Good Neighbors 4: Seduction

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#4 of Good Neighbors

Jason tries to clear his head after the recent sexual experimentation but finds he can't quite get away.

Those damn cats had ruined me.

First it was Max, with his coy seduction and sharp words.

Then Ralph, with his demure body, his pink paws, his everything.

He was too much.

And I couldn't have him. Max would be furious if I even tried, and I didn't want to let him down.

It pained me. I'd never really found myself in a situation like this.

I needed to clear my head.

I'd taken some time off of work after my breakup. Just a week.

I was a personal trainer at a local gym. It was easy to arrange, I just had to call my clients and apologize.

But it was good to be back. Good to have something else to care about, to think about besides Ralph.

And Max, I guess.

It was beyond stupid to me that after not even an hour with Ralph, I had it in for him.

Big time.

He'd taken the baton Max had passed me and run miles with it without even trying.

He was just everything I was attracted to. Minus the guy bits.

But at this point I could overlook that.

It was a bit of a... thing. I think. In my head.

A thought.

Just a word that drifted idly about.


It made my cheeks flush.

Shame clawed at my belly.

I wasn't.

I knew I wasn't.

But for all of Max's prodding at my sexuality.



I mean.

He had penetrated me.


I liked it.

I know I did.

But that felt impossible to admit to myself.

I shook it from my thoughts.

After work I'd go rail my frustrations into his lithe body.

I smirked.

That was a good thought.


I drew in a long breath.

I clenched a fist by my side.

I was with a client.

I should not be thinking about these things.

My client was a husky who was in his mid 20s and a little out of shape.

He'd only started coming to the gym recently, most of the work I'd done with him was guiding his form for various exercises and weight training routines.

Right now he was planking, his body tense.

He always looked so focused on everything he did.

His blue eyes were so piercing.

He'd been holding the plank for close to a minute, which was pushing new ground for him.

My gaze drifted down his back. He kept it flat, no bowing in the middle. His core muscles had strengthened since we first started doing this.

His tail was held low and tense.

His ass was tight, the muscles clenched.

He'd probably feel amazing.

I blinked.

He was just the right size for me to push around.

He was good at following orders.

I bet he-

"Stop it." The thought crashed so strongly through my head I muttered the words to myself.

The husky gasped as he released the plank.

Embarrassment burned in my cheeks.

I didn't mean him.

Fuck me.

I wasn't-

This had never been an issue with me before.

Well, with male clients.

I actually stopped taking female clients a while back because of uh... my wandering eyes made more than just a few awkward moments.

Like this.

My libido was far too active for my own good.


The thought hounded me throughout my day.

I only had a few clients, otherwise I was like any other staff at the gym. Looking after equipment, running the front desk if needed and taking calls to book clients.

I hated the front desk, but we weren't a big business so if it needed to be covered I'd do it.

I wound up spending the last hour of my day as a receptionist.

It was late, dark out.

Most people had gone home.

Other employees were setting up to close for the night.

I was basically waiting out the last thirty minutes of my shift.

The front doors parted.

My eyes had been glazed over the entire time I'd sat at this desk.

I was off guard.

I didn't recognise the dark blob that walked in at first.

I shot up in my chair.

Ralph walked towards me. The small black cat looked surprised.

He wore dangerously short shorts and a loose gym shirt, like he'd designed the get up to show off as much of his body as possible.

My heart started racing.

Why was he here?

"Hey!" His face lit up when he saw me. His voice rose, he was louder now than he'd ever been in Max's apartment. "Didn't think I'd see you here." His white smile broke through the dark fur of his face.

He was too cute.

It made my chest warm.

"Oh, hey. Yeah. I work here." I rubbed at my nose. I sounded stiff.

"That's crazy." He chuckled.

Those words were full of false enthusiasm.

I... didn't want to think this was planned but.

I'd tell Max about this later.

Ralph had made enough noise some of the other staff had seen him.

Heard him.

"I was just thinking about getting back to a gym." He leant against the desk and looked up at me. "You guys have that one hour trial yeah?"

"Oh, yeah we do." I drew in a long breath. "But we close in half a-"

"If you know each other I'm happy for you to give him the full hour." A voice cut in behind me. "If you don't mind staying back."

I hid a grimace.

My boss.

She was desperate for new members.

Since we could pass as friends I'd get a small referral bonus if he signed on too, which did make it worth it.

"That okay Jason?"

The question prickled in my head.

I should say no. Not because I really minded, but because I had my doubts about Ralph.

But the thought of spending some time alone with him...

"Yeah, uh sure, no issue." I glanced back to her. I wish I had some way to signal this wasn't a good idea, but I had to stop the beginnings of a smile from pulling at my lips.

"Thank you!" Ralph beamed at both of us.

I handed him a few forms.

He was grinning at me.

I did not feel good about this, but once he'd registered his details I let him loose in the gym and to his credit, he perused the equipment like he'd told the truth.

He didn't seem at all concerned with me.

I hid behind the front desk, suddenly thankful for it.

More and more of the staff filtered out as their shifts ended.

Until finally it was just Ralph and I.

He was on a treadmill, which maybe that was what he came for but I had my suspicions. He could've done cardio anywhere else.

I leant against a neighboring machine.

I'd never felt more awkward in my entire life.


He cut his gaze to me but kept running.

"What are you doing here?"

"Need a new gym." He rushed the words in an exhalation.

He wasn't out of shape, but he wasn't fit either.

Even if all he did was cardio he'd have more muscle than he had now.

"When was the last time you went to one?"

The question hung in the air a little too long.

"Couple years." He started slowing the treadmill.

"Right." It tracked, I just... I'd only met him recently. The fact that he was Max's ex had me on edge, regardless of all the warnings Max had given me. If those two got on, I didn't entirely trust him to be as quiet and innocent as he seemed. "Do you have any fitness goals?"

"Get hotter." He smirked at me.

I cocked my head.

"Bit overkill don't you think?"

I regretted those words the moment they left my mouth.

Do not flirt with your neighbor's ex.

Ralph snickered.

He turned off the treadmill and paused to catch his breath.

"Can you show me how some of the other stuff works?"

I nodded.


Keep it about work.

He could be genuine.

He could actually need a new gym.

This was fine.

Coincidences happened all the time.

He led me to a rowing machine.

My gaze dropped to his ass.

I couldn't help myself.

Max had told me to stay away from him.

But he'd come to me.

And I could behave.

I could enjoy myself without it becoming more.

I just wanted to know what sounds he'd make with my cock in him and...

I bit my lip.

Maybe a bit much.

I showed him how to use a handful of different machines.

It was fine.

He was chill.

He was attractive.

I did my job.

I got some eye candy.

This was all very normal for me.

But when we got to the pec deck, he seemed stumped.

Couldn't work out how to use it from verbal instructions.

So same as any other client I stepped in behind him to put his arms in the right places and guide his motions.

I put my hands over his, shaped my arms and showed him.

He leant back against me.

His tail coiled around my leg.

He glanced up at me, his eyes wide.

A daring smile on his face.

I stared down at him.

My heart started racing, just feeling his body against mine.

He was almost everything I wanted.

I drew in a long breath.

And I tried to step back, but I didn't want to.

There was a stirring in my loins as I held him against the machine.

He nuzzled the back of his head against my chest, and took an excited breath.

The action so simple and seductive, it betrayed a sense of comfort he took in my body.

Comfort I wanted him to find in me.

It'd make it easier to do the sort of things I wanted to do to him.

I wanted to get filthy with him.

I wanted him to want me to get filthy with him.

Those thoughts were so enticing.

I would ravage him given the opportunity.


I should not take it.

For multiple reasons.

I pushed him away from me far later than I should've.

I stepped back and cleared my throat.

"What's that about?" I asked him directly.

"Dunno." He wrinkled his nose at me, like I'd ruined his fun.

"Not at work." I put some sternness in my voice.


Bad boundary.

Not ever, I should've said.

He quirked an eyebrow and said nothing.

I watched him, cautious not to ogle.

He relaxed.

"Where's the showers?" he asked.

I pointed him towards the changing rooms and sighed.

That was tense.

I was tense.

I was hard.

I wanted him.

But I was on my best behavior.

He wandered off.

There was less sway to his step, like he knew he wasn't going to get what he wanted.

But that had only confirmed to me this was no coincidence.

Those damn cats.

I went back to the front desk to finish packing up.

He appeared at my side.

I jolted.

He was so quiet.

"Door's locked."

I pinched the corner of my eyes.

Of course.

I grabbed my keys and went to unlock it.

I opened the door to the changing rooms and held it open for him.

"Um, do you have any soap spare? Didn't bring any."

I sighed.

Fair request.

I strode over to my locker on the far side of the changing rooms to fetch him a bar of soap.

When I turned, he stood buck naked behind me.

I hadn't heard anything.

No rustle of fabric.

No motion.


He stared up at my face, a twinkle in his eyes.

I was not subtle as my gaze drifted over his body.

The charcoal fur of his chest looked so fluffy.

He'd be so soft.

So easy to grab.

His nipples were barely visible but I wanted to squeeze them.

Lick them.

Teethe on them and touch myself to his moans.

My eyes landed on his crotch.

It was hard to admit I was not attracted.


I mean.

I wasn't.

Not really, like.

My thoughts just roared with the truth.

I was bigger than him.

And comparatively, that made me feel pretty damn good.

And the thought of my cock juxtaposed with his, mmm. That warmed my thoughts.

My chest was tight.

"Nothing you haven't seen before." He spoke softly.

I nodded.

"You probably need a shower too, hey?"

I bit my lip.


I always finished a shift with a shower so I wouldn't stink out my car but...

No. I could feel him pulling the rug out from under me.

It was similar to how Max nudged me into things.

"And I've already seen it all so..."

I drew in a long breath as I tried to conjure an excuse.

I was too stupid.


I think I wanted him too badly to convince myself of anything else.

He'd given me plenty of eye candy.

It was only fair.

And he was right.

It wouldn't be anything he hadn't seen already.

Hell, the first time he saw me I had my cock out.

I exhaled and tugged my shirt off.

In my mind, it was a test.

If he got touchy I'd back down.

But he didn't.

He stared at my pecs.

And he licked his lips, but he made no move.

This could be normal.

I saw others naked all the time in this room.

People even checked me out sometimes.

I liked that.

It was good for my ego.

That was fine.

It was a gym change room.

I knew what to expect here.

My heart pounded as I slipped a thumb under my waistband.

But this wasn't normal.

I didn't undress for people in here.

Not with their eyes glued to me.

I tugged my shorts down.

A little slowly.

A little tauntingly.

And I watched his smile deepen.

There was the slightest bulge in my briefs.

The beginning of a semi.

My thoughts were running hot.

But this could still be normal, even with a bit of teasing.

Erotic thoughts and moments were just an idiosyncratic part of life.

They happened sometimes.

They didn't have to be more than thoughts.

I took a deep breath and tugged at my underwear.

I knew that anyone who ended up in a situation like this goes into it knowing they're being foolish.

It was never as innocent as it sounded. Never just the tip. Never just because we'd already seen each other naked.

But that didn't stop me.

One thing had started, but it hadn't led to another.

Not yet, at least.

And that was okay.

I could keep telling myself it was okay.

I was naked with someone I promised I'd stay away from.

But that was so easy to explain.

It was a work thing.

A work thing to strip for each other in the showers.

It was like watching myself through a fish-eyed lens.

My consciousness floated above me, elsewhere.

Butterflies fluttered in my chest.

I was nervous.

I was excited.

I wanted to slam him against a wall and-

Do nothing.

We would do nothing.

He threw his arms up as he stretched and turned, arching his back.

His tail swished to the side to give me a clear view of his ass.

I exhaled.

Loud and wanting.

He moved towards the showers.

I stalked his heels.

I was shaking.

Not at work.

Do not do this at work.

Shower and go.

We'd had our little tease.

That was all it had to be.

A touch of fun on a dull day.

I liked that.

Maybe that wasn't quite normal, but it also wasn't too much.

But he was so close to me.

So naked.

So much smaller than me.

I was a bull.

The urge to dominate ran in my blood.

I could pick him up.

I could press his face into my crotch while I admired his paws.

A growl rose in my throat.

This was frustrating.

All the things I wish I could do.


All the things I wouldn't do.

In fact.

I knew I wouldn't.

Because I was straight.

It really would be an easy thing to control myself.

I shoved all the lust aside.

Back to business.

I turned the taps in the shower.

The moment the water hit me, I gulped.

Max had made it clear there were boundaries.

I would respect that.

But one look at the small black cat to my side and hesitancy grew in my mind.

He had his back to me.

He was sleek.

He was feminine.

I could appreciate that about him.

Back to eye candy.

A little indulgence.

He glanced back to me.

Steam billowed around us.

He took a step closer.

I furrowed my brow as he raised the soap.

"Need some help?" He sounded like he was trying to be clever.

I laughed. "Nope."

But the thought of his paws all over me.

Working a lather into my coat.

The way he'd touch me.

It caught in my thoughts.

"Fair enough." He lowered his hand.

The soap slipped through his fingers and landed on the tiles.


I rolled my eyes. "You're really pulling all the stops huh?" I folded my arms. "I told you-"

He placed his paw right on my cock.

I cut off mid sentence.

I twinged.

I didn't expect him to be so bold.

My semi had grown a little.

His expression dripped innocence.

"What's this?"

I grimaced.

Every fibre of my being said this was it.

Give in.

Take him.

Fuck him like you both want.

"My penis." I shifted my hips back so he was no longer touching it. He needed to understand there were boundaries.

"It gets bigger, doesn't it?" he asked.


Fuck off.

He was watching me. Sickly sweet and innocent, like this was a game.

"You know it does." I grunted.

He smirked and traced his hand down his body, guiding my eyes to his crotch.

He was hard.

Completely hard. Full mast and only five inches.

My eyes widened.

Fucking damn it.

My cock throbbed as it grew.

"Alright." I closed my eyes. I needed to cut out the stimuli. "This is where I work. Shouldn't do this." I went to take a step back but he lifted a hand to cup my nuts.

"Nobody's here." He stroked my nuts, gentle and soft. Pleasure rolled from his touch. I grunted.

It's more than that.

I should say that.

Should tell him something to get this to stop.

But I was easy.

Never was one to fight a good thing.

I knew I should've gotten his hands off me.

But I didn't want to.

Not now.

He felt too good.

One thing had led to another.

But I had an idea.

It seemed like a loophole.

"Here's how this works." I put a hand behind his head and shoved him down under my cock. His nose buried in my sack. My dick twitched on his forehead. "You do whatever the fuck you want to me. I'm not touching you." I folded my arms.

My heart beat heavy in my chest.

Arousal made me tense.

Made me stupid.

Some part of me truly believed that so long as I did nothing, this was on him. That Max couldn't blame me.

Ralph reached his paws up to my cock.

His pink pads on full display.

I moaned before he even touched me.

Pleasure delighted my belly.

This was a good idea, actually.

My cock was too thick for him to wrap a hand around.

He had to hold me in both hands.

And ever so delicately, he dragged his tongue up my shaft.

A shudder went through my entire body.

I moaned.

Pleasure rolled through me in waves.

He felt incredible.

A little coarse.

Pre oozed from my tip as my cock hardened.

"Forgot you were so big." His voice was soft but he sounded so impressed.

I crooned my neck. "Yeah." Grinning as I grew in his grasp. "Keep licking it, see what else it does."

My heart pounded so hard in my chest I was light headed.

I should not be allowing this.

But I wanted it.

I lowed as he lapped at the head.

"You gunna suck it?" I asked.

He purred as he opened his mouth.

I inched my hips forward, trying to goad him into it.

"Nine and a half inches of solid bull," I bragged. "You can take it."

It felt wrong to speak.

That delighted me.

I was meant to be passive.

No contact, nothing. Just let him get what he wanted.

That's what my innocence was banking on.

But I didn't want to be innocent.

I wanted to be satisfied.

He leant forward and suckled on my tip.

My entire body jolted at the wave of pleasure.

I felt so wrong and that was incredible.

"Go on." I pushed forward with my hips. "Take it all."

I wasn't even sure if he was like Max or not.

Didn't care.

I just wanted to see him try.

He crept lower, struggle plain on his face.

I could be too big for him.


Fuck that would be so hot.

I had to know.

I seriously had to.

My hand fell to the top of his head.

It was perverse.

My claim to innocence gone.

But I pushed him down on me.

He relaxed under my touch.

My cock slid inch after inch into his throat until his nose poked my pubes.

I bellowed as I held him there.

He'd played me.

Feigned difficulty.

Of course this whore could swallow me whole.

He felt incredible.

He was so warm.

It was overwhelming.

I'd never felt dirtier.

Balls deep in the throat of Max's ex in the middle of my fucking workplace.


The snow leopard's words ran through my head.

'Stay away from him.'

I wanted to laugh.

This felt far too good.

I thrust at Ralph's muzzle.

He gulped as he took it.

His paws stroked my balls.


I was shaking.

I couldn't keep it together.

It was too much.

I clamped his head in place.

My entire body convulsed.

A wave of pleasure blasted through me as I shot ropes down his throat.

He swallowed and spluttered until I released him.

He stepped back, swaying. Cum hung from his mouth. He wiped his lips with the back of a hand and licked it clean.

"Wow." He panted.

He seemed impressed.

But I wasn't.

I wanted to make it last.

Savor it.

"I'm not done." I snorted. "Get on your hands and knees." My voice cut low.

"Yeah?" Amusement grew on his face as he dropped to the tiles. "Max said you were a fast reloader."

Don't say his name.

Don't remind me.

I didn't reply.

I crouched behind him.

I was driven.


I felt like I had to do more.

I spread his ass.

I'd never done this before.

His puckered hole quivered.

I pressed my broad tongue against it and paused. Unsure what to do.

But he loosed a high moan.

I prodded his hole, my thoughts raced ahead.

I wanted to be in him.

I wanted the soft curls of his moans echoing through the changeroom.

So I pushed my tongue into him.

He shook and moaned.

I felt like I had to be gentle.

But I didn't want to be.

The sound of his pleasure stoked heat within me.

I tried to stretch him out with my tongue but he wasn't tight like I expected.

How many men had fucked him?

What number was I?

How many times had Max fucked him?

I growled as I pushed my tongue in as far as I could.

I'd do a better job than Max.

I knew I would.

I drew my tongue up his crack, arousal burned within me as his tail coiled around one of my horns.

I slapped hand on his cheek and exhaled as his ass shook.

"You are so fucking hot." I stared down on him. He stretched forward but looked back at me, his mouth hung open as he pulled in a slow breath.

I rumbled a growl and shifted forward.

If he could deep throat me with no effort he could take my cock to the hilt.

I grabbed the base of my dick, refractory period be damned. I was still recovering a little from the first orgasm, but it would work.

I lined myself up with his pink hole.

My head was bigger than it.

Just the site of it nearly brought me to the edge.

I prodded him with my tip, smearing pre over him before I pressed in.

To my tongue he felt loose.

But my cock was thicker.


And he was just tight enough I had to go slow.

He buckled under me, his arms fell out from under him as he moaned.

I was so focused on his body.

His small ass under my palms.

The way it felt like I was stretching him open as I pressed down half an inch at a time.

His claws scrambled at the tiles as he groaned, mouth open wide.


I couldn't not do it.

I pulled him into my lap as I leant back.

He was so light in my hold.

The back of his head rest against my pecs.

I crammed a thick finger in his mouth.

He moaned as he sucked it.

I had to close my eyes.

The stimuli was too overwhelming.

My cock throbbed deep within him. Pre oozed freely.

It was difficult to thrust into him at first.

His muscle clenched against me so tightly.

It pulled a deep low from my chest.

Pleasure made me light headed. Made my extremities tingle.

He made an exasperated sound with every motion, muffled by my finger in his mouth.

Both of us grew louder as I started humping at his tight hole.

There was no subtlety anymore.

If there was anyone left in the entire building they'd hear us.

I didn't care.

All that mattered to me right now was this moment.

This feeling of plowing the small black cat in my arms.

He wanted me to dominate him.

Wanted me to fuck him.

He'd seduced me so completely.

I thrust into him, gaining momentum with every slight convulsion he made against my chest.

I crammed a second finger in his mouth.

His gasps became muted but far more intense.

I was lifting his entire body with every forceful shove of my hips.

He made a haggard sound.

I felt every muscle in his body tense.

He shot a thick rope of cum over the tiles.

I lowed at the sensation.

He went limp in my hold.

It was too much.

I collapsed forward, pounding his ass with boundless energy. My heavy balls slapped against him and filled the air with our frenetic rhythm.

It was so overwhelming.

His body was so warm. So powerless under me.

I kept humping at him, rumbling as the pleasure doused me.

My arms tensed. I exhaled hard.

My hips froze as my cock jerked wildly within him.

His body warmed around me as I doused him with spurt after spurt of cum.

I throbbed as more filled his hole.

I moaned, thrusting slower and slower as I lost momentum.

I huffed and gave a final half-hearted press of my hips before I collapsed.

He lay face down on the tiles, chest heaving with every breath.

I lay over him for a long moment, heart slamming in my chest.

The warm water of the shower rinsed down my back.

I shuddered.

I think that was the hottest thing I'd ever done.

Even the afterglow was overpowering.

But it could be better.

"Tell me," I whispered in his ear. "Am I better than Max?"

Even saying his name while my cock was still buried in Ralph's ass felt perverse.

But he moaned softly. "So much better."

Like he'd grabbed my ego in both hands he stroked it enthusiastically.

I chuckled as I pulled out of him and sat under the flow of the shower, smiling ear to ear.

He ass gaped a little.

I did that.

Fuck me, I did that to him.

It was enough to make me want to slam right back into him.

He crawled into my lap and rest his face against my pecs.

I craved this so thoroughly.

So endlessly.

This moment.

Fuck me, this moment was how I wanted to live my life.

Aggressively sexual.

Nothing but pleasure.

I was a hedon, and a damn good one at that.

Ralph sighed contentedly. Like he thought the same as me.

But as that moment passed, I felt a little uneasy.

Rationality filtered back through the pleasure.

I shouldn't have done this.

My ears burned.

I seriously hoped the gym was as empty as I thought it was.

"I can see why Max took such a liking to you." He sounded almost blissful.

But I flinched at the name.

Why did he have to keep reminding me?

I nudged him off of me and stood. I closed my eyes and put my head right in the stream of the shower, just to try distract my thoughts.

I shouldn't have done this.

I know I shouldn't have done this.


It was in the past.

I washed myself in silence, though it felt awkward. Felt tense. Like he was waiting for me to say something.

This quiet was his comfort zone, not mine.

I turned the water off, grabbed my towel and sat on a bench.


Guilt welled up within me.

Should not have done that.


It was so good.

He sat beside me.

I cast him an odd look, but he leant over my lap and pawed at my cock through the towel.


His eyes were wide.

There was hope in his voice.

My ears twitched.

Arousal sparked in my chest.

Yes I wanted to fuck around with him again.

Fuck me, I wanted to get nasty with him every hour of the day. If he was that eager to have sex, he might be the first to match my appetite.


All I had to do was lean back and part my towel.

My breath was heavy.

Even after I'd blown two loads in him it still felt wrong.

I lifted the edge of my towel.

The muscles in my chest tightened as he nosed his way under the fabric and licked me.

I went tense.

He felt too good.

I should push him away.

His coarse tongue circled the head of my cock as it started to grow.

Don't let him.

I leant back on the bench.

He tugged my towel apart.

All I could do was watch as he worked his tongue over my swelling cock.

He was so delicate.

Every motion so intent. So guided. My dick hardened to full mast.

It bumped against his chin as he lapped at me.

It was mesmerising.

I needed him to stop.

Needed him to continue.

His paws circled the thick base of my cock.

He tightened his hold to make it throb.

I moaned.

A bead of pre formed on my tip.

I was just about to push him away when he swiped it up with his tongue.

The coarse bristles lingered on my slit.

I lowed.

I wasn't going to stop him.

I knew that.

It felt too good.

Fuck me, I was never going to stop him.

Not from the moment he stepped into the gym.

I was dazed.

He was so dedicated to my pleasure.

He licked me at an eager pace.

It felt like I was watching my own fantasies as I lived them.

It didn't take long for me to buckle and bust.

He lapped up every drop of my cum, then leant forward to nuzzle my balls.

He exhaled contentedly.

And kept licking me.

He was so warm.

So good.


I could've sat there for hours and let him keep going.

It took every single ounce of willpower I had to push him away.

"Alright." I sighed. "Think that's enough."

"Sure." Ralph nodded.

We didn't say another word to each other as we dressed.

It felt too awkward, like we were stewing in the aftermath.

Guilt clawed at my chest. I shouldn't have done this.

It was multifaceted. I shouldn't have done it at work. Shouldn't have done it with him. Fuck me.

He waited for me to finish gathering my things.

I kept waiting for him to ask when we could do this again.

I was prepared to say never.

But he never asked.

Instead he hit me with the worst possible thing the instant we stepped outside the gym.

"I love bi bulls."

There was that fucking word again.

Why even say it? Why not just leave it at bulls.

"I'm not bi." I raised my voice.

He blinked. "Right, sorry." He frowned. "I forgot, yeah. You're straight. I remember."

There was something so infuriating about how politely he backpedalled.

He knew what he was doing.

I was convinced.

"Sorry." I hated to shout for no reason, but. Fuck. "Look, just. Don't entirely feel great about what we did."

"How come?"

I wanted to hold my tongue, but I couldn't. He needed to know.

"Max told me I shouldn't mess around with you."

"What? Why?" The question jarred me.

I shrugged. "I dunno."

"That's pretty weird of him." Ralph furrowed his brow. "We're two adults. We can do what we like."

I sighed. "I actually agree."

"Then what's the issue?"

"Can't have both." I grimaced.

"Oh, I think you can. You already did last week. Max won't mind joining in if-"

I shook my head. "I think he would."

He was smiling to himself.

Like he enjoyed my guilt.

I felt played.

Felt used.

But also satisfied in a way I hadn't for years.

And I wasn't sure what to do about that.

Because he'd filled my head with fantasies of his body.

And he'd fulfilled them.

And more.

I wanted that without the conflict. Without feeling like I was letting my friend down.

I grimaced as I fished my car keys out of my pocket. "Anyways. I'll see you around, maybe. I'd prefer it if you found another gym."

"Oh you drive?" He ignored me entirely. "Can you give me a lift home? You can stay the night if-"

"No." I glowered at him.

"Aw." He wrinkled his nose. "Last thing. Can I get your number?" He stared up at me.

Say no.

Fucking hell, say no.

My mouth felt dry as I fought down the urge to give in. "No."



He squinted at me. "Why not?"

"Just- look. No."

He frowned and pulled up his phone.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

He chuckled. "Is there another bull called Jason working here or is this you?" He turned his phone so I could see it. He was on the gym's website, on the personal trainer page. I had a segment with my details.


I bit my lip.

"Yeah. But come on." I groaned internally. "Don't."

"Why not? We had fun, right?"

I scrunched up my face. "We did. So let's leave it at that."

"Alright." He nodded and put his phone away. "Maybe that's foul play."

There was something hollow in his words.

The fact he'd even called it foul play felt like it was giving his game away. But maybe he wanted me to know that.

Fuck, he was so much like Max. Different, but the same in how he treated conversation like a game he had to win.

He didn't run circles around me the same way Max did. Rather, he played a game of chance.

Did I believe he meant it? Could I trust him?

Had he given me enough of himself for me to interpret his words correctly?

I frowned over it.

No matter what I believed I felt like he'd mix me up regardless.

"Anyways." He swung his bag over his shoulder. "Bye." He started walking off.

I said nothing.

At Max's place he had been quiet and a little awkward.

But today he was happy to speak more openly.

These fucking cats.

I rubbed at my face.

Was he quiet because of Max?

Or was I really getting played?

I chewed my lip.

I could ask?

Max would know.

But he'd pry the truth of what Ralph and I did from me whether I admitted it or not.

So that was a no go.


Was this on me?

Did I fuck up?

I mean... I did. I know I did.

But I didn't want this to be complicated.


I stared at Ralph as he headed for a bus stop down the street.

He was bad news.

Or maybe Max was?

I squinted.

"Fuck this," I muttered under my breath and put it all out of my mind.

Their problem was their problem, even if I was now part of it.

I needed to go home and relax.

Blow off some steam.

Decidedly, I did not want to see Max. Just in case he knew, or pulled the truth out of me somehow. It would be so like him to know. He'd smell Ralph on me, or taste him, or something. I don't know.

But I knew it would happen.

I got into my car and sighed.

My phone buzzed in my pocket.


I lifted it up.

A new number had texted me the black cat emoji.

"For fuck's sake." I grimaced at the notification.

I came so close to blocking the number.

So, so close.

Because it was the right thing to do. It meant I could even show Max if I needed to.

But I didn't.

I put my phone down and drove home.

Guilt haunted me as I climbed the stairs to my floor.

I think I feared what was waiting for me.

Because I knew somehow this would be messy.

Guilt hounded me with each step.

I- I really didn't want to do this, but I knew I had to.

I stopped outside Max's door.

I knocked and grimaced.

He answered a moment later.

The snow leopard's face lit up when he saw me.

"Hey." He brushed back his brown fringe and leant against his doorframe with a coy smile on his face. "Something up?" He looked at me like he expected me to reply with 'my cock'.

I took a deep breath. "Can we talk about something?"

"'Course." He stepped back and beckoned me in.

Walking into his place made my head spin.

I'd only been in here a few times, but each and every time he'd changed me somehow.

I half expected it to happen again.

"I..." I paused.

The way he looked at me said it all.

He was waiting for a confession.

But it was like I could see his thoughts.

Not this confession.

He wanted to hear that word floating around my skull.

"Uh. This is so difficult." I rubbed my snout. "Did you send him after me? Like, a test or something?"

I already felt like I'd fucked it.

If he'd planned this, it'd be written all over his face.

He tilted his head.

A scowl filled his face.

"Huh?" He knew who I meant. He already knew.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and held up Ralph's message to him.

His brow knit together the instant he saw the number.

Something uncomfortable seized him. He looked at me a little coldly.

"How the fuck does he have..." he trailed off as I held up my hand.

"He came to my work."

Max blinked. "What." There was no humor in his voice.

I clenched a fist. "He wanted a new gym, apparently. But he pulled my number off of the website." My heart thundered in my chest. "We didn't do anything." I kept my voice steady as I lied. "But I felt you should know."

Even now it felt like a gamble.

If he had arranged this, he'd know immediately I was lying.

But he only stared off over my shoulder, like he was trying to calculate something.

Relief spread through my limbs. He didn't know.

This was all Ralph's doing.


Was that better or worse?

"I promise you. He just showed up. I was pretty shocked, didn't want anything to do with him." I bit my lip.

Max was unreadable.

He scrunched up his face, showing fangs. "I don't believe you."

I scowled at him. "Dude. I promise you. He just showed up."

"And then?" He raised a brow quizzically at me.

"I just- I tried to send him away, couldn't. He was a customer, basically." Anxiety chased my words. If he dug any further I'd almost certainly give something away. "I didn't know he was-"

Max raised a paw to quiet me. "Oh no, I believe that he showed up. But I know how he works. And you're not smart enough to deal with him."

I cocked my head and gave him a stern look. "What?" I was not good at feigning innocence. My stomach did flips. He'd dig something out of me any second.

His nose twitched.

I broke eye contact. I could stop this. "Look. He tried to follow me to the showers, I sent him away. I uh, might've been game anywhere else. Like... yeah. I know. He's hot. I'm impulsive." I tried to sound a little ashamed. "But not where I work." That was my throughline. The thing I could rely on. The one thing he'd hopefully respect. He knew nothing of my work ethic.

He frowned. "You get benefit of the doubt on one condition."

"What is it?"

"Text me when he shows up at your work again."

I blinked. "When?"

Max snorted. "He will, trust me."

I sighed. Please no. "I'll do it."

He brightened. "Good man."

I took a deep breath. "This sucks."

He cocked his head. "Yeah?"

"I know what you think of me, but, I don't feel good about this sort of thing. I don't really want any trouble, just, yeah." I offered an awkward smile. "I want to be good friends with you."

He nodded. "That's actually... Hm." He furrowed his brow again. "So my problem is I trust you. But I do not trust him. And I also trust you've got a literal cock for a brain, and I saw how you looked at him." He sighed, but he spread his arms and stepped forward to embrace me.

It felt surprisingly warm and earnest.

I held him against my chest.

"All I ask is that if you fuck up, please tell me." He leant back to stare me in the eyes.

"I will. Promise." I rubbed his back. I felt awful for it. Half of me wanted to brag.

Three loads in your ex, and it was the most arousing thing I'd ever done.

Instead, I pulled away from the hug.

"I gotta get dinner ready."

"Come round after, if you're game." He winked at me.

I chuckled. "Done." I didn't entirely want to, but I knew what he'd think of me if I didn't keep up appearances.

I brushed past him and locked myself in my apartment.

I let loose a silent scream.

These fucking cats.

I didn't want to dob Ralph in, but, fuck. Max's trust meant something to me and I didn't want to hurt him. This situation was ugly. Far too ugly.

I bottled the anxiety, crammed it right into the deepest part of me.

I was about to go get my dick wet for the fourth time today. Things weren't all bad.

Good Neighbors 5: Stalked

Only I could fix myself. It was a realization that had dawned on me the day after Ralph came into my place of work. I didn't need to remind myself that I nutted in him thrice, that was all I could really think about. I was obsessive. The thought of...

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You were estranged. The years were cold and cruel. For a being of warm passion, it was torture. The lion pranced about his prairie. While you were chained, disavowed and repressed. You called to him. He seldom answered. Fleeting...

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Mutt. (A Wolf's Plea)

"How did it feel being a millionaire's puppy?" My voice sounded a little tinny, spoken from behind a camera. A wolf sat centred in frame, seated on a milk crate with his back to a brick wall in an alleyway. He had gentle brown fur interspersed with...

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