A Coach and his Chubby Boy Part 4

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#4 of Coach and Boy

Final installment in this series. Hope everyone enjoyed. All ages in this story are of age.

A Coach and his chubby Boy : Final

By Kendo Kawabata and Silverlonewolf Andel.

The alarm sounded off with a shrill blaring for several moments before it clicked and the morning news report finally came on. The stale boring monotone voice off the newsreader broke the morning as Nori yawned loudly.

"I need to change stations" he muttered to himself as he pulled his body out of the big double bed, swinging his feet over the side and planting them onto the thick fuzzy carpet. "And coffee. Need coffee" he muttered as he stood up.

The bed groaned from his movement as he sleepily and groggily made his way across the spacious bedroom and into his bathroom, the light blaring in his eyes for a moment as they adjusted. The gold and black marble of the bathroom came into view as he lumbered over to the sink and turned on the faucet.

He splashed water on his face and rubbed it into his eyes and across his cheeks, smacking his face a times lightly to wake himself up as his vision cleared itself up. He grabbed a black hand-towel from the side and rubbed his face dry before grabbing his glasses from the display stand and worked them onto his face as he looked at his reflection.

A rather handsome looking adult tanuki looked back at him, Nori having recently celebrated his thirtieth birthday. He did have to admit, he was something of a looker. A stronger jaw, nice thick hair in a stylish cut, a short goatee and moustache around his chin, more adult looking glasses then the little specs he used to have. He had grown taller as well, finally hitting that growth spurt, but still on the short side of things.

He had grown elsewhere as well, bigger hips and fatter thighs gave him an ass that everyone couldn't help and stare at. A fat belly that many wanted to rub and mash their faces into. And a nice pair of man tits that he knew a number of people wanted to motorboat. And the thick nipple piercings didn't hurt either.

Nori turned, took his glasses off and got the power shower going, stepping under the thick pressured spray and started working himself up in a lather. There was a large mirror in the shower as well, and he was able to catch everything as he washed himself up. From the treasure trail of thick fur that ran between his tits down to his thick bush around his fat cock and huge balls. To the tramp stamp that had been tattooed on his ass that read "Kendos Bitch". His eighteenth birthday present.

Nori had ended up finishing high school with very high grades and a number of scholarships that basically paved his way to whatever college he could pick. Every ivy league and top tier had been opened to him. It had been the biggest achievement of his life up to that point, and he had been so happy to get the good news that his future was secured he had literally squealed.

However, two things had ruined it. The first being his parents extreme disapproval of his choice of career path. Noris dreams and ambitions to bring Dyson Spheres into the world had been met with criticism, but because of all the work he had put in and all the theories he managed to prove meant that there was merit to his ideals, and it would be a career in the making to pursue them.

And, if he ever had any dreams that his parents would actually approve of such a lucrative and entrepreneurial career, their reactions cemented it in reality that they never would.

His fathers reaction was to talk about how much of a risk it was, and how bad of a risk it was. And why couldn't his son choose a more stable career path like he could and actually fit in with society on something that wouldn't turn him into another Jobs, or Musk, or even a Trump. Why did he have to be such an idealist and not just conform to societal norms like everyone else?

His mothers reaction was to lament that her son had spent all that time studying instead of getting fitter, and how much of an embarrassment it was to her that she had to explain how her son was so fat she couldn't take him anywhere without introducing him as her 'husbands son'.

They basically laid it out on the line for him. If he continued down this path, he wouldn't be getting support from them. He would be out on his own, and they would refuse to support him. Even if he failed and came back, grovelling on his hands and knees to beg for forgiveness and grovel for help, they would shut the door in his face and refuse to acknowledge him as their son.

It was an easy decision to make. Which, while easy, was still hard for him to do.

The second thing that soured everything was that he had to leave his master. Kendo couldn't really say no to his teaching job, and Nori wasn't going to ask him to do that. It wasn't fair for him to uproot his masters life to chase him halfway across the country for the next few years. So the big lion wasn't able to be there during his formative college years. They had made sure to spend as much time together before Nori had to leave, spending his last summer practically living at his masters house with him and barely leaving said house.

Nori pursed his lips as he thought of the memory, that last drive to the station to send him off to school. They had sat together on the bench, holding hands together with Nori resting his head on the lions shoulder, watching the wall clock tick slowly on wards. It had been a very solemn hug and kiss together, standing on the station platform together as the train pulled in and they held onto one another as long as they could.

The tanuki had barely spoken the whole ride away, just resting his forehead against the window and watching the world fly by as he was carried away from the one person who meant the world to him.

However, thanks to the internet, they kept things long distance. It wasn't the same, but it was still good for them both. They talked every night and every morning, every chance they could to keep each other to happy in their life. They might have been at opposite ends of the country, but his master was still in charge and keeping him in line.

Nori still had curfews, study time, rules to follow and daily cam sessions with his master all throughout college. Kendo continued to push the boy with his studies, and made sure Nori had his head on straight during his exams and his finals. He wasn't allowed to date either, studying came first, sex later. Course, anytime Nori needed some stress relief, he had to open up his toy box and perform on camera for his master. Which he was very happy to do.

It was kind of kinky, being a cam star for his master and watch him pump his fat cock as the boy showed off the new sex toys he bought. Or the new leather bondage gear. The night he put on the pup mask and acted like a dog had kind of gotten them both riled up and blowing hard.

Spring break had been worth waiting for as Kendo rented them a hotel room in New Orleans and took his boy for the worlds biggest party at Bourbon street, going for carriage rides down the main streets, a boat tour of the Mississippi, and Noris very first Beignet at Cafe Du Monde. Not to mention the fact that Kendo fucked him every morning, evening and every chance he got that week.

Of course, it hadn't been all spring breaks and cam sessions and dirty texting to one another. Nori had been allowed out on occasion, as a treat for being a good boy and for following the rules. The college age tanuki boy had been allowed to go out to the local bar or gay club and have his fun, as Kendo couldn't keep him under lock and key all the time. Which they had discussed, and decided not too. Long distance chastity was too much of a risk when it came to who owned the keys.

But Nori had only one rule to follow. He had to tell his master everything. Everything that happened on those nights. No details spared. For the nights when he just went for a drink and had a relaxing time, it was hardly a story worth telling.

But for the nights that Nori did find a fling, those stories were fun tell. Talking about the big muscled panther lineman for the colleges rival who made him choke on his cock in the parking lot outside the bar and ended up with a spilled load of feline cum across his fat tits.

Or the time one of his professors had walked in. The big horse had been getting tipsy all night and Nori offered to help him home. Which ended with his professor flinging him on the bed and pounding into him like he hadn't fucked anyone in a month. Judging by the load he had delivered, it was probably two.

Then there was the time he found the glory-hole in one of the clubs and decided to sit in there all night. Nori was sure he blew at least five guys that night, and took one up his fat ass from a rather horny cheetah who didn't want to waste his load down his throat.

Or the time the campus security guard, a rather fetching looking doberman in a tight uniform had a chance meeting with Nori in a stairwell and he ended up getting fucked against the wall. He wasn't sure which was bigger that night, the guards dick or his baton. But he had felt both before their sessions ended.

Nori had always had fun on those nights, but truth be told, no-one fucked him like his master. Or made him feel the same way. They were basically there to scratch an itch for him, and of course, hearing about his pet getting hot and horny with other guys always go the bigger lion going.

Usually to the point that Nori would have to be punished for being such a 'cheap little fat slut' and he'd have to spank himself on camera and punish himself. Funny, as he looked back on it, he couldn't imagine anytime he actually protested the punishment. It was kind of a turn on to make his master jealous, and get him riled up.

And the same was said back to his master. Nori had told him to do the same, to go out and have some fun. And he wouldn't hold it against him either. Same rules though. Don't spare the details.

Nori got to hear of his Masters little itch scratchers, like the bull line backer who needed a passing grade and took his Coachs D for an A. It was funny how many footballers and jocks needed a better grade and were willing to bend over for it.

And the few nerdies who didn't want to co-operate with gym and refused to do, who had to beg on their knees for a passing grade. Those pretty little mouths got put to use for sure.

Nori had been secretly pleased to hear that his old mathematics teacher, a very stern and hard assed panther, had met Kendo in a bar and ended up on the lions bed after a few drinks. Turns out old Mr Wilson had a fetish for pup play and domination, and Nori had a stack of pictures and videos of that dilf panthers black ass streaked with spunk and whip marks, and being fucked like the bitch he apparently was.

College had been a few long years, but they had been worth it. Especially since he managed to get a good job at a fast moving company that was interested in the kind of tech that he was interested in doing.

More work led to more testing, and more testing led to more projects and development. Nori soon rose up in the ranks and became the lead developer on a lot of projects that began to get implemented around the state.

New electrical power grids were created and installed, and new conductors to manage the flow of future electrical currents. After all, you can't expect old and outdated power girds in rural towns and major cities to be able to handle new and more powerful currents. The kind of old outdated power grids that failed to provide the need for the rise in electrical vehicles, and created a shortage that led to politicians and celebrities lecturing people on the need to conserve energy by not charging the very vehicles they had berated and "hOw DaRe YoU!" into buying out of guilt.

The work started to flow as Noris designs and plans created new companies for engineering and construction, balancing out renewable fuels with fossil fuels to keep things managed across the grid. New charging stations were created, and even new electric vehicles were engineered and created that were far more affordable for people, that didn't cost an arm and a leg just to order a new part.

The money flowed in and Nori soon created his own company, rather cutely named 'Tanuki Ingenuity" which managed to rival most companies already out there. Relying solely on American products, labour and resources, cutting out China and other foreign countries to keep it solely American.

A risky move, it was true. But the proof was in the pudding, as Noris company exploded and all the projects across the state and even into the neighbouring states began to pay off. Doing construction and engineering projects that most state and local governments ignored or delayed actually got things moving and the demand just kept coming in. He found it utterly dumbfounding to find that most states spent six years and almost millions of dollars just to install a new public toilet.

Tanuki Ingenuity soon had more work then they had ever dreamed and the money poured in, faster and heavier then he had any idea to spend it. His company soon had to move because the warehouse and offices they worked out of soon became far too small for his business to handle.

So, along with some investors and other companies willing to do joint work, Nori purchased an entire island and constructed his own company headquarters there, along with living quarters for himself and his workers. Working and living in the same place was just better business, and the island had enough room that Nori was able to design everything the way he wanted.

Everything was designed there on the island, and all the small stuff created and tested right there. And all major construction conducted and formed on the mainland to make it easier to disperse out. He liked to think of his construction projects as giant kits that were shipped out all in one go. Just empty the box and install. The Ikea of engineering. In a way.

And now, finally, here he was, thirty years old with his own private island, his own company, industry, and it was growing fast.

Nori stepped out of the shower once he had finished washing himself down and used the in built dryers in the shower to blow dry his rotund body and fluff up his fur. He stepped out and grabbed his glasses and hooked them back on his nose before picking up a large fluffy bathrobe and slipped it around his body.

He stepped out and smiled as he flicked a switch and the thick heavy blackout curtains in the room began to retract. The sunlight crept along the thick plush carpet on the floor to the huge four poster bed that Nori had climbed out of earlier, and across the still sleeping form under the blankets.

Best part of owning your own private home and island? That your master is home all day every day.

Kendo had moved in with him once Nori had purchased his first apartment and was making decent money, unable to keep saying no. Being able to support both of them, Kendo only worked part time jobs here and there, with whatever interested him while Nori happily supported them both.

Waking up and having lion cock for breakfast every morning and getting railed hard before bed every night was like living in a fever dream, a dream that kept going on and on every day. He got those big muscled arms all to himself every day and every night, his master the first person he greeted and the last person he bade goodnight.

Of course, now Kendo was starting to show his age. He was still a big sexy muscled lion with a dominate attitude, just that now his dark blue mane was starting to show flecks of grey, and his 'daddy beard' was starting to grey as well, giving him a more matured look that Nori found extra hot. And he had a belly going for him now, which Nori didn't mind in the slightest. The abs had always been sexy, but some nights you just wanted your own belly to grab onto and snuggle into like a pillow.

His master was starting to show his age, although from the way he kept fucking Nori every day, he was still heavily into his boy. He took his older age in his stride, and gladly popped a viagra just to give his little boy the pounding his fat ass deserved.

Nori let him sleep under the covers as he grabbed his phone from the charger beside the bed and left his bedroom. He headed out into the spacious living room. The living room was more like an expansive cinema experience, the biggest tv he could find, and the biggest comfortable couches he was able to purchase. Not to mention the marble fireplace that provided many warm nights, as his master gave him rug-burn on his knees.

He padded across the floor, making his way through the entrance hall to his spacious villa and entered the kitchen, equally large and spacious and covered in marble. The large steel coffee machine had already triggered and was vented his favourite blend of coffee for him in a very large pot.

He poured himself a cup into a fine china cup and then opened the sliding glass door, stepping out onto the private balcony. The balcony was decked in black timber and the one way glass railings provided the privacy that he needed.

He placed his cup on the ledge and leaned over it, getting a view of the ocean and cliffs below. The living side of the island from far enough from the actual corporate and working side of the island that he never could hear any of the construction or the loud machinery working. All he could hear was the ocean below down at the beach and the sea gulls that constantly hung around.

"I never get tired of this view" Nori thought to himself as he brought his phone up and unlocked it, bringing up one of his many news apps and started purousing the local and international news. The sound of the rushing waves under him and the salty sea breeze against his face, and his coffee was the best start to his morning. Well, one of the best ways.

There were several articles about the upcoming Dyson sphere launch, most of them positive news, talking about the benefits going to the economy, and how so many suburbs in their state, and even the states surrounding were excited for the cheap electrical power it would bring. And a couple of articles detailing how the cheap but powerful electrical grids would bring power to the new generation of electric cars being built, and how the fuel reserves would last longer, and reduce the dependency on foreign oil.

Of course, there was the articles that tried to paint him as an evil genius or some Republican alt-far right terrorist who wanted to ruin every other countries chance at developing by focusing solely on the white supremacist views of the evil racist America.

Some things never changed, no matter how long time passed.

His ears pricked up as he heard the door behind him open and close, and the heavy padding of big naked feet walking across the deck. A much larger mug of coffee joined his fancy little china teacup and a pair of hands wrapped around his fat gut as a chin rested on his head.

"Good morning my sexy little boy" Kendo said as he nuzzled between the boys ears, making him happily churr to the nuzzles and belly rubs.

"Morning master" Nori happily said as he felt those big hand rub against his gut through his bathrobe. "Sleep well?" he asked as he turned his attention back to his phone.

"Always do when I have my boy to sleep with. Although, couldn't help but notice I didn't wake up with your pretty mouth around my dick" Kendo said as he nuzzled the top of the boys head affectionately.

"I slept in. And the shower called" Nori said with a smile as he enjoyed the affectionate nuzzles on his head. "plus, you looked so sexy and peaceful sleeping I wanted to let you sleep" he added.

"I'll get your muzzle soon anyway" Kendo said as he squeezed his boy close. "Want it for breakfast, or brunch?" he asked as he nuzzled in and licked his boys round cheek, making him giggle.

"After breakfast. I think I'll get room service delivered. I keep forgetting to get the groceries ordered. I'm glad we have our own supermarket here, but I keep forgetting to order" Nori said as he grabbed his coffee and took a sip.

"Make sure you order pancakes. I feel like something sweet this morning. Although too much of my sweet boy is not a bad thing" Kendo said as he brought his boy in and gave him a firm smooch on his cheek.

Nori blushed and giggled as he smooched his lover back on his lips. The one smooch turned into two, and then it turned into full on kissing as the two of them locked licked and began to tongue wrestle with one another.

"I should...order....that....breakfast" Nori attempted to say between each firm kiss and tongue slurp in his mouth. Not that he was fighting too hard to stop him.

"After I have my turn with you" Kendo said as he grabbed Nori by his wide hips and turned him around, pressing him up against the balcony wall and pushing his tongue back into his mouth as his hands worked to undo his boys robe.

"But I just showered" Nori protested as he was swiftly silenced by the lions tongue in his mouth as his robe was opened and pulled off, his large naked boy fully on display as his robe clumped around his feet.

"Your problem" Kendo said with a growl against his boys mouth as his hands cupped and squeezed his pierced tits and rolled them around against his chest. He could feel his masters hard bulge poking into his stomach as he reached around to rub the lions hips, feeling the briefs he was wearing. Probably the red ones. The red ones were tight and showed off his goods so well.

"But I don't want another shower" Nori moaned out as the lions hands rubbed up his chest to his shoulders and began to push him down. Nori didn't fight back, not like he wanted to as he was pushed to his knees and ended up sitting on his fat ass with his back pressed against the balcony wall, his masters fat heavy, and red, bulge now rubbing aginst his face.

"Like this would be the first time you've walked around with my cum on your face. Or your ass" Kendo said with a smirk as he propped his arms up on the balcony edge and adjusted his hips against the boys face. "Now, how about putting that mouth to work while I enjoy my coffee?" he said.

Nori just smirked and obliged as he reached up and grabbed the pair of red briefs and began to pull down, seeing the thick grey tinged bush appear under the waistband before the thick fat shaft of that cock he had grown very accustomed too. Nori might have been in charge of his own mega company and have all the authority akin to god in it, but his Master still called the shots.

His lovers cock flopped out and heavily thumped against his face, not the first or last time it would ever happen. He churred happily and nuzzled against it, inhaling his masters thick musky scent, the smell of a daddy lion mixed in with scent of his fancy body wash. This week smelt like Sakura blossoms.

The fat lion cock throbbed against the tanukis face as he nuzzled into it, rubbing his cheek and nose against that fat meaty dick as it slowly throbbed to life and grew bigger before his eyes. He reached up and removed his glasses and folded them up, placing them between his legs as he nuzzled into that fat shaft.

Nori opened his mouth and stuck his tongue out and began licking the fat cockhead like it was his favourite lollipop. More like it was one of his favourite things ever. He softly and slowly licked over that fat head, feeling it drool pre already onto his eager tongue.

"Mmm, that's a good boy" he heard from above as the bigger lion shifted his legs a bit, his cock pressing up against Noris face more as the boy continued to kiss and lick that throbbing cock as it grew to its full size.

Nori churred as he breathed in that thick manly scent, moaning softly as he opened his mouth, huffing against that thick cock bouncing in front of his face as he reached up and cupped those big heavy balls in his hand. He huffed against that big cock-head in front of him before extending his tongue and letting the thick pre drool onto it.

He fondled those big balls in his hand, using both on those huge balls, still big and thicc and full of lion spunk, even all these years later. He let the pre collect on his tongue for a while, letting it dribble back down into his throat and down onto his chubby chest and fat belly before swallowing it rather loudly.

His hands moved from those fat balls to that heavy shaft as he wrapped his hands around that thick shaft, even now with his adult sized hands his fingers barely touched each other. His masters cock was still an impressive cock for him, and still a mouth full. Tanuki lips wrapped around that fat cock-head and worked their way down the shaft, easily still filling his mouth.

Nori bobbed his head back and forth, working his mouth along that thick drooling cock as he gulped around it, letting the pre pool in his mouth before gulping it down audibly. His hands pumped along that fat shaft as those big heavy balls dangled and bounced against him.

"Mm, fuck you got a good mouth boy" Kendo growled as he put his mug down on the railing and lent froward, purring as he enjoyed the morning view. Down below he could hear Nori suck and slurp, gurgling around his cock as he tended to his masters need. And even further down below he could hear the waves against the cliff wall.

Although Nori was definitely louder then the waves below, the bigger lion purring as he felt that hot horny mouth around his dick.

"I could get used to this treatment each day" Kendo said with a chuckle, then gave a grunt as Nori attempted to smack him on his butt.

"You do get it every day" Nori protested from below.

"And yet I woke up this morning without a part of you around my dick" Kendo said with a smirk on his face.

"Well, your getting it now. Happy?" Nori asked as he pulled that big dick back into his mouth.

"Not yet I'm not" Kendo said as he pulled his hips back and made his dick slide out of Noris hands and mouth, earning himself a cute little moan of annoyance and an ever cuter pouting tanuki under him.

"Come on boy, up you get" Kendo said as he grabbed his boy by his hand and pulled him to his feet, hauling his fat around boy off his fat round ass and onto his feet.

Nori didn't bother protesting as his bigger lion pulled him to his feet and planted a firm kiss on his lips, feeling that familiar tongue work its way back into his mouth and the two of them starting to make out with one another. A thick but stubby tanuki cock prodding against the lions thigh while a big heavy thick lion cock prodded the tanukis big gut.

The two of them ground their bodies against one another for several long minutes, a pair of hands groping the lions thick meaty pecs and a pair of hands digging into some big meaty ass-cheeks of his smaller partner.

"Mmm, fuck I want you boy" Kendo growled into Noris mouth as their tongues danced around together in each others mouth, thing drools of saliva leaking around their mashing lips as their bodies pressed firmly together.

"I want you too master" Nori moaned out as he panted once their lips parted, his lovers saliva smeared across his lips as he swallowed what was in his mouth.

"Then turn around and show me that ass" the lion growled as he pushed his tongue back into the still open mouth and slurped around hard and quickly before pulling out and licking his lips. "show me my property" he growled.

Nori moaned out from the sudden tongue lashing before he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and turned around, moving himself up against the wall and grabbing the railing in his hands. He spread his legs and bent over, pushing his backside back at the bigger lion as he put himself on display.

Kendo purred loudly at the sight of his boy bent over with his big ass spread, thick fluffy tail flagged high above those big heavy round ass-cheeks, a pair of even bigger fat balls dangling between those thick thunder thighs.

The lion walked up and gave the palm of his hand a lick before bringing it back and slapping it down hard across the tramp stamped ass-cheek of his boy, earning a high pitched yelp from the tanuki and a good ripple across those cakes.

"Mine" the lion growled as he stepped up behind the bent over boy and landed another good slap to the other cheek. Nori yelped out again from the sudden slap to his exposed ass.

"Oh master" he moaned out loud as he felt that slap to his backside. "More' he moaned out.

"As you wish boy" Kendo said with a grin as he brought his hand back and landed another slap to that fat ass. Those big cheeks jiggled from the impact as one fat cheek collided into the other from the impact of his hand.

Nori moaned out again as he felt that hand slap his ass, then another slap in the opposite direction. The slaps began to settle into a rhythm, striking one cheek on the side then slapping the other on the other side, one two, one two, one two one after the other.

Nori panted and moaned as he gripped the railing, looking at the horizon in the distance as the sounds of the slaps to his ass-cheeks started to sound off louder then the waves below. The smacks and cracks of flesh on ass were all he could focus on as his ass started to sting and burn from the spankings.

"Oh master, so good" Nori moaned out as his ass was spanked, the lion growling as he saw the brown on the boys ass start turning red as he struck his hand back and forth across those fat cheeks as they bounced and jiggled.

"Fuck your a hot bitch" Kendo growled as he stopped slapping once the tanukis ass had turned an acceptable shade of dark red from the abuse as he cupped those big heavy cheeks in his hands and rolled them around.

"I'm your bitch" Nori moaned out as his cheeks were suddenly pulled apart, his tight but well experienced hole now suddenly exposed and open to his master and lover, the boys face flushed as he spoke. It was always something embarrassing to be saying that, even after all these years and how many times he had said it, but it was still a slight embarrassment to it. And that embarrassment was a turn on.

"What are you boy?" Kendo asked as he grabbed his cock in his hand and slapped it up and down on the tanukis big ass a few times with a few loud smacking noises.

"I'm your bitch" Nori moaned out as his face flushed red in embarrassment as he felt that big sexy dick slap across his already burning ass. "Please, fuck me. Fuck me master" he moaned out as he moved his hips, bouncing them to make his cheeks jiggle and entice his master.

"Yes you are. And don't ever forget it" Kendo said as he grabbed his dick and wedged it into that fat ass, pushing those big cheeks apart as he angled his cock into that backside and pushed it up against his hole.

Noris mouth opened wide as he felt that first penetration, that always good satisfying stretch of his hole around that thick juicy cock-head that opened him up to the big thick shaft that was to come. Noris legs shuddered a bit as he felt his ring open up and his tongue lolled from his mouth as he was penetrated.

"Fuck, your still so deliciously tight" Kendo grunted as that tight hole swallowed his cock with ease, the constant daily fucking having trained that ring to remain tight but very stretchy and easy to fuck. Like a hot warm hand that massaged his cock inside a hot stretchy hole.

"You feel so good in me" Nori moaned out as he panted, feeling that big dick slide its way into his ass, feeling inch after delicious inch slide in till those thick muscular hips push up against his fat butt.

"You feel so good on me" Kendo growled as he rubbed his hands along Noris big hips and settled his fingers into those fat hips, getting a good grip on them. "Always so damn good on my cock, like you were made for this" he purred out loud.

Nori panted out as he gripped the railing and held on, feeling those big strong hands roam over his body to settle on his hips. He knew what was coming, and he braced himself as he felt that dick start to slide out of him.

"Fuck me" he moaned out as he felt that first slap of hip against ass as that big dick was thrust back into his backside, feeling it fill his insides once more as his body was jolted forward. He gasped as that cock was pulled out and thrust back into his backside, another audible slap of hip against ass.

"Yes I will" Kendo said as he held onto his boys hips and started to properly thrust into that fat ass of his boy.

Nori panted and moaned out as he felt the impact of those thrusting hips hit his ass, the smacks and slaps to his backside causing his ass to start rippling like soft waves across his skin.

Kendo growled and grunted as he smacks his hips against that ass, going balls deep over and over as his big balls smacked and collided with the tanukis heavy fat danglers, making them bounce off of each other and against their thighs.

The lions thick muscled ass flexed and clenched with each thrust forward as he pumped into that ass, grunting and huffing above the boy as his thick tail whipped back and forth as he steadily worked his hips.

The tanuki moaned out loud, panting as he felt those hips spank and smack his ass over and over again, the impacts making his body bounce and jiggle about as he was rocked against the balcony wall.

His big round belly, having gotten bigger over the years, and a source of a very comfortable pillow to the lion, bounced and swayed back and forth as he was bounced back and forth, jostling and shaking about. In a smaller boy it would have bulged out obscenely with the amount of lion cock stuffed inside, but his gut was too big to show such a bulge.

But it did bounce and jiggle like a big pregnant belly. The lion often joked that if Nori was ever knocked up by him, they'd hardly notice. Not that Nori ever really hated the idea, something about carrying his masters offspring and being a proud daddy to a few studly young boys, was kind of a nice idea to him. Even if it would never happen.

Yet it had gotten fatter with all the thick copious amounts of lion spunk that had been deposited into him over and over, not that either of complained by his bigger size.

"Fuck me" Nori moaned out, panting out of his open drooling mouth as his tongue hung out, his face flushed with how full he was stuffed with cock.

"I am, so be a good boy and keep taking my dick" Kendo grunted out as he kept smacking his hips up against that big ass.

Nori panted out as he felt those hands of his master rub up his sides to curl around his gut, big thick arms wrapping around him to hold onto him, the lions cock being buried balls deep into that ass and held in place as the lions dad gut pressed into the tanukis back as his big meaty pecs pressed into the back of the smaller males head.

The lion grunted over Nori, huffing as he leaned down against his ear and growled, letting him hear his heavy breathing and huffing from his pleasure, giving a few good short thrusts that made Nori pant and moan out.

The big strong hands worked up his hanging gut to grab at his tits, fingers wrapping around those perky hard pierced nipples as his fat moobs were grabbed and squeezed. He grunted as fingers found his nipples and squeezed and tugged them, making the boy squirm.

"MM, my big sexy boy. I love you so damn much" Kendo growled into the boys ear as he held onto those tits while humping into his ass.

"I love you too master" Nori moaned out as he let the lion grab at him how he wanted. Not that he would ever say no.

"I want to put my babies in you" Kendo growled into his ear as he dragged his tongue along the outside of his ear, making it flick and the boy squirm.

"Do it. Do it and fuck a load into me" Nori panted as he pushed back, trying to bounce his ass on that cock to get his lion to get going again.

"Not gonna last much longer at this rate. Your ass is just too good" Kendo grunted as he held onto the boys moobs like a pair of handles as he started to thrust again, making Nori almost bounce up onto his toes with each thrust up into his backside.

Nori whimpered and moaned as the lions thrusts grew harder and deeper, pulling out and slamming back into him, almost lifting him off his feet as he was fucked balls deep, the lions panting and huffing close to his ear.

"Please...fuck me. Fuck a load into me master" Nori panted as he felt the lion thrust hard.

Almost at the command of his boy, Kendo felt his balls boil up and churn as he felt himself get closer. He huffed and grunted, the pleasure rising inside him as he kept thrusting, his balls reaching their boiling point as his orgasm hit him.

The lion let out a roar that echoed along the cliff-side and ran down to the beach, the pleasure of release echoing down and being swallowed up in the waves. Nori though, had a front row seat to the lions roar as he let it out right next to his ear so he wasn't able to miss it.

And he started moaning as he felt that sudden hot surge of lion spunk rush up his backside and start flooding his guts. All this time later and his lion was still a big cummer, still capable of flooding his guts to overfill every time he blew his load.

"FUCK" Kendo shouted out as he panted, his orgasm subsiding as his balls stopped throbbing and churning as he dumped his load into his boy.

"Oh master" Nori moaned out as he rubbed his hand along his stomach, almost feeling the cum flood his guts and hearing it audibly gurgle rather lewdly as he was filled. There was a deep heated sensation within his very being that made him whimper happily and shudder all over, his happy place every time.

"Mmm, fuck boy. You know how to make an old man cum" Kendo panted against his ear as his cock stopped spewing, his load now firmly settled deep in his big round fat boy.

"Your not that old" Nori panted out as he steadied himself. "And it's my turn. Please sir?" he asked as he ground his ass back on that impaled cock.

"Your turn?" Kendo asked as he nuzzled his nose into the back of the boys head, hands cupping and squeezing his tits before rubbing them down his belly, stroking along that fat hanging gut.

"Can I cum master? Have I been a good boy for you?" Norio asked as he rocked and swayed his hips back and forth, squeezing his insides around that big dick as he felt how hard his lion still was.

Kendo kissed the boys neck as he reached around under his hanging gut and brushed his fingers along that still throbbing cock. A thick strand of pre was drooling from his fat cock-head, the boys needy cock throbbing and so close to spilling.

"Beg" Kendo ordered against the tanukis ear. Nori blushed visibly and shuddered.

"Make me cum, please" Nori whimpered as he panted, so close to spewing his load. "Please master? I've been such a good little boy slut. I want to cum so badly. Please master, can I cum? Can you make your good sexy little boy slut cum for his big dominate daddy lion?" he whimpered out as he gave his master the biggest innocent eyes he could.

"Then cum for your master boy" Kendo said as he lent down and wrapped his hand around the tanukis fat stubby cock. That boy knew how to run his mouth and make the lion shiver in pleasure, as his hand clenched around that thick needy dick as he felt it pulse, spewing another thick rope of pre into the slowly growing puddle between his feet.

Nori gripped the railing and gasped out loud, whimpering into the air as his body shuddered as his cock was jacked off, feeling his masters big strong hand work his cock, pumping back and forth, balls jostling against his hand with each steady pump of his dick.

Nori squirmed and panted, trying to hold back as best he could, but he had been so close already that it was a useless battle for him to fight as he felt his big heavy balls throb and pulse and start to boil over, his ass clenching around that big cock still lodged in his backside and his stomach gurgling with lion spunk.

"MASTER!" Nori screamed out as he let out a long happily wailing cry of pleasure as his cock couldn't hold back anymore and he started to shoot. The lion could feel every throbbing pulse of the tanukis cock in his hand as that seed travelled up his cum pipe and shot fro mhis cock, hitting the balcony wall and spilling onto the decking between his feet.

"That's a good boy" Kendo said as he worked his hand up and down, pumping his wrist back and forth as he helped stimulate his boys dick to cum hard and spill his load, enjoying how the tanuki clenched and squeezed around his cock.

It felt like an age, but Noris orgasm quickly washed over him as he huffed and panted, feeling is orgasm subside as he collected his breath, feeling the last of his load dribble through his fingers.

"Thank...thank you master" Nori panted out as he gulped in as much air as he could.

"Fuck, your the best boy" Kendo grunted as he squeezed Noris dick, feeling tanuki juice drip between his fingers as he helped milk his boy of his orgasm. Nori shuddered and whimpered, his legs shaking and big body jiggled along with his legs shaking.

"Your the best, coach" Nori said as he turned his head and locked lips with the bigger lion again, his tongue working into the bigger males mouth as his cock was squeezed, adding to the pool between his legs.

"Mmm, still like calling me that do you?" Kendo asked with a purr as he pulled his tongue from his boys mouth and licked his lips for a moment before he let go of his cock.

"You love it" Nori grinned, and let out a moaning gasp as his masters cock was pulled from his big ass, shuddering as he felt the air on his open hole and a few thick strands of lion spunk ran down the inside of his thighs. "Almost as much as you love me calling you daddy on occasion."

"Damn right I do" Kendo said wth a purr as he kissed his boys cheek before grabbing one of the towels in the cabinet next to the lounge set and tossed it between Noris feet. "Better clean that up, unless you want the house boi to get jealous you're getting some and he isn't."

"Maybe we should invite him up next time and he can join in" Nori said as he squished the towel around with his foot. "He is kinda cute, and your type" he added.

"You still jealous I had that hot dobie footballer while you were off in college? The kid needed his grades up and had a very fine ass" Kendo chuckled as he grabbed his mug and drained the rest of his coffee. "Besides, I think you were hanging out with that polar bear daddy who had the kink for cigars and leather boots" he reminded him.

"Ha Ha" Nori said with a smirk on his face and his best effort at sarcasm. He squished the towel around a few times before he heard his phone ring. He looked up to where he had left it beside his tea cup and frowned when he noticed that he didn't identify the number.

"Who's that?" Kendo called out as he sat himself on the lounge and rested back as he pulled his iPad up. He often left it out on the balcony. Good thing the seats had compartments and chargers built in. "Tell them you're busy giving me a foot-rub and call back later" he said.

"Dunno. Probably a scammer. They still exist" Nori said as he answered the phone and brought it up to his ears. "Hello. This is Nori" he said.

"Nori? Oh my dear boy, how are you? It's been so long."

Nori felt his body freeze up and could feel the blood drain from his face. He hadn't heard that voice in over a decade, but he knew who it was. He looked over to see Kendo was engrossed in a tv show on his iPad before he quickly moved to the other side of the deck.

"Mom?" He said as he spoke into the phone. "What are you calling me for?" Fuck, he knew this was going to happen one day. Specially with how rich and successful he had become. It always happened. Every story about lottery winners and successful people suddenly having every long forgotten relative and leech friend running up with their hands outstretched begging for a loan they'd never pay back.

But, he had always hoped that it would never happen. He had always prayed that his old family would just disappear into the background and become a passing image in the distance that he'd just glance over. Well, that hope was dashed now.

Nori took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. He knew what to do, he had planned this out. Just a contingency plan in case it ever happened. But fuck, he felt like he was going to have a panic attack. Just calm down, calm down, he ran through his mind as his mother spoke.

"Oh my dear Nori, it's just been so long since I last talked to you. I just wanted to call and congratulate you on all your success. You have no idea how proud your father and I are of you. Such a successful boy" she said.

Five things you can see.

"Ok, the beach, the waves, the deck, the trees, my master."

Four things you can hear.

"The waves. The gulls. The wind. That iPad."

Three things you can touch.

"My phone. My arms. The decking on my feet."

Two things you can taste.

"My coffee. My masters dick."

One thing you can smell.

"The salt in the air."

He mentally ran down the senses trick he had learned, probably not the right order, in order to calm himself down. He managed to steady himself so that he couldn't panic any further. He took a final deep breath and brought the phone back up to his ear.

"Mom, you haven't spoken to me since I left for college. After calling me a failure and a useless fat waste of your time, and to never contact you again, even if I was on the streets begging for money" Nori said firmly as his face narrowed in anger.

"Oh, did I say something like that? I don't remember. Anyway, it's been so long ago, it doesn't really matter anymore" she said. "It's all in the past."

"It does matter, because it hurt me. You have no idea how badly you hurt me when you threw me out like that" Nori said as he clenched his hand against his side. "And it might all be in the past, but it's still affecting my present" he said.

"Well, your an adult now, you'll get over it. And it was for the best, after all. If we didn't forcibly move you out of the house as we did, you never would have discovered how far you could go when you were pushed. In reality, we did you a favour, if you think about it" she said.

She still had that sickly sweet voice of hers that was making Noris stomach want to hurl.

"You didn't do me a favour. You just threw me out because I didn't live up to your expectations. And I have nothing to thank you for. It was not a favour" He said as he felt himself calm down a bit. "Now, what do you want?" he asked firmly.

"Nori, why would I want anything from you dear? I just wanted to call you and tell you how happy I am for you. However, I would be remiss in saying that perhaps there is something you can do for me and your dear father" she said.

"Like give you money because Dad was caught embezzling and your modelling career is going south?" Nori asked, as he felt a smirk on his lips.

"Um...what?" he heard his mother stutter. "What...whatever are you talking about dear?"

"Do you really think I didn't keep tabs on you two when I had enough money to do so? Once anyone comes into money, every person they ever met in their life comes running with their hands outstretched thinking they're entitled to it" Nori said. "I had hoped that something like this would not happen, but I guess I underestimated you two stupid idiots."

"You have no right to talk to your parents like that" his mother snapped.

"So, dad was caught embezzling money from not just his business partners, but also his investors? Gee, that's pretty low for a guy who is supposed to be upstanding and a better business man then I should have ever become, right? Dads in a pretty hard place right now, border-lining going on bankruptcy and a lengthy stint in jail if he doesn't pay all that money back" Nori said. "It's a wonder the company hasn't fired him yet."

"Well....I mean...yes, your father is in a little trouble...." she said slowly.

"And your modelling career, you haven't picked up anything at all in the last three years because you demanded top dollar for everything. And you cause enough trouble on every set that you cost your agency more money then they make. So they stopped caring about you and your prima donna attitude and you're not bringing in any money anymore" Nori said.

"I....that is not my fault. They just don't know real talent anymore" She said.

"You want me to bail you both out cause I have the money to do it, and you think I'll do it just cause you ask? You haven't given a damn about me since you kicked me out, and you have enough time to even start caring about me. But you reached out now only cause it's convenient for you and I have something you want" Nori said.

"Nori." He heard the tone in her voice chance, the kind of tone that she knew he was right but she refused to admit it. "You are our son. I gave birth to you, your father supported you with a roof over your head. We both fed and clothed you, and you owe us" she said firmly.

"You want to be thanked fro the bare minimum?" Nori asked, a smirk on his face. "That's the bare minimum of being a parent. And honestly, you couldn't be bothered doing that in the end. We both know that if I wasn't a success, you'd still be pretending I don't exist anymore."

"You have no right to be speaking to your parents like this" his mother snapped at him over the phone. "We are family. And family always helps each other out."

"And I haven't been your son since you threw me out of the house. We stopped being family a long time ago. And people like you who use the 'but family' excuse are just people who don't want to be held accountable for the crap they did. We are done. You are strangers to me, you wanted it that way. So live with it" Nori said before he hung up the phone. He clicked a few icons on his phone and immediately blocked the number.

He took a deep breath as he realised his hands were shaking. He held his hands together with his phone in the middle and held tightly until they stopped shaking. He was silent the whole time, running the conversation through his mind. His parents really hadn't changed at all. And this, sadly, just confirmed it. It took a few minutes for him to make up his mind before he called a contact in his phone.

"Hello, James? It happened, she just called me" Nori said. "Yeah, it was what I thought. They're after money. Call the purchasing offices for me. Buy his business, and her agency. Settle all scores and keep all the current staff. Then throw those two out. Oh, and contact Jessica at the bank. Since they're facing bankruptcy, buy the house and throw them out on the streets" he said. He cut the call once he got the confirmation that things would go head before he walked back to the lounge.

"All good?" Kendo asked as he saw Nori walk up and kneel between his masters legs and push them apart. "What, want another round already?" he asked.

"Just a scammer trying to get money out of me by pretending to be my mother" Nori said as he grabbed the lions cock in his hands and began to stroke that big cock to life. "Now I need a distraction. So get hard for me so I can choke this down" Nori said as he guided that big dick back to his lips.

"Consider it done, my sexy boy" Kendo purred as he resumed watching his show as his pet gobbled down his cock.

Nori was sure that by the end of his day, his parents lives would be thoroughly fucked. And so would be. Except his would be far more enjoyable.

A Coach and his Chubby Boy Part 3

A Coach and his Chubby boy 3 By Kendo Kawabata and Silverlonewolf Andel "You're still fat." Nori sat in the passenger seat of his coaches car, watching the countryside pass him by as he rested his head against the window, eyes not really focusing on...

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A Coach and his Chubby Boy Part 2

A coach and his chubby boy 2 By Kendo Kawabata and Silverlonewolf Andel . Was it that hard to believe that, just a few hours ago, Nori had been throat fucked by his big sexy coach and turned into the literal teachers pet? Well, it had happened. And...

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A Coach and his Chubby Boy Part 1

A coach and his chubby little boy. By Kendo Kawabata and Silverlonewolf Andel. No-one could deny that High school was hard, especially if you listened to the kids on twitter who couldn't make it through their day without being so oppressed with their...

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