An Encounter With Iris

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#2 of Ipzum Stories

Here we observe a fluffball of a monster, named Ipzum. Currently Ipzum was making some coffee. As it was brewing, he finished making breakfast and set his plate down at the table. After finishing his meal and storing the leftover coffee in a thermos, he decided to take a walk through the forest, bringing his thermos and a couple of snacks with him. It was a nice day outside, a light breeze blowing against his fur, the sun shining down in patches through the thick trees overhead. Overall, it's a peaceful place.

As he was walking, he saw what looked like the tip of a tail sticking out from behind one of the trees. He went to get a closer look, but it was gone. Perhaps he just imagined it. The next thing he knew, something squishy was quickly wrapping around him like a snake. When it was over, he was staring into a pair of amber eyes. He suddenly felt whatever was coiled around him begin to warm up, making him sweat a little bit.

He felt whatever or whoever it was loosen up a bit, before moving its body back, revealing it to be a her, and her to be a naga. Besides her amber eyes, she was a bubblegum pink color, with a hot pink underbelly. Along her back was a diamond pattern alternating with thick stripes, colored bluish-purple and outlined with a more purplish color. Her hands. lower arms, and shoulders had the same coloring as her patterns, with her nails being cyan in color. She had a cobra hood, with the inside of it being a color closer to a slightly darker lilac.

A quick flick of her tongue revealed it to be deep blue in color. As for her size, it was hard to tell, perhaps 80ft at least. She also had a nice big pair of breasts, her nipples being deep blue in color, like her tongue. The thing that stood out the most was it looked like she was melting. With her uncoiling from Ipzum completely, and her seeming to be comfortable with him, he would move forward to touch her. She seemed to be made entirely out of some sort of goo or slime.

"I apologize little one, I thought you were hostile" She says with a soft, soothing voice, "My name is Iris Sakura. Do you have a name by any chance?"

"Ipzum" is all that he would say, as he doesn't speak often.

"Well Ipzum, I'll be honest with you, I'm running away from the people who created me. An organization called The Reserve. I don't suppose you've heard of them since you're so far out, have you?"

Ipzum simply shakes his head, confused as to what she's saying.

"Would you mind if I stayed with you for a bit, I could help you with anything." Iris says a little shakily.

Ipzum thinks it over for a bit before nodding, motioning for her to follow. The two of them would arrive at his house, entering. It's a good thing Iris is a goo creature, as the doorway is a bit small for someone like her. She would make her way towards the back, coiling herself up to try and take as little space as possible. Meanwhile Ipzum would go to his room to relieve some of his urges. Who could blame him, she's a goo creature with massive tits. Afterwards he comes out and sees Iris asleep in the corner. He would go and have some lunch in the form of a club sandwich, before going to take a nap.

Iris POV

I would wake up after taking a nap, looking around to try and find Ipzum, eventually finding him asleep in his bedroom. I'm still unsure of how he so easily accepted my request to stay with him for the time being. But I'm glad either way, as it beats being in a lab, getting experimented on constantly. I would slither around, inspecting his house along the way. Eventually finding the fridge, I would eat some of his fruit, I doubt he will mind... hopefully. With that done, I head back to the corner, unsure of what to do currently. I'm just idly thinking when I notice him standing there, staring at me.

"Need something?" I would ask.

"Cold." is all he would say.

I assume Ipzum means that he is cold, though I'm unsure of what I can do about it. After a while it clicks, and while I have rather painful memories of the last person I snuggled, I decide to give him a chance.

"I'm guessing you want me to keep you warm?" I would simply ask, preparing to gently coil around him if he said yes.

He nods his head, and I slowly begin to move around him, slowly tightening my coils until I'm completely wrapped around him. With that done, I begin to warm my body up a little, moving back into the corner. I noticed he fell asleep rather quickly, seems he found it really comfortable. Then again, I don't blame him, as the other people I've done this with said the same thing. Though ever since the incident, I've kept to myself until now. Hopefully he doesn't do the same thing that the last person did. I would eventually fall asleep as well, finding it enjoyable to be coiled around him for some reason.


Ipzum eventually woke up, feeling his cock was all tingly like he was about to cum, and he was. He tried to get out of Iris's coils, but he couldn't. All he ended up doing was making the feeling worse due to it rubbing against her coils, along with waking her up. Iris sleepily looked at Ipzum squirming, eyes closed, before she noticed that he was aroused. By then, it was too late, as she felt him cum against her. She immediately gets flashbacks to the incident and quickly uncoils from Ipzum, slithering out the door at quite an impressive speed. Perhaps it wasn't intentional, and he just had a wet dream, but she couldn't just assume that was the case, even if it was. Iris didn't end up getting far, as moving that fast used a lot of the energy she had, which was little to begin with since her escape. She would end up passing out from exhaustion and be found by Ipzum shortly thereafter. She would wake up after a while, seeing him standing there. Before she could run again, he speaks up.

"Ipzum sorry." He says, with broken English apparently, "Ipzum failed resisting. Had accidental release."

"Its okay..." Iris would say a little shakily, "It just brought back some bad memories."

Ipzum understood and quickly went over to hug her, much to her surprise. No ones really cared about her, just her body. Whether it be for sexual endeavors, or scientific ones, no one ever truly cared about her, or how she felt about everything they did to her. She was often used as a toy by the scientists and staff alike, forced to give them a good time or suffer as a result. Either way she would suffer, just that giving them what they want would have her suffering slightly less. She would shake her head, clearing her thoughts and hugging Ipzum in return, before carrying him back to his house. She would set him down as he went off to clean himself, while Iris would pick a different corner to relax in.

Later in the evening, Ipzum would come to Iris, though he was rather hesitant due to what happened earlier in the day. Though he had an issue, one he was embarrassed to tell her. The wet dream he had involved her, and since then he's had to push away all the lewd thoughts he had of her. Though here he was now, his member slowly hardening once again. This didn't go unnoticed by Iris, and before she could say something, he spoke.

"Ipzum sorry again. Can't help it. Iris look nice to Ipzum". He would say with a heavy blush on his face.

"It's ok, I understand." She says shakily, her eyes tearing up as the memories once again flash before her eyes.

She feels bad for him, it's not her that she looks the way she does, it's those horny scientists' fault, and everyone she interacts with becomes horny for her as a result. Iris would pick Ipzum up, holding him against her, laying against the wall a little. She softly rubs the back of his head, before laying it between her breasts. This would only fuel Ipzum's horniness, but she didn't really know better, she was practically designed to be a giant living sex toy. Everything she did, whether she realized it or not, could turn anyone on. She kept rubbing, running her hands down his back and lightly massaging him.

Iris could feel his raging boner, and that he was slightly thrusting. She sighed sadly, knowing what she must do if she wants it to go down. She moves it down towards her hole and slides it in, hearing a gasp from Ipzum as she does so. She proceeds to massage and milk his cock within her, and it doesn't take long at all before he's blowing his load inside her. She would do this twice before she couldn't take it anymore and broke down crying. Ipzum was unsure how to handle this, he figured out that she must have been used as a living toy of some sort, though he didn't know who. He would simply pet the top of her head, which seemed to help a little. His hard on was gone due to her breakdown, which he supposes is a good thing, given the current circumstances.

"Ipzum sorry..." He would say, beginning to cry along with her, before hugging her tightly.

Iris would feel this and hug back tightly in return, the two of them crying together before they finally calmed down enough to talk it over with each other.

"Ipzum understand if Iris want leave." He says, his voice a little dry.

Iris had thought about it, but something told her that he was lonely and needed some company. So, she decided she would stay. She thought she might as well make it up to Ipzum the only way she knew how, even if it defeated the entire purpose of them apologizing to each other. She would slowly coil around him, saying that she would be staying, and that she feels bad for interrupting his lewd moment. Before he could say anything, she laid him on his back, using her body as a sort of bed, before placing his already hardening member between her breasts.

Ipzum looks back, rather confused as she went from crying because of it, to giving him a tit job. Not that he was going to stop her, if he even could stop her. She would slowly move her chest up and down, trying to make it as pleasurable for him as possible. However, with Ipzum being sensitive, he would end up cumming only minutes later, making a creamy mess on her tits. She wouldn't stop there though. She would move down and begin slowly and softly sucking on his cock. He wouldn't last long with her doing this either, though he tried to hold it in. After reaching climax and unloading down her throat, she would move her head off of his member, looking at him, half smiling, as she was doing everything she could to not be depressed over this.

"I take it you enjoyed this so far, sweetie?" She asks.

Ipzum simply nods, a bit embarrassed, but otherwise fine with it since she's the one doing it. Iris then gives him another blowjob, with it ending a few minutes after it started. Next, she would slowly begin jacking him off. She would do everything to make this last longer, but it was pointless, he came after only a few minutes of her stroking his cock. Seeing that its still hard, she does it again, getting the same outcome of him cumming after a few minutes. She decides that she will probably have to empty his balls if she ever wants this to end. So, she lays him down underneath her and lines her hole up with his cock, sliding down on it and beginning to ride him. She does this for a lot longer as it feels strangely good to her. He would of course cum multiple times in her while she did this.

Iris would flop onto her back with him against his belly, allowing him to simply hump her. Ipzum happily does so, his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth as he humps her, experiencing orgasm after orgasm, he's unsure if he can ever stop at this point, as it just feels too damn good. Meanwhile it seems she is enjoying this somehow, perhaps its because she trusts him, and that he didn't immediately try and fuck her when they first met. She may never know, though at this point, she doesn't really care. For the first time in her life, she gets to enjoy having sex with someone. Someone she cares for, likes even. She watched, smiling, as Ipzum humped away, blowing load after load into her. Eventually he would stop, having used up most of his energy, he smiles at her before falling asleep on top of her.

Iris would cover him with a bit of her goo, sort of like a blanket before she too felt tired. She would warm her body up, sitting upright while coiling around him gently, doing everything to make sure she didn't wake him up accidentally. After making sure Ipzum was nice and comfy, Iris would eventually join him in sleep, keeping him warm like he wanted earlier in the day.

A Rather Horny Weekend

Ipzum entered his bedroom and went over to his bed, lying down, and deciding to take a nap as he didn't have much else to do. He eventually drifted off to sleep and entered a dream. In this dream, he could see most of himself chest down, including his...

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