A Rather Comfy Bed

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#6 of Ipzum Stories

Ipzum was currently walking through the forest, coming back with some food from the store, wondering if anything interesting would happen to him today. Unbeknownst to him, something was indeed happening within his own home. A certain dream demon had found his house, and replaced his bed. When he got back, he was tired since it was rather hot out today, and headed to his bed, not noticing it had completely changed. Laying down and pulling the star covered blanket over him, he noticed it felt a lot more comfortable than he remembered. He also noticed the star covered blanket, and didn't remember ever having such a blanket. By the time he finally realized this wasn't the bed he remembered, it was too late. The dream demon had him right where he wanted.

The dream demon in question, Beddybye, tightened the blankets, making sure Ipzum couldn't escape. He noticed this and squirmed around trying to break free, but it was no use. "Try all you want you munchkin, you won't be escaping me any time soon." Ipzum noticed a rather large bulge forming in the blanket. The bulge soon formed into a massive dick, as tall as Ipzum himself at least. He could feel every inch of it as if it was his own. He also felt massive waves of pleasure flowing throughout him, along with a rising pressure. Before he could comprehend what the demonic bed was doing, Ipzum shot a massive load. It sprayed over his head and out of sight.

Ipzum's climax lasted a few seconds, yet the pleasure remained. "Awwww, such a big load, but I'm sure you'll have bigger in no time!" He would feel the pressure rise again, as he came a second time, and a third. "Cum, cum, cum! Cum for me, cum for you! Cum, cum, cum! Cum for everyone too!" Beddybye sung, each time he said cum making Ipzum climax. He was in utter bliss, having given up on trying to understand the situation he got himself into. He kept on cumming, shooting load after load after load. His mind was numb, he had a goofy smile on his face, and he finally accepted his fate.

"Cum yourself silly! Cum with your willy! Cum, cum, cum! Cum 'till your dizzy!" The demonic bed sang. Ipzum kept on cumming nonstop. The world around him spinning, the view of his ceiling becoming the sky. He noticed the bed was moving quite fast, as it looked like they were up, soaring throughout the sky. All the while, Ipzum was cumming his brains out. He felt the tingle and throb of every orgasm coursing throughout him, and by now he had lost track of time. The blanket was so soaked with his cum it looked like he wet himself. He just kept on cumming, and cumming... and cumming. "Spurt, spurt, spurt! The blanket gets darker. Squirt, squirt, squirt! His mind is going farther. Farther away! Very astray! Gush, gush, gush! Day after day!" Beddybye continued singing, teasing the poor munchkin.

Ipzum wasn't sure what was going on anymore. But his mind was too far gone to even care anymore. All he could feel was his cock constantly pumping out large amounts of cum, along with the buckets worth of pleasure flowing through his body. Though it wasn't even his cock, just an illusion made by Beddybye. At some point he thought he saw it change into various different shapes, along with the bed in question singing about those shapes. "An elephant trunk, a whole lotta spunk. Pump, pump, pump! Because you must! Pump, pump, pump! Because you're full of lust. A fire hose, somebody's nose. Anything's possible so long as you blow!" It could have been hours, days even, Ipzum didn't know, but at some point, he fell asleep. When he awoke, he found himself to be in his own bed, this confused him greatly. Did he simply imagine it, had he actually experienced it, was it just a wet dream, or a wet nightmare. So many questions and nobody to answer. Going to make some coffee, he found a sticky note attached to a tiara. "Use this if you ever want to have fun with me again. -Beddybye" the note read. So, he hadn't dreamed it. Odd, but nice. Ipzum wasn't sure how this happened, but strange things always seem to happen to him. He finished his coffee and took some fruit with him to go on a walk.

A New Pair

Ipzum was currently edging himself, and doing quite a good job at it. He had managed to edge for about two hours by now, having had many close calls where he thought he was going to cum. As he got up to go and grab a towel, he felt a sharp jolt of...

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Ipzum was currently laying in bed, having just finished masturbating. It was quite a long session as he wanted to edge and proceeded to do so for a couple of hours straight. Though he had accidentally set himself off while moving to grab a pillow, a...

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Tickling His Fancy

Here we see Ipzum masturbating, though it was different this time. He found out he has the ability to change his genitals between a dick or a pussy whenever he wanted. So here he was, rubbing his newly found snatch, and he was pretty close too. He...

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