A New Pair

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#5 of Ipzum Stories

Ipzum was currently edging himself, and doing quite a good job at it. He had managed to edge for about two hours by now, having had many close calls where he thought he was going to cum. As he got up to go and grab a towel, he felt a sharp jolt of pleasure run throughout his body. Bouncing from one leg to the other to try and shake the feeling away, however he would end up cumming then and there, his bouncing causing him to spray all over the place. By the time it was over, there was a small mess on the floor in front of him, and a goofy look on his face as it felt intense. After cleaning it up, he went to get some food, only to realize he didn't have any.

Sighing to himself, Ipzum headed out of his house to find the nearest store. It just so happened a shopping mall had appeared out of nowhere a few weeks ago, and he didn't want to question it. He entered the mall to find it full of stores and various creatures. Wandering around a bit, it was a rather interesting mall. Places to play games here, and a room full of massage chairs there, the usual mall stuff. Ipzum would manage to find a place to buy some food. Entering inside, he was greeted with all types of food, though he really only wanted to get some fruit. He would find the fruit section rather easily, but it was instead an entire aisle, with fruit that he'd never even seen before. There were some familiar fruits, but even they were a bit weird. Purple pears, blue apples, and grapes the size of coconuts to name a few oddities.

He would pick up various fruits, putting them in a basket and heading to pay. After which, he would wander around the mall a bit more before finding a rather interesting place. The sign simply read Switcharoo. Heading inside, revealed several chairs, none occupied. There was no front desk or register, let alone any staff that he could tell. Curiosity got the better of him, and he went to sit down at one of these chairs. In front of him was a screen with a picture of some genitals, along with an arrow on each side of the screen. Pressing the arrows selected a different set of genitals. He idly went through different selections until he hit the end of the list. This one piqued his curiosity further.

It was a rather unique looking pair of genitals, with it being intersex styled. Having a tapered penis with a knot at the base, and a hole slightly hidden a couple of inches below, making it somewhat resemble a spade when not aroused. He assumed the balls would be internal, since he couldn't see any. Tapping the screen, nothing happened for a few seconds, until he heard the whirring of servos. He watched as the chair restrained him, and put a mask over his face, giving him something to put him to sleep. It was rather effective, and within a few seconds, he was out cold. Afterwards, the chair moved a device over his crotch, covering it entirely as it began to change his genitals. It would take over an hour, but by the end of it, his junk had been replaced with the one in the picture, only with his colors. The chair would slowly wake him up before releasing him.

Ipzum slowly woke up, exiting the shop, and feeling rather tingly between his legs. Looking down revealed it to be nothing but a bit of fluff, but inspecting closer revealed a green tip peeking out, along with what looked like a hole further down. Looking back at the shop, and thinking about it for a while, he figured out that chair must have changed his junk down below. Giving the whole area a soft rub felt nice, but he decided to wait until he got home to do anything. Grabbing his fruit basket and heading home, he lays down, before playing with himself. It wouldn't take long until he was fully hard, his new cock measuring about seven inches. Slowly stroking it, it felt a little more sensitive than his previous one. It wasn't long before he was really going at it. He was enjoying it a lot, though he decided to try and edge himself again. He wouldn't get very far as his knot had formed by now, and he had made the mistake of squeezing it.

Ipzum tried his best, but the pleasure was too much for him, he would close his eyes, shooting a massive load from his new cock, opening his eyes, the first shot had managed to hit the ceiling, and aiming his cock at his face, the rest would splash onto his muzzle, painting it white. His orgasm finally finished after a bit, and he was left there, in awe of how good his new genitals felt. So, reinvigorated with more horniness, he laid on his side, lifting one leg up and begin fingering himself anally, which turned him on way more than he was expecting. Having long claws, he was able to finger himself quite deep.

His tongue was hanging out of his maw, drooling slightly. Perhaps the chair made his back end more sensitive, he wasn't sure, but it didn't matter. Ipzum was too excited to care, so he kept going, his cock slowly coming back out as he fingered himself. This was quickly becoming his favorite way of pleasuring himself. He kept on going, only wishing he had someone here to fuck him. Imagining how good it would feel to be fucked only made him far hornier, with him shoving as many claws in his back end as he could, plunging then deep into his back door and massaging his prostate until the sensation becomes so powerful that he lets loose his thick, creamy load. This would be the most intense orgasm he's ever felt, with his whole body shaking heavily as he kept on cumming. It would be so intense he would end up passing out from it, a goofy smile plastered on his face. He would wake up horny and ready to jack off, only to find out it was a dream the whole time, as his dick looked normal. He still jacked off anyway, planning to go to the store later that day.


Ipzum was currently laying in bed, having just finished masturbating. It was quite a long session as he wanted to edge and proceeded to do so for a couple of hours straight. Though he had accidentally set himself off while moving to grab a pillow, a...

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Tickling His Fancy

Here we see Ipzum masturbating, though it was different this time. He found out he has the ability to change his genitals between a dick or a pussy whenever he wanted. So here he was, rubbing his newly found snatch, and he was pretty close too. He...

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An Encounter With Iris

Here we observe a fluffball of a monster, named Ipzum. Currently Ipzum was making some coffee. As it was brewing, he finished making breakfast and set his plate down at the table. After finishing his meal and storing the leftover coffee in a thermos,...

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