. You're not the type."

He shrugged again. "What is my type then?"

Words seized me as the realisation hit me. He was stalking me. "The type to stalk my whereabouts off of social media."

He tilted his head. "Should be more careful what you post." He didn't even sound ashamed. "But I have good reason."

I scoffed. "What reason could you possibly-"

"I'm in love with you." He turned his eyes to mine. He wasn't pleading. He wasn't coating his voice in sugar. Just direct, to the point. Maybe even a little pained, like it was me that kept him waiting. Me that pushed him to such lengths.

I snorted, ready to challenge that and chastise him for his conniving but he continued before I could.

"And it's bullshit because Max won't let me near you." He hung his head. "So I have to do this sort of thing that makes me feel so slimy." His brow was furrowed, whatever frustrations I was about to air faltered on my tongue. This was a new side of him entirely, one I was more interested in seeing. "But we- you, when you do the things you do to me I know there's a chance." He sighed as he caught my eyes again. "I just hope you feel it too."

I held my tongue to turn it over in my head. It was an odd emotional puzzle to ponder, but more importantly it offered relief. He loved me? Like a missing piece something came together in my mind. Perhaps I wouldn't be alone after all.

Still, he was a stranger to me, truly. I knew his body so intimately, but that was all. This was more of a look into his personality than anything he'd shown me yet but it also wasn't something small, nor was it something forgivable. He'd stalked me. But I was also not forgivable.

I blinked. What was I meant to say?

"You don't." He seemed to retreat inside himself as he said it.

Guilt made me sling an arm around his shoulders. In some way, maybe I had been leading him on? I had gone far too easily to his seduction. Some part of me felt deeply uneasy, I had no answer here. No solution. "Look," I started, entirely unsure where I was going. "I don't think it'd be... appropriate." I caught myself. It sounded so indirect. "Max still-"

"Fuck Max." He cut me with his golden eyes. "He always thinks he knows what's good for me, because he's all he thinks about."

I coughed. That was... I tilted my head. No, that was correct actually.

"I don't care if he has feelings for me, I don't want him, he's so controlling." He caught wind as I nodded in understanding. "Yeah. Yeah of course you get it. From what he's told me about you, I could see his dirty pawprints all over how you act. What you told me outside the gym-" He spat on the ground. Something eased inside me at the gesture. He had far more to him than he let on. "Made me feel sick. Made me feel like I should find you, just to get you away from him."

I shook my head at that. "Look, Max can be a bitch. I know what you mean, but I don't need rescuing from him."

"Not yet." Ralph quirked his brow inquisitively. A moment later he hissed and cut his eyes away. "I'm so sorry Jason. I- fuck. I wanted to tell you how I felt in a good way, do this at a good time but I just. It just came out." He shook himself, the action all too familiar to me. Impulsive. Maybe we weren't so different, despite his usual quietness. My guard dropped. "Whenever I think of him I get all..." He diverted his gaze to a paw he held up, his claws were out.

My heart panged. Max had told me he'd tried to manipulate Ralph back into a relationship. I just didn't think that really meant anything until I saw this. I exhaled and rubbed his shoulder.

"Do you want to like, talk about it or something?" I wasn't good at this sort of thing.

He shook his head. "I want you to tackle me and take me right here."

I licked my lips. There it was. The promise of instant gratification, the allure of intimate companionship. We really were so alike. Solace blanketed all my fears and anger.

"That's what I like about you." He smiled as he nestled under my arm and hugged me from the side. "The passion, how easy it is." He rubbed my stomach as his gaze drifted to my crotch. "How good it is."

I rumbled in agreement. My cock was hardening in my pants. "You did say you love bi bulls."

He chuckled, then paused as he caught the distinction. "Wait."

I nodded, warmth in my cheeks. He squeaked and lunged for my face as he kissed me. I startled at it at first but leant into it. He made me so horny, so fast. "Now." I pulled him away from me. "I won't say I love you." I stared right into his eyes and only saw mirrors of lust. "Yet." He pressed a foot to the obvious bulge in my lap. A muscle in my chest dropped, desire ran boiling through me. "But keep doing that." I pecked him on the lips. "And I might reconsider." I tackled him.

By the time I realized what I'd told him, I was twice spent and pulling out.

Good Neighbors 6: Indulgence

I agonised over sending it. _Sorry_. It wasn't a good message but it was one I had to send. Regret gnawed at me. It had been days since I'd had my date with Hope but I flaked on her the instant Ralph made his body available to me. I'd never...

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Scorched Earth: Jinx-Eater

Clement hid his face behind a hand of cards. He hummed like he was thinking, one of his tall rabbit ears flopped at an angle to suggest he was defeated. Frustrations buzzed about the table as he hesitated. He was taunting the others and they knew it....

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Good Neighbors 4: Seduction

Those damn cats had ruined me. First it was Max, with his coy seduction and sharp words. Then Ralph, with his demure body, his pink paws, his everything. He was too much. And I couldn't have him. Max would be furious if I even tried, and I...

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