The Best Job Ever!

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Worked out a little RP between myself and the very sexy mewtwo Lapatte, that eventually worked into becoming the ideal job for a horny artist.

The Best Job Ever!

By Kendo Kawabata. With input from LaPatte Mewtwo.

Patte slowly woke up, shaking his head from his dreamy state to force himself to focus on his screaming alarm beside his bed. His hand emerged from under the tangle of his covers to find his phone and somehow press the screen to turn off the blaring unwelcome noise.

He grunted and closed his eyes, pulling the blankets back over his head and grumbling to himself, trying to will himself to go back to sleep and he almost did, before his phone blared again and he realised that he had pressed snooze instead.

"Dammit" Patte grumbled as he forced himself to get up and throw his covers off his bed. Now he had to get up. Stupid mornings.

The mewtwo sat up in bed and stretched himself out as he yawned again and rubbed his eyes. He was not much of a morning person, and he would have slept longer if he didn't have to actually get up at this somehow ungodly hour.

"Need coffee" he grumbled as he pulled himself from his sheets and stumbled out of his bedroom, his bare feet stomping across the floor with thuds on the worn carpet. His bedroom was small and cramped, like the rest of his little apartment. He managed to make it into the kitchen where the coffee maker was already whirring to life and starting to deposit the elixir of life that he badly needed.

He padded over to his small living room to the pile of clothes dumped on his couch, fumbling through for clothing to wear while he tried to clear his head and wake himself up fully. He had a big interview that day, and he needed to look sharp. If he could find something to wear.

Patte was a mewtwo, purple in his colourisation that covered most of his body, but with red along his underbelly and tail. And with the amply wide hips and large ass that came almost naturally with his kind. He took his living as an artist, completing digital artwork for his league of fans and whoever was happy to pay for it. He also had a deal selling imagery of himself in various outfits and poses for his delighted fans, and he was paid rather good money for showing off his shapely figure in fishnets.

Funnily enough, his website was aptly named "Patte Cakes", and his motto was that he always served a big slice.

However, with the popular rise of AI generated art and the rising cost of pretty much everything else going in his home state, Patte was no longer able to cruise by on just the money of his art alone. Sadly his fan base were also suffering and were not able to afford such luxuries of his providence and his commissions were dwindling slowly.

Having to pay for rent, utilities, the good internet and all the fancy clothes that he loved to model around in his photo shoots had racked up the bills and now he was faced with the prospect of finding an actual job.

So that's where he found himself, getting up at the ass crack of dawn to head into the city for an interview, the tenth one this month where he'd wait around for two weeks only to never hear back from them and head off to another one.

Patte tossed his dress clothing on the back of a recliner and went back to the counter to fill the biggest mug he had with coffee. Wearing nothing and baring everything, Patte looked quite the sight sipping coffee fully naked in his kitchen. But he was alone so it's not like anyone objected.

"Another day another interview" he said to himself as he felt himself waking up with the injection of caffeine straight into his system. Although he'd something more to survive on if he was to get through the day.

He opened up his fridge and bent over to inspect the contents, looking through to see what he had. His big ass stuck outwards like a big fat mushroom as his tail lazily waved back and forth.

He was down to the dregs. A couple of milk cartons, bottles of water, a block of cheese, container of butter. A bread bag with a few last pieces inside. Only the butt ends. There was a small box that was down to it's last muffin. Well, that would have to do.

Once he had downed his coffee and polished off the last chocolate muffin, Patte then headed to the bathroom to take himself a shower. His one bedroom apartment was cramped and small, but it was all he could afford anymore. He had to downsize once the rent on his old unit had gotten to the point he had to make the choice between rent and food. It was now livable, but he did miss the old place. Least his old place had enough space he didn't smack his ass into the wall when he bent over.

Patte soaped himself up in his shower and began to clean himself off, catching a few sneaky and flirty looks with his reflection in the mirror opposite as he washed. He was a very desirable mewtwo, he had to admit. His ass was definitely his best feature, big and bouncy and ready to be pounced. And he had acute little dick to go with it. About average for his species, although between his thick thighs it looked smaller then it normally would have.

His artwork always reflected himself, as he liked the attention. And he liked to see the art form of himself getting into all sorts of naughty situations. And he did like the attention the real life version of himself got. People were happy to pay to see his glorious magnificent ass in all sorts of naughty and lewd ways and positions.

If only someone lived nearby to actually grab it and do said lewd and naughty things to him. Sadly, most people around the place either didn't recognise him or were too shy to come up and give him an ass grab.

Coating himself in a body wash that claimed to smell like cookies and leather, which smelt like neither, he made sure to scrub himself everywhere he could reach. He had to make a good impression at his interviews if he was to land himself a job.

He rinsed off and stepped out, grabbing a towel and starting to dry himself off. He let out a grumble as he held the towel up and inspected it. It was getting old and starting to wear thin. Just like a lot of things he had he needed to replace it with money he didn't have.

"Really need this damn job" he thought to himself as he went back into the living room and started to get himself dressed. He huffed out in annoyance as he realised that he didn't have actual underwear to wear. He hadn't done that load yet.

"UGH. What a way to start the day" he said, annoyed as he trumped back to his bedroom, big round ass jiggling with each stomp of his feet as he had to fish out something to wear. His underwear drawer was down to the dregs, and the only thing available was a rather racey pair of black panties that he saved for his more expensive photo sets.

"Well, not like the interview is gonna ask me what I'm wearing" Patte thought as he slipped the garment over and up his legs and almost wedged them into place between his cheeks. They barely covered anything over his backside, but that wsa the point when he bought them.

He trounced back to the living room and proceeded to get himself fully dressed in his, hopefully best looking, suit. A nice pair of black slacks that fit his form well, a dress shirt in blue and a black jacket to match. He found a tie, somehow there was one amongst all his clothing piles and wrapped it around his neck and into place.

Socks and shoes were last before he grabbed his satchel bag and made sure he had wallet, keys, phone and everything else he needed. And his updated resume and college course results and all the other stuff that he had been drilled into thinking actually helped with getting a job. Once done he strung his bag along his shoulder and took a look at himself the mirror.

"Ugh. I look like someones secretary" he grumbled to himself before he walked out the door.


"Dear Mr Patte.

I would like to extend to you an offer of providence towards you from our company. C.A.P is a hard working company that seeks to provide guidance, inspiration and a creative atmosphere towards local artists of all kinds, and we are happy to extend to you a place within our company. If you would like to arrange an interview, please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions that you may have. We do look forward to seeing you in the future, and to see your creativity flourish underneath us.

With Regards,

K. Kawabata, C.E.O of C.A.P

Creative Arist Productions"

Patte reread the email as he sat on the train, wedged between some construction worker bear that took up two seats and some old lady hunched over holding a large shopping bag that was suspiciously moving. He could barely have the room to hold his pad up as he read the email again.

C.A.P. was an actual business, even if Patte hadn't heard of it before this. Of course, getting an email with an offer for an interview was suspicious, and Patte wasn't dumb enough to just jump right in. So he did do his research and checked the company online.

There was an official website for the company, which was more like a giant slideshow of information about all the artists that the company hired. The company seemed to really just be a huge place for a lot of local artists to safely practice their artistry, and also help promote their work and get the word out and help promote them.

The list of artists that the company represented was rather extensive, and Patte was sure that he had heard of a number of them before. Although he wasn't sure where he knew them from. The company seemed to represent artists who used physical media, digital media, and whatever else seemed to come in. Although how exactly they did that, the website didn't answer.

The owner of the company, a K. Kawabata, didn't have a public picture on the website, just his name. When Patte called the number, he got some member from the HR department explaining things to him, and quickly setting up an interview. Strangely, he didn't get slotted for a meeting within the next fortnight or even the next month. It was only two days later.

Normally all the hiring agencies put him on a waiting list and he didn't hear back from then for several weeks until they had a 'couple of offers' that were quick to send out rejection letters. What kind of company was this eager and quick to get an interview going?

So here he was, sitting on the crowded train and keeping watch on the stations as they flew past as he waited for his stop. The train into the city was a long one, and there were many buildings and heavily graffiti ed walls to watch fly by.

Finally the train reached it's destination and Patte was almost pushed out of the way with the crowd as they were all in too big of a hurry to exit the compartment. Patte found himself pushed along with a crowd of people too much in a hurry and too unbothered to make room for him as he emerged into the streets.

The building he was looking for was on the next block over, so it must have been lucky to get such a prime position so close to a central station. It took him a minute or two to find the building itself, as he wasn't too sure what he was looking for.

"Wow" he said when he finally spotted it. The building itself was old with a certain gothic theme surrounding it, painted a dark red and the entire front just very large display windows, that were covered in various art works. He couldn't even see through or around the brightly painted scenes and characters. And it was big. It took up a lot of the street. Like a major department store would take up such space.

The front doors were large glass double doors, and the one on the left simply said 'C.A.P', and the door on the right had the public opening times of the building. There was nothing else on the doors to indicate anything else. If Patte hadn't bothered to be looking for the building, he would have walked right past it.

Patte pushed the door open and walked in, finding himself in a very spacious lobby. Calm instrumental music was being played, with a few fancy looking lounges spread out and some very large potted plants placed strategically around the place.

A very large reception desk was laid out in front of him, armed by a Yoshi wearing a headset and tapping away on the computer, watching the three monitors spread out in front of him. The lobby was completely vacant aside from that one individual.

"Hello. Welcome to C.A.P. What can we do for you?" the yoshi asked as he looked up from whatever he was going as he saw Patte walk up. He was wearing a rather dapper looking suit in a dark blue, that matched the light blue colouring of his body. The name badge on his chest said "Sam".

"Um, hi. I'm here for an interview" Patte said as he walked up and saw the Yoshi start typgin again. Sam looked between the three monitors as he tapped away rather easily.

"Let's see...Patte Mewtwo?" he asked as he looked up. "Interview booked for today, two days ago?"

"Yes that's me" Patte said with a nod. "I'm not sure who with though, they didn't say over the phone."

"Take the elevator down the hall on the left. You'll be going to the fifth floor. You're interview is scheduled up there" Sam stood up as he gestured down the hall behind the reception desk. Like most yoshis, all the assets were in his ass. And his pants seemed very tight fitting and showed off his shapely cakes.

"There are two elevators back there. The one on the left is for the public. Take that one up" he said before turning back to Patte. "Don't worry though. You'll be fine up there" he said with a grin as he sat back down in his chair.

"Oh, well, thanks" Patte said with a nod as he made sure he still had his bag and everything in it. "I really need this job. I haven't been able to find anything lately" he added.

"You'l be fine. The boss hardly says no to anyone here" Sam with a smile as he gestured to Patte to get going. Patte nodded and hoisted his satchel bag back over his shoulder and began to walk down the hallway.

"Loved your latest piece of artwork" Sam said with a smile before going back to whatever he was doing. "Hope your interview goes well."

Patte stopped walking away and turned to look back, wondering if he heard him right. From the distance he could see the screens on the monitors, and saw that the left one had a youtube page up and running, the middle one had excel sheets and the on the right, was displaying several porn pics.

Patte felt his face going red as he recognised one of those pictures. Which happened to be one of him bent over his bed, sucking on a large rainbow coloured bad dragon like it was a lollipop while showing off his backside in nothing but a pair of stockings and a big bow wrapped around his tail-base.

"He's...allowed to look at that stuff?" he wondered as he adjusted the front of his pants quickly before walking even quicker to the back of the lobby. The lobby branched into a long hallway, the right hallway having a set of double doors that looked like they were locked with a key-card. The hall on the left branched off to two elevators at the end with a big vending machine in the middle.

Patte walked up the left one, which said "Public Access" on the top, and the right one said "Artist Access." Patte pressed the button on the left elevator and stepped in as the doors closed behind him.

There were only two floors marked. One marked 'Lobby' and the other floor was marked 'Floor 5 - C.E.O Office'. The yoshi Sam had told him to use the lift on the left, and the fifth floor was where he was to go. But to visit the C.E.O himself? For a job interview?

Patte pushed the button and the lift hummed to life and began to rise upwards, slowly enough that he didn't notice it save for the arrows on the display reading upwards.

There was a soft tone and the doors opened to reveal another lobby, albeit a smaller one. A lush looking seating area on the left with a couple of couches and a receptionists desk on the right. In front of Patte was a thick looking rug that lead to a set of marbled wooden doors, holding a plaque that read 'K. Kawabata. C.E.O'.

The receptionists desk was empty and Patte didn't see anyone else around. It did seem that both elevators went up the fifth floor, so anyone could visit the boss up here if need be. So rather then waste his time waiting he walked up to the big double doors and knocked firmly.

The doors clicked and opened up, revealing a large plush looking office with a big black mahogany desk that was in a large L space that took up the middle of the room. Another couch and coffee table to the side, and a small counterop with a fancy coffee machine perched on top. There was a big window at the back of the office that gave a good view of the city outside, flanked by huge heavy curtains on the side.

There were a few large landscapes on the walls, resting in huge heavy looking frames. And a large television against one wall so the one at the desk could relax and enjoy entertainment without going far.

"Ah, you must be Patte. It's good to finally meet you in person" the lion said as he got up from behind the desk. Patte felt his eyes go wide slightly. The lion was a big boy for sure, tall and well muscled with a tightly wrapped jacket around those big round pecs trapped beneath. He had a very neatly groomed deep blue mane and had a pair of fancy looking glasses on his nose bridge.

"You''re the boss here" Patte said as his hand was grabbed and firmly shaken. The lion had a good firm grip, so he was also a strong boy.

"Indeed I am. I'm glad that you accepted our offer for an invitation here to work" Kendo said with a smile as he gestured to the chair in front of his fancy desk. Patte found himself guided towards it and sat down, finding that the chair was very comfortable and his big butt filled the space rather well.

"I ...wasn't too sure what this one was about, to be honest. Gotta be careful with things, you know?" Patte said as he got comfortable as the lion sat behind the desk. The desk had a gap underneath and he could see the lions fancy shoes there. He had a rather naughty thought about how roomy the desk was under there, and quickly shook the thought from his head.

"Yes, I understand that all too well. You can't be too careful these days" Kendo said with an understanding nod as he clicked something on his computer and looked at it for a minute or two before addressing Patte.

"So, what do you know about our company?" Kendo asked.

"Well, I took a look at your website, and I'm guessing you represent artists or something?" Patte said."At least that's the impression that I got from it."

"In a sense" Kendo said with a nod. "I'll be frank, I have F you money. And rather then spend my time funding some new cheapskate multi million dollar store, or funding a rocket to mars to compete with my masculinity or spend my time jet setting around the world lecturing people on climate change, I decided to use my money to fund something actually meaningful" he said.

"So, I turned to the artistry community" he continued. "Artists need support, and a creative atmosphere to supply that. And not copious amounts of drugs and alcohol to fund their creativity" he said.

" do you do that?" Patte asked.

"I basically pay artists a living wage and all the health benefits and such so that they don't have to worry about making a living and can focus on their creativity" Kendo explained. "Whatever art they want to do, I have no problem with it" he said. "As long as you can pump out your artwork at a pace that you're comfortable with and you're happy to do it, I'm happy to pay you" he said.

"So, do you like tell them what to do? Like a commission system?" Patte asked.

"Oh no, I don't tell any of them what to do or what not to do. I do tell them to pack their bags and leave if they don't do anything and just lie around getting paid to do nothing. I do expect to see some kind of progress, even if it's just you practising pose sketches and anatomy for the next three months" he said.

"So, you don't tell them what do do?" he asked. "Like what investors do?"

"Of course not" Kendo said. "Tell me what artist likes being told what to draw and how to draw by people who think they can do so just cause they throw money at them" he said.

"I can understand that all too easily" Patte admitted. "You won't believe how many people want to scream at me cause I drew a line wrong" he said. "Or cause I was a day late due to some real life incident."

"Hence why I just let them do their thing. Although if they think they're art form is to build up a throne made out of milk cartons filled with piss as a statement of fucking the patriarchy, then I'll be stepping in and kicking them out" he said. "And throwing those piss jugs at them on the way out."

"So, can I work on commissions here?" Patte said.

"Of course. And since your not doing them for money, you can probably lower your prices and people will commission more from you" Kendo said as he nodded. "And we'll help promote your work too" he said.

"You can do that?" Patte asked.

Kendo nodded as he turned a monitor around and Patte saw a list of artists displayed, as well as a large picture of their current work. Patte suddenly realised where he had recognised some of the artists from the company website, once he saw the NSFW that he had followed on his own social media.

"Wait, you let then draw porn?" Patte asked in surprised.

"Why not? It's still art" Kendo said to him.

"Well, I thought porn wasn't accepted in mainstream art" Patte said.

"Art is still art" Kendo said. "And you can produce whatever you want here. Safe for work or straight up porn, long as your doing the art you love then I'm happy to let you work" he said.

"Wow, I didn't think this was the kind of job I'd be signing up for" Patte said as he felt a smile on his face. "This could solve so many problems for me" he said as he felt happy. "And I don't have to worry about when I can pay my rent?"

"Of course" Kendo said with a chuckle. "But, I'm not strictly hiring you for your art" he said as he turned the monitor back around. "You being able to draw your art here, that's a bonus for you" he said. "That's not the position that I'm hiring you for."

"Wait, that's not what I'm being hired for?" Patte asked.

"No. What I need, is a personal assistant" Kendo said. "You might have noticed the empty desk outside my office. It's empty and I need a good ass to fill it" he said.

"A good...huh?" Patte asked, feeling a little confused.

"A good ass. Like yours" Kendo said as he turned the second monitor around and Patte blushed heavily as he saw several pictures from his online sets on display. "I'd like this ass to be working for me" he said.

"Wiat...what?" Patte asked as he stammered a bit.

"You see, one thing that I've found here to get the creative juices flowing, is that all artists need to be able to express ideas freely and without feeling like they'll be shot down" Kendo said as he stood up. "And all artists should be free to express themselves" he said as he walked around the desk.

"And if you are looking for the best inspiration to create your best adult related art, you need to get inspired. Mentally, emotionally, and of course, physically" Kendo said as he lent against the desk as he stood in front of Patte.

"Um...physically?" Patte asked as he gulped.

"Sex" Kendo said with a smirk. "Open office sex is permitted around here. Artists can wear what they want and fuck when they want if you want inspiration from it" he said. "After all, you get the best poses from real life inspiration, and if the two next to you in the cubicle over are fucking in the best position then why not pick up a pencil and draw it right away?" he asked.

"So...we'd be having sex on the job too?" Patte asked as he had to put his satchel over his lap. "Like, every day if we wanted?" he asked.

"Of course" Kendo said with a nod. "Every artist needs it's muse after all. And every boss has needs too" he added. "Of course, it's all consensual. And it's not mandatory either" he added.

" and me...." Patte said as he looked up at the big lion. It was then he began to notice just how big he was, how his suit was well filled out and slightly revealing to the big muscled underneath. And the way his crotch was packed. And kind of standing right in front of him. These chairs must have been designed well.

"Of course" Kendo said with a nod. "We will have a proper employment contract written up, all legal of course. And you can agree to the terms as well. Sex on the job is optional, but so far no-ones complained about it. But if you want a regular position here to focus on your artwork and your own brand, then that's fine too."

"And of course there is an NDA to sign. Can't have you talking about what goes on at the job here to just anyone out there" Kendo added. "We also have some artists here who work for some AAA studios and entertainment departments, and their work is rather hush hush."

Patte had to break his staring off for a moment to register what his boss was saying. So, he could be a paid artist and have lots of sex. Or he could be the boss' personal assistant, be a paid artist and have lots of sex.

And he'd get the big hunk of lion meat in those pants all to himself. Or most of the time all to himself.

"I...I'd love to work here. It sounds like a great place" Patte said with a smile as he licked his lips. "And the benefits sound great. I'd love to be able to draw and work on my art without having to stress about paying my bills every week."

"Wonderful" Kendo said with a smile as he clapped his hands together, looking rather pleased with Pattes answer. "So, lets get on with the rest of the interview" he said.

"The rest of the interview? You mean that wasn't it?" Patte asked. "I thought this was just a sit down interview" he says, looking a big confused. "Oh, wait. You want see my resume now? Or my referrals? I have my sketch book and pad here if you needed to check my artwork."

"No, that was just the introduction" Kendo said with a chuckle. "And honestly, do I need to your sketches? I have you followed on social media and I've seen your private photo-shoots. Trust me, your online profile was enough for me to extend an interview to you" he said as he gestured with his hand. "Now stand up for me and do as I say" he said.

"Why?" Patte asked as he looked up.

"Because I need to see if you can follow orders. A good assistant listens and obeys after all" Kendo said. "Now stand up for me boy" he said. Although it sounded more like an order.

Patte felt a shiver rub down his back as he was called boy and he put his satchel down and stood himself up. His hands were immediately smacked away when he tried to cover the obvious tent in his slacks.

"No hiding it. You're going to have to get used to showing off around here" Kendo said. "You'll be given a proper uniform but you need to get used to being seen every day like this. And in less, if I have my way" he said. "Now, hands on the desk" he said firmly.

Patte didn't argue with that as he stepped up beside the lion and put his hands on the desk, finding himself bend over slightly to stick his big backside out.

Kendo picked up a clipboard and a fancy fountain pen from off the surface of the desk. He gave Patte a look over, almost sizing him up. Patte had a feeling he was doing that anyway, and he felt a shiver go down his spine. The lion said nothing for a moment before he began to fill out the form.

"Lets see. Name. Patte Mewtwo. Age. We'll put legal" he said as he wrote, speaking out loud as if he wasn't talking to anyone in particular.

"I'm 22" Patte pointed out as he looked over his shoulder.

"Still legal" Kendo said. "Height. Decent" he wrote down. "Weight. All in his ass" he said as he brought his hand down and smacked Patte on his ass, making the feline squeak and his backside wobble from the impact. His pants somewhat dulled the spank, but he still felt it.

"Spankable" Kendo said as he rubbed his hand across that big ass, sliding down under it to feel it's heftiness and roundness. Either feeling up his ass and sizing it or just using it as an excuse to molest him. Either way, Patte panted slightly and felt a throbbing in his crotch. "Definately heavy. Bonus points for that" he said as he wrote it down.

Patte felt a hand underneath him and suddenly his pants were undone. They slid down his legs and landed in a clump on the floor around his ankles. He heard a deep purr of approval as that hand rubbed over the slutty panties covering his ass. He felt a blush spread over his cheeks. Aside from numerous anonymous patrons on the internet, the lion was the first to see his naked ass this close and personal before.

"You definitely dressed for the job you wanted" Kendo said with another approving purr. "If only all the people coming here did that. They'd get the job faster" he said as he gave that big ass another firm slap to the side, making Patte moan out. "Ass. Dump truck. Perfect" he said as he scribbled it down on the form. "Turn around. Shirt off" he ordered.

Patte stood up and removed his jacket, face blushing red as he stripped himself down and kicked his shoes off, leaving just his socks and panties on. He was about to remove his tie but felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Keep the tie on" Kendo said. Patte nodded and removed his shirt, adding it to the pile on the floor. Patte turned around and lent back against the desk, holding onto the edge as he looked at the lion who was looking down at him. He felt exposed. Again. And he shivered as his bulge throbbed in its lacey confines.

"Very nice" Kendo purred as he looked the mewtwo over. "Body. Slender and cute" he wrote down. "Definately a trim waist. Child bearing hips for sure. I know some mons into that kind of thing" he said as he wrote it down. "Chest size. Minimal. Cute nips" he said as he rubbed his thumb over one of the mewtwos nipples, making him shudder slighty. "Dick size. Go on, whip it out" he said.

Patte blushed and tugged the front of his lacey panties down and his dick flopped out, bouncing hard and needy in the air as he exposed himself

"Adorably small" Kendo said as he wrote it down.

"It's not that small" Patte pouted in annoyance. "It's normal. Just looks small between my thighs" he said, grumbling slightly.

"It's adorable" Kendo said with a smile. "Now, sit up on the desk" he ordered.

Patte nodded with a slight huff and hoisted himself up, sitting himself up on the desks surface as his big ass seemed to spill out as he sat down. Kendo put the form down for a moment and grabbed the mewtwos panties and slid them off his legs before tucking them into his pocket.

"Won't be needing those" he said as he grabbed the mewtwo by his ankles and pulled him up against the edge of the desk. Patte squeaked out and blushed as his legs were lifted up and spread open very easily.

"Lets have a taste here" Kendo said as he leaned in and dragged his tongue along the mewtwos hard cock. Patte gasped out as he felt that tongue lick and slide along his throbbing length a few times before it was taken into the bigger males mouth.

Patte squeaked out and arched his back as his dick was swallowed and sucked, rather eagerly too. He hadn't had sex in a good while, too busy dealing with lifes hurdles to satisfy himself outside of his hand and toys. And to have someone suck his dick felt so good he was leaking pre rather hard already.

"Oh shit" he moaned out as he grabbed the lions head, slipping his fingers into his mane as the lion bobbed his head up and down on that cute cock in his mouth, firm strong hands rubbing his thicc thighs. The lions mane was thick and very soft, and he couldn't help but grab handfuls as he held on.

He panted as the lion dragged his mouth up to the tip of his dick and give it a firm suckle, his tongue licking around that cock-head a few times before he went down down and took the length easily into his mouth. Obviously, his new boss wasn't afraid of getting his mouth dirty.

"Fuck...oh fuck" Patte moaned out as the lion sucked his dick up and down, seemingly taking his time with it for a few minutes before he pulled off slowly, letting it slap up against the felines stomach before he gave it a kiss and lent up, licking his lips.

"Dick. Definitely tasty" he said as he grabbed the form and wrote it down. "An easy mouthful. Sensitive too" he added.

"Oh shit that felt so good" Patte panted out as he lowered his legs over the side of the table. "Did you have to stop?" he asked, almost regretfully.

"Surprised you dont get more attention. You're a very sexy mewtwo" Kendo admitted. "And yes, much as I would love to suck that dick and make you squirm and whimper, I do have to finish the interview and evaluation" he said.

"Oh fuck I wish" Patte panted out as he resisted the urge to grab his dick and pump it. "Some days I just wish someone would pin me to the wall and just do lewd things to me" he said.

"Up on all fours" Kendo ordered. "And that just might happen around here" he added.

Patte squirmed a bit as he managed to roll over and pick himself up, lifting himself properly onto the desk and getting onto all fours. He was familiar with this position, it was frequently demanded on his website. Patte lowered his chest down and spread his legs, making sure to keep his fat ass up nice and high.

"Eagerness: Very" Kendo said with a smirk as he wrote it down. "Balls" he said as he cupped Pattes hanging orbs in his hand, making the boy moan out a bit. He weighed them in his hand and jostled them a little before letting them go.

"Good size. Nice and full. Pent up I bet" he said. Patte could only blush and nod in agreement as his cock drooled a puddle on the desk.

"Now, onto the good stuff" Kendo said as he put the form down and then smacked his hand down on the metwos ass, making a hard impact that caused his cheeks to jiggle from the impact as he let out a loud mewl from the spank.

"Cheeks. Like Jello" Kendo said as he quickly wrote that down before he grabbed the boys cheeks and squeezed them firmly in his hand. "Big and bouncy too. Just the way I like them" he said as he pushed them apart and forced Patte to expose his tight ring to him.

Patte gasped out loud as he felt the lions tongue against his pucker, feeling it flick and lick across his tight pulsing ring as he whimpered out.

"Mm, definitely tasty cakes" Kendo said as he let the boys thick cheeks close around his face as he held him in place, dragging his tongue along that tight ring several times as he eat that tight ring.

"Oh fuck" Patte moaned out as he felt that tongue go to work, working its way along his tight ring as it got wet with the saliva left behind. It had definitely been a while since anyone had eaten his ass, and with the way that the lions tongue was probing him and slurping up his entrance, he was hungry for it.

He moaned and panted, feeling the lions face bury into his cheeks as his hands rubbed and squeezed those big cheeks, almost pulling them together to smother his face into his crevice. That hungry tongue pushed and prodded against his hole as drool ran down the back of his hanging balls.

"Oh shit..oh fuck that feels good boss" Patte panted out as he gripped the edge of the desk, holding on as his ass was hungrily eaten. His cock was throbbing and drooling onto the desk as he panted out loud, face flushed with the pleasure.

He gasped as another slap landed on his ass, feeling it bounce against the lions head before another slap landed on the other side, making his cheeks bounce against one another. His legs quivered and thighs rippled from the impacts as well as the pleasure he was feeling from the lions tongue.

He let out a gasp as that tongue finally penetrated his ring and he let out a long whine as his hole opened up from the invading tongue. It felt so good as that tongue began to dart back and forth in his hole as he was slurped and lapped.

Patte whimpered and panted out loud, drooling at this point before the lions tongue quickly left his ass and the bigger male stepped back, giving his ass another hard slap to his cheeks.

"Definitely tasty" Kendo said as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and wrote it down on Pattes form. "Enjoys eating cake. Definitely" he wrote down.

"Fuck boss man" Patte panted out as he relaxed his grip on the edge of the desk.

"The interview isn't over yet" Kendo said as he reached over the side of the desk and opened up the top drawer, pulling out a thick bottle of lube. Patte saw the bottle and knew what was coming next and he couldn't help but wiggle his ass in anticipation.

Patte heard the click of the bottle open as the lion squirted lube onto his fingers. The mewtwo relaxed himself as best he could as he felt those slicked up fingers start working into his hole.

"Hmm. Definitely needs some good work back here" Kendo said as he pushed two of fingers in, Patte moaning out from the sudden intrusion into his ring. Those fingers were thick and felt so good as they worked their way in.

"Stretchy boy though" Kendo said as he wrote it down with his other hand and pushed his fingers right on it, feeling Patte take him to the knuckles. "Definitely has a lot of potential here" he said.

Patte whimpered and let out a loud and sudden gasp as his button was pressed roughly inside him, making him jolt in pleasure as his cock spurted hard and sent a thick rope of pre across the desks surface. He panted out loud and almost squealed as Kendo roughly pushed his button as he twisted his fingers around in his hole.

"Vocal. Very vocal" Kendo wrote down, as if fingering his interviewee wasn't a big deal. "Takes anal insertion well" he added as he twisted his fingers back and forth.

"Oh fuck boss" Patte moaned out as Kendo lifted his fingers, Patte moaning out loudly as his hole was stretched upwards. His ring was held up slightly for a few long moments before he was released and those fingers plunged back in.

"I'll get to that" Kendo said with a smirk.

Patte panted as those fingers finally left his ass and he felt an empty feeling inside him as his ass was left in the air open and vulnerable. He heard the lions zipper and knew what was going to happen next.

"Next on the list. Can you take the bosses cock?" Kendo asked with a smirk. Patte looked under him between his legs and his eyes widened slightly. The lion had opened up the front of his pants and let his pants fall to the floor, wearing nothing underneath and holding a very thick looking fat cock in his hand. He had a thick bush of dark blue fur around the base of his cock and his balls looked heavy and full.

"Fuck yes I can" Patte said as he wiggled his ass back and forth, making his cheeks wobble and bounce as thick lube drooled down his balls from his needy hole.

He felt that big dick slap against his cheeks and the fat cock head pushed up against his hole. Patte wiggled his hips and tried to push back, feeling that cock head try and gain access to his hole.

"Adoration of cock is definitely high" Kendo said with a smirk as he grabbed the boys hips and held onto him firmly. "Now, lets see how receptive you are" he said as he pulled him back.

Patte gasped out as that big dick slid into his lubed up hole, his ring spreading out as he took his bosses dick, feeling it slide right in. He pushed back, sinking his ass down on that big dick as he felt it fill his insides.

"Damn. Definitely receptive" Kendo said as he gave a firm push, shoving the rest of his cock into that fat ass as those big cheeks seemed to sink over his hips and spill out.

"Oh fuck, so full" Patte panted out as he felt that big dick fill up his insides in a way that the toys back home didn't. He panted and squeezed, feeling those big balls press up against his thick thighs.

"Fucking fine ass, for a bitch boy" Kendo said as he held the boy tight around his hips and pulled back, his cock slowly sliding out of that tight ring before only the head remained, tugging gently at that ring as he felt that hole try and suck him back in. Patte wanted to protest at the name, but he felt that pleasant shiver go down his spine as he was called that and he didn't say anything.

Patte cried out loudly as that big dick was suddenly rammed back into his ass as those big cheeks collided with the lions hips with a firm spanking sound. The lions hips pulled back and then thrust forward again, colliding with those cheeks and making them jiggle from the impact.

"Fuck" Patte cried out as the lion began to fuck him. He wasn't being gentle or going easy on him. Those thrusts were firm and hard, pushing every inch he had into him as he made sure that the mewtwo took every inch.

"Damn this is good ass" Kendo growled as he thrust in every inch, his big balls colliding with the mewtwos big thighs with each thrust. The steady sound of spanking filled the office in time to the mewtwos moans and pants as the lion grunted with each thrust.

"Oh gods...oh sweet Arceus" patte panted out as he resumed his grip on the edge of the desk and held on, his body starting to rock back and forth as he was jolted forward. Those hips were spanking his ass with each thrust and he had to hold on to keep his balance.

"Yeah, take it bitch, you fucking slut" Kendo growled as he grunted, thrusting his hips forward and making Patte bounce on his cock. Those big cheeks bounced like two big mounds of strawberry jelly, bouncing and rippling as the flesh started to turn a darker shade of red from the spanks of his hips.

"Oh fuck me" Patte moaned out as he gripped the desk. The lions cock filled and flooded his insides with thick lion meat. The biggest toy Patte had at home was a fat nine incher, and it was his favourite. But this lion dick was even bigger, and fatter. And it was currently putting his favourite toy to shame as his cock throbbed and spurted pre each time his inner hot spot was rammed into.

"Oh fuck. Don't stop. Don't stop" Patte panted as his tail whipped out and smacked the lions hands away from his hips. He gripped the edge of the desk and began to bounce his ass back and forth, forcing his ass to bounce and jiggle as he started to ride the lions cock like it was his new favourite toy.

"Mmm, definitely eager" Kendo said as he put his hands behind his head, seeing Patte bounce his ass on his cock back and forth on his cock. The mewtwo was horny and eager for a pounding, and now he was bouncing that fat ass on his cock without any need for him to do anything.

"Oh fuck me boss" Patte cried out as he bounced his ass back and forth, forcing himself back onto that big ass and spanking his cheeks against those muscled hips. The lion just smirked and purred out, enjoying the tight anal walls gripping and massaging his cock as he thrust his hips forward, making his balls bounce against those thighs.

"Wanted this bitch ass since I saw it" Kendo grunted as he stuffed the boys ass with his cock. "Watching you wander in here, that fat ass boucning and swaying, begging me to abuse it. God you're such a slut" he growled. "No hesitation at all either, you bitch."

The sweet sounds of sex and moans filled the office as Patte bounced on the lions cock, spanking himself onto those his as he lion enjoyed the way that ass took care of his fat cock.

"Shit boy...I'm getting close. You want it boy? You want this fucking load you damn whore?" he growled as he slapped his hand along those fat cheeks, adding to the reddening marks on his skin.

"Arceus yes. Fuck me boss. Make me your slut" Patte cried out as he kept bouncing his cock back and froth. His own cock was throbbing like mad as he could feel his own climax building up, feeling his own need rise as his balls felt like they were going to boil over.

Kendo reached around and grabbed the mewtwos tie, pulling him back like it was a leash and making him arch his back to push that big ass back more. He slapped his other hand down on his ass and grabbed a handful of cake, holding onto it as he started to thrust back into that ass properly.

"Fuck boy, take it. Take it you bitch" he growled out as he thrust in again and growled out loud, thrusting his cock in balls deep as those big heavy balls of his pressed up against the mewtwos, far bigger then the felines as they began to pulse and throb.

Patte cried out and his eyes went wide as he felt those thick heavy bolts of lion spunk fire off into his backside and start filling him up, feeling every pulse and throb of that big dick as it fired off inside him.

The hand left his ass and reached under him, wrapping around his cock. The hand was big enough to wrap around every inch he had and squeezed it, giving it a few firm pumps. Patte couldn't have held back if he wanted too and squealed loudly as his cock blew and started firing thick streaks of mewtwo cum across the desk, creating an even bigger mess over the surface.

"Damn boy" Kendo said as he panted, letting go of the mewtwos tie and rubbing a hand across his mane, smoothing it back into place as he panted to regain his breath. "Definitely marking you high for that" he said as he rubbed his hands over that now deep reddened ass.

"Oh fuck...oh damn" Patte panted as he let go of the edge of the desk. He was sure there were now claw marks on the desk from that as he felt that cock slowly start exiting his ass.

He let out a gasp as that big cock left his ass with a lewd popping slurping noise, thick blobs of spunk starting to run out of his gaping hole and down the back of his thighs, streaking his thickly red thighs with obvious bright white cum marks. He had to clench hard to force his gaping hole to close up and keep that thick warm lion spunk inside him where it belonged.

He let out a small squeal as a fat hard object was pushed into his ass, and he felt his ring open up easily as it swallowed a fat butt-plug that he didn't notice the lion grabbing off his desk. The plug was lodged in firmly and Pattes ring clenched hard to keep it in.

"Takes to toys. Easily" Kendo pointed out as he grabbed the clipboard, his cock resting on Pattes right foot and drooled the last of his spunk between his toes as he wrote out.

There was a moment as he felt something press just above the curve of his ass, next to his thick tail and work its way along his cheek, before the feeling stopped and he felt the lions hand pat his big ass before he went back to writing.

"Takes the bosses cock. Easily. Likes sex. Obviously. Loves to be fucked. Well duh" he wrote out. "Has good capacity. Needs work. Inches deep. All twelve" he said.

"You're twelve inches?" Patte asked as he panted, looking between his legs to see the lions dick resting against his foot, seeing how thick and heavy it was. "And I took all of that?"

"Considering the content of your commissions, I'd expect you to take a mudsdale" Kendo said with a shrug.

"Fair point" Patte said as he heard the pen scribble and the lion shifted back as Patte began to slowly climb himself off the desk, being careful as his legs felt like jelly.

"Oh fuck boss" Patte moaned as he wearily picked himself up, feeling his feet land back on the floor as he pushed himself off the desk. He could feel his cheeks burn in a delicious pain as he moved.

"Mm, definitely a keeper here" Kendo said as he didn't bother putting his pants back on and walked around the desk, holding the form in place and finished filling it out, standing there half dressed with his half hard dick on display like it was no big deal.

" did I pass?" Patte asked as he managed to steady himself on his shaking legs. "I really, really hope I did" he said. Although he did wonder what he'd have to do if the lion said he needed more convincing.

"Oh, you're hired for sure" Kendo said as he finished filling in the forms and put them on his desk. "I'll be taking the paperwork to HR and we'll get it official" he said.

"So when do I start?" Patte asked as he rubbed his sore backside.

"Officially, tomorrow. But we can get you set up properly today to start and then have you worked out by the end of the week. Need to get your id and clearance and uniform all sorted too" he said as he grabbed Patte by his collar and pulled him in for a firm kiss.

Patte felt the lions tongue invade his mouth, and was surprised at first by how forward the lion was. But he submitted almost immediately and he happily sucked on the bigger males tongue and let it explore his mouth for a few moments. It was rather regretful when the lion pulled his tongue back out.

"You can wear what you like in the office. Just make sure it's easy access back here" Kendo said as he rubbed the mewtwos fat butt. "Of course, wearing nothing but your panties is also advised. But the tie I'm going to recommend as mandatory. It makes a nice formal leash" he added.

"Yes boss" Patte said as he moaned from the firm grip to his ass. Kendo nodded before walking him out of the office, pulling his tie like a leash. Patte blushed but obediently followed him out. It was kind of hot to him, to be led around by his tie like a good obedient boy. He did grab his satchel on the way out.

Kendo lead him to the empty desk outside his office and patted him on the butt.

"This will be your work area from now on. Anything you need for it, we can arrange for it. And anytime I need you for anything, I expect you to come into my office ready and eager to serve" Kendo said to him. "Coffee, reports, take notes, lay in my lap and let me feel you up. Or get under my desk and put that mouth to use. Whatever I want" Kendo said firmly, with a smile on his face.

"Yes boss. I'll do anything for you" Patte said with a smile and an obedient nod.

"Good. Now just rest up while I get your paperwork sorted" Kendo said before he walked back to his office, Patte watching his thick rear bounce slightly with each step he took.

Patte sat himself slowly down on the very plush chair behind his new desk, feeling his ass fill out the seat rather comfortably as he settled in. The desk was spacious and looked like it could be set up to be a good work station for him. There was no computer, not yet. He'd probably have to put in a request for one.

Patte pulled open his satchel and laid out his pad, phone and papers, spreading them out on the desk as he sorted himself.

He pulled open one drawer and found it holding several bottles of flavoured lube. The drawer under held several sex toys, including a few dildos and sturdy looking butt plugs.

"Least he's prepared" he said, as he suddenly realised that the lion had done something on his ass. He quickly stood up and bent himself over the desk, flagging his tail to the side as he spread his legs. He picked up his phone and quickly snapped a few pictures.

Patte stood up and held his phone in close, getting a few good photos of his freshly fucked ass. The buttplug was clearly visible, and had a bright red and white jewelled base, like a pokeball.

"Well, that's appropriate" Patte said with a smirk as he felt his anal ring quiver around the toy now that he was thinking about it. "Wait, what is that?" he said as he had to zoom in on one of the pictures.

The lion had grabbed what looked like a permanent marker and had written "Kendos Bitch" across the top of his ass like a tramp stamp. It was written in large but fancy looking writing, and he knew it was going to be hard to hide at all.

"Gee, I look like a hooker" Patte said as he rubbed his hand over that stamp. He couldn't help but smirk to that thought as he rubbed his ass. Guess this came with the job too.

He sat himself down in his chair, feeling that plug push up into him as he settled in. He'd have to get used to that feeling. He lent back in his chair and wrapped his hand around his still hard dick and slowly stroked it as he thought about his new job.

He was going to enjoy this new position. And he had plenty of inspiration for his next art.

Starfox - End of an Era Chapter 2

Star Fox - End of an Era Chapter : 2 By Kendo Kawabata "Mmm, you got such a tight ass on you bitch!" "Mmmph,'re so big." "Oh shut up and take it slut bird, you love it." "Gaah...haaahh....too...

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A Coach and his Chubby Boy Part 4

A Coach and his chubby Boy : Final By Kendo Kawabata and Silverlonewolf Andel. The alarm sounded off with a shrill blaring for several moments before it clicked and the morning news report finally came on. The stale boring monotone voice off the...

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A Coach and his Chubby Boy Part 3

A Coach and his Chubby boy 3 By Kendo Kawabata and Silverlonewolf Andel "You're still fat." Nori sat in the passenger seat of his coaches car, watching the countryside pass him by as he rested his head against the window, eyes not really focusing on...

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